Abstract Dorchester County, Md. Sheriff's DepartmentCambridge, Maryland Police Department 2009 BJAG Recovery Funds The Dorchester County Sheriff's Department and the Cambridge Police Department are applying for $73,945 in 2009 Recovery Act funds. These funds are divided as follows: Dorchester County Sheriff's Department -- $12,597 and the Cambridge Police Department -- $61,348. Our project, entitled “Purchase of Radar Units and Police Vehicles” calls for the purchase of eight Stalker Dual Doppler Ka band radar units to be used by the Sheriff's Department and the purchase of two vehicles for the Cambridge Police Department. One of these vehicles would replace the current canine vehicle, which is ready to be taken out of service due to its age and mileage. The city would have no funds to replace this vehicle if it were not for the Recovery Act monies. The current vehicle is a 1999 model with 140,000 miles on it. The other vehicle would be used for community policing purposes. Again, the current vehicle is ready to be taken out of service due to age and condition with no prospects for replacement except for grant funds. The goals of the project are to ensure that jobs are preserved and that the law enforcement services that we provide to the community can continue without hindrance . Our strategy calls for the use of the radar units to enhance public safety and make motorists mindful of the dangers of driving at excessive speeds. This will save lives, prevent injuries, and preserve property. The second component of our strategy, the purchase of the police vehicles, will ensure that our community policing officers and canine patrol officers are able to retain their jobs. We have found that community policing, with close interaction between police officers and citizens, helps us to solve crime by opening up communication. The purchase of the canine vehicle will ensure that our drug sniffing dog will be able to continue working to reduce the drug problem in the city of Cambridge. The major deliverables are the purchase of this equipment. We will be ready to make this purchase as soon as we are notified of grant approval. There will be close coordination between the two agencies, just as we have had in the past. The funds will be administered by the Dorchester County Sheriff's Department and the city’s share channeled to the Cambridge Police Department. Public comment is invited on this grant application. Please forward comments by email to vjmann@comcast.net.