BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY MINUTES OF THE March 5, 2007 MEETING OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL PLACE: Couper Administration Building, Room 148 PRESIDING: Nancy E. Stamp, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School MEMBERS: Ben Brewster, Gisela Brinker-Gabler, David Campbell, Theresa Grabo, Maneesha Lal, Weiyi Meng, Maria-Teresa Romero, Karen Salvage, Olga Shvetsova, Eugene Stevens, Marilyn Tallerico, Diane Wiener EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Dara Silberstein, Gerald Sonnenfeld, Lindsay Tremain EXCUSED: Susan Currie, Stephen Gilje, Susan Pollock, Steve Tammariello ABSENT: James Constable, Maria-Theresia Holub, Murali Jagannathan, Ed Kokkelenberg, Tom McDonough, Daryl Santos, Steven Schwartz I. CALL TO ORDER: Vice Provost and Dean Nancy Stamp called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. II. MINUTES: The minutes of the February 5, 2007 meeting were approved as written. III. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Academic Standards Committee By-Law changes—adjustments in the number of elected graduate faculty. The changes are to increase Watson’s representation to 4 and keep School of Education’s representation at 2. This brings the total of 26 (an increase of 2). Prof. Lal made a motion to vote on the proposed changes and it was seconded by Prof. Wiener. Approved The committee started discussions on the issue of plagiarism. There are a few websites that present the issues well. The committee suggested providing materials and these websites to graduate directors, who usually have an orientation with their graduate students. Another suggestion is to address it at TA Orientation in the fall. Vice President Sonnenfeld pointed out that there are two paths to handle plagiarism and it is important that students are made aware of them. If a student plagiarizes a thesis or dissertation it is a research misconduct issue. If they plagiarism a paper, it is an academic dishonesty issue. The Graduate School currently requires all graduate students to do the professional ethics module on-line. Prof. Shvetsova suggested that international students be given a session on plagiarism after classes begin. Prof. Weiner suggested there be a subcommittee that focuses on graduate level writing that is interdisciplinary and that looks at how to help students be more effective in their writing, plus to consider creating a graduate writing center that focuses on graduate students. It was suggested to ask some students what would be the most effective way to convey such information to them. It was suggested that the committee develop a sample set of questions and survey some focal groups. Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research The committee hasn’t met. Budget Advisory Committee The committee hasn’t met. Curriculum Committee Request for change in award from Master of Arts to Master of Science In Psychology Approved Grievance Committee The committee hasn’t met. Strategic Planning Committee The committee met and discussed the report on what the Graduate School has done in the last 3.5 years. There was discussion on providing more focused research training for students in dual diploma programs. It was suggested that Stephen Straight and Katharine Krebs be invited to the next Graduate Council meeting to discuss international programs for graduate students. Prof. Campbell said there has been a lot of discussion in the past year about the difference in the interests or needs in professional degree programs versus the doctoral degree programs. It might be worthwhile to distinguish a set of activities we could focus on that are specific to professional terminal masters programs versus those that are oriented more to doctoral education. Dean Stamp will bring these suggestions back to the committee for discussion and then bring it back to the Council. IV. NEW BUSINESS: The First Annual Graduate Research Day will be on March 28. The Graduate Cabinet met and discussed interdisciplinary issues. There were suggestions and a list will be developed and distributed. V. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m. on a motion by Professor Lal and seconded by Professor Shvestsova. _____________________________ Minutes recorded by Alta Hooker, Secretary to the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School