APPLICATION & ACCEPTANCE FORM Before you review the Application and Acceptance Form, PLEASE REMEMBER… your #1 focus is patients! By improving your clinical skills, you get patients better that NO ONE else was able to get better and as a direct result, you collect a professional income. You will literally be giving chronic condition patients their life back! Partial Description of Contents of The Neuro-Metabolic Super Group Resources: (1): NEURO-METABOLIC SUPER GROUP MANUAL Includes: advertising, marketing, patient education; in-office procedures; reference material on therapies and more. (2): DVD & AUDIO CD LEARNING SYSTEM QUICK START DVD: Watch this DVD to get started fast! DVD & CD #1 & 2 – CLINICAL FOUNDATIONS & NEW PROTOCOLS FOR THE NEUROLOGICALLY BASED PRACTICE •True, “secret” causes of fibromyalgia, dizziness, chronic pain, thyroid, IBS, and other chronic conditions •New insights into fibromyalgia patients’ chronic fatigue, chronic pain, dizziness, “Dizzy-Fog”, migraines, insomnia, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty expressing themselves, “Fibro-Fog”, tacy-arrythmia, IBS, acid reflux, swollen joints •Little-known link between cerebellum and dizziness, chronic back pain and disc herniations – and how to better treat these conditions •How to EXAMINE THE CEREBELLUM – a ‘Must!’ if you are treating low back pain, sciatica, herniated discs or dizziness •What the patient’s eyes reveal about their condition •Why ‘blind-spot mapping’ is important •How to use an Optokenetic Tape to diagnose chronic conditions •How to treat DIABETIC NEUROPATHY and peripheral neuropathy (Diabetics are the fastest growing chronic-condition population in America. 1 in 8 aging “boomers” have or will soon suffer from diabetic neuropathy. This is an important key to new patients and new patient referrals.) •THE INSIDER’S VIEW: Exactly how Dr. Johnson processes new patients….organization of visits, tour, exam, diagnosis….scripts he uses to routinely secure commitment and cash payment from each new patient •Optimum-Efficiency Treatments, often 3 to 4 minutes per patient DVD & CD #3 – OXYGEN THERAPIES AND YOUR PATIENTS’ ACCELERATED AND IMPROVED RESULTS •In-depth understanding: why oxygen is important in treating chronic pain, low back pain, sciatica, herniated discs, dizziness •If you are using SD, you need to use 02 Therapy WHILE YOUR PATIENT IS ON THE TABLE. •Do NOT use an oxygen tank; why you should use an Oxygen Concentrator and proper rates (LPM)…what levels of oxygen are right for best results with different conditions…which Oxygen Concentrator is best and where to purchase them at greatly reduced prices. YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE O2 TO SUCCESSFULLY TREAT CHRONIC CONDITION PATIENTS, TREAT THEM METABOLICALLY AND YOU WILL SEE MASSIVE CHANGES!!! DON’T SWEAT IT IF YOU CANNOT USE O2 IN YOUR STATE. IT’S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! (JOHNSON METHOD Members have access to a direct supplier offering special rates and service.) •Treatment recommendations: how often to use oxygen with fibromyalgia and chronic pain patients Patients’ questions and answers TAKE NOTE…in my competitive, chiropractor-saturated community, my practice thrives by offering unique ‘systems’ for specific conditions – including The usual…. Chronic neck pain Headaches – migraine, cluster Chronic low back pain Carpal Tunnel …with The unusual… Peripheral neuropathy Balance Disorders/dizziness Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Disc problems/spinal stenosis/failed back surgeries Fibromyalgia ADD/ADHD/Dyslexia Stroke rehab RSDS Insomnia Early Stage Alzheimer’s MS Hashimoto’s Disease (Surprising #s!) Autism/Ausperger’s/PDD-NOS Diabetes/Insulin Resistence Autoimmune Disorders (RA, Lupus, etc.) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Hardware patients Infertility Thyroid Disorders highly advanced treatment options – including: Unilateral adjustments Specific Metabolic Treatments Vibration therapy Auditory stimulation therapy IM – Interactive Metronome Brain-Based Therapy (BBT) Auriculo therapy Nutritional supplements Non-surgical spinal decompression* EWOT – Exercise With Oxygen Therapy ReBuilder Visual stimulation therapy Warm Calorics ATM2 Laser therapy Nutrition (via specific metabolic testing) Because of the focus on these specific conditions, the therapies provided and extraordinary results achieved, we enjoy a very high level of referrals and do not need to do much advertising or external marketing. But to jump-start the reengineered practice, there are practice-building strategies that work incredibly well (but don’t work well for an ordinary, traditional chiropractic practice)… DVD & CD #4 – ADVANCED PRACTICE BUILDING & NEW PATIENT OUTREACH •LEAD GENERATION ADVERTISING for specific, chronic health conditions. •GOOGLE ADWORDS AND FACEBOOK AD CAMPAIGNS – there are patients in your area right now actively searching for help with these chronic conditions, and our internet strategy enables them to find you. (One of the doctors in my Network gets as many as 60 NEW PATIENTS A MONTH from this online strategy plus referrals, nothing else.) This is a separate program and cost, please see page 5 of the FREE REPORT. *TV AD THAT ROCKS THE HOUSE! –I have been using this TV ad for the past year and it has made me MILLIONS! •PATIENT REACTIVATION MARKETING that actually works – not “standard” reactivation postcards, notices or outbound calls forced onto the staff. There’s “GOLD” sitting right inside your file cabinets that can’t be mined with ordinary “It’s time for a check-up” reactivation messages but CAN be “cashed in” – fast – with chronic condition specific messages and news about new, advanced therapies. THIS ALONE CAN REPAY YOUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT IN MY PROGRAM!!!!!! Plus, we’ve just created our “Success Secrets” series that you can send to patients with thyroid problems, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, migraines, ADD/ADHD, Austim and Dyslexia. DVD & CD #5: ADVANCED CLINICAL TECHNIQUES AND TREATMENT OPPORTUNITIES •Dr. Johnson’s ‘Treating Extreme Cases with Decompression and Oxygen Therapy’ – how to treat hardware patients, stenosis patients, RLS patients…and you do NOT NEED a decompression table. If you have one, so much the better. When and if you are ready, you can lease a fully functional table for as little as $150.00 a month. •Dr. Johnson’s Fibromyalgia and Dizziness Treatment •The ATM2 – discover the latest neurological treatments using ATM2. Preview at: If you don’t have an ATM2, JOHNSON METHOD MEMBERS are eligible for special discounts from a preferred vendor. •Special Situations Treatment: how to treat the patient who has undergone multiple surgeries….never let a spinal stenosis patient walk out of your door again, because you are unable to treat them!....learn about: unilateral adjusting, auricular-therapy, olfactory stimulation (aromatherapy), auditory stimulation, visual stimulation, vibration therapy. DVD & CD #6: NEW PATIENT CONVERSION SYSTEM •DR. Johnson’s OFFICE TOUR •THE PATIENT COVERSION PRESENTATION was recorded at one of Dr. Johnson’s seminars….I “show ‘n tell” and demonstrate the three free visits…days one, two and three….exactly how a patient goes from first consultation through exam, presentation, and securing his commitment to treatment, as a fee for service, cash patient. You need to understand that we have an unusual, patient” approach to patient conversion: there are three no-charge visits. In the first, I do screening and take an X-ray. In the second, I explain the diagnosis and if I can help, and how I can help. There are tools – a “re-focus questionnaire”, a book, CD’s they take home to listen to. The third visit is their treatment plan. As a bonus, Dr. Johnson also covers his 2-day conversion process as a bonus on a separate DVD, watch this DVD and start collecting large case fees! •CLOSING CASES: Step-by-step, how Dr. Johnson secures patient commitment and closes cases for $9500.00. HERE IS THE SECRET…improve your clinical skills and focus on exceptional patient care. You DO NOT have to use case fees if you don’t want to, use monthly fees or fee for service, we will show you how to do all of them. Even if you feel such case sizes are “too much”, you can start lower – just like Dr. Beyer and other Members have – and grow into the bigger fees. Warning: if you can’t confidently, comfortably and persuasively present comprehensive treatment plans and close cases, you “will be toast” in the coming chiropractic crisis brought on by insurers more desperate than ever to shrink patients’ claims and by socialized, nationalized health care. •Dr. Johnson’s DINNER WORKSHOP – he consistently has 40 attending (room capacity is 40), converts 10 to 13 of them to new patients because he explains in detail the testing behind his care. Many doctors are having massive success using this as their own. It alone could be a “quick cure” for any new patient or cash flow blues that ail you! •METABOLIC TESTING AND TREATMENT DVD: This DVD is a MUST if you are serious about correcting these chronic health conditions! It will show you how to treat tough conditions by using specific metabolic testing and treatments. Watch this DVD to help chronic condition patients get better like thyroid conditions, diabetes, IBS, and auto immune disorders to name a few. You don’t need to pay other consultants $10,000 plus $2500/month to learn how to treat these tough cases! OFFICE/PATIENT COORDINATION AND CHOREOGRAPHY: a smart question is – how do you manage complicated patient flow at this high of a level in an extremely busy office? – and I’ve got answers! Patients get a Disney-like emotionally satisfying experience, you get amazing efficiency. (3): USE LICENSE : Permission for use of certain of the proprietary, copyright-protected advertising, marketing and patient education copy and materials, in-office hand-outs and tools, and other materials. (4): EXCLUSIVE WEBINARS/Teleconferences (5): PRIVATE MESSAGE BOARD & FORUM These online resources connect Johnson Method Network Doctors with each other – as you’ll see, excitedly sharing what works for them, even their own power-points presentations and lectures and more. The message board: If you are feeling alone in chiropractic because you are not able to brainstorm with the other doctors to see how they are doing, I will hook you into the HOTTEST network now operating in our profession that will allow you to tap into insider information! Join our community chiropractors dedicated to helping one another and their patients. This may sound a little weird to you because most chiropractors consider every other chiropractor in their city or town a competitor. I am inviting you to our mastermind group where we don’t have that starvation mindset but instead, we share the ultimate, state-of-the-art, most sophisticated, cutting edge and effective information in the chiropractic profession. The message board covers advertising and marketing, closing cash cases, patient care, billing and coding, business management, spinal decompression, O2 therapy, and many more topics. This “insider” information is the cutting edge of the profession! It is a brotherhood (sorry, and sisterhood) within chiropractic. Our mastermind message board is LOADED with an uplifting, positive, abundant mentality that will help you to explode your practice! Our webinars cover the latest, up-to-date information on everything from how to collect case fees to time management to how to handle office flow to how to use Google Adwords effectively. You name it and we cover it AND if you don’t see it, just ask and we can do a webinar on it! PLEASE NOTE: AT ALL LEVELS, YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS (1 year). AFTER 12 MONTHS, YOU CAN CONTINUE ON THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR $99.95 to $149.95 PER MONTH. (6): COACHING CALLS: 8 times during the 6-Month Program, you are invited to attend Dr. Johnson’s personal coaching calls, including open question-answer opportunities. (7): IN-PERSON WORKSHOP: The first Friday of every month is open for our Free Doctor Workshop, space is limited due to the fact that we hold it at my office and eat dinner at my home, please call for availability. (8): “911” PERSONAL COACHING CALLS: when you most need them to move forward! IN ADDITION, FOR LEVEL 2 PARTICIPANTS YOU RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING… (Level 2 is my Best Recommendation for complete access to me via phone and email!) (9): MARKETING TOOL KIT DVD – 6 RED HOT marketing methods to get those chronic patients in YOUR OFFICE! (10): Use of Dr. Johnson and affiliation with Dr. Johnson •Dr. Johnson’s book What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work?—A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions with a customized insert introducing you (11): Extra E-Mail Support and Unlimited Calling (12) Monthly PERSONAL Coaching Call (13) Network Membership, presence in Online Directory, opportunity for direct referrals VALUE SUMMARY Tier 1 2 X X X X JOHNSON METHOD Reference Manual DVD/CD Program Use License Webinars $600.00 X X X X Private Message Board & Forum – 12 months $1,595.00 X X Group Coaching Calls – Eight in 6 Months $1000.00 X X In-Person Workshop $2,500.00 X X 911 – Personal Coaching Calls $1,000.00 ------------$13,665.00 _________ X X $6,970.00* Fee: only $10,997.00 Tool Kit CD/Electronic File $1995.00 X Affiliation with Dr. Johnson (DVD, Book, Ctfctn) $6,000.00 X Extra E-Mail (and phone) Support – 6 months $1,500.00 X Monthly PERSONAL Coaching Call $3,000.00 X Network Membership $1,200.00 ________ $27,360.00 X Fee: only $12,227.00 SAVINGS: $15,133.00 Individual values above based on products/services typical fees/prices in two dozen popular coaching and practice management programs and educational resource packages sold to chiropractors. Dr. Johnson is proud to offer exceptional value. *CD’s/DVD’s may be purchased separately at $997.00 each WARNING: How much money have you spent? much will you spend?...trekking off to seminar after seminar? “Piece-meal” buying different speakers’ and consultants’ “packages”? – hoping the next one may contain the “magic beans”? Heck, going to just one seminar, its fee, your airfare and hotel costs as much or more than my entire 6Month Program. Isn’t it time to “stop the insanity” of endlessly spending in dribs and drabs, on seminar after seminar, without ever getting a solid, step-by-step Method for practice transformation with full implementation support? And a guarantee. THIS IS NOT ABOUT “A BOX OF STUFF” TO GATHER DUST ON A SHELF. NOT ABOUT VAGUE, FEEL-GOOD TELE-SEMINARS WITH INTERVIEWS AND IDEAS (BUT WHAT COMES OF THEM?) NOT ABOUT YET ANOTHER 2 OR 3 DAY SEMINAR THAT IS FUN WHILE IT LASTS BUT SOON FADED MEMORY WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT BUT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. THIS IS ABOUT: RESULTS. REAL CHANGE. CONFRONTATION with present and future realities demanding change. Are you ready? APPLICATION Because I am limiting the total number of new doctors I’m accepting into the Program, limiting the number in any given geographic area, and committed to not only the participating doctors’ success but also transformational change in the chiropractic profession and in health care at the community level, I ask that you provide some information about yourself – and I reserve the right to refuse your Application entirely at my thoughts, or to call and interview you before acceptance. The information you provide is, of course, confidential. Dr. Name: Practice or Clinic Name: Street Address (No P.O. Boxes): City, State, Zip: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: If you would prefer having your Method packages and communications sent to your home: Home Address: City, State, Zip: Date of birth:_______________ Years in your own practice: ___1-5 __6-10 ___11-15 ___16-20 ___21+ __Single office ___2 or more offices __Solo practice ___Multi-doctor practice/you employ associate doctors Career/life experience background __ SALES experience ___BUSINESS experience (other than practice) Income 2009: ___Under $50,000.00 $100,000 __$100,000 - $150,000 $500,000 __$500,000 - $1-Million 2008: ___Under $50,000.00 $100,000 __$100,000 - $150,000 $500,000 __$500,000 - $1-Million ___$50,000.00-$75,000.00 ___$75,000.00- ___ $150,000.00-$250,000 ___$250,000 - ___ $1-Million - $2-Million ____$2-Million+ ___$50,000.00-$75,000.00 ___$75,000.00- ___ $150,000.00-$250,000 ___$250,000 - ___ $1-Million - $2-Million ____$2-Million+ 2007: ___Under $50,000.00 $100,000 __$100,000 - $150,000 $500,000 __$500,000 - $1-Million ___$50,000.00-$75,000.00 ___$75,000.00- ___ $150,000.00-$250,000 ___$250,000 - ___ $1-Million - $2-Million ____$2-Million+ Most Satisfied and Optimistic About, with your practice: (check those that apply) __ Type of patients attracted ___ Patients’ compliance and results __ Effectiveness of advertising/marketing – ease of achieving new patient goals __ Number and quality of referrals from patients __ Stability and security of practice ___ Quality, stability, teamwork of staff __ Personal income ___ Income growth __ Conversion of income to wealth ___ “The Future” Most Persistently Frustrated With, Worried About (check those that apply) __ Type of patients attracted ___ Patients’ compliance and results __ Effectiveness of advertising/marketing – ease of achieving new patient goals __ Number and quality of referrals from patients __ Stability and security of practice ___ Quality, stability, teamwork of staff __ Personal income ___ Income growth __ Conversion of income to wealth ___ “The Future” __ Other: _______________________________________________________ What has interested you most and motivated you to accept my invitation to my Program? (Number in order of importance to you, 1 = most important, 2 = next most important, etc.) __ Increasing practice revenue, profitability/personal income in the short-term __ Improving practice sustainability and security in the long-term __ Stepping up to a more sophisticated and advanced level of practice – strong interest in neurologically and metabolically based therapies, cutting edge treatments __ Playing a significant role in ‘the health care revolution’ __ Being of greater help and value to chronic condition patients __ Having a concrete, proven plan for improving/re-inventing my practice __ Having a “coach” who is where I am, on the firing line, currently practicing __ Other: ____________________________________________________________ References Name Relationship Phone ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Other management companies that you have worked with or are currently working with?__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How did the other management companies work out for you and/or your practice?_______________________________________________ Please tell us who referred you____________________________________________________ ACCEPTANCE ___Level 1= $10,997.00 (ONLY…$199/mo. for 60 months…$497/mo. for 24 months...$997/month for 12 months…a great ROI!) OR ___Single payment, 10% bookkeeping discount of $9897.30 ___I prefer having my credit card charged in 2 monthly installments of $4948.65 ___I prefer to use the 12…24…60 mo. financing (circle one) ___ Level 2 = $12,227.00 (ONLY…$223/mo. for 60 months…$557/mo. for 24 months…$1110/mo. for 12 months…LEVEL 2 is my BEST recommendation due to full access to me!) OR ___Single payment, 10% bookkeeping discount of $11,004.30 ___2 monthly installments of $5502.15 ___I prefer to use the 12…24…60 mo. financing (circle one) Credit Card Information ___ American Express ___VISA ___MasterCard Card# ______________________________________Exp Date__________ Signature of Cardholder______________________________________ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY….. Notices: (1) Individual results achieved by doctors with this Program vary. Nothing in the material presented about The Neuro-Metabolic Super Group or this Program should be construed as a warranty or assurance of any particular results, income, or financial gains. The Program is warranteed by satisfaction guarantees described in writing. The Program money back guarantee is for 6 months from the date of this form. The money back guarantee will NOT be honored after 6 months. There will be NO temporary suspension or an abbreviated disruption in payments once the program has been accepted. (2) Statements in the material presented about The Neuro-Metabolic Super Group about treatments, treatment techniques, therapies, etc. have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA, represent opinions of Dr. Johnson or others, and are subject to each individual doctor’s own assessment and judgment. Dr. Johnson accepts no responsibility or liability for any doctor’s decisions about or use of these therapies. (3) Different states’ have different laws, rules, regulations, and FDA and FTC have jurisdiction as well over the advertising and marketing of, claims made on behalf of, and delivery of health care services and products. Each doctor is responsible for ascertaining to his satisfaction the legality of whatever advertising, marketing, publicity and patient education and therapies and treatments he utilizes in and for his practice. Dr. Johnson accepts no responsibility or liability for same. ******PLEASE NOTE: THE PROGRAM RUNS FOR 1(ONE) YEAR SO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS. AFTER 12 MONTHS, YOU CAN CONTINUE ON THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR $99 to $149 PER MONTH. Please be advised that there will be an additional fee for the use of the Txfibro Message Board and online directory/testimonial board after 12 months as stated at the bottom of Page 5 of your Application. Please remember cost of the Program is separate from this extra board fee. If you choose a Program payment plan longer than 12 months you will still need to pay the Program fee regardless of whether or not you decide to continue your Message Board membership after the 12 months. Please sign below stating that you understand this. _____________________________ ______________________ ______________ Print Sign Date At the bottom of Page 5 on your Application. PLEASE NOTE: AT ALL LEVELS, YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS (1 year). AFTER 12 MONTHS, YOU CAN CONTINUE ON THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR $99.95 to $149.95 PER MONTH. No. of Payments When Payments Are Due Month Beginning Amount of Payments Default and Late Payments: Should you default on any payment obligations as called for in this agreement, Michael L. Johnson will have the right to declare the entire remaining balance due and payable and you agree to pay allowable interest, and all costs of collection, including but not limited to collection agency fees, court costs, and attorney fees. A default occurs when any payment due under this agreement is more than ten (10) days past due, you will be charged a $30.00 late fee. An additional service fee will be assessed $20.00 for any check, draft, credit card, or order returned for insufficient funds or any other reason. If the Patient is paying monthly payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT), Michael L. Johnson billing department reserves the right to draft via EFT all amounts owed by the Patient including any and all late fees and service fees. Administrative Fees: I agree to a onetime $15.00 processing fee to be applied to the bank account or credit card information provided below, to be processed by Michael L. Johnson in order for this agreement to commence. I authorize this fee to be taken from my account per the information listed below. I understand this fee is separate from the monthly processing fee. I understand that this fee is not refundable. I have read and understand both items above (INITIAL) PROMISE TO PAY: You Promise to pay to Michael L. Johnson the Total of Payments in consecutive month as disclosure in the payment schedule above.___________(INITIAL) CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT: Any changes to this agreement must be approved in person by and between the Guarantor and Lender office and submitted to Michael L. Johnson in writing by the Lender office. GAURANTOR INITIAL BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE DATE BUYER/GUARANTOR/CO-SIGNER Terms of Use By Purchasing and using “The Johnson Method” (Secrets of Treating Fibromyalgia, Dizziness, and Other Chronic Conditions”, “The Program”), you are accepting and agreeing to the Terms of Use set forth below. Your purchase and use of the Program signifies that you have read and understood the Terms of Use, and agree to abide by them. Eligibility. Use of the Program, and any guarantees here under, are void where prohibited. This Program is intended solely for users who are licensed chiropractors in good standing with all appropriate licensing boards, and solely for use in treating patients. Any other use of the Program is unauthorized and a violation of the Terms of Use. By using our Program, you represent and warrant that you meet the above requirements. YOU ARE ADVISED TO CHECK WITH YOUR STATE AND LOCAL BOARDS TO DETERMINE IF THE PROGRAM CAN BE USED IN YOUR STATE, AS WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING SO. Proprietary Rights. All content of the Program and available through our services, including but not limited to text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software and other files, are the proprietary property of Apple Medical Clinics, S.C., DBA, Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, and Dr. Michael L. Johnson, and are protected by copyright and trademark. No content may be modified, copied, distributed, reproduced, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, transmitted, or sold in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Subject to these Terms of Use, those who purchase the Program and are eligible to use the Program are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub licensable license to access and use the Program and its content, and to download or print a copy of any portion of the content to which you have properly gained access solely for your personal use; however, you must keep all copyright or other proprietary notices intact. Any use of the content other than as specifically authorized herein is strictly prohibited and will automatically terminate the license granted without further notice. Apple Medical Clinics, S.C., DBA. Johnson Chiropractic Neurology and Dr. Michael L. Johnson hereby specifically reserve all of their rights under applicable copyright law, trademark law, and similar laws or regulations. This license may be revoked at any time without notice in the event of a violation of any of the applicable Terms of Use. Your obligations under this Section shall survive the termination of your license and/or your discontinuance of use of the program. Your Use of the Program. You agree not to use the Program, its content, or our services to engage in any illegal or otherwise improper conduct, including but not limited to use the Program and its techniques in states or jurisdictions where such use is prohibited by applicable law, statute, or administrative rule or regulation. Your license is for your use only, and you agree not to assign or otherwise allow another to use your license and access to the Program for any purpose whatsoever. You are solely responsible for your use of the Program, and you agree to indemnify and hold Apple Medical Clinic, S.C., DBA. Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, and Dr. Johnson and/or their employees, agents, successors, heirs, and insurers harmless from any claims whatsoever arising out of your use of the Program. We reserve the right to terminate the license, in our sole discretion, of any purchase that is deemed to have violated any of the Terms of Use. Upon such termination, you shall immediately return, at your expense, the Program and any and all documents, CD’s, videos, and other media containing proprietary information and property of Apple Medical Clinics, S.C. DBA. Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, and Dr. Michael L. Johnson, and shall cease and desist from any further use of the Program and its techniques. All terms that by their nature may survive termination of your license shall be deemed to survive such termination. Payment Obligations. In the event that you elect to pay for the Program in installments, you are required to make all required payments in a timely fashion. In the event that you fail to do so, we may terminate your license upon five (5) days written notice to your last known address as contained in our files. Unpaid installments shall bear interest at the rate of 12% until such time as the total balance due, plus any accumulated interest, has been paid in full. Disclaimer of Warranties. The Program and materials available are provided “as is, where is” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, other than the Money Back Guarantee summarized in our Return Policy. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICAABLE LAW, APPLE MEDICAL CLINICS, S.C, AND DR. MICHAEL L. JOHNSON HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMIED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY, MERCHANT QUALITY, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. Neither Apple Medical Clinic, S.C., DBA. Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, nor Dr. Michael L. Johnson are responsible for the conduct of any user of the Program. Any improper or inappropriate use of the Program by any purchaser shall void the Money Back Guarantee. Limitation of Liability. IN NO WAY WILL APPLE MEDICAL CLINICS, S.C. DBA. JOHNSON CHIROPRACTIC NEUROLOGY, NOR DR. MICHAEL L. JOHNSON OR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS OR INSURERS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PERSON FOR ANY INDIREST, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING FOR ANY LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF THE PROGRAM, ANY APPLEICATIONS OR ANY OF THE CONTENT OR OTHER MATERIALS THAT ARE PART OF THEPROGRAM, EVEN IF SUCH PARTIES ARE AWAR OR HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, OUR LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER WILL NOT EXCEED $1000. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Apple Medical Clinic, S.C., DBA. Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, and Dr. Michael L. Johnson and their subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, agents, heirs, successor, assigns and insurers from any loses, liability, claim, demand, or damage, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, asserted by any third party due to or arising from your use of the Program and its materials, and your use of the Program in violation of the Terms of Use and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth herein. Governing law: Venue and Jurisdiction. By purchasing and using the Program, you agree that the laws of the state of Wisconsin, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Terms of Use and any dispute whatsoever that might arise between you and Apple Medical Clinic, S.C. DBA, Johnson Chiropractic Neurology, or Dr. Michael L. Johnson, including but not limited to collections efforts commenced by or on behalf of those parties. You agree not to commence or prosecute any action in connection with your purchase and use of the Program other than in the state courts of Wisconsin, and you hereby consent to venue and jurisdiction in the Circuit Court for Brown County, Wisconsin, and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non conveniens that might otherwise be available to you. Your further agree to pay all reasonable costs incurred by Apple Medical Clinic, S.C. or Dr. Michael L. Johnson in the event that they are required to file legal action to collect an unpaid balance due and/or to seek an injunction to prohibit any unauthorized disclosures or uses of the Program, including reasonable attorney’s fees. PLEASE SIGN AND PRINT BELOW AND RETURN A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT ALONG WITH YOUR ORDER FORM. YOUR ORDER WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS A COPY IS RETURNED. PRINT: __________________________ SIGN:________________________________ COMPLETE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: 6 MONTHS, NO QUESTIONS ASKED… You can decide this is not for you at any time, from the 2nd month all the way through to the 6th month of the Program….and receive a full refund. Let me say that again: anytime after the 2nd month, you can decide The Johnson Method isn’t for you, return everything, and receive a full refund. If you purchased the program on June 1st, you have until December 1st to return the program. I don’t think there’s anybody else in our profession who will let you complete their entire program and still, then, decide on a refund. But before you question my sanity, know this: I’ve personally guided 149 doctors through this process and seen the results. New doctors are joining, quickly reporting breakthroughs – daily! I know what I’m doing but I recognize you really can’t have complete confidence in me or in this Program until you get it implemented and see results in your own practice, so I’m happy to guarantee those results. ---Dr. Michael L. Johnson To order…..PLEASE FAX THIS FORM TO 920.739.0224 Or send it to: Dr. Michael L. Johnson 1713 S. Oneida St. Appleton, WI 54915