a list of Michael`s recent research publications and

Michael Kiernan
Research Publications and Presentations (since 2000)
Cumming, S., Harris, L., Kiernan, M.J., & Williams, R.J. (2001). Semantic
priming of expectancies among high and low restraint nonproblem
drinkers.Australian Journal of Psychology, 53, 155-159
Cumming, S., Kiernan, M.J., & Livermore, A. (2001). Serial position effects,
words and figures, but not flavours. Chemical Senses, 26, 791
Dryer, R, Kiernan, M.J., Mason, L.M., Teng, A, & Betts, G.A. (2004).
Construct validity and reliability of the Conner’s Parent Rating Scale –
Revised (CPRS-R) in an Australian sample. In M. Katsikitis (Ed.).
Procedings of the 39th APS Annual Conference, (pp. 84-88).
Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Psychological Society, Ltd.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. (2006). Implicit theories of the
characteristics and causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) held by parents and professionals in the psychological,
educational, medical and allied health fields. Australian Psychologist,
58, 79-92.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. (2006). The effects of diagnostic
labelling on the implicit theories of attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder held by health professionals. Behaviour Change,23, 177-185.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. Implicit belifs regarding the
management strategies and long-term outcome for children with
ADHD. Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapists
Annual Conference, 29 June- 3 July 2002, Brisbane, Qld.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. Implicit theories of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Explanatory models used by parents
and professionals in the educational, medical, mental health and allied
health fields. Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapists
Annual Conference, 5-7 September 2001, Sydney, NSW.
Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Tyson, G.A. The effects of diagnostic labelling on
health professionals’ beliefs about the cause and treatment of ADHD.
28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, 8-13 August, 2004.
Hiramatsu, I., Dryer, R., & Kiernan, M.J. The effect of the cues that are not
present: A reevaluation of the Rescorla-Wagner model., 28th
International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, 8-13 August, 2004.
Hiramatsu, I., Dryer, R., Kiernan, M. J. Evaluation of cell information in a 2x4
contingency table. 4th International Conference on Cognitive Science,
Sydney, Australia. 13-17 July, 2003.
Hiramatsu, I., Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J. Changing what we think about cues
that are not present: A reevaluation of the Rescorla-Wagner model.
11th Australian Mathematical Psychology Conference, Sydney,
Australia. 27-30 November, 2003.
Hiramatsu, I., Kiernan, M.J., & Dryer, R. A simple feed-forward network with
lateral projections can simulate backward blocking. 2nd Australian
Learning Group Conference. July 12-15 2001, Magnetic Island, Qld.
Hiramatsu, I., Kiernan, M.J., & Dryer, R. Independent occurrence of an
outcome and its effect on causal judgments in retrospective
reevaluation. 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, 8-13
August, 2004.
Kiernan, M. J., Tyson, G. A., & Dryer, R. (2003). Implicit theories of ADHD
amongst professionals and lay people: A structural model incorporating
characteristics, causes and treatments. 4th International Conference
on Cognitive Science, Sydney, 13 - 17 July.
Kiernan, M.J., & Westbrook, R.F. The role of the dorsal subiculum and the
accumbens nucleus in mediating contextual freezing in the rat. 2nd
Australian Learning Group Conference. 12-15 July 2001, Magnetic
Island, Qld.
Kiernan, M.J., Betts, G., Dryer, R., Williamson, B. & Teng, A. Sensitivity of
the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children to the presence and
treatment of sleep-disordered breathing in Australian children. 17th
Annual Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association. Sydney,
Australia, 15-17 October, 2004.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A. & Dryer, R. Beliefs concerning the causes of
Bulimia Nervosa held by the general public,l university students and
health workers. 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, 813 August, 2004.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A. & Dryer, R. The relation between therapists’
beliefs about the causes and treatment of ADHD: The scientistpractitioner model under scrutiny. Australian Association of Cognitive
Behaviour Therapists Annual Conference, 29 June- 3 July 2002,
Brisbane, Qld.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A., & Dryer, R. (2003). Implicit theories of ADHD
amongst professionals and lay people: A structural model incorporating
characteristics, causes and treatments. In P.P.Slezak (Ed.).
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Cognitive
Science, (pp.286-291). Sydney, Australia: University of NSW.
Kiernan, M.J., Tyson, G.A., & Dryer, R. Can structural equation models be
used to examine implicit theories? 28th International Congress of
Psychology, Beijing, 8-13 August, 2004.
Ledgerwood, L., Kiernan, M.J., & Dryer, R. Latent inhibition (LI) and attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 2nd Australian Learning Group
Conference. 12-15 July 2001, Magnetic Island, Qld.
Teng, A., Betts, G., Kiernan, M.J., & Dryer, R. The construct validity and the
predictive validity of the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children in an
Australian sample. 39th APS Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.
October, 2004
Tyson, G.A., Dryer, R., Kiernan, M.J., & Waldron, C. Implicit theories of
ADHD - the parental perspective. Seventh Annual Conference of the
Society of Australian Social Psychologists. Melbourne, July 2001
Tyson, G.A., Dryer, Rachel, Kiernan, M.J., & Waldron, Catherine. Parents’
causal explanations of ADHD. The British Psychological Society
Division of Educational and Child Psychology Annual Conference,
Bournemouth, January 2002.
Tyson, G.A., Roufeil, L. & Kiernan, M.J. Better Outcomes in Mental Health
Care Initiatives in New South Wales Central West: An evaluation of
four service models. The National SARRAH Conference, Alice Springs,
26-28 August, 2004.
Tyson, G.A., Roufeil, L., & Kiernan, M.J. (2004). Evaluation of the Central
West Division of General Practice Better Outcomes in Mental Health
Initiative pilot program. Consultancy funded by the Better Outcomes in
Mental Health Initiative, June, 2004.