Appendix 2(j) 59 Budget Development Process 2011/12 -2013/14 Savings/Income Generation Options Savings Option Outdoor Activities Service Directorate Community and Customer Services Service Area & ABB Link Leisure and Sport Narrative Description of Savings Option Currently the total controllable revenue budget for the delivery of outdoor activities is £369,000 per annum. The service level agreement with School Services focuses on supporting the curriculum using the resources and expertise of the Outdoor Activities team. Leisure and sport currently deliver a community programme predominantly during the school holiday periods. The proposal would be to: The proposed way forward / savings option is to streamline the current in-house service both in terms of property and staffing and to make available the primary schools delivery to the private sector as well as the total community programme. Cease residential provision at Stronord Outdoor Centre and as a consequence close the facility. The revenue budget associated with operating Stronord would be identified as a saving. If DGC were to continue to operate from Stronord the latest indication of capital investment required would be in excess of £175k, and this would have to be identified from within existing resources. All schools who had booked Stronord for residential outdoor activities have been accommodated at Carlinwark Outdoor Activity Centre. Amend the timetabling priorities within the Schools Services Service level Agreement to reflect reprioritised service delivery. (Secondary standard grade provision). Savings/Income Generation Option Amounts 2011/12: £93,000 2012/13: £93,000 2013/14: £93,000 Details on the Calculation of Savings Option Amounts Saving Option Staffing redesign £81,894 Stronord Closure £24,752 106,646 Less loss of Income £13,646 Total Savings £93,000 Appendix 2(j) 59 Details on Staffing Implications and how this will be managed Reduction in staffing compliment To realise the savings the staff compliment would require to be reduced from the existing staffing levels. Proposed Staffing redesign On-costs Outdoor activities Officer (FTE) £28,000 currently vacant - £35,924 Outdoor Activities Instructor (FTE) £24,855 currently vacant - £31,889 Cook (PT) £10,975 opportunity to transfer to Ryan Centre - £14,081 Total Savings £63,830 £81,894 The remaining 4 outdoor activity instructors will focus only on delivering secondary school outdoor activities. Closure of operations at Stronord Outdoor Centre would realise a gross savings of £24,752. All residential and non residential courses currently delivered from Stronord can be accommodated at Carlingwark Outdoor Centre. If Stronord remains open capital investment circa £175k is required to guarantee continued use of the facility. Issues/Concerns Regarding Deliverability of Indicated Savings This proposal has been developed in partnership with Education and allows for the inhouse Outdoor Activities team to continue to deliver certificated secondary school curricular outdoor activities. Community Outdoor Activities and Primary School outdoor activities would be delivered by the private sector who have confirmed the capacity to undertake this work. Primary Schools will require to meet the costs associated with undertaking these activities. Risk Effect Assessment Effect on Service User Potential Effect 3 As a result of implementing this budget saving, a reduced number of school pupils may have access to certain aspects of the current outdoor activities they enjoy (specifically with regards to residential experience) Effect on Staff Moderate risks in relation to quality in relation to reduced staffing levels. Effect on Other Council Services Minor impact on schools services (Curriculum for Excellence) Effect on Council’s Agreed Priorities Minor impact in relation to delivery on Curriculum for Excellence. Effect on ability to attract External Funding None Total Potential Effect 2 2 1 1 9 Appendix 2(j) 59 Measures to Reduce/Address Risks and Minimise Any Negative Impacts Treat Maintain a core competency of staff with appropriate qualifications to enable technical Advisor status to remain. A minimum core outdoor activities staffing compliment is retained in order to meet the minimum service requirements (Secondary school certified course – Priority 1 and core secondary core PE – Priority 2). Maintain a single AALS license to ensure safety standards from a single locus (Carlingwark – Stewartry). Ensure that external verification from the Adventurous Activities Licensing Service on an annual basis. The community programme will be provided by private sector partners. By establishing strong working relationships with our private sector funding partners together with a strong SLA we will be able to minimise the negative impact on stakeholders. Minimising Negative Impacts Work with private sector partners to continue to provide Outdoor Activities to Primary Schools. Impact Assessment Summary Internal Assessment: Impact Summary - 0 Positive Impacts, 7 Neutral Impacts, 3 Negative Impacts Impact on Economic Sustainability – reduction in the number of people employed through the service. Impact on Social Sustainability – whilst activity provision will remain unchanged, support services will be reduced Impact on Environmental Sustainability – some groups will need to travel further to access the service Of the total saving (£93k), the financial implication of closing Stronord itself is minimal (£11,106 (24,752 total exp - £13,646 income)) whereas the staffing redesign will account for £81,894. The reduction in staff compliment and facility closure will result in substantial savings combined (Total £93k) and the two elements are interlinked. As a result of staff leaving the service two vacancies exist within the West of the region and so residential bookings have been moved from Stronord to Carlingwark as a result. Outdoor Activities (not residential) continue to be delivered in the West of the region within the Kirroughtree Forest. Summary of Actions: None