Taxa list for k.bird. Alignments

Supplementary Information 1: Bird Taxa List.
Emu: Dromaius novaehollandiae; Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338711 (GI:14039552);
15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Cassowary: Casuarius casuarius (double-wattled or Australian cassowary); Haddrath & Baker
(2001); AF338713 (GI:14039582); 15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Note: Partial genome (part of Control Region missing).
GSKiwi: Apteryx haastii (great spotted kiwi); Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338708
(GI:14039508); 15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Great[er]Rhea1: Rhea americana; Härlid et al. (1998); Y16884 (GI:5541879); 19-JUL-1999
(submitted 13-MAR-1998; last revised 27-MAY-1999).
Great[er]Rhea2: Rhea americana; Mindell et al. (1999); AF090339 (GI:4894475); 27-MAY-1999
(submitted 04-SEP-1998).
LesserRhea: Pterocnemia pennata (lesser or Darwin's rhea); Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338709
(GI:14039523); 15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Ostrich1: Struthio camelus; Härlid et al. (1997); Y12025 (GI:3668119); 11-FEB-1999 (submitted
24-MAR-1997; last revised 25-SEP-1998).
Ostrich2: Struthio camelus; Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338715 (GI:14039612); 15-MAY-2001
(submitted 21-JAN-2001).
EasternMoa1: Emeus crassus; Cooper et al. (2001); AY016015 (GI:12957459); 26-FEB-2001
(submitted 07-DEC-2000).
EasternMoa2: Emeus crassus; Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338712 (GI:14039567); 15-MAY-2001
(submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Note: Partial genome (part of control region missing).
LBMoa: Anomalopteryx didiformis (little bush moa); Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338714
(GI:14039597); 15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Note: Partial genome (part of control region missing).
GiantMoa: Dinornis giganteus; Cooper et al. (2001); AY016013 (GI:12957432); 26-FEB-2001
(submitted 07-DEC-2000).
Tinamou: Tinamus major (great tinamou); Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338707 (GI:14039493);
15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
CrTinamou: Eudromia elegans (elegant crested-tinamou); Haddrath & Baker (2001); AF338710
(GI:14039538); 15-MAY-2001 (submitted 21-JAN-2001).
Note: Partial genome (NADH6, tRNA-Glu and part of Control Region missing).
Chicken: Gallus gallus; Desjardins & Morais (1990); X52392 (GI:12960); 15-MAR-2000
(submitted 03-APR-1990; revised 25-SEP-1990).
Quail: Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail); Nishibori et al. (2001); AP003195 (GI:18693240);
Supplementary Information 1: Bird Taxa List, 16/2/16, page 1 of 4
26-JUL-2002 (submitted 15-FEB-2001).
Magpie Goose: Anseranas semipalmata; Harrison et al. (MBE 2004 in press); AY309455
(GI:41058351); 28-JAN-2004 (submitted 29-MAY-2003).
Duck: Aythya americana (redhead); Mindell et al. (1999); AF090337 (GI:4887659); 18-JAN-2000
(submitted 04-SEP-1998).
Goose: Anser albifrons (greater white-fronted goose); Slack et al. (2003); AF363031
(GI:27764476); 16-JAN-2003 (submitted 21-MAR-2001).
Morepork: Ninox novaeseelandiae (New Zealand owl); Harrison et al. (MBE 2004 in press);
AY309457 (GI:39939241); 28-JAN-2004 (submitted 29-MAY-2003).
Note: Partial genome (part of Control Region missing).
Kakapo: Strigops habroptilus (New Zealand ground parrot); Harrison et al. (MBE 2004 in press);
AY309456 (GI:39726300); 28-JAN-2004 (submitted 29-MAY-2003).
Note: Partial genome (part of Control Region missing).
Rifleman: Acanthisitta chloris (New Zealand wren); Harrison et al. (MBE 2004 in press);
AY325307 (GI:40388199); 28-JAN-2004 (submitted 18-JUN-2003).
Note: Partial genome (part of tRNA-Phe and part of Control Region missing).
Broadbill: Smithornis sharpei (gray-headed broadbill); Mindell et al. (1999); AF090340
(GI:4894488); 27-MAY-1999 (submitted 04-SEP-1998).
Indigobird: Vidua chalybeata (village indigobird); Mindell et al. (1999); AF090341 (GI:4894501);
27-MAY-1999 (submitted 04-SEP-1998).
Rook: Corvus frugilegus; Härlid & Árnason (1999); Y18522 (GI:4837618); 14-MAY-1999
(submitted 09-DEC-1998; revised 14-MAY-1999).
Falcon: Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon); Mindell et al. (1999); AF090338 (GI:4894462);
27-MAY-1999 (submitted 04-SEP-1998).
Buzzard: Buteo buteo (common buzzard); Haring et al. (2001); AF380305 (GI:16041651); 11OCT2001 (submitted 10-MAY-2001; revised 11-OCT-2001)
Oystercatcher: Haematopus ater (blackish oystercatcher); Paton et al. (2002); AY074886
(GI:20270012); 23-APR-2002 (submitted 22-JAN-2002).
Turnstone: Arenaria interpres (ruddy turnstone); Paton et al. (2002); AY074885 (GI:21391469);
11-JUN-2002 (submitted 22-JAN-2002; revised 11-JUN-2002).
WhiteStork: Ciconia ciconia; Yamamoto, Y. (unpublished); AB026818 (GI:7416033);
08-APR-2000 (submitted 27-APR-1999).
OrWhStork: Ciconia boyciana (Oriental white stork); Yamamoto et al. (2000); AB026193
(GI:7416017); 08-APR-2000 (submitted 15-APR-1999; revised 27-SEP-1999).
Penguin: Eudyptula minor (little blue penguin); Slack et al. (2003); AF362763 (GI:27764462);
16-JAN-2003 (submitted 21-MAR-2001).
Supplementary Information 1: Bird Taxa List, 16/2/16, page 2 of 4
Supplementary Information 1: Bird Taxa List, 16/2/16, page 3 of 4
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Yamamoto Y., Murata K., Matsuda H., Hosoda T., Tamura K. & Furuyama J. (2000).
Determination of the complete nucleotide sequence and haplotypes in the D-loop region of the
mitochondrial genome in the oriental white stork, Ciconia boyciana. Genes Genet. Syst. 75: 2532.
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