MARPLE BRIDGE SURGERY TRAVEL CLINIC We provide routine travel vaccinations and advice for registered patients as it is always important to ensure that your vaccinations are up to date, whether for holidays or for business trips. We are able to offer appointments at our Travel Clinic on Fridays between 12.45pm and 2.45pm. If you are unable to attend at this time or if you have a particularly complicated travel itinerary that require Japanese Encephalitis/Rabies etc. it may be more appropriate for you to go to a Private Travel Clinic such as One Stop Travel Clinic (905 1818). However, any free NHS vaccines will still be available from the surgery. The private clinics will charge you for all vaccinations given. For vaccinations given at the surgery, some but not all are available under the NHS. Those, which are not available under the NHS, meningitis and hepatitis B vaccinations (£37.50 per dose for each). Where a private prescription for malaria prophylaxis is required there will be an additional charge of £18.00 for this (the chemist will also charge for the cost of the drugs). Private prescriptions for medication required in case of illness while abroad £18.00 Payment to be made by cash or cheque on the day of vaccination. Temporary residents who wish to receive travel vaccinations will be offered them on a private basis, or they may prefer to register with the practice if this is more appropriate. If you wish to attend our Travel Clinic please complete the form overleaf (one for each person travelling) and leave it at reception at least one week before telephoning to arrange your appointment here. This ensures enough time for us to assess your individual vaccination needs depending on your medical history, previous vaccinations and travel plans. We can then give you an appropriate length appointment. Please note that some vaccination programmes need to commence up to eight weeks prior to travel. After each vaccination we ask you to remain in the surgery for twenty minutes in case you have any adverse reactions. Please note that no vaccinations are 100% effective and care must be taken as set out in the health leaflet you will be given. If you are taking Lariam (Mefloquine) antimalarial tablets you must not become pregnant within three months of completing the course. MARPLE BRIDGE SURGERY TRAVEL CLINIC DATE …………………………………………… NAME …………………………………………… DATE OF BIRTH ...………………… ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HOME TEL. NO…………………………… MOBILE NO……………………………….. Which countries do you intend to visit? Please give a detailed travel itinerary stating when and for how long you will be in each area, including brief stopovers. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Will you be staying in hotels or under more primitive conditions e.g. camping? ……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Does your journey include: Coastal areas? …………………… Inland areas? …………………….. Do you plan any safaris, jungle exploring or travel in difficult terrain? ……………………………… Females only: Are you pregnant or is there any possibility you could be? Are you allergic to anything? …………………………………………………………………… Have you ever reacted badly to a vaccination? Are you on any medication? …………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………... Have you had any recent illnesses or operations? ………………………………………………… Departure date ……………………………… Duration of stay ………………………………… Note: Please allow 5 working days after leaving this form before booking your appointment with the Nurse. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date received by practice…………………………………………………………………… Vaccination Hep A Hep B Typhoid Polio Tet/Dip Malaria Vacc. Recom. Already Covered Vacc. Req. Vacc. Recom. Already Covered Vacc. Req. Meningitis Rabies Jap./Encephalitis Tick Borne Malaria Length of Appt. Practice Nurse Signature………………………Scan………………Date…………………