Web of Knowledge Page 1 (Articles 1 -- 50) [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ] Record 1 of 500 Title: Properties and performance of the prototype instrument for the Pierre Auger Observatory Author(s): Abraham, J (Abraham, J); Aglietta, M (Aglietta, M); Aguirre, IC (Aguirre, IC); Albrow, M (Albrow, M); Allard, D (Allard, D); Allekotte, I (Allekotte, I); Allison, P (Allison, P); Muniz, JA (Muniz, JA); do Amaral, MG (do Amaral, MG); Ambrosio, M (Ambrosio, M); Anchordoqui, L (Anchordoqui, L); Andrews, R (Andrews, R); Anguiano, M (Anguiano, M); dos Anjos, JC (dos Anjos, JC); Aramo, C (Aramo, C); Argiro, S (Argiro, S); Ariska, K (Ariska, K); Arteaga, JC (Arteaga, JC); Atulugama, S (Atulugama, S); Ave, M (Ave, M); Avila, G (Avila, G); Baggio, R (Baggio, R); Bai, X (Bai, X); Barbosa, AF (Barbosa, AF); Barbosa, HMJ (Barbosa, HMJ); Barnhill, D (Barnhill, D); Barroso, SLC (Barroso, SLC); Bauleo, P (Bauleo, P); Beatty, J (Beatty, J); Beau, T (Beau, T); Becker, KH (Becker, KH); Bellido, JA (Bellido, JA); Bello, P (Bello, P); Bergmann, T (Bergmann, T); Berman, E (Berman, E); Bertou, X (Bertou, X); Biermann, P (Biermann, P); Billoir, P (Billoir, P); Biral, R (Biral, R); Bluemer, H (Bluemer, H); Bohacova, M (Bohacova, M); Bollmann, E (Bollmann, E); Bonifazi, C (Bonifazi, C); Boratav, M (Boratav, M); Boselli, A (Boselli, A); Brack, J (Brack, J); Brunet, JM (Brunet, JM); Bui-Duc, H (Bui-Duc, H); Cabrera, V (Cabrera, V); Camin, DV (Camin, DV); Capdevielle, JN (Capdevielle, JN); Carreno, A (Carreno, A); Cartiglia, N (Cartiglia, N); Caruso, R (Caruso, R); de Carvalho, LA (de Carvalho, LA); Casanova, S (Casanova, S); Casimiro, E (Casimiro, E); Castellina, A (Castellina, A); Castro, J (Castro, J); Cattaneo, PW (Cattaneo, PW); Cazon, L (Cazon, L); Cester, R (Cester, R); Chavez, N (Chavez, N); Cheam, D (Cheam, D); Chiavassa, A (Chiavassa, A); Chinellato, JA (Chinellato, JA); Chiosso, M (Chiosso, M); Chou, A (Chou, A); Chye, J (Chye, J); Cillis, A (Cillis, A); Civit, B (Civit, B); Claes, D (Claes, D); Clark, PDJ (Clark, PDJ); Clay, RW (Clay, RW); Cohen, F (Cohen, F); Cordero, A (Cordero, A); Cordier, A (Cordier, A); Cormier, E (Cormier, E); Cotzomi, J (Cotzomi, J); Cotti, U (Cotti, U); Coutu, S (Coutu, S); Covault, CE (Covault, CE); Creusot, A (Creusot, A); Cronin, JW (Cronin, JW); Cuautle, M (Cuautle, M); Dagoret-Campagne, S (Dagoret-Campagne, S); Dang-Quang, T (Dang-Quang, T); Da Silva, P (Da Silva, P); Darling, J (Darling, J); Darriulat, P (Darriulat, P); Daumiller, K (Daumiller, K); Dawson, BR (Dawson, BR); de Bruijn, L (de Bruijn, L); De Capoa, A (De Capoa, A); de Oliveira, MAL (de Oliveira, MAL); de Souza, V (de Souza, V); Della Selva, A (Della Selva, A); Deligny, O (Deligny, O); Diaz, JC (Diaz, JC); Dobrigkeit, C (Dobrigkeit, C); D'Olivio, JC (D'Olivio, JC); Dorofeev, A (Dorofeev, A); Dova, MT (Dova, MT); Dye, A (Dye, A); DuVernois, MA (DuVernois, MA); Engel, R (Engel, R); Epele, LN (Epele, LN); Eschstruth, P (Eschstruth, P); Escobar, CO (Escobar, CO); Etchegoyen, A (Etchegoyen, A); San Luis, PF (San Luis, PF); Fauth, AC (Fauth, AC); Fazzini, N (Fazzini, N); Fernandez, A (Fernandez, A); Ferrero, AMJ (Ferrero, AMJ); Fick, B (Fick, B); Filevich, A (Filevich, A); Filipcic, A (Filipcic, A); Fonte, R (Fonte, R); Fulgione, W (Fulgione, W); Gamez, E (Gamez, E); Garcia, B (Garcia, B); Garcia, CA (Garcia, CA); Geenen, H (Geenen, H); Gemmeke, H (Gemmeke, H); Germain-Renaud, C (Germain-Renaud, C); Ghia, PL (Ghia, PL); Gibbs, K (Gibbs, K); Giller, M (Giller, M); Gitto, J (Gitto, J); Glass, H (Glass, H); Berisso, MG (Berisso, MG); Vitale, PFG (Vitale, PFG); Gonzalez, J (Gonzalez, J); Gonzalez, J (Gonzalez, J); Gora, D (Gora, D); Goodwin, A (Goodwin, A); Gouffon, P (Gouffon, P); Grassi, V (Grassi, V); Grillo, AF (Grillo, AF); Grunfeld, C (Grunfeld, C); Grygar, J (Grygar, J); Guarino, F (Guarino, F); Guedes, G (Guedes, G); Guerard, C (Guerard, C); Gumbsheimer, R (Gumbsheimer, R); Harton, JL (Harton, JL); Hasenbalg, F (Hasenbalg, F); Heck, D (Heck, D); Hernandez, JM (Hernandez, JM); Hoffer, D (Hoffer, D); Hojvat, C (Hojvat, C); Homola, P (Homola, P); Horvat, M (Horvat, M); Hrabovsky, M (Hrabovsky, M); Insolia, A (Insolia, A); Jaminion, S (Jaminion, S); Jeronimo, Y (Jeronimo, Y); Jiang, L (Jiang, L); Kaducak, M (Kaducak, M); Kampert, KH (Kampert, KH); Keilhauer, B (Keilhauer, B); Kemp, E (Kemp, E); Klages, H (Klages, H); Kleifges, M (Kleifges, M); Kleinfeller, J (Kleinfeller, J); Knapp, J (Knapp, J); Kopmann, A (Kopmann, A); Kunka, N (Kunka, N); Kutschera, M (Kutschera, M); Lachaud, C (Lachaud, C); Lapolla, M (Lapolla, M); Letessier-Selvon, A (Letessier-Selvon, A); LhenryYvon, I (Lhenry-Yvon, I); Lloyd-Evans, J (Lloyd-Evans, J); Lopez, R (Lopez, R); Aguera, AL (Aguera, AL); Lucano, M (Lucano, M); Luna, R (Luna, R); Ma, Y (Ma, Y); Mancenido, ME (Mancenido, ME); Manfredi, PF (Manfredi, PF); Manhaes, L (Manhaes, L); Mantsch, P (Mantsch, P); Mariazzi, AG (Mariazzi, AG); Markus, MJ (Markus, MJ); Martin, G (Martin, G); Martineau, O (Martineau, O); Martinez, J (Martinez, J); Martinez, N (Martinez, N); Martinez, O (Martinez, O); Mathes, HJ (Mathes, HJ); Matthews, JAJ (Matthews, JAJ); Matthews, J (Matthews, J); Matthiae, G (Matthiae, G); Marques, E (Marques, E); Matussek, P (Matussek, P); Maurin, G (Maurin, G); Maurizio, D (Maurizio, D); Mazur, P (Mazur, P); McCauley, T (McCauley, T); McEwen, M (McEwen, M); McNeil, RR (McNeil, RR); Medina, C (Medina, C); Medina, MC (Medina, MC); Medina-Tanco, G (Medina-Tanco, G); Melo, D (Melo, D); Melocchi, M (Melocchi, M); Menichetti, E (Menichetti, E); Menshikov, A (Menshikov, A); Meyer, F (Meyer, F); Meyhandan, R (Meyhandan, R); Meza, JC (Meza, JC); Miele, G (Miele, G); Miller, W (Miller, W); Mohammed, M (Mohammed, M); MonnierRagaigne, D (Monnier-Ragaigne, D); Morello, C (Morello, C); Moreno, E (Moreno, E); Mostafa, M (Mostafa, M); Mussa, R (Mussa, R); Nassini, H (Nassini, H); Navarra, G (Navarra, G); Nellen, L (Nellen, L); Nerling, F (Nerling, F); Newman-Holmes, C (NewmanHolmes, C); Nicotra, D (Nicotra, D); Nigro, S (Nigro, S); Nitz, D (Nitz, D); Nogima, H (Nogima, H); Nosek, D (Nosek, D); Nunez, M (Nunez, M); Ohnuki, T (Ohnuki, T); Olinto, A (Olinto, A); Ostaptchenko, S (Ostaptchenko, S); Palatka, M (Palatka, M); Parente, G (Parente, G); Parizot, E (Parizot, E); Pasaye, EH (Pasaye, EH); Pastrone, N (Pastrone, N); Patel, M (Patel, M); Paul, T (Paul, T); Pedraza, I (Pedraza, I); Pekala, J (Pekala, J); Pelayo, R (Pelayo, R); Pepe, IM (Pepe, IM); Perez-Lorenzana, A (Perez-Lorenzana, A); Perrone, L (Perrone, L); Peshman, N (Peshman, N); Petrera, S (Petrera, S); Petrinca, P (Petrinca, P); Pham-Ngoc, D (Pham-Ngoc, D); Pham-Trung, P (Pham-Trung, P); Pierog, T (Pierog, T); Pisanti, O (Pisanti, O); Playez, N (Playez, N); Ponce, E (Ponce, E); Porter, TA (Porter, TA); Prado, LJ (Prado, LJ); Privitera, P (Privitera, P); Prouza, M (Prouza, M); Pryke, CL (Pryke, CL); Rafert, JB (Rafert, JB); Raia, G (Raia, G); Ranchon, S (Ranchon, S); Ratti, L (Ratti, L); Ravignani, D (Ravignani, D); Re, V (Re, V); Risse, M (Risse, M); Rizi, V (Rizi, V); Roberts, MD (Roberts, MD); Robledo, C (Robledo, C); Rodriguez, G (Rodriguez, G); Rodriquez, J (Rodriquez, J); Martino, JR (Martino, JR); Roman, S (Roman, S); Rosa, L (Rosa, L); Roth, M (Roth, M); Rovero, AC (Rovero, AC); Salazar, H (Salazar, H); Salina, G (Salina, G); Sanchez, F (Sanchez, F); Santander, M (Santander, M); dos Santos, LG (dos Santos, LG); Sato, R (Sato, R); Schovanek, P (Schovanek, P); Scherini, V (Scherini, V); Sciutto, SJ (Sciutto, SJ); Sequeiros-Haddad, G (Sequeiros-Haddad, G); Shellard, RC (Shellard, RC); Shibuya, E (Shibuya, E); Siguas, FV (Siguas, FV); Slater, W (Slater, W); Smetniansky-De Grande, N (Smetniansky-De Grande, N); Smith, K (Smith, K); Snow, GR (Snow, GR); Sommers, P (Sommers, P); Song, C (Song, C); Spinka, H (Spinka, H); Suarez, F (Suarez, F); Suomijarvi, T (Suomijarvi, T); Supanitsky, D (Supanitsky, D); Swain, J (Swain, J); Szadkowski, Z (Szadkowski, Z); Tamashiro, A (Tamashiro, A); Thornton, GJ (Thornton, GJ); Thouw, T (Thouw, T); Ticona, R (Ticona, R); Tkaczyk, W (Tkaczyk, W); Peixoto, CJT (Peixoto, CJT); Tripathi, A (Tripathi, A); Tristram, G (Tristram, G); Trombley, M (Trombley, M); Tscherniakhovski, D (Tscherniakhovski, D); Tuckey, P (Tuckey, P); Tunnicliffe, V (Tunnicliffe, V); Urban, M (Urban, M); Estrada, CU (Estrada, CU); Valdes, JF (Valdes, JF); Vargas, A (Vargas, A); Vargas, C (Vargas, C); Vazquez, R (Vazquez, R); Veberic, D (Veberic, D); Veiga, A (Veiga, A); Velarde, A (Velarde, A); Vernotte, F (Vernotte, F); Verzi, V (Verzi, V); Videla, M (Videla, M); Vigorito, C (Vigorito, C); Villasenor, LM (Villasenor, LM); Vlcek, M (Vlcek, M); Voyvodic, L (Voyvodic, L); Vo-Van, T (Vo-Van, T); Waldenmaier, T (Waldenmaier, T); Walker, P (Walker, P); Warner, D (Warner, D); Watson, AA (Watson, AA); Wiebusch, C (Wiebusch, C); Wieczorek, G (Wieczorek, G); Wilczynska, B (Wilczynska, B); Wilczynski, H (Wilczynski, H); Wild, NR (Wild, NR); Yamamoto, T (Yamamoto, T); Zas, E (Zas, E); Zavrtanik, D (Zavrtanik, D); Zavrtanik, M (Zavrtanik, M); Zepeda, A (Zepeda, A); Zhang, C (Zhang, C); Zhu, Q (Zhu, Q) Group Author(s): Auger Collaboration Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 523 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 50-95 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2003.12.012 Published: MAY 1 2004 Times Cited in Web of Science: 344 Total Times Cited: 345 Cited Reference Count: 43 Abstract: Construction of the first stage of the Pierre Auger Observatory has begun. The aim of the Observatory is to collect unprecedented information about cosmic rays above 10(18) eV. The first phase of the project, the construction and operation of a prototype system, known as the engineering array, has now been completed. It has allowed all of the subsystems that will be used in the full instrument to be tested under field conditions. In this paper, the properties and performance of these sub-systems are described and their success illustrated with descriptions of some of the events recorded thus far. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000221079000005 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: ultra high energy cosmic rays; Auger Observatory; extensive air showers KeyWords Plus: FLUORESCENCE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE; AIR SHOWER DETECTOR; TIME-TAGGING SYSTEM; RAY ENERGY-SPECTRUM; COSMIC-RAYS; ARRAY Addresses: Univ Leeds, Dept Phys & Astron, Leeds LS2 9JT, W Yorkshire, England Univ Tecnol Nacl Reg Mendoza, Ciudad Mendoza, Argentina Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, Ciudad Mendoza, Argentina Univ Turin, Sez Torino, Ist Fis Spazio Interplanetario, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Turin, Dipartimento Fis Gen, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Turin, Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-10125 Turin, Italy Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Univ Paris 11, Inst Phys Nucl, F-91406 Orsay, France CNRS, IN2P3, F-91406 Orsay, France CNEA, Inst Balseiro, Ctr Atom Bariloche, RA-8400 San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina Univ Nacl Cuyo, RA-8400 San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina Penn State Univ, Dept Phys, Davey Lab 104, University Pk, PA 16802 USA Univ Lodz, Div Expt Phys, PL-90236 Lodz, Poland Univ Fed Fluminense, BR-24210340 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil Dipartimento Fis, I-80123 Naples, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-80123 Naples, Italy Northeastern Univ, Dept Phys, Boston, MA 02115 USA Benemerita Univ Autonoma Puebla, Puebla 72500, Mexico Ctr Brasileiro Pesquisas Fis, BR-22290180 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Dipartimento Fis Sperimentale, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Phys & Astron, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA Inst Politecn Nacl, CINVESTAV, Dept Phys, Mexico City 07000, DF, Mexico Univ Leeds, Dept Phys & Astron, Leeds LS2 9JT, W Yorkshire, England Pierre Auger So Observ, Mendoza, Argentina Univ Estadual Campinas, Inst Fis, Dept Raios Cosm & Cronol, BR-13084971 Campinas, SP, Brazil Colorado State Univ, Dept Phys, Ft Collins, CO 80523 USA Coll France, Lab Phys Corpusculaire & Cosmol, F-75005 Paris, France CNRS, IN2P3, F-75005 Paris, France Univ Wuppertal, Fachbereich Phys, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany Univ Adelaide, Dept Phys & Math Phys, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Inst Kernphys, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Chicago, Enrico Fermi Inst, Chicago, IL 60637 USA Univ Paris 06, Lab Phys Nucl & Hautes Energies, F-75005 Paris, France Univ Paris 07, Lab Phys Nucl & Hautes Energies, F-75005 Paris, France CNRS, IN2P3, F-75005 Paris, France Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, CZ-18221 Prague 8, Czech Republic Comis Nacl Energia Atom, Lab Tandar, RA-1650 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, RA-1650 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina Univ Colorado, Dept Phys, Boulder, CO 80309 USA So Univ, Dept Phys, Baton Rouge, LA 70813 USA Dipartimento Fis, I-20133 Milan, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-20133 Milan, Italy Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Mexico City 04510, DF, Mexico Dipartimento Fis, Laquila, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Laquila, Italy Univ Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy Univ Bergamo, I-27100 Pavia, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-27100 Pavia, Italy Univ Michoacana San Nicolas Hidalgo, Morelia 58040, Michoacan, Mexico Michigan Technol Univ, Dept Phys, Houghton, MI 49931 USA Natl Univ La Plata, Fac Ciencias Exactas, Dept Fis, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, IFLP, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina Univ Nebraska, Dept Phys & Astron, Brace Lab 116, Lincoln, NE 68588 USA Univ Paris 11, Lab Accelerateur Lineaire, F-91408 Orsay, France CNRS, IN2P3, F-91408 Orsay, France Case Western Reserve Univ, Dept Phys, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA Inst Nucl Sci & Technol, Hanoi, Vietnam Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Expt Kernphys, TH, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Minnesota, Sch Phys & Astron, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Catania Univ, Dipartimento Fis, I-95129 Catania, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-95129 Catania, Italy Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Inst Prozessadetenverarbeitung & Elektron, D-76201 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Technol Nacl Reg San Rafael, Ciudad San Rafael, Argentina Inst Nucl Phys, PL-31342 Krakow, Poland Louisiana State Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Fis, Dept Fis Expt, BR-05315970 Sao Paulo, Brazil Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Gran Sasso, Gran Sasso, Italy Univ Santiago Compostela, Dept Fis Particulas, Santiago De Compostela, Spain Univ New Mexico, Dept Phys, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Astron & Geofis, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo, Brazil Univ Franche Comte, Astrophys Lab, Observ Besancon, F-25010 Besancon, France CNRS, INSU, F-25010 Besancon, France Charles Univ, Fac Math & Phys, Inst Nucl & Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Fed Bahia, BR-40210340 Salvador, BA, Brazil Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, Inst Astron & Fis Espacio, RA-1428 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina Univ Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA Chinese Acad Sci, Inst High Energy Phys, Beijing 100039, Peoples R China Max Planck Inst Radioastron, D-53121 Bonn, Germany Univ Roma Tor Vergata, I-00133 Rome, Italy INFN Roma II, I-00133 Rome, Italy Nova Gorica Polytech, Lab Astroparticle Phys, Nova Gorica 5001, Slovenia Natl Acad Sci, La Paz, Bolivia Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-10125 Turin, Italy Univ Leeds, Sch Elect Engn, Inst Integrated Informat Syst, Leeds LS2 9JT, W Yorkshire, England Reprint Address: Watson, AA (reprint author), Univ Leeds, Dept Phys & Astron, Leeds LS2 9JT, W Yorkshire, England E-mail Address: a.a.watson@leeds.ac.uk Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 815ZA ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 46 Record 2 of 500 Title: The upgraded DO detector Author(s): Abazov, VM (Abazov, V. M.); Abbott, B (Abbott, B.); Abolins, M (Abolins, M.); Acharya, BS (Acharya, B. S.); Adams, DL (Adams, D. L.); Adams, M (Adams, M.); Adams, T (Adams, T.); Agelou, M (Agelou, M.); Agram, JL (Agram, J. -L.); Ahmed, SN (Ahmed, S. N.); Ahn, SH (Ahn, S. H.); Ahsan, M (Ahsan, M.); Alexeev, GD (Alexeev, G. D.); Alkhazov, G (Alkhazov, G.); Alton, A (Alton, A.); Alverson, G (Alverson, G.); Alves, GA (Alves, G. A.); Anastasoaie, M (Anastasoaie, M.); Andeen, T (Andeen, T.); Anderson, JT (Anderson, J. T.); Anderson, S (Anderson, S.); Andrieu, B (Andrieu, B.); Angstadt, R (Angstadt, R.); Anosov, V (Anosov, V.); Arnoud, Y (Arnoud, Y.); Arov, M (Arov, M.); Askew, A (Askew, A.); Asman, B (Asman, B.); Jesus, ACSA (Assis Jesus, A. C. S.); Atramentov, O (Atramentov, O.); Autermann, C (Autermann, C.); Avila, C (Avila, C.); Babukhadia, L (Babukhadia, L.); Bacon, TC (Bacon, T. C.); Badaud, F (Badaud, F.); Baden, A (Baden, A.); Baffioni, S (Baffioni, S.); Bagby, L (Bagby, L.); Baldin, B (Baldin, B.); Balm, PW (Balm, P. W.); Banerjee, P (Banerjee, P.); Banerjee, S (Banerjee, S.); Barberis, E (Barberis, E.); Bardon, O (Bardon, O.); Barg, W (Barg, W.); Bargassa, P (Bargassa, P.); Baringer, P (Baringer, P.); Barnes, C (Barnes, C.); Barreto, J (Barreto, J.); Bartlett, JF (Bartlett, J. F.); Bassler, U (Bassler, U.); Bhattacharjee, M (Bhattacharjee, M.); Baturitsky, MA (Baturitsky, M. A.); Bauer, D (Bauer, D.); Bean, A (Bean, A.); Baumbaugh, B (Baumbaugh, B.); Beauceron, S (Beauceron, S.); Begalli, M (Begalli, M.); Beaudette, F (Beaudette, F.); Begel, M (Begel, M.); Bellavance, A (Bellavance, A.); Beri, SB (Beri, S. B.); Bernardi, G (Bernardi, G.); Bernhard, R (Bernhard, R.); Bertram, I (Bertram, I.); Besancon, M (Besancon, M.); Besson, A (Besson, A.); Beuselinck, R (Beuselinck, R.); Beutel, D (Beutel, D.); Bezzubov, VA (Bezzubov, V. A.); Bhat, PC (Bhat, P. C.); Bhatnagar, V (Bhatnagar, V.); Binder, M (Binder, M.); Biscarat, C (Biscarat, C.); Bishoff, A (Bishoff, A.); Black, KM (Black, K. M.); Blackler, I (Blackler, I.); Blazey, G (Blazey, G.); Blekman, F (Blekman, F.); Blessing, S (Blessing, S.); Bloch, D (Bloch, D.); Blumenschein, U (Blumenschein, U.); Bockenthien, E (Bockenthien, E.); Bodyagin, V (Bodyagin, V.); Boehnlein, A (Boehnlein, A.); Boeriu, O (Boeriu, O.); Bolton, TA (Bolton, T. A.); Bonamy, P (Bonamy, P.); Bonifas, D (Bonifas, D.); Borcherding, F (Borcherding, F.); Borissov, G (Borissov, G.); Bos, K (Bos, K.); Bose, T (Bose, T.); Boswell, C (Boswell, C.); Bowden, M (Bowden, M.); Brandt, A (Brandt, A.); Briskin, G (Briskin, G.); Brock, R (Brock, R.); Brooijmans, G (Brooijmans, G.); Bross, A (Bross, A.); Buchanan, NJ (Buchanan, N. J.); Buchholz, D (Buchholz, D.); Buehler, M (Buehler, M.); Buescher, V (Buescher, V.); Burdin, S (Burdin, S.); Burke, S (Burke, S.); Burnett, TH (Burnett, T. H.); Busato, E (Busato, E.); Buszello, CP (Buszello, C. P.); Butler, D (Butler, D.); Butler, JM (Butler, J. M.); Cammin, J (Cammin, J.); Caron, S (Caron, S.); Bystricky, J (Bystricky, J.); Canal, L (Canal, L.); Canelli, F (Canelli, F.); Carvalho, W (Carvalho, W.); Casey, BCK (Casey, B. C. K.); Casey, D (Casey, D.); Cason, NM (Cason, N. M.); Castilla-Valdez, H (Castilla-Valdez, H.); Chakrabarti, S (Chakrabarti, S.); Chakraborty, D (Chakraborty, D.); Chan, KM (Chan, K. M.); Chandra, A (Chandra, A.); Chapin, D (Chapin, D.); Charles, F (Charles, F.); Cheu, E (Cheu, E.); Chevalier, L (Chevalier, L.); Chi, E (Chi, E.); Chiche, R (Chiche, R.); Cho, DK (Cho, D. K.); Choate, R (Choate, R.); Choi, S (Choi, S.); Choudhary, B (Choudhary, B.); Chopra, S (Chopra, S.); Christenson, JH (Christenson, J. H.); Christiansen, T (Christiansen, T.); Christofek, L (Christofek, L.); Churin, I (Churin, I.); Cisko, G (Cisko, G.); Claes, D (Claes, D.); Clark, AR (Clark, A. R.); Clements, B (Clements, B.); Clement, C (Clement, C.); Coadou, Y (Coadou, Y.); Colling, DJ (Colling, D. J.); Coney, L (Coney, L.); Connolly, B (Connolly, B.); Cooke, M (Cooke, M.); Cooper, WE (Cooper, W. E.); Coppage, D (Coppage, D.); Corcoran, M (Corcoran, M.); Coss, J (Coss, J.); Cothenet, A (Cothenet, A.); Cousinou, MC (Cousinou, M. -C.); Cox, B (Cox, B.); Crepe-Renaudin, S (Crepe-Renaudin, S.); Cristetiu, M (Cristetiu, M.); Cummings, MAC (Cummings, M. A. C.); Cutts, D (Cutts, D.); da Motta, H (da Motta, H.); Das, M (Das, M.); Davies, B (Davies, B.); Davies, G (Davies, G.); Davis, GA (Davis, G. A.); Davis, W (Davis, W.); De, K (De, K.); de Jong, P (de Jong, P.); de Jong, SJ (de Jong, S. J.); De la Cruz-Burelo, E (De La Cruz-Burelo, E.); De la Taille, C (De La Taille, C.); Martins, CDO (De Oliveira Martins, C.); Dean, S (Dean, S.); Degenhardt, JD (Degenhardt, J. D.); Deliot, F (Deliot, F.); Delsart, PA (Delsart, P. A.); Signore, K (Del Signore, K.); DeMaat, R (DeMaat, R.); Demarteau, M (Demarteau, M.); Demina, R (Demina, R.); Demine, P (Demine, P.); Denisov, D (Denisov, D.); Denisov, SP (Denisov, S. P.); Desai, S (Desai, S.); Diehl, HT (Diehl, H. T.); Diesburg, M (Diesburg, M.); Doets, M (Doets, M.); Doidge, M (Doidge, M.); Dong, H (Dong, H.); Doulas, S (Doulas, S.); Dudko, LV (Dudko, L. V.); Duflot, L (Duflot, L.); Dugad, SR (Dugad, S. R.); Duperrin, A (Duperrin, A.); Dvornikov, O (Dvornikov, O.); Dyer, J (Dyer, J.); Dyshkant, A (Dyshkant, A.); Eads, M (Eads, M.); Edmunds, D (Edmunds, D.); Edwards, T (Edwards, T.); Ellison, J (Ellison, J.); Elmsheuser, J (Elmsheuser, J.); Eltzroth, JT (Eltzroth, J. T.); Elvira, VD (Elvira, V. D.); Eno, S (Eno, S.); Ermolov, P (Ermolov, P.); Eroshin, OV (Eroshin, O. V.); Estrada, J (Estrada, J.); Evans, D (Evans, D.); Evans, H (Evans, H.); Evdokimov, A (Evdokimov, A.); Evdokimov, VN (Evdokimov, V. N.); Fagan, J (Fagan, J.); Fast, J (Fast, J.); Fatakia, SN (Fatakia, S. N.); Fein, D (Fein, D.); Feligioni, L (Feligioni, L.); Ferapontov, AV (Ferapontov, A. V.); Ferbel, T (Ferbel, T.); Ferreira, MJ (Ferreira, M. J.); Fiedler, F (Fiedler, F.); Filthaut, F (Filthaut, F.); Fisher, W (Fisher, W.); Fisk, HE (Fisk, H. E.); Fleck, I (Fleck, I.); Fitzpatrick, T (Fitzpatrick, T.); Flattum, E (Flattum, E.); Fleuret, F (Fleuret, F.); Flores, R (Flores, R.); Foglesong, J (Foglesong, J.); Fortner, M (Fortner, M.); Fox, H (Fox, H.); Franklin, C (Franklin, C.); Freeman, W (Freeman, W.); Fu, S (Fu, S.); Fuess, S (Fuess, S.); Gadfort, T (Gadfort, T.); Galea, CF (Galea, C. F.); Gallas, E (Gallas, E.); Galyaev, E (Galyaev, E.); Gao, M (Gao, M.); Garcia, C (Garcia, C.); Garcia-Bellido, A (Garcia-Bellido, A.); Gardner, J (Gardner, J.); Gavrilov, V (Gavrilov, V.); Gay, A (Gay, A.); Gay, P (Gay, P.); Gele, D (Gele, D.); Gelhaus, R (Gelhaus, R.); Genser, K (Genser, K.); Gerber, CE (Gerber, C. E.); Gershtein, Y (Gershtein, Y.); Gillberg, D (Gillberg, D.); Geurkov, G (Geurkov, G.); Ginther, G (Ginther, G.); Gobbi, B (Gobbi, B.); Goldmann, K (Goldmann, K.); Golling, T (Golling, T.); Gollub, N (Gollub, N.); Golovtsov, V (Golovtsov, V.); Gomez, B (Gomez, B.); Gomez, G (Gomez, G.); Gomez, R (Gomez, R.); Goodwin, R (Goodwin, R.); Gornushkin, Y (Gornushkin, Y.); Gounder, K (Gounder, K.); Goussiou, A (Goussiou, A.); Graham, D (Graham, D.); Graham, G (Graham, G.); Grannis, PD (Grannis, P. D.); Gray, K (Gray, K.); Greder, S (Greder, S.); Green, DR (Green, D. R.); Green, J (Green, J.); Green, JA (Green, J. A.); Greenlee, H (Greenlee, H.); Greenwood, ZD (Greenwood, Z. D.); Gregores, EM (Gregores, E. M.); Grinstein, S (Grinstein, S.); Gris, P (Gris, Ph.); Grivaz, JF (Grivaz, J. -F.); Groer, L (Groer, L.); Grunendahl, S (Grunendahl, S.); Grunewald, MW (Grunewald, M. W.); Gu, W (Gu, W.); Guglielmo, J (Guglielmo, J.); Gupta, A (Gupta, A.); Gurzhiev, SN (Gurzhiev, S. N.); Gutierrez, G (Gutierrez, G.); Gutierrez, P (Gutierrez, P.); Haas, A (Haas, A.); Hadley, NJ (Hadley, N. J.); Haggard, E (Haggard, E.); Haggerty, H (Haggerty, H.); Hagopian, S (Hagopian, S.); Hall, I (Hall, I.); Hall, RE (Hall, R. E.); Han, C (Han, C.); Han, L (Han, L.); Hance, R (Hance, R.); Hanagaki, K (Hanagaki, K.); Hanlet, P (Hanlet, P.); Hansen, S (Hansen, S.); Harder, K (Harder, K.); Harel, A (Harel, A.); Harrington, R (Harrington, R.); Hauptman, JM (Hauptman, J. M.); Hauser, R (Hauser, R.); Hays, C (Hays, C.); Hays, J (Hays, J.); Hazen, E (Hazen, E.); Hebbeker, T (Hebbeker, T.); Hebert, C (Hebert, C.); Hedin, D (Hedin, D.); Heinmiller, JM (Heinmiller, J. M.); Heinson, AP (Heinson, A. P.); Heintz, U (Heintz, U.); Hensel, C (Hensel, C.); Hesketh, G (Hesketh, G.); Hildreth, MD (Hildreth, M. D.); Hirosky, R (Hirosky, R.); Hobbs, JD (Hobbs, J. D.); Hoeneisen, B (Hoeneisen, B.); Hohlfeld, M (Hohlfeld, M.); Honga, SJ (Honga, S. J.); Hooper, R (Hooper, R.); Hou, S (Hou, S.); Houben, P (Houben, P.); Hu, Y (Hu, Y.); Huang, J (Huang, J.); Huang, Y (Huang, Y.); Hynek, V (Hynek, V.); Huffman, D (Huffman, D.); Iashvili, I (Iashvili, I.); Illingworth, R (Illingworth, R.); Ito, AS (Ito, A. S.); Jabeen, S (Jabeen, S.); Jacquier, Y (Jacquier, Y.); Jaffre, M (Jaffre, M.); Jain, S (Jain, S.); Jain, V (Jain, V.); Jakobs, K (Jakobs, K.); Jayanti, R (Jayanti, R.); Jenkins, A (Jenkins, A.); Jesik, R (Jesik, R.); Jiang, Y (Jiang, Y.); Johns, K (Johns, K.); Johnson, M (Johnson, M.); Johnson, P (Johnson, P.); Jonckheere, A (Jonckheere, A.); Johnsson, P (Johnsson, P.); Jostlein, H (Jostlein, H.); Jouravlev, N (Jouravlev, N.); Juarez, M (Juarez, M.); Juste, A (Juste, A.); Kaan, AP (Kaan, A. P.); Kado, MM (Kado, M. M.); Kafer, D (Kaefer, D.); Kahl, W (Kahl, W.); Kahn, S (Kahn, S.); Kajfasz, E (Kajfasz, E.); Kalinin, AM (Kalinin, A. M.); Kalk, J (Kalk, J.); Kalmani, SD (Kalmani, S. D.); Karmanov, D (Karmanov, D.); Kasper, J (Kasper, J.); Katsanos, I (Katsanos, I.); Kau, D (Kau, D.); Kaur, R (Kaur, R.); Ke, Z (Ke, Z.); Kehoe, R (Kehoe, R.); Kermiche, S (Kermiche, S.); Kesisoglou, S (Kesisoglou, S.); Khanov, A (Khanov, A.); Kharchilava, A (Kharchilava, A.); Kharzheev, YM (Kharzheev, Y. M.); Kim, H (Kim, H.); Kim, KH (Kim, K. H.); Kim, TJ (Kim, T. J.); Kirsch, N (Kirsch, N.); Klima, B (Klima, B.); Klute, M (Klute, M.); Kohli, JM (Kohli, J. M.); Konrath, JP (Konrath, J. -P.); Komissarov, EV (Komissarov, E. V.); Kopal, M (Kopal, M.); Korablev, VM (Korablev, V. M.); Kostritski, A (Kostritski, A.); Kotcher, J (Kotcher, J.); Kothari, B (Kothari, B.); Kotwal, AV (Kotwal, A. V.); Koubarovsky, A (Koubarovsky, A.); Kozelov, AV (Kozelov, A. V.); Kozminski, J (Kozminski, J.); Kryemadhi, A (Kryemadhi, A.); Kouznetsov, O (Kouznetsov, O.); Krane, J (Krane, J.); Kravchuk, N (Kravchuk, N.); Krempetz, K (Krempetz, K.); Krider, J (Krider, J.); Krishnaswamy, MR (Krishnaswamy, M. R.); Krzywdzinski, S (Krzywdzinski, S.); Kubantsev, M (Kubantsev, M.); Kubinski, R (Kubinski, R.); Kuchinsky, N (Kuchinsky, N.); Kuleshov, S (Kuleshov, S.); Kulik, Y (Kulik, Y.); Kumar, A (Kumar, A.); Kunori, S (Kunori, S.); Kupco, A (Kupco, A.); Kurca, T (Kurca, T.); Kvita, J (Kvita, J.); Kuznetsov, VE (Kuznetsov, V. E.); Kwarciany, R (Kwarciany, R.); Lager, S (Lager, S.); Lahrichi, N (Lahrichi, N.); Landsberg, G (Landsberg, G.); Larwill, M (Larwill, M.); Laurens, P (Laurens, P.); Lavigne, B (Lavigne, B.); Lazoflores, J (Lazoflores, J.); Le Bihan, AC (Le Bihan, A. -C.); Le Meur, G (Le Meur, G.); Lebrun, P (Lebrun, P.); Lee, SW (Lee, S. W.); Lee, WM (Lee, W. M.); Leflat, A (Leflat, A.); Leggett, C (Leggett, C.); Lehner, F (Lehner, F.); Leitner, R (Leitner, R.); Leonidopoulos, C (Leonidopoulos, C.); Leveque, J (Leveque, J.); Lewis, P (Lewis, P.); Li, J (Li, J.); Li, QZ (Li, Q. Z.); Li, X (Li, X.); Lima, JGR (Lima, J. G. R.); Lincoln, D (Lincoln, D.); Lindenmeyer, C (Lindenmeyer, C.); Linn, SL (Linn, S. L.); Linnemann, J (Linnemann, J.); Lipaev, VV (Lipaev, V. V.); Lipton, R (Lipton, R.); Litmaath, M (Litmaath, M.); Lizarazo, J (Lizarazo, J.); Lobo, L (Lobo, L.); Lobodenko, A (Lobodenko, A.); Lokajicek, M (Lokajicek, M.); Lounis, A (Lounis, A.); Love, P (Love, P.); Lu, J (Lu, J.); Lubatti, HJ (Lubatti, H. J.); Lucotte, A (Lucotte, A.); Lueking, L (Lueking, L.); Luo, C (Luo, C.); Lynker, M (Lynker, M.); Lyon, AL (Lyon, A. L.); Machado, E (Machado, E.); Maciel, AKA (Maciel, A. K. A.); Madaras, RJ (Madaras, R. J.); Mattig, P (Maettig, P.); Magass, C (Magass, C.); Magerkurth, A (Magerkurth, A.); Magnan, AM (Magnan, A. -M.); Maity, M (Maity, M.); Makovec, N (Makovec, N.); Mal, PK (Mal, P. K.); Malbouisson, HB (Malbouisson, H. B.); Malik, S (Malik, S.); Malyshev, VL (Malyshev, V. L.); Manakov, V (Manakov, V.); Mao, HS (Mao, H. S.); Maravin, Y (Maravin, Y.); Markley, D (Markley, D.); Markus, M (Markus, M.); Marshall, T (Marshall, T.); Martens, M (Martens, M.); Martin, M (Martin, M.); Martin-Chassard, G (Martin-Chassard, G.); Mattingly, SEK (Mattingly, S. E. K.); Matulik, M (Matulik, M.); Mayorov, AA (Mayorov, A. A.); McCarthy, R (McCarthy, R.); McCroskey, R (McCroskey, R.); McKenna, M (McKenna, M.); McMahon, T (McMahon, T.); Meder, D (Meder, D.); Melanson, HL (Melanson, H. L.); Melnitchouk, A (Melnitchouk, A.); Mendes, A (Mendes, A.); Mendoza, D (Mendoza, D.); Mendoza, L (Mendoza, L.); Meng, X (Meng, X.); Merekov, YP (Merekov, Y. P.); Merkin, M (Merkin, M.); Merritt, KW (Merritt, K. W.); Meyer, A (Meyer, A.); Meyer, J (Meyer, J.); Michaut, M (Michaut, M.); Miao, C (Miao, C.); Miettinen, H (Miettinen, H.); Mihalcea, D (Mihalcea, D.); Mikhailov, V (Mikhailov, V.); Miller, D (Miller, D.); Mitrevski, J (Mitrevski, J.); Mokhov, N (Mokhov, N.); Molina, J (Molina, J.); Mondal, NK (Mondal, N. K.); Montgomery, HE (Montgomery, H. E.); Moore, RW (Moore, R. W.); Moulik, T (Moulik, T.); Muanza, GS (Muanza, G. S.); Mostafa, M (Mostafa, M.); Moua, S (Moua, S.); Mulders, M (Mulders, M.); Mundim, L (Mundim, L.); Mutaf, YD (Mutaf, Y. D.); Nagaraj, P (Nagaraj, P.); Nagy, E (Nagy, E.); Naimuddin, M (Naimuddin, M.); Nang, F (Nang, F.); Narain, M (Narain, M.); Narasimhan, VS (Narasimhan, V. S.); Narayanan, A (Narayanan, A.); Naumann, NA (Naumann, N. A.); Neal, HA (Neal, H. A.); Negret, JP (Negret, J. P.); Nelson, S (Nelson, S.); Neuenschwander, RT (Neuenschwander, R. T.); Neustroev, P (Neustroev, P.); Noeding, C (Noeding, C.); Nomerotski, A (Nomerotski, A.); Novaes, SF (Novaes, S. F.); Nozdrin, A (Nozdrin, A.); Nunnemanny, T (Nunnemanny, T.); Nurczyk, A (Nurczyk, A.); Nurse, E (Nurse, E.); O'Dell, V (O'Dell, V.); O'Neil, DC (O'Neil, D. C.); Oguri, V (Oguri, V.); Olis, D (Olis, D.); Oliveira, N (Oliveira, N.); Olivier, B (Olivier, B.); Olsen, J (Olsen, J.); Oshima, N (Oshima, N.); Oshinowo, BO (Oshinowo, B. O.); Garzon, GJOY (Otero y Garzon, G. J.); Padley, P (Padley, P.); Papageorgiou, K (Papageorgiou, K.); Parashar, N (Parashar, N.); Park, J (Park, J.); Park, SK (Park, S. K.); Parsons, J (Parsons, J.); Partridge, R (Partridge, R.); Parua, N (Parua, N.); Patwa, A (Patwa, A.); Pawloski, G (Pawloski, G.); Perea, PM (Perea, P. M.); Perez, E (Perez, E.); Peters, O (Peters, O.); Petroff, P (Petroff, P.); Petteni, M (Petteni, M.); Phaf, L (Phaf, L.); Piegaia, R (Piegaia, R.); Pleier, MA (Pleier, M. -A.); Podesta-Lerma, PLM (Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.); Podstavkov, VM (Podstavkov, V. M.); Pogorelov, Y (Pogorelov, Y.); Pol, ME (Pol, M. -E.); Pompos, A (Pompos, A.); Polosov, P (Polosov, P.); Pope, BG (Pope, B. G.); Popkov, E (Popkov, E.); Porokhovoy, S (Porokhovoy, S.); da Silva, WLP (Prado da Silva, W. L.); Pritchard, W (Pritchard, W.); Prokhorov, I (Prokhorov, I.); Prosper, HB (Prosper, H. B.); Protopopescu, S (Protopopescu, S.); Przybycien, MB (Przybycien, M. B.); Qian, J (Qian, J.); Quadt, A (Quadt, A.); Quinn, B (Quinn, B.); Ramberg, E (Ramberg, E.); Ramirez-Gomez, R (Ramirez-Gomez, R.); Rani, KJ (Rani, K. J.); Ranjan, K (Ranjan, K.); Rao, MVS (Rao, M. V. S.); Rapidis, PA (Rapidis, P. A.); Rapisarda, S (Rapisarda, S.); Raskowski, J (Raskowski, J.); Ratoff, PN (Ratoff, P. N.); Ray, RE (Ray, R. E.); Reay, NW (Reay, N. W.); Rechenmacher, R (Rechenmacher, R.); Reddy, LV (Reddy, L. V.); Regan, T (Regan, T.); Renardy, JF (Renardy, J. -F.); Reucroft, S (Reucroft, S.); Rha, J (Rha, J.); Ridel, M (Ridel, M.); Rijssenbeek, M (Rijssenbeek, M.); Ripp-Baudot, I (RippBaudot, I.); Rizatdinova, F (Rizatdinova, F.); Robinson, S (Robinson, S.); Rodrigues, RF (Rodrigues, R. F.); Roco, M (Roco, M.); Rotolo, C (Rotolo, C.); Royon, C (Royon, C.); Rubinov, P (Rubinov, P.); Ruchti, R (Ruchti, R.); Rucinski, R (Rucinski, R.); Rud, VI (Rud, V. I.); Russakovich, N (Russakovich, N.); Russo, P (Russo, P.); Sabirov, B (Sabirov, B.); Sajot, G (Sajot, G.); Sanchez-Hernandez, A (Sanchez-Hernandez, A.); Sanders, MP (Sanders, M. P.); Santoro, A (Santoro, A.); Satyanarayana, B (Satyanarayana, B.); Savage, G (Savage, G.); Sawyer, L (Sawyer, L.); Scanlon, T (Scanlon, T.); Schaile, D (Schaile, D.); Schamberger, RD (Schamberger, R. D.); Scheglov, Y (Scheglov, Y.); Schellman, H (Schellman, H.); Schieferdecker, P (Schieferdecker, P.); Schmittz, C (Schmittz, C.); Schwanenberger, C (Schwanenberger, C.); Schukin, AA (Schukin, A. A.); Schwartzman, A (Schwartzman, A.); Schwienhorst, R (Schwienhorst, R.); Sengupta, S (Sengupta, S.); Severini, H (Severini, H.); Shabalina, E (Shabalina, E.); Shamim, M (Shamim, M.); Shankar, HC (Shankar, H. C.); Shary, V (Shary, V.); Shchukin, AA (Shchukin, A. A.); Sheahan, P (Sheahan, P.); Shephard, WD (Shephard, W. D.); Shivpuri, RK (Shivpuri, R. K.); Shishkin, AA (Shishkin, A. A.); Shpakov, D (Shpakov, D.); Shupe, M (Shupe, M.); Sidwell, RA (Sidwell, R. A.); Simak, V (Simak, V.); Sirotenko, V (Sirotenko, V.); Skow, D (Skow, D.); Skubic, P (Skubic, P.); Slattery, P (Slattery, P.); Smith, DE (Smith, D. E.); Smith, RP (Smith, R. P.); Smolek, K (Smolek, K.); Snow, GR (Snow, G. R.); Snow, J (Snow, J.); Snyder, S (Snyder, S.); SoldnerRembold, S (Soldner-Rembold, S.); Song, X (Song, X.); Song, Y (Song, Y.); Sonnenschein, L (Sonnenschein, L.); Sopczak, A (Sopczak, A.); Sorin, V (Sorin, V.); Sosebee, M (Sosebee, M.); Soustruznik, K (Soustruznik, K.); Souza, M (Souza, M.); Spartana, N (Spartana, N.); Spurlock, B (Spurlock, B.); Stanton, NR (Stanton, N. R.); Stark, J (Stark, J.); Steele, J (Steele, J.); Stefanik, A (Stefanik, A.); Steinberg, J (Steinberg, J.); Steinbruck, G (Steinbruck, G.); Stevenson, K (Stevenson, K.); Stolin, V (Stolin, V.); Stone, A (Stone, A.); Stoyanova, DA (Stoyanova, D. A.); Strandberg, J (Strandberg, J.); Strang, MA (Strang, M. A.); Strauss, M (Strauss, M.); Strohmery, R (Stroehmery, R.); Strom, D (Strom, D.); Strovink, M (Strovink, M.); Stutte, L (Stutte, L.); Sumowidagdo, S (Sumowidagdo, S.); Sznajder, A (Sznajder, A.); Talby, M (Talby, M.); Tentindo-Repond, S (Tentindo-Repond, S.); Tamburello, P (Tamburello, P.); Taylor, W (Taylor, W.); Telford, P (Telford, P.); Temple, J (Temple, J.); Terentyev, N (Terentyev, N.); Teterin, V (Teterin, V.); Thomas, E (Thomas, E.); Thompson, J (Thompson, J.); Thooris, B (Thooris, B.); Titov, M (Titov, M.); Toback, D (Toback, D.); Tokmenin, VV (Tokmenin, V. V.); Tolian, C (Tolian, C.); Tomoto, M (Tomoto, M.); Tompkins, D (Tompkins, D.); Toole, T (Toole, T.); Torborg, J (Torborg, J.); Touze, F (Touze, F.); Towers, S (Towers, S.); Trefzger, T (Trefzger, T.); Trincaz-Duvoid, S (Trincaz-Duvoid, S.); Trippe, TG (Trippe, T. G.); Tsybychev, D (Tsybychev, D.); Tuchming, B (Tuchming, B.); Tully, C (Tully, C.); Turcot, AS (Turcot, A. S.); Tuts, PM (Tuts, P. M.); Utes, M (Utes, M.); Uvarov, L (Uvarov, L.); Uvarov, S (Uvarov, S.); Uzunyan, S (Uzunyan, S.); Vachon, B (Vachon, B.); van den Berg, PJ (van den Berg, P. J.); van Gemmeren, P (van Gemmeren, P.); Van Kooten, R (Van Kooten, R.); van Leeuwen, WM (van Leeuwen, W. M.); Varelas, N (Varelas, N.); Varnes, EW (Varnes, E. W.); Vartapetian, A (Vartapetian, A.); Vasilyev, IA (Vasilyev, I. A.); Vaupel, M (Vaupel, M.); Vaz, M (Vaz, M.); Verdier, P (Verdier, P.); Vertogradov, LS (Vertogradov, L. S.); Verzocchi, M (Verzocchi, M.); Vigneault, M (Vigneault, M.); Villeneuve-Seguier, F (Villeneuve-Seguier, F.); Vishwanath, PR (Vishwanath, P. R.); Vlimant, JR (Vlimant, J. -R.); Von Toerne, E (Von Toerne, E.); Vorobyov, A (Vorobyov, A.); Vreeswijk, M (Vreeswijk, M.); Anh, TV (Anh, T. Vu); Vysotsky, V (Vysotsky, V.); Wahl, HD (Wahl, H. D.); Walker, R (Walker, R.); Wallace, N (Wallace, N.); Wang, L (Wang, L.); Wang, ZM (Wang, Z. -M.); Warchol, J (Warchol, J.); Warsinsky, M (Warsinsky, M.); Watts, G (Watts, G.); Wayne, M (Wayne, M.); Weber, M (Weber, M.); Weerts, H (Weerts, H.); Wegner, M (Wegner, M.); Wermes, N (Wermes, N.); Wetstein, M (Wetstein, M.); White, A (White, A.); White, V (White, V.); Whiteson, D (Whiteson, D.); Wicke, D (Wicke, D.); Wijnen, T (Wijnen, T.); Wijngaarden, DA (Wijngaarden, D. A.); Wilcer, N (Wilcer, N.); Willutzki, H (Willutzki, H.); Wilson, GW (Wilson, G. W.); Wimpenny, SJ (Wimpenny, S. 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Group Author(s): DO Collaboration Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 565 Issue: 2 Pages: 463-537 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.05.248 Published: SEP 15 2006 Times Cited in Web of Science: 288 Total Times Cited: 284 Cited Reference Count: 84 Abstract: The DO experiment enjoyed a very successful data-collection run at the Fermilab Tevatron collider between 1992 and 1996. Since then, the detector has been upgraded to take advantage of improvements to the Tevatron and to enhance its physics capabilities. We describe the new elements of the detector, including the silicon microstrip tracker, central fiber tracker, solenoidal magnet, preshower detectors, forward muon detector, and forward proton detector. The uranium/liquid -argon calorimeters and central muon detector, remaining from Run 1, are discussed briefly. We also present the associated electronics, triggering, and data acquisition systems, along with the design and implementation of software specific to DO. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000240713100015 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: Fermilab; DZero; DO; Tevatron Run II KeyWords Plus: W BOSON MASS; 2ND-GENERATION LEPTOQUARK PAIRS; CENTRAL FIBER TRACKER; JET CROSS-SECTION; TOP-QUARK MASS; ROOTS=1.8 TEV; P(P)OVER-BAR COLLISIONS; GAMMA COUPLINGS; (P)OVER-BAR-P COLLISIONS; SCINTILLATION-COUNTERS Addresses: Univ Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina LAFEX, Ctr Braisileiro Pesquisas Fis, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Univ Estado Rio de Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Univ Estadual Paulista, Inst Fis Teor, BR-01405 Sao Paulo, Brazil Univ Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada Simon Fraser Univ, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada York Univ, Toronto, ON M3J 2R7, Canada McGill Univ, Montreal, PQ H3A 2T5, Canada Inst High Energy Phys, Beijing 100039, Peoples R China Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China Univ Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia Charles Univ, Ctr Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Czech Tech Univ, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, Ctr Particle Phys, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador Univ Clermont Ferrand, Lab Phys Corpusculaire, IN2P3, CNRS, Clermont Ferrand, France Univ Grenoble 1, Lab Phys Subatom & Cosmol, IN2P3, CNRS, Grenoble, France Univ Mediterranee, CPPM, IN2P3, CNRS, Marseille, France CNRS, IN2P3, Lab Accelerateur Lineaire, Orsay, France Univ Paris 06, LPNHE, IN2P3, CNRS, Paris, France Univ Paris 07, LPNHE, IN2P3, CNRS, Paris, France CEA Saclay, DAPNIA, Serv Phys Particules, Gif Sur Yvette, France Univ Strasbourg 1, IReS, IN2P3, CNRS, Strasbourg, France Univ Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France Univ Lyon 1, Inst Phys Nucl Lyon, IN2P3, CNRS, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Phys Inst A 3, D-5100 Aachen, Germany Univ Bonn, Inst Phys, D-5300 Bonn, Germany Univ Freiberg, Inst Phys, Freiburg, Germany Univ Mainz, Inst Phys, D-6500 Mainz, Germany Univ Munich, Munich, Germany Univ Wuppertal, Fachbereich Phys, Wuppertal, Germany Panjab Univ, Chandigarh 160014, India Univ Delhi, Delhi 110007, India Tata Inst Fundamental Res, Bombay 400005, Maharashtra, India Univ Coll Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland Korea Univ, Korea Detector Lab, Seoul 136701, South Korea CINVESTAV, Mexico City 14000, DF, Mexico NIKHEF, FOM Inst, Amsterdam, Netherlands Univ Amsterdam, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Netherlands Radboud Univ Nijmegen, NIKHEF, Nijmegen, Netherlands Joint Inst Nucl Res, Dubna, Russia Inst Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow 117259, Russia Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Moscow, Russia Inst High Energy Phys, Protvino, Russia Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst, St Petersburg, Russia Lund Univ, Lund, Sweden Royal Inst Technol, Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm Univ, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden Univ Uppsala, S-75105 Uppsala, Sweden Univ Lancaster, Lancaster, England Univ London Imperial Coll Sci & Technol, London, England Univ Manchester, Manchester, Lancs, England Univ Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Univ Calif Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Calif State Univ Fresno, Fresno, CA 93740 USA Univ Calif Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521 USA Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Univ Illinois, Chicago, IL 60607 USA No Illinois Univ, De Kalb, IL 60115 USA Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL 60208 USA Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA Univ Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA 50011 USA Univ Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 USA Kansas State Univ, Manhattan, KS 66506 USA Louisiana Tech Univ, Ruston, LA 71272 USA Univ Maryland, College Pk, MD 20742 USA Boston Univ, Boston, MA 02215 USA Northeastern Univ, Boston, MA 02115 USA Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA Michigan State Univ, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA Univ Mississippi, University, MS 38677 USA Univ Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588 USA Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA Columbia Univ, New York, NY 10027 USA Univ Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 USA SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 USA Brookhaven Natl Lab, Upton, NY 11973 USA Langston Univ, Langston, OK 73050 USA Univ Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 USA Brown Univ, Providence, RI 02912 USA Univ Texas, Arlington, TX 76019 USA So Methodist Univ, Dallas, TX 75275 USA Rice Univ, Houston, TX 77005 USA Univ Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901 USA Univ Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Belarussian State Univ, Inst Nucl Problems, Minsk 220050, Byelarus Belarussian State Univ, Natl Sci & Educ Ctr Particle & High Energy Phys, Minsk 220050, Byelarus Res & Prod Corp Integral, Minsk, Byelarus Inst Nucl Phys, Krakow, Poland Univ Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Reprint Address: Blessing, S (reprint author), Univ Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina E-mail Address: blessing@hep.fsu.edu Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 086ZY ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 75 Record 3 of 500 Title: Radiation hard silicon detectors - developments by the RD48 (ROSE) collaboration Author(s): Lindstrom, G (Lindstrom, G); Ahmed, M (Ahmed, M); Albergo, S (Albergo, S); Allport, P (Allport, P); Anderson, D (Anderson, D); Andricek, L (Andricek, L); Angarano, MM (Angarano, MM); Augelli, V (Augelli, V); Bacchetta, N (Bacchetta, N); Bartalini, P (Bartalini, P); Bates, R (Bates, R); Biggeri, U (Biggeri, U); Bilei, GM (Bilei, GM); Bisello, D (Bisello, D); Boemi, D (Boemi, D); Borchi, E (Borchi, E); Botila, T (Botila, T); Brodbeck, TJ (Brodbeck, TJ); Bruzzi, M (Bruzzi, M); Budzynski, T (Budzynski, T); Burger, P (Burger, P); Campabadal, F (Campabadal, F); Casse, G (Casse, G); Catacchini, E (Catacchini, E); Chilingarov, A (Chilingarov, A); Ciampolini, P (Ciampolini, P); Cindro, V (Cindro, V); Costa, MJ (Costa, MJ); Creanza, D (Creanza, D); Clauws, P (Clauws, P); Da Via, C (Da Via, C); Davies, G (Davies, G); De Boer, W (De Boer, W); Dell'Orso, R (Dell'Orso, R); De Palma, M (De Palma, M); Dezillie, B (Dezillie, B); Eremin, V (Eremin, V); Evrard, O (Evrard, O); Fallica, G (Fallica, G); Fanourakis, G (Fanourakis, G); Feick, H (Feick, H); Focardi, E (Focardi, E); Fonseca, L (Fonseca, L); Fretwurst, E (Fretwurst, E); Fuster, J (Fuster, J); Gabathuler, K (Gabathuler, K); Glaser, M (Glaser, M); Grabiec, P (Grabiec, P); Grigoriev, E (Grigoriev, E); Hall, G (Hall, G); Hanlon, M (Hanlon, M); Hauler, F (Hauler, F); Heising, S (Heising, S); Holmes-Siedle, A (Holmes-Siedle, A); Horisberger, R (Horisberger, R); Hughes, G (Hughes, G); Huhtinen, M (Huhtinen, M); Ilyashenko, I (Ilyashenko, I); Ivanov, A (Ivanov, A); Jones, BK (Jones, BK); Jungermann, L (Jungermann, L); Kaminsky, A (Kaminsky, A); Kohout, Z (Kohout, Z); Kramberger, G (Kramberger, G); Kuhnke, M (Kuhnke, M); Kwan, S (Kwan, S); Lemeilleur, F (Lemeilleur, F); Leroy, C (Leroy, C); Letheren, M (Letheren, M); Li, Z (Li, Z); Ligonzo, T (Ligonzo, T); Linhart, V (Linhart, V); Litovchenko, P (Litovchenko, P); Loukas, D (Loukas, D); Lozano, M (Lozano, M); Luczynski, Z (Luczynski, Z); Lutz, G (Lutz, G); MacEvoy, B (MacEvoy, B); Manolopoulos, S (Manolopoulos, S); Markou, A (Markou, A); Martinez, C (Martinez, C); Messineo, A (Messineo, A); Mikuz, M (Mikuz, M); Moll, M (Moll, M); Nossarzewska, E (Nossarzewska, E); Ottaviani, G (Ottaviani, G); Oshea, V (Oshea, V); Parrini, G (Parrini, G); Passeri, D (Passeri, D); Petre, D (Petre, D); Pickford, A (Pickford, A); Pintilie, I (Pintilie, I); Pintilie, L (Pintilie, L); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S); Potenza, R (Potenza, R); Raine, C (Raine, C); Rafi, JM (Rafi, JM); Ratoff, PN (Ratoff, PN); Richter, RH (Richter, RH); Riedler, P (Riedler, P); Roe, S (Roe, S); Roy, P (Roy, P); Ruzin, A (Ruzin, A); Ryazanov, AI (Ryazanov, AI); Santocchia, A (Santocchia, A); Schiavulli, L (Schiavulli, L); Sicho, P (Sicho, P); Siotis, I (Siotis, I); Sloan, T (Sloan, T); Slysz, W (Slysz, W); Smith, K (Smith, K); Solanky, M (Solanky, M); Sopko, B (Sopko, B); Stolze, K (Stolze, K); Avset, BS (Avset, BS); Svensson, B (Svensson, B); Tivarus, C (Tivarus, C); Tonelli, G (Tonelli, G); Tricomi, A (Tricomi, A); Tzamarias, S (Tzamarias, S); Valvo, G (Valvo, G); Vasilescu, A (Vasilescu, A); Vayaki, A (Vayaki, A); Verbitskaya, E (Verbitskaya, E); Verdini, P (Verdini, P); Vrba, V (Vrba, V); Watts, S (Watts, S); Weber, ER (Weber, ER); Wegrzecki, M (Wegrzecki, M); Wegrzecka, I (Wegrzecka, I); Weilhammer, P (Weilhammer, P); Wheadon, R (Wheadon, R); Wilburn, C (Wilburn, C); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I); Wunstorf, R (Wunstorf, R); Wustenfeld, J (Wustenfeld, J); Wyss, J (Wyss, J); Zankel, K (Zankel, K); Zabierowski, P (Zabierowski, P); Zontar, D (Zontar, D) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 466 Issue: 2 Pages: 308-326 DOI: 10.1016/S01689002(01)00560-5 Published: JUL 1 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 244 Total Times Cited: 244 Cited Reference Count: 27 Abstract: The RD48 (ROSE) collaboration has succeeded to develop radiation hard silicon detectors. capable to withstand the harsh hadron fluences in the tracking areas of LHC experiments. In order to reach this objective, a defect engineering technique was employed resulting in the development of Oxygen enriched FZ silicon (DOFZ), ensuring the necessary O-enrichment of about 2 x 10(17) O/cm(3) in the normal detector processing. Systematic investigations have been carried out on various standard and oxygenated silicon diodes with neutron, proton and pion irradiation up to a fluence of 5 x 10(14)cm(-2) (1 MeV neutron equivalent). Major focus is on the changes of the effective doping concentration (depletion voltage). Other aspects (reverse current, charge collection) are covered too and the appreciable benefits obtained with DOFZ silicon in radiation tolerance for charged hadrons are outlined. The results are reliably described by the "Hamburg model": its application to LHC experimental conditions is shown, demonstrating the superiority of the defect engineered silicon. Microscopic aspects of damage effects are also discussed. including differences due to charged and neutral hadron irradiation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000169913900010 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 4th International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detector Conference Date: MAR 22-25, 2000 Conference Location: HIROSHIMA, JAPAN Conference Sponsor(s): Murata Fdn Sci Promot Author Keywords: silicon detectors; radiation hardness; defect engineering; non ionizing energy loss KeyWords Plus: NEUTRON-IRRADIATION; DAMAGE Addresses: Univ Hamburg, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany Brunel Univ, London, England Catania Univ, Catania, Italy Univ Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Max Planck Inst, Munich, Germany Univ Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy Univ Bari, Bari, Italy Univ Padua, I-35100 Padua, Italy Univ Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland Univ Florence, Florence, Italy Inst Phys & Technol Mat, Bucharest, Romania Univ Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YW, England ITE, Warsaw, Poland Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Ctr Nacl Microelect, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana, Slovenia Univ Ghent, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Kings Coll London, London WC2R 2LS, England Univ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Pisa, Italy Brookhaven Natl Lab, Upton, NY 11973 USA AF Ioffe Phys Tech Inst, St Petersburg, Russia STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy Inst Nucl Phys, Demokritos, Greece Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA PSI, Villigen, Switzerland CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, London, England Czech Tech Univ Prague, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Univ Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, Kiev, Ukraine ITME, Warsaw, Poland Univ Modena, I-41100 Modena, Italy Tel Aviv Univ, Dept Engn, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Kurchatov Inst, Moscow, Russia Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic CiS Inst Mikrosensor gGmbH, Erfurt, Germany SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Royal Inst Technol, Stockholm, Sweden Inst Nucl Phys & Engn, Bucharest, Romania Charles Univ Prague, Fac Math & Phys, Inst Nucl & Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany Reprint Address: Lindstrom, G (reprint author), Univ Hamburg, Bundesstr 45, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany E-mail Address: gunnar.lindstroem@desy.de; gcasse@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk; Marko.Mikuz@ijs.si; rar@hll.mpg.de Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 453JZ ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 19 Record 4 of 500 Title: ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors Author(s): Aad, G (Aad, G.); Ackers, M (Ackers, M.); Alberti, FA (Alberti, F. A.); Aleppo, M (Aleppo, M.); Alimonti, G (Alimonti, G.); Alonso, J (Alonso, J.); Anderssen, EC (Anderssen, E. C.); Andreani, A (Andreani, A.); Andreazza, A (Andreazza, A.); Arguin, JF (Arguin, J-F.); Arms, KE (Arms, K. E.); Barberis, D (Barberis, D.); Barbero, MB (Barbero, M. B.); Bazalova, M (Bazalova, M.); Beccherle, RB (Beccherle, R. B.); Becks, KH (Becks, K. H.); Behera, PK (Behera, P. K.); Bellina, F (Bellina, F.); Beringer, J (Beringer, J.); Bernardet, K (Bernardet, K.); Biesiada, JB (Biesiada, J. B.); Blanquart, L (Blanquart, L.); Boek, J (Boek, J.); Boyd, GR (Boyd, G. R.); Breugnon, P (Breugnon, P.); Buchholz, P (Buchholz, P.); Butler, B (Butler, B.); Caccia, M (Caccia, M.); Capsoni, AC (Capsoni, A. 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W.); Goessling, C (Goessling, C.); Golling, T (Golling, T.); Goozen, F (Goozen, F.); Gorelov, I (Gorelov, I.); Gorfine, G (Gorfine, G.); Grah, C (Grah, C.); Gray, HM (Gray, H. M.); Gregor, IM (Gregor, I. M.); Grosse-Knetter, J (Grosse-Knetter, J.); Grybel, K (Grybel, K.); Gutierrez, P (Gutierrez, P.); Hallewell, GD (Hallewell, G. D.); Hartman, N (Hartman, N.); Havranek, M (Havranek, M.); Heinemann, B (Heinemann, B.); Henss, T (Henss, T.); Hoeferkamp, MR (Hoeferkamp, M. R.); Hoffmann, D (Hoffmann, D.); Holder, M (Holder, M.); Honerbach, W (Honerbach, W.); Horn, C (Horn, C.); Hou, S (Hou, S.); Huang, GS (Huang, G. S.); Huegging, F (Huegging, F.); Hughes, EW (Hughes, E. W.); Ibragimov, I (Ibragimov, I.); Ilyashenko, I (Ilyashenko, I.); Imhaeuser, M (Imhaeuser, M.); Izen, JM (Izen, J. M.); Jackson, J (Jackson, J.); Jana, D (Jana, D.); Jared, RC (Jared, R. C.); Jez, P (Jez, P.); Johnson, T (Johnson, T.); Joseph, J (Joseph, J.); Kagan, H (Kagan, H.); Karagounis, M (Karagounis, M.); Kass, RD (Kass, R. D.); Keil, M (Keil, M.); Kersten, S (Kersten, S.); Kind, P (Kind, P.); KlaiberLodewigs, J (Klaiber-Lodewigs, J.); Klingbeil, L (Klingbeil, L.); Klingenberg, R (Klingenberg, R.); Korn, A (Korn, A.); Kostyukhin, VV (Kostyukhin, V. V.); Kostyukhina, I (Kostyukhina, I.); Krasel, O (Krasel, O.); Krueger, H (Krueger, H.); Krueger, K (Krueger, K.); Kudlaty, J (Kudlaty, J.); Kuhl, T (Kuhl, T.); Kvasnicka, O (Kvasnicka, O.); Lantzsch, K (Lantzsch, K.); Lari, T (Lari, T.); Latorre, SL (Latorre, S. L.); Lee, SC (Lee, S. C.); Lenz, T (Lenz, T.); Lenzen, G (Lenzen, G.); Lepidis, J (Lepidis, J.); Leveque, J (Leveque, J.); Leyton, M (Leyton, M.); Mateos, DL (Mateos, D. Lopez); Loureiro, KF (Loureiro, K. F.); Luke, D (Lueke, D.); Luisa, L (Luisa, L.); Lys, J (Lys, J.); Madaras, RJ (Madaras, R. J.); Mattig, P (Maettig, P.); Manca, FM (Manca, F. M.); Mandelli, E (Mandelli, E.); Marcisovsky, M (Marcisovsky, M.); Marshall, Z (Marshall, Z.); Martinez, G (Martinez, G.); Masetti, L (Masetti, L.); Mass, M (Mass, M.); Mathes, M (Mathes, M.); McKay, R (McKay, R.); Meddeler, G (Meddeler, G.); Meera-Lebbai, R (Meera-Lebbai, R.); Meroni, C (Meroni, C.); Metcalfe, J (Metcalfe, J.); Meyer, WT (Meyer, W. T.); Miller, DW (Miller, D. W.); Miller, W (Miller, W.); Montesano, S (Montesano, S.); Monti, MM (Monti, M. M.); Morettini, P (Morettini, P.); Moss, JM (Moss, J. M.); Mouthuy, T (Mouthuy, T.); Nechaeva, P (Nechaeva, P.); Ockenfels, W (Ockenfels, W.); Odino, GA (Odino, G. A.); Olcese, M (Olcese, M.); Osculati, B (Osculati, B.); Parodi, F (Parodi, F.); Pekedis, A (Pekedis, A.); Perez, K (Perez, K.); Peric, I (Peric, I.); Pizzorno, C (Pizzorno, C.); Popule, J (Popule, J.); Post, R (Post, R.); Ragusa, F (Ragusa, F.); Rahimi, AM (Rahimi, A. M.); Raith, B (Raith, B.); Rajek, S (Rajek, S.); Reeves, K (Reeves, K.); Reisinger, I (Reisinger, I.); Richardson, JD (Richardson, J. D.); Rosenberg, EI (Rosenberg, E. I.); Rossi, LP (Rossi, L. P.); Rottlander, I (Rottlaender, I.); Rovani, AR (Rovani, A. R.); Rozanov, A (Rozanov, A.); Runolfsson, O (Runolfsson, O.); Ruscino, ER (Ruscino, E. R.); Saavedra, AF (Saavedra, A. F.); Sabatini, FS (Sabatini, F. S.); Saleem, M (Saleem, M.); Sandvoss, S (Sandvoss, S.); Sanny, B (Sanny, B.); Santi, L (Santi, L.); Scherzer, MI (Scherzer, M. I.); Schiavi, C (Schiavi, C.); Schreiner, A (Schreiner, A.); Schultes, J (Schultes, J.); Schwartzman, A (Schwartzman, A.); Seibert, R (Seibert, R.); Seidel, SC (Seidel, S. C.); Severini, H (Severini, H.); Shanava, S (Shanava, S.); Sicho, P (Sicho, P.); Skubic, P (Skubic, P.); Smith, AC (Smith, A. C.); Smith, DS (Smith, D. S.); Snow, J (Snow, J.); Stahl, T (Stahl, T.); Stockmanns, T (Stockmanns, T.); Strandberg, S (Strandberg, S.); Strauss, M (Strauss, M.); Ta, D (Ta, D.); Tegenfeldt, F (Tegenfeldt, F.); Teng, PK (Teng, P. K.); Ter-Antonyan, R (Ter-Antonyan, R.); Thadome, J (Thadome, J.); Tic, T (Tic, T.); Tomasek, L (Tomasek, L.); Tomasek, M (Tomasek, M.); Tomasi, F (Tomasi, F.); Toms, K (Toms, K.); Tran, C (Tran, C.); Treis, J (Treis, J.); Triplett, N (Triplett, N.); Troncon, C (Troncon, C.); Vacavant, L (Vacavant, L.); Vahsen, S (Vahsen, S.); Valenta, J (Valenta, J.); Vegni, G (Vegni, G.); Vernocchi, F (Vernocchi, F.); Vigeolas, E (Vigeolas, E.); Virzi, J (Virzi, J.); Viscione, E (Viscione, E.); Vrba, V (Vrba, V.); Walbersloh, J (Walbersloh, J.); Walkowiak, W (Walkowiak, W.); Weber, J (Weber, J.); Weber, TF (Weber, T. F.); Weingarten, J (Weingarten, J.); Weldon, C (Weldon, C.); Wermes, N (Wermes, N.); Werthenbach, U (Werthenbach, U.); Wirth, JS (Wirth, J. S.); Witharm, R (Witharm, R.); Witt, B (Witt, B.); Wittgen, M (Wittgen, M.); Wuestenfeld, J (Wuestenfeld, J.); Wunstorf, R (Wunstorf, R.); Wyckoff, J (Wyckoff, J.); Yao, WM (Yao, W-M.); Young, C (Young, C.); Zaidan, R (Zaidan, R.); Zdrazil, M (Zdrazil, M.); Zetti, F (Zetti, F.); Zhong, J (Zhong, J.); Ziolkowski, M (Ziolkowski, M.); Zizkaa, G (Zizkaa, G.); Zoeller, MM (Zoeller, M. M.) Source: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 3 Article Number: P07007 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/07/P07007 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited in Web of Science: 206 Total Times Cited: 207 Cited Reference Count: 98 Abstract: The silicon pixel tracking system for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is described and the performance requirements are summarized. Detailed descriptions of the pixel detector electronics and the silicon sensors are given. The design, fabrication, assembly and performance of the pixel detector modules are presented. Data obtained from test beams as well as studies using cosmic rays are also discussed. Accession Number: WOS:000258385300002 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: particle tracking detectors; electronic detector readout concepts (solidstate); large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics KeyWords Plus: COMMERCIAL 0.25-MU-M PROCESS; TRAPPING TIME CONSTANTS; RD48 ROSE COLLABORATION; HARD SILICON DETECTORS; CHARGE COLLECTION; CONTROL-SYSTEM; DATA-ACQUISITION; READOUT CHIP; LHC; MODULES Addresses: [Alonso, J.; Anderssen, E. C.; Arguin, J-F.; Beringer, J.; Biesiada, J. B.; Blanquart, L.; Cepeda, M.; Dardin, S.; Einsweiler, K.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Golling, T.; Goozen, F.; Hartman, N.; Heinemann, B.; Johnson, T.; Korn, A.; Krueger, K.; Leyton, M.; Lys, J.; Madaras, R. J.; Mandelli, E.; Miller, W.; Pekedis, A.; Post, R.; Richardson, J. D.; Saavedra, A. F.; Scherzer, M. I.; Smith, A. C.; Strauss, M.; Tran, C.; Vahsen, S.; Virzi, J.; Weber, T. F.; Weldon, C.; Wirth, J. S.; Witharm, R.; Wyckoff, J.; Yao, W-M.; Zdrazil, M.; Zetti, F.; Zizkaa, G.] Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA [Alonso, J.; Anderssen, E. C.; Arguin, J-F.; Beringer, J.; Biesiada, J. B.; Blanquart, L.; Cepeda, M.; Dardin, S.; Einsweiler, K.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Golling, T.; Goozen, F.; Hartman, N.; Heinemann, B.; Johnson, T.; Korn, A.; Krueger, K.; Leyton, M.; Lys, J.; Madaras, R. J.; Mandelli, E.; Meddeler, G.; Miller, D. W.; Pekedis, A.; Post, R.; Richardson, J. D.; Saavedra, A. F.; Scherzer, M. I.; Smith, A. C.; Strandberg, S.; Tran, C.; Vahsen, S.; Virzi, J.; Weber, T. F.; Weldon, C.; Wirth, J. S.; Witharm, R.; Wyckoff, J.; Yao, W-M.; Zdrazil, M.; Zetti, F.; Zizkaa, G.] Univ Calif Berkeley, Div Phys, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA [Ackers, M.; Barbero, M. B.; Cristinziani, M.; Dietsche, W.; Eyring, A.; Fischer, P.; Gaycken, G. G.; Grosse-Knetter, J.; Honerbach, W.; Huegging, F.; Karagounis, M.; Keil, M.; Klingbeil, L.; Krueger, H.; Krueger, K.; Kuhl, T.; Martinez, G.; Masetti, L.; Mathes, M.; Ockenfels, W.; Peric, I.; Raith, B.; Rottlaender, I.; Runolfsson, O.; Stockmanns, T.; Ta, D.; Treis, J.] Univ Bonn, Inst Phys, D-53115 Bonn, Germany [Coadou, Y. C.; Di Girolamo, B.; Donega, M.; Ilyashenko, I.; Shanava, S.] CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland [Gray, H. M.; Hughes, E. W.; Mateos, D. Lopez; Marshall, Z.; Perez, K.] Columbia Univ, Nevis Lab, Irvington, NY 10533 USA [Dobos, D.; Goessling, C.; Klaiber-Lodewigs, J.; Klingenberg, R.; Krasel, O.; Kudlaty, J.; Lueke, D.; Mass, M.; Rajek, S.; Reisinger, I.; Walbersloh, J.; Weber, J.; Weingarten, J.; Wuestenfeld, J.; Wunstorf, R.] Univ Dortmund, DE-44221 Dortmund, Germany [Beccherle, R. B.; Cereseto, R.; Cuneo, S.; Dameri, M.; Darbo, G.; Gariano, G. G.; Gemme, C.; Kostyukhin, V. V.; Kostyukhina, I.; Morettini, P.; Nechaeva, P.; Odino, G. A.; Olcese, M.; Osculati, B.; Parodi, F.; Pizzorno, C.; Rossi, L. P.; Rovani, A. R.; Ruscino, E. R.; Vernocchi, F.] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, IT-16146 Genoa, Italy [Barbero, M. B.; Cervetto, M.; Coccaro, A.; Gagliardi, G.; Garelli, N.; Odino, G. A.; Osculati, B.; Parodi, F.; Schiavi, C.] Univ Genoa, Dipartimento Fis, IT-16146 Genoa, Italy [McKay, R.; Meyer, W. T.; Rosenberg, E. I.; Tegenfeldt, F.; Triplett, N.] Iowa State Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Ames High Energy Phys Grp, Ames, IA 50011 USA [Aad, G.; Bernardet, K.; Breugnon, P.; Clemens, J. C.; Correard, S.; De Regie, J. B. De Vivie; Delpierre, P.; Djama, F.; Feligioni, L.; Hallewell, G. D.; Hoffmann, D.; Leveque, J.; Mouthuy, T.; Rozanov, A.; Vacavant, L.; Vigeolas, E.; Zaidan, R.] Aix Marseille Univ, CPPM, CNRS, IN2P3, Marseille, France [Alberti, F. A.; Alimonti, G.; Capsoni, A. C.; Citterio, M.; Coelli, S.; Giugni, D.; Lari, T.; Latorre, S. L.; Manca, F. M.; Meroni, C.; Monti, M. M.; Sabatini, F. S.; Tomasi, F.; Troncon, C.; Viscione, E.] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, IT-20133 Milan, Italy [Aleppo, M.; Andreani, A.; Andreazza, A.; Caccia, M.; De Sanctis, U.; Montesano, S.; Ragusa, F.; Vegni, G.] Univ Milan, Dipartmento Fis, IT-20133 Milan, Italy [Gorelov, I.; Hoeferkamp, M. R.; Metcalfe, J.; Seidel, S. C.] Univ New Mexico, Dept Phys & Astron, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA [Arms, K. E.; Fernando, W.; Fisher, M. J.; Gan, K. K.; Jackson, J.; Kagan, H.; Kass, R. D.; Loureiro, K. F.; Moss, J. M.; Rahimi, A. M.; Smith, D. S.; Ter-Antonyan, R.; Zoeller, M. M.] Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH 43210 USA [Boyd, G. R.; Gutierrez, P.; Huang, G. S.; Jana, D.; Meera-Lebbai, R.; Saleem, M.; Severini, H.; Skubic, P.; Snow, J.; Strauss, M.] Univ Oklahoma, Homer L Dodge Dept Phys, Norman, OK 73019 USA [Andreani, A.; Bazalova, M.; Havranek, M.; Jez, P.; Kvasnicka, O.; Marcisovsky, M.; Popule, J.; Sicho, P.; Tic, T.; Tomasek, L.; Tomasek, M.; Valenta, J.; Vrba, V.] Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, CZ-18221 Prague 8, Czech Republic [Butler, B.; Horn, C.; Miller, D. W.; Schwartzman, A.; Wittgen, M.; Young, C.] Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr, Stanford, CA 94309 USA [Buchholz, P.; Grybel, K.; Holder, M.; Ibragimov, I.; Seibert, R.; Stahl, T.; Walkowiak, W.; Werthenbach, U.; Ziolkowski, M.] Univ Siegen, Fachbereich Phys, DE-57068 Siegen, Germany [Chu, M. L.; Hou, S.; Lee, S. C.; Teng, P. K.; Zhong, J.] Acad Sinica, Inst Phys, Taipei 11529, Taiwan [Cauz, D.; D'Auria, S.; De Lotto, B.; Del Papa, C.; Giordani, M. P.; Luisa, L.; Santi, L.] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Grp Coll Udine, IT-33100 Udine, Italy [Cauz, D.; Cobal, M.; D'Auria, S.; De Lotto, B.; Del Papa, C.; Giordani, M. P.; Luisa, L.; Santi, L.] Univ Udine, Dipartimento Fis, IT-33100 Udine, Italy [Fasching, D.; Ferguson, D.; Jared, R. C.; Joseph, J.] Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, Madison, WI 53706 USA [Becks, K. H.; Bellina, F.; Boek, J.; Dopke, J.; Flick, T.; Glitza, K. W.; Gorfine, G.; Grah, C.; Gregor, I. M.; Henss, T.; Imhaeuser, M.; Kersten, S.; Kind, P.; Lantzsch, K.; Lenz, T.; Lenzen, G.; Lepidis, J.; Maettig, P.; Reeves, K.; Sandvoss, S.; Sanny, B.; Schultes, J.; Witt, B.] Berg Univ Wuppertal, Fachbereich C, D-42097 Wuppertal, Germany Reprint Address: Gilchriese, M (reprint author), Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, MS50B 6227,1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA E-mail Address: MGGilchriese@lbl.gov; MGGilchriese@lbl.gov Publisher: IOP PUBLISHING LTD Publisher Address: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 336SQ ISSN: 1748-0221 29-char Source Abbrev.: J INSTRUM ISO Source Abbrev.: J. Instrum. Source Item Page Count: 80 Record 5 of 500 Title: Long-range surface plasmons for high-resolution surface plasmon resonance sensors Author(s): Nenninger, GG (Nenninger, GG); Tobiska, P (Tobiska, P); Homola, J (Homola, J); Yee, SS (Yee, SS) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 74 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 145-151 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00724-3 Published: APR 15 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 99 Total Times Cited: 103 Cited Reference Count: 14 Abstract: We present the application of long-range surface plasmons to a wavelengthmodulated surface plasmon resonance sensor. Theoretical design parameters and experimental data are presented for two sensor designs, using either magnesium fluoride or Teflon AF-1600 as a dielectric buffer layer. The demonstrated sensitivity of the long-range surface plasmon resonance sensor in refractometric experiments is up to seven times higher than that of an equivalent conventional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor, while the measured resolution is comparable. According to theoretical design calculations presented, further optimization of materials and layer thickness could reduce the resonance width while achieving even higher sensitivities, thereby creating a sensor with significantly better resolution than conventional SPR sensors. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000168217700021 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 5th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Europt(r)ode V-Opt(r)ode 2000 Conference Date: APR 16-19, 2000 Conference Location: LYON, FRANCE Author Keywords: long-range surface plasmon; Teflon AF; surface plasmon resonance; optical sensors KeyWords Plus: METAL-FILMS; WAVES; THIN Addresses: Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Nenninger, GG (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, POB 352500, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 424DW ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 7 Record 6 of 500 Title: Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on integrated optical waveguide Author(s): Dostalek, J (Dostalek, J); Ctyroky, J (Ctyroky, J); Homola, J (Homola, J); Brynda, E (Brynda, E); Skalsky, M (Skalsky, M); Nekvindova, P (Nekvindova, P); Spirkova, J (Spirkova, J); Skvor, J (Skvor, J); Schrofel, J (Schrofel, J) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 76 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 812 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(01)00559-7 Published: JUN 1 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 95 Total Times Cited: 108 Cited Reference Count: 13 Abstract: We report a sensor based on spectral interrogation of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in an integrated optical waveguide-coupled SPR sensing device. We present theoretical analysis of the integrated optical SPR sensor structure leading to a device design optimized for operation in aqueous environments. We demonstrate that the fabricated laboratory prototype of the sensor is capable of measuring bulk refractive index changes smaller than 1.2 x 10(-6). In conjunction with specific biomolecular recognition elements (monoclonal antibodies against human chorigonadotropin (hCG)) the sensor is used for the detection of hCG. The sensor is demonstrated to be capable of detecting 2 ng of hCG present in 1 mi of 1% bovine serum albumin solution. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000169444300002 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 8th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS-8) Conference Date: JUL 02-05, 2000 Conference Location: BASEL, SWITZERLAND Author Keywords: optical waveguides; surface plasmon resonance; optical sensors; biosensors KeyWords Plus: SENSOR; PROPAGATION Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Macromol Chem, CR-16206 Prague, Czech Republic Inst Chem Technol, CR-16628 Prague, Czech Republic SEVA IMUNO Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Fac Elect Engn, Prague 16627, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Chaberska 57, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 445EC ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 5 Record 7 of 500 Title: Novel spectral fiber optic sensor based on surface plasmon resonance Author(s): Slavik, R (Slavik, R); Homola, J (Homola, J); Ctyroky, J (Ctyroky, J); Brynda, E (Brynda, E) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 74 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 106-111 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00718-8 Published: APR 15 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 89 Total Times Cited: 92 Cited Reference Count: 14 Abstract: A novel fiber optic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing device based on spectral interrogation of SPR in a miniature fiber optic sensing element using depolarized light is reported. Optimization analysis of the sensor based on the equivalent planar waveguide approach and the mode expansion and propagation method is presented. A laboratory prototype of the sensor has been proved to be able to measure refractive index variations as small as 5 x 10(-7). Suitability of the sensor for biosensing has been demonstrated by detecting IgG via respective monoclonal antibodies immobilized on the SPR sensor surface. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000168217700015 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 5th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Europt(r)ode V-Opt(r)ode 2000 Conference Date: APR 16-19, 2000 Conference Location: LYON, FRANCE Author Keywords: optical sensors; optical fibers; surface plasmon resonance KeyWords Plus: CHEMICAL SENSOR Addresses: AS CR, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic AS CR, Inst Macromol Chem, Prague 16206, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Slavik, R (reprint author), AS CR, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Chaberska 57, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 424DW ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 8 of 500 Title: Detection of foodborne pathogens using surface plasmon resonance biosensors Author(s): Koubova, V (Koubova, V); Brynda, E (Brynda, E); Karasova, L (Karasova, L); Skvor, J (Skvor, J); Homola, J (Homola, J); Dostalek, J (Dostalek, J); Tobiska, P (Tobiska, P); Rosicky, J (Rosicky, J) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 74 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 100-105 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00717-6 Published: APR 15 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 85 Total Times Cited: 93 Cited Reference Count: 15 Abstract: Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes were detected in real time using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor based on prism excitation of surface plasmons and spectral interrogation. The respective antibodies against the pathogens were immobilized on the gold sensor surface as a covalently crosslinked double-layer or covalently bound on a cross-linked albumin layer. Salmonella and Listeria could be detected by the sensor at concentrations down to 10(6) cell/ml. The sensor sensitivity was comparable with that of standard ELISA in which the same antibodies were used. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000168217700014 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 5th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Europt(r)ode V-Opt(r)ode 2000 Conference Date: APR 16-19, 2000 Conference Location: LYON, FRANCE Author Keywords: foodborne pathogens; surface plasmon resonance; immunosensors KeyWords Plus: SALMONELLA-TYPHIMURIUM; ENVIRONMENTAL-SAMPLES; ENZYME-IMMUNOASSAY; VISUAL IMMUNOASSAY; ANTIBODY NETWORKS; FOODS; SENSITIVITY; LISTERIA Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Macromol Chem, CR-16206 Prague, Czech Republic Inst Chem Technol, CR-16628 Prague, Czech Republic SEVA IMUNO Praha, Prague 16100, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Brynda, E (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Macromol Chem, Heyrovskeho Nam 2, CR-16206 Prague, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 424DW ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 9 of 500 Title: Data acquisition and processing software package for Medipix2 Author(s): Holy, T (Holy, T); Jakubek, J (Jakubek, J); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S); Uher, J (Uher, J); Vavrik, D (Vavrik, D); Vykydal, Z (Vykydal, Z) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 563 Issue: 1 Pages: 254-258 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.122 Published: JUL 1 2006 Times Cited in Web of Science: 84 Total Times Cited: 84 Cited Reference Count: 7 Abstract: The semiconductor pixel detector Medipix2 [1] (256 x 256 square pixels, 55 x 55 mu m(2) each) is a superior imaging device in terms of spatial resolution, linearity and dynamic range. This makes it suitable for various applications such as radiography, neutronography, and micro-tomography. The software package for acquisition and data processing has been developed to control and manage complex measurements. The solution features an open and very flexible modular architecture with custom made plugin support. Plugins can control parts of the acquisition system as well as perform real-time data processing and use these results as feedback for controlling further steps of measurements. This allows us to control, e.g. data acquisition, position and rotation of the sample (stepper motors), source parameters, temperature, etc. in a synchronized way. An example is the adaptive tomography plugin which adaptively controls the measurement and benefits from preprocessing performed by other plugins such as the beam-hardening correction of measured projections. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000238764700057 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 7th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors Conference Date: JUL 04-07, 2005 Conference Location: Grenoble, FRANCE Author Keywords: Medipix; software; radiography; tomography; beam-hardening Addresses: Inst Expt & Appl Phys Phys Czech Tech, CZ-12800 Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Holy, T (reprint author), Inst Expt & Appl Phys Phys Czech Tech, Horska 3A-22, CZ-12800 Prague, Czech Republic E-mail Address: Tomas.Holy@utef.cvut.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 059XE ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 5 Record 10 of 500 Title: Advances in fluxgate sensors Author(s): Ripka, P (Ripka, P) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL Volume: 106 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 814 DOI: 10.1016/S0924-4247(03)00094-3 Published: SEP 15 2003 Times Cited in Web of Science: 78 Total Times Cited: 83 Cited Reference Count: 63 Abstract: This paper reviews recent achievements in the technology and design of fluxgate sensors and magnetometers. The major recent trends were decreasing of the sensor size, power consumption and price, and, on the other hand, increasing of the precision in the large range of the measured fields. The potential frequency range was increased up to units of kHz. Present fluxgate sensors have a resolution comparable with high-temperature superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), while their precision is the best of vectorial field sensors. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000184847600003 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 4th European Magnetic Sensor and Actuators Conference Conference Date: JUL 03-05, 2002 Conference Location: ATHENS, GREECE Author Keywords: fluxgate sensor; fluxgate magnetometer KeyWords Plus: MAGNETIC-FIELD SENSOR; RACETRACK GEOMETRY; HIGHSENSITIVITY; WIDE BANDWIDTH; MAGNETOMETER; CORE; NOISE; SYSTEM; COIL Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Dept Measurement, Fac Elect Engn, Prague 16627 6, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Ripka, P (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Dept Measurement, Fac Elect Engn, Technicka 2, Prague 16627 6, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Engineering; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 713FZ ISSN: 0924-4247 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT A-PHYS ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator A-Phys. Source Item Page Count: 7 Record 11 of 500 Title: Technical design and performance of the NEMO 3 detector Author(s): Arnold, R (Arnold, R); Augier, C (Augier, C); Bakalyarov, AM (Bakalyarov, AM); Baker, J (Baker, J); Barabash, A (Barabash, A); Bernaudin, P (Bernaudin, P); Bouchel, M (Bouchel, M); Brudanin, V (Brudanin, V); Caffrey, A (Caffrey, A); Cailleret, J (Cailleret, J); Campagne, JE (Campagne, JE); Dassie, D (Dassie, D); Egorov, V (Egorov, V); Errahmane, K (Errahmane, K); Etienvre, AI (Etienvre, AI); Filipova, T (Filipova, T); Forget, J (Forget, J); Guiral, A (Guiral, A); Guiral, P (Guiral, P); Guyonnet, JL (Guyonnet, JL); Hubert, F (Hubert, F); Hubert, P (Hubert, P); Humbert, B (Humbert, B); Igersheim, R (Igersheim, R); Imbert, P (Imbert, P); Jollet, C (Jollet, C); Jullian, S (Jullian, S); Kisel, I (Kisel, I); Klimenko, A (Klimenko, A); Kochetov, O (Kochetov, O); Kovalenko, V (Kovalenko, V); Lalanne, D (Lalanne, D); Laplanche, F (Laplanche, F); Lavigne, B (Lavigne, B); Lebedev, VI (Lebedev, VI); Lebris, J (Lebris, J); Leccia, F (Leccia, F); Leconte, A (Leconte, A); Linck, I (Linck, I); Longuemare, C (Longuemare, C); Marquet, C (Marquet, C); Martin-Chassard, G (Martin-Chassard, G); Mauger, F (Mauger, F); Nemchenok, I (Nemchenok, I); Nikolic-Audit, I (Nikolic-Audit, I); Ohsumi, H (Ohsumi, H); Pecourt, S (Pecourt, S); Piquemal, F (Piquemal, F); Reyss, JL (Reyss, JL); Richard, A (Richard, A); Riddle, CL (Riddle, CL); Rypko, J (Rypko, J); Sarazin, X (Sarazin, X); Simard, L (Simard, L); Scheibling, F (Scheibling, F); Shitov, Y (Shitov, Y); Smolnikov, A (Smolnikov, A); Stekl, I (Stekl, I); Sutton, CS (Sutton, CS); Szklarz, G (Szklarz, G); Timkin, V (Timkin, V); Tretyak, V (Tretyak, V); Umatov, V (Umatov, V); Vala, L (Vala, L); Vanushin, I (Vanushin, I); Vasiliev, S (Vasiliev, S); Vasilyev, V (Vasilyev, V); Vorobel, V (Vorobel, V); Vylov, T (Vylov, T); Wurtz, J (Wurtz, J); Zhukov, SV (Zhukov, SV) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 536 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 79-122 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.194 Published: JAN 1 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 78 Total Times Cited: 78 Cited Reference Count: 27 Abstract: The development of the Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory (NEMOsimilar to3) detector, which is now running in the Frejus Underground Laboratory (L.S.M. Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane), was begun more than ten years ago. The NEMO 3 detector uses a tracking-calorimeter technique in order to investigate double beta decay processes for several isotopes. The technical description of the detector is followed by the presentation of its performance. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000226218300008 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: NEMO; double beta decay; neutrino; majorana; tracking detector; calorimeter KeyWords Plus: DOUBLE-BETA-DECAY; HALF-LIFE; SAMPLES; TE-130 Addresses: CNRS, LAL, IN2P3, F-91405 Orsay, France Univ Paris 11, F-91405 Orsay, France CNRS, IN2P3, IReS, F-67037 Strasbourg, France Univ Strasbourg 1, F-67037 Strasbourg, France INEEL, Idaho Falls, ID 83415 USA ITEP, Moscow 117259, Russia JINR, Dubna 141980, Russia CNRS, IN2P3, CENBG, F-33170 Gradignan, France Univ Bordeaux 1, F-33170 Gradignan, France RAS, INR, Moscow 117312, Russia CNRS, IN2P3, IPN, F-91405 Orsay, France Univ Caen, F-14032 Caen, France CNRS, IN2P3, LPC, F-14032 Caen, France Saga Univ, Saga 8408502, Japan CNRS, LSCE, F-91190 Gif Sur Yvette, France Czech Tech Univ, Prague, Czech Republic MCH, S Hadley, MA 01075 USA Charles Univ Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Augier, C (reprint author), CNRS, LAL, IN2P3, F-91405 Orsay, France E-mail Address: augier@lal.in2p3.fr Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 886HU ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 44 Record 12 of 500 Title: Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on a single-mode polarization-maintaining optical fiber Author(s): Piliarik, M (Piliarik, M); Homola, J (Homola, J); Manikova, Z (Manikova, Z); Ctyroky, J (Ctyroky, J) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 90 Issue: 1-3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 236-242 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(03)00034-0 Published: APR 20 2003 Times Cited in Web of Science: 71 Total Times Cited: 77 Cited Reference Count: 18 Abstract: A novel wavelength modulation-based fiber-optic surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor is reported which utilizes both polarization separation and broad band radiation depolarization in polarization-maintaining fibers to enhance sensor stability. Theoretical analysis of the sensing structure with ideally separated polarizations based on the mode of expansion and propagation method is presented. The effect of polarization cross-coupling was also analyzed in the approximation of an equivalent bulk optic structure. A laboratory prototype of the fiber-optic SPR sensor was characterized in terms of sensitivity and resolution. Experimental results indicate that this fiber-optic SPR sensor is able to resolve refractive index changes as low as 4 x 10(-6) under moderate fiber deformations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000182277100036 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 6th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (Europt(r)ode VI) Conference Date: APR 07-10, 2002 Conference Location: MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance; optical sensor; optical fiber; biosensor KeyWords Plus: PROPAGATION Addresses: Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Box 352500, Seattle, WA 98105 USA Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 668EJ ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 7 Record 13 of 500 Title: USB interface for Medipix2 pixel device enabling energy and position-sensitive detection of heavy charged particles Author(s): Vykydal, Z (Vykydal, Z); Jakubek, J (Jakubek, J); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 563 Issue: 1 Pages: 112-115 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.114 Published: JUL 1 2006 Times Cited in Web of Science: 71 Total Times Cited: 71 Cited Reference Count: 6 Abstract: We have designed an interface board between the Medipix2 single photon counting chip and Universal Serial Bus (USB), which is presently the most widespread PC interface. All necessary detector support is integrated into one compact system (80 x 50 x 20 mm(3)) including the detector bias source (up to 100 V). Power supply is internally derived from the voltage provided by the USB connection, so no external device is required. This solution allows to achieve maximum portability of the measurement setup. One of the most significant advantages is the support of back-side pulse processing. The charge generated by an ionizing particle is measured in the bias circuit and can be used for spectroscopic purposes or for triggering. With the present design, the energy resolution of such spectrometry is about 44 keV.The interface board has been designed for connection with present chip-boards carrying one or four Medipix2 chips. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000238764700028 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 7th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors Conference Date: JUL 04-07, 2005 Conference Location: Grenoble, FRANCE Author Keywords: Medipix; X-ray imaging; data acquisition; USB interface; spectroscopy KeyWords Plus: DATA-ACQUISITION; CHIP Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Inst Expt & Appl Phys, CZ-12800 Prague 2, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Vykydal, Z (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Inst Expt & Appl Phys, Horska 3A-22, CZ-12800 Prague 2, Czech Republic E-mail Address: zdenek.vykydal@utef.cvut.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 059XE ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 4 Record 14 of 500 Title: Design and performance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS semiconductor tracker Author(s): Campabadal, F (Campabadal, F); Fleta, C (Fleta, C); Key, M (Key, M); Lozano, M (Lozano, M); Martinez, C (Martinez, C); Pellegrini, G (Pellegrini, G); Rafi, JM (Rafi, JM); Ullan, M (Ullan, M); Johansen, LG (Johansen, LG); Mohn, B (Mohn, B); Oye, O (Oye, O); Solberg, AO (Solberg, AO); Stugu, B (Stugu, B); Ciocio, A (Ciocio, A); Ely, R (Ely, R); Fadeyev, V (Fadeyev, V); Gilchriese, M (Gilchriese, M); Haber, C (Haber, C); Siegrist, J (Siegrist, J); Spieler, H (Spieler, H); Vu, C (Vu, C); Bell, PJ (Bell, PJ); Charlton, DG (Charlton, DG); Dowell, JD (Dowell, JD); Gallop, BJ (Gallop, BJ); Homer, RJ (Homer, RJ); Jovanovic, P (Jovanovic, P); Mahout, G (Mahout, G); McMahon, TJ (McMahon, TJ); Wilson, JA (Wilson, JA); Barr, AJ (Barr, AJ); Carter, JR (Carter, JR); Goodrick, MJ (Goodrick, MJ); Hill, JC (Hill, JC); Lester, CG (Lester, CG); Parker, MA (Parker, MA); Robinson, D (Robinson, D); Anghinolfi, F (Anghinolfi, F); Chesi, E (Chesi, E); Jarron, P (Jarron, P); Kaplon, J (Kaplon, J); Macpherson, A (Macpherson, A); Pernegger, H (Pernegger, H); Pritchard, T (Pritchard, T); Roe, S (Roe, S); Rudge, A (Rudge, A); Weilhammer, P (Weilhammer, P); Bialas, W (Bialas, W); Dabrowski, W (Dabrowski, W); Dwuznik, M (Dwuznik, M); Toczek, B (Toczek, B); Koperny, S (Koperny, S); Bruckman, P (Bruckman, P); Gadomski, S (Gadomski, S); Gornicki, E (Gornicki, E); Malecki, P (Malecki, P); Moszczynski, A (Moszczynski, A); Stanecka, E (Stanecka, E); Szczygiel, R (Szczygiel, R); Turala, M (Turala, M); Wolter, M (Wolter, M); Feld, L (Feld, L); Ketterer, C (Ketterer, C); Ludwig, J (Ludwig, J); Meinhardt, J (Meinhardt, J); Runge, K (Runge, K); Clark, AG (Clark, AG); Donega, M (Donega, M); D'Onofrioi, M (D'Onofrioi, M); Ferrere, D (Ferrere, D); La Marra, D (La Marra, D); Macina, D (Macina, D); Mangin-Brinet, M (Mangin-Brinet, M); Mikulec, B (Mikulec, B); Zsenei, A (Zsenei, A); Bates, RL (Bates, RL); Cheplakov, A (Cheplakov, A); Iwata, Y (Iwata, Y); Ohsugi, T (Ohsugi, T); Ikegami, Y (Ikegami, Y); Kohriki, T (Kohriki, T); Kondo, T (Kondo, T); Terada, S (Terada, S); Ujiie, N (Ujiie, N); Unno, Y (Unno, Y); Takashima, R (Takashima, R); Allport, PP (Allport, PP); Greenall, A (Greenall, A); Jackson, JN (Jackson, JN); Jones, TJ (Jones, TJ); Smith, NA (Smith, NA); Beck, GA (Beck, GA); Carter, AA (Carter, AA); Morris, J (Morris, J); Morin, J (Morin, J); Cindro, V (Cindro, V); Kramberger, G (Kramberger, G); Mandic, I (Mandic, I); Mikuz, M (Mikuz, M); Duerdoth, IP (Duerdoth, IP); Foster, JM (Foster, JM); Pater, J (Pater, J); Snow, SW (Snow, SW); Thompson, RJ (Thompson, RJ); Atkinson, TM (Atkinson, TM); Dick, B (Dick, B); Fares, F (Fares, F); Moorhead, GF (Moorhead, GF); Taylor, GN (Taylor, GN); Andricek, L (Andricek, L); Bethke, S (Bethke, S); Hauff, D (Hauff, D); Kudlaty, J (Kudlaty, J); Lutz, G (Lutz, G); Moser, HG (Moser, HG); Nisius, R (Nisius, R); Richter, R (Richter, R); Schieck, J (Schieck, J); Colijn, AP (Colijn, AP); Cornelissen, T (Cornelissen, T); Gorfine, GW (Gorfine, GW); Hartjes, FG (Hartjes, FG); Hessey, NP (Hessey, NP); de Jong, P (de Jong, P); Kluit, R (Kluit, R); Koffeman, E (Koffeman, E); Muijs, AJM (Muijs, AJM); Peeters, SJM (Peeters, SJM); van Eijk, B (van Eijk, B); Nakano, I (Nakano, I); Tanaka, R (Tanaka, R); Dorholt, O (Dorholt, O); Danielsen, KM (Danielsen, KM); Huse, T (Huse, T); Sandaker, H (Sandaker, H); Stapnes, S (Stapnes, S); Kundu, N (Kundu, N); Nickerson, RB (Nickerson, RB); Weidberg, A (Weidberg, A); Bohm, J (Bohm, J); Mikestikova, M (Mikestikova, M); Stastny, J (Stastny, J); Broklova, Z (Broklova, Z); Broz, J (Broz, J); Dolezal, Z (Dolezal, Z); Kodys, P (Kodys, P); Kubik, P (Kubik, P); Reznicek, P (Reznicek, P); Vorobel, V (Vorobel, V); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I); Cermak, P (Cermak, P); Chren, D (Chren, D); Horazdovsky, T (Horazdovsky, T); Linhart, V (Linhart, V); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S); Sinor, M (Sinor, M); Solar, M (Solar, M); Sopko, B (Sopko, B); Stekl, I (Stekl, I); Apsimon, RJ (Apsimon, RJ); Batchelor, LE (Batchelor, LE); Bizzell, JP (Bizzell, JP); Falconer, NG (Falconer, NG); French, MJ (French, MJ); Gibson, MD (Gibson, MD); Haywood, SJ (Haywood, SJ); Matson, RM (Matson, RM); McMahon, SJ (McMahon, SJ); Morrissey, M (Morrissey, M); Murray, WJ (Murray, WJ); Phillips, PW (Phillips, PW); Tyndel, M (Tyndel, M); Villani, EG (Villani, EG); Cosgrove, DP (Cosgrove, DP); Dorfan, DE (Dorfan, DE); Grillo, AA (Grillo, AA); Kachiguine, S (Kachiguine, S); Rosenbaum, F (Rosenbaum, F); Sadrozinski, HFW (Sadrozinski, HFW); Seiden, A (Seiden, A); Spencer, E (Spencer, E); Wilder, M (Wilder, M); Akimoto, T (Akimoto, T); Hara, K (Hara, K); Tanizaki, K (Tanizaki, K); Bingefors, N (Bingefors, N); Brenner, R (Brenner, R); Ekelof, T (Ekelof, T); Eklund, L (Eklund, L); Bernabeu, J (Bernabeu, J); Civera, JV (Civera, JV); Costa, MJ (Costa, MJ); Fuster, J (Fuster, J); Garcia, C (Garcia, C); Garcia-Navarro, JE (Garcia-Navarro, JE); Gonzalez-Sevilla, S (Gonzalez-Sevilla, S); Lacasta, C (Lacasta, C); Llosa, G (Llosa, G); Marti-Garcia, S (MartiGarcia, S); Modesto, P (Modesto, P); Sanchez, FJ (Sanchez, FJ); Sospedra, L (Sospedra, L); Vos, M (Vos, M) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 552 Issue: 3 Pages: 292-328 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2005.07.002 Published: NOV 1 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 69 Total Times Cited: 69 Cited Reference Count: 31 Abstract: The ABCD3TA is a 128-channel ASIC with binary architecture for the readout of silicon strip particle detectors in the Semiconductor Tracker of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The chip comprises fast front-end and amplitude discriminator circuits using bipolar devices, a binary pipeline for first level trigger latency, a second level derandomising buffer and data compression circuitry based on CMOS devices. It has been designed and fabricated in a BiCMOS radiation resistant process. Extensive testing of the ABCD3TA chips assembled into detector modules show that the design meets the specifications and maintains the required performance after irradiation up to a total ionising dose of 10 Mrad and a 1-MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2), corresponding to 10 years of operation of the LHC at its design luminosity. Wafer screening and quality assurance procedures have been developed and implemented in large volume production to ensure that the chips assembled into modules meet the rigorous acceptance criteria. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000233070100004 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: front-end electronics; binary readout; silicon strip detectors; tracking detectors; radiation damage; application specific integrated circuits; quality assurance KeyWords Plus: BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS; BINARY READOUT; CHIP; SCT; MODULES Addresses: AGH Univ Sci Technol, Fac Phys & Appl Comp Sci, Krakow, Poland CSIC, Inst Microelect Barcelona, IMB, CNM, Barcelona, Spain Univ Bergen, Bergen, Norway Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Univ Birmingham, Sch Phys & Astron, Birmingham, W Midlands, England Univ Cambridge, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge CB3 0HE, England CERN, European Org Nucl Res, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland Polish Acad Sci, Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys, Krakow, Poland Univ Freiburg, Fak Phys, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany Univ Geneva, Sect Phys, Geneva, Switzerland Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys Astron, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Hiroshima Univ, Dept Phys, Higashihiroshima 724, Japan KEK, Inst Particles & Nucl Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Kyoto Univ, Fushimi Ku, Fukakusa, Japan Univ Liverpool, Dept Phys, Oliver Lodge Lab, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Queen Mary Univ London, Dept Phys, London E1 4NS, England Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia Univ Manchester, Sch Phys & Astron, Manchester, Lancs, England Univ Melbourne, Sch Phys, Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia Max Planck Inst Phys & Astrophys, D-80805 Munich, Germany NIKHEF H, NL-1009 DB Amsterdam, Netherlands Okayama Univ, Dept Phys, Okayama 700, Japan Univ Oslo, Oslo, Norway Univ Oxford, Dept Phys, Oxford, England Acad Sci Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic Charles Univ Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Czech Tech Univ, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot OX11 0QX, Oxon, England Univ Calif Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Inst Particle Phys, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Univ Tsukuba, Inst Phys, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan Uppsala Univ, Dept Radiat Sci, Uppsala, Sweden Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Reprint Address: Dabrowski, W (reprint author), AGH Univ Sci Technol, Fac Phys & Appl Comp Sci, Krakow, Poland E-mail Address: W.Dabrowski@ftj.agh.edu.pl Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 981EL ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 37 Record 15 of 500 Title: Developments for radiation hard silicon detectors by defect engineering - results by the CERN RD48 (ROSE) Collaboration Author(s): Lindstrom, G (Lindstrom, G); Ahmed, M (Ahmed, M); Albergo, S (Albergo, S); Allport, P (Allport, P); Anderson, D (Anderson, D); Andricek, L (Andricek, L); Angarano, MM (Angarano, MM); Augelli, V (Augelli, V); Bacchetta, N (Bacchetta, N); Bartalini, P (Bartalini, P); Bates, R (Bates, R); Biggeri, U (Biggeri, U); Bilei, GM (Bilei, GM); Bisello, D (Bisello, D); Boemi, D (Boemi, D); Borchi, E (Borchi, E); Botila, T (Botila, T); Brodbeck, TJ (Brodbeck, TJ); Bruzzi, M (Bruzzi, M); Budzynski, T (Budzynski, T); Burger, P (Burger, P); Campabadal, F (Campabadal, F); Casse, G (Casse, G); Catacchini, E (Catacchini, E); Chilingarov, A (Chilingarov, A); Ciampolini, P (Ciampolini, P); Cindro, V (Cindro, V); Costa, MJ (Costa, MJ); Creanza, D (Creanza, D); Clauws, P (Clauws, P); Da Via, C (Da Via, C); Davies, G (Davies, G); De Boer, W (De Boer, W); Dell'Orso, R (Dell'Orso, R); De Palma, M (De Palma, M); Dezillie, B (Dezillie, B); Eremin, V (Eremin, V); Evrard, O (Evrard, O); Fallica, G (Fallica, G); Fanourakis, G (Fanourakis, G); Feick, H (Feick, H); Focardi, E (Focardi, E); Fonseca, L (Fonseca, L); Fretwurst, E (Fretwurst, E); Fuster, J (Fuster, J); Gabathuler, K (Gabathuler, K); Glaser, M (Glaser, M); Grabiec, P (Grabiec, P); Grigoriev, E (Grigoriev, E); Hall, G (Hall, G); Hanlon, M (Hanlon, M); Hauler, F (Hauler, F); Heising, S (Heising, S); Holmes-Siedle, A (Holmes-Siedle, A); Horisberger, R (Horisberger, R); Hughes, G (Hughes, G); Huhtinen, M (Huhtinen, M); Ilyashenko, I (Ilyashenko, I); Ivanov, A (Ivanov, A); Jones, BK (Jones, BK); Jungermann, L (Jungermann, L); Kaminsky, A (Kaminsky, A); Kohout, Z (Kohout, Z); Kramberger, C (Kramberger, C); Kuhnke, M (Kuhnke, M); Kwan, S (Kwan, S); Lemeilleur, F (Lemeilleur, F); Leroy, C (Leroy, C); Letheren, M (Letheren, M); Li, Z (Li, Z); Ligonzo, T (Ligonzo, T); Linhart, V (Linhart, V); Litovchenko, P (Litovchenko, P); Loukas, D (Loukas, D); Lozano, M (Lozano, M); Luczynski, Z (Luczynski, Z); Lutz, G (Lutz, G); MacEvoy, B (MacEvoy, B); Manolopoulos, S (Manolopoulos, S); Markou, A (Markou, A); Martinez, C (Martinez, C); Messineo, A (Messineo, A); Mikuz, M (Mikuz, M); Moll, M (Moll, M); Nossarzewska, E (Nossarzewska, E); Ottaviani, G (Ottaviani, G); Oshea, V (Oshea, V); Parrini, G (Parrini, G); Passeri, D (Passeri, D); Petre, D (Petre, D); Pickford, A (Pickford, A); Pintilie, I (Pintilie, I); Pintilie, L (Pintilie, L); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S); Potenza, R (Potenza, R); Radicci, V (Radicci, V); Raine, C (Raine, C); Rafi, JM (Rafi, JM); Ratoff, PN (Ratoff, PN); Richter, RH (Richter, RH); Riedler, P (Riedler, P); Roe, S (Roe, S); Roy, P (Roy, P); Ruzin, A (Ruzin, A); Ryazanov, AI (Ryazanov, AI); Santocchia, A (Santocchia, A); Schiavulli, L (Schiavulli, L); Sicho, P (Sicho, P); Siotis, I (Siotis, I); Sloan, T (Sloan, T); Slysz, W (Slysz, W); Smith, K (Smith, K); Solanky, M (Solanky, M); Sopko, B (Sopko, B); Stolze, K (Stolze, K); Avset, BS (Avset, BS); Svensson, B (Svensson, B); Tivarus, C (Tivarus, C); Tonelli, G (Tonelli, G); Tricomi, A (Tricomi, A); Tzamarias, S (Tzamarias, S); Valvo, G (Valvo, G); Vasilescu, A (Vasilescu, A); Vayaki, A (Vayaki, A); Verbitskaya, E (Verbitskaya, E); Verdini, P (Verdini, P); Vrba, V (Vrba, V); Watts, S (Watts, S); Weber, ER (Weber, ER); Wegrzecki, M (Wegrzecki, M); Wegrzecka, I (Wegrzecka, I); Weilhammer, P (Weilhammer, P); Wheadon, R (Wheadon, R); Wilburn, C (Wilburn, C); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I); Wunstorf, R (Wunstorf, R); Wustenfeld, J (Wustenfeld, J); Wyss, J (Wyss, J); Zankel, K (Zankel, K); Zabierowski, P (Zabierowski, P); Zontar, D (Zontar, D) Group Author(s): Collaboration Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 465 Issue: 1 Pages: 60-69 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(01)003473 Published: JUN 1 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 68 Total Times Cited: 68 Cited Reference Count: 26 Abstract: This report summarises the final results obtained by the RD48 collaboration. The emphasis is on the more practical aspects directly relevant for LHC applications. The report is based on the comprehensive survey given in the 1999 status report (RD48 3rd Status Report, CERN/LHCC 2000-009, December 1999), a recent conference report (Lindstrom et al, (RD48), and some latest experimental results. Additional data have been reported in the last ROSE workshop (5th ROSE workshop, CERN, CERN/LEB 2000-005), A compilation of all RD48 internal reports and a full publication list can be found on the RD48 homepage (http://cern.ch/RD48/). The success of the oxygen enrichment of FZ-silicon as a highly powerful defect engineering technique and its optimisation with various commercial manufacturers are reported. The focus is on the changes of the effective doping concentration (depletion voltage). The RD48 model for the dependence of radiation effects on fluence, temperature and operational time is verified: projections to operational scenarios for main LHC experiments demonstrate vital benefits. Progress in the microscopic understanding of damage effects as well as the application of defect kinetics models and device modelling for the prediction of the macroscopic behaviour was also been achieved but will not be covered in detail. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000169424600008 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and X-rays Conference Date: JUN 05-08, 2000 Conference Location: GENOA, ITALY Conference Sponsor(s): INFN, Univ Genova, ITC IRST Trento, CAEN Viareggio Author Keywords: silicon detectors; gamma-, neutron-, proton and pion irradiation; improved radiation tolerance by oxygen enrichment; annealing studies; consequences for high energy physics applications Addresses: Univ Hamburg, Inst Expt Phys 2, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany Brunel Univ, London, England Univ Catania, Catania, Italy Univ Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Fermilab Astrophys Ctr, Batavia, IL USA Max Planck Inst, Munich, Germany Univ Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy Dipartimento Interateneo Fis, Bari, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-70126 Bari, Italy Univ Padua, I-35100 Padua, Italy Univ Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Lanark, Scotland Univ Florence, Florence, Italy Inst Phys & Technol Mat, Bucharest, Romania Univ Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YW, England Inst Electr Mat Technol, Warsaw, Poland Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Ctr Nacl Microelect, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia Univ Ghent, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Kings Coll London, London WC2R 2LS, England Univ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Pisa, Italy Brookhaven Natl Lab, Upton, NY 11973 USA AF Ioffe Phys Tech Inst, St Petersburg, Russia STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy Inst Phys Nucl, Demokritos, Greece Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA PSI, Villigen, Switzerland CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, London, England Czech Tech Univ, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Univ Montreal, Montreal, PQ, Canada Ukrainian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, UA-252028 Kiev, Ukraine Inst Elect Mat Technol, Warsaw, Poland Univ Modena, I-41100 Modena, Italy Tel Aviv Univ, Dept Engn, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel IV Kurchatov Atom Energy Inst, Moscow 123182, Russia IV Kurchatov Atom Energy Inst, Prague, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic CiS Inst Mikrosensor gGMBH, Erfurt, Germany SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Royal Inst Technol, Stockholm, Sweden Inst Nucl Phys & Engn, Bucharest, Romania Charles Univ Prague, Fac Math & Phys, Inst Nucl & Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany Reprint Address: Lindstrom, G (reprint author), Univ Hamburg, Inst Expt Phys 2, Gbd 67b,Luruper Chaussee 149, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany E-mail Address: gunnar@sesam.desy.de Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 444XD ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 10 Record 16 of 500 Title: Detection of low-molecular-weight domoic acid using surface plasmon resonance sensor Author(s): Yu, QM (Yu, QM); Chen, SF (Chen, SF); Taylor, AD (Taylor, AD); Homola, J (Homola, J); Hock, B (Hock, B); Jiang, SY (Jiang, SY) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 107 Issue: 1 Pages: 193-201 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.10.064 Published: MAY 27 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 66 Total Times Cited: 69 Cited Reference Count: 39 Abstract: An immunosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was used for the detection of a low-molecular-weight analyte, domoic acid (DA) (MW 310g/mol), using an inhibition assay. A novel surface functionalization method was developed to chemically immobilize DA molecules onto a gold-coated SPR chip functionalized with mixed oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), where the long-chain HS(CH2)(11) (C2H5O)(6)NH2 thiol served as a functional site to react with carboxyl groups on DA while the short-chain HS(CH2)(11) (C2H5O)(4)OH thiol served as a protein nonfouling background. Control experiments showed that there was no detectable nonspecific protein adsorption on the sensor surface immobilized with DA. The binding of monoclonal anti-DA antibodies onto the sensor surface was measured using SPR and the concentration of the antibody used in the inhibition assay was optimized to provide the desired detection limit and operating range. A lowest detection limit of 0.1 ng/ml DA was established using the inhibition assay. In addition, the regeneration and storage of sensor chips were studied. The detection curve obtained from a chip which was stored for 1 week and regenerated for each measurement is almost the same as that from freshly prepared chips. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000229665700030 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 7th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (EUROT(R) ODE 7) Conference Date: APR 04-07, 2004 Conference Location: Madrid, SPAIN Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors; low-molecular-weight analytes; domoic acid; non-fouling self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) KeyWords Plus: SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS; BIOSENSOR IMMUNOASSAY; ENZYME-IMMUNOASSAY; MILK; ADSORPTION; RESIDUES; PROTEINS; ANTIBODY; BINDING; LIVER Addresses: Univ Washington, Dept Chem Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Tech Univ Munich, Dept Plant Sci, Ctr Life Sci, D-85350 Freising Weihenstephan, Germany Reprint Address: Jiang, SY (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Chem Engn, Box 351750, Seattle, WA 98195 USA E-mail Address: sjiang@u.washington.edu Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 933XH ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 9 Record 17 of 500 Title: The ATLAS silicon pixel sensors Author(s): Alam, MS (Alam, MS); Ciocio, A (Ciocio, A); Einsweiler, K (Einsweiler, K); Emes, J (Emes, J); Gilchriese, M (Gilchriese, M); Joshi, A (Joshi, A); Kleinfelder, S (Kleinfelder, S); Marchesini, R (Marchesini, R); McCormack, F (McCormack, F); Milgrome, O (Milgrome, O); Palaio, N (Palaio, N); Pengg, F (Pengg, F); Ricardson, J (Ricardson, J); Zizka, G (Zizka, G); Ackers, M (Ackers, M); Andreazza, A (Andreazza, A); Comes, G (Comes, G); Fischer, P (Fischer, P); Keil, M (Keil, M); Klasen, V (Klasen, V); Kuhl, T (Kuhl, T); Meuser, S (Meuser, S); Ockenfels, W (Ockenfels, W); Raith, B (Raith, B); Treis, J (Treis, J); Wermes, N (Wermes, N); Gossling, C (Gossling, C); Hugging, F (Hugging, F); Wustenfeld, J (Wustenfeld, J); Wunstorf, R (Wunstorf, R); Barberis, D (Barberis, D); Beccherle, R (Beccherle, R); Darbo, G (Darbo, G); Gagliardi, G (Gagliardi, G); Gemme, C (Gemme, C); Morettini, P (Morettini, P); Musico, P (Musico, P); Osculati, B (Osculati, B); Parodi, F (Parodi, F); Rossi, L (Rossi, L); Blanquart, L (Blanquart, L); Breugnon, P (Breugnon, P); Calvet, D (Calvet, D); Clemens, JC (Clemens, JC); Delpierre, P (Delpierre, P); Hallewell, G (Hallewell, G); Laugier, D (Laugier, D); Mouthuy, T (Mouthuy, T); Rozanov, A (Rozanov, A); Valin, I (Valin, I); Aleppo, M (Aleppo, M); Caccia, M (Caccia, M); Ragusa, F (Ragusa, F); Troncon, C (Troncon, C); Lutz, G (Lutz, G); Richter, RH (Richter, RH); Rohe, T (Rohe, T); Brandl, A (Brandl, A); Gorfine, G (Gorfine, G); Hoeferkamp, M (Hoeferkamp, M); Seidel, SC (Seidel, SC); Boyd, GR (Boyd, GR); Skubic, PL (Skubic, PL); Sicho, P (Sicho, P); Tomasek, L (Tomasek, L); Vrba, V (Vrba, V); Holder, M (Holder, M); Ziolkowski, M (Ziolkowski, M); D'Auria, S (D'Auria, S); del Papa, C (del Papa, C); Charles, E (Charles, E); Fasching, D (Fasching, D); Becks, KH (Becks, KH); Lenzen, G (Lenzen, G); Linder, C (Linder, C) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 456 Issue: 3 Pages: 217-232 DOI: 10.1016/S01689002(00)00574-X Published: JAN 1 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 61 Total Times Cited: 61 Cited Reference Count: 8 Abstract: Prototype sensors for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector have been developed. The design of the sensors is guided by the need to operate them in the severe LHC radiation environment at up to several hundred volts while maintaining a good signal-to-noise ratio, small cell size, and minimal multiple scattering. The ability to be operated under full bias for electrical characterization prior to attachment of the readout integrated circuit electronics is also desired. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000166374900005 Language: English Document Type: Article KeyWords Plus: DETECTOR DESIGN Addresses: SUNY Albany, Albany, NY 12222 USA Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Berkeley, CA USA Univ Calif Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Univ Bonn, Inst Phys, D-5300 Bonn, Germany Univ Dortmund, Inst Phys, D-4600 Dortmund, Germany Dipartimento Fis, I-16146 Genoa, Italy INFM, Genoa, Italy Ctr Phys Particules Marseille, Marseille, France Dipartimento Fis, Milan, Italy INFM, Milan, Italy Max Planck Inst Phys, D-80805 Munich, Germany Univ Oklahoma, Dept Phys & Astron, Norman, OK 73019 USA Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Siegen, Fachbereich Phys, D-5900 Siegen, Germany Dept Fis, Udine, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Udine, Italy Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, Madison, WI 53706 USA Berg Univ Gesamthsch Wuppertal, Fachbereich Phys, Wuppertal, Germany CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Reprint Address: Seidel, SC (reprint author), Univ New Mexico, Dept Phys & Astron, New Mexico Ctr Particle Phys, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 391UU ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 16 Record 18 of 500 Title: The muon system of the Run II DO detector Author(s): Abazova, VM (Abazova, VM); Acharya, BS (Acharya, BS); Alexeeva, GD (Alexeeva, GD); Alkhazov, G (Alkhazov, G); Anosov, VA (Anosov, VA); Baldin, B (Baldin, B); Banerjee, S (Banerjee, S); Bardon, O (Bardon, O); Bartlett, JF (Bartlett, JF); Baturitsky, MA (Baturitsky, MA); Beutel, D (Beutel, D); Bezzubov, VA (Bezzubov, VA); Bodyagin, V (Bodyagin, V); Butler, JM (Butler, JM); Cease, H (Cease, H); Chi, E (Chi, E); Denisov, D (Denisov, D); Denisov, SP (Denisov, SP); Diehl, HT (Diehl, HT); Doulas, S (Doulas, S); Dugad, SR (Dugad, SR); Dvornikov, OV (Dvornikov, OV); Dyshkant, A (Dyshkant, A); Eads, M (Eads, M); Evdokimov, A (Evdokimov, A); Evdokimov, VN (Evdokimov, VN); Fitzpatrick, T (Fitzpatrick, T); Fortner, M (Fortner, M); Gavrilov, V (Gavrilov, V); Gershtein, Y (Gershtein, Y); Golovtsov, V (Golovtsov, V); Gomez, B (Gomez, B); Goodwin, R (Goodwin, R); Gornushkin, YA (Gornushkin, YA); Green, DR (Green, DR); Gupta, A (Gupta, A); Gurzhiev, SN (Gurzhiev, SN); Gutierrez, G (Gutierrez, G); Haggerty, H (Haggerty, H); Hanlet, P (Hanlet, P); Hansen, S (Hansen, S); Hazen, E (Hazen, E); Hedin, D (Hedin, D); Hoeneisen, B (Hoeneisen, B); Ito, AS (Ito, AS); Jayanti, R (Jayanti, R); Johns, K (Johns, K); Jouravlev, N (Jouravlev, N); Kalinin, AM (Kalinin, AM); Kalmani, SD (Kalmani, SD); Kharzheev, YN (Kharzheev, YN); Kirsch, N (Kirsch, N); Komissarov, EV (Komissarov, EV); Korablev, VM (Korablev, VM); Kostritsky, A (Kostritsky, A); Kozelov, AV (Kozelov, AV); Kozlovsky, M (Kozlovsky, M); Kravchuk, NP (Kravchuk, NP); Krishnaswamy, MR (Krishnaswamy, MR); Kuchinsky, NA (Kuchinsky, NA); Kuleshov, S (Kuleshov, S); Kupco, A (Kupco, A); Larwill, M (Larwill, M); Leitner, R (Leitner, R); Lipaev, VV (Lipaev, VV); Lobodenko, A (Lobodenko, A); Lokajicek, M (Lokajicek, M); Lubatti, HJ (Lubatti, HJ); Machado, E (Machado, E); Maity, M (Maity, M); Malyshev, VL (Malyshev, VL); Mao, HS (Mao, HS); Marcus, M (Marcus, M); Marshall, T (Marshall, T); Mayorov, AA (Mayorov, AA); McCroskey, R (McCroskey, R); Merekov, YP (Merekov, YP); Mikhailov, VA (Mikhailov, VA); Mokhov, N (Mokhov, N); Mondal, NK (Mondal, NK); Nagaraj, P (Nagaraj, P); Narasimham, VS (Narasimham, VS); Narayanan, A (Narayanan, A); Negret, JP (Negret, JP); Neustroev, P (Neustroev, P); Nozdrin, AA (Nozdrin, AA); Oshinowo, B (Oshinowo, B); Parashar, N (Parashar, N); Parua, N (Parua, N); Podstavkov, VM (Podstavkov, VM); Polozov, P (Polozov, P); Porokhovoi, SY (Porokhovoi, SY); Prokhorov, IK (Prokhorov, IK); Rao, MVS (Rao, MVS); Raskowski, J (Raskowski, J); Reddy, LV (Reddy, LV); Regan, T (Regan, T); Rotolo, C (Rotolo, C); Russakovich, NA (Russakovich, NA); Sabirov, BM (Sabirov, BM); Satyanarayana, B (Satyanarayana, B); Scheglov, Y (Scheglov, Y); Schukin, AA (Schukin, AA); Shankar, HC (Shankar, HC); Shishkin, AA (Shishkin, AA); Shpakov, D (Shpakov, D); Shupe, M (Shupe, M); Simak, V (Simak, V); Sirotenko, V (Sirotenko, V); Smith, G (Smith, G); Smolek, K (Smolek, K); Soustruznik, K (Soustruznik, K); Stefanik, A (Stefanik, A); Steinberg, J (Steinberg, J); Stolin, V (Stolin, V); Stoyanova, DA (Stoyanova, DA); Stutte, L (Stutte, L); Temple, J (Temple, J); Terentyev, N (Terentyev, N); Teterin, VV (Teterin, VV); Tokmenin, VV (Tokmenin, VV); Tompkins, D (Tompkins, D); Uvarov, L (Uvarov, L); Uvarov, S (Uvarov, S); Vasilyev, IA (Vasilyev, IA); Vertogradov, LS (Vertogradov, LS); Vishwanath, PR (Vishwanath, PR); Vorobyov, A (Vorobyov, A); Vysotsky, VB (Vysotsky, VB); Willutzki, H (Willutzki, H); Wobisch, M (Wobisch, M); Wood, DR (Wood, DR); Yamada, R (Yamada, R); Yatsunenko, YA (Yatsunenko, YA); Yoffe, F (Yoffe, F); Zanabria, M (Zanabria, M); Zhao, T (Zhao, T); Zieminska, D (Zieminska, D); Zieminski, A (Zieminski, A); Zvyagintsev, SA (Zvyagintsev, SA) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 552 Issue: 3 Pages: 372-398 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2005.07.008 Published: NOV 1 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 59 Total Times Cited: 59 Cited Reference Count: 29 Abstract: We describe the design, construction, and performance of the upgraded D phi muon system for Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Significant improvements have been made to the major subsystems of the D phi muon detector: trigger scintillation counters, tracking detectors, and electronics. The Run II central muon detector has a new scintillation counter system inside the iron toroid and an improved scintillation counter system outside the iron toroid. In the forward region, new scintillation counter and tracking systems have been installed. Extensive shielding has been added in the forward region. A large fraction of the muon system electronics is also new. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000233070100009 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: muon; drift tubes; scintillation counters; radiation shielding; magnetic field; fast electronics KeyWords Plus: DRIFT-TUBE CHAMBERS; D0 DETECTOR; SCINTILLATIONCOUNTERS; UPGRADE Addresses: Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL 60510 USA Joint Inst Nucl Res, Dubna, Russia Tata Inst Fundamental Res, Bombay 400005, Maharashtra, India Petersburg Nucl Phys Inst, St Petersburg, Russia Northeastern Univ, Boston, MA 02115 USA No Illinois Univ, De Kalb, IL 60115 USA Inst High Energy Phys, Protvino, Russia Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Moscow, Russia Boston Univ, Boston, MA 02215 USA Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA Inst Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow 117259, Russia Univ Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia Univ San Francisco Quito, Quito, Ecuador Univ Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Ctr Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Charles Univ, Ctr Particle Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Inst High Energy Phys, Beijing 100039, Peoples R China Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA Czech Tech Univ, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Brookhaven Natl Lab, Upton, NY 11973 USA Reprint Address: Denisov, D (reprint author), Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, POB 500, Batavia, IL 60510 USA E-mail Address: denisovd@fnal.gov Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 981EL ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 27 Record 19 of 500 Title: Data analysis for optical sensors based on spectroscopy of surface plasmons Author(s): Nenninger, GG (Nenninger, GG); Piliarik, M (Piliarik, M); Homola, J (Homola, J) Source: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Pages: 2038-2046 Article Number: DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/13/12/332 Published: DEC 2002 Times Cited in Web of Science: 58 Total Times Cited: 63 Cited Reference Count: 15 Abstract: We have examined the noise sources for a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor system to facilitate optimization of SPR sensor instrumentation and data-processing methods for high-resolution SPR sensing. We found detector shot noise to be the dominant source of noise in the SPR sensor, and investigated the propagation of noise through a commonly used SPR sensor data-processing algorithm. Deriving an expression relating the detector noise level to the noise of the output data, we used measurements of the, magnitude and distribution of both charge-coupled device and photodiode array detector noise to predict the noise levels observed in the sensor output. We used this method to optimize the parameters of the algorithm and introduced a modified algorithm with enhanced resistance to correlated light level noise. In addition, we evaluated the noise performance of alternative SPR sensor designs, including a sensor with no polarization optics and another with optics producing an inverted SPR absorption feature. Experimental SPR sensor data demonstrated good agreement with predicted noise levels. Accession Number: WOS:000180121200033 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance; biosensors; optical sensors; data processing KeyWords Plus: RESONANCE BIOSENSOR Addresses: Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Box 352500, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Publisher: IOP PUBLISHING LTD Publisher Address: DIRAC HOUSE, TEMPLE BACK, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND Web of Science Category: Engineering, Multidisciplinary; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Engineering; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 630RA ISSN: 0957-0233 29-char Source Abbrev.: MEAS SCI TECHNOL ISO Source Abbrev.: Meas. Sci. Technol. Source Item Page Count: 9 Record 20 of 500 Title: Multichannel surface plasmon resonance biosensor with wavelength division multiplexing Author(s): Dostalek, J (Dostalek, J); Vaisocherova, H (Vaisocherova, H); Homola, J (Homola, J) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 108 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 758-764 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.12.096 Published: JUL 22 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 55 Total Times Cited: 55 Cited Reference Count: 17 Abstract: A novel multichannel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor with spectral interrogation and wavelength division multiplexing of sensing channels is presented. A special design of SPR prism element is used to enable wavelength division multiplexing of serial sensing channels. In addition to increasing the number of sensing channels, this approach allows discrimination of the sensor response due to analyte-receptor binding from interfering background refractive index fluctuations. A novel eight-channel SPR sensor combining the wavelength division multiplexing of serial sensing channels with the conventional parallel channel architecture is described. Application of this multichannel SPR sensor for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes is described. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000230330300125 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 10th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors Conference Date: JUL 11-14, 2004 Conference Location: Tsukuba, JAPAN Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance; optical sensor; biosensor; multichannel sensor; wavelength division multiplexing KeyWords Plus: WAVE-GUIDE; ARRAY; DNA Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Chaberska 57, Prague 18251, Czech Republic E-mail Address: homola@ure.cas.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 943CS ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 7 Record 21 of 500 Title: A novel multichannel surface plasmon resonance biosensor Author(s): Homola, J (Homola, J); Lu, HBB (Lu, HBB); Nenninger, GG (Nenninger, GG); Dostalek, J (Dostalek, J); Yee, SS (Yee, SS) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 76 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 403-410 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(01)00648-7 Published: JUN 1 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 53 Total Times Cited: 57 Cited Reference Count: 16 Abstract: We report a novel multichannel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor based on the combination of parallel sensing channel architecture and the method of spectral discrimination of sensing channels. This sensor configuration provides multichannel performance and, through probing surface processes (e.g. binding of immobilized antibody and antigen in solution) with surface plasmons with different field distributions, it allows distinguishing sensor response to surface and bulk effects, enabling more accurate quantification of biomolecular interaction events. The potential of this mixed-architecture sensor is illustrated in a model biosensing experiment in which the detection of monoclonal anti-dinitrophenyl antibody (a-DNP) is compensated for non-specific adsorption and background refractive index interferences. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000169444300066 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 8th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS-8) Conference Date: JUL 02-05, 2000 Conference Location: BASEL, SWITZERLAND Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance; optical sensors; biosensors KeyWords Plus: SENSORS Addresses: Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Univ Washington, Dept Bioengn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 445EC ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 22 of 500 Title: The data acquisition system of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN Author(s): Abbondanno, U (Abbondanno, U); Aerts, G (Aerts, G); Alvarez, F (Alvarez, F); Alvarez, H (Alvarez, H); Andriamonje, S (Andriamonje, S); Andrzejewski, J (Andrzejewski, J); Badurek, G (Badurek, G); Baumann, P (Baumann, P); Becvar, F (Becvar, F); Benlliure, J (Benlliure, J); Berthomieux, E (Berthomieux, E); Betev, B (Betev, B); Calvino, F (Calvino, F); Cano-Ott, D (Cano-Ott, D); Capote, R (Capote, R); Cennini, P (Cennini, P); Chepel, V (Chepel, V); Chiaveri, E (Chiaveri, E); Colonna, N (Colonna, N); Cortes, G (Cortes, G); Cortina, D (Cortina, D); Couture, A (Couture, A); Cox, J (Cox, J); Dababneh, S (Dababneh, S); David, S (David, S); Dolfini, R (Dolfini, R); Domingo-Pardo, C (Domingo-Pardo, C); Duran, I (Duran, I); Embid-Segura, M (Embid-Segura, M); Ferrant, L (Ferrant, L); Ferrari, A (Ferrari, A); Ferreira-Marques, R (Ferreira-Marques, R); Frais-Koelbl, H (Frais-Koelbl, H); Furman, W (Furman, W); Goncalves, I (Goncalves, I); Gonzalez-Romero, E (GonzalezRomero, E); Goverdovski, A (Goverdovski, A); Gramegna, F (Gramegna, F); Griesmayer, E (Griesmayer, E); Gunsing, F (Gunsing, F); Haas, B (Haas, B); Haight, R (Haight, R); Heil, M (Heil, M); Herrera-Martinez, A (Herrera-Martinez, A); Isaev, S (Isaev, S); Jericha, E (Jericha, E); Kadi, Y (Kadi, Y); Kappeler, F (Kappeler, F); Kerveno, M (Kerveno, M); Ketlerov, V (Ketlerov, V); Koehler, PE (Koehler, PE); Konovalov, V (Konovalov, V); Krticka, M (Krticka, M); Leeb, H (Leeb, H); Lindote, A (Lindote, A); Lopes, MI (Lopes, MI); Lozano, M (Lozano, M); Lukic, S (Lukic, S); Marganiec, J (Marganiec, J); Marrone, S (Marrone, S); Martinez-Val, J (Martinez-Val, J); Mastinu, P (Mastinu, P); Mengoni, A (Mengoni, A); Milazzo, PM (Milazzo, PM); Molina-Coballes, A (Molina-Coballes, A); Moreau, C (Moreau, C); Mosconi, M (Mosconi, M); Neves, F (Neves, F); Oberhummer, H (Oberhummer, H); O'Brien, S (O'Brien, S); Pancin, J (Pancin, J); Papaevangelou, T (Papaevangelou, T); Paradela, C (Paradela, C); Pavlik, A (Pavlik, A); Pavlopoulos, P (Pavlopoulos, P); Perlado, JM (Perlado, JM); Perrot, L (Perrot, L); Peskov, V (Peskov, V); Plag, R (Plag, R); Plompen, A (Plompen, A); Plukis, A (Plukis, A); Poch, A (Poch, A); Policarpo, A (Policarpo, A); Pretel, C (Pretel, C); Quesada, JM (Quesada, JM); Rapp, W (Rapp, W); Rauscher, T (Rauscher, T); Reifarth, R (Reifarth, R); Rosetti, M (Rosetti, M); Rubbia, C (Rubbia, C); Rudolf, G (Rudolf, G); Rullhusen, P (Rullhusen, P); Salgado, J (Salgado, J); Schafer, E (Schafer, E); Soares, JC (Soares, JC); Stephan, C (Stephan, C); Tagliente, G (Tagliente, G); Tain, JL (Tain, JL); Tassan-Got, L (Tassan-Got, L); Tavora, LMN (Tavora, LMN); Terlizzi, R (Terlizzi, R); Vannini, G (Vannini, G); Vaz, P (Vaz, P); Ventura, A (Ventura, A); Villamarin-Fernandez, D (Villamarin-Fernandez, D); Vincente-Vincente, M (VincenteVincente, M); Vlachoudis, V (Vlachoudis, V); Voss, F (Voss, F); Wendler, H (Wendler, H); Wiescher, M (Wiescher, M); Wisshak, K (Wisshak, K) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 538 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 692-702 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2004.09.002 Published: FEB 11 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 52 Total Times Cited: 52 Cited Reference Count: 6 Abstract: The n_TOF facility at CERN has been designed for the measurement of neutron capture, fission and (n, xn) cross-sections with high accuracy. This requires a flexible and-due to the high instantaneous neutron flux-almost dead time free data acquisition system. A scalable and versatile data solution has been designed based on 8-bit flash-ADCs with sampling rates up to 2 GHz and 8 Mbyte memory buffer. The software is written in C and C++ and is running on PCs equipped with RedHat Linux. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000227080600055 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: flash-ADC; data acquisition; neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy; pulse shape analysis Addresses: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Inst Kernphys, D-76344 Leopaldhafen, Germany Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Trieste, Trieste, Italy CEA Saclay, DSM, DAPNIA, SPhN, Gif Sur Yvette, France Ctr Invest Energet Medioambientales & Tecnol, Madrid, Spain Univ Santiago de Compostela, Santiago De Compostela, Spain Univ Lodz, PL-90131 Lodz, Poland Vienna Tech Univ, Atominst Osterreich Univ, A-1040 Vienna, Austria CNRS, IN2P3, IreS, Strasbourg, France Charles Univ, CR-11636 Prague 1, Czech Republic Bulgarian Acad Sci, Cent Lab Mechatron & Instrumentat, BU-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Univ Politecn Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Univ Seville, E-41009 Seville, Spain CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Lab Instrumentacao & Phis Expt Particulas, Coimbra, Portugal Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy Univ Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA CNRS, IN2P3, F-91405 Orsay, France Univ Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Fac Hsch Wiener Neustadt, Vienna, Austria Joint Nucl Res Inst, Frank Lab Neutron Phys, Dubna, Russia Inst Tecnol & Nucl, Lisbon, Portugal Inst Phys & Power Engn, Obninsk, Russia Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Legnaro, I-35020 Legnaro, Italy CNRS, CENBG, IN2P3, Bordeaux, France Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Div Phys, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA Univ Politecn Madrid, E-28040 Madrid, Spain Univ Vienna, Inst Isotopenforsch & Kernphys, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Pole Univ Leonard Vinci, Paris, France Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Dept Phys, Stockholm, Sweden IRMM, JRC, CEC, Geel, Belgium Univ Basel, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland ENEA, Bologna, Italy Dipartimento Fis, Bologna, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-40126 Bologna, Italy Reprint Address: Plag, R (reprint author), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Inst Kernphys, Hermann Helmholtz Pl 1, D-76344 Leopaldhafen, Germany E-mail Address: ralf.plag@ik.fzk.de Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 898MJ ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 11 Record 23 of 500 Title: Ultrahigh resolution long range surface plasmon-based sensor Author(s): Slavik, R (Slavik, Radan); Homola, J (Homola, Jiri) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 123 Issue: 1 Pages: 1012 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2006.08.020 Published: APR 10 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 52 Total Times Cited: 54 Cited Reference Count: 14 Abstract: An ultra-high sensitive surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor based on excitation of a long range surface plasmon was developed. Compared to previous reports, the sensor employs more advanced photonic components like superluminescent diode source and polarization-maintaining fibers, which allowed for dramatic decrease of the sensor detection limit. The attained refractive index detection limit of 2.5 x 10(-8) is so far the highest value reported for any SPR-based sensor. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000246171200003 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: surface plasmon; surface plasmon resonance; long range surface plasmon; optical sensor KeyWords Plus: RESONANCE SENSORS; FILMS; THIN Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Slavik, R (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Chabersaka 57, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic E-mail Address: slavik@ure.cas.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 163PD ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 3 Record 24 of 500 Title: Development of piezoelectric immunosensors for competitive and direct determination of atrazine Author(s): Pribyl, J (Pribyl, J); Hepel, M (Hepel, M); Halamek, J (Halamek, J); Skladal, P (Skladal, P) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 91 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 333-341 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(0300107-2 Published: JUN 1 2003 Times Cited in Web of Science: 48 Total Times Cited: 55 Cited Reference Count: 28 Abstract: The improved highly sensitive piezoelectric immunosensor has been developed. The gold electrodes of the piezoelectric quartz crystals were modified with self-assembled layer of cysteamine and carboxyderivative of atrazine was covalently attached after activation with O-(N-succinimidyl)-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyluronium tetrafluoroborate (TSTU). The competitive immumoassay for atrazine was developed using antiatrazine monoclonal antibody (MAb) D6F3. The limit of detection for atrazine was 0.025 ng/ml, the total time of analysis being 25 min. The repeated use of the immunosensors was possible after regeneration using pepsin at pH 2.0. The direct immunosensor for atrazine was constructed by oriented immobilization of anti-atrazine MAb to Protein A covalently attached to the gold surface activated with 3,3'-dithiobis(propionic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester) (DTSP). The MAbProtein A complex was stabilized by cross-linking with dimethyl pimelimidate. Thus developed immunosensor was able to specifically respond to atrazine present in solution, providing limit of detection of 1.5 ng/ml, one assay was completed within 10 min (5 min binding, 5 min washing of surface). The observed changes of frequency are expected to result from conformational changes of the immobilized antibody after formation of the immunocomplex with atrazine. Furthermore, kinetic studies were carried out in different arrangements, the obtained kinetic association equilibrium constant was 2.3 x 10(7) 1 mol(-1) for interaction between immobilized antibody and atrazine in solution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000183039200054 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 9th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors Conference Date: JUL 07-10, 2002 Conference Location: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Author Keywords: quartz crystal microbalance; immunosensor; atrazine KeyWords Plus: ENVIRONMENTAL-POLLUTANTS; MONOCLONAL-ANTIBODIES; OPTICAL IMMUNOSENSOR; ENZYME-IMMUNOASSAY; DRINKING-WATER; STRIAZINE; BIOSENSORS; HERBICIDES; SAMPLES; PESTICIDES Addresses: Masaryk Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Biochem, CS-61137 Brno, Czech Republic SUNY Coll Potsdam, Dept Chem, Potsdam, NY 13676 USA Reprint Address: Hepel, M (reprint author), Masaryk Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Biochem, Kotlarska 2, CS-61137 Brno, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 681MD ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 9 Record 25 of 500 Title: Development of high sensitivity ethanol gas sensors based on Pt-doped SnO2 surfaces Author(s): Ivanov, P (Ivanov, P); Llobet, E (Llobet, E); Vilanova, X (Vilanova, X); Brezmes, J (Brezmes, J); Hubalek, J (Hubalek, J); Correig, X (Correig, X) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 99 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 201-206 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2003.11.012 Published: MAY 1 2004 Times Cited in Web of Science: 48 Total Times Cited: 54 Cited Reference Count: 25 Abstract: This paper describes how thick-film technology was used to fabricate small, robust, sensitive, and selective semiconductor metal oxide (SMO) sensors to detect traces of ethanol vapours in air. The sensing parameters of several active layers were studied including: sensitivity, response repeatability, stability and selectivity. The response to different species of five differently doped SnO2 sensors and a commercially available one were measured at concentrations between 1 ppb and 1000 ppm. Interaction was extremely high when ethanol came into contact with the Pt-doped SnO2 surface. The change in resistance of the Pt-doped sensors was between 2 and 55 times higher than the change in the commercial one. The Ptdoped SnO2 material is less resistant, more sensitive and shows faster response to ethanol than pure SnO2. Since the detection limit for ethanol is at sub-ppb level, the fabricated sensors could be used for alcoholmeters or for on-line monitoring and controlling the concentration of ethanol in fruit ripening storage chambers. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000221580100001 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: ethanol detection; tin dioxide; gas sensing; high sensitivity; dopants and platinum KeyWords Plus: TIN OXIDE; THIN-FILM; ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE; DOPANTS; CO Addresses: Univ Rovira & Virgili, Dept Elect Engn, Tarragona 43007, Spain Univ Agr Brno, Fac Elect Engn & Commun, Brno 60200, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Llobet, E (reprint author), Univ Rovira & Virgili, Dept Elect Engn, Avinguda Paisos Catalans 26, Tarragona 43007, Spain E-mail Address: ellobet@etse.urv.es Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 822ZS ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 26 of 500 Title: Rich information format surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on array of diffraction gratings Author(s): Dostalek, J (Dostalek, J); Homola, J (Homola, J); Miler, M (Miler, M) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 107 Issue: 1 Pages: 154-161 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.08.033 Published: MAY 27 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 48 Total Times Cited: 49 Cited Reference Count: 23 Abstract: We report a new optical biosensor platform for high throughput label-free monitoring of biomolecular interactions. This biosensor platform is based on spectroscopy of surface plasmons on an array of miniature diffraction gratings. Each miniature grating serves as an independent sensing element and allows the monitoring of refractive index changes induced by biomolecular interactions on the gating surface. The presented sensor concept shows potential for real-time observation of thousands of interactions on a single sensor chip. In this paper, we demonstrate a prototype device consisting of an SPR sensor chip with 216 sensing channels, a fluidic system for sample distribution on the sensor chip and an optical chip readout system. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000229665700024 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 7th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (EUROT(R) ODE 7) Conference Date: APR 04-07, 2004 Conference Location: Madrid, SPAIN Author Keywords: surface plasmon resonance; surface plasmons; biosensors; diffraction grating; high-throughput screening KeyWords Plus: HIGH-THROUGHPUT; MICROARRAYS; GOLD Addresses: Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Prague 18251, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Homola, J (reprint author), Inst Radio Engn & Elect, Chaberska 57, Prague 18251, Czech Republic E-mail Address: homola@ure.cas.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 933XH ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 27 of 500 Title: Picosecond optical parametric oscillator pumped synchronously, intracavity, by a mode-locked Nd : YVO4 laser Author(s): Zavadilova, A (Zavadilova, A.); Kubecek, V (Kubecek, V.); Diels, JC (Diels, J. C) Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Pages: 103-108 DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200610072 Published: FEB 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 48 Total Times Cited: 49 Cited Reference Count: 20 Abstract: The operation of a picosecond synchronously intracavity pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is reported. A magnesium doped lithium niobate crystal (MgO:PPLN), periodically poled, is used as the optical parametric oscillator crystal coupling the pump and the resonant signal cavities. The active medium of the pump cavity is a a diode pumped passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 crystal. Continuous mode-locked operation was achieved, tunable from 1531 to 1554 nm by adjusting the OPO crystal from 31 to 55 degrees C. The spectral width of the generated radiation was 2 nm. Accession Number: WOS:000244232100002 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: parametric oscillator; synchronous pumping; mode-locked Nd : YVO4 laser KeyWords Plus: RING LASER; FREQUENCY Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Fac Nucl Sci & Phys Engn, CR-11519 Prague, Czech Republic Univ New Mexico, Dept Phys & Astron, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA Univ New Mexico, Ctr High Technol Mat, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA Reprint Address: Zavadilova, A (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Fac Nucl Sci & Phys Engn, CR-11519 Prague, Czech Republic E-mail Address: zavadilo@troja.fjfi.cvut.cz Publisher: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH Publisher Address: PO BOX 10 11 61, D-69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 136NT ISSN: 1612-2011 29-char Source Abbrev.: LASER PHYS LETT ISO Source Abbrev.: Laser Phys. Lett. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 28 of 500 Title: GMI modeling and material optimization Author(s): Kraus, L (Kraus, L) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL Volume: 106 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 187-194 DOI: 10.1016/S0924-4247(03)00164-X Published: SEP 15 2003 Times Cited in Web of Science: 47 Total Times Cited: 53 Cited Reference Count: 34 Abstract: A review of theoretical models of giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) is presented. The whole frequency range from kHz to GHz is covered starting from the simple quasistatic models and ending with the complex dynamic models based on the simultaneous solution of linearized Maxwell and Landau-Lifshitz equations. The similarity between GMI and FMR is emphasized. The asymmetric GMI (AGMI) behavior is discussed in more detail. Three different mechanisms of asymmetry are outlined. Based on the theoretical results the rules for obtaining high performance GMI materials are put forward. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000184847600044 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 4th European Magnetic Sensor and Actuators Conference Conference Date: JUL 03-05, 2002 Conference Location: ATHENS, GREECE Author Keywords: magnetic field sensors; giant magnetoimpedance; soft magnetic materials KeyWords Plus: ASYMMETRIC GIANT MAGNETOIMPEDANCE; AMORPHOUS (CO0.94FE0.06)(72.5)SI12.5B15 WIRE; SPIN-WAVE DISPERSION; MAGNETOIMPEDANCE; FERROMAGNETIC-ALLOYS; FIELD; ANISOTROPY; RIBBON; MAGNETIZATION; CONDUCTOR Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kraus, L (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Engineering; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 713FZ ISSN: 0924-4247 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT A-PHYS ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator A-Phys. Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 29 of 500 Title: Methods for multidimensional event classification: a case study using images from a Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope Author(s): Bock, RK (Bock, RK); Chilingarian, A (Chilingarian, A); Gaug, M (Gaug, M); Hakl, F (Hakl, F); Hengstebeck, T (Hengstebeck, T); Jirina, M (Jirina, M); Klaschka, J (Klaschka, J); Kotrc, E (Kotrc, E); Savicky, P (Savicky, P); Towers, S (Towers, S); Vaiclulis, A (Vaiclulis, A); Wittek, W (Wittek, W) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 516 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 511-528 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2003.08.157 Published: JAN 11 2004 Times Cited in Web of Science: 47 Total Times Cited: 47 Cited Reference Count: 30 Abstract: We present results from a case study comparing different multivariate classification methods. The input is a set of Monte Carlo data, generated and approximately triggered and pre-processed for an imaging gamma-ray Cherenkov telescope. Such data belong to two classes, originating either from incident gamma rays or caused by hadronic showers. There is only a weak discrimination between signal (gamma) and background (hadrons), making the data an excellent proving ground for classification techniques. The data and methods are described, and a comparison of the results is made. Several methods give results comparable in quality within small fluctuations, suggesting that they perform at or close to the Bayesian limit of achievable separation. Other methods give clearly inferior or inconclusive results. Some problems that this study can not address are also discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000188083200026 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: classification; discrimination; multivariate; neural networks; kernel methods; nearest-neighbour; regression trees Addresses: Max Planck Inst Phys & Astrophys, D-80805 Munich, Germany Inst Phys, Cosmic Ray Div, Yerevan, Armenia Inst Fis Altes Energies, Barcelona, Spain Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Comp Sci, Prague, Czech Republic Univ GH Siegen, Fachbereich Phys, Siegen, Germany SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 USA Univ Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 USA Reprint Address: Bock, RK (reprint author), Max Planck Inst Phys & Astrophys, D-80805 Munich, Germany E-mail Address: rkb@mail.cern.ch Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 763KC ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 18 Record 30 of 500 Title: New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture crosssection measurements Author(s): Abbondanno, U (Abbondanno, U); Aerts, G (Aerts, G); Alvarez, H (Alvarez, H); Andriamonje, S (Andriamonje, S); Angelopoulos, A (Angelopoulos, A); Assimakopoulos, P (Assimakopoulos, P); Bacri, CO (Bacri, CO); Badurek, G (Badurek, G); Baumann, P (Baumann, P); Becvar, F (Becvar, F); Beer, H (Beer, H); Benlliure, J (Benlliure, J); Berthier, B (Berthier, B); Berthomieux, E (Berthomieux, E); Boffi, S (Boffi, S); Borcea, C (Borcea, C); Boscolo-Marchi, E (Boscolo-Marchi, E); Bustreo, N (Bustreo, N); Calvino, P (Calvino, P); Cano-Ott, D (Cano-Ott, D); Capote, R (Capote, R); Carlson, P (Carlson, P); Cennini, P (Cennini, P); Chepel, V (Chepel, V); Chiaveri, E (Chiaveri, E); Coceva, C (Coceva, C); Colonna, N (Colonna, N); Cortes, G (Cortes, G); Cortina, D (Cortina, D); Couture, A (Couture, A); Cox, J (Cox, J); Dababneh, S (Dababneh, S); Dahlfors, M (Dahlfors, M); David, S (David, S); Dolfini, R (Dolfini, R); Domingo-Pardo, C (Domingo-Pardo, C); Duran, I (Duran, I); Eleftheriadis, C (Eleftheriadis, C); Embid-Segura, M (Embid-Segura, M); Ferrant, L (Ferrant, L); Ferrari, A (Ferrari, A); Ferreira-Lourenco, L (Ferreira-Lourenco, L); FerreiraMarques, R (Ferreira-Marques, R); Frais-Koelbl, H (Frais-Koelbl, H); Furman, WI (Furman, WI); Giomataris, Y (Giomataris, Y); Goncalves, IF (Goncalves, IF); Gonzalez-Romero, E (Gonzalez-Romero, E); Goverdovski, A (Goverdovski, A); Gramegna, F (Gramegna, F); Griesmayer, E (Griesmayer, E); Gunsing, F (Gunsing, F); Haight, R (Haight, R); Heil, M (Heil, M); Herrera-Martinez, A (Herrera-Martinez, A); Ioannides, KG (Ioannides, KG); Janeva, N (Janeva, N); Jericha, E (Jericha, E); Kappeler, F (Kappeler, F); Kadi, Y (Kadi, Y); Karamanis, D (Karamanis, D); Kelic, A (Kelic, A); Ketlerov, V (Ketlerov, V); Kitis, G (Kitis, G); Koehler, PE (Koehler, PE); Konovalov, V (Konovalov, V); Kossionides, E (Kossionides, E); Lacoste, V (Lacoste, V); Leeb, H (Leeb, H); Lindote, A (Lindote, A); Lopes, MI (Lopes, MI); Lozano, M (Lozano, M); Lukic, S (Lukic, S); Markov, S (Markov, S); Marrone, S (Marrone, S); Martinez-Val, J (Martinez-Val, J); Mastinu, P (Mastinu, P); Mengoni, A (Mengoni, A); Milazzo, PM (Milazzo, PM); Minguez, E (Minguez, E); Molina-Coballes, A (Molina-Coballes, A); Moreau, C (Moreau, C); Neves, F (Neves, F); Oberhummer, H (Oberhummer, H); O'Brien, S (O'Brien, S); Pancin, J (Pancin, J); Papaevangelou, T (Papaevangelou, T); Paradela, C (Paradela, C); Pavlik, A (Pavlik, A); Pavlopoulos, P (Pavlopoulos, P); Perez-Parra, A (Perez-Parra, A); Perlado, JM (Perlado, JM); Perrot, L (Perrot, L); Peskov, V (Peskov, V); Plag, R (Plag, R); Plompen, A (Plompen, A); Plukis, A (Plukis, A); Poch, A (Poch, A); Policarpo, A (Policarpo, A); Pretel, C (Pretel, C); Quesada, JM (Quesada, JM); Radici, M (Radici, M); Raman, S (Raman, S); Rapp, W (Rapp, W); Rauscher, T (Rauscher, T); Reifarth, R (Reifarth, R); Rejmund, F (Rejmund, F); Rosetti, M (Rosetti, M); Rubbia, C (Rubbia, C); Rudolf, G (Rudolf, G); Rullhusen, P (Rullhusen, P); Salgado, J (Salgado, J); Savvidis, E (Savvidis, E); Soares, JC (Soares, JC); Stephan, C (Stephan, C); Tagliente, G (Tagliente, G); Tain, JL (Tain, JL); Tapia, C (Tapia, C); TassanGot, L (Tassan-Got, L); Tavora, LMN (Tavora, LMN); Terlizzi, R (Terlizzi, R); Terrani, M (Terrani, M); Tsangas, N (Tsangas, N); Vannini, G (Vannini, G); Vaz, P (Vaz, P); Ventura, A (Ventura, A); Villamarin-Fernandez, D (Villamarin-Fernandez, D); Vincente-Vincente, M (Vincente-Vincente, M); Vlachoudis, V (Vlachoudis, V); Vlastou, R (Vlastou, R); Voss, F (Voss, F); Wendler, H (Wendler, H); Wiescher, M (Wiescher, M); Wisshak, K (Wisshak, K); Zanini, L (Zanini, L) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 521 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 454-467 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2003.09.066 Published: APR 1 2004 Times Cited in Web of Science: 45 Total Times Cited: 45 Cited Reference Count: 21 Abstract: The accuracy of the pulse height weighting technique for the determination of neutron capture cross-sections is investigated. The technique is applied to measurements performed with C6D6 liquid scintillation detectors of two different types using capture samples of various dimensions. The data for well-known (n, gamma) resonances are analyzed using weighting functions obtained from Monte Carlo simulations of the experimental set-up. Several causes of systematic deviation are identified and their effect is quantified. In all the cases measured the reaction yield agrees with the standard value within 2%. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000220607100018 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: pulse height weighting technique; C6D6 scintillation detectors; Monte Carlo simulations; neutron capture cross-sections Addresses: Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Trieste, Trieste, Italy CEA Saclay, DSM, DAPNIA, SPhN, F-91191 Gif Sur Yvette, France Univ Santiago de Compostela, Santiago, Chile Univ Athens, Astroparticle Consortium, Athens, Greece Univ Ioannina, Astroparticle Consortium, GR-45110 Ioannina, Greece IPN, CNRS, IN2P3, Orsay, France Tech Univ Vienna, Ostereich Univ, Inst Atom, A-1060 Vienna, Austria IreS, CNRS, IN2P3, Strasbourg, France Charles Univ, Prague, Czech Republic Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Inst Kernphys, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany Univ Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Legnaro, I-35020 Legnaro, Italy Univ Politecn Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Ctr Invest Energet Medioambientales & Tecnol, Madrid, Spain Univ Sevilla, Seville, Spain Kungliga Tekn Hogskolan, Dept Phys, Stockholm, Sweden Lab Instrument & Phis Expt Particulas, Coimbra, Portugal ENEA, Bologna, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy Univ Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki, Astroparticle Consortium, GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece Inst Tecnol & Nucl, Lisbon, Portugal Fachhsch Wiener Neustadt, Vienna, Austria Joint Inst Nucl Res, Frank Lab Neutron Phys, Dubna, Russia Inst Phys & Power Engn, Obninsk, Russia Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, NM 87544 USA Bulgarian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res & Nucl Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Div Phys, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA NCSR Demokritos, Astroparticle Consortium, GR-15310 Athens, Greece Univ Politecn Madrid, Madrid, Spain Univ Vienna, Inst Istopenforsch & Kernphys, Vienna, Austria Univ Basel, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland CEC, JRC, IRMM, Geel, Belgium Democritus Univ Thrace, Astroparticle Consortium, Xanthi, Greece Univ Bologna, Dipartmento Fis, Bologna, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Bologna, Italy Reprint Address: Tain, JL (reprint author), Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain E-mail Address: jose.luis.tain@ific.uv.es Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 808ZN ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 14 Record 31 of 500 Title: Monitoring pH with organic-based field-effect transistors Author(s): Bartic, C (Bartic, C); Palan, B (Palan, B); Campitelli, A (Campitelli, A); Borghs, G (Borghs, G) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 83 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 115-122 Article Number: DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(01)01053-X Published: MAR 15 2002 Times Cited in Web of Science: 44 Total Times Cited: 45 Cited Reference Count: 7 Abstract: In this paper we propose a simple device and a method for pH monitoring, using an organic thin-film transistor as transducer. Such organic transducers may show potential advantages for sensor technology in terms of fabrication cost and biocompatibility. To explore the applicability of organic transistors in the area of bioanalytics, we have realized a proton sensitive organic transistor and an analogue interface that takes into account the particularities of the transistor in order to illustrate the pH response. The detection principle is based on the field-enhanced conductivity of the poly(3-hexylthiophene) semiconducting polymer. The device was characterized electrically in different pH buffers. To display directly the pH response, the detector was connected to a specially developed low-noise, low-power amplifier system. The device concept, electrical characteristics, pH sensitivity and stability are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000174823900018 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: Transducers 2001 Conference/Eurosensor XV Conference Conference Date: JUN 10-14, 2001 Conference Location: MUNICH, GERMANY Author Keywords: pH detection; P3HT; organic transistors; field-effect Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Fac Elect Engn, Dept Microelect, Prague 16627 6, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Bartic, C (reprint author), IMEC, Dept Microsyst, Components & Packaging, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Louvain, Belgium Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 538PH ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 32 of 500 Title: Nd : YAG/V : YAG microchip laser operating at 1338 nm Author(s): Sulc, J (Sulc, J); Jelinkova, H (Jelinkova, H); Nejezchleb, K (Nejezchleb, K); Skoda, V (Skoda, V) Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 2 Issue: 11 Pages: 519-524 DOI: 10.1002/lapl.200510045 Published: NOV 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 43 Total Times Cited: 43 Cited Reference Count: 18 Abstract: Q-switched microchip laser emitting radiation at wavelength 1338 nm was designed and constructed. This laser was based on a monolith crystal which combines in one piece a cooling undoped part (undoped YAG crystal), an active laser part (Nd3+ :YAG), and a saturable absorber (V3+ :YAG, T-o = 85%). The microchip resonator consists of dielectric mirrors directly deposited on the monolith surfaces. The output coupler with reflection 90% was placed on the V3+-doped part. Q-switched microchip laser was tested under pulsed, and CW diode pumping. The pulse length was the same for all regimes and it equals to 6.2 ns. The wavelength of linearly polarized laser emission was 1338 nm. For pulsed pumping the output pulse energy was stable up to mean pump power 1 W and it was equal to 131 mu J, which corresponds to peak power 21 kW. In CW regime for pumping up to 14 W the pulse energy was 37 mu J. Accession Number: WOS:000233270100001 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: Nd : YAG; V : YAG; microchip laser; Q-switching KeyWords Plus: SOLID-STATE LASERS; PASSIVE Q-SWITCH; SATURABLE ABSORBER; V-YAG; RADIATION Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Fac Nucl Sci & Phys Engn, CR-11519 Prague, Czech Republic Crytur Ltd, Turnov, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Sulc, J (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Fac Nucl Sci & Phys Engn, CR11519 Prague, Czech Republic E-mail Address: sulc@troja.fjfi.cvut.cz Publisher: WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH Publisher Address: PO BOX 10 11 61, D-69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 983ZE ISSN: 1612-2011 29-char Source Abbrev.: LASER PHYS LETT ISO Source Abbrev.: Laser Phys. Lett. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 33 of 500 Title: Data processing and image reconstruction methods for pixel detectors Author(s): Jakubek, J (Jakubek, Jan) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 576 Issue: 1 Pages: 223-234 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.01.157 Published: JUN 11 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 43 Total Times Cited: 44 Cited Reference Count: 18 Abstract: Semiconductor single-particle-counting pixel detectors offer many advantages for radiation imaging: high detection efficiency, energy discrimination, noiseless digital integration (counting), high frame rate and virtually unlimited dynamic range. All these properties allow to achieve high quality images. Examples of transmission images and 3D tomographic reconstruction using X-rays and slow neutrons are presented demonstrating effects that can affect the quality of images. A number of obstacles can limit detector performance if not handled. The pixel detector is in fact an array of individual detectors (pixels), each of them has its own efficiency, energy calibration and also noise. The common effort is to make all these parameters uniform for all pixels. However, an ideal uniformity can be never reached. Moreover, it is often seen that the signal in one pixel affects neighboring pixels due to various reasons (charge sharing, crosstalk, etc.). All such effects have to be taken into account during data processing to avoid false data interpretation. The main intention of this contribution is to summarize techniques of data processing and image correction to eliminate residual drawbacks of pixel detectors. It is shown how to extend these methods to handle further physical effects such as hardening of the beam and edge enhancement by deflection. Besides, more advanced methods of data processing such as tomographic 3D reconstruction are discussed. All methods are demonstrated on real experiments from biology and material science performed mostly with the Medipix2 pixel device. A brief view to the future of pixel detectors and their applications also including spectroscopy and particle tracking is given too. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000247330000049 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 8th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors Conference Date: JUL 02-06, 2006 Conference Location: Pisa, ITALY Conference Sponsor(s): PANalytical, GE Healthcare, World it, SONICWALL, EFFEGI srl, Univ Pisa, Dipartimento Fis E Fermi, Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sezione Pisa, Frontier Detectors Frontier Phys Author Keywords: pixel detector; image reconstruction; tomography; X-ray radiography; neutron radiography; phase contrast imaging KeyWords Plus: HARD X-RAYS Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Inst Expt & Appl Phys, CZ-12800 Prague 2, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Jakubek, J (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Inst Expt & Appl Phys, Horska 3a-22, CZ-12800 Prague 2, Czech Republic E-mail Address: janjakubek@utef.cvut.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 179ZR ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 12 Record 34 of 500 Title: The ATLAS semiconductor tracker end-cap module Author(s): Abdesselam, A (Abdesselam, A.); Adkin, PJ (Adkin, P. J.); Allport, PP (Allport, P. P.); Alonso, J (Alonso, J.); Andricek, L (Andricek, L.); Anghinolfi, F (Anghinolfi, F.); Antonov, AA (Antonov, A. A.); Apsimon, RJ (Apsimon, R. J.); Atkinson, T (Atkinson, T.); Batchelor, LE (Batchelor, L. E.); Bates, RL (Bates, R. L.); Beck, G (Beck, G.); Becker, H (Becker, H.); Bell, P (Bell, P.); Bell, W (Bell, W.); Benes, P (Benes, P.); Bernabeu, J (Bernabeu, J.); Bethke, S (Bethke, S.); Bizzell, JP (Bizzell, J. P.); Blocki, J (Blocki, J.); Broklova, Z (Broklova, Z.); Broz, J (Broz, J.); Bohm, J (Bohm, J.); Booker, P (Booker, P.); Bright, G (Bright, G.); Brodbeck, TJ (Brodbeck, T. J.); Bruckman, P (Bruckman, P.); Buttari, CM (Buttari, C. M.); Butterworth, JM (Butterworth, J. M.); Campabadal, F (Campabadal, F.); Campbell, D (Campbell, D.); Carpentier, C (Carpentier, C.); Carroll, JL (Carroll, J. L.); Carter, AA (Carter, A. A.); Carter, JR (Carter, J. R.); Casse, GL (Casse, G. L.); Cermak, P (Cermak, P.); Chamizo, M (Chamizo, M.); Charlton, DG (Charlton, D. G.); Cheplakov, A (Cheplakov, A.); Chesi, E (Chesi, E.); Chilingarov, A (Chilingarov, A.); Chouridou, S (Chouridou, S.); Chren, D (Chren, D.); Christinet, A (Christinet, A.); Chu, ML (Chu, M. L.); Cindro, V (Cindro, V.); Clocio, A (Clocio, A.); Civera, JV (Civera, J. V.); Clark, A (Clark, A.); Colijn, AP (Colijn, A. P.); Cooke, PA (Cooke, P. A.); Costa, MJ (Costa, M. J.); Costanzo, D (Costanzo, D.); Dabrowski, W (Dabrowski, W.); Danielsen, KM (Danielsen, K. M.); Davies, VR (Davies, V. R.); Dawson, I (Dawson, I.); de Jong, P (de Jong, P.); Dervan, P (Dervan, P.); Doherty, F (Doherty, F.); Dolezal, Z (Dolezal, Z.); Donega, M (Donega, M.); D'Onofrio, M (D'Onofrio, M.); Dorholt, O (Dorholt, O.); Drasal, Z (Drasal, Z.); Dowell, JD (Dowell, J. D.); Duerdoth, IP (Duerdoth, I. P.); Duxfield, R (Duxfield, R.); Dwuznik, M (Dwuznik, M.); Easton, JM (Easton, J. M.); Eckert, S (Eckert, S.); Eklund, L (Eklund, L.); Escobar, C (Escobar, C.); Fadeyev, V (Fadeyev, V.); Fasching, D (Fasching, D.); Feld, L (Feld, L.); Ferguson, DPS (Ferguson, D. P. S.); Ferrari, P (Ferrari, P.); Ferrere, D (Ferrere, D.); Fleta, C (Fleta, C.); Fortin, R (Fortin, R.); Foster, JM (Foster, J. M.); Fowler, C (Fowler, C.); Fox, H (Fox, H.); Freestone, J (Freestone, J.); French, RS (French, R. S.); Fuster, J (Fuster, J.); Gadomski, S (Gadomski, S.); Gallop, BJ (Gallop, B. J.); Garcia, C (Garcia, C.); Garcia-Navarro, JE (Garcia-Navarro, J. E.); Gibson, S (Gibson, S.); Gilchriese, MGD (Gilchriese, M. G. D.); Gonzalez, F (Gonzalez, F.); Gonzalez-Sevilla, S (Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.); Goodrick, MJ (Goodrick, M. J.); Gorisek, A (Gorisek, A.); Gornicki, E (Gornicki, E.); Greenall, A (Greenall, A.); Greenfield, D (Greenfield, D.); Gregory, S (Gregory, S.); Grigorieva, IG (Grigorieva, I. G.); Grillo, AA (Grillo, A. A.); Grosse-Knetter, J (GrosseKnetter, J.); Gryska, C (Gryska, C.); Guipet, A (Guipet, A.); Haber, C (Haber, C.); Hara, K (Hara, K.); Hartjes, FG (Hartjes, F. G.); Hauff, D (Hauff, D.); Haywood, SJ (Haywood, S. J.); Hegeman, SJ (Hegeman, S. J.); Heinzinger, K (Heinzinger, K.); Hessey, NP (Hessey, N. P.); Heusch, C (Heusch, C.); Hicheur, A (Hicheur, A.); Hill, JC (Hill, J. C.); Hodgkinson, M (Hodgkinson, M.); Hodgson, P (Hodgson, P.); Horazdovsky, T (Horazdovsky, T.); Hollins, TI (Hollins, T. I.); Hou, LS (Hou, L. S.); Hou, S (Hou, S.); Hughes, G (Hughes, G.); Huse, T (Huse, T.); Ibbotson, M (Ibbotson, M.); Iglesias, M (Iglesias, M.); Ikegami, Y (Ikegami, Y.); Ilyashenko, I (Ilyashenko, I.); Issever, C (Issever, C.); Jackson, JN (Jackson, J. N.); Jakobs, K (Jakobs, K.); Jared, RC (Jared, R. C.); Jarron, P (Jarron, P.); Johansson, P (Johansson, P.); Jones, RWL (Jones, R. W. L.); Jones, TJ (Jones, T. J.); Joos, D (Joos, D.); Joseph, J (Joseph, J.); Jovanovic, P (Jovanovic, P.); Jusko, O (Jusko, O.); Jusko, V (Jusko, V.); Kaplon, J (Kaplon, J.); Kazi, S (Kazi, S.); Ketterer, C (Ketterer, Ch.); Kholodenko, AG (Kholodenko, A. G.); King, BT (King, B. T.); Kodys, P (Kodys, P.); Koffeman, E (Koffeman, E.); Kohout, Z (Kohout, Z.); Kohriki, T (Kohriki, T.); Kondo, T (Kondo, T.); Koperny, S (Koperny, S.); Koukol, H (Koukol, H.); Kral, V (Kral, V.); Kramberger, G (Kramberger, G.); Kubik, P (Kubik, P.); Kudlaty, J (Kudlaty, J.); Lacasta, C (Lacasta, C.); Lagouri, T (Lagouri, T.); Lee, SC (Lee, S. C.); Leney, K (Leney, K.); Lenz, S (Lenz, S.); Lester, CG (Lester, C. G.); Liebicher, K (Liebicher, K.); Limper, M (Limper, M.); Lindsay, S (Lindsay, S.); Linhart, V (Linhart, V.); Llosa, G (Llosa, G.); Loebinger, FK (Loebinger, F. K.); Lozano, M (Lozano, M.); Ludwig, I (Ludwig, I.); Ludwig, J (Ludwig, J.); Lutz, G (Lutz, G.); Lys, J (Lys, J.); Maassen, M (Maassen, M.); Macina, D (Macina, D.); Macpherson, A (Macpherson, A.); MacWaters, C (MacWaters, C.); Magrath, CA (Magrath, C. A.); Malecki, P (Malecki, P.); Mandic, I (Mandic, I.); Mangin-Brinet, M (Mangin-Brinet, M.); Marti-Garcia, S (MartiGarcia, S.); Matheson, JP (Matheson, J. P.); Matson, RM (Matson, R. M.); McMahon, SJ (McMahon, S. J.); McMahon, TJ (McMahon, T. J.); Meinhardt, J (Meinhardt, J.); Mellado, B (Mellado, B.); Melone, JJ (Melone, J. J.); Mercer, IJ (Mercer, I. J.); Messmer, I (Messmer, I.); Mikulec, B (Mikulec, B.); Mikuz, M (Mikuz, M.); Minano, M (Minano, M.); Mitsouak, VA (Mitsouak, V. A.); Modesto, P (Modesto, P.); Moed, S (Moed, S.); Mohn, B (Mohn, B.); Moncrieff, S (Moncrieff, S.); Moorhead, G (Moorhead, G.); Morris, FS (Morris, F. S.); Morris, J (Morris, J.); Morrissey, M (Morrissey, M.); Moser, HG (Moser, H. G.); Moszczynski, A (Moszczynski, A.); Muijs, AJM (Muijs, A. J. M.); Murray, WJ (Murray, W. J.); Muskett, D (Muskett, D.); Nacher, J (Nacher, J.); Nagai, K (Nagai, K.); Nakano, I (Nakano, I.); Nickerson, RB (Nickerson, R. B.); Nisius, R (Nisius, R.); Oye, OK (Oye, O. K.); O'Shea, V (O'Shea, V.); Paganis, E (Paganis, E.); Parker, MA (Parker, M. A.); Parzefall, U (Parzefall, U.); Pater, JR (Pater, J. R.); Peeters, SJM (Peeters, S. J. M.); Pellegrini, G (Pellegrini, G.); Pelleriti, G (Pelleriti, G.); Pernegger, H (Pernegger, H.); Perrin, E (Perrin, E.); Phillips, PW (Phillips, P. W.); Pilavova, LV (Pilavova, L. V.); Poltorak, K (Poltorak, K.); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S.); Postranecky, M (Postranecky, M.); Pritchard, T (Pritchard, T.); Prokofiev, K (Prokofiev, K.); Rafi, JM (Rafi, J. M.); Raine, C (Raine, C.); Ratoff, PN (Ratoff, P. N.); Reznicek, P (Reznicek, P.); Riadovikov, VN (Riadovikov, V. N.); Richter, RH (Richter, R. H.); Robichaud-Veronneau, A (Robichaud-Veronneau, A.); Robinson, D (Robinson, D.); Rodriguez-Oliete, R (Rodriguez-Oliete, R.); Roe, S (Roe, S.); Rudge, A (Rudge, A.); Runge, K (Runge, K.); Saavedra, A (Saavedra, A.); Sadrozinski, HFW (Sadrozinski, H. F. W.); Sanchez, FJ (Sanchez, F. J.); Sandaker, H (Sandaker, H.); Saxon, DH (Saxon, D. H.); Scheirich, D (Scheirich, D.); Schieck, J (Schieck, J.); Seiden, A (Seiden, A.); Sfyrla, A (Sfyrla, A.); Slavicek, T (Slavicek, T.); Smith, KM (Smith, K. M.); Smith, NA (Smith, N. A.); Snow, SW (Snow, S. W.); Solar, M (Solar, M.); Sopko, B (Sopko, B.); Sopko, V (Sopko, V.); Sospedra, L (Sospedra, L.); Spencer, E (Spencer, E.); Stanecka, E (Stanecka, E.); Stapnes, S (Stapnes, S.); Stastny, J (Stastny, J.); Strachko, V (Strachko, V.); Stradling, A (Stradling, A.); Stugu, B (Stugu, B.); Su, DS (Su, D. S.); Sutcliffe, P (Sutcliffe, P.); Szczygiel, R (Szczygiel, R.); Tanaka, R (Tanaka, R.); Taylor, G (Taylor, G.); Teng, PK (Teng, P. K.); Terada, S (Terada, S.); Thompson, RJ (Thompson, R. J.); Titov, M (Titov, M.); Toczek, B (Toczek, B.); Tovey, DR (Tovey, D. R.); Tratzl, G (Tratzl, G.); Troitsky, VL (Troitsky, V. L.); Tseng, J (Tseng, J.); Turala, M (Turala, M.); Turner, PR (Turner, P. R.); Tyndel, M (Tyndel, M.); Ullan, M (Ullan, M.); Unno, Y (Unno, Y.); Vickey, T (Vickey, T.); Van der Kraaij, E (Van der Kraaij, E.); Viehhauser, G (Viehhauser, G.); Villani, EG (Villani, E. G.); Vitek, T (Vitek, T.); Anh, TV (Anh, T. Vu); Vorobiev, AP (Vorobiev, A. P.); Vossebeld, JH (Vossebeld, J. H.); Wachler, M (Wachler, M.); Wallny, R (Wallny, R.); Ward, CP (Ward, C. P.); Warren, MRM (Warren, M. R. M.); Webel, M (Webel, M.); Weber, M (Weber, M.); Weber, M (Weber, M.); Weidberg, AR (Weidberg, A. R.); Weilhammer, P (Weilhammer, P.); Wells, PS (Wells, P. S.); Wetzel, P (Wetzel, P.); Whitley, M (Whitley, M.); Wiesmann, M (Wiesmann, M.); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I.); Willenbrock, M (Willenbrock, M.); Wilmut, I (Wilmut, I.); Wilson, JA (Wilson, J. A.); Winton, J (Winton, J.); Wolter, M (Wolter, M.); Wormald, MP (Wormald, M. P.); Wu, SL (Wu, S. L.); Wu, X (Wu, X.); Zhu, H (Zhu, H.); Bingefors, N (Bingefors, N.); Brenner, R (Brenner, R.); Ekelof, T (Ekelof, T.) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 575 Issue: 3 Pages: 353-389 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.02.019 Published: JUN 1 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 42 Total Times Cited: 42 Cited Reference Count: 48 Abstract: The challenges for the tracking detector systems at the LHC are unprecedented in terms of the number of channels, the required read-out speed and the expected radiation levels. The ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker. (SCT) end-caps have a total of about 3 million electronics channels each reading out every 25 ns into its own on-chip 3.3 mu s buffer. The highest anticipated dose after 10 years operation is 1.4x10(14) cm(-2) in units of 1 MeV neutron equivalent (assuming the damage factors scale with the non-ionising energy loss). The forward tracker has 1976 double-sided modules, mostly of area similar to 70 cm(2), each having 2 x 768 strips read out by six ASICs per side. The requirement to achieve an average perpendicular radiation length of 1.5% X(0), while coping with up to 7 W dissipation per module (after irradiation), leads to stringent constraints on the thermal design. The additional requirement of 1500e(-) equivalent noise charge (ENC) rising to only 1800e(-) ENC after irradiation, provides stringent design constraints on both the high-density Cu/Polyimide flex read-out circuit and the ABCD3TA read-out ASICs. Finally, the accuracy of module assembly must not compromise the 16 mu m (r phi) resolution perpendicular to the strip directions or 580 mu m radial resolution coming from the 40 mrad front-back stereo angle. A total of 2210 modules were built to the tight tolerances and specifications required for the SCT. This was 234 more than the 1976 required and represents a yield of 93%. The component flow was at times tight, but the module production rate of 40-50 per week was maintained despite this. The distributed production was not found to be a major logistical problem and it allowed additional flexibility to take advantage of where the effort was available, including any spare capacity, for building the end-cap modules. The collaboration that produced the ATLAS SCT end-cap modules kept in close contact at all times so that the effects of shortages or stoppages at different sites could be rapidly resolved. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000247146800010 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: silicon; module; microstrip; ATLAS; SCT; LHC KeyWords Plus: READOUT; PERFORMANCE; DETECTORS Addresses: CSIC, Ctr Nacl Microelect Barcelona, CNM IMB, Barcelona, Spain Univ Bergen, Dept Phys & Technol, N-5007 Bergen, Norway Univ Birmingham, Sch Phys & Astron, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, England Univ Cambridge, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge CB3 0HE, England CERN, European Lab Particle Phys, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland AGH Univ Sci & Technol, Fac Phys & Appl Comp Sci, Krakow, Poland Polish Acad Sci, Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst Nucl Phys, Krakow, Poland Univ Freiburg, Fak Phys, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany Univ Geneva, Sect Phys, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys & Astron, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia KEK, High Energy Accelerator Res Org, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050801, Japan Univ Lancaster, Dept Phys & Astron, Lancaster, England Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Berkeley, CA USA Univ Liverpool, Dept Phys, Oliver Lodge Lab, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Univ London, Univ London Queen Mary & Westfield Coll, Dept Phys, London E1 4NS, England Univ London, Univ Coll, Dept Phys, London, England Univ Manchester, Sch Phys & Astron, Manchester, Lancs, England Univ Melbourne, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia NIIGraphite, Moscow, Russia NIITAP, Moscow, Russia Max Planck Inst Phys & Astrophys, D-80805 Munich, Germany NIKHEF H, NL-1009 DB Amsterdam, Netherlands Okayama Univ, Grad Sch Nat Sci & Technol, Okayama 7008530, Japan Univ Oslo, Dept Phys, Oslo, Norway Univ Oxford, Dept Phys, Oxford, England Charles Univ Prague, Fac Math & Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Czech Tech Univ, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic IHEP, Protvino, Russia Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot OX11 0QX, Oxon, England Univ Sheffield, Dept Phys & Astron, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England AF Ioffe Phys Tech Inst, St Petersburg, Russia Univ Calif Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Inst Particle Phys, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Acad Sinica, Inst Phys, Taipei, Taiwan Univ Tsukuba, Inst Pure & Appl Sci, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058571, Japan Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Univ Wisconsin, Dept Phys, Madison, WI 53706 USA Uppsala Univ, Dept Nucl & Particle Phys, SE-75121 Uppsala, Sweden Reprint Address: Lacasta, C (reprint author), CSIC, Ctr Nacl Microelect Barcelona, CNM IMB, Barcelona, Spain E-mail Address: Carlos.Lacasta@ific.uv.es Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 177IM ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 37 Record 35 of 500 Title: Phytochelatin modified electrode surface as a sensitive heavy-metal ion biosensor Author(s): Adam, V (Adam, V); Zehnalek, J (Zehnalek, J); Petrlova, J (Petrlova, J); Potesil, D (Potesil, D); Sures, B (Sures, B); Trnkova, L (Trnkova, L); Jelen, F (Jelen, F); Vitecek, J (Vitecek, J); Kizek, R (Kizek, R) Source: SENSORS Volume: 5 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 70-84 DOI: 10.3390/s5010070 Published: JAN-FEB 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 41 Total Times Cited: 42 Cited Reference Count: 93 Abstract: Electrochemical biosensors have superior properties over other existing measurement systems because they can provide rapid, simple and low-cost on-field determination of many biological active species and a number of dangerous pollutants. In our work, we suggested a new heavy metal biosensor based on interaction of heavy metal ions ( Cd2+ and Zn2+) with phytochelatin, which was adsorbed on the surface of the hanging mercury drop electrode, using adsorptive transfer stripping differential pulse voltammetry. In addition, we applied the suggested technique for the determination of heavy metals in a biological sample - human urine and platinum in a pharmaceutical drug. The detection limits ( 3 S/N) of Cd(II), Zn(II) and cis-platin were about 1.0, 13.3 and 1.9 pmole in 5 mu l, respectively. On the basis of the obtained results, we propose that the suggested technique offers simple, rapid, and low-cost detection of heavy metals in environmental, biological and medical samples. Accession Number: WOS:000228140200006 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: phytochelatin; adsorptive transfer stripping; differential pulse voltammetry; mercury; cadmium; zinc; heavy metal sensor; human urine; cis-platin KeyWords Plus: DIFFERENTIAL-PULSE POLAROGRAPHY; TRANSFER STRIPPING VOLTAMMETRY; CADMIUM AND/OR ZINC; MULTIVARIATE CURVE RESOLUTION; DNA HYBRIDIZATION ASSAYS; SQUARE-WAVE VOLTAMMETRY; HIGHER-PLANTS; COMPLEXING PROPERTIES; MERCURY-ELECTRODES; CARBON ELECTRODES Addresses: Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Dept Chem & Biochem, Brno 61137, Czech Republic Univ Karlsruhe, Zool Inst Okol Parasitol 1, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany Masaryk Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Theoret & Phys Chem, CS-61137 Brno, Czech Republic Masaryk Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Analyt Chem, CS-61137 Brno, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Biophys, Lab Biophys Chem & Mol Oncol, CS-61265 Brno, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kizek, R (reprint author), Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Dept Chem & Biochem, Zemedelska 1, Brno 61137, Czech Republic E-mail Address: kizek@sci.muni.cz Publisher: MOLECULAR DIVERSITY PRESERVATION INTERNATIONAL Publisher Address: MATTHAEUSSTRASSE 11, CH-4057 BASEL, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 913GS ISSN: 1424-8220 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSORS-BASEL ISO Source Abbrev.: Sensors Source Item Page Count: 15 Record 36 of 500 Title: An electrochemical detection of metallothioneins at the zeptomole level in nanolitre volumes Author(s): Adam, V (Adam, Vojtech); Baloun, J (Baloun, Jiri); Fabrik, I (Fabrik, Ivo); Trnkova, L (Trnkova, Libuse); Kizek, R (Kizek, Rene) Source: SENSORS Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 2293-2305 DOI: 10.3390/s8042293 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited in Web of Science: 41 Total Times Cited: 42 Cited Reference Count: 59 Abstract: We report on improvement of the adsorptive transfer stripping technique ( AdTS) coupled with the differential pulse voltammetry Brdicka reaction to determine a thiol-protein. The current technique has been unable to generate reproducible results when analyzing very low sample volumes ( nanolitres). This obstacle can be overcome technically by modifying the current transfer technique including cooling step of the adsorbed analyte. We tested the technique on determination of a promising tumour disease marker protein called metallothionein ( MT). The detection limit ( 3 S/ N) of MT was evaluated as 500 zeptomoles per 500 nL ( 1 pM) and the quantification limit ( 10 S/ N) as 1,500 zeptomoles per 500 nL ( 3 pM). Further, the improved AdTS technique was utilized to analyze blood serum samples from patients with breast cancer. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that the improved technique can be used to detect a thiol-protein in very low sample volumes and can also prevent interferences during the washing and transferring step. Accession Number: WOS:000256642400013 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: proteomics; metallothionein; thiols; differential pulse voltammetry; Brdicka reaction; adsorptive transfer stripping technique; human blood serum; tumour disease; zeptomole KeyWords Plus: FLOW-INJECTION ANALYSIS; BIOINORGANIC SPECIATION ANALYSIS; MODIFIED ELECTRODE SURFACE; DNA HYBRIDIZATION ASSAYS; PLASMA-MASS SPECTROMETRY; SQUARE-WAVE VOLTAMMETRY; GLASSYCARBON ELECTRODE; BIOSENSOR; SENSOR; CAPILLARY Addresses: [Adam, Vojtech; Baloun, Jiri; Fabrik, Ivo; Kizek, Rene] Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Chem & Biochem, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic [Adam, Vojtech] Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Anim Nutr & Forage Prod, Fac Agron, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic [Fabrik, Ivo] Masaryk Univ, Dept Biochem, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic [Trnkova, Libuse] Masaryk Univ, Dept Chem, Fac Sci, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kizek, R (reprint author), Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Chem & Biochem, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail Address: kizek@sci.muni.cz Publisher: MOLECULAR DIVERSITY PRESERVATION INT Publisher Address: MATTHAEUSSTRASSE 11, CH-4057 BASEL, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 312AV ISSN: 1424-8220 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSORS-BASEL ISO Source Abbrev.: Sensors Source Item Page Count: 13 Record 37 of 500 Title: The barrel modules of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker Author(s): Abdesselam, A (Abdesselam, A.); Akimoto, T (Akimoto, T.); Allport, PP (Allport, P. P.); Alonso, J (Alonso, J.); Anderson, B (Anderson, B.); Andricek, L (Andricek, L.); Anghinolfi, F (Anghinolfi, F.); Apsimon, RJ (Apsimon, R. J.); Barbier, G (Barbier, G.); Barr, AJ (Barr, A. J.); Batchelor, LE (Batchelor, L. E.); Bates, RL (Bates, R. L.); Batley, JR (Batley, J. R.); Beck, GA (Beck, G. A.); Bell, PJ (Bell, P. J.); Belymam, A (Belymam, A.); Bernabeu, J (Bernabeu, J.); Bethke, S (Bethke, S.); Bizzell, JP (Bizzell, J. P.); Bohm, J (Bohm, J.); Brenner, R (Brenner, R.); Brodbeck, TJ (Brodbeck, T. J.); Broklova, Z (Broklova, Z.); Broz, J (Broz, J.); De Renstrom, PB (De Renstrom, P. Bruckman); Buttar, CM (Buttar, C. M.); Butterworth, JM (Butterworth, J. M.); Carpentieri, C (Carpentieri, C.); Carter, AA (Carter, A. A.); Carter, JR (Carter, J. R.); Charlton, DG (Charlton, D. G.); Cheplakov, A (Cheplakov, A.); Chesi, E (Chesi, E.); Chilingarov, A (Chilingarov, A.); Chouridou, S (Chouridou, S.); Chu, ML (Chu, M. L.); Cindro, V (Cindro, V.); Ciocio, A (Ciocio, A.); Civera, JV (Civera, J. V.); Clark, A (Clark, A.); Coe, P (Coe, P.); Colijn, AP (Colijn, A-P.); Cornelissen, T (Cornelissen, T.); Cosgrove, DP (Cosgrove, D. P.); Costa, MJ (Costa, M. J.); Dabrowski, W (Dabrowski, W.); Dalmau, J (Dalmau, J.); Danielsen, KM (Danielsen, K. M.); Dawson, I (Dawson, I.); Demirkoz, B (Demirkoz, B.); Dervan, P (Dervan, P.); Dolezal, Z (Dolezal, Z.); Donega, M (Donega, M.); D'Onofrio, M (D'Onofrio, M.); Dorholt, O (Dorholt, O.); Dowell, JD (Dowell, J. D.); Drasal, Z (Drasal, Z.); Duerdoth, IP (Duerdoth, I. P.); Dwuznik, M (Dwuznik, M.); Eckert, S (Eckert, S.); Ekelof, T (Ekelof, T.); Eklund, L (Eklund, L.); Escobar, C (Escobar, C.); Fadeyev, V (Fadeyev, V.); Feld, L (Feld, L.); Ferrari, P (Ferrari, P.); Ferrere, D (Ferrere, D.); Fiorini, L (Fiorini, L.); Fortin, R (Fortin, R.); Foster, JM (Foster, J. M.); Fox, H (Fox, H.); Fraser, TJ (Fraser, T. J.); Freestone, J (Freestone, J.); French, R (French, R.); Fuster, J (Fuster, J.); Gadomski, S (Gadomski, S.); Gallop, BJ (Gallop, B. J.); Garcia, C (Garcia, C.); Garcia-Navarro, JE (Garcia-Navarro, J. E.); Gibson, MD (Gibson, M. D.); Gibson, S (Gibson, S.); Gilchriese, MGD (Gilchriese, M. G. D.); Godlewski, J (Godlewski, J.); Gonzalez-Sevilla, S (Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.); Goodrick, MJ (Goodrick, M. J.); Gorisek, A (Gorisek, A.); Gornicki, E (Gornicki, E.); Greenall, A (Greenall, A.); Grigson, C (Grigson, C.); Grillo, AA (Grillo, A. A.); Grosse-Knetter, J (Grosse-Knetter, J.); Haber, C (Haber, C.); Hara, K (Hara, K.); Hartjes, FG (Hartjes, F. G.); Hauff, D (Hauff, D.); Hawes, BM (Hawes, B. M.); Haywood, SJ (Haywood, S. J.); Hessey, NP (Hessey, N. P.); Hicheur, A (Hicheur, A.); Hill, JC (Hill, J. C.); Hollins, TI (Hollins, T. I.); Holt, R (Holt, R.); Howell, DF (Howell, D. F.); Hughes, G (Hughes, G.); Huse, T (Huse, T.); Ibbotson, M (Ibbotson, M.); Ikegami, Y (Ikegami, Y.); Issever, C (Issever, C.); Jackson, JN (Jackson, J. N.); Jakobs, K (Jakobs, K.); Jarron, P (Jarron, P.); Johansen, LG (Johansen, L. G.); Jones, TJ (Jones, T. J.); Jones, TW (Jones, T. W.); de Jong, P (de Jong, P.); Joos, D (Joos, D.); Jovanovic, P (Jovanovic, P.); Kachiguine, S (Kachiguine, S.); Kaplon, J (Kaplon, J.); Kato, Y (Kato, Y.); Ketterer, C (Ketterer, C.); Kobayashi, H (Kobayashi, H.); Kodys, P (Kodys, P.); Koffeman, E (Koffeman, E.); Kohout, Z (Kohout, Z.); Kohriki, T (Kohriki, T.); Kondo, T (Kondo, T.); Koperny, S (Koperny, S.); Kramberger, G (Kramberger, G.); Kubik, P (Kubik, P.); Kudlaty, J (Kudlaty, J.); Kuwano, T (Kuwano, T.); Lacasta, C (Lacasta, C.); LaMarra, D (LaMarra, D.); Lane, JB (Lane, J. B.); Lee, SC (Lee, S. -C.); Lester, CG (Lester, C. G.); Limper, M (Limper, M.); Lindsay, S (Lindsay, S.); Llatas, MC (Llatas, M. C.); Loebinger, FK (Loebinger, F. K.); Lozano, M (Lozano, M.); Ludwig, I (Ludwig, I.); Ludwig, J (Ludwig, J.); Lutz, G (Lutz, G.); Lys, J (Lys, J.); Maassen, M (Maassen, M.); Macina, D (Macina, D.); Macpherson, A (Macpherson, A.); MacWaters, C (MacWaters, C.); McMahon, SJ (McMahon, S. J.); McMahon, TJ (McMahon, T. J.); Magrath, CA (Magrath, C. A.); Malecki, P (Malecki, P.); Mandic, I (Mandic, I.); Mangin-Brinet, M (Mangin-Brinet, M.); Marti-Garcia, S (Marti-Garcia, S.); Martinez-Mckinney, GFM (Martinez-Mckinney, G. F. M.); Matheson, JMC (Matheson, J. M. C.); Matson, RM (Matson, R. M.); Meinhardt, J (Meinhardt, J.); Mikulec, B (Mikulec, B.); Mikuz, M (Mikuz, M.); Minagawa, M (Minagawa, M.); Mistry, J (Mistry, J.); Mitsou, V (Mitsou, V.); Modesto, P (Modesto, P.); Moed, S (Moed, S.); Mohn, B (Mohn, B.); Moorhead, G (Moorhead, G.); Morin, J (Morin, J.); Morris, J (Morris, J.); Morrissey, M (Morrissey, M.); Moser, HG (Moser, H-G.); Muijs, AJM (Muijs, A. J. M.); Murray, WJ (Murray, W. J.); Nagai, K (Nagai, K.); Nakamura, K (Nakamura, K.); Nakamura, Y (Nakamura, Y.); Nakano, I (Nakano, I.); Nichols, A (Nichols, A.); Nicholson, R (Nicholson, R.); Nickerson, RB (Nickerson, R. B.); Nisius, R (Nisius, R.); O'Shea, V (O'Shea, V.); Oye, OK (Oye, O. K.); Palmer, MJ (Palmer, M. J.); Parker, MA (Parker, M. A.); Parzefall, U (Parzefall, U.); Pater, JR (Pater, J. R.); Peeters, SJM (Peeters, S. J. M.); Pellegrini, G (Pellegrini, G.); Pernegger, H (Pernegger, H.); Perrin, E (Perrin, E.); Phillips, A (Phillips, A.); Phillips, PW (Phillips, P. W.); Poltorak, K (Poltorak, K.); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S.); Postranecky, M (Postranecky, M.); Pritchard, T (Pritchard, T.); Rafi, JM (Rafi, J. M.); Ratoff, PN (Ratoff, P. N.); Reznicek, P (Reznicek, P.); Richter, RH (Richter, R. H.); Robinson, D (Robinson, D.); Roe, S (Roe, S.); Rosenbaum, F (Rosenbaum, F.); Rudge, A (Rudge, A.); Runge, K (Runge, K.); Sadrozinski, HFW (Sadrozinski, H. F. W.); Sandaker, H (Sandaker, H.); Saxon, DH (Saxon, D. H.); Schieck, J (Schieck, J.); Sedlak, K (Sedlak, K.); Seiden, A (Seiden, A.); Sengoku, H (Sengoku, H.); Sfyrla, A (Sfyrla, A.); Shimma, S (Shimma, S.); Smith, KM (Smith, K. M.); Smith, NA (Smith, N. A.); Snow, SW (Snow, S. W.); Solar, M (Solar, M.); Solberg, A (Solberg, A.); Sopko, B (Sopko, B.); Sospedra, L (Sospedra, L.); Spencer, E (Spencer, E.); Stanecka, E (Stanecka, E.); Stapnes, S (Stapnes, S.); Stastny, J (Stastny, J.); Stodulski, M (Stodulski, M.); Stugu, B (Stugu, B.); Szczygiel, R (Szczygiel, R.); Tanaka, R (Tanaka, R.); Tappern, G (Tappern, G.); Taylor, G (Taylor, G.); Teng, PK (Teng, P. K.); Terada, S (Terada, S.); Thompson, RJ (Thompson, R. J.); Titov, M (Titov, M.); Toczek, B (Toczek, B.); Tovey, DR (Tovey, D. R.); Tricoli, A (Tricoli, A.); Turala, M (Turala, M.); Turner, PR (Turner, P. R.); Tyndel, M (Tyndel, M.); Ullan, M (Ullan, M.); Unno, Y (Unno, Y.); Van der Kraaij, E (Van der Kraaij, E.); van Vulpens, I (van Vulpens, I.); Viehhauser, G (Viehhauser, G.); Villani, EG (Villani, E. G.); Vorobel, V (Vorobel, V.); Vos, M (Vos, M.); Wallny, R (Wallny, R.); Warren, MRM (Warren, M. R. M.); Wastie, RL (Wastie, R. L.); Weber, M (Weber, M.); Weidberg, AR (Weidberg, A. R.); Weilhammer, P (Weilhammer, P.); Wells, PS (Wells, P. S.); Wilder, M (Wilder, M.); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I.); Wilson, JA (Wilson, J. A.); Wolter, M (Wolter, M.) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 568 Issue: 2 Pages: 642-671 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.08.036 Published: DEC 1 2006 Times Cited in Web of Science: 39 Total Times Cited: 39 Cited Reference Count: 33 Abstract: This paper describes the silicon microstrip modules in the barrel section of the SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The module requirements, components and assembly techniques are given, as well as first results of the module performance on the fully assembled barrels that make up the detector being installed in the ATLAS experiment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000242822900016 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: ATLAS; SCT; silicon; microstrip; barrel; module; LHC KeyWords Plus: SCT; DETECTORS; DESIGN Addresses: CSIC, CNM, IMB, Barcelona, Spain Univ Bergen, Dept Phys & Technol, N-5007 Bergen, Norway Univ Birmingham, Sch Phys & Astron, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, England Univ Cambridge, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge CB3 0HE, England CERN, European Lab Particle Phys, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Inst Nucl Phys PAN, Krakow, Poland AGH Univ Sci & Technol, Fac Phys & Appl Comp Sci, Krakow, Poland Univ Freiburg, Fak Phys, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany CERN, DPNC, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys & Astron, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia High Energy Accelerator Res Org, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050801, Japan Univ Lancaster, Dept Phys & Astron, Lancaster, England Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Berkeley, CA USA Univ Liverpool, Oliver Lodge Lab, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Univ Manchester, Sch Phys & Astron, Manchester M13 9PL, Lancs, England Univ Melbourne, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia Max Planck Inst Phys & Astrophys, Werner Heisenberg Inst Phys, D-80805 Munich, Germany NIKHEF H, NL-1009 DB Amsterdam, Netherlands Okayama Univ, Grad Sch Sci & Technol, Okayama 7008530, Japan Dept Phys, N-0316 Oslo, Norway Univ Oxford, Dept Phys, Oxford OX1 3RH, England Charles Univ Prague, Fac Math & Phys, CZ-18000 Prague, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, CZ-18221 Prague 8, Czech Republic Czech Tech Univ, CZ-16636 Prague 6, Czech Republic Queen Mary Univ London, Dept Phys, London E1 4NS, England Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot OX11 0QX, Oxon, England Univ Calif Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Inst Particle Phys, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Univ Sheffield, Dept Phys & Astron, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England Acad Sinica, Inst Phys, Taipei, Taiwan Univ Tsukuba, Inst Pure & Appl Sci, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058571, Japan UCL, Dept Phys & Astron, London WC1E 6BT, England Uppsala Univ, Dept Nucl & Particle Phys, SE-75121 Uppsala, Sweden Univ Valencia, CSIC, IFIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular, Valencia, Spain Reprint Address: Carter, JR (reprint author), CSIC, CNM, IMB, Barcelona, Spain E-mail Address: jrc1@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 116SP ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 30 Record 38 of 500 Title: Ion and neutral emission from pulsed laser irradiation of metals Author(s): Torrisi, L (Torrisi, L); Ando, L (Ando, L); Gammino, S (Gammino, S); Krasa, J (Krasa, J); Laska, L (Laska, L) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Volume: 184 Issue: 3 Pages: 327-336 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(01)00790-X Published: NOV 2001 Times Cited in Web of Science: 38 Total Times Cited: 38 Cited Reference Count: 18 Abstract: An Nd:YAG pulsed laser at 1064 nm wavelength with 9 ns pulse width and a maximum pulse energy of 900 mJ is focused on different metallic targets (Al, Ti, Ni, Cu, Nb, Sn, Ta, W, An and Pb) placed in vacuum. The interaction produces a high etching for a pulse energy higher than a threshold value typical of each metal. Near the threshold a strong neutral emission takes place; at high pulse energy a stronger ionic emission occurs. The experimental thresholds of the ion emission are very similar to the threshold of the neutral emission. The atomic neutral emission is monitored by a mass quadrupole spectrometer and by the vapor thin film deposition technique. The ionic emission is detected through ion collectors (IC) using Faraday cups and time-of-flight measurements. The energy thresholds, the emission yields, the angular distribution, the fractional ionization, the kinetics and characteristics of the plasma production and the ion charge state are presented and discussed. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. Accession Number: WOS:000171929600004 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: pulse laser irradiation; ion neutral emission; plasma; time of flight KeyWords Plus: PARTICLE BEAMS; PLASMA Addresses: Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Sud Catania, I-95123 Catania, Italy ASCR, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Messina, Dipartimento Fis, Ctr Papardo Sperone 31, I-95166 Messina, Italy Reprint Address: Torrisi, L (reprint author), Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Lab Nazl Sud Catania, I95123 Catania, Italy Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical; Physics, Nuclear Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics IDS Number: 488HF ISSN: 0168-583X 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH B ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms Source Item Page Count: 10 Record 39 of 500 Title: Silver solid amalgam electrodes as sensors for chemical carcinogens Author(s): Barek, J (Barek, J); Fischer, J (Fischer, J); Navratil, T (Navratil, T); Peckova, K (Peckova, K); Yosypchuk, B (Yosypchuk, B) Source: SENSORS Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 445-452 DOI: 10.3390/s6040445 Published: APR 2006 Times Cited in Web of Science: 38 Total Times Cited: 38 Cited Reference Count: 8 Abstract: The applicability of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) at a non-toxic meniscus-modified silver solid amalgam electrode (mAgSAE) for the determination of trace amounts of genotoxic substances was demonstrated on the determination of micromolar and submicromolar concentrations of 3-nitrofluoranthene using methanol - 0.01 mol L-1 NaOH ( 9: 1) mixture as a base electrolyte and of Ostazine Orange using 0.01 mol L-1 NaOH as a base electrolyte. Accession Number: WOS:000237609300021 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 3rd International Symposium on Sensor Science Conference Date: JUL 18-21, 2005 Conference Location: Julich, GERMANY Conference Host: Aachen Univ of Appl Sci Author Keywords: solid amalgam electrodes; voltammetry; carcinogens; 3nitrofluoranthene; Ostazine Orange KeyWords Plus: VOLTAMMETRIC DETERMINATION; ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS Addresses: Charles Univ, Dept Analyt Chem, UNESCO Lab Environm Electrochem, Prague 12843 2, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, J Heyrovsky Inst Phys Chem, Prague 18223 8, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Barek, J (reprint author), Charles Univ, Dept Analyt Chem, UNESCO Lab Environm Electrochem, Prague 12843 2, Czech Republic E-mail Address: barek@natur.cuni.cz Publisher: MOLECULAR DIVERSITY PRESERVATION INTERNATIONAL Publisher Address: MATTHAEUSSTRASSE 11, CH-4057 BASEL, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 043NZ ISSN: 1424-8220 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSORS-BASEL ISO Source Abbrev.: Sensors Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 40 of 500 Title: Multi-instrumental investigation of affecting of early somatic embryos of spruce by cadmium(II) and lead(II) ions Author(s): Supalkova, V (Supalkova, Veronika); Petrek, J (Petrek, Jiri); Baloun, J (Baloun, Jiri); Adam, V (Adam, Vojtech); Bartusek, K (Bartusek, Karel); Trnkova, L (Trnkova, Libuse); Beklova, M (Beklova, Miroslava); Diopan, V (Diopan, Vaclav); Havel, L (Havel, Ladislav); Kizek, R (Kizek, Rene) Source: SENSORS Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Pages: 743-759 DOI: 10.3390/s7050743 Published: MAY 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 38 Total Times Cited: 38 Cited Reference Count: 68 Abstract: The main aim of our work was to utilize multi-instrumental analytical apparatus to investigate the affecting of early somatic embryos of Spruces (ESEs) treated by cadmium(II) and/or lead(II) ions (50, 250 and 500 mu M) for twelve days. Primarily we utilized the image analysis for estimation of growth and the fluorimetric sensor for enzymatic detection of viability of the treated ESEs. It follows from the results obtained that cadmium embodied higher toxicity to ESEs than lead. Besides this fundamental finding we observed that ESEs grew and developed better in the presence of 500 mu M of the metal ions than in the presence of 250 mu M. Based on the results obtained using nuclear magnetic resonance this phenomenon relates with increase of ESEs clusters area by intensive uptake of water from cultivation medium due to dilution of heavy metal concentration inside the cluster. In addition we studied the content of glutathione in treated ESEs by adsorptive transfer stripping technique coupled with differential pulse voltammetry Brdicka reaction. GSH content increased up to 148 ng/mg (clone 2/32) and 158 ng/mg (clone PE 14) after twelve days long treatment by Cd-EDTA ions. The GSH content was about 150 and 160% higher in comparison with the ESEs treated by Pb-EDTA ions, respectively. The difference between GSH contents determined in ESEs treated with Pb-EDTA and Cd-EDTA ions relates with higher toxicity of cadmium(II) ions. Accession Number: WOS:000246904200009 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: early somatic embryos of spruces; glutathione; heavy metals; plant cells; esterase activity; fluorescence detection KeyWords Plus: MULTIVARIATE CURVE RESOLUTION; HEAVY-METAL DETOXIFICATION; ELECTROCHEMICAL DETECTION; MYTILUSGALLOPROVINCIALIS; NORWAY SPRUCE; VOLTAMMETRIC DETERMINATION; LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY; TRANSPLANTED MUSSELS; MODIFIED ELECTRODE; MASS-SPECTROMETRY Addresses: Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Dept Chem & Biochem, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Fac Agron, Dept Plant Biol, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Fac Agron, Dept Anim Nutr & Forage Prod, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Sci Instruments, CZ-61200 Brno, Czech Republic Masaryk Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Chem, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic Uinv Vet & Pharmaceut Sci, Fac Vet Hyg & Ecol, Dept Vet Ecol & Environm Protect, CZ61242 Brno, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kizek, R (reprint author), Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry, Dept Chem & Biochem, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail Address: kizek@sci.muni.cz Publisher: MOLECULAR DIVERSITY PRESERVATION INTERNATIONAL Publisher Address: MATTHAEUSSTRASSE 11, CH-4057 BASEL, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 173WW ISSN: 1424-8220 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSORS-BASEL ISO Source Abbrev.: Sensors Source Item Page Count: 17 Record 41 of 500 Title: High pressure cells for magnetic measurements - Destruction and functional tests Author(s): Kamarad, J (Kamarad, J); Machatova, Z (Machatova, Z); Arnold, Z (Arnold, Z) Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Volume: 75 Issue: 11 Pages: 50225025 DOI: 10.1063/1.1808122 Published: NOV 2004 Times Cited in Web of Science: 36 Total Times Cited: 36 Cited Reference Count: 11 Abstract: The design of nonmagnetic CuBe and multilayer (CuBe+MP35N) hydrostatic pressure cells for magnetization and magnetostriction measurements in a pressure range up to 2 GPa at temperatures down to 5 K and in fields up to 14 T is presented. The safety operation of the cells is based on destruction tests described in this work. An influence of the pressure cells on measured magnetic magnitudes and the temperature induced pressure changes in the clamped cells have been carefully studied in a temperature range from 350 K down to 5 K using different pressure transmitting media. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics. Accession Number: WOS:000224962900098 Language: English Document Type: Article KeyWords Plus: LOW-TEMPERATURES; APPARATUS; FIELDS Addresses: Inst Phys AS CR, Prague 18221 8, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kamarad, J (reprint author), Inst Phys AS CR, Slovance 2, Prague 18221 8, Czech Republic Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS Publisher Address: CIRCULATION & FULFILLMENT DIV, 2 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, STE 1 N O 1, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Physics, Applied Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Physics IDS Number: 869DF ISSN: 0034-6748 29-char Source Abbrev.: REV SCI INSTRUM ISO Source Abbrev.: Rev. Sci. Instrum. Source Item Page Count: 4 Record 42 of 500 Title: Utilizing a chronopotentiometric sensor technique for metallothionein determination in fish tissues and their host parasites Author(s): Petrlova, J (Petrlova, Jitka); Krizkova, S (Krizkova, Sona); Zitka, O (Zitka, Ondrej); Hubalek, J (Hubalek, Jaromir); Prusa, R (Prusa, Richard); Adam, V (Adam, Vojtech); Wang, J (Wang, Joseph); Beklova, M (Beklova, Miroslava); Sures, B (Sures, Bernd); Kizek, R (Kizek, Rene) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 127 Issue: 1 Pages: 112-119 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2007.07.025 Published: OCT 20 2007 Times Cited in Web of Science: 35 Total Times Cited: 35 Cited Reference Count: 71 Abstract: Metallothionein (MT) are a class of intracellular proteins possessing cysteme-rich and heavy metal-binding properties. They can be utilized as biomarkers for the detection and assessment of heavy metals in environmental pollution. This paper addresses the development of a sensor technique suitable for the determination of MT in the tissue samples of perches and their parasites. The work suggest a heavy metal biosensor based on interaction of heavy metals (lead(H), cadmium(H), copper(II) and silver(l)) with MT using adsorptive transfer stripping (AdTS) technique in combination with chronopotentiometric stripping analysis. The samples were investigated with various heavy metals (lead(H), cadmium(H), copper(H) and silver(l)), prior to sensor applications to understand the interaction between MT and the metals. The results obtained from this experiment clearly show that cadmium(II) had the highest affinity for MT followed by silver(l), copper(H) and lead(H). Based on these results, we attempted to quantify MT content with respect to content of a heavy metal in the samples of interest. The highest re-evaluated concentration of MT (495 ng/g of fresh weight) was determined in samples of Acanthocephalus anguillae. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000250691100018 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 20th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers Conference Date: SEP 17-20, 2006 Conference Location: Goteborg, SWEDEN Author Keywords: metallothionem; sensor; electrochemical detection; peak H; perch (Perca fluviatilis); parasites; Acanthocephalus lucii and Acanthocephalus anguillae; heavy metals KeyWords Plus: CURRENT STRIPPING CHRONOPOTENTIOMETRY; MERCURY SATURATION ASSAY; CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY; METAL-IONS; ELECTROCHEMICAL DETERMINATION; CARBON ELECTRODES; LEAD ACCUMULATION; HEAVY-METALS; ICP-MS; MT-I Addresses: Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Chem & Biochem, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Anim Nutr & Forage Prod, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic Brno Univ Technol, Dept Microelect, CZ-60200 Brno, Czech Republic Charles Univ Prague, Fac Med 2, Dept Clin Biochem & Pathobiochem, CZ-15006 Prague 5, Czech Republic Arizona State Univ, Dept Chem & Mat Engn, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA Arizona State Univ, Dept Chem, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA Univ Vet & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Vet Ecol & Environm Protect, CZ-61242 Brno, Czech Republic Univ Duisburg Essen, D-45117 Essen, Germany Reprint Address: Kizek, R (reprint author), Mendel Univ Agr & Forestry Brno, Dept Chem & Biochem, Zemedelska 1, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic E-mail Address: kizek@sci.muni.cz Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 227XL ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 8 Record 43 of 500 Title: The TOTEM Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider Author(s): Anelli, G (Anelli, G.); Antchev, G (Antchev, G.); Aspell, P (Aspell, P.); Avati, V (Avati, V.); Bagliesi, MG (Bagliesi, M. G.); Berardi, V (Berardi, V.); Berretti, M (Berretti, M.); Boccone, V (Boccone, V.); Bottigli, U (Bottigli, U.); Bozzo, M (Bozzo, M.); Brucken, E (Bruecken, E.); Buzzo, A (Buzzo, A.); Cafagna, F (Cafagna, F.); Calicchio, M (Calicchio, M.); Capurro, F (Capurro, F.); Catanesi, MG (Catanesi, M. G.); Catastini, PL (Catastini, P. L.); Cecchi, R (Cecchi, R.); Cerchi, S (Cerchi, S.); Cereseto, R (Cereseto, R.); Ciocci, MA (Ciocci, M. A.); Cuneo, S (Cuneo, S.); Da Via, C (Da Via, C.); David, E (David, E.); Deile, M (Deile, M.); Dimovasili, E (Dimovasili, E.); Doubrava, M (Doubrava, M.); Eggert, K (Eggert, K.); Eremin, V (Eremin, V.); Ferro, F (Ferro, F.); Foussat, A (Foussat, A.); Galuska, M (Galuska, M.); Garcia, F (Garcia, F.); Gherarducci, F (Gherarducci, F.); Giani, S (Giani, S.); Greco, V (Greco, V.); Hasi, J (Hasi, J.); Haug, F (Haug, F.); Heino, J (Heino, J.); Hilden, T (Hilden, T.); Jarron, P (Jarron, P.); Joram, C (Joram, C.); Kalliopuska, J (Kalliopuska, J.); Kaplon, J (Kaplon, J.); Kaspar, J (Kaspar, J.); Kundrat, V (Kundrat, V.); Kurvinen, K (Kurvinen, K.); Lacroix, JM (Lacroix, J. M.); Lami, S (Lami, S.); Latino, G (Latino, G.); Lauhakangas, R (Lauhakangas, R.); Lippmaa, E (Lippmaa, E.); Lokajicek, M (Lokajicek, M.); Lo Vetere, M (Lo Vetere, M.); Rodriguez, FL (Rodriguez, F. Lucas); Macina, D (Macina, D.); Macri, M (Macri, M.); Magazzu, C (Magazzu, C.); Magazzu, G (Magazzu, G.); Magri, A (Magri, A.); Maire, G (Maire, G.); Manco, A (Manco, A.); Meucci, M (Meucci, M.); Minutoli, S (Minutoli, S.); Morelli, A (Morelli, A.); Musico, P (Musico, P.); Negri, M (Negri, M.); Niewiadomski, H (Niewiadomski, H.); Noschis, E (Noschis, E.); Notarnicola, G (Notarnicola, G.); Oliveri, E (Oliveri, E.); Oljemark, F (Oljemark, F.); Orava, R (Orava, R.); Oriunno, M (Oriunno, M.); Perrot, AL (Perrot, A. -L.); Osterberg, K (Oesterberg, K.); Paoletti, R (Paoletti, R.); Pedreschi, E (Pedreschi, E.); Petajajarvi, J (Petajajarvi, J.); Pollovio, P (Pollovio, P.); Quinto, M (Quinto, M.); Radermacher, E (Radermacher, E.); Radicioni, E (Radicioni, E.); Rangod, S (Rangod, S.); Ravotti, F (Ravotti, F.); Rella, G (Rella, G.); Robutti, E (Robutti, E.); Ropelewski, L (Ropelewski, L.); Ruggiero, G (Ruggiero, G.); Rummel, A (Rummel, A.); Saarikko, H (Saarikko, H.); Sanguinetti, G (Sanguinetti, G.); Santroni, A (Santroni, A.); Scribano, A (Scribano, A.); Sette, G (Sette, G.); Snoeys, W (Snoeys, W.); Spinella, F (Spinella, F.); Squillacioti, P (Squillacioti, P.); Ster, A (Ster, A.); Taylor, C (Taylor, C.); Tazzioli, A (Tazzioli, A.); Torazza, D (Torazza, D.); Trovato, A (Trovato, A.); Trummal, A (Trummal, A.); Turini, N (Turini, N.); Vacek, V (Vacek, V.); Van Remortel, N (Van Remortel, N.); Vins, V (Vins, V.); Watts, S (Watts, S.); Whitmore, J (Whitmore, J.); Wu, J (Wu, J.) Source: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 3 Article Number: S08007 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08007 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited in Web of Science: 35 Total Times Cited: 35 Cited Reference Count: 91 Abstract: The TOTEM Experiment will measure the total pp cross-section with the luminosity-independent method and study elastic and diffractive scattering at the LHC. To achieve optimum forward coverage for charged particles emitted by the pp collisions in the interaction point IP5, two tracking telescopes, T1 and T2, will be installed on each side in the pseudorapidity region 3.1 <= vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 6.5, and Roman Pot stations will be placed at distances of +/- 147m and +/- 220m from IP5. Being an independent experiment but technically integrated into CMS, TOTEM will first operate in standalone mode to pursue its own physics programme and at a later stage together with CMS for a common physics programme. This article gives a description of the TOTEM apparatus and its performance. Accession Number: WOS:000258875900014 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: Gaseous detectors; Solid state detectors; Particle tracking detectors; Analogue electronic circuits; Data acquisition circuits; Data acquisition concepts; Detector control systems; Digital electronic circuits; Electronic detector readout concepts; Electronic detector readout concepts; Front-end electronics for detector readout; Modular electronics; Optical detector readout concepts; Trigger concepts and systems; VLSI circuits; Detector cooling and thermo-stabilization; Detector design and construction; Overall mechanics design KeyWords Plus: TOTAL CROSS-SECTION; EDGELESS SILICON DETECTORS; ELASTIC-SCATTERING; NEEDS WORKSHOP; COULOMB INTERFERENCE; CONTROL-SYSTEM; CMS EXPERIMENT; 1.8 TEV; ROOT-S; SENSORS Addresses: [Anelli, G.; Antchev, G.; Aspell, P.; Avati, V.; David, E.; Deile, M.; Dimovasili, E.; Eggert, K.; Foussat, A.; Giani, S.; Haug, F.; Jarron, P.; Joram, C.; Kaplon, J.; Kaspar, J.; Lacroix, J. M.; Rodriguez, F. Lucas; Macina, D.; Maire, G.; Niewiadomski, H.; Noschis, E.; Oriunno, M.; Perrot, A. -L.; Radermacher, E.; Rangod, S.; Ravotti, F.; Ropelewski, L.; Ruggiero, G.; Snoeys, W.; Wu, J.] CERN, Geneva, Switzerland [Boccone, V.; Bozzo, M.; Buzzo, A.; Capurro, F.; Cerchi, S.; Cereseto, R.; Cuneo, S.; Ferro, F.; Lo Vetere, M.; Macri, M.; Magri, A.; Manco, A.; Minutoli, S.; Morelli, A.; Musico, P.; Negri, M.; Pollovio, P.; Santroni, A.; Sette, G.; Torazza, D.; Trovato, A.] Univ Genoa, Genoa, Italy [Boccone, V.; Bozzo, M.; Buzzo, A.; Capurro, F.; Cerchi, S.; Cereseto, R.; Cuneo, S.; Ferro, F.; Lo Vetere, M.; Macri, M.; Magri, A.; Manco, A.; Minutoli, S.; Morelli, A.; Musico, P.; Negri, M.; Pollovio, P.; Robutti, E.; Santroni, A.; Sette, G.; Torazza, D.; Trovato, A.] Sezione Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Genoa, Italy [Taylor, C.] Case Western Reserve Univ, Dept Phys, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA [Berardi, V.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Catanesi, M. G.; Notarnicola, G.; Quinto, M.; Radicioni, E.; Rella, G.] INFN Sez Bari, Bari, Italy [Berardi, V.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Catanesi, M. G.; Notarnicola, G.; Quinto, M.; Radicioni, E.; Rella, G.] Politecn Bari, Bari, Italy [Bagliesi, M. G.; Berretti, M.; Bottigli, U.; Catastini, P. L.; Cecchi, R.; Ciocci, M. A.; Lami, S.; Latino, G.; Meucci, M.; Oliveri, E.; Paoletti, R.; Pedreschi, E.; Sanguinetti, G.; Scribano, A.; Spinella, F.; Squillacioti, P.; Tazzioli, A.; Turini, N.] INFN Sez Pisa, Pisa, Italy [Bagliesi, M. G.; Berretti, M.; Bottigli, U.; Catastini, P. L.; Cecchi, R.; Ciocci, M. A.; Lami, S.; Latino, G.; Magazzu, C.; Magazzu, G.; Meucci, M.; Oliveri, E.; Paoletti, R.; Pedreschi, E.; Sanguinetti, G.; Scribano, A.; Spinella, F.; Squillacioti, P.; Tazzioli, A.; Turini, N.] Univ Siena, I-53100 Siena, Italy [Bruecken, E.; Heino, J.; Hilden, T.; Kalliopuska, J.; Kurvinen, K.; Lauhakangas, R.; Oljemark, F.; Orava, R.; Oesterberg, K.; Petajajarvi, J.; Saarikko, H.; Van Remortel, N.] Univ Helsinki, Helsinki Inst Phys, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland [Bruecken, E.; Heino, J.; Hilden, T.; Kalliopuska, J.; Kurvinen, K.; Lauhakangas, R.; Oljemark, F.; Orava, R.; Oesterberg, K.; Petajajarvi, J.; Saarikko, H.; Van Remortel, N.] Univ Helsinki, Dept Phys Sci, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland [Kaspar, J.; Kundrat, V.; Lokajicek, M.] Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic [Lippmaa, E.; Rummel, A.; Trummal, A.] NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia [Avati, V.; Dimovasili, E.; Niewiadomski, H.; Whitmore, J.] Penn State Univ, Dept Phys, University Pk, PA 16802 USA [Da Via, C.; Watts, S.] Brunel Univ, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, Middx, England [Ster, A.] Individual Participant MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary [Doubrava, M.; Galuska, M.; Vacek, V.; Vins, V.] Czech Tech Univ, Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Deile, M (reprint author), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland E-mail Address: Mario.Deile@cern.ch Publisher: IOP PUBLISHING LTD Publisher Address: TEMPLE CIRCUS, TEMPLE WAY, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 343SR ISSN: 1748-0221 29-char Source Abbrev.: J INSTRUM ISO Source Abbrev.: J. Instrum. Source Item Page Count: 112 Record 44 of 500 Title: A high-granularity scintillator calorimeter readout with silicon photomultipliers Author(s): Andreev, V (Andreev, V); Balagura, V (Balagura, V); Bobchenko, B (Bobchenko, B); Buzhan, P (Buzhan, P); Cvach, J (Cvach, J); Danilov, M (Danilov, M); Devitsin, E (Devitsin, E); Dodonov, V (Dodonov, V); Dolgoshein, B (Dolgoshein, B); Eigen, G (Eigen, G); Filatov, L (Filatov, L); Garutti, E (Garutti, E); Groll, M (Groll, M); Heurer, RD (Heurer, RD); Ilyin, A (Ilyin, A); Janata, M (Janata, M); Kacl, I (Kacl, I); Kantserov, V (Kantserov, V); Kaplin, V (Kaplin, V); Karakash, A (Karakash, A); Klemin, S (Klemin, S); Korbel, V (Korbel, V); Kozlov, V (Kozlov, V); Meyer, H (Meyer, H); Mizuk, R (Mizuk, R); Morgunov, V (Morgunov, V); Novikov, E (Novikov, E); Nemeckek, S (Nemeckek, S); Poschl, R (Poschl, R); Polak, I (Polak, I); Popova, E (Popova, E); Raspereza, A (Raspereza, A); Reiche, S (Reiche, S); Rusinov, V (Rusinov, V); Sefkow, F (Sefkow, F); Smirnov, P (Smirnov, P); Smirnov, S (Smirnov, S); Soloviev, Y (Soloviev, Y); Tarkovsky, E (Tarkovsky, E); Terkulov, A (Terkulov, A); Tikhomirov, V (Tikhomirov, V); Valkar, S (Valkar, S); Weichert, J (Weichert, J); Zalesak, J (Zalesak, J) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 540 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 368-380 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2004.12.002 Published: MAR 21 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 34 Total Times Cited: 34 Cited Reference Count: 15 Abstract: We report on the design, construction and performance of a prototype for a highgranularity tile hadronic calorimeter for a future international linear collider detector. Scintillating tiles are read out via wavelength-shifting fibers that guide the scintillation light to a novel photodetector, the silicon photomultiplier. A prototype has been tested using a positron test beam at DESY. The results are compared with a reference prototype calorimeter equipped with multichannel vacuum photomultipliers. Detector calibration, noise, linearity and stability are discussed, and the energy response in a 1-6 GeV positron beam is compared with simulations. The present results demonstrate that the silicon Accession Number: WOS:000228031400016 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: linear collider detector; analog calorimeter; semiconductor detectors; scintillator; high granularity Addresses: DESY, FLC, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany PN Lebedev Phys Inst, Moscow 117924, Russia Inst Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow 117259, Russia Moscow Engn & Phys Inst, Moscow, Russia Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Charles Univ, Fac Math & Phys, CR-11636 Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Garutti, E (reprint author), DESY, FLC, Notkestr 85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany E-mail Address: erika.garutti@desy.de Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 911UP ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 13 Record 45 of 500 Title: Comparison of E-coli O157 : H7 preparation methods used for detection with surface plasmon resonance sensor Author(s): Taylor, AD (Taylor, AD); Yu, QM (Yu, QM); Chen, SF (Chen, SF); Homola, J (Homola, J); Jiang, SY (Jiang, SY) Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 107 Issue: 1 Pages: 202-208 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2004.11.097 Published: MAY 27 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 34 Total Times Cited: 37 Cited Reference Count: 16 Abstract: This paper reports the detection of Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:147 with a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor using three sample preparation methods: untreated (viable), heat-killed then soaked in 70% ethanol, and detergent-lysed. The SPR sensing surface consists of a monoclonal antibody immobilized onto a mixed -COOH and -OH terminated self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of alkanethiols on a gold surface. The limit of detection (LOD) for each method is determined by the minimum measurable shift in resonant wavelength corresponding to the specific binding of E. coli O157:H7 and the subsequent binding of an antibody for amplification. Detergent-lysed samples produce the lowest LOD at 10(4) cfu/ml, while the LOD is 10(5) cfu/ml for heat-killed samples and 10(6) cfu/ml for untreated samples, respectively. Possible reasons for different limits of detection are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000229665700031 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 7th European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (EUROT(R) ODE 7) Conference Date: APR 04-07, 2004 Conference Location: Madrid, SPAIN Author Keywords: Escherichia coli O157 : H7; foodborne pathogens; surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor; immunosensors; self-assembled monolayer (SAM) KeyWords Plus: SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS; STRUCTURAL-PROPERTIES; SENSITIVITY; BIOSENSORS; PATHOGENS; BACTERIA; AU(111) Addresses: Univ Washington, Dept Chem Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Radio Engn & Elect, CR-18251 Prague, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Jiang, SY (reprint author), Univ Washington, Dept Chem Engn, Box 351750, Seattle, WA 98195 USA E-mail Address: sjiang@u.washington.edu Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA Publisher Address: PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND Web of Science Category: Chemistry, Analytical; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation Subject Area: Chemistry; Electrochemistry; Instruments & Instrumentation IDS Number: 933XH ISSN: 0925-4005 29-char Source Abbrev.: SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM ISO Source Abbrev.: Sens. Actuator B-Chem. Source Item Page Count: 7 Record 46 of 500 Title: Doping PbWO4 with different ions to increase the light yield Author(s): Kobayashi, M (Kobayashi, M); Usuki, Y (Usuki, Y); Ishii, M (Ishii, M); Nikl, M (Nikl, M) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 486 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 170-175 Article Number: DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)00697-6 Published: JUN 21 2002 Times Cited in Web of Science: 33 Total Times Cited: 41 Cited Reference Count: 15 Abstract: To search for a possibility to utilize PbWO4-based scintillators in inexpensive positron emission computed tomography, we have studied the effects of doping PbWO4 with different ions on the light yield (LY). The LY in PbWO4, which is undoped except a small concentration of rare-earth 3+ ions to improve the radiation hardness, decay time, mechanical quality, etc., is 25-35 photoelectrons/MeV (pe/MeV) (about 3-4% of LY in BGO) with bialkali photomultiplier for a fixed condition of the crsytal size of 10 x 10 x (20-30) mm(3) and the gate width of 1 mus. For doping with single dopant, the maximum LY obtained was about 49 pe/MeV for Mo6+. For co-doping with two dopants, the maximum LY of 58pe/MeV was obtained for Mo6+ + Nb5+. For co-doping with three dopants, we have recently obtained 77 pe/MeV for Mo6+ + Cd2+ + Sb-5+,Sb-3+. The dependence of LY on the gate width indicates creation of medium-speed component in mus range in the samples doped with Mo6+ + Cd2+ + Sb-5+,Sb-3+ or Mo6+ + Nb5+. Their radioluminescence spectra are similar in shape to PWO:Mo6+. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000177273200033 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 6th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Use in Scientific and Industrial Applications Conference Date: SEP 16-21, 2001 Conference Location: CHAMONIX MT BLANC, FRANCE Author Keywords: lead tungstate; scintillator; light yield; doping; PET KeyWords Plus: SINGLE-CRYSTALS; SCINTILLATORS Addresses: High Energy Accelerator Res Org, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050801, Japan Furukawa Co, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050856, Japan Shonan Inst Technol, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 2518511, Japan ASCR, Inst Phys, Prague 16200, Czech Republic Reprint Address: Kobayashi, M (reprint author), High Energy Accelerator Res Org, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050801, Japan Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 581CH ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 6 Record 47 of 500 Title: An effect of Zr4+ co-doping of YAP : Ce scintillator Author(s): Nikl, M (Nikl, M); Mares, JA (Mares, JA); Chval, J (Chval, J); Mihokova, E (Mihokova, E); Solovieva, N (Solovieva, N); Martini, M (Martini, M); Vedda, A (Vedda, A); Blazek, K (Blazek, K); Maly, P (Maly, P); Nejezchleb, K (Nejezchleb, K); Fabeni, P (Fabeni, P); Pazzi, GP (Pazzi, GP); Babin, V (Babin, V); Kalder, K (Kalder, K); Krasnikov, A (Krasnikov, A); Zazubovich, S (Zazubovich, S); D'Ambrosio, C (D'Ambrosio, C) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 486 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 250-253 Article Number: DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)00711-8 Published: JUN 21 2002 Times Cited in Web of Science: 33 Total Times Cited: 33 Cited Reference Count: 12 Abstract: Set of YAlO3:Ce single crystals co-doped with Zr4+ ions at concentrations of 0200 ppm was characterized by photo-, radio- and thermo-luminescence, scintillation decay and light yield measurements. Positive influence of Zr co-doping was found, especially for the speed of scintillation response and lowering of TSL active traps. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000177273200047 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 6th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Use in Scientific and Industrial Applications Conference Date: SEP 16-21, 2001 Conference Location: CHAMONIX MT BLANC, FRANCE Author Keywords: YAlO3 : Ce scintillator; Zr4+ co-doping; radioluminescence; scintillation decays; defect states; thermostimulated luminescence KeyWords Plus: SINGLE-CRYSTALS; SPECTROSCOPY; EMISSION; YALO3; BAND Addresses: Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Prague 16253 6, Czech Republic Univ Milano Bicocca, Dip Sci Mat, INFM, I-20125 Milan, Italy Crytur Ltd, Turnov 510, Czech Republic CNR, IROE, I-50127 Florence, Italy Univ Tartu, Inst Phys, EE-50090 Tartu, Estonia CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Reprint Address: Mares, JA (reprint author), Acad Sci Czech Republ, Inst Phys, Cukrovarnicka 10Na Slovance 2, Prague 16253 6, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 581CH ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 4 Record 48 of 500 Title: Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for SuperLHC Author(s): Bruzzi, M (Bruzzi, M); Adey, J (Adey, J); Al-Ajili, A (Al-Ajili, A); Alexandrov, P (Alexandrov, P); Alfieri, G (Alfieri, G); Allport, PP (Allport, PP); Andreazza, A (Andreazza, A); Artuso, M (Artuso, M); Assouak, S (Assouak, S); Avset, BS (Avset, BS); Barabash, L (Barabash, L); Baranova, E (Baranova, E); Barcz, A (Barcz, A); Basile, A (Basile, A); Bates, R (Bates, R); Belova, N (Belova, N); Biagi, SF (Biagi, SF); Bilei, GM (Bilei, GM); Bisello, D (Bisello, D); Blue, A (Blue, A); Blumenau, B (Blumenau, B); Boisvert, V (Boisvert, V); Bolla, G (Bolla, G); Bondarenko, G (Bondarenko, G); Borchi, E (Borchi, E); Borrello, L (Borrello, L); Bortoletto, D (Bortoletto, D); Boscardin, M (Boscardin, M); Bosisio, L (Bosisio, L); Bowcock, TJV (Bowcock, TJV); Brodbeck, TJ (Brodbeck, TJ); Broz, J (Broz, J); Brukhanov, A (Brukhanov, A); Brzozowski, A (Brzozowski, A); Buda, M (Buda, M); Buhmann, P (Buhmann, P); Buttar, C (Buttar, C); Campabadal, F (Campabadal, F); Campbell, D (Campbell, D); Candelori, A (Candelori, A); Casse, G (Casse, G); Cavallini, A (Cavallini, A); Chilingarov, A (Chilingarov, A); Chren, D (Chren, D); Cindro, V (Cindro, V); Citterio, M (Citterio, M); Collins, P (Collins, P); Coluccia, R (Coluccia, R); Contarato, D (Contarato, D); Coutinho, J (Coutinho, J); Creanza, D (Creanza, D); Cunningham, W (Cunningham, W); Cvetkov, V (Cvetkov, V); Dalla Betta, GF (Dalla Betta, GF); Davies, G (Davies, G); Dawson, I (Dawson, I); de Boer, W (de Boer, W); De Palma, M (De Palma, M); Demina, R (Demina, R); Dervan, P (Dervan, P); Dierlamm, A (Dierlamm, A); Dittongo, S (Dittongo, S); Dobrzanski, L (Dobrzanski, L); Dolezal, Z (Dolezal, Z); Dolgolenko, A (Dolgolenko, A); Eberlein, T (Eberlein, T); Eremin, V (Eremin, V); Fall, C (Fall, C); Fasolo, F (Fasolo, F); Ferbel, T (Ferbel, T); Fizzotti, F (Fizzotti, F); Fleta, C (Fleta, C); Focardi, E (Focardi, E); Forton, E (Forton, E); Franchenko, S (Franchenko, S); Fretwurst, E (Fretwurst, E); Gamaz, F (Gamaz, F); Garcia, C (Garcia, C); Garcia-Navarro, JE (Garcia-Navarro, JE); Gaubas, E (Gaubas, E); Genest, MH (Genest, MH); Gill, KA (Gill, KA); Giolo, K (Giolo, K); Glaser, M (Glaser, M); Goessling, C (Goessling, C); Golovine, V (Golovine, V); Sevilla, SG (Sevilla, SG); Gorelov, I (Gorelov, I); Goss, J (Goss, J); Gouldwell, A (Gouldwell, A); Gregoire, G (Gregoire, G); Gregori, P (Gregori, P); Grigoriev, E (Grigoriev, E); Grigson, C (Grigson, C); Grillo, A (Grillo, A); Groza, A (Groza, A); Guskov, J (Guskov, J); Haddad, L (Haddad, L); Harkonen, J (Harkonen, J); Harding, R (Harding, R); Hauler, F (Hauler, F); Hayama, S (Hayama, S); Hoeferkamp, M (Hoeferkamp, M); Honniger, F (Honniger, F); Horazdovsky, T (Horazdovsky, T); Horisberger, R (Horisberger, R); Horn, M (Horn, M); Houdayer, A (Houdayer, A); Hourahine, B (Hourahine, B); Hruban, A (Hruban, A); Hughes, G (Hughes, G); Ilyashenko, I (Ilyashenko, I); Irmscher, K (Irmscher, K); Ivanov, A (Ivanov, A); Jarasiunas, K (Jarasiunas, K); Jin, T (Jin, T); Jones, BK (Jones, BK); Jones, R (Jones, R); Joram, C (Joram, C); Jungermann, L (Jungermann, L); Kalinina, E (Kalinina, E); Kaminski, P (Kaminski, P); Karpenko, A (Karpenko, A); Karpov, A (Karpov, A); Kazlauskiene, V (Kazlauskiene, V); Kazukauskas, V (Kazukauskas, V); Khivrich, V (Khivrich, V); Khomenkov, V (Khomenkov, V); Kierstead, J (Kierstead, J); Klaiber-Lodewigs, J (Klaiber- Lodewigs, J); Kleverman, M (Kleverman, M); Klingenberg, R (Klingenberg, R); Kodys, P (Kodys, P); Kohout, Z (Kohout, Z); Korjenevski, S (Korjenevski, S); Kowalik, A (Kowalik, A); Kozlowski, R (Kozlowski, R); Kozodaev, M (Kozodaev, M); Kramberger, G (Kramberger, G); Krasel, O (Krasel, O); Kuznetsov, A (Kuznetsov, A); Kwan, S (Kwan, S); Lagomarsino, S (Lagomarsino, S); Lari, T (Lari, T); Lassila-Perini, K (Lassila-Perini, K); Lastovetsky, V (Lastovetsky, V); Latino, G (Latino, G); Latushkin, S (Latushkin, S); Lazanu, S (Lazanu, S); Lazanu, I (Lazanu, I); Lebel, C (Lebel, C); 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Olivero, P (Olivero, P); Oshea, V (Oshea, V); Palviainen, T (Palviainen, T); Paolini, C (Paolini, C); Parkes, C (Parkes, C); Passeri, D (Passeri, D); Pein, U (Pein, U); Pellegrini, G (Pellegrini, G); Perera, L (Perera, L); Petasecca, M (Petasecca, M); Piatkowski, B (Piatkowski, B); Piemonte, C (Piemonte, C); Pignatel, GU (Pignatel, GU); Pinho, N (Pinho, N); Pintilie, I (Pintilie, I); Pintilie, L (Pintilie, L); Polivtsev, L (Polivtsev, L); Polozov, P (Polozov, P); Popa, AI (Popa, AI); Popule, J (Popule, J); Pospisil, S (Pospisil, S); Pucker, G (Pucker, G); Radicci, V (Radicci, V); Rafi, JM (Rafi, JM); Ragusa, F (Ragusa, F); Rahman, M (Rahman, M); Rando, R (Rando, R); Roeder, R (Roeder, R); Rohe, T (Rohe, T); Ronchin, S (Ronchin, S); Rott, C (Rott, C); Roy, P (Roy, P); Roy, A (Roy, A); Ruzin, A (Ruzin, A); Ryazanov, A (Ryazanov, A); Sadrozinski, HFW (Sadrozinski, HFW); Sakalauskas, S (Sakalauskas, S); Scaringella, M (Scaringella, M); Schiavulli, L (Schiavulli, L); Schnetzer, S (Schnetzer, S); Schumm, B (Schumm, B); Sciortino, S (Sciortino, S); Scorzoni, A (Scorzoni, A); Segneri, G (Segneri, G); Seidel, S (Seidel, S); Seiden, A (Seiden, A); Sellberg, G (Sellberg, G); Sellin, P (Sellin, P); Sentenac, D (Sentenac, D); Shipsey, I (Shipsey, I); Sicho, P (Sicho, P); Sloan, T (Sloan, T); Solar, M (Solar, M); Son, S (Son, S); Sopko, B (Sopko, B); Spencer, N (Spencer, N); Stahl, J (Stahl, J); Stavitski, I (Stavitski, I); Stolze, D (Stolze, D); Stone, R (Stone, R); Storasta, J (Storasta, J); Strokan, N (Strokan, N); Strupinski, W (Strupinski, W); Sudzius, M (Sudzius, M); Surma, B (Surma, B); Suuronen, J (Suuronen, J); Suvorov, A (Suvorov, A); Svensson, BG (Svensson, BG); Tipton, P (Tipton, P); Tomasek, M (Tomasek, M); Troncon, C (Troncon, C); Tsvetkov, A (Tsvetkov, A); Tuominen, E (Tuominen, E); Tuovinen, E (Tuovinen, E); Tuuva, T (Tuuva, T); Tylchin, M (Tylchin, M); Uebersee, H (Uebersee, H); Uher, J (Uher, J); Ullan, M (Ullan, M); Vaitkus, JV (Vaitkus, JV); Vanni, P (Vanni, P); Velthuis, J (Velthuis, J); Verzellesi, G (Verzellesi, G); Verbitskaya, E (Verbitskaya, E); Vrba, V (Vrba, V); Wagner, G (Wagner, G); Wilhelm, I (Wilhelm, I); Worm, S (Worm, S); Wright, V (Wright, V); Wunstorf, R (Wunstorf, R); Zablerowski, P (Zablerowski, P); Zaluzhny, A (Zaluzhny, A); Zavrtanik, M (Zavrtanik, M); Zen, M (Zen, M); Zhukov, V (Zhukov, V); Zorzi, N (Zorzi, N) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 541 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 189-201 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2005.01.056 Published: APR 1 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 33 Total Times Cited: 33 Cited Reference Count: 51 Abstract: An option of increasing the luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to 1035 cm-2 s-1 has been envisaged to extend the physics reach of the machine. An efficient tracking down to a few centimetres from the interaction point will be required to exploit the physics potential of the upgraded LHC. As a consequence, the semiconductor detectors close to the interaction region will receive severe doses of fast hadron irradiation and the inner tracker detectors will need to survive fast hadron fluences of up to above 1016cm-2. The CERN-RD50 project "Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders" has been established in 2002 to explore detector materials and technologies that will allow to operate devices up to, or beyond, this limit. The strategies followed by RD50 to enhance the radiation tolerance include the development of new or defect engineered detector materials (SiC, GaN, Czochralski and epitaxial silicon, oxygen enriched Float Zone silicon), the improvement of present detector designs and the understanding of the microscopic defects causing the degradation of the irradiated detectors. The latest advancements within the RD50 collaboration on radiation hard semiconductor detectors will be reviewed and discussed in this work. 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. Accession Number: WOS:000228620600026 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 5th International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors Conference Date: JUN 14-17, 2004 Conference Location: Hiroshima, JAPAN Conference Sponsor(s): Hiroshima Univ, Fac Sci KeyWords Plus: HIGH-RESISTIVITY SILICON; PHOTOINDUCED TRANSIENT SPECTROSCOPY; OXYGEN-ENRICHED SILICON; ION-IMPLANTED SILICON; FLOAT-ZONE SILICON; IRRADIATED SILICON; CZOCHRALSKI SILICON; SEMIINSULATING GAN; POINT-DEFECTS; SIC DETECTORS Addresses: Univ Florence, Dipartimento Energet, INFN Firenze, I-50139 Florence, Italy Univ Exeter, Dept Phys, Exeter EX4 4QL, Devon, England Univ Glasgow, Dept Phys & Astron, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland Russian Res Ctr, Kurchatov Inst, Moscow, Russia Univ Oslo, Phys Dept Phys Elect, Oslo, Norway Univ Liverpool, Dept Phys, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, England Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Dept Phys, I-20133 Milan, Italy Univ Milan, Milan, Italy Syracuse Univ, Expt Particle Phys Grp, Syracuse, NY USA Univ Catholique Louvain, Inst Nucl Phys, B-1348 Louvain, Belgium SINTEF Elect & Cybernet Microsyst, N-0314 Oslo, Norway Ukrainian Acad Sci, Inst Nucl Res, Dept Radiat Phys, Kiev, Ukraine Inst Elect Mat Technol, Warsaw, Poland Univ Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-06100 Perugia, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Padua, Padua, Italy Univ Padua, Dipartimento Fis, Padua, Italy Univ Rochester, Rochester, NY USA Purdue Univ, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA State Sci Ctr Russian Fed, Inst Theoret & Expt Phys, Moscow, Russia Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Pisa, Italy Univ Pisa, Pisa, Italy ITC, IRST, Microsyst Div, Trento, Italy Univ Trieste, Trieste, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Trieste, Trieste, Italy Univ Lancaster, Dept Phys, Lancaster, England Czech Tech Univ Prague, CR-16635 Prague, Czech Republic Univ Hamburg, Inst Expt Phys, Hamburg, Germany Univ Sheffield, Dept Phys & Astron, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England CSIC, CNM, IMB, Ctr Nacl Microelect, Barcelona, Spain Univ Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Inst, Ljubljana, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Dept Phys, Ljubljana 61000, Slovenia Univ Modena & Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento Fis, Modena, Italy Charles Univ Prague, Prague, Czech Republic CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Dipartimento Interateneo Fis, Bari, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-70126 Bari, Italy Univ Karlsruhe, Inst Expt Kernphys, D-7500 Karlsruhe, Germany Russian Acad Sci, AF Ioffe Physicotech Inst, St Petersburg 196140, Russia Univ Turin, Expt Phys Dept, Turin, Italy Kings Coll London, Dept Phys, London WC2R 2LS, England Univ Montreal, Grp Phys Particules, Montreal, PQ, Canada CSIC, Joint Res Inst, IFIC, Valencia, Spain Univ Valencia Estudi Gen, Valencia, Spain Vilnius Univ, Inst Mat Sci & Appl Res, Vilnius, Lithuania Univ Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Expt Phys 4, Dortmund, Germany Tel Aviv Univ, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Helsinki Inst Phys, Helsinki, Finland Paul Scherrer Inst, Lab Particle Phys, Villigen, Switzerland Brookhaven Natl Lab, Upton, NY 11973 USA Lund Univ, Dept Solid State Phys, S-22100 Lund, Sweden Natl Inst Mat Phys, Bucharest, Magurele, Romania Univ Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Lappeenranta Univ Technol, Dept Elect Engn, Lappeenranta, Finland Belarusian State Univ, Minsk 220050, Byelarus CiS Inst Mikrosensorik gGmbH, Erfurt, Germany Rutgers State Univ, Piscataway, NJ USA Univ Surrey, Dept Phys, Guildford GU2 5XH, Surrey, England Acad Sci Czech Republic, Inst Phys, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Bologna, Bologna, Italy Univ New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA Univ Calif Santa Cruz, SCIPP, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA Inst Kristallzuchtung, Berlin, Germany Reprint Address: Bruzzi, M (reprint author), Univ Florence, Dipartimento Energet, INFN Firenze, Via S Marta, I-50139 Florence, Italy E-mail Address: bruzzim@fi.infn.it Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 919LX ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 13 Record 49 of 500 Title: Status and characterisation of COMPASS RICH-1 Author(s): Albrecht, E (Albrecht, E); Baum, G (Baum, G); Birsa, R (Birsa, R); Bradamante, F (Bradamante, F); Bressan, A (Bressan, A); Chapiro, A (Chapiro, A); Cicuttin, A (Cicuttin, A); Ciliberti, P (Ciliberti, P); Colavita, A (Colavita, A); Costa, S (Costa, S); Crespo, M (Crespo, M); Cristaudo, P (Cristaudo, P); Dalla Torre, S (Dalla Torre, S); D'Ambrosio, C (D'Ambrosio, C); Diaz, V (Diaz, V); Duic, V (Duic, V); Fauland, P (Fauland, P); Finger, M (Finger, M); Fratnik, F (Fratnik, F); Giorgi, M (Giorgi, M); Gobbo, B (Gobbo, B); Martin, A (Martin, A); Menon, G (Menon, G); Mielech, A (Mielech, A); Pagano, P (Pagano, P); Piedigrossi, D (Piedigrossi, D); Schiavon, P (Schiavon, P); Sozzi, F (Sozzi, F); Tessarotto, F (Tessarotto, F) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 553 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 215-219 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2005.08.036 Published: NOV 11 2005 Times Cited in Web of Science: 33 Total Times Cited: 33 Cited Reference Count: 18 Abstract: COMPASS RICH-1, a gas-radiator RICH detector with large transversal dimensions, which makes use of MWPC with CsI photocathodes as photon detectors, is in operation at COMPASS since 2001. The behaviour of the detector components is optimised and fully understood. The characterisation of the detector is now complete. We report about the detector status and its response in the COMPASS environment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000233314900036 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: 5th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2004) Conference Date: NOV 30-DEC 05, 2004 Conference Location: Playa de Carmen, MEXICO Author Keywords: COMPASS; RICH; VUV; CsI photon detectors KeyWords Plus: POLARIZED TARGET; SYSTEM Addresses: Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Trieste, Trieste, Italy Univ Trieste, Trieste, Italy Univ Turin, Turin, Italy Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Torino, I-10125 Turin, Italy JINR, Dubna, Russia Charles Univ, Prague, Czech Republic Univ Bielefeld, D-4800 Bielefeld, Germany CERN, European Org Nucl Res, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland Reprint Address: Dalla Torre, S (reprint author), Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Trieste, Trieste, Italy E-mail Address: Silvia.Dallatorre@ts.infn.it Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Particles & Fields; Spectroscopy Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics; Spectroscopy IDS Number: 984OT ISSN: 0168-9002 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH A ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. Source Item Page Count: 5 Record 50 of 500 Title: Optimum lifetime structuring in silicon power diodes by means of various irradiation techniques Author(s): Hazdra, P (Hazdra, P); Vobecky, J (Vobecky, J); Brand, K (Brand, K) Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Volume: 186 Pages: 414418 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(01)00898-9 Published: JAN 2002 Times Cited in Web of Science: 31 Total Times Cited: 36 Cited Reference Count: 5 Abstract: Application of radiation defects for adjustment of power diode parameters is demonstrated, Local lifetime control (LLC) by proton and alpha-particle irradiation with energies 1.8-12.1 MeV is compared with uniform lifetime killing by 4.5 MeV electrons. The influence of both the techniques oil static and dynamic parameters of modified diodes is experimentally established and explained by means of state-of-the-art simulation system. Optimization means and limits of lifetime control by irradiation techniques are discussed, as well. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Accession Number: WOS:000173279900071 Language: English Document Type: Article; Proceedings Paper Conference Title: E-MRS 2001 Spring Meeting Conference Date: 2001 Conference Location: STRASBOURG, FRANCE Author Keywords: lifetime control; hydrogen; helium; electron; irradiation; silicon Addresses: Czech Tech Univ, Dept Microelect, Prague 6, Czech Republic Ruhr Univ Bochum, Dynamitron Tandem Lab, D-44780 Bochum, Germany Reprint Address: Hazdra, P (reprint author), Czech Tech Univ, Dept Microelect, Technicka 2, Prague 6, Czech Republic Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Publisher Address: PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Web of Science Category: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical; Physics, Nuclear Subject Area: Instruments & Instrumentation; Nuclear Science & Technology; Physics IDS Number: 511RT ISSN: 0168-583X 29-char Source Abbrev.: NUCL INSTRUM METH B ISO Source Abbrev.: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms Source Item Page Count: 5 Web of Knowledge Page 1 (Articles 1 -- 50) [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ] © 2012 Thomson Reuters Terms of Use Please give us your feedback on using Web of Knowledge.