LESSON 10: THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE – battling sin March 20


LESSON 10: THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE – battling sin

March 20, 2011 @ church

Look up the passages in questions 1-3 and answer these questions:


If you haven’t seen the move “127 Hours” or heard Aaron Ralston’s story, look him up on the internet and read about what he went through in Bluejohn Canyon, Utah. Comparing his story with what Jesus calls us to do spiritually (not necessarily literally) in Matthew 5:29-30, how does that emphasize the seriousness of sin before God?


Read I Timothy 6:12. How does that passage describe the life of faith?


According to Romans 8:13 and Romans 6:11-14, why is it so important to fight for our faith and constantly battle our sin?

Look up the passages in bold below. We’ll fill in the blanks of questions 4-6 at Bible Study, but read through the questions and think about them a bit before we get together:


With the Bible taking sin so seriously and making it clear to us that it serious, why do we work so hard to improve our academic or athletic or musical skills more than we to improve our relationship with

God, especially battling sin? Here are five critical mistakes church kids tend to make: a.

We do not take our sin as ____________________ as we should. b.

We wrongly categorize certain sins as ______________ and others as __________. c.

We lack _________________________ in battling our sin. d.

We battle our sinful __________________, but we fail to deal with our sinful ___________. e.

We confuse godly and worldly _____________________.


Why must we battle sin? a.

Sin is first and foremost rebellion and against ______________. Read Psalm 51:4 b.

We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners; meaning we have a sinful

____________. Read Psalm 51:5 c.

Everyone is in this battle because everyone is a _________________. Read Romans 3:23 d.

God views sin seriously. In fact, He will ________________ and ____________ our sin.

Read Romans 2:5-11 e.

Sin _______________ us from God. f.

The result of not battling sin is _________________. Read Romans 8:13 again.


How can and should we battle sin? a.

Pray to God for _______________________ of sin. b. Pray for help from the ____________ ______________. c. It is easy most times to identify sinful actions, but not necessarily the source of sin. Sometimes we need to seek the advice of _____________ __________________. d. When we have clearly identified sin in our hearts, we need to ___________ and ask God to

______________ our sin. Read I John 1:9 e. We must continue to battle sin every ________________ of every ___________, knowing that we are not left in our sin but are new creations by the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of His

Holy Spirit. Read Romans 6:17-18

For a Christian, there is never an excuse for sin. Excuses only leave us denying our sin – there is no remedy for excuses. However God offers a complete and full remedy in Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, our sins are forgiven completely and we are covered in Christ’s righteousness.

The old has gone, the new has come. SO BE WHO YOU ARE!
