sociology feminist

SHORT CV in English
Dr.Biljana Kašić
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Zadar (Croatia)
Areas of Interest
feminist theories
sociology of identities
sociology of politics
postcolonial theories
postmodernism and decoloniality
culture of resistance and political activism
ethics and globalisation
Undergraduate Study: Sociology of Politics, Feminist Theories
Graduate Study: Sociology of Identities, Postcolonial Theories
Inter-university Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Sociology; Sex and Gender Identities, Postcolonial
Theories and Globalisation (2007-2008, 2008-2009)
Recent research projects
“Travelling Spaces: Exploring the Third Space” (ATHENA4, 2010-2113, AtGender)
“Gender and Nation: Feminist Ethnography and Postcolonial Historiography” (Centre for Women’s
Studies, Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, 2006 -)
“Travelling Concepts” (ATHENA3, 2006-2009 and ATHENA2, 2003-2006, within the framework of
the SOCRATES/Erasmus Programme for Thematic Network Projects of the European Commission)
“Gender, Nationalism and Citizenship” (Kristina Institute, Helsinki/Finland, Centre for Women’s
Studies, Zagreb, 2004-2007)
“Power of female politicians: How do citizens perceive them?” (Centre for Women’s Studies,
Zagreb, 2002-2004)
Professional and feminist engagement
member of the Editorial Board of the feminist journal Treća – The Third, Centre for Women’s
Studies (2008-)
member of the Croatian Sociological Association (2008 - )
member of the Centre for Women’s Studies (1995 -)
member of ATHENA, Advanced Network in Activities in Women’s Studies in Europe (2006 - )
member of ATGender, European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation
(2008 - )
member of the Board of El Taller International, Tunis (1999 -)
Recent publications
Kašić, B. et al (2009). Teaching Subjectivity. Travelling Selves for Feminist Pedagogy, S. Caparole Bizzini and M.
Richter Mallabota (eds.). Utrecht: Athena Books, the Graduate Gender Programme at Utrecht University and the
Centre for Gender Studies, Stockholm University.
Kašić, B. (2009). “Oglasiti se svojim glasom: o utopijskim činovima i činovima otpora / Voices and voicing: On
utopian and resistant acts”, in: Jambrešić Kirin R. and Prlenda S. (eds.). Glasom do feminističkih promjena/Voicing
Feminist Concerns. Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku; Centar za ženske studije. pp. 23-33, 166-176.
Kašić, B. (2009). “Nova ‘Feministička renesansa’? Zapretenosti oko motrenja, spoznaje i emancipacije”, in: BabićAvdispahić J., Bakšić-Muftić J. and Vlaisavljević U. (eds.). Rod i nauka, Zbornik radova sa Konferencije, Sarajevo, 4.
and 5. septembar 2008. godine. Sarajevo: Centar za interdisciplinarne postdiplomske studije Univerziteta u
Sarajevu, pp. 41-57.
Kašić, B. (2009). “How to Radicalize Responsibility. Feminism and Rape”, DEP Deportate, esuli, profughe. Revista
telematica di studi sulla memoria femminile, DEP n.10. Genere, nazione, militarismo. Gli stupri di massa nella storia
del Novecento e nella riflessione femminista. Venezia, pp.168-181.
Kašić, B. (2008). “Where is the Feminist Critical Subject?”, in: Gržinić, M./Reitsamer, R. (eds.). New Feminism.
Worlds of Feminism, Queer and Networking Conditions. Wien: Erhard Locker GesmbH, pp. 453-463.
Kašić, B. (2008). “The Potential of the Feminist ‘Suitcase’ - Preservation, Time(s) and Embodiment of Women’s
Heritage”, in: Wieringa, S.E. (ed.). Traveling Heritages. New Perspectives on Collecting, Preserving and Sharing
Women’s History. Amsterdam: Aksant Academic Publishers, pp. 79-90.
Kašić, B. (2007). “Feminist Ways of Resistance: How to Inscribe Human Textuality?”, in: Kumar C. (ed.). Asking,
we walk. The south as new political imaginary. Bangalore: Streelekha publications, W Q JudgePress, pp. 71-83.
Kašić, B. et al (2006). Teaching Subjects in Between: Feminist Politics, Disciplines, Generations (C. Hemmings and
A. Kaloski-Naylor (eds.), Series title: Travelling Concepts and Feminist Pedagogies. European Perspectives, York:
Raw Nerve Books, York.
Kašić, B. (2006). “Feminist Movements, Time-Lags, Innovations. A Case Study of Feminism(s) in Croatia”, in:
Saurer E. et al. (eds.). Women’s Movements. Networks and Debates in post-communist Countries in the 19th and
20th Centuries. L’HOMME Schriften 13, Reihe zur Feministischen Geschichtswissensachaft. Koeln, Weimar, Wien:
Bohlau Verlag, pp. 213-223.
Kašić, B. (2006). “The Dynamic of Identifications Within Nationalistic Discourse: From Archetypes to Promising
Female Roles”, in: Iveković, R./Mostov J. (eds.). From Gender to Nation. New Delhi: Zubaan (second edition), pp.
Kašić, B. (2006). “Une cartographie féministe de la résistance”, Femmes et Citoyenneté, NAQD, Revue d’Etudes et
de Critique Sociale, No 22/23. Alger/Paris:Alger, pp. 213-227.
Kašić, B. (2006). “Politika kulture, ideologijsko mapiranje, zasjeci”, in: Kisić Kolanović, N. et al. (eds.). 1945. Razdjelnica hrvatske povijest. Zagreb: Hrvatski institut za povijest, pp. 123-137.
Recent lectures and conference papers
Kašić, B. “Does Critical Activism Matter? The Concept of Horizon and the Radical Desire for Transversality”,
International conference RADICAL EDUCATION: CONFERENCE, Ljubljana, 28–29 November 2009
Kašić, B. “The Ambiguity of Feminist Nostalgia”, 7th European Feminist Research Conference: Gendered Cultures at
the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics, Utrecht, 4–7 June 2009
Kašić, B. “‘Granične zone’, slobode, egzili i prijelazi/“‘Border zones’, freedom, exile and crossovers”, Symposium
Crossover, Forum Tomizza, Trst/Kopar/Umag, 27–30 May 2009
Kašić, B. “Power of Women’s Testimonies”, international interdisciplinary symposium Do Women Have Victory Day?
Women’s Traumatic Memory and Resistant Narratives, Zagreb, 8–9 May 2009
Kašić, B. “‘Transitional’ space and time – A potential place for collaboration”, International scientific symposium
Social science and development in the Adriatic Region: traditions and perspectives, Teramo, University of Teramo,
20–21 November 2008
Kašić, B. “Judith Butler – reading Simone de Beauvoir”, Symposium on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of
Simone de Beauvoir’s birth, Zagreb, Centre for Women’s Studies, 26 September 2008
Kašić, B. “Sociology as a potential place for counter-discourse?”, International Conference Sociology and
Interdisciplinarity: Central and South East European Perspectives, Zadar, 8–10 May 2008
Kašić, B. “Rethinking feminist perspective or how to radicalise responsibility”, The Second Critical Studies
Conference “Spheres of Justice”, Academy of Fine Arts/Mahanirban Calcutta Research Croup (CRG), Kolkata, India,
20–22 September 2007