WMC Corporation Minutes 30th March 2011

The Working Men’s College Corporation
ACTION NOTE: Draft Minutes for the Meeting of the WMC Corporation held on
Wednesday, March 30th 2011 at 6.30 p.m. in Room 305, Working Men’s College 44,
Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TR.
Action Note as Annexe 1 frontsheet to the Minutes
Following nomination from Nigel Franklin, the Board unanimously
elected to WMC Corporation Officer positions: Tom Schuller
( Chair ) Lucy de Groot, Martin Jones, Kate Bell ( 3 Vice Chairs )
BC.07.01.11 The Board Agreed that the two existing Appointed Governor
vacancies will be considered at Search Committee in July where the
Board’s existing skill-set will be considered.
BC.07.02.11 Appointment of two Nominated Student Governors following
Nomination / Election by the student body
Leslie Coupland and Hugh Ifill were nominated and elected with the
most number of votes and so were both appointed as Nominated
Student Governors for a one year term. They would accordingly be
appointed to the two Student Governor positions on the Board and on
the Quality and Standards Committee.
BC. 07.03.11 Audit Committee Vacancies: Following Bipin Patel standing down
from the Board a vacancy remained on the Audit Committee. The
Clerk will encourage governors to put their names forward; the
matter may need further consideration at the next Search Committee.
BC.09.01.11 The Board confirmed approval that the Principal should proceed with
discussions and develop a partnership with City Lit for 2011/12 with
the position to be subsequently reviewed, with regard to arrangements
for 2012/13.
The Board requested that the Principal circulate a fee schedule when
available. The Principal undertook to look at the practicalities of
collecting fee payments in instalments. The Principal undertook to
change references in the report to ‘efficiency gains’ to requirements
for ‘ output increases’.
BC.09.02.11 Camden ITeC:
A Business Plan was being prepared, to be put to the Camden ITeC
Board in April; as part of the commitment to develop a sustainable
viable business that will enable loans to be paid back from next year.
The Board Requested that the Principal circulate the Plan to WMC
The Board Agreed to increase the cap on the maximum WMC
unsecured loan to Camden ITeC to £ 225k; increases loan monies
being subject authorization by the Chair of Finance and the Chair of
WMC Corporation. The WMC Board will review Camden ITeC’s
progress in July.
Strategy Day, Strategy Task Group and Follow-up
The Strategic Note of the Strategy Task Group meeting of 25.01.2011
focussed on the key areas of volunteering and partnerships. The
Board Noted that there were ongoing developments in both these
areas, which should be kept in view as a basis for further work.
BC.11.02.11 The VP Resources reported that SFA had offered a further £ 42k in
capital funding which, to be taken up, would need to be matched 2:1.
The Board Noted that college management will put forward proposals
to bid for these monies to Finance Committee.
The Working Men’s College Corporation
Draft Minutes for the Meeting of the WMC Corporation held on Wednesday, March
30th 2011 at 6.30 p.m. in Room 305, Working Men’s College 44, Crowndale Road,
London, NW1 1TR.
Action Note attached at Annexe 1 as frontsheet to these Minutes
Members ( Appointed Govs ) Present:
Kate Bell
Governors ( Nominated )
Barbara Burman
Lucy de Groot
Nigel Franklin
Martin Jones
David Offenbach
Abdul Quadir
Tom Schuller
Paula Whittle
Governors Attending ( Ex-Officio )
Satnam Gill
Principal Ex Officio
Leslie Coupland
Nom. Student
Hugh Ifill
Nom. Student
Shingo Nakatani
Nominated Staff
In Attendance:
Kanwal Pattar VP SKL & Comm.Cohesion
Stewart Cross
VP Resources
Theresa Hoenig
Deputy Principal
Susie Wright Head of Arts and Humanities
Alan Conway
Welcome and Introduction
The Chair welcomed Hugh Ifill as a newly elected Student Governor, Les
Coupland re-elected as a Student governor; and Susie Wright who would
be giving a presentation as Head of Arts and Humanities.
Nominations and Election of Officers of the Corporation
Following nomination from Nigel Franklin, the Board unanimously
elected to WMC Corporation Officer positions: Tom Schuller
( Chair ) Lucy de Groot, Martin Jones, Kate Bell ( 3 Vice Chairs ).
Declarations of Interest
With respect to Camden ITeC ( Ref. Minute BC.09.02.11 ) Lucy de Groot,
Nigel Franklin and Kate Bell declared interest as Camden ITeC Trustees.
Satnam Gill, Kanwal Pattar, Theresa Hoenig, Stewart Cross, Shingo
Nakatani and Alan Conway also declared an interest in terms of staff
involvement. With respect to and contributions to the discussion of
volunteering, ( Ref.09 Minute.04.11 ) Lucy de Groot declared an interest
as Chief Executive of CSV and Paula Whittle declared an interest as
Principal of Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College.
Apologies for Absence
Kazi Nessa, Margaret Alexander, Ruth Hawthorn, Roger Robinson
Minutes of the Corporation Meeting -15th December 2010
The Minutes were Approved and then signed by the Chair.
Matters Arising not included elsewhere on the Agenda
There were none.
Membership / Election of two Nominated Student Governors
BC.07.01.11 The Board Agreed that the two existing Appointed Governor
vacancies will be considered at Search Committee in July where the
Board’s existing skill-set will be considered.
Under the Memorandum and Articles the number of teacher staff
governors will reduce from two to one in July 2011. The terms of office of
the two existing teaching governors come to an end in July and an election
will be held for one vacant Nominated Teaching Staff Governor position.
BC.07.02.11 Appointment of two Nominated Student Governors following
Nomination / Election by the student body
Leslie Coupland and Hugh Ifill were nominated and elected with the
most number of votes and so were both appointed as Nominated
Student Governors for a one year term. They would accordingly be
appointed to the two Student Governor positions on the Board and on
the Quality and Standards Committee. Photographs and contact
details for the two student governors will be placed on the Governors’
Notice Board.
BC. 07.03.11 Audit Committee – Vacancies
Following Bipin Patel standing down from the Board a vacancy remained
on the Audit Committee. The Clerk will encourage governors to put
their names forward; the matter may need further consideration at
the next Search Committee.
Presentation: Arts and Humanities
Susie Wright, Head of Arts and Humanities presentation covered the
current departmental portfolio, resource utilization, quality issues,
marketing, strategy and opportunities. Full departmental staffing
information was provided together with a programme strategy list with
potential funding sources identified. Some key points raised in discussion
are attached at Annexe 2.
The Board thanked Susie Wright for an informative presentation.
The Board requested that she provide potential student numbers ( by
people and by FTEs ) to attach to the Arts and Humanities
programme Strategy List; and indication of the percentage of the
programme that the different elements of activity listed represented.
To Receive the Principal’s Report
BC.09.01.11 Funding: For 16-18 year olds: Four years ago LSC ( SFA ) allocation
transferred to Adult budget. Following discussion with YPLA this transfer
arrangement has been reversed and the YPLA allocation of 10k will
remain for 16-18 year-olds. Delivery can exceed 10k this year and the
College is looking to development of links with youth clubs to deliver
Foundation learning. Also, WMC is in negotiation with Guildford College
with regard to funding delivery of Foundation Learning.
Funding: 19years plus: The College’s indicative SFA allocation was
reduced by 3.1%. The Principal is to meet with David Hughes (SFA) and
it is understood that the final allocation is likely to improve by 0.5% - 1 %.
Thus, the final allocation will be only a little reduced but as matters stand
could require in a worse case scenario up to 46% increase in delivery in
order to secure that allocation. However, in negotiation with SDI’s and
with WMC in particular, SFAs proposal on ACL- type non-accredited
provision, for which the College will be permitted to choose its own
criteria for fee remission, will amount to £ 1.5m. - £ 2m. ACL provision
would be treated under the same rules as Adult Safeguarded Learning. The
College’s potential £ 890k shortfall may be reduced under these proposals
by £ 400k. Also, there will be funding of Foundation Learning level 1
courses that have progression routes to level 2 ( ESOL not to be included )
which may reduce the deficit by a further £ 150k. The developing
partnership arrangement with City Lit may also yield £ 350k -£ 400k of
funding. Aside from all these possible components the SFA have indicated
that no SDI will lose more than 5% - 10% support in 2011/12 and that, if
necessary to achieve this, an adjustment will be made to the figures that
result from the allocation formula applied.
Staffing: In any event some level of funding reduction will be faced,
including the non-coverage of inflation and the staffing restructure
therefore remains necessary. The restructure for curriculum staff is
entering its final stages. The administrative restructure will see final
proposals made next week with a view to implementation in during the
period April to July.
City Lit: The new City Lit Principal has indicated he is content to go
ahead with the funding partnership proposals. The Board confirmed
approval that the Principal should proceed with discussions and
develop a partnership with City Lit for 2011/12; with the position to
be subsequently reviewed, with regard to arrangements for 2012/13.
Fees: Because the deal on offer fron the SFA is still not clear the Principal
was not yet in a position to make a Fee Proposal .Fee income for 2010/11
was currently around 18% above target, excluding the Foundation Degree
fees, which remained problematic.The Principal was still working on fee
proposals as a final allocation from SFA for 2011/12 had not come
through with regard to ACL funding. However, the final fees proposals
will be significantly higher. For example, ESOL fees are likely to double,
albeit that course length will shorten which will partially ameliorate with
respect to the total cost of each course. Few SFA courses are fully funded
because few students are on active benefits. The Principal confirmed that
those not on active benefits will pay at least £ 25 per term. Camden arts
budget was frozen; fees will rise 10% - 15%.The Board Requested that
the Principal circulate a fee schedule when available. The Principal
undertook to look at the practicalities of collecting fee payments in
Camden ITeC: The Board had already agreed a loan of up to
£ 100k. Unfortunately student numbers are significantly below what we
had been led to expect and last year’s shortfall and recruitment
arrangements were such that there were knock-on effects on numbers for
this year. The importance of continuing to further develop specific links
with institutions was recognized and progress was being made with
schools and youth clubs.
A Business Plan was being prepared, to be put to the Camden ITeC
Board in April; as part of the commitment to develop a sustainable
viable business that will enable loans to be paid back from next year.
The Board Requested that the Principal circulate the Plan to WMC
The Board Agreed to increase the cap on the maximum WMC
unsecured loan to Camden ITeC to £ 225k; increased loan monies
being subject authorization by the Chair of Finance and the Chair of
WMC Corporation. The WMC Board will review Camden ITeC’s
progress in July.
The Principal undertook to change references in the report to
‘efficiency gains’ to requirements for ‘ output increases’.
The Chair and WMC Board thanked the Camden ITeC Trustees and
WMC management and staff for all the input of governor and staff time
supporting Camden ITeC.
BC.09.03.11 Risk Management: The Board Noted that the Risk Register was
amended by the Risk Management Group on 2nd February 2011 and
was Approved by Audit Committee on 16th February 2011. The Board
also Noted that the Disaster Recovery Plan was available from the
Clerk to the Corporation,.
BC.09.04.11 Operating Plan: The Board Approved the Operating Plan which
showed progress to date.
Strategy Day, Strategy Task Group and Follow-up
The Strategic Note of the Strategy Task Group meeting of 25.01.2011
focussed on the key areas of volunteering and partnerships. The
Board Noted that there were ongoing developments in both these
areas, which should be kept in view as a basis for further work.
Lucy de Groot indicated that there could be opportunities to develop links
with Community service Volunteers to create and add value with regard to
CSV programmes in Camden and Islington. Lucy de Groot undertook to
liaise with the Principal accordingly.
Paula Whittle was looking for placements for teacher training students and
to develop a volunteering pilot that illustrated good practice.
Code of College Governance
AoC have emphasised that the Code is to be voluntary; and at this stage than
simply represents ‘Good Practice’ which should lead to less regulation of the
sector colleges. Where a College signed up to the Code but diverged from an
element of the Code the College would need to operate on the basis of ‘Comply
or Explain’. The current draft of the Code is subject to considerable further
amendment in the light of consultation feedback.
The Board Noted that College practice already almost entirely met with the
content of the Code. The ongoing development of the Code was also Noted.
Building Programme Update
BC.11.01.11 The Extended Works Programme: This had been completed and was
under budget by £ 93k. In large part this was due to it emerging that the
tiles on the old library roof did not need to be replaced. Final costs had
been agreed with the contractor. Unspent monies would go towards
completion costs of Phase 2 works. The Board Noted the satisfactory
completion of the project, subject to completion of agreed snags.
BC.11.02.11 Phase 2 Programme: Progress was being made on the contracted works on
the basis of a fixed and agreed sum. Work was about 7.5 weeks behind
schedule. The contractor intends to make up this deficit through running
the works on the roof-top offices and the new college entrance
concurrently. The Board Noted the progress made with the project.
The VP Resources reported that SFA had offered a further £ 42k in
capital funding which, to be taken up, would need to be matched 2:1.
The Board Noted that college management will put forward proposals
to bid for these monies to Finance Committee.
Management Accounts
The management accounts to February 28th 2011 show the College at
+£ 168k; a positive variance of 3.7%. The College will meet SFA contract
target this year. This excludes the cost of building works which cannot be
capitalised and are treated, as intended in budgetary planning, as a revenue
exceptional loss. The Board Noted the Management Accounts.
Reporting Business Performance
Progress across the board was generally good. On the two areas indicated
as red under the ‘traffic light’ risk indicators, securing invoiced income on
educational and enterprise projects remained an area to focus upon. Past
experience had shown that outstanding invoices were paid by the end of
the College’s financial year. Building works would remain an area
designated as an exceptional loss as cost could not be capitalized.
The Board Noted the business performance data.
Progress on Sustainability Policy
Detailed discussion had taken place at Finance Committee on progress
made. The second meeting of the College’s Sustainability Forum had
taken place and an Action Plan will be brought to the July Board.
Quality Improvement Plan 2010/11 – Progress Report
The cover paper sets out areas of particular areas of success or difficulty.
Overall, good progress was being made on the Plan, appropriate for this
stage in the year, despite the ongoing funding challenges and building
works. The Board Noted the QIP.
Curriculum Links and College Visits – Feedback
Tom Schuller had met with the Head of Arts and Humanities and had had
a detailed tour of the College’s extensive arts facilities. He had visited
classes, workshops and had appreciated the opportunity to talk with staff
and students. Martin Jones had visited the College on March 25th and had
joined the open forum session with Baroness Sharpe, which had attracted a
very large turn-out of students and staff and had been informative for all
Mock Inspection – Oral Report
The Deputy Principal reported back that the mock inspection carried out
by five consultants, who were all OFSTED Associate inspectors with adult
learning experience. The mock inspection ( 19 person-days ) was across
subject areas and involved extensive classroom observation. The outcome
reports were on the intranet and useful feedback notes had been given to
Curriculum Managers. The exercise had proved very informative and
constructive and excellent preparation, in terms of staff development, for a
full OFSTED Inspection and provided an informed basis from which to
work on further improvement. Some key outcomes and points included:
The College scored Good across every subject area.
Particularly strong in some curriculum areas were effective
partnerships, effective progression; strength was also evident in care
and guidance and equality and diversity.
In one curriculum areas Attainment of Learning Goals was weakers
where the course was at the national average and therefore was graded
Difficult areas for an Adult Education College to develop for all
students and subject areas is ‘ Health and wellbeing’ and ‘making a
positive contribution to the community’ and at present these are still
In areas such as literacy and numeracy, languages and VPA
partnerships were satisfactory. ESOL Partnerships were very good.
More needed to be done cross-college on Safeguarding.
Self Assessment was considered satisfactory for ICT and Business as
the Programme Area’s Self assessment grades had differed from the
assessment of the mock inspection.
Development of records of learner progression to employment would
be helpful; not least to identify where securing jobs might
inadvertently lower retention rates.
On classroom observation the College was seen as over-grading across
the board with too high a level of outstanding grades. Concentration on
teaching left insufficient emphasis on actual learning taking place,
which was where OFSTED inspection had now shifted their focus..
Thus, some College classroom observation grades of Outstanding were
considered to be Good. (However, generally the consultants agreed
where lessons had been graded Good by College observers) This
represented a major area to work on.
The Board Noted the points made in a very encouraging mock
inspection that highlighted the good work done and the challenges.
Safeguarding policy 2011 and Progress Update
The Cover Note had set out progress in the past year and policy changes.
There had been a full discussion at Quality and Standards Committee.
The Board Approved the revised Safeguarding Policy
Health and Safety and Emergency Procedures Policies
The existing policy had been thoroughly reviewed and significant
amendments were set out in the Cover Note. The Board Approved the
revised Health and Safety Policy and authorized the Principal to sign.
Minutes of Committee Meetings and Minutes of the Camden ITeC
Board to Note:
Search Committee 15.12.2010
Audit Committee 16.02.2011
Finance, Personnel and Dev. Comm. 02.03.2011
Quality and Standards Committee 09.03.2011
Camden ITeC Board 15.12.2010
Camden ITeC AGM 15.12.2011
Camden ITeC 17.02.2011
The Board Noted the Minutes and Action sheets for the above
BC.18.01.12 Remuneration Committee 15.12.2010 Minutes were taken as a
Confidential item by Appointed Governors only and Noted.
Any Other Urgent Business
There was none
Date of the Next Meeting
Next Ordinary Board: 13th July 2011 Board commencing 6.30pm
Next Strategy Day: May 21st ( am session )
Chair: ______________________________ Signed: _______________
The Working Men’s College Corporation
Annexe Two
Meeting of the WMC Corporation held on Wednesday, March 30th 2011 at 6.30 p.m.
in Room 305, Working Men’s College 44, Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TR.
Presentation: Arts and Humanities
Susie Wright ( Head of Arts and Humanities ) presentation covered the
current departmental portfolio, resource utilization, quality issues,
marketing, strategy and opportunities. Full departmental staffing
information was provided, together with a programme strategy list with
potential funding sources. Some key points raised in discussion were:
Room and equipment resources need to be more fully utilised. Current space
provided capacity to grow by up to 50%.
It was planned to expand Foundation Degree learning hours substantially. It
was felt the demand is there, albeit that there were major funding challenges.
There will be a move to a loan system as operates for HE. Current
arrangements with Middlesex involve payment to them of 25% of the HEFCE
tuition fee funding covering UCAS listing and clearing; plus a fee per head of
student on programme, Middlesex graduation and a progression route to
Middlesex for preferred students ( rather than guaranteed progression as
initially envisaged ). The Foundation Degree team are now developing wider
progression connections.
Next year’s Level 3 Access Course will be on the basis of full- cost fee of
£ 1,450 to bridge the period until loans will be available and provide a
Portfolio Building for Art and Design Professional Practice College Diploma
issued by WMC to offer students the opportunity to develop their portfolios
which is what Universities look for. The College will make sure students
appreciate the nature of what the course can offer.
The range of staff qualifications and quality of staff is good and provides a
base to further develop a wide and varied arts offer.
A Technicians Apprenticeship Programme is planned.
Class numbers can be constrained by Health and Safety and space issues, eg.
with jewellery class. The Head of Arts and Humanities is working with the
Head Technician on these key issues.
Partnership opportunities include working with school and discussions are
already in hand with respect to offering a Fashion Foundation diploma, which
will help provide students progress into fashion degrees.
Camden Arts funded programme offers a good enhancement to the overall
Consideration is being given to Web presence with regard to course profiles,
blog-spot and web-site linkage.
Students who recruit a new person to a course can claim £ 10 off their course
fee in the College’s ‘Recruit-a-friend’campaign.
There is potential to offer international students an effective community
experience in the heart of London. Work is underway on how to attract such
students under the themed link of reaching out to students from other island
ILP’s continue to be a key area for development and to ensure they are being
used effectively and that all staff and students appreciate their usefulness and
A meeting is scheduled with Central St Martins ( University of the Arts ) as
the College explores opportunities to develop programme partnership
agreements with this highly regarded key local provider.