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STV4307: Politikk i avanserte industrisamfunn
Kursledere: Oddbjørn Knutsen
Emnets innhold: I studiet av politikk i avanserte industrisamfunn har det de seneste årene
vært en tendens til at teorier om politiske partier, konfliktlinjer og sosiale og politiske
strukturer har tatt opp i seg innsikter fra politisk økonomi og vise versa. Dette emnet
reflekterer denne trenden. Emnet tar opp de strukturelle omforminger som har funnet sted på
en rekke områder de siste 30-40 år i rike vestlige samfunn og analyserer de politiske
konsekvensene av disse endringene. Det legges vekt på å beskrive og forklare forskjeller og
likheter mellom vesteuropeiske land. Spørsmål knyttet til globalisering og europeisk
integrasjon berøres, men kursets hovedsikte er komparativt.
Kurset gir en oversikt over flere temaer som kan danne grunnlag for masteroppgave.
Tilleggslitteraturen er satt opp i tilknytning til de enkelte forlesningene og er ikke referert i
selve forelesningsplanen.
Undervisningsform: Hovedsaklig forelesninger, men også seminarer med diskusjon av
Evalueringsform: Essay (10-15 sider) og skriftlig skoleeksamen.
1.-2 gang: Kursoversikt. Teorier om de avanserte industrisamfunn. De avanserte
industrisamfunnenes strukturelle trekk. Orientering om tema for kursoppgaver/essay
Crouch (1999: kap. 1-4); Hall (1999); Kitschelt m. fl. (1999: introduction)
3. gang:
Arbeidslivsorganisering, korporatisme og produksjonsregimer
Crouch (1999: kap. 12); Ebbinghaus & Visser (1999); Rhodes (2001), Soskice
4. og 5. gang: Velferdsregimer. Velferdsstatenes utvikling. Politiske konflikter i velferdsregimene
Esping Andersen (1990: kap. 1-2, 1999: kap. 1-3, 5); Huber og Stephens
(2001); Iversen og Wren (1998); Pierson (1996, 2001)
6. gang:
Diskusjon av kursoppgaven
7. gang:
Flanagan & Inglehart (1987); Flanagan & Lee (2003); Inglehart (1997: kap. 13); Kitschelt (1994: kap 1)
8. gang:
Sosialdemokratiske og kristeligdemokratiske partiers strategiske dilemmaer
Kitschelt (1994: kap. 1; 1999); Kersbergen (1999), Green-Pedersen, van
Kersbergen og Hemerijk (2001)
9. gang:
Hvorfor vinner venstresosialistiske, grønne og høyreradikale partier
Kitschelt (1988); Kitschelt (1995: kap. 1, 2, 9)
10. gang:
Konvergens og divergens i avanserte industrisamfunn/kursevaluering
Crouch (1999: kap. 14-15); Kitschelt m.fl. (1999: kap. 15)
Crouch, Colin (1999): Social change in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kap. 1-4, 12, 14, 15
145 s.
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Jolle Visser (1999): 'When institutions matter. Union growth and
decline in Western Europe, 1950-1995', European Sociological Review 15: 135-158
24 s.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990): The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Oxford: Polity
Press, kap. 1-2
46 s.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1999): Social foundations of postindustrial economies. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, kap. 1-3, 5
72 s.
Flanagan, Scott C & Ronald Inglehart (1987): 'Value change in industrial societies',
American Political Science Review 81: 1289-1319
31 s.
Flanagan, Scott C. & Aie-Rie Lee (2003): 'The new politics, culture wars, and the
authoritarian-libertarian value change in advanced industrial democracies', Comparative
Political Studies 36: 235-270
36 s.
Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Kees van Kersbergen og Anton Hemerijck (2001): 'Neoliberalism, the 'third way' or what? Recent social democratic welfare policies in Denmark
and the Netherlands', Journal of European Public Policy, 8 (2): 307-325
18 s.
Hall, Peter A. (1999): 'The political economy of Europe in an era of interdependence', kap.5 i
Herbert Kitschelt m. fl. (1999): Continuity and change in contemporary capitalism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
29 s.
Huber, Evelyne og John D. Stephens (2001): 'Welfare state and production regimes in the
era of retrenchment', kap. 4 i Paul Pierson (red.): The new politics of the welfare state.
Oxford: Oxford University Press
40 s.
Inglehart, Ronald (1997): Modernization and postmodernization. Cultural, economic and
political change in 43 societies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, kap. 1-3 101 s.
Iversen, Torben & Anne Wren (1998): 'Equality, employment, and budgetary restraint. The
trilemma of the service economy', World Politics 50: 507-546
40 s.
Pierson, Paul (1996): 'The new politics of the welfare state', World Politics 48: 143-179 37 s.
Pierson, Paul (2001): 'Coping with permanent austerity. Welfare state reconstructuring in
affluent democracies', kap. 13 i Paul Pierson (red): The new politics of the welfare state.
Oxford: Oxford University Press
47 s.
Rhodes, Martin (2001): 'The political economy of social pacts: 'Competitive corporatism',
and European welfare reform', kap. 6 i Paul Pierson (red): The new politics of the welfare
state. Oxford: Oxford University Press
30 s.
Kersberger, Kees van (1999): Contemporary Christian Democracy and the demise of the
politics of mediation’, kap. 12 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red.): Continuity and change in
contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
28 s.
Kitschelt, Herbert (1994): The Transformation of European Social Democracy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, kap. 1 (s. 8-37)
30 s.
Kitschelt, Herbert (1999): ’European Social Democracy between political economy and
electoral competition’, kap. 11 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red.): Continuity and change in
contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
29 s.
Kitschelt, Herbert (1988): 'Left-Libertarian Parties: Explaining Innovations in Competitive
Party Systems', World Politics 40: 194-234
Kitschelt, Herbert (1995): The Radical Right in Western Europe - A comparative analysis.
Ann Arbor, Mich: The University of Michigan Press, kap. 1, 2, 9
96 s.
Kitschelt, Herbert m.fl. (1999): 'Introduction', i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red.): Continuity and
change in contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
8 s.
Kitschelt, Herbert m. fl. (1999): 'Convergence and divergence in advanced capitalist
democracies', kap. 15 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red.): Continuity and change in
contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
34 s.
Soskice, David (1999): 'Divergent production regimes: Coordinated and uncoordinated
market economies in the 1980s and 1990s', kap. 4 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red): Continuity
and change in contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
34 s.
Sum pensum:
996 s.
1. og 2. gang: Teorier om de avanserte
industrisamfunnenes strukturelle trekk
Bell, Daniel (1973): The coming of post-industrial society. New York: Basic Books
Kumar, Krishan (1995): From post-industrial to post-modern society: new theories of the
contemporary world. Oxford: Blackwell
3. gang: Arbeidslivsorganisering, korporatisme og produksjonsregimer
Arbeidslivsorganisering og korporatisme
Baccaro, Lucio (2002): 'The construction of 'democratic' corporatism in Italy', Politics and
Society 30: 327-357
Bloom-Hansen, Jens (2000): 'Still corporatism in Scandinavia? A survey of recent empirical
findings', Scandinavian Political Studies 23: 157-181
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Anke Hassel (2000): 'Striking deals: concertation in the reform of
continental welfare states', Journal of European Public Policy 7: 44-62
Ferner, Anthony & Richard Hyman (red.) (1998): Changing industrial relations in Europe.
Oxford: Blackwell
Golden, Wallerstein & Lange (1999): ‘Postwar Trade-Union Organization and Industrial
Relations in Twelve Countries’, kap. 7 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl. (red.): Continuity and
change in contemporary capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Lijphart, Arend og Markus M. L. Crepaz (1991): 'Corporatism and Consensus Democracy in
Eighteen Countries: Conceptual and Empirical Linkages', British Journal of Political
Science 21: 235-246
Regini, Mario (2000): 'Between deregulation and social pacts: the responses of European
economies to globalisation', Politics and Society, 28: 5-33
Siaroff, Alan (1999): ’Corporatism in 24 industrial democracies: Meaning and
measurement’, European Journal of Political Science 36: 175-205
Kap. 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, og 12 i John H. Goldthorpe (red.) (1984): Order and conflict in
contemporary capitalism. Studies in the political economy of Western European Nations.
Oxford: Clarendon Press
Visser, Joel (2000): 'From Keynesianism to the third way: Labour relationship and social
policy in postwar Western Europe, Economic and Industrial Democracy 21: 421-456
Wallerstein, Michael og Bruce Western (2000): 'Unions in decline? What has changed and
why', Annual Review of Political Science 3: 355-77
Western, Bruce (1995): 'A comparative study of working class disorganisation: Union
decline in eighteen advanced capitalist countries', American Sociological Review 60: 179201
Hall, Peter A. og David Soskice (red.): Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University
4.-5. gang: Velferdsstatene
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1996) (red.): Welfare states in transition. National adaptations in
global economies. London: Sage
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (red.) (2002): Why we need a new welfare state. Oxford: Oxford
University Press
Huber, Evelyne, Charles Ragin & John D. Stephens (1993):’Social Democracy, Christian
Democracy, Constitutional Structure and the Welfare State’, American Journal of Sociology
99: 711-749
van Kersbergen, Kees (1995): Social capitalism – a study of Christian Democracy and the
welfare state. London: Routledge
Pierson, Paul (1996): Dismantling the welfare state? Reagan, Thatcher and the politics of
retrenchment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Pierson, Paul (2000): 'Three worlds of welfare state research', Comparative Political Studies
33: 791-821
Pierson, Paul (red.) (2001): The new politics of the welfare state. Oxford: Oxford University
Rhodes, Martin (1996): 'Globalisation and West European welfare states: A critical review
of recent debates', Journal of European Social Policy 6: 305-327
Stephens, John D., Evelyne Huber & Leonard Ray (1999): ‘The welfare states in hard times’,
kap. 6 i Herbert Kitschelt m.fl (red.): Continuity and change in contemporary capitalism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
7. gang: Verdiendringer
Abramson, Paul & Ronald Inglehart (1995): Value change in global perspective. Michigan:
University of Michigan
Arts, Wil, Jacques Hagenaars & Loek Halman (2003): The cultural diversity of European
unity. Leiden: Brill
Arts, Wil & Loek Halman (2004): European values at the turn of the millennium. Leiden:
Bell, Daniel (1978): The cultural contradictions of capitalism. New York: Basic Books
Halman, Loek & Neil Nevitte (red.) (1996): Political value change in Western democracies.
Tilburg: Tilburg University Press
Inglehart, Ronald (1977): The Silent Revolution - Changing Values and Political Styles
among Western Publics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
Inglehart, Ronald (1990): Cultural Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press
Inglehart, Ronald (1997): Modernization and postmodernization. Cultural, economic and
political change in 43 societies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
Knutsen, Oddbjørn (1995): ‘The Impact of Old Politics and New Politics Value Orientations on
Party Choice – A Comparative Study’, Journal of Public Policy 15: 1-63.
van Deth, Jan & Elinor Scarbrough (red.): The Impact of Values, Volume 4 in ‘Beliefs in
Government’. European Science Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press
8. gang: Sosialdemokratiske og kristeligdemokratiske partier
Sosialdemokratiske partier
Bevir, Mark (2000): 'New Labour: a study in ideology', British Journal of Politics and
International relations 2: 277-301
Buckler, Steve & David P. Dolowitz (2000): 'New Labour's ideology: A reply to Michael
Freeden', Political Quarterly 71: 102-109
Coates, David & Colin Hay (2001): 'The internal and external face of New Labour's political
economy', Government and Opposition 36: 447-471
Cuperus, Rene and Johannes Kandel (red.) (1998): European Social democracy:
Transformation in progress. Amsterdam: Wiardi Beckman Stifting/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Driver, Stephen & Luke Martell (2000): 'Left, right and the third way', Policy & Politics 28:
Finlayson, Alan (1999): 'Third way theory', Political Quarterly 70: 271-279
Freeden, Michael (1999): 'The ideology of New Labour', Political Quarterly 70: 42-51
Parliamentary Affairs 56 (1), 2003
Pierson, Chris & Francis G. Castles (2002): 'Australian antecedents of the third way',
Political Studies 50: 683-702
Kitschelt, Herbert (1994): The Transformation of European Social Democracy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, kap. 2-7
Kristeligdemokratiske partier
Broughton, David & Hans-Martien ten Napel (red.) (2000): Religion and mass electoral
behaviour in Europe. London: Routledge
Hanley, David (red.) (1994): Christian Democracy in Europe: A comparative perspective.
London: Pinter
Irving, R.E.M. (1979: The Christian Democratic parties in Western Europe. London: Georg
Allen & Urwin
van Kersbergen, Kees (1995): Social capitalism – a study of Christian Democracy and the
welfare state. London: Routledge
9. gang: Venstresosialistiske, grønne og høyreradikale partier
Venstresosialistiske og grønne partier
Bürklin, Wilhelm (1987): ‘Governing left parties frustrating the radical non-established Left:
the rise and inevitable decline of the Greens’, European Sociological Review 3: 109-126
Bürklin, Wilhelm (1988): ‘A politico-economic model instead of a sour grape logic: a reply
to Herbert Kitschelt’s critique’, European Sociological Review 4: 161-166
Poguntge, Thomas (1993): Alternative Politics. The German Green Party. Edinburgh:
Edinburg University Press
Kitschelt, Herbert (1988b): ‘The life expectancy of Left-libertarian parties. Does structural
transformation or economic decline explain party innovation? A response to Wilhelm
Bürklin’, European Sociological Review 4: 155-160
Kitschelt, Herbert (1989): The logic of party formation: Ecological politics in Belgium and
West Germany. Ithaca og London: Cornell University Press
O'Neill, Michael (1997): Green parties and political change in contemporary Europe. New
Politics, old predicaments. Aldershot: Ashgate
Richardson, Dick & Chris Rootes (red.) (1995): The Green challenge. The development of
Green parties in Europe. London: Routledge
Høyreradikale partier
Betz, Hans-Georg (1994): Radical right-wing populism in Western Europe. Houndmills:
Betz, Hans-Georg and Stefan Immerfall (red.) (1998): The new politics of the right: Neopopulist parties and movements in established democracies. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Merkl, Peter & Leonard Weinberg (red.) (1993): Encounters with the contemporary radical
right. Boulder: Westview Press
Kitschelt, Herbert (1995): The radical right in western Europe - a comparative analysis.
Ann Arbor. The Michigan University Press, kap. 2-8
Parliamentary Affairs 45 (3) 1992
Parliamentary Affairs 53 (3), 2000: 407-530
Veugelers, John W. P. (1999): 'A challenge for political sociology: The rise of far-right
parties in contemporary Western Europe', Current Sociology 47: 78-100
10. gang: Konvergens og divergens
Goldthorpe, John (1984): 'The end of convergence: Corporatist and dualist tendencies in
modern western democracies', kap. 13 i John H. Goldthorpe (red.): Order and conflict in
contemporary capitalism. Studies in the political economy of Western European Nations.
Oxford: Clarendon Press
Shonfield, Andrew (1965): Modern capitalism. The changing balance of public and private
power. London: Oxford University Press