Bibliografia di Etnometodologia e Analisi della Conversazione

Bibliography of Articles / Monographs of Interest In Ethnomethodology and
Conversation Analysis
Compiled by Matthew R. Treadwell (University of Sheffield)
Incorporating information collected by B.J.Fehr, Yoshifumi Mizukawa, Jeff.Stetson and Paul
Ten Have.
Abercrombie, N. (1974). “Sociological indexicality”. Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour, 4 (1), 89-95.
Ackroyd, S., Harper, R., Hughes, J., Shapiro, D. & Soothill, K. (1992). New Technology and
Practical Police Work: the social context of technical innovation. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Adato, A. (1979). “Unanticipated topic continuations”. Human Studies, 2(2), April, 171-186.
Adato, A. (1980). “"Occasionality" As A Constitutent Feature of the Known-in-Common
Character of Topics”. Human Studies, 3 (1), January, 47-64.
Agre, P.E. (1990). “Plans and Situated Actions - the Problem of Human-Machine
Communication - Suchman,La”. Artificial Intelligence, 43 (3) 369-384.
Agre, P. (1999). “Hazards of Design: Ethnomethodology and the Ritual Order of Computing”.
[Online]. Available from
[Accessed 28 July 2001].
Albert, E. (1982). “Ethnomethodology: The audience that knows the speech discovers it”. In:
McCormack, T. (ed) Culture, code and content analysis, Vol. 2: Studies in
Communications. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Alvarez-Cáccamo, C. & Knoblauch H. (1992). “"I was calling you": Communicative patterns
in leaving a message on an answering machine”. Text 12: 473-505.
Anderson, D.C. (1978). “Some organizational features in the local production of a plausible
text”. Philosophy of the social sciences, 8: 113-35.
Anderson, D.C. (1978). “Social work reports and the grammar of organizational reaction”.
Analytic Sociology, 1 (3).
Anderson, D.C. (1979). “Stories and arguments: Narrative assembly and contrastive
characterization as contributive features to the local organization of a sociology text”.
Pragmatics Microfiche.
Anderson, D.C. & Sharrock, W.W. (1979). “Biasing the news: Technical issues in 'media
studies”. Sociology, 13 (3), 367-385. [Reprinted in Wilhoit (ed) (1981). Sage
Yearbook of Communication Studies.] [Part 1 of 4 part debate. See: Murdock, G.
(1980); McKeganey, N. and Smith, B. (1980); and Sharrock W.W. and Anderson,
D.C. (1982).].
Anderson, D.C. & Sharrock, W.W. (1981). “Irony as a methodological convenience, A sketch
of four variations”. Analytic Sociology, 2 (4). [Version in: Wright, E.L. (Ed.) (1984).
Irony. London, UK: Harvester.]
Anderson, R.J. (1977). “Research activities and professional practices”. Analytic Sociology,
Anderson, R.J. (1978a). “Social interaction”. In: Meighan, R. et al. (eds) Perspectives on
society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978b). “Listening to conversation”. In: Meighan. R. et al. (eds) Perspectives
on society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978c). Rescuing Schutz from the role theorists. University of Manchester:
Department of Sociology (Occasional Papers in Sociology, No. 1).
Anderson, R.J. (1981). A Sociological Analysis Of Some Proceedures For Discerning
Memebership, Ph.D, University of Manchester.
Anderson, R.J. (1984). “The empirical study of power”. In: Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock W.W.
(eds) Applied sociological perspectives, pp. 167-189. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J. (1987). “The reality problem in games and simulations”. In: Crookall, D.,
Greenblat, C., Klabbers, J. & Coote, A. (eds) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's.
Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Anderson, R.J. (1994).”Representations and requirements: the value of ethnography in
systems design”. Human-Computer Interaction, 9 (2), 151-182.
Anderson, R.J., Heath, C.C., Luff, P.K. & Moran, T. (1993). “The Social and the Cognitive in
Human-Computer Interaction”. International Journal of Man Machine Studies, 38:
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984a). “Wittgenstein and comparative
sociology”. Inquiry, 27 (1/2), 268-276.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984b). “Analytic work: aspects of the organization of
conversational data”. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 14: 103-24.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., & Sharrock, W.W. (1985a). “The sociology game: An
introduction to sociological reasoning”. London, UK: Longman. [Review: Brown,
R.K. (1986) Sociology, 20 (1), 95-96.]
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1985b). “The relationship between
ethnomethodology and phenomenology”. Journal of the British Society for
Phenomenology, 16 (1), 221-235.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1986). Philosophy and the human sciences.
Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987a). “Executive problem finding: Some
material and initial observations”. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50 (2), 143-159.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987b). Classic disputes in sociology.
London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987c). Some initial problems with the
strong programme in the sociology of knowledge. (Manchester Polytechnic Occasional
Papers, No. 1.).
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1989) Working for profit: the social
organization of calculation in an entrepreneurial firm. Aldershot: Avebury.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1981). “Aspects of the distribution of work tasks in
medical encounters”. Analytic Sociology, 2 (4).
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1982). “Sociological work: Some procedures sociologists
use for organizing phenomena”. Social Analysis, 11: 79-92.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984a). “Analytic work: Aspects of the organization of
conversational data”. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 14 (1), 103-124.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984b). “Under the influence”. Philosophy, 59, 385-388.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (eds) (1984c). Applied sociological perspectives. London,
UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1986). “Methodological tokenism, or Are good intentions
enough?” Semiotica, 58 (1/2), 1-27.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1993) “Can organization afford knowledge?”. Computer
Supported Cooperative Work, 1: 143-161.
Anderson, R., Sharrock, W.W. & Watson, R. (1989). “Utterances and operations in air traffic
control”. In: Langage et travail, 1989: 221-34.
Anderson, W.T. (1986). “The apostolic function of the dentist”. In: Fisher, S. & Todd, A.
(eds) Discourse and institutional authority: Medicine, education, and law, pp. 78-90.
Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Anderson, W.T. (1989) “Dentistry as an activity system: sequential properties of the dentistpatient encounter”. In: Helm, D.T., Anderson, W.T., Meehan, A.J. & Rawls, A.W.
(eds) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order, pp. 81-97.
New York: Irvington.
Antaki, C. (1999). “Assessing quality of life of persons with a learning disability: How setting
lower standards may inflate well-being scores”. Qualitative Health Research 9:
Antaki, C. & Horowitz, A. (2000). “Using Identity Ascription to Disqualify A Rival Version
of Events as "Interested"”. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 33: 155-177.
Antaki, C., Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. & Rapley, M. (2000). “"Brilliant. Next question...":
High-grade assessment sequences in the completion of interactional units”. Research
on Language and Social Interaction, 33: 235-262.
Antaki, C. & Wetherell, M. (1999). “Show concessions”. Discourse Studies, 1: 1-32.
Antaki, C. & Widdicombe, S. (eds) (1998). Identities in Talk. London: Sage.
Arminen, I. (1996). “On the moral and interactional relevancy of self-repairs for life stories of
members of Alcoholics Anonymous”. Text, 16: 449-480.
Arminen, I. (1998). Therapeutic interaction: a study of mutual help in the meetings of
Alcoholics Anonymous. Helsinki: The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies.
Arminen, I. (1999). “Conversation Analysis: A quest for Order in Social Interaction and
Language Use”. Acta Sociologica, 42: 251-257.
Arminen, I. (2000). “On the context sensitivity of institutional interaction”. Discourse &
Society, 11: 435-458.
Armstrong, E.G. (1979) “Phenomenologophobia”. Human Studies, 2 (1), January.
Ashmore, M. & Reed, D. (2000, December). “Innocence and Nostalgia in Conversation
Analysis: The Dynamic Relations of Tape and Transcript”. Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung / Forum:Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 1 (3).
Available from [Accessed 8 July 2001]
Atkinson, J.M. (1969a). “On the Sociology of Suicide”. Sociological Review, 16, 83-92.
Atkinson, J.M. (1969b). “Suicide and the Student”. Universities Quarterly, 23, 213-224.
Atkinson, J.M. (1971). “Societal reactions to suicide: The role of coroners' definitions”. In:
Cohen, S. (ed) Images of deviance, pp. 165-191. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Atkinson, J.M. (1973). “Status integration, suicide and pseudo-science”. Sociology, 4, 251264.
Atkinson, J.M. (1974). “Versions of deviance”. Sociological Review, 22: 616-625.
Atkinson, J.M. (1978). Discovering suicide: studies in the social organization of sudden
death. London: Macmillan.
Atkinson, J.M. (1979a). “Postscript: Notes on practical implications and possibilities”. In:
Atkinson, J.M. & Drew, P. Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in
Judicial Settings, pp. 217-232. London: Macmillan.
Atkinson, J.M. (1979b). “Sequencing and shared attentiveness to court proceedings”. In:
Psathas, G. (ed) Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology, pp. 257-286. New
York: Irvington.
Atkinson, J.M. (1981). “Ethnomethodological approaches to socio-legal studies”. In:
Podgorecki, A. & Whelan, C.J. (eds) Sociological approaches to law, pp. 201-223.
London, UK: Croom Helm.
Atkinson, J.M. (1982). “Understanding formality: The categorization and production of
"formal" interaction”. British Journal of Sociology, 33: 86-117.
Atkinson, J.M. (1983). “Two devices for generating audience approval: a comparative study
of public discourse and texts”. In: Ehlich K. & van Riemsdijk, H. (eds).
Connectedness in sentence, discourse and text, pp. 199-236. Tilburg: Katholieke
Hogeschool Tilburg:
Atkinson, J.M. (1984a) Our masters' voices: the language and body language of politics.
London: Methuen.
Atkinson, J.M. (1984b). “Public speaking and audience responses: some techniques for
inviting audience applause”. In: Atkinson, J.M. & Heritage, J. (eds) Structures of
Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. pp. 370-407. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1985). “Refusing invited applause: preliminary observations from a case
study of charismatic oratory”. In: van Dijk, T.A. (ed). Handbook of discourse analysis,
Vol. III, pp. 161-181. London: Academic Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1986). “The 1983 election and the demise of live oratory”. In: Crewe, I. &
Harrop, M. (eds) Political communications: The general election campaign of 1983.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1992). “Displaying neutrality: formal aspects of informal court proceedings”.
In: Drew, P. & Heritage, J. (eds) Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings,
pp.199-211. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1995). “Majorspeak: Observations on the Prime Minister’s style of speaking”.
In: Crewe, I., & Gosschalk, B. (eds.), Political Communication: The General
Election of 1992, pp. 259-264. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (forthcoming, 2001). “Mere Rhetoric?” In: Brack, D. (ed.) Great Liberal
Atkinson, J.M. & Drew, P. (1979). Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in
Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan.
Atkinson, J.M. & Heritage, J. (eds) (1984) Structures of Social Action: Studies in
Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, M.A., Cuff, E.C. & Lee, J.R.E. (1978). “The recommencement of a meeting as a
member's accomplishment”. In: Schenkein, J.N. (ed) Studies in the organization of
conversational interaction, pp. 133-153. New York: Academic Press.
Atkinson, M.A. (1980). “Some practical uses of "a natural lifetime"”. Human Studies, 3 (1),
January, 33-46.
Atkinson, P.A. (1981). “Inspecting classroom talk”. In: Adelman, C. (ed) Uttering, muttering,
collection, using and reporting talk for social and educational research. Grant
Atkinson, P.A. (1985). “Talk and identity: Some convergences in micro-sociology”. In: Helle,
H.J. & Eisenstadt, S.N. (eds) Micro-sociological theory, pp. 117-132. Beverly Hills,
CA: Sage.
Atkinson, P.A. (1988). “Ethnomethodology: A critical review”. Annual review of sociology,
14: 441-465.
Atkinson, P.A. & Heath, C.C. (eds) (1981). Medical work: Realities and routines.
Farnborough, UK: Gower. [Review: Helm, D. (1983) Social Science and Medicine,
17: 51-52.]
Attewell, P. (1974). “Ethnomethodology since Garfinkel”. Theory and Society, 1: 179-210.
[See discussion by Peyrot, M. (1982) in Human Studies.]
Auer, P. (1979). Referenzierungssequenzen in Konversationen: Das Beispiel Ortsangaben
[Reference-establishing sequences in conversation: Local terms]. LB, 62: 94-106.
Auer, P. (1981a). Einige konversationsanalytische Aspekte der Organisation von 'CodeSwitching' unter italienischen Immigrantenkindern. Revue de PhonŽtique appliquŽe,
Auer, P. (1981b). “Wie und warum untersucht man Konversation zwischen Aphasikern und
Normalsprechern?: Zur Anwendung der Konversationsanalyse in der
Aphasietherapieforschung” [How and why do we investigate conversation between
aphasics and normal speakers?: Uses of conversation analysis in research on aphasia
therapy]. In: Peuser, G. & Winter, S. (Hrsg.) Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft, pp.
480-512. Bonn: Bouvier.
Auer, P. (1981c). “Zur indexikalitŠtsmarkierenden Funktion der demonstrativen Artikelform
in deutschen Konversationen”. [The indexicality marking function of the
demonstrative article in German conversation]. In: Hinkelang, G. & Zillig, W. (Hrsg.)
Sprache: Verstehen und Handeln, pp. 301-311. TŸbingen: Niemeyer.
Auer, P. (1982). “Transferierte Rituale in bilingualen Interaktionen italienischer
Migrantenkinder” [Transferred rituals in bilingual interactions of Italian immigrant
children]. In: Bausch, K.-H. (Hrsg.) Mehrsprachigkeit in der Stadtregion, pp. 194-224.
DŸsseldorf, Schwann.
Auer, P. (1983). “berlegungen zur Bedeutung der Namen aus einer 'realistischen' Sichtweise”
[Thoughts on proper names from a 'realistic' point of view]. In: Faust, M. et al. (Hrsg.)
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: Sprachtypologie und Textlinguistik, pp. 173-186.
TŸbingen: Narr.
Auer, P. (1984a). Bilingual conversation. Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins. [Reviews:
Mahecha, N.R. Language, 62 (4), 953-954; Heller, M. (1988) Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 10.]
Auer, P. (1984b). “On the meaning of conversational code-switching”. In: Auer, P. & di
Luzio, A. (eds) Interpretive sociolinguistics, pp. 87-112. TŸbingen: Narr.
Auer, P. (1984c). “Referential problems in conversation”. Journal of Pragmatics, 8: 627-648.
Auer, P. (1985). “Code-switching and transfer among Italian migrant children in West
Germany: A summary”. Studi Emigrazione, 79: 298-314.
Auer, P. (1986a). “Kontextualisierung” [Contextualization]. Studium Linguistik, 19: 22-47.
Auer, P. (1986b). “Phonologische und konversationelle Aspekte von Standard/DialektKontinua” [Phonological and conversational aspects of code-switching]. Deutsche Sprache, 5.
Auer, P. (1987a). “Le transfert comme strategie conversationnelle dans le discours en 'L2'”.
In: Ludi, G. (ed) Devenir bilingue - parler bilingue, pp. 57-75. TŸbingen, Niemeyer.
Auer, P. (1987b). “A conversation analytic approach to code-switching and transfer”. In:
Heller, M. (ed) Code-switching: Anthropological and linguistic perspectives. Berlin:
Auer, P. (1988). “LiebeserklŠrungen, oder: ber die Mšglichkeiten einen unmšglichen
Handlungstyp zu realisieren”. [Love declarations, or: Some possibilities to realize an
impossible activity]. Sprache und Literatur, 61: 11-31.
Auer, P. (1990). “Rhythm in telephone closings”. Human Studies 13: 361-392.
Auer, P. (1992). “A "clash of ideas" or an exercise in scholastic 'misunderstanding'?: A
response to Button's response”. Human Studies 15: 291-297.
Auer, P. & di Luzio, A. (1984). Interpretive sociolinguistics. TŸbingen, BRD: Narr.
Auer, P. (with di Luzio, A.) (1986). “IdentitŠtskonstitution in der Migration:
Konversationanalytische und linguistische Aspekte ethnischer Stereotypisierungen”.
[The constitution of identity in migration: Conversation-analytic and linguistic aspects
of ethnic stereotyping]. LB, 104: 327-351.
Auer, P. (with Uhmann, S.) (1982). “Aspekte der konversationellen Organisation von
Bewertungen”. [Aspects of the conversational organization of assessments]. Deutsche
Sprache, 1:1-31.
Austin, H. (1996). “Reading Positions and the student-of-literature in a Year Six Classroom”.
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 19 (2), 144-153.
Austin, H. (1997a). “Literature for School: Theorising 'The Child' in Talk and Text”.
Language and Education, 11 (2), 77-95.
Austin, H. (1997b). “The 'child' as enacted in a primary school literature classroom”. In: Gale,
T., Erben, A. & Danaher, P.A. (eds) Diversity, Difference and Discontinuity:
(Re)mapping teacher education for the next decade. Refereed Proceedings of the 27th
Annual Conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA),
Yeppoon, Queensland Australia, 5-8 July,
Avison, N.H. & Wilson, R.J. (eds) (1974). Ethnomethodology, labeling theory and deviant
behavior. London.
Baccus, M.D. (1986a). “Sociological indication and the visibility criterion of real word
theorizing”. In: Garfinkel, H. (ed) Ethnomethodological studies of work, pp. 1-19.
London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Baccus, M.D. (1986b). “Multipiece truck wheel accidents and their regulations”. In:
Garfinkel, H. (ed) Ethnomethodological studies of work, pp. 20-59. London, UK:
Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Baker, C.D. (1982a). “The adolescent as theorist: An interpretive view”. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 11 (3), 167-181.
Baker, C.D. (1982b). “Adolescent-Adult talk as a practical interpretive problem”. In: Payne,
G.C.F. & Cuff, E.C. (eds) Doing teaching: The practical management of classrooms,
pp. 104-125. London,UK: Batsford.
Baker, C.D. (1983a). “The 'age of consent' controversy: Age and gender as social practice”.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 19(1), 96-112.
Baker, C.D. (1983b). “A 'second look' at interviews with adolescents”. Journal of Youth and
Adolescence, 12 (6), 501-519.
Baker, C.D. (1984). “The search for adultness: membership work in adolescent-adult talk”.
Human Studies, 7 (3/4), 301-323.
Baker, C.D. (1991). “Literary practices and social relations in classroom reading events”. In:
Baker, C.D. & Luke, A. (eds) Towards a critical sociology of reading pedagogy,
pp.161-188. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Baker, C.D. (1992). “Description and Analysis in Classroom Talk and Interaction”. Journal of
Classroom Interaction, 27 (2), 9-14.
Baker, C.D. (1997a). “Ethnomethodological Studies of Talk in Educational Settings”. In:
Davies, B. & Corson, D. (eds) Oral Discourse and Education. Volume 3, Encylopedia
of Language and Education, pp. 43-52. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Baker, C.D. (1997b). “Membership categorization and interview accounts”. In: Silverman
D., (ed) Qualitative research: Theory, method and practice, pp. 130-143. London:
Baker, C.D. (1997c). “Ticketing rules: categorization and moral ordening in a school staff
meeting”. In: Hester, S. & Eglin, P. (eds) Culture in action: studies in membership
categorization analysis, pp. 77-98 Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
Baker, C.D. & Davies, B. (1989). “A lesson on sex roles”. Gender and Education, 1 (1), 6178.
Baker, C.D. & Freebody, P. (1986). “Representations of questioning and answering in
children's first school books”. Language in Society, 15 (4), 451-484.
Baker, C.D. & Freebody, P. (1987). “'Constituting the child' in beginning school reading
books”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 8 (1), 55-76.
Baker, C.D. & Freebody, P. (1988). “Talk around text: Constructions of textual and teacher
authority in classroom discourse”. In: DeCastell, S., Luke, A. & Luke, C. (eds)
Language, authority and criticism: Readings on the school textbook, pp. 263-283.
London, UK: Falmer Press.
Baker, C. & Keogh, J. (1995). “Accounting for achievement in parent-teacher interviews”.
Human Studies, 18: 263-300.
Baker, C. & Keogh, J. (1997). “Mapping moral orders in parent-teacher interviews”. In:
Marcarino, A. (ed) Analisi della conversatione e prospettive di recerca in
etnometodologia. pp. 25-42. Urbino: Editioni QuattroVenti.
Baker, C.D. & Perrott, C. (1988). “The news session in infants and primary classrooms”.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 9 (1), 19-38.
Bange, P. (1992) Analyse conversationnelle et théorie de l'action. Paris: Hatier/Didier.
Bar-Hillel, Y. (1954). “Indexical expressions”. Mind, 63: 359-379.
Barnes, B. (1981). “On the conventional character of knowledge and cognition”. Philosophy
of the Social Sciences, 11: 303-333.
Barnes, B. (1985). “Essay Review: Ethnomethodology as science”. Social Studies of Science,
15 (4), 751-761.
Barnes, B. & Law, J. (1976). “Whatever should be done with indexical expressions?” Theory
and Society, 3: 223-237.
Baross, Z. (1981). “'Kiss-ass talk': A move in the language game of servants and masters”.
Semiotica, 34: 71-89.
Barraja-Rohan, A-M. (1994). “A very delayed acceptance to an invitation in a French
conversation”. In: Gardner, R. (ed) Spoken Interaction Studies in Australia, Australian
Review of Applied Linguistics, series S, 11:153-172.
Barthélémy, M. (1999). “La lecture-en-action: entre la présupposé d'un monde objectif et son
accomplissement situé”. [Reading-in-action: between the presupposition of an
objective world and its situated accomplishment], langage & société, 89: 95-121.
Barthélémy, M., Bonu, B., Mondada, L. & Relieu, M. (1999). 2Enquêtes en
ethnométhodologie et en analyse conversationnelle: du texte à la video”.
[Ethnomethodological and conversation analytic investigations: from text to video],
langage & société, 89: 5-8.
Baugh, K. & Mohan, R.P. (1985). “Husserl, Schutz and Garfinkel: Some continuities and
contrasts”. Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 9 (1), 2-12.
Baumann, Z. (1973). “On the philosophical status of ethnomethodology”. The Sociological
Review, 21: 5-23.
Beach, W.A. (1982). “Everyday interaction and its practical accomplishment: Progressive
developments in ethnomethodological research”. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68:
Beach, W.A. (1983). “Background understandings and the situated accomplishment of
conversational telling-expansions”. In: Craig, R. & Tracy K. (eds) Conversational
coherence, pp. 196-221. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Beach, W.A. (1985). “Temporal density in courtroom interaction: Constraints of the recovery
of past events in legal discourse”. Communication Monographs, 52: 118
Beach, W.A. (1989). “Foreward: Sequential organization of conversational activities”.
Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53 (2), 85-90.
Beach, W.A. (1990a). “Orienting to the phenomenon”. In: Anderson, J.A. (ed)
Communication Yearbook 13. pp. 216-244. Newbury Park: Sage.
Beach, W.A. (1990b). “Language as and in technology: facilitating topic organization in a
Videotex focus group meeting”. In: Medhurst, M.J., Gonzalez, A & Peterson, T.R
(eds) Communication and the culture of technology. Pullman: Washington State
University Press.
Beach, W.A. (1991a). “Avoiding ownership for alleged wrongdoings”. Research on Language
and Social Interaction, 24: 1-36.
Beach, W.A. (1991b). “Searching for universal features of conversation”. Research on
Language and Social Interaction, 24: 351-368.
Beach, W.A. (1993). “Transitional regularities for `casual' "Okay" usages”. Journal of
Pragmatics 19: 325-352.
Beach, W.A. (1996). Conversations about illness: family preoccupations with bulimia.
Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. [Review: Glenn, P.J. (1998). “Review of W.A.
Beach, Conversations about Illness: Family Preoccupations with Bulimia”. Human
Studies, 21 (2), April].
Beach, W.A. & Japp, P. (1983). “Storifying as timetravelling: the knowledgeable use of
temporally structured discourse”. In: Bostrum, R. (ed) Communication Yearbook 7,
pp. 867-888. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Bekaert, S. (1992). “Een interpretatieve kritiek op het etnomethodologisch behaviourisme”.
[An interpretative critique of ethnomethodological bahaviourism], Tijdschrift voor
Sociologie 13: 221-260.
Bekaert, S. (1996). “Olifant-transformatie in Zaïre: Een Sakata genezingsritueel
etnomethodologisch bekeken”. [Elephant-transformation in Zaire: A Sakata healing
ritual, ethnomethodologically considered], Medische Antropologie 8: 278-305.
Bellman, B.L. (1975). Village of curers and assassins: On the production of Fala Kpelle
cosmological categories. The Hague: Mouton.
Bellman, B.L. (1978). “Ethnohermeneutics: On the interpretation of intended meaning in
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Macmillan Press; Also reprinted in Stimson J. & Stimson, A. (eds) (1987). Sociology,
Contemporary Readings, 2nd Edition, pp. 169-180. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock.]
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Lynch, M. (1985b). “Discipline and the material form of images: an analysis of scientific
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Lynch, M. (1985c). “La rétine extériorisée: selection et mathématization des documents
visuels”. [The externalized retina: selection and mathematization in the visual
documentation of objects in the life sciences]. Culture Technique, 14 (Juin), 108-123.
Lynch, M. (1987). “Ethnométhodologie et pratique scientifique: la pertinence du détail”.
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Cahiers de Recherches Sociologiques, 5 (2), 47-64.
Lynch, M. (1988a). “Alfred Schutz and the sociology of science”. In: Embree, L.(ed.), Worldly
phenomenology: the influence of Alfred Schutz on human science, pp. 71-100.
Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University
Press of America.
Lynch, M. (1988b). “The externalized retina: selection and mathematization in the visual
documentation of objects in the life sciences”. Human Studies, 11 (2/3),201-234.
[Reprinted in Lynch, M., & Woolgar, S. (eds) (1990). Representation in scientific
practice, pp. 153-186. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press; Originally published in
translation: Lynch, M. (1985). “La rétine extériorisée: selection et mathématization
des documents visuels”. Culture Technique, 14 (Juin), 108-123.]
Lynch, M. (1988c). “Horizons pratiques et artistiques de l'observation scientifique”. Bulletin
de Psychologie, Tome XLI (386), 571-575.
Lynch, M.E. (1988d). “Sacrifice and the transformation of the animal body into a scientific
object: laboratory culture and ritual practice in the neurosciences”. Social Studies of
Science, 18 (2),265-289.
Lynch, M. (1991a). “Allan Franklin’s transcendental physics”. In: Fine, A., Forbes, M. &
Wessels, L. (eds) PSA 1990, Proceedings of the 1990 Biennial Meeting of the
Philosophy of Science Association. Volume II. pp. 471-485. E. Lansing, MI:
Philosophy of Science Association.
Lynch, M. (1991b). “Laboratory space and the technological complex: an investigation of
topical contexures”. Science in Context, 4 (1), 81-109. [Reprinted in: Starr, S.L. (1995)
(ed.), Ecologies of knowledge: work and politics in science and technology, pp. 226256. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.]
Lynch, M. (1991c). “Method: measurement - ordinary and scientific measurement as
ethnomethodological phenomena a”. In: Button, G. (ed.) Ethnomethodology and the
human sciences, pp. 77-108. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [a I am grateful
to Bob Anderson for his helpful suggestions while I was preparing this chapter, and to
David Bogen for his comments on an earlier draft. I was also aided by recent
discussions with Harold Garfinkel, and I rely heavily upon what I have learnt from him
over the years.]
Lynch, M. (1991d). “Pictures of nothing? Visual construals in social theory”. Sociological
Theory, 9 (1), 1-21.
Lynch, M. (1991e). “Science in the age of mechanical reproduction: contextual uses of
diagrams in contemporary biology”. Biology and Philosophy 6: 155-176.
Lynch, M. (1992a). “Extending Wittgenstein: the pivotal move from epistemology to the
sociology of science”. In: Pickering, A. (ed.), Science as practice and culture, pp. 215265. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Reprinted in French Translation under the
title, Lynch, M. (2001). “Apres Wittgenstein: Le tournant de l’epistmologie a la
sociologie des sciences”. In de Fornel, M., Ogien, A. & Quéré, L. (dir.)
L'ethnométhodologie: une sociologie radicale, pp. 123-160 {Colloque de Cerisy}.
Paris: Editions La Découverte {Collection "Recherches"}.]
Lynch, M. (1992b). “From the "Will to Theory" to the discursive collage: A reply to Bloor's
"Left and right Wittgensteinians"”. In: Pickering, A. (ed.), Science as practice and
culture, pp. 283-300. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lynch, M. (1992c). “Going full-circle in the sociology of knowledge: Comment on Lynch
and Fuhrman”. Science, Technology, and Human Values, 17 (2), 228-233.
Lynch, M. (1993a).“Epistemic cleansing: Puritan critic disrupts catholic meeting at Oxford”.
The Achievement Project Newsletter, 3 (2), 2-4.
Lynch, M. (1993b). “Harvey Sacks’ philosophical investigations: Review essay of Jefferson,
G. (ed.) (1989) ‘Harvey Sacks, Lectures 1964-65’. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers”. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 23 (3), 395-402.
Lynch, M. (1993c). “Representing reference, or how to say ‘fish’”. Social Epistemology, 7
(4), 355-358.
Lynch, M. (1993d). Scientific practice and ordinary action: ethnomethodology and social
studies of science. New York: Cambridge University Press.[Review: Ragouet, P.
(2000). “Book Review: Scientific practice and ordinary action: ethnomethodology and
social studies of science”. Revue Francaise De Sociologie, 41 (1) Jan-Mar, 172-174. ]
Lynch, M. (1994a). “Collins, Hirschauer and Winch: Ethnography, exoticism, surgery,
antisepsis and dehorsification”. Social Studies of Science, 24 (2), 354-369.
Lynch, M. (1994b). “Representation is overrated: Some critical remarks about the use of the
concept of representation in science studies”. Configurations, 2 (1), 137-149.
Lynch, M. (1995a). “Collaboration and scandal: A comment on Labinger”. Social Studies of
Science, 25 (2), 324-329.
Lynch, M. (1995b). “Ethnography and textual authority: Comment on Dauber”. Current
Anthropology, 36 (1), 86-87.
Lynch, M. (1995c). “On Making Explicit”. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3: 65-68.
Lynch, M. (1995d). “Springs of action or vocabularies of motive?2. In: Gouk, P. (ed.),
Wellsprings of Achievement: Cultural and Economic Dynamics in Early Modern
England and Japan, pp. 94-110. Aldershot: Valarium.
Lynch, M. (1996a). “DeKanting agency: Comments on Bruno Latour’s ‘On interobjectivity’”.
Mind, Culture, and Activity, 3 (4), 246-251.
Lynch, M. (1996b). “Detoxifying the "poison pen effect"”. In: Ross, A. (ed.), Science
Wars. pp. 238-258. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Lynch, M. (1996c). “Ethnomethodology”. In: Kuper A. & Kuper J. (eds) The Social Science
Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition. pp. 265-266. London: Routledge.
Lynch, M. (1997a). “A so called fraud: moral modulations in a literary scandal”. History of
Human Sciences, 10 (3), 11-23. [Republished in translation: Lynch, M. (1998). “Variations
vocales et modulations morales d’un scandale littéraire”. In: Jurdant B. (ed.),
Impostures Scientifiques: Les malentendus de l’affaire Sokal, pp. 43-51. Paris:
Éditions La Découverte/Alliage, No. 35-36.]
Lynch, M. (1997b). “A sociology of knowledge machine.” Ethnographic Studies, 2 (Autumn),
Lynch, M. (1997c) “Preliminary notes on judges' work: The judge as a constituent of
courtroom hearings”. In: Travers, M. & Manzo, J. (eds) Law in Action: Ethnomethodological
& Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law, pp. 99-130. Aldershot, UK: Dartmouth
Publishing Co.
Lynch, M. (1998a). “Obituary: Peter G. Winch”. Social Studies of Science, 28: 172-175.
Lynch, M. (1998b). “The discursive production of uncertainty: The O.J. Simpson "dream
team" and the sociology of knowledge machine”. Social Studies of Science, 28 (5/6),
Lynch, M. (1998c). “The production of scientific images: Vision and re-vision in the history,
philosophy, and sociology of science”. Communication & Cognition, 31 (2/3),
Lynch, M. (1998d). “Towards a constructivist genealogy of social constructivism”. In:
Velody, I. & Williams, R. (eds) The Politics of Constructionism, pp. 13-32. London:
Sage. [ Reprinted in French translation under the titleLynch, L. (2001). “Vers une
genealogie constructiviste du constructivisme”. In: “Chassez le naturel: Ecologisme,
naturalisme et constructivisme”. Special issue of Revue du Mauss, 17(1), 224-246.]
Lynch, M. (1999a). “Archives in formation: Privileged spaces, popular archives, and paper
trails”. History of the Human Sciences, 12: 65-87.
Lynch, M. (1999b). “Silence in Context: Ethnomethodology and Social Theory”. Human
Studies, 22 (2-4), 211-233. [Republished in Japanese translation in Culture and
Society, (2000) 2 (October), 6-36.]
Lynch, M. (2000a). “Against reflexivity as an academic virtue and source of privileged
knowledge”. Theory, Culture, and Society, 17 (3), June, 26-57.
Lynch, M. (2000b). “Response to Wes Sharrock”. Text 20 (4), 541-544.
Lynch, M. (2000c). “The ethnomethodological foundations of conversation analysis”. Text, 20
(4), 517-32. [Also published (in French translation), under the title Lynch, M. (2001).
“Les fondements ethnomethologiques de l’analyse de conversation”. In: de Fornel, M.,
Ogien, A. & Quéré, L. (eds) L'ethnométhodologie: une sociologie radicale, pp. 25976. Paris: La Decouverte]
Lynch, M. (2000d). “What’s the point?”. Exhibit in museum exhibition, N01SE: Universal
Language, Pattern Recognition, Data Synaesthetics. Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge & The
Wellcome Trust, Two10 Gallery, London, 28 January - 1 May 2000. [Published in
catalogue designed by Adam Lowe and edited by Alfred Birnbaum. Cambridge:
Kettle’s Yard.]
Lynch, M. (2001a). “Après Wittgenstein: le tournant de l'épistémologie a la sociologie des
sciences”. In: de Fornel, M., Ogien, A. & Quéré, L. (eds) L'ethnométhodologie: une
sociologie radicale, pp. 123-160. Paris: La Decouverte.
Lynch, M. (2001b). “Ethnomethodology and the logic of practice.”. In: Schatzki, T.R., KnorrCetina, K. & von Savigny, E. (eds) The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. pp.
131-148. London: Routledge.
Lynch, M. (2001c). “Les fondements ethnométhodologique de l'analyse de conversation”.
In: de Fornel, M., Ogien, A. & Quéré, L. (eds) L'ethnométhodologie: une sociologie radicale,
pp. 259-76. Paris: La Decouverte.
Lynch, M. (2001d). “Wittgenstein, Regles et Epistemologie”. Rue Descartes, 31 (March), 1159. [French translation of Ch. 5 of Scientific Practice & Ordinary Action.]
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1991). “In defence of dada-driven analysis”. Sociological Theory, 9
(2), 269-276.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1994). “Harvey Sacks’ primitive natural science”. Theory, Culture &
Society, 11 (4), 65-104.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1996a). The spectacle of history: speech, text, and memory at the
Iran-Contra hearings. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1996b). “Methodological appendix: Postanalytic
ethnomethodology”. In: Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. The spectacle of history: speech, text,
and memory at the Iran-Contra hearings, pp. 262-287. Durham, NC: Duke University
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1997a). “Lies, recollections and categorical judgements in
testimony”. In: Hester, S. & Eglin, P. (eds) Culture in action: studies in membership
categorization analysis, pp. 99-122. Washington, D.C.: International Institute for
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis and University Press of America.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1997b). “Reinventing cognitive sociology”. In: Marcarino, A. (ed.),
Analisi della Conversazione e Prospettive di Ricerca in Etnometodologia, pp. 11-24.
Urbino, Italy: Quattro Venti.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1997c). “Sociology's asociological "Core": an examination of
textbook sociology in light of the sociology of scientific knowledge”. American
Sociological Review, 62: 481-493.
Lynch, M, & Bogen, D. (1999). “The struggle between testimony and evidence at the IranContra Hearings”. In: Jalbert, P.L. (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological
Approaches, pp. 53-76. Lanham, New York & Oxford: International Institute for
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis and University Press of America.
Lynch, M & Collins, H.M. (Guest Eds.) (1998). “Humans, Animals, and Machines”. Special
Issue of Science, Technology & Human Values, 23 (4), 371-83.
Lynch, M. & Edgerton, S.Y. (1988). “Aesthetics and digital image processing:
representational craft m contemporary astronomy”. In: Fyfe, G. & Law, J. (eds)
Picturing Power: Visual Depiction and Social Relations, pp.184-220. London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Lynch, M. & Edgerton, S.Y. (1996). “Abstract painting and astronomical image processing”.
In Tauber, F. (ed.), The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science. pp.103-124.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Lynch, M. & Jasanoff, S. (Guest Eds.) (1998). “Contested Identities: Science, Law, and
Forensic Practice”. Special Issue of Social Studies of Science, 28 (5/6), 675-686.
Lynch, M. & Jordan, K. (1995). “Instructed actions in, of, and as molecular biology”. Human
Studies, 18: 227-44.
Lynch, M. & Jordan, K. (1995b) “L’affaire Williams: un exercice de sociologie de la
connaissance”. Reseaux, 71 (Mai/Juin), 31-54.
Lynch, M. & Jordan, K. (2000). “Patents, promotions, and protocols: Mapping and claiming
scientific territory”. Mind, Culture & Activity, 7 (1&2), 124-146.
Lynch, M. & Law, J. (1999). “Pictures, texts, and objects: The literary language game of
Birdwatching”. In: Biagioli, M. (ed.), Routledge Science Studies Reader, pp. 317-341.
London: Routledge.
Lynch, M., Livingston, E. & Garfinkel, H. (1983). “Temporal order in laboratory life”. In:
KnorrCetina, K.D. & Mulkay, M. (eds) Science observed: perspectives on the social
study of science, pp. 205-238. London: Sage. [Reprinted in Coulter, J. (ed) (1990a).
Ethnomethodological sociology, pp. 416-449. Aldershot: Elgar. {Includes
bibliography compiled by B. J. Fehr and Jeff Stetson with the assistance of Yoshifumi
Mizukawa.}; and (in Spanish translation) In: Iranzo, J.M., Blanco, J.R., González de la
Fe, T., Torres C. & Cotillo A. (Compiladores) (1995). Sociologia de la Ciencia y la
Tecnologia, pp. 163-185. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.]
Lynch, M. & Macbeth, D. (1998). “Demonstrating physics lessons”. In: Greeno, J. &
Goldman, S. (eds) Thinking Practices in Mathematics and Science Learning, pp.
269-297. Marwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lynch, M. & McNally, R. (1999a). “Science, common sense, and common law: Courtroom
inquiries, and the public understanding of science”. Social Epistemology, 13 (3),
Lynch, M. & McNally, R. (1999b). “Aprisionando um monstro: a producao de representacoes
num campo impuro”. [“Enchaining a monster: the production of representations in an
impure field”] In Gil, F. (ed.), a Ciencia tal qua se faz, pp. 159-86. Lisbon, Portugal:
Ministry of Science & Technology/Edicoes Joao Sa da Costa, Lda.
Lynch, M. & McNally, R. (1999c). “DNA evidence and probability: A situated controversy”.
In: Amann, K. (ed.), Nature and Culture: Genetic Engineering and the Inexorable
Dissolution of a Modern Distinction. Deutsche Hygiene Museum & University of
Lynch, M., McNally, R. & Daly, P. (1997). “Fragile espace de la Preuve: Exportées hors de
leur lie d’invention, les pratiques scientifiques sont vulnérables”. In: Special Issue
“300 ans de Science”. La Récherche, 300 (July-August), 112-115.
Lynch, M. & Peyrot, M. (1992). “Introduction: A reader's guide to ethnomethodology”. In:
Peyrot, M. & Lynch, M. (eds) “Ethnomethodology: Contemporary Variations”. Special
issues of Qualitative Sociology, 15 (2&3), 113-122.
Lynch, M., & Woolgar, S. (Guest Eds.) (1988). “Introduction: Sociological orientations to
representational practice in science”. Representation in Scientific Practice, Special
issue of Human Studies, 11 (2/3), 99-116. [Reprinted in Lynch, M., & Woolgar, S.
(eds) (1990). Representation in Scientific Practice, pp. 1-18. Cambridge, MA: The
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Cambridge University Press. [From lectures by H. Sacks compiled and edited by Gail
Jefferson and the volume editors.]
Sacks, H. (1984b). “On doing "being ordinary"”. In: Atkinson, J.M. & Heritage, J. (eds)
Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, pp.413-29. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. [From lectures (U. of C., Irvine) by H. Sacks (1970,
1971) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1985). “The inference-making machine”. In: Dijk, T.A. van (ed) Handbook of
discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue, pp.13-23. London, UK: Academic
Press. [This is an edited version of Lectures I and II, Winter 1964-Spring 1965,
delivered in a University of California, Los Angeles course in sociology. The
transcriber is unknown. Edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1986). “Some considerations of a story told in ordinary conversation”. Poetics 15:
127-138. [From unpublished lectures 1 and 2 (U. of C., Irvine) by H. Sacks (Winter,
1970) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1987a). “On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in
conversation”. In: Button, G. & Lee, J.R.E. (eds) Talk and social organisation, pp.5469. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [From a lecture by H. Sacks edited by E.A.
Schegloff with the assistance of J. Mandelbaum.]
Sacks, H. (1987b). “"You want to find out if anybody really does care"”. In: Button, G. &
Lee, J.R.E. (eds) Talk and social organisation, pp.219-25. Clevedon: Multilingual
Matters. [From a lecture (UCLA) by H. Sacks (1964) compiled and edited by Gail
Sacks, H. (1992). Lectures on conversation. 2 vols. edited by Gail Jefferson; with an
introduction by Emanuel A. Schegloff. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
Sacks, H. (1999). “Max Weber's Ancient Judaism”. Theory, Culture and Society, 16: 31-99.
Sacks, H. & Schegloff, E.A. (1979). “Two preferences in the organization of reference to
persons in conversation and their interaction”. In: Psathas, G. (ed) Everyday
language: studies in ethnomethodology. pp.15-21. New York: Irvington.
Sacks, H., Schegloff, E.A. & Jefferson, G. (1974). “A simplest systematics for the
organization of turn-taking in conversation”. Language, 50 (4), 696-735. [Version in
Schenkein, J. (ed) (1978). Studies in the organization of conversational interaction,
pp.7-55. New York, NY: Academic Press.]
Saft, S. (1998). “Some uses and meanings of utterance initial iya in Japanese Discourse”. In:
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Linguistics 7, pp. 121-137. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Saft, S. (1999). “Rethinking the connection between harmony and interaction in Japanese:
Baack-channels on a political debate program”. In: Verschueren, J. (ed.), Language an
sdIdeology: Select Papers from the 6th International Pragmatics Conference. Vol. 1,
pp. 477-491. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association.
Sano, M. (1984). “Reiberingu ron ni kansuru genshogakuteki hihan”. [Phenomenological
critics of the labeling theory]. Toyo Daigaku Daigakuin Kiyo, [Toyo University
Graduate School Bulletin], 20. [Academic Year: 1983].
Sano, M. (1985). “Itsudatsu kenkyu to esunomesodoroji”. [Deviance study and
ethnomethodology]. Toyo Daigaku Daigakuin Kiyo [Toyo University Graduate School
Bulletin], 21. [Academic Year: 1984].
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interactie”. [The conversation analytic description of conversations as social
interaction]. Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 4: 41-67.
Schasfoort, M. (1986). “Conversatie-analyse in theorie en praktijk: Enkele methodologische
overwegingen”. [Conversation analysis in theory and practice: Some methodological
considerations]. In: Scholtens, A. & Springorum, A. (Red.) Gespreksanalyse:
Uitgangspunten en methoden in gespreksanalytisch onderzoek, pp.49-66. Overasselt:
Schegloff, E.A. (1963). “Toward a reading of psychiatric theory”, Berkeley Journal of
Sociology 8: 61-91.
Schegloff, E.A. (1968). “Sequencing in conversational openings”. American Anthropologist,
70: 1075-1095. [Reprinted in Gumperz J.J. & Hymes, D. (eds) (1972). Directions in
sociolinguistics, pp.346-380. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.] [Also
reprinted in Giglioli, P.P. (ed) (1972). Language and social context, pp.95-135.
Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1972). “Notes on a conversational practice: formulating place”. In: Sudnow,
D. (ed) Studies in social interaction, pp.75-119. New York: Free Press. [Excerpts
reprinted in Giglioli, P.P. (ed) (1972). Language and social context, pp.95-135.
Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1978). “On some questions and ambiguities in conversation”. In: Dressler,
W.U. (ed) Current trends in textlinguistics, pp.81-102. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Reprinted
In: Atkinson, J.M. & Heritage, J. (eds) Structures of Social Action: Studies in
Conversation Analysis, pp.28-52. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]
Schegloff, E.A. (1979a). “Identification and recognition in telephone conversation openings”.
In: Psathas, G. (ed) Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology, pp.23-78. New
York: Irvington. [A shortened version previously appeared in DeSola Pool, I. (ed)
(1976) The social impact of the telephone. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1979b). “The relevance of repair to syntax-for-conversation”. In: Givon, T.
(ed) Syntax and semantics, Vol.12: Discourse and syntax, pp.261-88. New York:
Academic Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1980). “Preliminaries to preliminaries: "Can I ask you a question?"”.
Sociological Inquiry, 50: 104-52.
Schegloff, E.A. (1982). “Discourse as an interactional achievement: some uses of "uh huh"
and other things that come between sentences”. In: Tannen, D. (ed.), Analyzing
discourse: text and talk, pp.71-93. (Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages
and Linguistics). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1984a). “On some gestures relation to talk”. In: Atkinson, J.M. & Heritage,
J. (eds).. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, pp.266-296.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1984b). “On some questions and ambiguities in conversation”. In: Atkinson,
J.M. & Heritage, J. (eds).. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation
Analysis, pp. 28-52. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1986). “The routine as achievement”. Human Studies, 9: 111-152.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987a). “Analyzing single episodes of interaction: an exercise in
conversation analysis”. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50: 101-114.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987b). “Recycled turn beginnings: a precise repair mechanism in
conversation's turntaking organization”. In: Button, G. & Lee, J.R.E. (eds) Talk and
social organisation, pp.70-85. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987c). “Between macro and micro: contexts and other connections”. In:
Alexander, J. et al. (eds) The micromacro link, pp.207-34. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987d). “Some sources of misunderstanding in talk-in-interaction”.
Linguistics, 25: 201-218.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988a) “Goffman and the analysis of conversation”. In: Drew, P. & Wootton,
A. (eds) Erving Goffman: exploring the interaction order, pp.89-135. Cambridge:
Polity Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988b). “On a virtual servomechanism for guessing bad news: a single-case
conjecture”. Social Problems 35: 442-457.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988c). “Description in the social sciences I: talk-in-interaction”. IPrA
Papers in Pragmatics 2: 1-24.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988d). “Discourse as an interactional achievement II: An exercise in
conversation analysis”. In: Tannen D. (ed) Linguistics in context: Connecting
observation and understanding, pp.135-159. (Vol. 29 in the series Advances in
Discourse Processes). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988e). “On an actual virtual servo-mechanism for guessing bad news: A
single case analysis”. Social Problems, 35 (4), 442-457.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988f). “Presequences and indirection: Applying speech act theory to
ordinary conversation”. Journal of Pragmatics, 12: 55-62.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988/1989). “Reflections on l'affaire Bush/Rather”. Research on Language
and Social Interaction, 22: 215-240.
Schegloff, E.A. (1989). “From interview to confrontation: observations on the Bush/Rather
encounter”. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 22: 215-240.
Schegloff, E.A. (1990). “On the organization of sequences as a source of "coherence" in talkin-interaction”. In: Dorval, B. (ed) Conversational organization and its development,
pp.51-77. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex.
Schegloff, E.A. (1991a). “Reflections on talk and social structure”. In: Boden, D. &
Zimmerman, D.H. (eds) Talk and social structure: studies in ethnomethodology and
conversation analysis, pp.44-71. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1991b). “Conversation Analysis and Socially Shared Cognition”. In:
Resnick, L., Levine, J. & Teasley S. (eds) Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition,
pp.150-171 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Schegloff, E.A. (1992a). “Repair after next turn: The last structurally provided defence of
intersubjectivity in conversation”. American Journal of Sociology, 98:1295-1345.
Schegloff, E. A. (1992b). “To Searle on Conversation: A Note in Return”. In: Searle, J. R. et
al. (On) Searle on Conversation, pp.113-128. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John
Schegloff, E.A. (1992c). “On talk and its institutional occasions”. In: Drew, P. & Heritage, J.
(eds) Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings, pp.101-134. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1992d). “In another context”. In: Duranti, A. & Goodwin, C. (eds)
Rethinking context: language as an interactive phenomenon, pp.191-228.Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1993). “Reflections on Quantification in the Study of Conversation”,
Research on Language and Social Interaction, 26: 99-128.
Schegloff, E.A. (1995). “Parties and joint talk: Two ways in which numbers are significant for
Talk-in-Interaction”. In: Have, P. ten & Psathas, G. (eds) Situated order: Studies in
the social organization of talk and embodied activities, pp.31-42. Washington, D.C.:
University Press of America.
Schegloff, E.A. (1996a). “Turn organization: one intersection of grammar and interaction”.
In: Ochs, E., Schegloff, E.A. & Thompson, S.A. (eds) Interaction and Grammar,
pp.52-133 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1996b) “Confirming allusions: towards an empirical account of action”.
American Journal of Sociology, 104: 161-216.
Schegloff, E.A. (1996/1997). “Some practices of referring to persons in talk-in-interaction: a
partial sketch of a systematics”. In: Fox, B. (ed) Studies in anaphora, pp.437-85.
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Schegloff, E.A. (1997a). “Whose text? Whose context?”. Discourse & Society 8: 165-187.
Schegloff, E.A. (1997b). “Practices and Actions: Boundary Cases of Other-Initiated Repair”.
Discourse Processes, 23: 499-547.
Schegloff, E.A. (1997c). “"Narrative Analysis" Thirty Years Later”. Journal of Narrative and
Life History, 7: 97-106.
Schegloff, E.A. (1998a). “Reply to Wetherell”. Discourse & Society, 9 (3), 457-460.
Schegloff, E.A. (1998b). “Reflections on studying prosody in talk-in-interaction”. Language
and speech, 41: 235-263.
Schegloff, E. A. (1998c). “Body torque”. Social Research, 65: 535-586.
Schegloff, E.A. (1999a). “"On Sacks on Weber on Ancient Judaism: Introductory Notes and
Interpretive Resources”. Theory, Culture and Society, 16:1-29.
Schegloff, E.A. (1999b). “What Next?: Language and Social Interaction Study at the Century's
Turn”. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 32: 141-148.
Schegloff, E.A. (1999c). “Discourse, pragmatics, conversation, analysis”, Discourse Studies,
1: 405-436.
Schegloff, E.A. (2000). “Overlapping talk and the organization of turn-taking for
Conversation”. Language in Society, 29:1–6.
Schegloff, E.A., Jefferson, G. & Sacks, H. (1977). “The preference for self-correction in the
organization of repair in conversation”. Language 53: 361-82.
Schegloff, E.A., Ochs, S. & Thompson, S.A. (1996). “Introduction”. In: Ochs, S.A.,
Schegloff, E.A. & Thompson, S.A. (eds) Interaction and Grammar, pp1-51.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A., and Sacks, H. (1973). “Opening up closings”. Semiotica, 7: 289-327.
[Slightly abridged version in R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology, pp.233-264.
Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schenkein, J.N. (1972) 'Towards the analysis of natural conversation and the sense of
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Language in Society, 5(3), 387-389.
Schenkein, J.N. (ed) (1978a). Studies in the organization of conversational interaction. New
York: Academic Press. [Reviews: Streeck, J. Journal of Pragmatics, 4, 401-410;
Mehan, H. & Meihls, J.L. American Journal of Sociology, 1980.]
Schenkein, J. (1978b). “Sketch of an analytic mentality for the study of conversational
interaction”. In: Schenkein, ed., Studies in the organization of conversational
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conversational interaction', Semiotica 24: 277-304
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Meehan, A.J. & . Rawls A.W. (eds) The interactional order: New directions in the
study of social order, pp. 162-185. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Schwartz, H. & Jacobs, J. (1979). Qualitative sociology: A method to the madness. New York,
NY: Free Press. [Review: R.J. Anderson, British Journal of Sociology, 31(4), 586588.]
Sharrock, W.W. (1970b). “Some practical problems for the sociology of knowledge”.
Proceedings of the Conference of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of
Sharrock, W.W. (1974). “On owning knowledge”. In: Turner, R. (ed) Ethnomethodology, pp.
45-53. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1977). “The problem of order”. In: Worsley P. (Ed.) Introducing sociology,
2nd edition, pp. 477-566. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1979a). “Comments on Austin's "Symbols and culture"”. Social Analysis, 3:
Sharrock, W.W. (1979b). “Ethnomethodology”. In: Mitchel, G.D. (ed.) A new dictionary of
the social sciences, pp. 71-72. New York, NY: Aldine.
Sharrock, W.W. (1980a). “Portraying the professional relationship”. In: Anderson, D.C. (ed)
Health education in context. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Sharrock, W.W. (1980b). “The possibility of social change”. In: Anderson D.C. (ed) The
ignorance of social intervention. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Sharrock, W.W. (1981). “The preservation of naturalness in social inquiry”. Analytic
Sociology, 2 (4). [A comment by Anderson, D.C. follows.]
Sharrock, W.W. (1982a). “Some problems with social research”. Institute of Economic Affairs
Sharrock, W.W. (1982b). “Talk and teaching”. In: Payne, G.C.F. & Cuff E.C. (Eds.) Doing
teaching. London, UK: Batsford.
Sharrock, W.W. (1984). “The social realities of deviance”. In R.J. Anderson, and W.W.
Sharrock (Eds.) Applied sociological perspectives, pp. 86-105. London, UK: Allen and
Sharrock, W.W. (1987a). “Individual and society”. In: Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. &
Sharrock, W.W. (Eds.) Classic disputes in sociology, pp. 126-156. London, UK: Allen
and Unwin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1987b). “Theoretical schools”. In: Worsley, P. (Ed.) The new introducing
sociology. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (2001). “Where the simplest systematics fits: A response to Michael Lynch’s
‘The ethnomethodological foundations of conversation analysis’”. Text, 20 (4), 533.
Sharrock, W.W. (with Anderson, D.C.) (1980). Hospital signs as sociological data.
Information Design Journal. [See: McHoul, A.W. (1984).]
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, D.C. (1981). “Language, thought and reality, again”. Sociology,
15 (2), 287-293. [Review article: Language and ideology by Kress and Hodge;
Language and control by Fowler, Hodge, Kress and Trew; The Material word by
Silverman and Torode.]
Sharrock, W.W., & Anderson, D.C. (1982). “The persistent evasion of technical problems in
media studies: A reply to Murdock and McKeganey and Smith”. Sociology, 16 (1),
108-115. [Part 4 of four part debate. See: Anderson D.C. & Sharrock, W.W. 1979;
Murdock, G. 1980; and McKeganey, N. & Smith, B. 1980.]
Sharrock, W.W. (with Anderson, R.J.) (1980). “Ethnomethodology and British sociology”.
Transactions of the Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association.
Sharrock, W.W., & Anderson, R.J. (1982). “On the demise of the native: Some observations
on and a proposal for ethnography”. Human Studies, 5 (2), April-June, 119-135.
Sharrock, W.W., & Anderson, R.J. (1984) “The Wittgenstein Connection”. Human Studies,. 7
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1985a). “Magic, witchcraft, and the materialist mentality”.
Human Studies, 8: 357-375.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1985b). “Criticizing forms of life”. Philosophy, 60: 394400.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1986a). “Margaret Gilbert on the social nature of
language”. Synthese, 68: 553-558.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1986b). “Understanding Peter Winch”. Inquiry, 28:119122.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1986c). The ethnomethodologists. Chichester: Ellis
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1987a). “Work flow in a paediatric clinic”. In: Button, G.
& Lee, J.R.E. (eds) Talk and social organization, pp. 244-260. Clevedon, UK:
Multilingual Matters.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1987b). “Epilogue: The definition of alternatives: Some
sources of confusion in interdisciplinary discussion”. In: Button, G. & Lee, J.R.E.
(eds) Talk and social organization, pp. 290-321. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Sharrock, W.W. (with Anderson, R.J.) (1988). “Two conceptions of orderliness and their
implementation”. Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers.
Sharrock, W.W. & Anderson, R.J. (1991). “Epistemology: professional scepticism”. In : In:
Button, G. (ed.) Ethnomethodology and the human sciences, pp. 51-76. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Sharrock, W.W. & Button, G. (1991). “The social actor: social action in real time”. In: Button,
G. (ed.) Ethnomethodology and the human sciences, pp. 137-175. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Sharrock, W.W. & Button, G. (1997a). “On the Relevance of Habermas' Theory of
Communicative Action for CSCW”. CSCW 6: 369-89.
Sharrock, W. & Button, G. (1997b). “Engineering investigations: practical sociological
reasoning in the work of engineers”. In: Bowker, G.C. & Star, S.L. (eds) Social
Science, Technical Systems and Cooperative Work: Beyond the Great Divide, pp. 79104. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sharrock, W. & Button, G. (1999). “Do the Right Thing! Rule Finitism, RuleScepticism and
Rule Following” Human Studies, 22, (2-4) Oct.
Sharrock, W.W. & Coleman, W. (1999). “Seeking and finding society in the text”. In: Jalbert,
P.L. (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches, pp. 1-30. Lanham, New
York, Oxford: University Press of America.
Sharrock, W.W. & Coulter, J. (2001). “Reflexions sur le raisonnement”. In: de Fornel,
Michel., Albert Ogien, Louis Quéré (dir.) L'ethnométhodologie: une sociologie
radicale, pp. 75-98 [Colloque de Cerisy]. Paris: Editions La Découverte [Collection
Sharrock, W.W. (with B. Katz) (1976). “Eine Darstellung des Kodierens”. In: Weingarten, E.,
Sack, F. & Schenkein, J. (Hrsg.) Ethnomethodologie. Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.
Sharrock, W.W. & Katz, B.A. (1978). “Playing with other minds”. Analytic Sociology, 1 (2),
Sharrock, W.W. & Turner, R. (1978). “On a conversational environment for equivocality”. In:
Schenkein, J.N. (ed) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction, pp.
173-197. New York: Academic Press.
Sharrock, W.W. & Turner, R. (1980). “Observation, esoteric knowledge, and automobiles”.
Human Studies, 3 (1), January, 19-31.
Sharrock, W. & Watson, D. R. (1984). “What's the point of rescuing motives?”, British
Journal of Sociology 34: 435-451.
Sharrock, W.W. & Watson, D.R. (1986). “Re-locating motives”. British Journal of Sociology,
37 (4), 581-583. [Part 4 of four part debate. See: S. Bruce and R. Wallis, 1983 and
Sharrock, W.W. (with Watson, D.R.) (1987a). “Control in the gaming situation”. In: Crookall,
D., Greenblat, C., Klabbers, J. & Coote, A. (eds) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's.
Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Sharrock, W.W. (with Watson, D.R.) (1987b). “Interactional aspects of the organisation of a
business game”. In: Crookall, D., Greenblat, C., Klabbers, J. & Coote, A. (eds)
Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Sharrock, W. & Watson, R. (1988). “Autonomy among social theories: the incarnation of
social structures”. In: Fielding, N.G. (ed) Actions and structure: research methods
and social theory, pp. 56-77. London: Sage.
Sharrock, W.W. (with Watson, D.R.) (1988). “Reality management in simulation exercises”.
In: Crookall, D. (ed) Simulation-gaming in education and training. Oxford, UK:
Pergamon Press.
Shimoda, N. (1978). Shakaigakuteki shiko no kiso [Foundation of sociological thought].
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Shinmei, M. (1977). “Shakaigaku niokeru 'Nichjo seikatsu' no gainen ni tsuite”. [The concept
'everyday life' in sociology]. Sociorojika, 1 (1). [Reprinted in Shinmei, M. (1979).
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Nippon: Kosesha Kosekaku.]
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(2001) M.R.Treadwell