City of Spokane Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens Restoration The Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens project demonstrates the dedication and commitment to preserve an important cultural landscape in Spokane. Careful historic research, documentation, and preservation planning too place and community partnerships were developed to advocate, fundraise, and provide support for the longterm survival of the 2.9 acre historic gardens. Project Summary The Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens opened to the public in August 2007. Their significance was discovered in 1998, becoming an inspiration for a nine year research, planning, and restoration process to save historic character-defining features from being lost. Dormant for over 65 years, the Heritage Gardens needed prudent stewardship to survive. Decades of soil erosion, invasive plant material, and vandalism was compromising the structural integrity of basalt staircases, foundations, columns, and concrete basins that existed on the site. A conscientious and thorough plan was developed to preserve and protect the landscape. Located in Pioneer Park, visitors to the historic site were impressed with the hilltop setting, the sixty foot pond carved out of the hillside rock, the basalt waterfall, and the remaining columns that once formed a seventy-five foot long pergola whose timbers sat on native basalt-faced columns. The natural surroundings, panoramic views of Spokane and the distant mount ranges, and the rich history inspired public participation to support the site’s preservation and historic restoration. Prudent Stewardship to Protect the Site Spokane Park Board designated the park site for historic purposes in 1999. Year-long community planning process took place to develop the master plan through a series of community meetings, the City Neighborhood Assembly, and adjacent neighborhood councils. Master plan was reviewed by the Spokane Landmarks Commission and approved by the Spokane Park’s Board in October 2000. A unique agreement between two departments, the Spokane Parks and Recreation Department and the Spokane Landmarks Commission established a review process for changes to the landscape based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The Tacoma, Washington firm AHBL, Inc. was contracted to prepare a Cultural Landscape Report outlined by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation Completed in 2004, the Cultural Landscape Report incorporated an inventory and assessment of the site, outlined the importance of retaining the historic character and features of the landscape, and a treatment plant for the preservation, restoration, and reconstruction of the Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens Community Support Due to budget constraints, the city was unable to fund the restoration. The community not only participated in the master planning process but also donated funds for preservation planning. The Spokane Preservation Advocates hosted annual site clean ups and awarded a project preservation grant. Local foundations, private donors, Washington’s Heritage Capital Projects Fund, and the National and Washington Trusts for Historic Preservation contributed to stabilizing the site, halting deterioration, and planning for restoration. With a generous $1.2 million gift from Myrtle Woldson, work to restore the site began in January 2006. A neighborhood liaison for the Cliff – Cannon and Manito – Cannon Neighborhoods was appointed to participate in the construction meetings to provide reports to the adjacent councils on the project progress. Plans to remove trees were announced early to minimize impact to the site and apprise neighbors and businesses when changes were to occur. The restoration included installing a wrought iron perimeter fence that would block access to the popular hillside trails. To address neighborhood concerns and provide permanent access through the hillside, a historic pedestrian trail and staircase that was originally established in 1931 was reestablished. Several blocks from Lewis and Clark High School, the trail was aptly renamed after the school mascot, ‘Tiger Trail’. Community Partnerships Friends of the Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens were organized in 2007 to provide volunteers for tours, a docent program, and landscape maintenance support; raise funds for on-going maintenance; and advocate for long-term stewardship. Spokane Preservation Advocates hosted a ‘Diamond Celebration’ even on August 15, 2007 to commemorate the reopening. The organization remains committed as an advocate, resource for volunteers, and grant funding source. Spokane Parks Foundation continues to be a funding resource to ensure the landscape retains its historic significance and prominence in the community. Enriching Quality of Life As with historic buildings, cultural landscapes demonstrate to visitors the importance of a region’s origins and history. The Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens has captured the era of residential estate gardening as the only remaining Arts and Crafts designed landscape of its kind in the Inland Northwest. Restoring the site to the timeframe the historic gardens flourished between 1911 and 1914 has added a historic destination within the park system, and provide scenic, educational, economic, ecological, social, and recreational opportunities for the community – enriching quality of life. The historic gardens will remain an open green space blocks from downtown Spokane. As an outdoor living history museum, an interpretive sign program describes the history of the site and the restoration, and includes a photo timeline for educational and cultural purposes. The newly installed perimeter wrought iron fence and increased attention to the park has deterred vandalism and vagrancy. The reestablished hillside ‘Tiger Trail’ has improved travel from Spokane’s south hill to Lewis and Clark High School and downtown Spokane. An ADA accessible trail was installed to provide access to prominent historic features including the carriage road, rose garden, and the lower perennial garden. Restoration and Preservation The Heritage Gardens are located on Spokane’s lower south hill in the Marycliff/Cliff Park Historic District – one of the two historic properties purchased by the Spokane Parks Board in 1945 to form Pioneer Park. The Moore-Turner Property was originally owned by prominent pioneers Frank Rockwood Moore (1889-1895) and U.S. Senator George Turner (1896-1932) who are noted for local, state, and national civic and political contributions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Untended and unaltered since 1932, the significance of the site was rediscovered following an ice storm clean-up of the hillside in 1997. In keeping with the popular Arts and Crafts landscape design style, in 1911 the Turner’s added impressive timber-framed garden structures, native rock water features, and exotic plants to the basalt faced terraces constructed in 1889 to retain the hillside. A rose arbor, tea house, pergola, sixty foot pond and waterfall, reflection pool, conservatory, and greenhouses were incorporated into the site’s impressive rock formations and numerous basalt outcrops taking advantage of the slope and views of the city. Historic photographs, remaining stone work, a 1946 site plan, and Spokane area plants lists in the Olmsted Archives were used to develop the design and construction plans. The restoration is based on the largest collection of research materials recovered. Remarkable photographs were found in Mrs. Turner’s scrapbooks at Washington State University Archives in Pullman, Washington capturing the site improvements between 1911 and 1914. AHBL, Inc., Tacoma, Washington was contracted to prepare a Cultural Landscape Report outlining a treatment plan for the preservation, restoration, and reconstruction of the site. The construction bid packet required bidders to provide three references documenting employee work on historic projects and to submit photographs of each of the completed projects. A summary was also required outlining proposed practices and procedures to be used to complete the work that demonstrated awareness of the historic nature of the gardens and the sensitivity required. Contracts were not required to be awarded only on price. The bid award took into account the site sensitivity and the contractor’s ability to preserve the gardens’ historic significance. A.M. Landshaper, Inc. was awarded the public works contract. The three year preservation and restoration occurred in phases. The work was intended to be a multiphase project to restore the garden elements and bring the site closer to its original design intent. The first phase (2005-2006) required stabilizing the existing historic elements, clearing and grubbing the site, installing a perimeter iron fence with basalt-faced columns, reconstructing a 1931 pedestrian staircase on the property line outside the fence, and restoring the carriage road – found after removing nearly 1,000 cubic yards of soil. The second phase (2007) included reconstructing the historic features, implementing the planting plan, and installing the interpretive sign program and garden amenities. Positioned at the base of the steep north-facing hillside, the original gardens were established in 1889 and maintained until 1932 as residential gardens for the Moore and Turner families. With an elevation of nearly 120 vertical feet, innovative construction techniques were used to access the hillside and install the infrastructure while protecting historic plant material and the original stone work. The design and construction team worked closely with the City of Spokane Public Works, Utilities, and Building Departments for plan and code review, permits and inspections. The City Engineer assisted with the design of the structures to insure their accurate reconstruction. Tree removal was well-planned and meticulously implemented – either crane-lifted from the cliff, dropped in sections and hand carried, or in remote areas, horse logged. Planned for public use, substantial footings were designed and installed below grade to reconstruct the wood structures. Constructed with solid hand-milled fir, each 300 lb beam and rafter for the seventy-fixe foot pergola was lifted by crane over cliff. The solid fir posts, beams, and rafters for the arbor were hand-carried and assembled using the original mortise and tenon journey. The gardens were hand-watered at the turn of the 20th century, new irrigation and potable water lines were sensitively installed. The project included installing public amenities (benches, drinking fountains, and trash receptacles), reestablishing the carriage road through the site, and regarding and surfacing the network of paths and trails. The budget for the $1.5 million dollar project included $32,725.00 for the Cultural Landscape Report; $119,132.00 for design services; $471,729.00 for clearing and stabilizing; $33,917.00 for the sign program; $135,482.00 for the fence and garden amenities; and $105,979.00 for in-kind project management. Contact Lynn Mandyke Corbin Arts Director 509-625-6680