ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 DO YOUR WORK ON THIS HANDOUT. THIS WILL EXPEDITE THE GRADING OF THE PAPERS. NAME ________________________ MIDTERM SCORE _________________________ Read these instructions!! Please read the problems carefully and provide the information requested and only the information requested in each question. Use the minimum amount of work required to answer each question. Show all your work. The test is worth 10 points. (About 10% of your total grade). Do your work on this handout – you should not need more space. The test papers are to be handed in no later than 1:50 P.M. or one hour and 20 minutes after we start, whichever is later. It is unfair to your fellow students who hand in their papers on time to use more time than they had. Approach the problems with this time limit in mind! The test is open notes and open book. Use your calculator or laptop if needed. If you want to ask a question, come up to me and ask me. In general it is better to make assumptions than to ask questions. If you want to borrow your neighbor’s calculator, ask me to do it for you. No talking to your neighbors. Move on to the next problem if you are stuck. Good luck, I hope you all do well. Page 1 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 1 (1 point) 1. T F The CRAFT method uses bands to subdivide a building 2. T F Genetic algorithms can use pairwise exchange to generate new offspring 3. T F SPU stands for space permit use. 4. T F When using a mathematical approach to analyze a layout, the final step to finish the layout is to calculate the distances among departments 5. T F The closeness rank is calculated for each department on the basis of the number of A, E, I, O, U relationships. 6. T F The BLOCPLAN method uses a grid to subdivide the building 7. T F The solution to the minisum problem is called a separable problem because you can calculate the x and y coordinates independently of each other. 8. T F Pairwise exchange is not useful in producing new layouts from older ones when using the CRAFT method. 9. T F Affinities represent relationships that demand closeness among the space planning units. 10. T F The Minimax approach is a good idea for UPS to select the location of their warehouse to reduce their consumption of gas and driver hours Page 2 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 2 (2 points) A long rectangular building has six equal sized departments arranged along the length of the building. We are given the flow among these departments and an initial layout. Perform several iterations (minimum 2) to attempt to improve (that is, reduce) the total flow distance. Explain the process you are using and give the value of the flow distance for each iteration. Assume that the distance between adjacent departments is one. Page 3 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 3 (1 point) Find the x,y coordinates (accurate to the nearest tenth of a grid) of the centroid of the area below shown by the dashed lines. Use each grid as a distance of one unit and locate the origin in the lower left hand corner. Page 4 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 4 (1 1/2 points) We have 9 facilities at x and y coordinates as shown below. Our objective is to locate a new central facility that will tend to optimize the total rectilinear distance to all existing facilities given the weights (for example traffic or trips) of each of those facilities. The facility needs to be located at a street intersection of two even numbered grids. Select a location (give the xy coordinates) (assume rectilinear travel and use the shortest distance) Page 5 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Extra Space for Problem No. 4 Page 6 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 5 (2 1/2 points) A flow chart and a specific layout are shown below for a building that is divided into five departments. Assuming that material has to travel to and from the center of each department, what is the total flow times distance for this layout? (each grid is one unit of distance and the rectilinear flow to/from chart indicates the number of times the trip has to be made). Each grid is delineated by a letter – for example, department A is 1 grid high and 3 grids wide. What is the lower bound of the flow times distance for this example? Is it feasible to apply the CRAFT method to this layout? Why or why not? If yes, what exchanges are possible at first? How about MCRAFT? Why or why not? Page 7 of 8 ISE 310L GEZA BOTTLIK Fall 2014 MIDTERM No. 2 11/11/2014 Problem No. 6 (2 points) We have six departments arranged in U shape as shown below. We would like to maximize an adjacency score based on A=8, E=5, I=2 and O=1. The adjacency category for the departments is given in the table below. If there is no letter we do not care whether they are adjacent or not. Assign the departments to the building. (there is no expectation of this being an optimum arrangement but do make an effort to get a reasonably good arrangement). Evaluate your layout for an adjacency score. (If two departments are adjacent, use the value 1, 0 otherwise). What is the upper bound for the adjacency score for this problem? Do you think that it is attainable or not? Why? Page 8 of 8