Clinical Research Network: Kent, Surrey and Sussex Specialty Group Clinical Lead The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is funded through the Department of Health to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research. It is a large, multi-faceted and nationally distributed organisation. Since its establishment in April 2006, the NIHR has transformed research in the NHS. It has increased the volume of applied health research for the benefit of patients and the public, driven faster translation of basic science discoveries into tangible benefits for patients and the economy, and developed and supported the people who conduct and contribute to applied health research. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places a statutory duty to promote research, and powers to support it, on the Secretary of State and on all levels of the NHS including the NHS Commissioning Board, and Clinical Commissioning Groups. The NIHR provides a key means through which the Secretary of State discharges this duty. The NIHR plays a key role in the Government’s strategy for economic growth, attracting investment by the life-sciences industries through its world-class infrastructure for health research. Together, the NIHR people, programmes, centres of excellence, and systems represent the most integrated health research system in the world. The NIHR Clinical Research Network is the clinical research delivery arm of the NHS in England, tasked with supporting the rapid set-up and effective conduct of studies, so that researchers can gather the robust evidence needed to improve treatments for NHS patients. The NIHR Clinical Research Network is led by a national Coordinating Centre, and operates through 15 Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs). These local Networks drive clinical research delivery performance across the locality, and champion the role of clinical research in the NHS at every level. As part of a national network of NIHR CRN leaders, individual LCRN leaders will drive the clinical research agenda, which is one of national importance. The leadership roles in each LCRN are both high-profile and demanding and leaders will be expected to be ambassadors for the NIHR. As well as a passion for bringing clinical research opportunities to patients, LCRN leaders require an indepth understanding of how the local NHS “works”, an ability to forge and maintain productive partnerships across organisational boundaries, and the tenacity to deliver stretching targets in challenging environments. As well as being respected across their geographical patch, LCRN leaders will also be key players in an organisation with an international reputation for innovation and achievement in the field of clinical research delivery. Within CRN: KSS there will be 30 Specialty Groups, grouped into 6 Divisions: Division Specialities 1. Cancer 2. Diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, metabolic and endocrine disorders, renal 3. 4. 5. 6. Children, genetics, haematology, reproductive health and childbirth DeNDRoN, mental health and neurological disorders Primary Care, Ageing, Oral & Dental Health, Health Services and Delivery Research, public health, musculoskeletal, dermatology Anaesthesia/peri-operative medicine & pain management, critical care, injuries/emergencies, surgery, ENT, infectious diseases/microbiology, ophthalmology, respiratory disorders , gastroenterology, Hepatology 1 KSS Specialty Lead JD (October 2015) ROLE OUTLINE – Specialty Group Clinical Lead Accountable to: CRN:KSS Divisional Lead Tenure: 1 year in first instance, with possibility to extend for an additional 2 years Salary: Responsibility payment between 1K – 6K, dependent on size of local portfolio Liaises with: - Relevant CRN:KSS Research Delivery Manager Relevant CRN:KSS Clinical Research Lead/Clinical Research Specialty Leads CRN:KSS Clinical Research Leadership Group CRN:KSS Deputy COO/ industry Operations Manager Clinical Research Lead/Clinical Research Specialty Leads in other LCRNs National CRN Clinical Theme/National Specialty Leads Researchers based in universities and other organisations, and other stakeholders involved in the specialty, in the CRN:KSS area NIHR CRN Coordinating Centre Health Education: KSS CEOs, senior staff, R&D leads, research reads, nurses and managers within NHS organisations, universities, industry and other stakeholder organisations Role Summary/Purpose The post holder will contribute to the development of CRN:KSS clinical activity within a specified specialty, encouraging local clinicians to participate in NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies, building upon local clinical strengths and research interests and priorities. In particular the Clinical Research Specialty Lead will assist the Research Delivery Manager with the clinical perspectives of the delivery of the studies managed within the specialty and the development of the local infrastructure to support the specialty’s local portfolio of research studies. The post holder will engage with the National Specialty and NIHR CRN Clinical Theme Leadership and contribute to national strategies and initiatives to support the successful delivery of the specialty’s national objectives and act as the key link between the national networks of specialty-specific expertise and the CRN:KSS . Key Duties and Responsibilities 1. Provide clinical leadership, advice and accountability for specialty activities and performance, working closely with the CRN:KSS Clinical Director, Research Delivery Manager, Clinical Research Leadership Group, Partnership Group, providers of NHS services, NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre, NIHR CRN National Clinical Theme/ National Specialty Lead and specialty leads from other LCRNs. 2. Engage with the local clinical research community within the relevant specialty to ensure the timely and effective delivery of all the studies on the local NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio with particular reference to the CRN:KSS ’s contribution to the national objectives for the specialty and the High Level Objectives as required in the CRN:KSS Host Organisation Contract. 2 KSS Specialty Lead JD (October 2015) 3. Proactively promote local clinical engagement and awareness of research within the specialty, providing advice, support, encouragement and mentorship to clinicians who express an interest in becoming involved in a research project. 4. Work with the Clinical Research Leadership Group in delivering the objectives of the CRN:KSS and in providing clinical leadership for the local delivery of NIHR CRN Portfolio studies. This will involve identifying local strengths, capacity and capability to ensure that the continued development of the local portfolio maximises patient focussed research opportunities for patients across all sectors of the CRN:KSS population. 5. Work with local investigators, NHS organisations and the CRN:KSS management team to agree and report on the objectives and targets for the specialty in order to contribute to CRN:KSS performance over the annual planning cycle. 6. Provide a strategic overview of the local infrastructure required to support the clinical research specialty with an emphasis on identifying and addressing local blocks to successful delivery, referring issues to the National Clinical Research Specialty Lead and/or NIHR CRN Theme Leadership as appropriate. 7. Provide local intelligence to the national NIHR CRN Specialty/Clinical Theme Leadership, including: pressures/issues relating to the delivery of the portfolio; examples of good practice and positive impact in their locality; locally-led studies that are open to recruitment at new sites; emerging clinical needs; and unrepresented patient populations. 8. Be an active member of the National Specialty Group, attending national meetings and contributing to national initiatives led by the national Specialty Group. Where the portfolio of the National Specialty Group is significant, members might also be expected to take a national (and local) leadership role for part of the specialty’s national portfolio, or for some specific studies. 9. Work with and support NHS organisations within the CRN:KSS area to maximise their involvement in NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies, with particular reference to industry studies. 10. Support the development of new ways of working that will increase the integration of health research and patient care, and improve the quality, speed and co-ordination of clinical research. 11. Support the Research Delivery Manager to ensure the CRN:KSS CRN:KSS Host Organisation Contract. delivers in line with the 12. Help to develop local research capacity for the specialty through actively seeking new opportunities for contributing to national multicentre studies and identifying local opportunities to expand expertise/experience across the CRN:KSS ’s geography. 13. Work with the Research Delivery Manager to undertake local feasibility assessments and reviews for commercial studies, including identifying potential sites/investigators that could conduct the study, assessing the available research resources including skills, facilities and equipment and provide robust recruitment goals. 14. Keep up to date with changes to national and local healthcare arrangements in order to advise the CRN:KSS on new potential opportunities and/or challenges to the delivery of the NIHR CRN portfolio of studies. 15. Work in close collaboration with neighbouring LCRNs to remove artificial barriers to participation in NIHR CRN Portfolio studies. 3 KSS Specialty Lead JD (October 2015) 16. Contribute to national CRN initiatives, in particular developing and sharing best practice. 17. To engage with NIHR Faculty including Senior Investigators. 18. Promote NIHR CRN activity and the aims, objectives and successes of the NIHR throughout the network area and represent the CRN at local, regional and national meetings. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS The Clinical Research Specialty Lead will play a key leadership role in the on-going development and performance of the CRN:KSS and will provide the vital link between the local, geographicallybased networks (LCRNs) and national networks of specialty-specific expertise which is essential to the success of the NIHR Clinical Research Network. Clinical Research Specialty Leads must be facilitative, able to work flexibly and effectively in a developing organisation and to motivate and support others to deliver measurable results that make the NIHR CRN vision a reality. *It is expected that the Clinical Research Specialty Lead will be actively participating in the recruitment to at least one NIHR Portfolio research study; the support which they receive will therefore reflect both their personal contribution to delivering the NIHR’s portfolio of research studies, their local leadership role and their contribution to the national networks of specialty-specific expertise. It is essential that candidates demonstrate their achievements, ability and expertise against the following criteria: A motivational leader with well-developed interpersonal skills and the ability to work with stakeholders at all levels. An effective facilitator who is able to bring colleagues together to work in a collegiate way for the overall benefit of the local community in which they work. Excellent communication and presentational skills with the enthusiasm to act as a “champion”. The influencing skills to achieve results through other people. Strongly committed to bringing benefits to patients through the delivery of excellent patient focussed clinical research within the NHS. Experience as a clinical investigator leading a multicentre clinical research study. Experience of undertaking research in the NHS. Ability to contribute constructively in meetings and appreciate both national and local aspects with a willingness to lead initiatives at both these levels. 4 KSS Specialty Lead JD (October 2015)