Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in Global Outsourcing Ron Babin Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street Toronto, Canada M5B 2K3 and Manchester Business School, UK Dr. Brian Nicholson Manchester Business School Booth Street West Manchester, UK M15 6PB Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in Global Outsourcing Abstract The focus of this paper is on the intersection of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) and global IT outsourcing. Offshore outsourcing of IT and IT enabled services is well established as a business practice towards reducing costs and improving performance. CSER is equally well recognized as a business strategy to define and defend an organization’s position in the marketplace. CSER is becoming increasingly important in global outsourcing in relation to environmental issues for example. The cost of energy has already increased dramatically and further increases appear likely. Sustainability issues related to carbon footprint and greenhouse gases are also becoming increasingly important. Thus responsible and economic energy management has become a critical business capability and an important social responsibility. Offshoring IT operations to a less energy efficient, less environmentally responsible organization may provide increased returns to shareholders, but may also become a CSER liability. The key question this paper seeks to answer is how do social and environmental responsibilities affect decisions to globally outsource IT? Drawing on preliminary fieldwork and an extensive literature search, we conclude that CSER issues will become important capabilities for outsourcers to demonstrate, as buyers are increasingly sensitive to their stakeholders’ social and environmental concerns. Key words: Outsourcing, Offshoring, Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility 1. INTRODUCTION This paper presents preliminary findings from research that seeks to improve our understanding of the impact of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) in global IT outsourcing (GITO) decisions. Lacity and Willcocks [1, p. 1] define outsourcing as “the handing over of assets, resources, activities and /or people to third party management to achieve agreed performance outcomes”. Sahay, Nicholson and Krishna [2, p. 1] describe global software and related IT services as “work undertaken at geographically separated locations across national boundaries in a coordinated fashion involving real time or asynchronous interaction”. For the purpose if this paper, global IT outsourcing refers to a third party management of IT assets and services, including people and knowledge content, which are delivered on a coordinated fashion across multiple national locations. In contrast to GITO, corporate social and environmental responsibility is less clearly defined. As suggested by Crane, Matten and Spence [3, p. 5], “definitions of CSR abound, and there are as many definitions of CSR as there are disagreements over the appropriate role of the corporation in society.” Matten and Moon [3, p. 5] have provided the most current and comprehensive definition of CSR, including environmental issues: “CSR is a cluster concept which overlaps with such concepts as business ethics, corporate philosophy, corporate citizenship, sustainability and environmental responsibility.” GITO is an accepted practice in many business organizations and even regarded by some, such as Thomas Friedman [4], as a fundamental business capability. A significant academic and practitioner literature has emerged over the last few years which has improved our understanding of the management of GITO outsourcing relationships. (Lacity and Willcocks [1,5], Sahay et al. [2], Lacity and Hirschheim [6], Feeney et al. [27]). However, a gap in the current literature is related to how CSER affects ITO decisions. CSER is well recognized as a business strategy to define and defend an organization’s position in the marketplace. [3, 4] As many organizations and their stakeholders increase their expectations regarding social and environmental issues we posit that CSER expectations will be applied to outsourcing provider. For example, Walmart’s Green Goods [7] environmental campaign has had a significant impact on its supply partners. Similarly, IT outsourcer providers should expect to be held to the same level of CSER performance to which their customers aspire. A CESR lens on global outsourcing reveals how outsourcing affects a broader set of stakeholders than just shareholders. The costs of outsourcing to both local and global society, and to the environment are weighed against the benefits to the corporations and their shareholders. A rising wave of CSER concerns has encouraged corporations to examine all implications of their outsourcing business decisions. The Economist [8] reports that the priority that executives give to CSER issues has approximately doubled in the last three years. The percentage of executives who give CSER high or very high priority has risen from 30% three years ago to 55% today and is expected to rise to 65% in three years. The Economist reports that CSER initiatives are expected to provide improved brand reputation, attract potential and existing employees, help meet ethical standards required by customers and create better relations with regulators and law makers. The rising importance of CESR, and consumer expectations, suggests that GITO service providers will position themselves as socially and environmentally responsible. The research question guiding this inquiry is this: how do social and environmental responsibilities affect decisions to globally outsource IT? The paper is organized as follows: the next section reviews current literature on social responsibility issues, environmental issues and emerging social responsibility standards. We then describe a qualitative and quantitative assessment of current CSER practices and directions in outsourcing. We conclude the paper with a discussion of the implications of CSER for outsourcing providers, buyers and advisors. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW The relevant literature can be divided into social responsibility, environmental issues and standards. In the sections to follow we consider each of these areas in relation to global IT outsourcing. 2.1 Social responsibility issues The topic of corporate social responsibility and global IT outsourcing has attracted considerable academic interest [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 32]. The range of research and opinion is wide, from pessimists who suggest that outsourcing is yet further evidence of unfettered, irresponsible corporate profit maximization to optimists who suggest that outsourcing is an attractive economic mechanism for sharing wealth globally. Carroll provides a “definition that is arguably the most commonly cited” [3, p.5], in his description of the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility [14]. Carroll suggests that CSR should embrace the entire range of business responsibilities, and should include four kinds of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic. The Pyramid, depicted in Figure 1 below, rests on the foundation of economic responsibility, which requires the organization to “be profitable”. Legal responsibility is next, where organizations must “obey the law” and “play by the rules of the game”. The third Pyramid level addresses Ethical responsibilities, where organizations have an “obligation to do what is right, just and fair.” The top level of the Pyramid concerns Philanthropic responsibilities, where organizations should “contribute resources to the community [and] improve the quality of life.” Carroll suggests that organizations must address the lower levels of the Pyramid first before they can consider the upper levels. Carroll’s framework sets the foundation for a review of CSR discussions related to outsourcing. Insert Figure 1. Payaril [15] supports the perspective of global outsourcing representing profit maximization for the rich and offering limited benefits for other groups. Parayil emphasizes the growing gap between rich and poor in developing countries. This gap appears to be exacerbated by what he calls “informational capitalism”. In his research Paravil focuses on the uneven and sharply skewed distribution of wealth as corporations export electronic information and processes to countries around the world. Parayil reviews economic data such as GDP growth, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and Gini index changes to conclude that rising per capita income from global IT outsourcing has not reduced wealth disparities. For Payaril, the rich simply get richer as a result of global IT outsourcing. He explores “deepening income inequalities in the developing world and deepening income inequalities in the developed world after the onset of the so-called information economy” [15, p. 41] Citing the global information revolution, he suggests that “Unskilled labor members get trapped in the traditional (‘ghettoized’) economy, suffering both a digital divide and diminishing marginal returns on their ‘outdated’ skills” [15, p. 49] . He concludes that we need a global strategy to employ ICT in a meaningful way for economic developmental purposes. In terms of Carroll’s Pyramid, Payaril sees organizations maximizing their economic responsibility, while diminishing the quality of life (philanthropic responsibility) for those in the less developed economies throughout the world. Other pessimistic authors posit that ongoing and increasing global outsourcing will have extremely disruptive effects. Blinder [16] presents the thesis of a third Industrial Revolution, which he tags as the information outsourcing age. He suggests that this revolution will be vast and unsettling, with significant changes in the way that we work, live and educate our children. Blinder suggests that North America and Europe will see significant displacement of a broad range of workers, many from upper educational reaches, who will be neither passive nor politically quiet. For Blinder, the most significant threat will come from India, where 300 million more skilled workers will be produced in a few decades, which is about twice the size of the entire US workforce. Clearly this will be disruptive to North American society and a social responsibility model will be needed to manage this displacement. Jones [17] concurs with Payaril [15] in the belief that transnational corporations (TNCs) are “designed, constructed and maintained to make money for the interests that own them”. Similar to Blinder, Jones wonders if “the seeds of a future social and political crisis may be being sown” as millions of white collar, post-industrial, knowledge workers face structural unemployment. He concludes that IT outsourcing in the context of stateless, placeless and heartless TNCs is dangerous for society, and requires an expanded vision to “generate socially positive outcomes”. [17, p. 97] Similarly Levy [18, p. 692] states that “reducing wages through offshoring leads to wealth creation for shareholders but not necessarily for countries or employers, and that many displaced workers have difficulty ‘trading up’ to higher skilled jobs.” Levy suggests that TNCs create global labour pools, where they take advantage of those with fewer employment opportunities, little regulatory protection and weak social safety nets, which reduces the bargaining power of all employees. He suggests that the interests of the TNCs are “increasingly dislocated from the welfare of countries or workers” [18, p. 692] which echoes the national economic issues identified by Parayil. Knights and Jones [19] argue that offshore outsourcing of business processes (BPO) is both a blessing and a curse for workers and society. The authors point out that call centres in “far away cultures” such as India, will struggle to simulate the thing that it displaces, i.e. the UK or US call centre. The authors contrast the dystopian view of outsourcing, with long night hours in crowded call centres mimicking US and UK dialogue with the utopian view that poverty stricken Indian workers finally may realize the economic benefits of a global economy. They conclude that although the social benefits of BPO may be small, “any country suffering as many problems as India can hardly kick a gift horse in the mouth.” [19, p.444] Sahay, Nicholson and Krishna [2] identify similar concerns, where software houses with “precarious employment contracts, Taylorized work processes in software factories without support of union organization and poor attention to health and safety” do not offset the improved income and economic status of global software work (GSW) performed primarily in India”. [2, p. 254] The authors suggest a potential “ ‘race to the bottom’ in which companies try to cut each others’ throat on prices in order to gain international contracts [creating] declining labour standards, poor wages and social conditions”. [2, p.255] The authors suggest a potential GSW code of ethics that would be coordinated by private, public and societal groups. Several authors provide a more balanced assessment, suggesting that outsourcing is inevitable but can be conducted fairly and perhaps with benefits to many global stakeholders. Stainer and Grey [32] argue that organizations should expect to manage outsourcing risk issues by embracing CSER. Outsourcing, when used properly, can provide long term operational and business improvements. However, Stainer and Grey point out that outsourcing also creates both economic and reputational risks. Further, they point out that human resources are fundamentally important to the success of any organization, and by externalizing these resources through outsourcing, an organization takes on a higher risk, with an expectation of improved capability. A key outsourcing, and offshoring, ethical issue for Stainer and Grey is: “exploitation, because expected low prices often reflect firstly low wages and poor working conditions and secondly fierce competition between providers from national and developing countries.” [32, p. 463] Similar to Sahay, Nicholson and Krishna [2] the authors conclude with a suggestion that ethical outsourcing requires an agreement between corporations, their shareholders, employees, governments, and civil society, “to achieve betterment for all stakeholders”. In terms of Carroll’s Pyramid of Social Responsibility, Stainer and Grey encourage outsource providers to consider the top end of the Pyramid, ie. Philanthropic and Ethical responsibilities. Optimistic authors such as Knorringa and Pegler [20] see outsourcing as a potential mechanism for sharing wealth on a global basis. The authors examine whether expanding global value chains (GVCs) can improve labour conditions in developing countries. They conclude that “while economic globalization pushes firms to upgrade, such firm upgrading does not, as a rule seem to also lead to improvements in labour conditions in developing country suppliers in GVCs”. [20, p. 476] They propose that CSER and ethical trading, especially for global consumer branded products and services, as well as collective action towards an International Labour Organization fair-work agenda, can improve labour conditions in developing country GVC participants. De George [21] also presents a positive view of global outsourcing. He sees transnational outsourcing as beneficial and “clearly ethically justified”. He suggests that “Outsourcing promotes efficiency; helps developing countries by providing jobs where unemployment is very high, involves transfer of information technology and knowledge and encourages the educational process in less developed countries so that people are trained for new types of work provided by information technology and helps cut the costs of goods and services”. [21, p. 40] However, he brings very little evidence, either quantitative economic data as advanced by Parayil [15], or examples such as Binder [16] and Jones [17]. De George largely stands alone as one of the few with broad support for global outsourcing, where societal impacts are all beneficial. 2.2 Environmental issues Two issues have driven environmental concerns related to IT outsourcing and both are related to increasing power consumption by IT. First, the increasing cost of energy is having an economic impact on IT operations. Second, the production of electrical power often involves the biproduction of green house gases (GHGs) which have been strongly linked to global warming. GHGs and global warming belong to a discussion which is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the role of outsource providers in electrical power consumption is an environmental responsibility issue within scope. Both of these environmental concerns affect IT Outsourcing. The cost of power to run data centres will grow considerably. Although the recent global economic turmoil has resulted in short-term reductions in oil prices (e.g. the price of oil has dropped by 40% from September to November 2008), several researchers have identified a longterm trend of rising energy costs. With the price of oil dramatically increasing (a “quadruple” increase forecast by The Economist May 31, 2008), the cost of energy is now a major concern for all organizations. Thomas Homer-Dixon [22, p. 94] describes the significant changes that will come from “increasingly serious energy constraints, and the era of cheap oil [having] come to an end.” And as Jeremy Rifkin [12] pointed out at a recent Global Sourcing Conference, the declining access to low cost energy will require a new energy model. Rifkin argues for a global re-structuring of energy collection and distribution, which will have a significant impact on global outsource providers. With rising energy costs, Simon Forge [23] describes the increasing appetite for energy in data centres. Forge suggests that from 1996 to 2006 the number of computer servers in operation globally has increased by 400% and at the same time the power consumption per server has also increased by 400%, resulting in a situation where “(t)oday, from 15 percent to 35 percent of the operating budget of data centers goes on power supplies, including cooling energy.” [23, p. 10] The rise in computer processing capability, outlined by Moore’s Law, suggests that in a ten year period the processing power of a chip will increase by about 32 times, approximately doubling every18 months. So in a decade we should see four times as many computers, each being about 32 times more powerful, each consuming four times as much power. The dramatic increase in global computer capacity has contributed substantially to demand for electrical energy, resulting in increased GHG production. With a 16 fold increase (four times as many computers, with four times the power demands) in the computer power demand in one decade, and increasing energy costs, many organizations are very concerned about this rising and somewhat uncontrollable cost. Forge suggests that the power costs of running one server can equal half of its hardware costs over four years. To put this in context, Forge suggests that UK data centres consume five percent of the country’s maximum generation capacity and by 2010 the data centre growth is forecast to be 45 percent. It is conceivable that when office and home computers are added to data centre computing the demand for power will equal about 10 percent of overall energy production capacity. The European Commission Institute for Energy has recognized the problem of growing data centre energy consumption. The “Code of Conduct on Data Centres Energy Efficiency” [11] recognizes that “(t)he projected energy consumption rise poses a problem for EU energy and environmental policies. It is important that the energy efficiency of data centres is maximized to ensure the carbon emissions and other impacts such as strain on infrastructure associated with increases in energy consumption are mitigated.” The Code, which was released in October 2008, is voluntary and sets out a plan to define best practices and commitments for industry and governments. This document suggests an important and rising concern for environmental issues related to IT. Rutrell Yasin [24] identifies that the United States Department of Energy (DOE) is “leading the charge towards reducing power consumption and moving toward energy efficient computing.” The DOE established an industry goal of reducing data centre energy use by 10 percent by 2011. As Yasin points out, outsourcing does not solve the energy consumption problem, as it simply moves the problem from an in-house data centre to an outsourced facility. Recognizing this, Yasin quotes an unnamed Accenture representative who suggests that the data centre outsourcing will shift from a square footage pricing to power consumption pricing, which would be a significant change in the data centre outsourcing economic model. Regarding the impact of environmental responsibility on outsourcing, Douglas Brown [13] goes further. He suggests that “the influence of consumer and investor opinions for green corporate accountability and the creation of new government regulations in favor of protecting the environment have pushed green issues onto the boardroom agenda and onto the outsourcing vendors’ growing plate of priorities”. [13, p. 87] Brown suggests that over 94 percent of US and UK publicly traded companies that outsource functions plan on adding “green” clauses to their outsourcing renegotiation process. For organizations that outsourced for the first time in 2007, 43 percent included green factors in the selection process. Overall, environmental issues related to GITO are beginning to become very important, reflecting both economic concerns and the social responsibility concerns of many stakeholders. 2.3 Social Responsibility Standards Crane et al. [3, p.4] refer to the recent “rise in prominence of CSR” as well as “a burgeoning number of CSR standards, watchdogs, auditors and certifiers aiming at institutionalizing and harmonizing CSR practices globally.” Several industries such as apparel manufacturers, mining and forestry have created CSER standards and codes of conduct for their industries. Often these standards were developed in response to pressures from unions, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and multi-stakeholder organizations. For example, in the 1990s Nike was forced to respond to pressure from activists regarding its low-paid offshore workers who manufactured high-price athletic goods for the very profitable company. Nike, with others in the industry, responded with a robust internal management and external industry approach to create and comply with acceptable international labour standards [25, 26]. IT Outsourcing seemingly has some similar characteristics: low-paid offshore workers delivering high-price services for profitable global companies. Although the IT outsource operations are not apparel sweat-shops, the dystopian view of the 7x24 call centre is equally unappealing [19]. To date there are no industry standards defined for or applied to the GITO industry. However, at least four potentially relevant CSER standards may be appropriate to the IT outsourcing industry. The first is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which provides a consistent standard for reporting CSER activities. The second is the SA8000 standard from Social Accountability International (SAI) which defines global standards for decent working conditions. Third, the ISO organization has drafted ISO 26000 which defines a set of standard practices across all industries for CSER activities. The fourth standard is the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which defines ten universal CSER principles that its members support. GRI provides a “trusted and credible framework for sustainability reporting that can be used by organizations of any size, sector or location.”[10] GRI was developed over the last ten years and is now broadly recognized by many organizations as a standard for corporate responsibility and sustainability reporting. GRI provides a public record of organizations which have voluntarily provided their sustainability reports. Interestingly, for the 2007-2008 year, with only one exception (Accenture Spain) no IT outsourcing organizations had recorded their GRI compliance. Over 200 organizations, including many large global organizations, had registered with GSI at mid-year 2008. However, since the reporting is voluntary, perhaps GITO vendor organizations have yet to officially recognize GRI and to provide their sustainability report, as evidenced by their absence from the online public GRI record. SAI’s SA8000 standard has been widely adopted by almost 1700 facilities around the world. Much of the raison d’etre for SAI came from the 1990s realization that ‘sweat-shop labour’ and child-labour were frequently used to produce global branded products that were both fashionable and expensive. Klein [25, p. 372] comprehensively critiques the practice of global branded products made by “workers in Indonesia who earned $2 a day… [which] cost Nike only $5 to make the shoes, [which sold] for between $100 and $180”. SAI certification provides some assurance that products and services are delivered from facilities with fair working conditions for employees. However, a review of the online report (as of June 2008) of the SA8000 certified facilities suggests that none of the large GITO providers are currently certified. Five or six local or regional IT outsource providers are listed. The Tata Corporation, which also manufactures cars and provides a wide range of services including global IT outsourcing, is the only GITO provider listed as SA8000 compliant. ISO 26000 is a working draft that has not yet been ratified by ISO members and therefore has not been implemented. This standard provides a guide for organizations to voluntarily adopt CSER practices. With participation from about 80 countries and many stakeholder groups, ISO 26000 will likely be recognized as a universal standard, across most industries, when it is completed. The ISO 26000 standard addresses core CSER subjects including governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues and community involvement and development. The fourth standard, the UN Global Compact is a set of ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights (two principles), labour (four principles), environment (three principles) and anti-corruption (one principle). The Compact is focused on businesses, requiring CEO endorsement and annual reporting. The Compact’s overarching mission is to help build a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. To date, over 4700 corporate members have signed the Global Compact. In summary, three major themes are evident in the literature review. First, in the last three years the topic of social responsibility in outsourcing has gained increased attention from researchers. Second, environmental impacts and costs of IT related energy consumption are rapidly becoming an important issue for outsourced IT operations. Third, government and non-government organizations have begun to define and monitor standards for corporate social and environmental activities, which are applicable in varying degrees to global IT outsourcer providers. To conclude the literature review, the topic of CSER in GITO appears to be relevant and timely for further research. 3. METHODOLOGY Fieldwork was conducted in April, May and June 2008. The fieldwork consists of a qualitative and quantitative component. The qualitative component consisted of structured interviews. In total, 12 interviews were conducted, each lasting approximately 45 minutes. Notes were taken, and were compiled after the interview. All interviews were conducted in the interviewee offices. The interviewees were senior executives in their representative organizations, who were initially contacted to confirm their interest in this research topic. Interviewees included representatives from two major banks, two consumer product companies, three global outsourcing providers and three legal and accounting advisors. In addition, two subject matter experts, one from industry and one from academia, were interviewed to understand CSER concepts in this industry. A panel discussion was conducted in October, with four of the 12 interviewees as panel members. Bryman and Bell [28] define structured interviews as a standardized interview where interviewees are given exactly the same context of questioning, so that each respondent receives exactly the same interview stimulus as any other. The key benefit of structured interviews is that the answers can be aggregated when the replies are in response to identical cues. Interviews allow for personto-person interaction, and the ability to alter the line of questioning depending on the answers and discussion. This is particularly useful in preliminary interviews where the research questions are still being developed. The person-to-person interaction allows trust and confidence to be established, which is important when confidential or sensitive information is being collected. For example, the issue of ‘green-wash’ in CSER profiling is important to discuss, and would not be honestly captured in a survey or in a telephone interview. For this research, the format of the interview consisted of asking a number defined questions, based on topics from the literature review and based on the interviewee role. For example, each interviewee was asked to explain their role in outsourcing (buyer, manager, provider, advisor, etc.). Interviewees were asked to describe their past experience and future expectations regarding CSER in outsourcing, and how that would be relevant to their business operations. After each interview, the notes were reviewed and the interviewee comments were analysed. Comments that were not repeated by more than one interviewee were not analysed further. Comments or themes that were mentioned in multiple interviews were clustered into common themes. Appendix 1 provides an outline of the structured interview format. In addition to the interviews, the first author organized and chaired a focus group of global outsourcing industry experts (providers, buyers and advisors) to discuss the CSER issues, in October 2008. The focus group consisted of representatives from global outsourcing providers IBM and TCS, two outsourcing advisors and an invited audience of approximately 50 people. The panel was sponsored by the Centre for Outsourcing Research and Education (CORE). The ensuing discussion was transcribed in summary form. [29] Comments from the panelists augmented the interview results. Panel comments or discussion on a theme identified from the individual interviews were used to expand on the theme. The quantitative phase followed and consisted of a survey of outsourcing providers, buyers and intermediaries (lawyers, consultants, advisors) in Toronto, Canada. Bryman and Bell [28] suggest that survey questionnaires allow for quantifiable data to be collected and analysed with statistical methods. Further, the use of an electronic survey allows distant respondents to be contacted fast and at low cost. An additional important benefit of the questionnaire is that is cheaper and quicker to administer. The disadvantage of the survey in this research project is the inability to fully explain questions, and the possibility that some respondents may not interpret the questions correctly. As well, the number of respondents required to be statistically significant requires access to a large number of potential qualified email addresses. The survey questionnaire was prepared using the SurveyMonkey electronic instrument. Survey questions were based on three sources: 1) ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Working Draft 4.2, [9] 2) Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility [14] which was extended to include environmental issues, 3) Key themes from the preliminary interviews. For the survey, the Centre for Outsourcing Research and Education (CORE) identified students who had attended recent public Outsourcing Practitioner courses. These courses cover four topics: Outsourcing Essentials, Outsourcing Strategy, Governance and Relationship Management and Contracting and Performance Management. Students who attend the courses are generally executives and managers responsible for outsourcing within their organizations. The organizations are typically large corporations and governments, such as banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies and manufacturers. A total of 33 potential respondents, all outsource buyers, were identified from the list of student attendees and invited to participate. Mangione [30] suggests that response rates of 50 to 60% are barely acceptable, and below 50% as not acceptable. Of the 33 invitations, 22 surveys were fully or partially completed during June and October 2008, for a response rate of 67%, which is acceptable. The respondent profile is as follows: Respondents are from large corporations: 56% of the respondents’ firms had annual revenue of over $10 billion, 78% were over $2 billion. Financial service companies dominated the sample, with 53% of the population, followed by manufacturing at 21%. The respondents are experienced outsource buyers. 47% of the respondents had participated in more than three outsourcing contracts, with 21% participating in more than 20. 42% had participated in one or two contracts. Outsourcing contracts are reasonably large, with 22% having a total value over $100 million, 22% with values between $50 to $100 million, and 33% with a value from $10 to $50 million. Further respondent profile data are presented in the appendix 2. 4. ANALYSIS 4.1 Qualitative Phase Five key themes were derived from interviews with outsourcing buyers, providers and advisors, as well as the CSER focus group. .1 CSER in outsourcing is relevant and environmental concerns will be the most important issues. Several interviewees suggested that the CSER factor in outsourcing decisions was new, they had not seen any of these issues previously, but they expected CSER to be an important issue in the near future. One advisor commented on a recent client request for explicit CSER capabilities in an request for proposal (RFP) for outsourcing services. The Centre for Outsourcing Research and Education (CORE) has just included a Social Responsibility component in their education program. A recurring theme across all interviews was that environmental concerns such as carbon footprint, will be an important social issue ‘in the very near future’. The recent EU Code of Conduct for Data Centre Efficiency is an example of increasing concern for environmental issues in IT. One advisor mentioned that “carbon credits [as an environmental issue] have received more attention than CSR.” For some outsource providers, attention to environmental sustainability will be both an economic advantage and potentially a reputation advantage, as mentioned by two large global outsourcing firms. .2 CSER will be driven by consumer and employee stakeholder concerns. A recurrent theme from interviewees and at the focus group was a responsiveness to consumer pressures regarding CSER issues, in a similar manner to the Nike example discussed in section 2.3 above. Consumer product organizations have established CSER frameworks to manage products that may be tainted by CSER issues such as child labour or worker safety. Consumer oriented organizations such as retailers may be better equipped to deal with CSER issues, and may expect more from their outsource providers. Financial service representatives suggested that reputational risk is an important issue in any outsourcing activity. Equally important for many organizations is the perception of their employees. A concern expressed by several panelists at the focus group is that young employees have higher expectations of their employer’s CSER, especially as young workers replace the retiring baby boom generation. The implication is that employers, especially in IT outsourcing firms which rely heavily on ‘bright young talent’, need a strong positive CSER profile to attract and retain employees. One large outsource firm interviewee suggested that employee concerns regarding CSER are not too critical in ITO, because “it is unlikely that harsh working conditions will appear in an ITO environment.” However, the BPO environment may be more sensitive to CSER, because “BPO jobs are more commoditized; BPO functions do not require the same level of knowledge and skill that ITO requires.” .3 An organization’s brand reputation is an important CSER protection. A theme in several interviews was a belief that major outsourcing providers would protect their reputation and “do the right thing” with respect to CSR. Several mentioned how the offshore data centres look identical to North American corporate campuses. One outsource vendor suggested that CSER capabilities are a competitive advantage compared to other competitors, and especially when compared to second tier, or start-up, outsourcing providers. For example, IBM recently began an advertising campaign advocating their environmental and Green-IT capabilities, building on and evolving their strong brand reputation, and IBM recently published a white paper on CSR [31]. .4 Due diligence is a required component in CSER; beware of CSER cynicism. Several intermediaries (consultants, advisors) suggested that a thorough walk-through of CSER capability, in the due diligence phase of contracting, is the best way to ensure that the provider ‘can live up to the CSER requirements of the buyer’. However, as will be described later in this paper, most buyers rarely or never validate an outsource providers’ CSER claims. Although several global CSER standards are defined (as explained above) no one in the interviews or focus group was able to quickly identify CSER outsourcing standards or norms other than the buyer’s own expectations for CSR. Further, one advisor mentioned that acceptable CSER norms from North America may not be relevant in other economies and societies, so a buyer should not hold its provider to the same CSER standards. Several interviewees cautioned that CSER may become a marketing message, lacking substance, for some organizations. Organizations may quickly respond to consumer concerns with slick marketing messages rather than substantive CSER programs. One interviewee expressed caution against “green-washing” on environmental issues. At the focus group, panel members cautioned against CSER hypocrisy “being good at home, but bad abroad”, and the need to demonstrate CSER “walk the talk”. With corporate transparency enabled through global access to information on the Internet, “organizations can no longer say one thing and do another”. .5 Government and non-government standards and regulations will encourage CSER capabilities As part of the interview phase, CSER subject matter experts provided a perspective on the emerging global standards. These standards include ISO26000, SA8000, Global Reporting Initiative, and the UN Global Compact. Various CSER industry related standards are starting to emerge. For example, CSER related topics are embedded in standards for the extraction (mining) industry, the apparel industry, the marine industry, the forest industry and others. One executive at a large GITO provider pointed to the British Columbia (BC) government’s environment policies, and how the BC Ministry of Finance now “requires an outsourcer to comply with government goals of 30% reduction in carbon [GHG] output by 2020.” The BC government requires outsourcers to provide ‘green data centres’, which can be challenging for providers who “built data centres when power was cheap.” These concerns were echoed by an executive at another GITO who mentioned “CSR environmental issues will be driven by increasing costs of power and potential government carbon tax issues”. As part of the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, GRI has defined standards for industry sectors, such as financial institutions, automotive manufacturing metals and mining, etc. Various jurisdictions have defined CSER standards for financial services, such as the Public Accountability Report required for all large Canadian banks. Some authors [2] have suggested an industry CSER code of conduct for global outsourcing. Environmental standards and regulations may be included in broader CSER initiatives, such as the UN Global Compact and ISO26000, or may be directly defined and encouraged such as the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centre Efficiency. The most compelling environmental regulation is the concept of a carbon tax. Several jurisdictions have implemented some form of a carbon tax, which typically encourages reusable energy sources such as hydro and bio-mass, while discouraging non-renewable sources such as oil and coal or sources that contribute to green house gasses and climate change. Finland and Sweden implemented carbon based taxes in the 1990s. In North America, two Canadian jurisdictions, Quebec and British Columbia, implemented carbon based taxes in the last two years. With the US election of a Democratic party there is a strong voice for consideration of a carbon tax. For IT infrastructure outsource providers this suggests that an efficient carbon management model will be important. For example, outsourcing a data centre from North America to India may result in lower costs, but may result in higher carbon emissions because of the dirtier power sources such as diesel and coal. A government tax on the global emissions would force the buyer and provider to reconsider how and where outsourced infrastructure services are delivered. As organizations begin to report their environmental profile to stakeholders, which includes customers and employees, that profile will likely include direct providers such as IT outsource providers who will need to be as efficient or better than their customers. 4.2 Quantitative Phase The preliminary survey provides some interesting results. We found buyers do assess current provider CSER capabilities in outsourcing decisions, but they are ambivalent in their commitment to CSER in outsourcing contracts. Approximately 45% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that in past decisions, CSER has been a consideration when evaluating outsource providers. 28% disagree that CSER capability is considered in the decision, and a further 28% are not certain. However, 39% of buyers do not evaluate outsource provider CSER capability as part of the formal outsourcing criteria, and another 39% are uncertain if CSER is a formal outsourcing criterion. Only 22% of buyers surveyed have CSER as a formal outsourcing evaluation criterion. An overwhelming 88% of buyers never, or rarely, validate the outsource provider’s CSER capabilities and claims. Clearly, buyers have only recognized CSER marginally in outsourcing decisions to date. In stark contrast to current outsourcing decisions 94% of buyers responded that CSER considerations will become more important or much more important in future outsourcing contracts. Of those that responded, 100% identified environmental issues as a component in evaluation of a CSER profile for an outsource provider. Environmental issues include pollution, sustainable resource usage, protection of natural environment, etc. After environmental issues, respondents identified Labour and Fair Operating Practices both at 86%, followed by Human Rights at 71%, Consumer Issues at 57% and Community Involvement at 29%. This finding corroborates comments from the preliminary interviews which suggested that environmental topics are key CSER issues. See appendix 3 for further details. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The research question guiding this inquiry is ‘how do social and environmental responsibilities affect decisions to globally outsource IT’. The interview and survey findings begin to offer answers to this question, which will be relevant for outsourcing buyers, providers and advisors. For example, buyers may consider increased formalization of their CSER expectations for their providers, with a likely emphasis on environmental issues that are relevant for the buyer. Given some of the cynicism that was mentioned in the interviews, providers may anticipate that buyers will expect to validate CSER claims from their outsource providers. Buyers in a consumer oriented service may hold their outsource providers to the same level of CSER capability that consumers expect of the buyer, because the consumer does not distinguish where or how the product or service will be provided. Buyers may begin to apply relevant industry standards when assessing CSER capability, for example buyers may consider the ISO 26000 standard as it becomes finalized, as well as GRI reporting requirements when reviewing provider competencies and capabilities. Outsourcing providers may anticipate CSER expectations from the market. Providers who are able to demonstrate leadership in these issues may be able to carve out a niche or defend a competitive advantage. The findings from this preliminary research suggest that providers may anticipate the need to demonstrate their CSER capabilities, especially with respect to environmental sustainability requirements. The preliminary findings described above establish the foundation for future research. The research will specifically seek to focus on the concerns of organizations regarding CSER and environmental issues in global outsourcing. Specifically, will corporations have reservations about social responsibility issues when outsourcing on a global basis? Could global IT outsourcing be used to distribute wealth in developing countries? How will environmental concerns impact outsourcing decisions? The next stage of research will rely on more extensive interviews to develop in depth case studies coupled with larger scale survey data to understand the importance of CSER in making global outsourcing decisions. The intention is to extend this limited local survey to a broader set of outsourcing buyers, expanding beyond the initial set of Canadian respondents. At the same time, a similar set of survey questionnaires will be prepared for outsource providers and advisors to compare their understanding of these issues. Again, the base of participation should represent global stakeholders. One component of the research will be to compare and contrast the responses from the three stakeholder groups, providers, buyers and advisors, to understand the gaps in their perceptions to CSR. References 1. Lacity, M. and Willcocks, L. Global Sourcing of Business & IT Services. Hampshire, England: Palgrave MacMillan, 2006. 2. Sahay, S., Nicholson, B. and Krishna, S. 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[27] Supplier Capability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Domain Expertise Business Management Behavior Management Sourcing Technology Exploitation Process Re-engineering Customer Development Planning and Contracting Organization Design Governance Program Management Leadership Included in Competency Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Included in Competency Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Transformation Included in Competency Relationship Relationship Relationship Relationship Relationship Relationship Appendix 1 – Structured Interview Format 4 Questions for Buyers How many outsourcing decisions have you participated in, at your current organization, in the last three years? Approximately how many outsourcing contracts are active at this point in time? What is the approximate overall annual value of your current outsourcing contracts? When your organization makes outsourcing decisions, have you considered the corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile of the outsource provider? 5 Is the provider CSR capability part of your evaluation criteria? 1 2 3 Questions for Providers Questions for Advisors How many outsourcing contracts has your firm won in the last three years? Approximately how many outsourcing contracts are active at this point in time? What is the approximate overall annual value of your current outsourcing contracts? When your organization proposes an outsourcing arrangement does your firm promote its corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile? Do buyers include your CSR capability part of the evaluation criteria? How many outsourcing contracts has your firm provided advise on in the last three years? Have you validated the outsourcers' CSR capabilities and 6 claims? Does your organization communicate its CSR 7 capabilities? Which of the following components would you include in a CSR profile? 8 - improved health of the workers - improved family care for 9 workers 10 - improved education for workers 11 - safe working conditions Do you give preference to suppliers who have demonstrated 12 CSR? Have you been required to provide evidence of your CSR capabilities and claims? Does your organization communicate its CSR capabilities? Which of the following components would you include in a CSR profile? - improved health of the workers - improved family care for workers - improved education for workers - safe working conditions As a supplier, do buyers give preference if you have demonstrated CSR? Have you altered an outsourcing decision based on a supplier's 13 CSR track-record? Do you expect that CSR considerations will become more important, stay the same, or be less importance in future 14 outsourcing contracts? Has a supplier altered an outsourcing decision based on your CSR track-record? Do you expect that CSR considerations will become more important, stay the same, or be less importance in future outsourcing contracts? not applicable not applicable When your organization advises a client regarding an outsourcing arrangement does your firm focus on the supplier's corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile? Do buyers include CSR capability part of the evaluation criteria? Do your clients required confirming evidence of a supplier's CSR capabilities and claims? Does your organization communicate its CSR capabilities? Which of the following components would you include in a CSR profile? - improved health of the workers - improved family care for workers - improved education for workers - safe working conditions From your experience, do buyers give preference to suppliers that have demonstrated CSR? Are you aware of situations where a supplier has altered an outsourcing decision based on the supplier's CSR track-record? Do you expect that CSR considerations will become more important, stay the same, or be less importance in future outsourcing contracts? Appendix 2 - Respondent Profile Organization operates in… Canada USA UK Europe (other than UK) India China Africa Central America South America Australia / New Zealand 100% 80% 80% 60% 20% 60% 30% 30% 20% 30% Respondent role within organization… Senior Executive Manager Professional, non managerial 40% 30% 30% Outsourcing responsibility… Direct responsibility Indirect responsibility 60% 40% Approximate number of active outsourcing contracts… One or two 10% Three to five 40% Six to ten 10% Eleven to Twenty 10% More than Twenty 30% Number of outsource suppliers … One Two to five Six to ten Eleven to Twenty More than Twenty 10% 20% 40% 10% 20% From where does outsource provider deliver service… Canada 100% USA 78% UK 22% Europe (other than UK) 22% India 67% Asia (other than India and China) 22% China 11% Approximate total annual value of current outsourcing contracts… From $1million to $5m 11% From $5 million to $10m 0% From $10 million to $50m 33% From $50 million to $100m 22% From $100 million to $500m 22% Not sure 11% Appendix 3 – Detailed response information Respondents were asked to rate a series of CSER related capabilities on a five point Lickert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The CSER capabilities were based on Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, with additional environmental capabilities. The survey used ISO 2600 standard to create the environmental capability questions. The survey asked for a response to twenty-five statements related to economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic and environmental CSER capabilities. Carroll’s CSR Pyramid [14] identifies the priority of capabilities as Economic (most important), Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic (least important). Carroll’s model does not identify environmental capabilities. Respondents to the survey provided the following CSER capability priorities: 1. Legal – Strongly agree (average score = 4.7) 2. Environmental – Strongly agree (average score = 4.5) 3. Economic – Agree (average score = 4.3) 4. Ethical – Agree (average score = 4.1) 5. Philanthropic - Uncertain (average score = 3.2)