JOB DESCRIPTION Clinical Nurse Specialist - Diabetes Position Title: Clinical Nurse Specialist - Diabetes Organisation Unit: Chronic and Complex Care – Diabetes Service Location: Whangarei, Northland District Health Board Responsible to: Clinical Nurse Manager - Diabetes, Chronic and Complex Care Northland District Health Board Primary Functions of the Position: To provide specialist diabetes advice / education / case management for primary & secondary service clients with complex issues, either directly with the client or via another health provider To Participate as an effective member of the Diabetes Service Functional Relationships The Clinical Nurse Specialist - Diabetes will develop and maintain excellent relationships with: Internal External Members of the Diabetes Service NDHB Diabetes Specialist Physicians Maori Health Unit NDHB NDHB Hospital Ward and Department Staff and support services throughout the organisation General Outpatient staff Health Promotion Unit Director of Nursing and Midwifery Patients & their family / whanau Primary Healthcare providers – PHO’s & Iwi providers / Northland wide Schools / pre-school centers Community Health Social support agencies Consumer advocates Diabetes Northland Local & Regional Councils NZNO Diabetes Nurse Specialist Section Key Responsibilities and Expected Outcomes Northland District Health Board has established a set of values by which the organisation will respond, in part, to achieving its goals and objectives through their workforce. The following Values and supporting statements are expected behaviours of each individual employed with NDHB: Values Supporting Statement People First Tangata I te tuatahi Respect Whakaute (tuku mana) Caring Manaaki Communication Whakawhitiwhiti korero Excellence Taumata teitei (hirangi) People are central to all we do We treat others as we would like to be treated We nurture those around us, and treat all with dignity and compassion We communicate safely, openly and with respect to promote clear understanding Our attitude of excellence inspires success, competence, confidence and innovation The position of Clinical Nurse Specialist - Diabetes encompasses the following major functions or key result areas: Provision of Clinical Leadership in Northland for diabetes care Provision of Educational Leadership in Northland for diabetes care Professional development & maintenance of Expert practice Continuous Quality improvement Treaty of Waitangi Health and Safety The outcome requirements of the above key responsibility areas are outlined below: Key Responsibility Area Expected Outcomes Provision of Clinical Leadership for those patients with complex or special needs relating to diabetes Receives, triages & actions direct referrals from other health professionals, providing care as per nursing process and incorporating the principles of holism, empowerment & cultural safety. Plans & conducts nurse led clinics for clients with specialist needs re their diabetes management Collects and records accurately demographic information as a patient is referred and accepted for treatment in the Diabetes Service. Documentation is maintained within Northland DHB Policy Guidelines Utilises advanced assessment skills in ascertaining a clients overall health status re diabetes and related complications, & / or co-morbidities. Role models application of evidence –based, best practice, & reflective practice principles in all care delivery. Demonstrates expert & autonomous practice in the clinical setting. Works collaboratively with MDT members in a leadership role in diabetes management Provides clinical leadership for other health practitioners in both primary & secondary care throughout Northland, offering advice, education and support in case management. Acts as client advocate for those on clinical caseload, or requiring specialist secondary care services. Key Responsibility Area Expected Outcomes Provides counseling & support for patients & whanau for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, or in crisis. Refers directly to other practitioners both within & outside multi-disciplinary team, including General Practitioners. Discharges patients from caseload when considered appropriate. Works in accordance to NDHB policies Acts with delegated medical authority from Physician in ordering blood tests, & adjusting medications (including Insulin) Effective time management, priority setting, co-ordination and communication skills are practiced. Provides leadership in diabetes education for the Northland Region Professional Development Continuous Quality Improvement Acts as a resource for medical, nursing & related health practitioners re evidenced-based, best practice in diabetes providing leadership for the region of Northland Works in a leadership role with physician & other members of Diabetes Team to maintain policies for NDHB that reflect best practice. Leads in developing & delivering formal diabetes education programmes, applying the principles of adult teaching, for other health personnel working in both primary & secondary service. Attends & presents at Regional & / or National Conferences Leads & facilitates Regional / Peripheral Team days Works collaboratively with Primary Care providers to increase public awareness & understanding of diabetes through Diabetes Awareness Week projects. Works with other agencies & health providers in developing a collaborative, regional approach to diabetes management Coordinates and facilitates orientation of students allocated for clinical experience to the unit. Maintains currency in Diabetes Care best-practice through attending Conferences, literature review, & liaison with other Diabetes practitioners. Achieves & maintains advanced practice in diabetes care & education Participates in peer review & reflective practice processes, & MDT client review Demonstrates competency in applying delegated medical authority to practice. Reviews / evaluates current practices & systems regularly against consumer feedback, other models of practice, & current research in diabetes care Identifies areas for improved efficiency or quality of service delivery Creates & innovative solutions in conjunction with other MDT members Trials solutions & evaluates outcomes, incorporating professional / peer, & consumer feedback as appropriate Demonstrates commitment to implementing agreed outcomes of the Team May lead in the development of protocols, clinical guidelines, Key Responsibility Area Expected Outcomes quality improvement projects, audits and research. Participates in policy planning. Provides reports as requested by Clinical Nurse Manager. Treaty of Waitangi Health & Safety Contribute to the promotion of the principles of Treaty of Waitangi and the involvement if Maori within the decision making process for their health and independence, within District Health Board management processes and procedures Include the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi within all aspects of the role and its outcomes Ensure that consultation and engagement processes include appropriate mechanisms to meet the need of Maori in a culturally appropriate and safe manner Attend the Northland District Health Board Treaty of Waitangi Training Seeks peer review & cultural audit of practice Ensure compliance with designated responsibilities detailed in Northland District Health Board’s Health and Safety Policy Promote an environment of physical, occupational, cultural, ethical and legal safety Observe safe work practices, rules and instructions relating to work, and be pro-active in hazard management Willingly co-operate in the achievement of all health and safety goals and initiatives by: Practicing and observing safe work methods; The use of safety equipment; Reporting unsafe conditions or equipment; and Reporting and documenting all accidents or incidents Attend Good Stuff Day annually Variation of Duties Duties and responsibilities described above should not be construed as a complete and exhaustive list as it is not the intention to limit in any way the scope or functions of the position. Duties and responsibilities can be amended from time to time either by additional, deletion or straight amendment by the Clinical Nurse Manager, Diabetes to meet any changing conditions, however this will only be done in consultation with the employee. Person Specification Education and Qualifications Essential RGON / RCN with Current practicing Certificate Current Driving License Evidence of continuing commitment to Professional Development. Post Grad Diploma or working towards Desirable Post graduate study in Diabetes or NZNO Diabetes Nurse Specialist pathway or assessment and /or education Expert Level Diabetes Knowledge and Skills framework Experience Essential Minimum 5 years postgraduate experience 18 months recent experience in diabetes Current drivers license Desirable Range of general medical / surgical / emergency nursing Experience in adult teaching or counseling Awareness and Understanding of Essential The Treaty of Waitangi and its application to the health setting Privacy Act (1993) and Health Information Privacy Code (1994) Health and Safety in Employment Act (1992) Desirable Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights) Regulations (1996) New Zealand Council of Healthcare Standards Skills & Personal Attributes Skills Able to work both autonomously & collaboratively within a wider team & community Advanced assessment skills Advanced communication skills Personal Attributes Ability to form therapeutic relationships with people from a wide variety of social / ethnic /cultural backgrounds Ability to assess & manage crisis situations & refer appropriately as indicated Genuineness & concern for the wellbeing of clients & whanau with diabetes Performance Development Review An initial review of performance will be conducted after three months, with an annual review thereafter. An individual Development Plan will be developed to reflect the contribution this position is expected to make towards achieving the team’s objectives and measures. Key result areas will be developed and agreed at this time. Authorised by: Signature: Date: Acceptance Acceptance of the position implies acceptance of this position description. Position Title: Signature of employee: Date: