INTERMEDIATE PHASE GRADE 4 LESSON PLANS 2012 Platinum ENGLISH First Additional Language CONTENTS PAGE CONTENTS PAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 2 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE WORKSCHEDULE GRADE 4 ................................. 3 TERM 1.....................................................................................................................................................................3 TERM 2.....................................................................................................................................................................3 TERM 3.....................................................................................................................................................................4 TERM 4.....................................................................................................................................................................5 EXEMPLAR TEACHING GUIDELINE– GRADE 4 ............................................................................... 6 THEME 1: PEOPLE WE LOVE...................................................................................................................................6 TERM 1 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 .......................................................................... 17 THEME 1: PEOPLE WE LOVE................................................................................................................................ 17 THEME 2: SUPER SPORTS!................................................................................................................................... 19 THEME 3: RIVER ADVENTURES .......................................................................................................................... 21 THEME 4: GOOD FOOD ......................................................................................................................................... 23 THEME 5: WHERE I LIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 25 TERM 2: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 ......................................................................... 27 THEME 6: ROLLING INTO ACTION ...................................................................................................................... 27 THEME 7: SUNNY OR CLOUDY?........................................................................................................................... 29 THEME 8: ANIMAL STORIES AND POEMS.......................................................................................................... 31 THEME 9: ANIMALS THAT HARM........................................................................................................................ 35 TERM 3: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 ......................................................................... 37 THEME 10: A BRAND NEW TOWN ...................................................................................................................... 37 THEME 11: TAKING CARE.................................................................................................................................... 40 THEME 12: SUN STORIES ..................................................................................................................................... 42 THEME 13: THE POWERFUL SUN ....................................................................................................................... 44 THEME 14: FRIENDS ............................................................................................................................................ 46 TERM 4: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 ......................................................................... 48 THEME 15: BEING BRAVE ................................................................................................................................... 48 THEME 16: MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE .......................................................................................... 50 THEME 17: A BUSY COMMUNITY ....................................................................................................................... 52 THEME 18: PROTECTING OUR PLANET ............................................................................................................ 54 2 ENGLISH First Additional Language WORKSCHEDULE GRADE 4 THEME 1. People we love 2. Super sports! 3. River Adventures 4. Good food 5. where I live 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 WEEKS TERM 1 Listen and Speak Read and View Write and Present Listen to a story and answer questions Personal recount Daily listening and speaking Read a story and complete a comprehension Independent reading Summary Personal recount Personal dictionary News report Factual account of a news event Listen to and follow directions Daily listening and speaking News report Comprehension Directions on a map Independent reading News event Label a map Personal dictionary Adventure story Predict what will happen Describe characters Daily listening and speaking Adventure story Comprehension Read aloud Independent reading Summary Description of characters Personal dictionary Recipe Instructions Daily listening and speaking Read and talk about a recipe Read aloud Independent reading List with headings Instructions Personal dictionary Poetry Word game Daily listening and speaking Poetry Word puzzle Read a poem aloud Independent reading Poetry Sentences with rhyme and rhythm Words beginning with the same letter Personal dictionary Language Structures and conventions Spell familiar words Use a dictionary Punctuation: full stop, capital letters Simple present and simple past tense Countable and uncountable nouns Determiners Synonyms Words starting with soft ‘c’ Sight words High frequency words Punctuation: full stop, comma Present progressive tense Verbs Connecting words Antonyms Abbreviations The hard ‘k’ sound Breaking words into parts Acronyms Abbreviations Regular verb forms Adverbs Prepositions Connecting words Compound words Words starting with ‘k’ Plurals with ‘s’ Modal verbs Negative forms Command verb forms Present perfect tense Words from reading texts Question marks Exclamation marks Personal pronouns The verb ‘to be’ Present progressive tense Adjectives Words belonging to the same lexical field Formal Assess ment Baseline assessm ent Teaching and Learning Material LB pp 1–8 TG pp 1– 15 Term 1 FAT 1 LB pp 9– 18 TG pp 16– 30 Term 1 FAT 1 LB pp 19– 28 TG pp 31– 45 Term 1 FAT 2 LB pp 29– 36 TG pp 46– 59 Term 1 FAT 2 LB pp 37– 44 TG pp 60– 74 THEME 6. Rolling into action 11-12 WEEKS TERM 2 Listen and Speak Listen to a story and answer questions Personal recount Daily listening and speaking Read and View Read a story Complete a comprehension Read aloud Independent reading Write and Present Message Personal recount Personal dictionary 3 Language Structures and conventions Plural nouns Parts of a sentence Proper nouns Adjectives Irregular verbs Words from reading texts Formal Assess ment Term 2 FAT 1 Teaching and Learning Material LB pp 45–54 TG pp 75– 88 7. Sunny or cloudy? 8. Animal stories and poems Assessment 9. Animals that harm 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 Weather report Listen to and follow directions Describe an object Daily listening and speaking Weather report Poster advert Independent reading Summary Design a poster Personal dictionary Traditional story Poetry Rhyme and rhythm Daily listening and speaking Traditional story Poetry Read aloud Independent reading Sentences with rhyme and rhythm Story Personal dictionary Instructions Classify things Daily listening and speaking Procedural text Information text Comprehension Independent reading Procedure Mindmap Personal dictionary Plurals with ‘es’ Words with long vowel sounds and silent ‘e’ Articles ‘a’ and ‘the’ No articles with uncountable nouns Simple present tense and universal statements Connecting words Future tense Collocations Synonyms Words starting with ‘c’ Words starting with ‘k’ Countable nouns Adjectives before nouns The verb ‘to be’ Adverbs Phrasal verbs Term 2 FAT 1 LB pp 55– 64 TG pp 89– 103 LB pp 65– 74 TG pp 104–119 Words with long vowel sounds Adverbs Command verb forms Modals for permission and necessity Antonyms LB pp 75– 84 TG pp 120–133 Midyear examina tion LB pp 85– 86 TG pp 266–274 THEME 10. A brand new town 11. taking care 12. Sun stories 25-26 23-24 21-22 WEEKS TERM 3 Listen and Speak Read and View Write and Present Listen to a story and answer questions Describe a place Daily listening and speaking Read a story Comprehension Read and discuss a book review Read aloud Role-play Independent reading Dialogue Description of a character Personal dictionary Medical report Conversation on a familiar topic Daily listening and speaking Information text Poster Independent reading Summary Poster Personal dictionary Listen to a story and answer questions Poetry Daily listening and speaking Story Poetry Independent reading Story Sentences that rhyme Personal dictionary 4 Language Structures and conventions Punctuation Word families Break down long words Plurals with ‘s’ and ‘es’ Personal pronouns Regular verb forms Direct speech Construct sentences parts Words from reading texts Words starting with ‘g’ Nouns with only a plural form Adjectives of comparison Nouns with ‘a’ and ‘the’ Subject-verb concord Shortening words Initialism Acronyms Words starting with ‘ce-’, ‘ci-’, ‘cy-’ Words starting with ‘ke-’; ‘ki-’ Adjectives Simple past tense The verb ‘to be’ Adverbs of degree Phrasal verbs Formal Assessment Teaching and Learning Material LB pp 87– 96 TG pp 134–148 Term 3 FAT 1 LB pp 97– 104 TG pp 149–162 Term 3 FAT 1 LB pp 105–114 TG pp 163–177 13. the powerful sun 14. Friends 27-28 29-30 Information text Description of a place Daily listening and speaking Chart Comprehension Procedural text Independent reading Draw and label a chart Write information based on a chart Personal dictionary Listen to a play (drama) Role-play Daily listening and speaking Play (drama) Act out the play Independent reading Book review Dialogue Personal dictionary Words with long vowel sounds Prepositions Forms of the verb ‘to be’ Connecting words Modal verbs Words from reading texts Spells familiar words Personal dictionary Punctuation Tenses: simple present, present progressive, future Adverbs Reported speech Words from reading texts Term 3 FAT 2 LB pp 115–124 TG pp 178–191 Term 3 FAT 2 LB pp 125–134 TG pp 192–204 THEM E 17. A busy community 18. Protecting our planet Read and View Write and Present Language Structures and conventions Formal Assessment Teaching and Learning Material LB pp 135– 142 TG pp 205– 216 Conversation Language game Daily listening and speaking Read a story Complete a comprehension Read aloud Independent reading Story Personal dictionary Use a dictionary Words with the ‘k’ sound Uncountable nouns with no article Subject-verb concord Future tense Prepositions Homonyms Interview Telephone messages Daily listening and speaking Poster E-mail Information text Comprehension Independent reading Paragraph Draw and label a chart E-mail Poster Personal dictionary Spells familiar words Personal dictionary Connecting words Personal pronouns Prefixes Suffixes Listen to and discuss a story Language game Daily listening and speaking Story with dialogue Diary entry Read aloud Independent reading Story with dialogue Personal dictionary Punctuation Connecting words Direct speech Quotation marks Apostrophes Words from reading texts LB pp 153– 162 TG pp 235– 251 Short talk Conversation on a familiar topic Daily listening and speaking Information text Comprehension Poster Independent reading Paragraph Design and produce a poster Personal dictionary Dictionary work Reported speech Adverbs Present progressive tense Compound words Prefixes Suffixes LB pp 163– 172 TG pp 252– 264 16. make the world a better place 15. Being brave Listen and Speak Term 4 FAT 1 End-of-year examination Assessment 39-40 37-38 35-36 33-34 31-32 WEEK S TERM 4 5 LB pp 143– 152 TG pp 217– 234 LB pp 173– 174 TG pp 275– 282 EXEMPLAR TEACHING GUIDELINE– GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 1: People we love Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • • CAPS Content and Skills • Does daily listening and speaking practice Listens to a story about a family Gives a personal recount about an enjoyable experience Term 1 Weeks 1 & 2 Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Reads a story about a family • Does a comprehension on the story • Does independent reading • Writes sentences about a story • Writes a personal recount using a frame • Uses the writing process • Creates a personal dictionary 6 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Spelling: writes words correctly in a personal dictionary • Looks up the meaning of words in a dictionary • Punctuation: full stop, capital letters, small letters Work with words and sentences • Countable nouns • Uncountable nouns • Determiners • Simple past tense Vocabulary in context • Synonyms LEARNING ACTIVITY TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 3 in the TG Week 1 LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Listen and speak Talk about photographs Learner’s Book page 2 Work as a class. Ask learners to look at the photographs on page 1. Talk about how many people there are in each photograph. Identify family members in photos – grandmother, baby, father, etc. 1. Ask learners to do Activity 1, matching each photo with an event. 2. Ask the learners to do Activity 2 in pairs. This activity draws on their own lives. Be sensitive to learners who might not live with their families. Point out that the people we love can be family, friends, or anyone we know well and respect. Listen to and talk about a story Before you listen This activity focuses on the picture and gives learners a chance to become familiar with the words and characters in the story. While you listen 1. Explain to the class that you are going to read a story about the family in the picture. Ask them to think about the people in the picture while you read. 2. Read the story from page 182 three times. Read it slowly and clearly. Use these ideas: The first time, read without stopping. The second time, stop at the end of each paragraph and ask learners to identify unfamiliar words, such as ‘trust’. Discourage them from using the Word list at this stage, but to try to work out meanings from details in the text. Ask: What does it meant if you trust someone? Before you read the story a third time, go through the words in the Word list. Informal assessment Observe which learners participate willingly in the class discussion, and which learners have difficulty in doing this. These observations will help you organise the class into appropriate level groups at the end of this two-week cycle. For more information about this, see page x of the Introduction. Independent Reading - Reader About 20 minutes before the lesson ends, prepare learners for independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, find out what learners know about China. (It is a very big country in the East/The capital is Beijing /A lot of things are made there – cars, clothes, cell phones etc. / rice is a popular food etc.) Ask learners to find the names of the people in the story. Help them with the pronunciation (Guo Shuang is pronounced ‘Gwo Shwang’.) Ask learners to read the headings and the captions for the pictures quietly on their own. They can look up words they do not know in the Reader Glossary on page 66 or in a dictionary. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 2 to 4 for additional support. 7 RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Dictionary Personal dictionaries Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking Daily listening and speaking practice Choose an activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Listen and speak Listen to and talk about a story Learner’s Book page 2 While you listen 1. Continue with the activity from the previous lesson. Explain to the class that you are going to read the story again three times. The first time you read, learners can look at the picture while they listen. Then read the questions in After you listen. The second and third times, they can listen for details to answer the questions. After you listen 1. Read the questions in Activity 1 and discuss these as a class. Questions 1 a–c are straightforward and require literal answers from the text. Questions 1 d–f are more demanding, and draw on metacognitive skills, for example expressing feelings about a situation. Question 1 a also makes use of determiners and countable nouns (‘three adults’ etc.), which prepares learners for the countable/uncountable nouns in Work with words and sentences. 2. In Activity 2, organise learners into pairs for the retelling of the story. Baseline assessment Use the After you listen activity to do a baseline assessment of listening skills. Select a few learners, and discuss the questions with them. Use the rating scale given. Continue this process during the Independent reading sessions over this two-week cycle, until you have had a chance to assess the whole class. Take note of learners who are struggling to answer the questions. You will need to do some remedial work with them during the year. Work with words and sentences 1. This section focuses on countable and uncountable nouns. Explain that: You can count some nouns, but not others. You can use a number (a determiner) in front of nouns you can count. Use the following example in the picture: one table, six chairs, two pots, etc. You can use ‘a’ instead of ‘one’ in front of a countable noun: there is one table, there is a table. You use ‘some’ with nouns you can’t count. Use the examples in the picture on page 2: there is some food in the pots, some water from the tap, some dishwashing liquid in the bottle. Point out that nouns that we can’t count do not have plurals: water, air, etc. 2. If there is time, use this activity to practise singular/plural – one table, two tables, one child, four children, one family, two families etc. Baseline assessment Use the memorandum provided if you want to do a baseline assessment of countable and uncountable nouns. Learners have studied them in Grade 3, so they should be familiar with them. 8 LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing Daily listening and speaking practice Choose an activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Read and view Read a story Learner’s Book page 4 Before you read 1. Explain that learners are going to read a story about the family in the picture on page 2. 2. Ask learners to look at the title of the story. Ask: What does ‘quarrels’ mean? Learners can look up the meaning in the Word list if they need to. 3. Read and discuss the questions in this section with the class. Question 1 encourages learners to relate the theme of quarrels to their own lives. In questions 2 and 3 learners use the picture to make predictions about what the family is quarrelling about. While you read 1. Read the story to the class. Ask learners to follow in their books while you read. 2. Remember to use your voice to show how the characters feel. Remind learners to think about how each character sounds and feels: cross, friendly or polite. 3. Stop after each paragraph to discuss unfamiliar words. Encourage learners to work out the meanings by looking at the sentence in which the word is used more carefully. If they cannot do this, let them use the Word list or a dictionary to find the meaning of the word. 4. Read the story again without stopping. 5. Read the story a third time. Do this as shared reading. Encourage learners to join in while you read. They can also volunteer to read some sentences on their own. Spelling and punctuation Practise dictionary skills 1. Work through the guidelines on page 181 of the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner’s Book. 2. Select words from the story and ask learners to look up the meanings in their dictionaries. 3. Encourage learners to use dictionaries during lessons when it is necessary. Independent reading - Reader Learners can do some independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, refer to ‘Guo and her family’ on pages 6 and 7. Organise learners into pairs. They can take turns to read the paragraphs out loud to each other. They should do this twice, making sure that they each get a turn to read each paragraph. You can use this activity to do a baseline assessment of reading aloud skills. Circulate and assess a few learners while they are reading. Alternatively, use the resources that you have available for this activity. For example, learners could read the story ‘Family quarrels’ on page 4 quietly on their own. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 6 and 7 for additional support. 9 LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language Structures and Conventions Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Language focus Present simple tense Learner’s Book page 6 1. Use the table to explain the present simple tense. 2. Ask learners to complete Activity 1 in their exercise books. 3. Let them swap books with a partner and mark the activity as a class. Ask them to make a total out of 5 marks. Baseline assessment If you wish to do a baseline assessment for the simple present tense, take the learners’ books in and check that Activity 1 has been marked correctly. Record the marks. Extension Provide extra examples of the simple present tense for reinforcement. Use regular verbs and the irregular verb to be (am, is, are). For example: There (am/is/are) … learners in our class. Our teacher’s name (am/is/are)… We (write/writes) in our books. We (read/reads) about Thoko. Homework Learners can do Activity 1 from the Revision section on page 8. It focuses on the simple present tense. Independent reading - Reader About 20 minutes before the lesson ends, prepare learners for independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, refer to ‘Guo and her family’ on pages 6 and 7. Continue the process from Lesson 3, but this time learners read page 7. Remind them to look up words they do not know in the Glossary on page 66 or in a dictionary. Circulate and assess a few more learners. Otherwise, use the resources that you have available for this activity. 10 LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Daily listening and speaking practice Choose an activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Write and present Write about a story 1. Read the story ‘Family quarrels’ from page 4 to the class again. 2. Explain that the learners must use the frame to write three sentences about the story. Remind them that people’s names always start with a capital letter. Informal assessment Ask for volunteers to read out their sentences. Discuss all the ideas that the class has used. Then ask learners to swap their work with the person sitting next to him/her, and check it for spelling and punctuation. Write this checklist on the board: • Do the names of the people start with a capital letter? • Does each sentence start with a capital letter? • Does each sentence end with a full stop? • Is the spelling of all the words correct? If there are mistakes, learners must write their sentences again. About 20 minutes before the lesson ends, prepare learners for the next activity. Create a personal dictionary Use the instructions on page 181 to explain to learners how to make personal dictionaries. 1. Once they have labelled the pages with the letters of the alphabet, they can add the words from the Word list on page 4 to correct pages in their dictionary. 2. Learners then can choose five more words from the reading text on page 4 of the Learner’s Book. Learners can complete their personal dictionaries for homework. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 5 for additional support. 11 Week 2 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Listen and speak Give a personal recount Learner’s Book page 7 1. Discuss Thoko’s story on page 4. Point out that in the story she describes something that happened in her home. It starts with a difficult situation, but it ends well. 2. Tell learners they are going to tell a short story about something that happened in their home. It can be about anything: a funny situation, or a difficult one, or one that starts badly and ends well, like Thoko’s story. For example, they can describe how they helped make a meal, or a quarrel they had with a brother or sister, a visit by a friend or something good or bad that happened to somebody at home. 3. Read the information in the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner’s Book about how they should organise the ideas in their stories. You could write a story frame on the board, for example: When did it happen? Yesterday/last week … Who was there? Where were you? In the house, or outside? What happened then? What happened next? What happened after that? 4. Give learners about 10 minutes to prepare their stories. 5. Organise the class into small groups of three of four. 6. The learners take turns to tell each other their stories. Remind them to listen carefully while someone else is speaking. They can ask each other questions about their stories if they wish. Baseline assessment Circulate among the groups. Assess a few learners for speaking skills using the rating scale given. Continue this assessment during the independent reading sessions over the week. Ask individual learners to tell you their stories. Independent reading - Reader If there is time in this lesson, learners can do some independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, refer to ‘Guo and her family’ on pages 6 and 7. Learners can work in their pairs and read the whole story. They can take turns to read the paragraphs. Continue assessing a few learners who have not yet been assessed for reading aloud skills. Otherwise, use the resources that you have available for this activity. 12 LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing Duration: 60 minutes Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Read and view Read a story Learner’s Book page 4 1. Read ‘Family quarrels’ from page 4 to the class again. 2. Ask learners to read the story quietly on their own. (This forms part of independent reading – see below. After you read 1. Read the questions in Activity 1 and discuss them as a class. They require literal answers based on information stated in the text. 2. Ask learners to work in pairs and take turns to tell each other the story. 3. Learners then work on their own and write answers for Activity 1 in their exercise books. Remind them to answer in full sentences, and to start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. 4. They do Activity 3, which requires a personal response to the story, using a frame. Vocabulary in context The activity in this section practises synonyms. Ask learners to find the synonyms in the reading text. Learners find the first and last paragraph of the story. 1. angry – cross 2. being friends – getting on well Baseline assessment Use the memorandum for Activity 1 in After you read to assess reading comprehension skills. Remedial activities If learners are struggling to retell the story in Activity 2, give them these sentences to order correctly: • Thoko said Unathi must put the books away because they were hers. • So Thoko dusted and Unathi put the books away. • Unathi said she was busy dusting. • Thoko’s mother asked her to put the books away. Homework Ask learners to learn the words in the Word lists on pages 3 and 4 for a spelling test at the end of the week. They must add these words and meanings to their personal dictionaries. Independent reading - Reader If there is time, learners can work in pairs and read the story to each other. 13 LESSON 8: Language Structures and Conventions Duration: 60 minutes Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Language focus The simple past tense Learner’s Book page 6 1. Use the table to explain the simple past tense. 2. Ask learners to complete Activities 2 and 3 in their exercise books. 3. Let them swap books with a partner and mark the activities as a class. Baseline assessment Take the books in and check that Activities 2 and 3 (not 4) have been marked correctly. Record the marks out of 10. Use for baseline assessment of the simple past tense. Homework Learners do Activities 1 and 3 in the Revision section on page 8. They focus on the simple past tense. Remind learners to learn the words in the Word lists on pages 3 and 4 for a spelling test at the end of the week. Independent reading - Reader Learners can do some independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, refer to ‘Guo and her family’ on pages 6 and 7. Learners work in their pairs and discuss the questions on page 7. These cover the main ideas in the story. They can also do this in writing in their exercise books. While they do this, continue assessing a few learners individually for reading aloud skills if necessary. Otherwise, use the resources that you have available for this activity. 14 LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Write and present Write a story Learner’s Book page 7 Explain that learners are going to write a paragraph about something they enjoy doing. 1. Read the paragraph to the class. It gives a frame of what a personal recount should look like. Discuss the annotated notes around the paragraph. Explain that learners must use this example to help them plan their paragraphs. 2. Learners write a paragraph in the simple past tense about something they enjoyed doing. They may use some of the words listed to write four or five sentences. Discuss the five stages of the writing process in the Checklist. Explain that they will use the five steps to write their paragraphs. They will also use this process for most of their writing activities this year. Ask them to start with Step 1 – Planning what you will say. To help them, write these questions on the board: What are you going to write about? Who did you do it with? Where were you? What happened? They can use the questions to write notes. Homework Learners should be given homework at least twice a week. Remind learners to learn the words in the Word lists on pages 3 and 4. Independent reading - Reader About 20 minutes before the end of the lesson, prepare learners for some independent reading. If you are using the Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader, refer to ‘Guo and her family’ on pages 6 and 7. Write the following frame up on the board: • How old is Guo? • Who does she live with? • What do her parents and grandparents do? • What do they eat for supper? • What do they use to eat their supper? • What does ‘Shuang’ mean in Chinese? • What do Chinese people use instead of letters? Learners can work in pairs and use the frame to retell the story about Guo and her family. They should take turns to do this. Complete your assessment for reading aloud skills. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 8 and 9 for additional support. 15 LESSON 10: Language Structures and Conventions Duration: 60 minutes Daily listening and speaking practice Choose one activity a day from the list of activities on page 3. Spelling test Use the ten words from the Word list. Read each word three times. The first time, learners just listen. The second time they write the word in their exercise book. The third time they check and correct if necessary. Mark the words as a class. Ask volunteers to write the words on the board. Learners can swap books and correct each other’s work. Write and present Write a personal recount Learner’s Book page 7 1. Ask learners to read the paragraph frame quietly on their own. 2. Discuss the notes around it again. 3. Discuss the five stages of the writing process in the Checklist again. 4. In Activity 3 they use their plans from the previous lesson to complete the writing process. 5. Emphasise that learners must present their final draft in their best handwriting, with no mistakes. REVISION: Learner’s Book p8 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Baseline assessment It is suggested that you use the first two-weeks of the term to do a baseline assessment of learners Assess a few learners for speaking skills Use the rating scale to do a baseline assessment of writing skills. Informal assessment Lesson 5: Ask for volunteers to read out their sentences. Discuss all the ideas that the class has used. Then ask learners to swap their work with the person sitting next to him/her, and check it for spelling and punctuation. 16 TERM 1 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 1: People we love Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) Term 1 Weeks 1 & 2 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • • CAPS Content and Skills • LEARNING ACTIVITY Does daily listening and speaking practice Listens to a story about a family Gives a personal recount about an enjoyable experience Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Reads a story about a family • Does a comprehension on the story • Does independent reading • Writes sentencesabout a story • Writes a personal recount using a frame • Uses the writing process • Creates a personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 3 in the TG Week 1 LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB pages 2 and 3 Talks about photographs of people who love each other Listens to a story about a family Independent Reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 2 to 4 for additional support. Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Spelling: writes words correctly in a personal dictionary • Looks up the meaning of words in a dictionary • Punctuation: full stop, capital letters, small letters Work with words and sentences • Countable nouns • Uncountable nouns • Determiners • Simple past tense Vocabulary in context • Synonyms RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Dictionary LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Personal dictionaries Listening and Speaking LB pages 2 and 3 Listens to the story about a family again Discusses questions Work with words and sentence LB Page 3 Determiners (one, two etc.) Countable and uncountable nouns Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB pages 4 and 5 Reads a story about the family from the listening text Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 6 and 7 for additional support. LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language Structures and Conventions LB page 6 Simple present tense Language focus Independent reading - Reader 17 LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 7 Writes sentences about the story on page 4 Read and view Creates a personal dictionary Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 5 for additional support. Week 2 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB pages 2 and 3 Gives a personal recount on something that happened at home. Independent reading - Reader LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes LB pages 4 and 5 Reads the story about the family again Answers questions Reading and Viewing Vocabulary in context Synonyms LESSON 8: Language Structures and Conventions LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 6 Simple past tense Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 7 Reads an example of a personal recount Discusses the writing process Uses the example to plan a personal recount. Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 8 and 9 for additional support. LESSON 10: Language Structures and Conventions Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test Words learnt during the two-week cycle Write and present LB page 7 Continues the personal recount from Lesson 9, using all the stages of the writing process REVISION: Learner’s Book p8 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Baseline assessment It is suggested that you use the first two-weeks of the term to do a baseline assessment of learners Assess a few learners for speaking skills Use the rating scale to do a baseline assessment of writing skills. Informal assessment Lesson 5: Ask for volunteers to read out their sentences. Discuss all the ideas that the class has used. Then ask learners to swap their work with the person sitting next to him/her, and check it for spelling and punctuation. 18 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 2: Super Sports! Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 1 Weeks 3 & 4 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Talks about a photograph that introduces the theme • Listens to a news report about a famous South African marathon • Listens to and follows street directions based on a map of Durban • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Reads a news report about South African mountaineers • Does a comprehension on the report • Reads a map of the top of Table Mountain and follows a walking route • Does independent reading LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 3 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Language Focus LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Writes labels for a map • Writes about a news event based on own experience TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 18 in the TG Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) • Spelling (the soft ‘c’sound) • Punctuation (comma and full stop) • The present progressive tense Adjectives that come before nouns Verbs that describe actions Connecting words (‘but’, ‘because’, ‘so that’) • Antonyms • Abbreviations RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 10 Talk about a photograph Listen to a news report Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 52 and 53 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB pages 13 and 14 Reads a news report about South African mountaineers Work with words and sentences LB page 14 Uses connecting words (‘but’, ‘because’, ‘so that’) Duration: 60 minutes LB pages 13 and 14 Reads the news report again Does a comprehension based on the news report Record words and meanings LB page 14 Adds words and meanings to the personal dictionary Includes sentences that show the meanings of the words Independent reading– Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 16 Present progressive tense Independent reading Duration: 60 minutes LB page 17 Reads an annotated model of a report Uses the report to start planning own report about a news event Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 54 and 55 for additional support. 19 Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support Rough paper Week 4 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Writing and Presenting LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing Duration: 60 minutes LB pages 11 and 12 Listens to street directions and follow them on a map of Durban Gives own directions based on the map Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 12 Labels places on the map of Durban Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 56 to 59 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 14 Reads and identifies places on a map of walking routes on Table Mountain Follows routes on the map Vocabulary in context Antonyms LESSON 9: Language focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 16 Adjectives before nouns Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test using the words from the Word lists in this theme Write and present LB page 17 Writes about a news event Continues the writing process REVISION: Learner’s Book p18 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal Assessment Lesson 6: Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reads aloud a prepared text Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reflects on a text read independently Informal Assessment Lesson 1: Circulate around the class while learners are retelling the story in pairs. Observe learners who struggle to use English to do the activity. If possible, organise to do the listening activity again with individuals who are struggling. This could be done during independent reading sessions. Lesson 1 ,2, 3 and 9: Peer: Let the learners swap books and mark each other’s work. Allow time for them to check the answers for Questions 4 and 5 with you if they think they need to. They can indicate by a show of hands how many of the answers were correct. Lesson 4, 7 and 8: Self: Allow learners to take turns to answer the questions and let them mark their own work. They can indicate by a show of hands how many of their answers were correct. Lesson 10: Take the learners’ news reports in. Use the checklist below to check that learners have included the following points: Checklist: The paragraph tells you: • when the event happened • where it happened • who was there • what happened. 20 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 3: River Adventures Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) Term 1 Weeks 5 & 6 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • CAPS Content and Skills • • LEARNING ACTIVITY Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Listens to and discusses a story about a swimming adventure (Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Listens to and speaks about a story) Describes characters from the story Does daily listening and speaking activities • • • • Reads and discusses a story about a river adventure Does a comprehension on the story (Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reads and does a comprehension of a story) Practices reading aloud Does independent reading Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • • • Writes sentences about what people look like (Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Writes a paragraph description of people using a frame) Writes a summary of a story and adds own ending to the story Records words and meanings in a personal dictionary Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking Talks about a photograph (LB p20) Listens to and discusses a story about a swimming adventure (LB p20) Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing Does a comprehension on the story about a river adventure (LB p23) Independent reading - Reader LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language focus Compound words (LB p25) Work with words and sentences Conjunctions (LB p24, activity 2) Regular verbs (LB p24, activity 3) Independent reading– Reader LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Reads a story about a river adventure (LB p22) Practises reading the story aloud Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 112 and 113 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Language Structures and Conventions Spelling • Breaks long words into smaller chunks • Words starting with a ‘k’ sound and followed by ‘e’ or ‘i’ • Shortening words • Uses abbreviations Work with words and sentences Regular forms of the verb (Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 1: Language structures and conventions in context) Adverbs of frequency Prepositions Connecting words Vocabulary in context • Compound words TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 34 in the TG Week 5 LESSON 1: LESSON 2: Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Duration: 60 minutes Write and present Writes a description of people using a frame (based on a listening text) (LB p21/27) Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 114 and 115 for additional support. 21 Week 6 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listens to the story about a swimming adventure again (LB p20-) Listening and Speaking Work with words and sentences Adverbs of frequency (LB p21) Independent reading - Reader LESSON 8: Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 116 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Reads the story about the river adventure again Practises reading the story aloud (LB p22) Spelling Words starting with a ‘k’ sound and followed by ‘e’ or ‘i’ (LB p24) Work with words and sentences Prepositions connecting words (LB p24, activity 1) Duration: 60 minutes Language Structures and Conventions Breaks long words into smaller chunks (LB p26, activity 1) Uses abbreviations (LB p26 activities 2 to 4) Independent reading - Reader LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Writes a description of characters and a summary of the swimming adventure story (LB p27) LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing Writing and Presenting LESSON 10: Language Structures and Conventions Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 117 to 119 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Spelling Test Uses the words from the Word lists in this theme Write and present Writes own ending to the swimming adventure story (LB p27, Activity 2) Adds words and meanings to personal dictionary Independent reading REVISION: Learner’s Book p28 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 1: Listen to and speaks about a story Lesson 3: Does a comprehension on the story Lesson 5: Writes a paragraph description of people using a frame Lesson 4: Assess regular verbs Informal assessment Lesson 7: Self: Mark the activities together as a class. Each learner marks his or her own activities. Lesson 8 and 9: Peer: Learners can swap books and mark each other’s work. Work through the activities together as a class. Ask for volunteers to give answers. Lesson 10: Class: Ask learners to volunteer to read out their story endings. Discuss the different endings. 22 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 4: Good Food Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 1 Weeks 7 & 8 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Daily listening and speaking activities • Listens to a recipe and carries out instructions (Term 1 Assessment Task 2: Listens to andgive instructions) • Gives instructions on how to make a fruit salad LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 7 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Listening and Speaking LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads and discuss a recipe • Answers questions about the recipe (Term 1 Assessment Task 2: Reading comprehension of a procedural text) • Practices reading Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Writes a list with headings • Writes a recipe using a frame (Term 1 Assessment Task 2: Writes simple instructions using a frame) • Record words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 48 in the TG Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling • Spells familiar words correctly, using a personal dictionary • Uses a dictionary to check the spelling of words • Words starting with the hard ‘c’ sound: ‘ca-’, ‘co’,‘cu-’ • Add ‘-s’ to form most plurals Work with words andsentences • Modal verbs (‘must’,‘should’, ‘have to’) •Command forms of the verb (‘has not’, ‘should not’) • Present perfect tense (‘have cooked’) Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 30 Talks about a photograph Listens to a recipe for a healthy drink Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 30 Listens to the recipe again Gives the instructions for the recipe Spelling and punctuation LB page 31 The hard ‘c’ sound (‘cut’, ‘cot’) Plurals with ‘-s’ Duration: 60 minutes LB page 32 Reads a recipe for soup Work with words and sentences LB page 33 Command form of the verb Negative forms of the verb Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 98 and 99 for additional support. 23 LESSON 4: Language focus LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 34 Modal verbs: ‘must’, ‘should’, ‘have to’ Independent reading – Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 36 Writes a list with headings Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 100 and 101 for additional support. Week 8 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 31 Gives instructions on how to make a fruit salad Work with words and sentences LB page 31 Present perfect tense (‘has cooked’) Negative forms of the verb (‘has not cooked’) LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing LESSON 8: Language focus LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting LESSON 10: Spelling test Duration: 60 minutes LB pages 33 and 34 Reads the recipe to make soup again and answers questions about it Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 102 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 34 Revises modal verbs: ‘must’, ‘should’, ‘have to’ Uses positive and negative forms of ‘should’ Independent reading – Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 35 Preparation for a writing activity: recipe for a cake Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 103 to 105 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Write and present Page 35 Writes a recipe for a cake, using a frame Records words and meanings in personal dictionary REVISION: Learner’s Book p36 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 2: Term 1 Task 1: Listen to and give instructions Lesson 7: Term 1 Task 1: Do a reading comprehension of a procedural text Lesson 10: Term 1 Task 2: Write simple instructions using a frame Informal assessment Lesson 1 and 6: Circulate around the class while learners are discussing the pictures in their pairs. Observe learners who are struggling to use English to describe the steps. Lesson 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 and 9: Self: Work through the answers for the activities as a class. Learners can mark their own work. Lesson 3: Peer: Work through the activity orally as a class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Peer: Learners can swap books and mark each other’s lists. Write the following memorandum on the board for them to use. Tell them to check the spelling of words in their personal or class dictionaries. 24 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 5: Where I live Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 1 Weeks 9 & 10 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Talks about a photograph • Plays a memory game that practices vocabulary related to houses • Listens to a poem using rhyme, rhythm and words that start with the same letter • Discusses the poem • Performs the poem in pairs • Does daily speaking and listening practice LEARNING ACTIVITY Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads and discusses the poem ‘I love my house’ • Identifies rhyme and rhythm in the poem • Solves a word puzzle using words that rhyme • Does independent reading Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Writes a simple poem with a frame, using rhyme and rhythm • Practices writing words that begin with the same letter • Records wordsand meanings in apersonal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 62 in the TG Week 9 LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 38 Discusses a photograph using vocabulary and ideas related to homes Extends vocabulary related to homes (identifieswords that belong to the same lexical field) Plays a memory game using vocabulary related to houses LESSON 2: Listening and Speaking LESSON 3: Reading and viewing LESSON 4: Language Focus Duration: 60 minutes LB page 39 Listens to a poem with rhyme, rhythm and words that start with the same sound Discusses Before you listen activities Independent reading– Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 40 Reads a poem Discusses the poem and identifies rhyme and rhythm Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 114 and 115 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 42 Personal pronouns Independent reading– Reader LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 43 Writes a simple poem using a frame, with rhyme and rhythm Independent reading– Reader 25 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Question marks and punctuation marks Work with words and sentences • Personal pronouns • The verb ‘to be’ • Present progressive • Adjectives before nouns (Term 1 Formal Assessment Task 2:Language structures and conventions – the present progressive, and adjectives before nouns) Vocabulary in context • Words belonging to the same lexical field (house: ‘door’, ‘window’ etc.) RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 10 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Reading and viewing LESSON 8: Reading and viewing LESSON 9: Language Focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 39 Listens to the poem ‘Mouse in my house’ again Discusses After you listen activities Duration: 60 minutes LB page 41 Reads and solves a word puzzle using rhyming words Work with words and sentences LB page 41 Practises using the present continuous tense and adjectives Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 116 and 117 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 40 Practises reading in pairs, using the poem ‘I love my house’ Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 118 and 119 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 42 The verb ‘to be’ Independent reading– Reader Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test New words from the theme Write and present LB page 43 Practises writing words that begin with the same sound Spelling and punctuation Question mark, exclamation mark Records words and meanings in personal dictionaries Independent reading– Reader REVISION: Learner’s Book p44 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal Assessment Lesson 7: Term 1 Task 1: Listen to and speak about a story Informal assessment Lesson 1: Circulate around the class while learners are playing the game. Participate with groups who are struggling to follow the instructions, or remember the list of words, until you feel they are sure about what to do. Lesson 2: While you read the poem, observe learners who have difficulty sitting still and concentrating. Monitor them during future listening activities. Assess whether they are experiencing problems, such as attention deficit. The remedial help described below might be helpful. Lesson 3: Circulate while learners are working in their pairs. Assist where you see they are struggling to express themselves in English, or to understand an activity. Lesson 4: Peer: Work through the activity with the class. Encourage learners to give answers. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Take the poems in. Check that learners have been able to complete the poems successfully. Lesson 6: Circulate and observe how learners work together in their pairs. Assist where necessary. Lesson 7: Word puzzle on the board. Work through the words in Activity 2 with the class. Ask for volunteers to come up and circle the rhyming words. Lesson 8: Circulate while learners are reading in their pairs. Observe who is struggling to read thepoem. Work with pairs who need more support. Lesson 9: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. 26 TERM 2: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 6: Rolling into Action Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 2 Weeks 11 & 12 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking practice • Listens to a story, ‘The prize’ • Speaks about the story (Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: Listen to and speak about a story) • Gives a personal recount about an enjoyable experience LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 11 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads and discusses a story, ‘A clever idea’ • Does a comprehension on the story • Practices reading aloud • Does independent reading TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 55–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 76 in the TG LB page 46 Listens to a story, ‘The prize’ Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 60 and 61 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 46 Listens to the story, ‘The prize’ again Discusses the story LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 4: Language Focus LB page 48 Reads a story, ‘A clever idea’ Does Before you read activities Work with words and sentences LB page 50 Adjectives related to age and temperature Duration: 60 minutes LB page 51 Parts of a sentence Independent reading– Reader LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 53 Writes a message (a thank-you letter) Independent reading– Reader Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Uses a dictionary to find and record words • Plurals with ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ Work with words and sentences • Parts of a sentences • Proper nouns • Adjectives relating to age and temperature • irregular verbs Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Writes a message (a thank-you letter) • Writes a personal recount • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 62 and 63 for additional support. 27 Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 12 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking Duration: 60 minutes LB page 47 Gives a personal recount Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 64 for additional support. LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 48 Reads the story, ‘A clever idea’, again Does After you read comprehension LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 48 Practices reading the story, ‘A clever idea’, aloud in pairs Work with words and sentences Proper nouns Irregular verbs LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 51 Plural nouns with ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ Independent reading LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test Write and present LB page 53 Writes a personal recount Records words and meanings in own personal diary Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 65 to 68 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p54 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 2: Listen to and speak about a story Informal assessment Lesson 1: Observe who participates willingly in the class discussion, and who does not. Include learners who are not participating by directing questions at them. Lesson 3 and 9: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 4 and 8: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Take the learners’ letters in. Make sure they have understood how to write a letter. Ask learners who are struggling to rewrite their letters, making all the necessary corrections. Lesson 6: Circulate while learners are giving their recounts. Work with pairs who are struggling to express themselves in English. Lesson 7: Take the mind maps in, even if the learners have not finished. Check who has struggled to fill in the mind map correctly? Ask those learners to redo the mind map. They should be able to do it now that you have worked through it as a class. Lesson 10: Take in the recounts together with the learners’ rough work. Use the checklist to assess them. Ask learners who have struggled to do the recounts to redo them. Point out what they need to do to improve. 28 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme7: Sunny or Cloudy? Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Listens to and talks about a weather report of weather in South Africa • Listens to directions of a weather map • Listens to a description of a thermometer • Does daily listening and speaking activities LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 13 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Listening and Speaking LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Language Focus LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Term 2 Weeks 13 & 14 Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads and answers questions about a weather map of South Africa Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: • Reading comprehension of an information text • Reads a poster advertising a Spring Day event • Does independent reading Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Writes a summary of a weather report (Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: Summarise an information text) • Designs a poster • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 91 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 56 Listens to and discusses a weather report based on a map of South Africa Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 2 and 3 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 57 Listens to directions relating to directions (north,south, east, west) on a map Uses the directions to locate places on the map Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 58 Reads and discusses a weather map using a key Work with words and sentences LB page 59 Simple present tense; Connecting words (‘and’, ‘then’, ‘but’) Duration: 60 minutes LB page 62 Future tense (‘will’/‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are going to’) Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 64 Writes a summary of a weather report Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 4 and 5 for additional support. 29 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Plurals: ‘-es’ with words ending in ‘-s’, ‘-sh’, ‘-ch’, ‘-z’ (Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: Language structures and conventions in context – plurals with ‘-s’ or ‘-es’) • Vowels with long sounds Work with words and sentences • ‘a’ and ‘the’ with nouns • No article with uncountable nouns • Simple present tense • Connecting words • Future tense Vocabulary in context • Synonyms • Collocations RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader A map of South Africa Thermometer (optional) Colour pencils and kokis and pictures from magazines A4 sheets of white paper for the neat posters Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 14 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing LESSON 8: Language Focus LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 57 Listens to a description of an object, identifies theobject and describes it Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 6 and 7 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 60 Reads and discusses a poster, analysing the basic features Spelling and punctuation LB page 61 Plurals with ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ Vowels with the long ‘e’ sound Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 8 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 62 Uses ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ with nouns (countable and uncountable) Vocabulary in context LB page 61 Synonyms Collocations Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 63 Designs a poster: Plans and does first draft Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 63 Designs a poster: Checks first draft, makes changes, does final neat poster Records words and meanings in personal dictionary Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 9 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p64 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 3: Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reading comprehension of an information text (map) Lesson 5: Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 1: Summarises an information text. Lesson 7: Term 2 Task 1: Language – plurals with ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ and regular verbs Informal assessment Lesson 1: Circulate while learners are discussing the weather. Observe if learners have been able to make adequate notes. Assist those learners who are struggling to use the new vocabulary. Lesson 3 and 8: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 4: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 6 and 7: Circulate among the class while learners are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 9: Peer: Write the following checklist on the board. Ask learners to work in pairs and use the checklist to assess their posters on display. Each learner assesses his or her partner’s poster.Try to organise individual sessions with learners who have not been able to include the necessary details. Show them where they need to improve. Encourage them to redo the posters if necessary. 30 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 8: Animal Stories and Poems Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 2 Weeks 15 & 16 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Talks about a photograph that introduces vocabulary that will be used in the theme • Listens to and discusses a traditional story of how zebra got stripes • Listens to and discusses a poem about tortoises (Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 2: Oral – Listening and speaking) • Does daily listening and speaking activities LEARNING ACTIVITY Week15 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Listening and Speaking LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads and does a comprehension on a traditional story about how porcupine got quills • Discusses stereotypes • Reads and discusses a poem about two lizards • Independent reading (Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 2: Oral – Reading aloud) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Writes pairs of sentences that rhyme • Writes an animal story • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 106 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 66 Talks about a photograph Listens to and discusses a story about how zebra got her stripes Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 66 Listens to the story about how zebra got her stripes Does After you listen activities Work with words and sentences LB page 67 Adjectives before nouns Independent reading– Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 69 Reads a story about how porcupine got quills Discusses stereotypes Does comprehension Spelling and punctuation Page 70 Soft ‘c’ followed by ‘-e’, ‘-i’ or ‘-y’ Letter ‘k’ followed by ‘-e’ or ‘-i’ Work with words and sentences LB page 70 Countable nouns Forms of the verb ‘to be’ Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 26 and 27 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes 31 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Soft ‘c’ followed by ‘-e’, ‘-i’ or ‘-y’ • Letter ‘k’ followed by ‘-e’ or ‘-i’ Work with words and sentences • Countable nouns • Adjectives before nouns • Forms of the verb ‘to be’ • Adverbs of degree Vocabulary in context • Phrasal verbs words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Language Focus LB page 72 Phrasal verbs Write and present LB page 73 Writes an animal story: plans and writes first draft Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 28 for additional support. 32 LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 73 Completes the animal story from Lesson 4 using the writing process Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 29 for additional support. Week 16 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Listening and Speaking LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing LESSON 9: Language and Focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 68 Listens to and discusses a poem about two tortoises Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 68 Listens to the poem again Does the After you listen activity Performs the poem in groups Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 30 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 71 Reads a poem about two lazy lizards Discusses rhyme, rhythm and words that start with the same sound Practises reading aloud: takes turns to read the poem in pairs Duration: 60 minutes LB page 72 Adverbs of degree Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 73 Writes pairs of sentences that rhyme Records words and meanings in personal dictionary Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 31 to 33 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p74 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 7: Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 2: Listening and speaking All lessons: Term 2 Formal Assessment Task 2: Oral – Reading aloud a prepared text Informal assessment Lesson 1: Observe who participates willingly in the class discussion, and who does not. Include learners who are not participating by directing questions at them. Lesson 2: Observe learners while they work in their pairs. Assist where necessary. Lesson 2, 3 and 9: Self: Work through the activity with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 3 and 8: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Work with pairs who are struggling to express themselves in English. Lesson 4: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Assess the stories. Lesson 8: Circulate among the learners while are reading the poem. Observe who is having difficulty pronouncing the words correctly. Assist where necessary. Lesson 10: Take in the books to check if learners have been able to use rhyme and rhythm to complete the lines correctly. 33 34 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 9: Animals that harm Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 2 Weeks 17 & 18 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Listens to an information text and uses a mind map to classify animals into groups • Listens to and carries out instructions on how to treat an upset stomach • Gives instructions on how to treat an upset stomach • Does daily listening and speaking activities LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 17 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Language Focus LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads an information text about malaria • Does a comprehension on the information text • Reads instructions on how to treat itchy bites • Does independent reading Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Labels and completes a mind map that classifies animals • Writes instructions on how to treat a scorpion bite • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 122 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 76 Talks about a photo Listens to an information text about animal groups Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 120 and 121 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 78 Reads an information text about malaria Spelling and punctuation Words with long vowel sounds Works with words and sentences Uses the modal ‘must’ Duration: 60 minutes LB page 78 Does a comprehension on the information text about malaria Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 82 Adverbs of place: ‘here’ and ‘there’ Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 82 Labels and completes a mind map that classifies animals Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 122 and 123 for additional support. 35 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Words with long vowel sounds • Spells familiar words correctly • Uses a dictionary to check spellings and meanings of words • Builds on knowledge of sight words Work with words and sentences • Command form of the verb (‘must’) • Modals ‘can’ and ‘may’ • Adverbs of place Vocabulary in context • Antonyms • Words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader If possible, bring the equipment and ingredients for the stomach remedy to class to make the remedy. If possible, bring the equipment and ingredients for the itchy bite remedy to class to make the remedy. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 18 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Listening and Speaking LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing LESSON 9: Language Focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 77 Listens to and carries out instructions on how totreat an upset stomach Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 77 Gives instructions on how to treat an upset stomach Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 80 Reads instructions on how to treat itchy bites Vocabulary in context Antonyms Work with words and sentences Command form of the verb Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 124 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 82 Modal verbs ‘can’ and ‘may’ Write and present LB page 83 Starts the writing process for instructions on howto treat a scorpion bite Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 83 Writes instructions on how to treat a scorpion bite Records words and meaning in personaldictionary Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 125 to 127 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p84 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Mid year examinations are done during week 19 & 20 Informal assessment Lesson 1: You will be assessing the mind maps in Lesson 5. Lesson 2 and 3 : Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Observe who participates and who does not in the class discussions. Encourage quiet learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 4, 8 and 9: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Take the mind maps in and check that learners have filled them correctly. Ask learners who have made a lot of mistakes to redo them. Show them where they need to improve. Lesson 6 and 8: Observe who is participating in the class discussion, and who is not. Encourage learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 7: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs to give the instructions. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 10: Peer: Write the checklist on the board. Learners must copy this checklist in their exercise books under the instructions. Ask learners to swap books. Work through the steps in the checklist with the class. Explain that learners must circle the correct word. When you get to where the learners need to fill in the missing words, ask learners to volunteer to give the words. Explain how they must add up the marks for this. 36 TERM 3: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 10: A brand new town Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 3 Weeks 21 & 22 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Listens to and discusses a story about a girl who is moving from a farm to a new town and school • Describes the differences between a farm and a town • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Reads a story about the same girl in the listening text, and how she copes with her first day at the new school • Practises reading the story aloud (Term 3 Formal assessment task 1: Reads aloud a prepared text) • Reads a book review about a family that has to move to another town • Does independent reading (Term 3 Formal assessment task 1: Reflect on text read independently – oral book review) LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 21 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Writes a dialogue based on characters from the story • Writes a description of some of these characters • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 136 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 88 Listens to and discusses a story about a girl whois moving from a farm to a new town and school Independent reading– Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 90 Reads a story about the same girl in the listeningtext, and how she copes with her first day at thenew school Spelling and punctuation LB page 91 Plurals with ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ Work with words and sentences Regular forms of the verb Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 128 for additional support. LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes LB page 90 Reads a story about the same girl in the listeningtext, and how she copes with her first day at thenew school Practise reading Reads the story in Read and view Duration: 60 minutes 37 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Builds word families • Punctuation • Breaks words into smaller chunks • Adds ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ Work with words andsentences • Direct speech with quotation marks • Pronouns • Regular verb forms • Parts of a sentence Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Choose a storybook from your class readers with an attractive cover that you can use to point out features such as title, author etc. Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Language Structures and Conventions LB page 94 Direct speech Write and present LB page 95 Starts the writing process for a dialogue based on characters from the story in Read and view 38 LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 95 Writes a dialogue based on characters from the story in Read and view Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 129 to 131 for additional support. Week 22 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing LESSON 9: Language Focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 89 Describes the differences between a farm and a town Spelling and punctuation LB page 89 Breaks words into smaller parts Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 92 Reads a book review about a family that has to move to another town Duration: 60 minutes LB page 92 Reads the book review again and discussesquestions Prepares an oral book review Work with words and sentences LB page 93 Pronouns Parts of a sentence Duration: 60 minutes LB page 94 Builds word families based on how words lookand sound Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 95 Writes a description of some of the characters from the story in Read and view Record words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 133 to 135 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p96 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 5: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Read aloud a prepared text. Lesson 8:Rubric for Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reflect on a text read independently Informal assessment Lesson 1, 7 and 8 : Observe who participates willingly in the class discussion, and who does not. Include learners who are not participating bydirecting questions at them. Lesson 2, 4 and 8: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 3: Circulate among the groups while learners are doing their role-plays. Work with groups who are struggling to do this. Lesson 5: Take in the learners’ dialogues. Check who has understood the rules of direct speech. Lesson 6 and 9: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 10: Peer: Work through Activity 1 with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. 39 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 11: Taking care Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 3 Weeks 23 & 24 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Listens to and discusses a report about a patient at a clinic • Takes part in a conversation about healthy food • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Reads and discusses a poster • Reads an information text and does a comprehension (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reading comprehension of an information text) • Does independent reading • Spelling test • Designs a poster • Writes a summary of a report (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Write a summary of an information text with support) • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 23 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Language Focus LESSON 4: Writing and Presenting LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 151 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 98 Talks about a photograph Listens to and discusses a report about a patient at a clinic Independent reading - Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 104 and 105 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 100 Reads and discusses a poster Work with words and sentences LB page 101 Using adjectives to compare Duration: 60 minutes LB page 102 Words that only have a plural form Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 103 Starts the writing process to design a poster Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 103 Completes the poster Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 106 and 107 for additional support. 40 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Soft ‘g’ with ‘-e’, ‘-i’, ‘-y’ Work with words and sentences • Words that only have a plural • Subject/verb concord • Using adjectives to compare • Nouns with ‘a’ and ‘the’ Vocabulary in context • Shortening words: acronyms and initialism (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Language structures and conventions in context) RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader white paper, colour kokis and pencils, magazines from which to cut pictures of food, scissors and glue Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 24 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing LESSON 8: Language Focus LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 99 Takes part in a conversation about healthy food Spelling and punctuation Nouns with ‘a’ and ‘the’ Soft ‘g’ with ‘-e’, ‘-i’, ‘-y’ Works with words and sentences Vocabulary in context Shortening words: acronyms and initialism Duration: 60 minutes LB page 101 Reads an information text and does a comprehension Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 110 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 102 Subject/verb concord with words that only have a plural form Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 104 Writes a summary of a report Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 111 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 10: Spelling test Writing and Class assessment of posters done in Week 1 Presenting Record words and meanings in personal dictionary REVISION: Learner’s Book p104 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 1: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reflect on a text read independently (oral book review) Lesson 6:Term 3 Task 1: Language structures and conventions in context– short forms of words Lesson 7: Term 3 Task 1: Reading comprehension of an information text Lesson 9: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Write a summary of an information text using a frame. Informal assessment Lesson 1: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their groups. Observe who is having difficulty expressing themselves. Assist where necessary. Lesson 2: Circulate among the learners while they are discussing the pictures in the poster. Work with pairs who are struggling to express themselves in English. Lesson 2: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 3: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 4: Circulate among the learners while are planning their posters. Assist where necessary. Lesson 5: Peer: Organise learners into pairs. Ask them to copy the checklist below, and to use the checklists to assess each other’s posters. They could do this from their desks if the posters have been done on big sheets of paper. If not, they might have to move closer, in which case you will need to move desks to make room. Lesson 6: Circulate among the learners while are working in their groups. Observe who is having difficulty expressing themselves. Assist where necessary. Lesson 6: Self: Go through the Work with words and Spelling and punctuation activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 8: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to volunteer to read out their sentences Lesson 10: Peer: Continue the peer assessment of the posters that you started in Lesson 5. 41 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 12: Sun stories Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 3 Weeks 25 & 26 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Listens to and discusses a traditional story about the sun and the wind • Performs the poem in groups (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Perform a poem) • Listens to and discusses a poem about the wind • Reads and discusses a Greek myth about the sun • Reads and discusses a poem about the sun and the moon in Africa • Does independent reading • Spelling test • Writes a story based on the listening text about the sun and the moon • Writes sentences that rhyme • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary LEARNING ACTIVITY TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 165 in the TG Week 25 LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 106 Listens to and discusses a traditional story about the sun and the wind Work with words and sentences Adjectives before nouns LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 108 Reads and discusses a Greek myth about the sun Spelling and punctuation Words starting with ‘ce-’, ‘ci-’, ‘cy-’, ‘ke-’, ‘ki-’ Vocabulary in context Phrasal verbs Adverbs of degree Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 34 and 35 for additional support. LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 108 Reads and does a comprehension on the Greek myth about the sun Independent reading - Reader LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 112 Simple past tense: irregular verbs Independent reading- Reader LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 113 Writes a story based on the listening text about the sun and the moon Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 36 and 37 for additional support. 42 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Words starting with ‘ce-’, ‘ci-’, ‘cy-’, ‘ke-’, ‘ki-’ Work with words and sentences • Simple past tense: irregular verbs • Adjectives before nouns • Verb ‘to be’ • Adverbs of degree (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Language structures and convention in context – adverbs of degree only) Vocabulary in context • Phrasal verbs (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Language structures and conventions in context) RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader A map of the world Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 26 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 107 Listens to a poem about the wind Independent reading- Reader LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 107 Listens to and discusses a poem about the wind Performs the poem in groups Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 38 for additional support. LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing Duration: 60 minutes LB page 110 Reads and discusses a poem about the sun and the moon in Africa Work with words and sentences Verb ‘to be’ LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 112 Simple past tense: irregular verbs Independent reading- Reader LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 114 Writes sentences that rhyme Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 39 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p114 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 2: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Language structures and conventions in context. Lesson 7: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 1: Performs a poem. Informal assessment Lesson 1: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is struggling to use English to express themselves. Assist where necessary. Lesson 1, 3, 8 and 9: Self: Work through the activity with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 4: Peer: Work through the activity with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Take the learners’ stories in and assess them. Lesson 10: Self: Ask learners to read out some of the poems. Write the different versions on the board. Discuss the rhyming words. Ask learners to clap the rhythm of some of the lines. 43 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 13: The powerful sun Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 3 Weeks 27 & 28 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Listens to and discusses an information text about solar power • Listens to and discusses a description of places to visit and enjoy in hot weather (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Listen to and describe places) • Reads a chart that shows sunrise times with visuals • Reads and does a comprehension on a procedural text that describes an experiment with solar power (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Reading comprehension of a procedural text) • Does independent reading • Spelling test • Draws and labels a chart that shows sunset times • Writes a paragraph based on information in the chart • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 27 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 180 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 116 Listens to and discusses an information text about solar power Independent reading – Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 10 and 11 for additional support. LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 116 Listens to and discusses an information text about solar power Independent reading– Reader LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Words with long vowel sounds Work with words and sentences • Verb ‘to be’ • Prepositions that show direction • Connecting words • Modal verbs Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared and individually read texts LB page 118 Reads a chart that shows sunrise times with visuals. Work with words and sentences Prepositions that show direction Modal verbs LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 122 Verb ‘to be’ Independent reading– Reader LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 123 Labels a chart giving sunrise times Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 12 and 13 for additional support. 44 Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Ruler Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 28 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking Duration: 60 minutes LB page 117 Listens to and discusses a description of places to visit and enjoy in hot weather LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 120 Reads and does a comprehension on a procedural text that describes an experiment with solar power LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 120 Reads the procedural text again Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 14 for additional support. LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 122 Verb ‘to be’ LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test LB Page 113 Writes paragraph giving information from the chart Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 15 to 17 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p124 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 6: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Listen to and describe places. Over the next two weeks, during independent reading sessions, work with individuals. Lesson 7: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Reading comprehension of a procedural text. Informal assessment Lesson 3: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 4, 8 and 9: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 5: Take the books in and check that learners have filled in the charts correctly. Lesson 10: Peer: Work through correct words in the paragraph with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. 45 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 14: Friends Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 3 Weeks 29 & 30 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Listens to and discusses a play about a friend who says hurtful things • Role-plays a difficult situation with a friend • Does independent reading • Reads and discusses a play about friends who have a fight • Spelling test • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary • Writes a book review (Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Writes a book review with a frame) • Writes a dialogue LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 29 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Reading and Viewing LESSON 4: Language Focus LESSON 5: Writing and Presenting TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 194 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 126 Listens to and discusses a play about a friend who says hurtful things Independent reading - Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 126 Listens to the play again and does After you read activities Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 128 Reads and discusses a play about friends whohave a fight Spelling and punctuation Punctuates correctly: colons, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, full stops Work with words and sentences Reported speech Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 46 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 131 Adverbs of time Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes LB page 132 Writes a book review Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 47 for additional support. 46 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Punctuates correctly: colons, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, full stops Work with words and sentences • Adverbs • Tenses: simple present, present continuous and future (Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Language structures and conventions in context) • Reported speech Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared or individually read texts RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 30 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking LESSON 7: Reading and Viewing LESSON 8: Reading and Viewing LESSON 9: Language Focus LESSON 10: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 127 Role-plays a difficult situation with a friend Work with words and sentences Tenses: simple present, present continuous and future Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 48 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes LB page 128 Reads the play about friends who have a fight and does a comprehension Duration: 60 minutes LB page 128 Practises reading the play aloud Independent reading Duration: 60 minutes LB page 131 Adverbs Independent reading Duration: 60 minutes Spelling test LB page 133 Writes a dialogue Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 49 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p134 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 5: Term 3 Formal Assessment Task 2: Write a book review with a frame. Lesson 6: Language structures and conventions in context Informal assessment Lesson 2: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Work with pairs who are struggling to express themselves in English. Lesson 3: Observe who is participating in the class discussion, and who is not. Encourage learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 3, 4 and9: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 6: Circulate while learners are doing their role-plays. Work with pairs who are struggling to express themselves in English. Lesson 7: Circulate while learners are working in their groups. Assist where necessary Lesson 10: Take in the learners’ dialogues. Check that they have used the correct structure. 47 TERM 4: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 15: Being Brave Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) Term 4 Weeks 31 & 32 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Has a group conversation about a brave person • Plays a dictionary game LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 31 LESSON 1 Listening and Speaking • Reads and does a comprehension on a traditional Japanese story • Does independent reading • Spelling test • Writes a story about the character from the Japanese story, using a picture and a flow chart to develop their ideas • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 207 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • ‘k’ sound and hard ‘c Work with words and sentences • Prepositions (‘on’, ‘under’, ‘above’) • Use ‘will’ to show that something is going to happen • Nouns with no article • Subject/verb concord Vocabulary in context • Homonyms RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader LB page 136 Talks about a photo Has a group conversation about a brave person Plays a dictionary game Independent reading – Reader Dictionary Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 18 for additional support. personal dictionaries LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 138 Reads and discusses a traditional Japanese story LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 140 Prepositions (‘on’, ‘under’, ‘above’) Independent reading– Reader LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Writing and Presenting (2 hours) LB page 141 Starts planning a story about the character from the Japanese story, using a picture and a flowchart to develop ideas Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 19 and 20 for additional support. LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 141 Continues the story writing process from the previous lesson Independent reading– Reader 48 Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 32 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 137 Plays a dictionary game Work with words and sentences Nouns with no article Subject/verb concord LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 138 Reads the traditional Japanese story in pairs Retells the story Spelling and punctuation ‘k’ sound and hard ‘c’ Vocabulary in context Homonyms LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 138 Reads and does a comprehension on thetraditional Japanese story Work with words and sentences Verb ‘to be’ Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 22 for additional support. LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 141 Uses ‘will’ to show that something is going to happen Independent reading– Reader LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test LB page 141 Completes the story about the character from the Japanese story Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading– Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 23 to 25 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p142 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Informal assessment Lesson 1: Circulate among the learners while they are having their discussions. Observe who is participating, and who is not. Assist where necessary. Lesson 3, 7 and 9: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 4 and 5: Observe learners while they start their first drafts. Assist where you can see they are struggling. Lesson 6: Circulate among the learners while are playing the game. Work with pairs who are struggling. Lesson 6: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 7: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the re-telling activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 10: Assess the stories. 49 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 16: Make the World a Better Place Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 4 Weeks 33 & 34 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Listens to and discusses an interview about how learners made a happy face (Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Listen to an interview) • Listen to a telephone message to a friend. • Make up own telephone messages. • Reads a poster about making school a happy place • Reads an e-mail message from children to a hospital, offering help • Reads and does a comprehension on an information text about Martin Luther King, a famous civil rights leader (Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reading comprehension of an information text) • Does independent reading LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 33 LESSON 1: Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Writes an e-mail message offering to help the community • Writes a paragraph about helping someone • Draws and labels a chart • Produces and designs a poster about bullying (Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Produce a poster) • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 219 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 144 Listens to and discusses an interview about how learners made a happy face Independent reading– Reader LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LESSON 3: Language Focus/ Reading and Viewing/ Writing and Presenting LB page 146 Reads a poster about making school a happy place Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 70 and 71 for additional support. Duration: 60 minutes Language focus LB page 150 Personal pronouns Read and view LB page 148 Reads an e-mail message from children to a hospital, offering help Write and present LB page 151 Writes an e-mail message offering to help the community LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 151 Writes a paragraph about helping someone Independent reading- Reader LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 151 Starts designing a poster about bullying Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 72 and 73 for additional support. 50 Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Spells familiar words correctly using a dictionary Work with words and sentences • Personal pronouns (‘I’/‘me’, ‘he’/‘him’, ‘they’/‘them’ etc.) • Connecting words to show addition (‘and’), sequence (‘then’, ‘before’), contrast (‘but’), cause and effect (‘so that’) Vocabulary in context • Joining prefixes and suffixes to a base word RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Scrap paper,clean white paper, colour pencils or kokis, magazines from which to cut pictures, scissors, glue Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 34 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 145 Listens to a telephone message to a friend Work with words andsentences Connecting words to showaddition (‘and’), sequence(‘then’, ‘before’), contrast (‘but’),cause and effect (‘so that’) Listen and speak LB page 145 Makes up own telephone messages LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 148 Reads and does a comprehension on an information text about Martin Luther King, a famous civil rights leader Vocabulary in context Joining prefixes and suffixes to a base word Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 74 and 75 for additional support. LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 150 Personal pronouns Independent reading- Reader LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 152 Draws and labels a chart Independent reading– Reader Use exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) pages 76 and 77 for additional support. LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test LB page 151 Produces a poster about bullying Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading- Reader REVISION: Learner’s Book p152 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment Lesson 1: Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Listen to and speak about an interview. Lesson 7: Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Reading comprehension of an information text. Lesson 10: Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Produce a poster. Informal assessment Lesson 2: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 3, 6 and 8: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 3: Observe who is participating in the class discussion, and who is not. Encourage learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 4: Class: Ask for volunteers to read out their paragraphs. Lesson 5: Circulate among the learners while they are working on their posters, but do not assist, as this is a formal assessment activity. Learners need to work on their own. Lesson 6: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 7: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 9: Check that the charts and the summary have been correctly filled in. Work with learners who struggled to do this. Explain where they can improve. Ask them to redo the activity if necessary. 51 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 17: A Busy Community Duration: 2 weeks (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 4 Weeks 35 & 36 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) • Listens to a story about an accident in a busy town • Plays a game of ‘I spy’ • Does daily listening and speaking activities LEARNING ACTIVITY Week 35 LESSON 1: Listening and Speaking Reading and Viewing (5 hours) • Reads a story that tells more about the accident in the busy town • Reads a diary entry • Does independent reading (Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Read aloud an unprepared text and reflect on a text read independently) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Spelling test • Writes a story with dialogue • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 237 in the TG Duration: 60 minutes LB page 154 Listens to a story about an accident in a busy town Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 156 Reads a story that tells more about the accident in the busy town Spelling and punctuation Punctuation: comma, colon, inverted commas, question mark, exclamation mark, full stop LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 4: Language Focus LESSON 5: RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1(Terms 1 and 2) page 72 for additional support. LESSON 2: Reading and Viewing Language Structures and Conventions (1 hour) Spelling and punctuation • Punctuation: comma, colon, semi-colon, inverted commas, question mark, exclamation mark, full stop Work with words and sentences • Connecting words • Uses the apostrophe to show possession • Direct speech • Uses quotation marks • Uses commas to separate nouns in a list Vocabulary in context • Words taken from shared or individually read texts LB page 156 Reads the story again and does a comprehension Work with words and sentences Direct speech Using quotation marks Using commas to separate nouns in a list Duration: 60 minutes LB page 160 Connecting words Independent reading- Reader Duration: 60 minutes 52 Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Writing and Presenting LB page 161 Plans and writes a first draft of a story with dialogue Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) page 73 for additional support. Week 36 LESSON 6: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 155 Plays a game of ‘I spy’ Independent reading- Reader LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 158 Reads a diary entry LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 160 Apostrophes to show possession Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 74 and 75 for additional support. LESSON 9: Writing and Presenting Duration: 60 minutes LB page 161 Write a story with dialogue Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 76 and 77 for additional support. LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test LB page 161 Write a story with dialogue Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 1 (Terms 1 and 2) pages 78 and 79 for additional support. REVISION: Learner’s Book p162 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal Assessment Lesson 1: Term 4 Formal Assessment Task 1: Read aloud an unprepared text and reflect on a text read independently. Informal assessment Lesson 1, 3 and 7: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. Lesson 2: Observe who is participating in the class discussion, and who is not. Encourage learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 2, 4 and 8: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 3: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 10: Assess the stories. Work with learners who have struggled to do the activity. Show them where they can improve. Ask them to rewrite the story. 53 PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 4 Subject: English First Additional Language Grade: 4 Theme 18: Protecting Our Planet Duration: 2 (10 hours) CAPS Content and Skills Term 4 Weeks 37 & 38 Listening and Speaking (2 hours) Reading and Viewing (5 hours) Writing and Presenting (2 hours) • Listens to and discusses a short talk on recycling • Takes part in a conversation about how to recycle containers at home • Does daily listening and speaking activities • Reads and does a comprehension on a text about climate change • Reads a poster about litter • Does independent reading • Spelling test • Writes a paragraph giving information about litter • Designs a poster about pollution • Records words and meanings in own personal dictionary LEARNING ACTIVITY TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Note: 5–10 minutes Daily listening and speaking: choose an activity from page 254 in the TG Week 37 LESSON 1: Duration: 60 minutes Listening and Speaking LB page 164 Listens to and discusses a short talk on recycling Independent reading - Reader LESSON 2: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 166 Reads a text about climate change Vocabulary in context Compound words Prefixes Suffixes LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing Language Structures and Conventions (1hour) Spelling and punctuation • Spells familiar words correctly using a personal dictionary, and finds words in a dictionary Work with words and sentences • Reported speech • Adverbs of place (‘here’, ‘there’) • Adverbs of manner (‘quickly’, ‘slowly’) • Present progressive Vocabulary in context • Compound words • Prefixes • Suffixes RESOURCES Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Platinum English FAL Grade 4 Reader examples of food containers scrap paper, white paper, colour pencils and/or kokis, pencil, rubber LB page 166 Reads the text about climate change again Read and view Does a comprehension on the text about climate change Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 86 for additional support. LESSON 4: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 170 Reported speech Independent reading- Reader LESSON 5: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting LB page 171 Writes a paragraph giving information about litter Independent reading- Reader Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbook 2 (Terms 3 and 4) page 87 for additional support. 54 Use the exercises in the DBOE Workbooks for additional support. Week 38 LESSON 6: Listening and Speaking Duration: 60 minutes LB page 165 Takes part in a conversation about how to recycle containers at home Independent reading- Reader LESSON 7: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 168 Reads a poster about litter Work with words and sentences Adverbs of place (‘here’, ‘there’) Adverbs of manner (‘quickly’, ‘slowly’) Present progressive LESSON 8: Duration: 60 minutes Reading and Viewing LB page 168 Discusses the poster about litter Independent reading- Reader LESSON 9: Duration: 60 minutes Language Focus LB page 170 Reported speech Write and present LB Page 171 Starts the process of designing a poster about pollution LESSON 10: Duration: 60 minutes Writing and Presenting Spelling test LB page 171 Completes the poster about pollution Records words and meaning in personal dictionary Independent reading- Reader REVISION: Learner’s Book p172 The DBOE Workbook can be used for revision work and homework ASSESSMENT TASK Formal assessment End of Year Examination week 39 & 40 Informal assessment Lesson 1 and 2: Observe who is participating in the class discussion, and who is not. Encourage learners to participate by directing questions to them. Lesson 2, 6 and 8: Circulate among the learners while they are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary, but not too much. It is important that learners do their own work. Lesson 2 and 9: Peer: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. Lesson 3,4 and 7: Self: Work through the activities with the class. Ask learners to mark their own work. Lesson 5: Peer: Work through the paragraph with the class. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work. They can give 2 marks for each of the eight words used to complete the paragraph: 1 mark for using the correct word, 1 mark for spelling it correctly. They can add up the marks out of 16. Find out who got full marks. Lesson 10: Circulate while learners are working in their pairs. Observe who is having difficulty doing the activity. Assist where necessary. 55