Research Projects of Informatics Trainees 1992

Clinical workstation for students to record clinical work-ups
Development of architecture and representation of medical vocabulary for a clinical workstation
Development of guideline server with object architecture
Representation of common medical record and sharing medical record content using WWW
Extracting and sharing medical record content to referring physicians using WWW technology
HL7 representation of shared medical records
Principles of clinical decision making, utility assess
Clinical database design, decision support
Software for utility assessment
Ablation of WPW bypass tracks (CE analysis)
Autologous blood donation
Neonatal screening, automated tree generation
Consultations, pneumococcal vaccination
Decision support, hospital variation in outcomes
Screening for hypercoagulopathy
Utility measures, C/E of AAA repair
Hepatitis C therapy, work-up
Hormone replacement therapy
Quality improvement for pneumonia care
Development of statistical techniques for the meta-analysis of data from diagnostic test evaluation
The development of new statistical methodology that deals with the efficient staging of cancer
patients through imaging modalities
Quality of care
Automata models of clinical guidelines
Cost-effectiveness models for CHD prevention
Decision modeling for mental health services
Clinical decision making
Nuclear medicine informatics, medical education, multimedia CAI
Multimedia CAI design and development
Clinical decision making and multimedia
Prostate screening
CDS consults
Stress echocardiography, Peri-MI Echo
CDS consults, screening
Screening for endometrial CA
Pemphigus vulgaris treatment
Access to critical care datasets
Automating the interpretation of complex functional endocrine tests
Web-based medical record systems
A clinical evaluation experiment of TrenDx distributed clinical record systems and autonomous,
personalized decision systems
Computerized discharge planning
Interactive computerized patient assessments
Referral maps for selecting consulting physicians
Automated patient assessments in a provider network
Medical text retrieval using a controlled vocabulary
Nursing vocabulary alternatives in clinical informatics
Research Projects of Informatics Trainees 1992-97 at NLM-supported Institutions
Information furnished by the Program Directors, and may be incomplete for some sites.
Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New England Medical
Automated qualitative modeling of physician systems
Registration of medical images
Trend detection in clinical data
Partially observable Markov models or medical decisions
Flexible methods-of-knowledge representation
Case-based causal reasoning in medical diagnoses
Computation for genetic mapping and sequencing
Elicitation of patient preferences
Modeling and control of therapy
Anonymizing patient data
Interpretation of ICU signals
Optimization of genetic calculations
Computerized discharge planning
Interactive computerized patient assessments
Referral maps for selecting consulting physicians
Automated patient assessments in a provider network
Medical text retrieval using a controlled vocabulary
Nursing vocabulary alternatives in clinical informatics
Cost-effectiveness models for resource allocation
Decision models for HIV management
Cost-effectiveness models for coronary revascularization
Cost-effectiveness analysis under uncertainty
Decision analysis of Vitamin E prophylaxis
Health resource allocation
Evaluation of drugs in managed care
Representation of normal neuroanatomy via semantic networks
Use of augmented decision trees to facilitate clinical guideline development
Methods of presenting medical information, focusing on algorithmic representation of knowledge &
multi parameter data
Form-based predictive data entry as a means of capturing clinical notes, and semantic net
representation for the clinical findings
User interface design for a pen-based computer access to a hospital info system
Computer applications for physicians to control research and clinical activities
Object-oriented representation of patient medical records, multimedia patient simulation, and
representation of clinical guidelines
Guidelines tool enabling the clinical to follow a reasonable path through an encounter in a particular
aspect of medical care
Programming principles and structure; artificial intelligence, public health policy, statistical
techniques, and technology assessment
Information resources for enterprise integration
Development of searchable directories of physicians on staff
Computer-based progress notes for in-patient use
Vocabulary issues in medication ordering for clinical workstation
Integration health maintenance guidelines in clinical workstation
Development of object notation for representation medical record
Client-server based medical record system using remote computer technology for Health Care
Columbia University
Computer-based practice guidelines
Discovery of indigenous data presentations in a medical domain
Coding EKG text using LEX to parse complex interpretations
Parsing of ECG reports to discover medical concepts
Digital Anatomy Project, structured abstracts, semantic relationships
Electronic forms
Tuberculosis home care project
Epidemiology information systems
Linking World Wide Web and clinical information systems
Using paper prototypes as interface design tools for building clinical information systems
Examination of the means by which academic disciplines define their lexicons and ontologies, and
the location of these lexicons and ontologies in semantic space
Development of principled methods for customizing medical protocols to reflect organizational and
workflow constraints
Workplace analysis for system development in the areas of documentation of telephone triage calls
and generation of a patient plan of care
Towards Designing a Practical Spoken-Language System: No pain, no gain?
Applications of artificial intelligence techniques, particularly machine learning automate planning, to
the medical domain.
Construction of a 3-D Geometric Model for Segmentation and Visualization of the Cervical Spine
Optimizing the Task of Menu Selection for Large Controlled Vocabularies
Utilizing large knowledge-based systems to integrate medical information from a variety of sources
and use that information in building general tools for diagnosis, therapy planning and reevaluation
Contextual Document Models for Searching the Clinical Literature
Artificial intelligence; probabilistic and decision-theoretic reasoning; applications of machine learning
and Bayesian statistics to automated data analysis, especially for problems in computational biology
Loosely supervised segmentation of medical image volumes using intrinsic shape information
Research into designing and implementation of a surgical teaching workstation
Treatment planning for image-guided robotic radio surgery
Social and organizational analysis of computing; a design under uncertainty: engaging the context of
use in the design of expert systems
The development of computational tools for analyzing data used in molecular biology
Duke University and the University of North Carolina
Computer model of a physician as an information processor
Implementing clinical practice guidelines at the point of care using the World Wide Web
Semantic and metaphor graphics for the visualization of information in electronic medical records
Effect of a Computer-Assisted Management Protocol (CAMP) on provider compliance with care
guidelines for diabetes mellitus
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to automate the delivery of time-sensitive clinical data
Distributed medical record systems on the Internet
Exploratory data analysis to detect preterm risk factors
Object models for distributed computer-based patient record databases
Risk adjustment to healthcare costs.
Characterization of home health care patterns through retrospective data analysis
The predictive value of a computer simulation model of patient flow in an outpatient clinic
A text database to that permits authoring and administration of tests on the World Wide Web
Case-based multimedia educational tools
Cost effectiveness of a pediatric cardiology telemedicine system
Database of the sensitivities and specificities of common medical tests
Display of test results
Picture archiving and communications systems
Managed care information architecture
Real time capture of clinical patient data as real-time information systems
Relationship between accuracy of personal knowledge scores and database assisted scores and the
students confidence in these scores
A World Wide Web information resource for breast cancer.
Masters Degree in Medical Informatics and ha launched a randomized nonmasked clinical trial of a
chlorhexidine impregnated patch to use to reduce acteremias
Costs, benefits, and cost-effectiveness of using intensity windowing as a mammographic image
enhancement tool
University of Minnesota
Neural network methods in the prediction of protein structural class
The development of a taxonomy and an attribute selection process for a database of Digitized
images portraying clinical oral manifestations of HIV infection
Application of Fast Spin Echo-Based Techniques to Neurologic and Abdominal Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Electronic information resource: determinants of utilization in an internal medicine Residency
Computer-Assisted interpretation of medical tests
An intensive care clinical computer simulator
Embedded tools for user guided evolutionary development of clinical information systems
PETChamp: A model for diagnostic surveillance in companion animal practice
Oregon Health Sciences University
University of Missouri - Columbia
Development & evaluation of trauma triage rule
Fat-suppression magnetic resonance imaging
Clinical information system for DNA labs
Visible embryo project
Factors affecting attrition of rural physicians
Web access to health information
Object-oriented browser to facilitate lookup and manipulation of SNOMED III codes
Developed a means to browse a large (30mb) file of nomenclature vocabulary (SNOMED.)
The OA-Rehab project
Developed a framework for collections-based access to networked information sources PREVEX
is a prototype expert system to obtain medical history from, and provide health care maintenance
recommendations to a patient
A web-based resource consisting of (1) a searchable thesaurus, (2) a cytokine reagent database
Improvement of compliance with clinical practice guidelines for cardiology through the use of a
clinical decision support system
Electronic medical record with a controlled vocabulary (SNOMED) to collect information during
the initial encounter for veterinary medicine
The antimicrobial therapy (AmRx) project is a decision support system
Collection of clinical data from health professional studies on rural clerkships
New techniques for automated classification of human chromosomes
Developed computer software to manipulate digital EKGs for neural network
Rice University and Baylor University
(Projects all in computational biology, not included in MD Computing survey of trainee projects.)
Stanford University
Development of sophisticated on-line decision support resources for clinicians and the design of
expert systems to evaluate the performance characteristics of clinical testsRNA and protein
structure prediction
Developed a web-based student workstation for medical and allied health students.
A portable computer application to enter trauma evaluations by a pen-based computer
Developed a quality indicator survey with eight quality indicators, to evaluate expectations and
preferences in measuring quality based on clinical practice guidelines
Using the UMLS Metathesaurus to translate between diagnoses coding systems for the diagnoses
seen in the patients of four tertiary care genetics centers in Missouri
Design of interfaces to the Internet, and survey users to determine what interfaces are desired
Multimedia education for prevention of preterm birth
Feasibility of incorporating clinical guidelines for continuous quality improvement
Integration of the clinical, business and education functions: An expert system
Design an image database
Automated karyotyping project
A multimedia application involving images from nuclear medicine
Hand-computing in outpatient and emergency settings.
Expert system dealing with childhood immunizations.
A stimulation tool to assist in planning clinical drug trials
University of Pittsburgh
Using speech recognition for knowledge acquisition in medicine
A medical record system for ambulatory pediatric care
Development of an epilepsy clinic database program
Participated in UMLS sponsored CHAFRTLINE Project - using UMLS Metathesaurus
Computerized information system for the pediatric intensive care unit using Microsoft Access
An expert system to assist the physicians at the University's HIV/AIDS outpatients clinic
Semi-automated document retrieval tool called PostDoc
Automated staging of coal workers-pneumoconiosis utilizing digital image analysis of chest X-rays
Digital 3D computer reconstruction of glomerulus
Using computational techniques in molecular structure analysis
Machine learning applications in medicine; automatic statistical analysis; temporal representation and
reasoning in medical decision support systems
Machine learning from clinical data; medical rule-based systems
Computer-based explanation of neural network predictions in medicine
Psychology of clinical reasoning
Investigating the information requirements and retrieval behavior of medical oncologists using a multi
method approach
An intelligent electronic notebook for crystallographers that utilizes machine learning and case-based
Research at the intersection of pharmacology and medical informatics
A program for extracting relevant clinical phrases from free text history and physical records
Integrated Neurological Knowledge Base and Localizer using Topology
Yale University
Computer-assisted analysis of cardiac motion
Inter-relationships between sequence, shape and function in a catalytically active RNA molecule
called the Tetrahymena group I ribosome
Informatics in the neuroscience, focusing on olfactory receptors
A connectionist model of gene regulation
Information sources map of the Unified Medical Language System project might be tailored to the
domain of occupational and environmental medicine (OEM).
Databases for gene mapping research, focusing in particular on a graphical user interface
Clinical alerts and reminders for hematology
Geriatrics information system at the Alder Geriatrics Center at Yale
Multimedia presentation of different types of clinical material
Mapping an existing structured controlled vocabulary To the laboratory and pharmacy vocabularies
Neural network to assist in bibliographic retrieval
Multi-media, computer-aided instructional programs in neurology
A guideline for treatment of asthma