Sand/ Water

Small World
Explore wet / dry sand with hands and feet
Add textures, materials e.g. add shampoo, rice, lentils, natural
materials to sand. Sieve different items according to time of year
leaves, rice, pasta
Make gloop (cornflour + water), or soapflake slime, cellulose slime and
explore for sensory work. Hide objects in coloured slime
To water – add ice cubes, bubbles, colours, pasta, smells e.g. herbs,
bubble baths, oils etc.
Make hand & foot prints, shoe prints in paint, sand, water (outside)
Feeling, pasta, tomatoes lentils
Make patterns in sand with hands, fingers, toes etc.
Hide hands in sand. Hide objects in sand and guess what they are
Play Mobil – hospital, school, police, fire unit, train set, garage
Play moving house
Writing names with variety of pens etc.
Zig- zag book about themselves, family etc.
Writing personal news, significant events/ diaries
Write cards, birthday, invitations, thank you, postcards,
new home …
Personal record writing frame, height, eye colour, likes,
Making passports
Draw pictures of families
Doctors records
Signs/ Posters/ prescriptions for the role play hospital
Role Play
Look at shadows on yard.
Making foot prints in water etc, (wellies / shoes / trainers /slippers/
Move and travel in different ways on climbing frames, wheeled toys.
Use dolls and prams.
Play House (popup).
Walk bare foot on different textures, bubble wrap, sawdust, grass.
Make/ Explore sensory garden tubs.
Investigate textures/ sounds/ smells in the environment.
Make a sensory box to explore the outdoor environment, magnifying
glass, collection pots, tape recorder to record sounds.
Trying out variety of washing materials e.g. soap, hand cleaner,
Washing powder, soap flakes, bubble bath …(see below)
Hospital, bath dolls, baby
clinic, X ray machines
Clothes, hat, shoe shop
Things that happen in
different rooms of house
Use hands to explore a range of
construction materials
Make tall tower, taller than you
Making dough – senses, dough
dollies. Add materials to dough
e.g. glitter, sand, sequins. And
use a variety of cutters, clay
knives, forks, patterns with hands
Make mould of hand or foot in
Make a face plaque. Use a garlic
press to make hair
Make ambulances, police cars
etc, using construction and junk
Self portraits using mirrors. (paints, chalk, crayon …)
Plate faces – collage
Plate puppets, glove puppets. Happy, sad faces and other
expressions, e.g. surprise
Close observation using digital microscopes, microscopes
Happy face biscuits
Provide a range of sensory collage materials e.g. fur,
sandpaper, plastic, bubble wrap …
Make feely letters, numbers …
Print using different parts of body, hands, thumbs, feet…
Experiment with different textures of paint
Colour mixing for skin colour
Health & Safety
Culture and Diversity
Be aware of children with any allergies during sensory activities. e.g. sensitive skin provide gloves when using
washing detergents
Talk about differences, e.g. skin colour, hair colour(type), sensory impairments, physical disabilities …
Recognise variety of lifestyle
Discuss comments about people looks etc.