Henry IV of France (Dec

Henry IV of France (Dec. 15, 1553- May 14, 1610)
Religion prior to throne- (Hugenot) Protestant
Years of rule- 1589-1610 First of the Bourbon dynasty (Killed by an assassin)
Religion upon receiving crown- Catholic
Greatest achievements Ended the Religious Wars by issuing the Edict of Nantes which guaranteed
religious freedoms to Protestants.
 Known in France as the “Good King” due his demonstration of religious tolerance
and welfare for his people.
 Credited with building the Pont Neuf, one of Paris’s famous landmarks which was
completed in 1607.
 Henry IV restored the French monarchy to a strong positioning ending the
Spanish invasions into France
Henry strived for a “chicken in every pot” for every peasant’s Sunday meal. What
American president resurrected this famous quote? In the 1928 election campaign,
Herbert Hoover promised a future of “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage”
Louis XIII of France (September 27, 1601 – May 14, 1643)
Religion- Catholic
Years of rule- 1610-1643 Second Bourbon (Took the throne at 9 years old)
***His mother, Marie de' Medici, acted as regent until the age of 13, but continued to
unofficially rule until he reached the age of 15. In 1617, Louis got frustrated had his
mother’s closest advisor assassinated, and had his mother exiled to Blois removing her
from power.
***Louis filled his court with his closest friends and dismissed those loyal to his mother
***In 1624, Louis appoints a Catholic cardinal named Richelieu (From this point on,
France was ruled virtually by Richelieu.)
Cardinal Richelieu (under King Louis XIII) September 9, 1585 – December 4, 1642
Years of “unofficial” rule- 1624-1642
 Increasing the power of the Bourbon monarchy
 Making France the strongest state in Europe
Greatest threats:
 Independence of Huguenot cities
 Power of the French nobility
 The encircling Hapsburg armies
How he addressed the threats:
 A provision in the Edict of Nantes allowed Protestant cities to fortify and build
walls around their cities. This was defying the King. In 1627, royal troops
besieged the rebelling Protestant stronghold of La Rochelle and other walled
cities which subdued the French Protestant movement.
 French nobles were ordered to take down fortified castles. He strengthened the
power of government agents to collect taxes and administer justice.
The intendants, government officials, were of the French middle class and
staunchly loyal to the crown. Their services eliminated the need the military or
political services of the nobles.
 He triumphed over the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs by entering France into
the 30 Years War on the Protestant side. Richelieu cared nothing that the
Hapsburgs were Catholic as he was. He loved France and hated the Hapsburgs.
France’s entry ultimately led to the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs loss of power
and Franch emerged as the Europe’s greatest power. This was attained with the
Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. (This will covered more in Section 4)
Greatest Achievement Richelieu’s achievements fortified the French monarch allowing for the Boubon
kings to rule for the next 100 years.
 Before his death, he handpicked his successor, Cardinal Mazarin, who too was
committed to extending French power.
Cardinal Mazarin (July 14, 1602 – March 9, 1661)
Years in power- 1642-1661
Known achievements
 1648 represented France at the peace conference at the end of the Thirty Years
War (Treaty of Westphalia)
 Shared rule of France for 19 years.
 Expanded the power of Anne of Austria’s power (widow of Louis III) Rumors
that they were intimate and her child Dolphen was his
 Hated by many because his policies limited the power and privileges of the
 1648, nobles lead a revolt called the Fronde that lasted five years. Rebels many
times invaded the castle and demanded to see the 13- year old king….Louis XIV
was in his bed pretending to be asleep and for these invasions he hated Paris.
Louis XIV of France (1638-1715)
Years of Rule 1643-1715
***Louis was heir to the throne at only five years old, he technically assumed power in
1643, but his mother would remain in power. When Louis was 23, Cardinal Mazarin
died and Louis was glad to be rid of him and rule France himself.
***Louis XIV became known as the Sun King. Center of government and dazzled
people’s just as the sun.
 Lived a very lavish life. Hundreds of servants and fancy food
 Held ceremony of high importance to honor France and himself
 France had large economic gains through his Minister of Finance Baptiste
Colbert, through the mercantilism system of economics. He instituted subsidies
and tax benefits to French companies.
 Increased the infrastructure through building of roads and canals
 Increased the size of the French navy.
 Under Colbert, Huguenots were huge contributors to the French economy
Colbert dies 1683, Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes, Protestants flee
Louis loved and promoted the arts. Operas became popular throughout Europe
thanks to Louis. He patronized opera composer Jean Baptiste Lully, actor and
playwrite Moliere, and bought hundreds of pieces of Renaissance sculptures for
Versailles and even the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci for his bedroom.
He failed in expanding French boundaries despite their superiority. Balance of
Power strategy, countries formed military alliances. He nearly bankrupted his
treasury trying to expand and fighting wars.
Louis reign ended in sadness- France suffering from war and people suffering
from high taxes to fund the wars.