UNEP GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY (GEF) PROPOSAL FOR A PDF BLOCK B GRANT Project Title: Conservation and sustainable use of cultivated and wild tropical fruit diversity: promoting sustainable livelihoods, food security and ecosystem services Implementing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme Executing Agencies: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Italy India: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), KABII, New Delhi Indonesia: Research Institute for Fruits (IFRURI), Solok, West Sumatra Malaysia: Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, (MARDI), Kuala Lumpur Thailand: Department of Agriculture (DOA), Chatuchak, Bangkok Requesting countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand GEF Focal Area: Biodiversity GEF Operational Programme: Agricultural Biodiversity (OP#13) Total Cost of PDF B: US$ 721,000 PDF-B Funding Requested from GEF: US$ 326,000 PDF-B Co-funding: India: Indonesia: Malaysia Thailand IPGRI TOTAL Block A grant awarded: Estimated Starting Date of PDF B: Estimated Duration of PDF B: Estimated Starting Date of Full Project: Estimated Total Costs of Full Project: Estimated Co-funding for Full Project: Full Project Duration: Did not apply June 2004 12 months September 2005 US$ 8,000,000 US$ 4,500,000 5 years $ 62,000 $ 35,000 $ 38,000 $ 35,000 $225,000 $395,000 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ACIAR ADB AFGRN APO CBD CGIAR COGENT DGIS DOA FRIM GEF GIS ICAR IDRC IFAD IPGRI MARDI NATP NGO NRCC PDF-B PGR SC SDC UNEP UPM WTLCP TFNet UNDP UTFANET Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Asian Development Bank Asian Fruit Genetic Resources Network Asia, the Pacific and Oceania Convention on Biological Diversity Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (IPGRI) Directoraat Generaal Internationale Samenweking ( Netherlands) Department of Agriculture (Thailand) Forest Research Institute of Malaysia Global Environment Facility Geographic Information Systems Indian Council of Agricultural Research International Development and Research Centre (Canada) International Fund for Agricultural Development International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Malaysia) National Agriculture Technology Project (India) Non-Governmental Organization National Research Centre for Citrus (India) Project Development Fund-B Plant Genetic Resources Steering Committee Swiss Development Corporation United Nations Environment Programme Universiti Putra Malaysia Western Terai Landscape Complex Project International Tropical Fruit Network United Nations Development Programme Underutilized Tropical Fruits in Asia Network 2 I. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT (BASELINE COURSE OF ACTION) Significance of the Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia 1. Tropical fruits are important for the well-being of the populations of Asia as sources of supplemental food, nutritionally balanced diets and enhancing both household incomes and national revenues. More than 400 edible tropical fruit species are found in Asia. The total annual production in 2002 was 83.9 million tons, accounting for about 60% of production worldwide. Some species also have specific medicinal uses, while others are used for timber, fuel wood and livestock feed. Tropical Asian countries are the centres of origin and diversity for many globally important tropical fruit tree species. However, many of these species are only slightly domesticated, and the wild and domesticated forms, which can possess very large amounts of genetic diversity, are important both for local communities as fruits as well as other products such as for specific medicinal uses, timber, fuelwood and livestock feed. 2. In forest areas, the rich diversity of fruit species plays an important role as a source of food and shelter to other species of plants and animals, providing stability in complex natural ecosystems. In agricultural areas, tropical fruit trees are important components of multi-crop systems such as home gardens, a characteristic feature in many Asian rural landscapes. Small farms and home gardens are rich in tropical fruit tree species diversity and have a number of economic, social, cultural, aesthetic and ecological functions important to livelihoods (Trinh et al. 2003). In India, more than 120 plant species have been recorded in home gardens, and a survey of Kohima and Mon town markets in Nagaland found that 40 of 68 plant products were harvested from home gardens. Increasing diversity of fruits in home gardens is a sustainable way to ensure quality food, dietary diversity and nutrition, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children, women and the elderly. From the conservation standpoint, home gardens can serve as buffer zones around protected forests or community forests. An example is in Meghalaya, India, where deforestation is eroding Citrus wild diversity while a number of the species are maintained in home gardens (Singh et al. 2001). 3. Most tree species, including the tropical fruits, can be grown in marginal conditions (Verheij and Coronel, 1991). They are therefore important to improved agricultural production in cases where farmers cannot afford inputs such as fertilizer and irrigation. They can also serve as a form of savings, as their products can be "cashed in" during emergencies such as illness or the need to pay school fees. Intensification of tree crop cultivation in home gardens and fallow lands is one response to decreasing land holdings. When even this intensification is insufficient to meet subsistence needs, off-farm employment may be sought and the land placed under low-input perennial tree crops. Tropical fruits, therefore, serve in many instances as major sources either of income or as a source of income stability for farmers living in marginal rural environments 4. Tropical fruit species, being mostly perennial species and components of natural forest ecosystem diversity, are also known to contribute to ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, protection from soil erosion, soil formation, nutrient cycling, hydrologic regimes and biotic regulation in the form of pollination ecology, food web and trophic level relationships (Okey, 1996; Soemarwoto and Soemarwoto, 1984). 3 5. Studies on the occurrence of the wild relatives of the target species in natural ecosystems are limited. There has been little research on their population sizes, how they are maintained in natural ecosystems and community uses of uncultivated fruits. However, there are indications that Mangifera species constitute a fairly large component of several natural forests in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia (Mukherjee 1985; Bompard and Schaffer 1993; Bompard 1988; Bompard 1995). A similar situation is expected with the other target species, for example, for Citrus species in northeast India and for rambutan and mangosteen in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Further, drawing inferences from other tree species, it is believed that tropical fruit species are an important part of stable ecosystems in the Asian region, serving as a source of shelter for both plants and animals and playing an important role in the interdependency amongst pollinating, seed dispersing and other ecological functions. Breeding and selection for improving cultivated fruit trees need basic knowledge of the reproductive biology and breeding system of the wild species as well (Soepadmo 1979). There are desired characteristics of wild relatives of cultivated tropical fruit species that could be selected for domestication and commercial production. For example, in Java, Indonesia the common guava Eugenia jambos is grafted onto rootstocks of the wild relative E. densiflora (Saw 1991). Improvement in crops depends on the availability of wild stock of the related cultivated species. To maintain these stocks, breeding populations of such species have to be maintained under natural conditions so that trees can continue to cross with each other and in the long-term continue to evolve new races. 6. Wild fruit trees perform an important ecosystem function as habitat components for pollinators, which include a wide range of insects, birds, bats and other animals (Soepadmo 1989). Reports (Baker and Baker 1983, Proctor and Yeo 1973; Faegri and Van Der Pijl 1979) have indicated that there exist intricate but harmonious interrelationships between floral cues and foraging as well as feeding behaviour of pollinators. Hence, certain wild fruit trees provide critical food resources for animals during periods of food scarcity, which may cause extinction of those species that depend on them. Reduced food resources may impact animal abundance and foraging behaviour which, in turn, could have an effect on forest regeneration (Terborgh 1986; Whitmore 1990). 4 Threats to Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources 7. Wild and cultivated fruit species diversity in Asia are being threatened by rapid genetic erosion due to natural habitat destruction and other economic and cultural pressures. All the countries have indicated the same threats such as 1) habitat destruction, 2) extension of agriculture, 3) filling up of wetlands, 4) conversion of biodiversity rich sites for human settlement and industrial development and 5) uncontrolled commercial exploitation. Over the last century, deforestation and land use conversion have put external pressure on wild fruit tree resources in the Asia region, with consequent high levels of deforestation and loss of target fruit wild relative. In Malaysia, the deforestation rate from 1990 to 2000 was 1.2% per annum. In 2000, the forest area in India was 21.6% of the land area. In 1966, forest covered 144 million hectares (75%) of Indonesia’s land area. By 1998, the number had dropped to 53 million, or 37% of the land area. Annual rate of deforestation rate in Indonesia from 1990 to 2000 was 1.2% annum. From 1961 to1993, Thai forest cover decreased from 53% to 26%. Thailand had a deforestation rate of 0.7% from the year 1990 to 2000 per annum. (www.wrm.org.uy/deforestation/ and FAO, 2003). 8. Land-use conversion results in significant loss of diversity, especially of woody species including wild fruits. In northeastern India, for example, the local tribal people practice shifting cultivation. Large-scale clearing of forests is done during winter months and burning is done during the summer. In India and Nepal, traditional mango varieties are maintained in communal lands in the Terai. Mango diversity in such habitats is disappearing fast because these trees are often grown in communal land, and are harvested for quick income from alternate uses such as for fuel wood for the increasing number of brick factories. 9. A number of factors related to use and management of tropical fruit tree species have placed additional pressure on the resource. Commercialization has increased the land area under a single variety and reduced species diversity in recent years (Trinh et al. 2003). Propagation of orchards from single scion for monocultural commercial farming has increased uniformity and concurrently vulnerability to pests and diseases. These modern commercial cultivars tend to replace the traditional farmers’ varieties, reducing available diversity and the many associated values. One result is loss of options to farmers for coping with change. An extreme example comes from India, where a survey undertaken under the National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP) on Plant Diversity by the National Research Centre for Citrus (NRCC), Nagpur, found that the “Mosaimbi” cultivar of sweet orange was completely replaced by the cash crop sugarcane in Ahmednagar area of Maharashtra State. Commercialization of home gardens has also increased the focus on preferred fruit trees while diminishing diversity of both species and cultivars. 10. Many tropical fruits are underutilized even though they are important sources of livelihood for large segments of the population. A number of these species occur in the wild or are sparsely grown; others are cultivated in medium to large-scale plantations or in home gardens. In addition, many are underutilized even though they are important livelihood assets for large segments of the population. Fruit trees often need long-term investment and security of tenure to merit investment in their maintenance. For example, reluctance to grow mango and mangosteen derives primarily from the fact that economic returns require a long-term investment. Coupled with the fact that older fruit trees are a 5 good source of income as timber and fuel wood, this source of diversity is rapidly disappearing (IPGRI 2003). Conservation Management of Tropical Fruit Trees at Global Level 11. The effective conservation of tropical fruit tree species presents particular problems and satisfactory methods have not as yet been developed. Ex situ conservation is extremely costly and requires field genebanks because the species are generally characterized by possessing recalcitrant seeds that cannot be stored. These genebanks suffer steady losses of material from disease and other causes and need constant replenishment. The development of in situ methods for these types of materials is in its infancy and needs sustained attention so as to ensure that satisfactory procedures of wide general applicability that are sustainable and economically viable are available. There is an urgent need to develop and upscale successful strategies to conserve both cultivated and wild relatives of tropical fruit species in Asia for economic, cultural, and ecological reasons. 12. To date, tools and methods that support the assessment and adaptive management of crop diversity in production systems have focused mainly on annual crops. Most of the work on long-lived tree species has focused primarily on timber species. An exception is an IPGRI effort underway in Central Asia to promote conservation and sustainable management of temperate fruit species. The “In Situ/On-farm Conservation of Agrobiodiversity (Horticultural Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia” project, now at the planning stage and funded through a UNEP/GEF PDF-B grant, complements the proposed project. Other examples are “In-situ Conservation of Genetic Diversity”, a GEF/World Bank project initiated in Turkey in 1993 and the GEF/UNDP project “In Situ Conservation of Native Landraces and Their Wild Relatives in Vietnam” (see Section VI – Linkages). Additional projects have built upon the information gathered from the Turkey project, including collaborative initiatives with IPGRI. Similarly, the GEF/UNDP project “In Situ Conservation of Native Landraces and Their Wild Relatives in Vietnam” will target conservation of some perennial tropical fruit tree species such as citrus, litchi and longan by mitigating the threats to the agrobiodiversity of the target sites and preserving their genetic diversity. Conservation of tropical fruit genetic resources must, therefore, build on lessons learned in projects applied more generally to crop genetic diversity and adapt those to the science and culture relevant to tropical fruit species. 13. Since natural habitats for wild relatives of tropical fruit tree species are increasingly under threat, a portfolio of micro-environments and appropriate strategies are needed to conserve both wild relatives and cultivars. Food security for farming and surrounding communities does not rely solely on small farms and home gardens. It is also derived from uncultivated sources in and around natural ecosystems. It is estimated that more than 55% of the Asian fruit species are gathered by tribal and other people living in close proximity to forests and other common lands for supplementary income and nutrition. This highlights an important interdependence between home gardens, community forests and other natural areas, including protected areas and their buffer zones. Increasingly these elements are viewed as components within a network of microenvironments that help preserve function and resilience of the larger agroecosystem. The IPGRI project “Contribution of Home Gardens to In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources in Farming Systems” describes how new cultivars are introduced in home gardens as a result of exchanges, and wild species are introduced for cultivation. Frequently the wild species are transferred to home 6 gardens when their natural habitat is threatened. In other cases, fruit germplasm is collected by farmers living near protected areas and introduced into their home gardens. On-farm management in tandem with in situ conservation of related wild species1 in natural habitats is, therefore, an important mix for conserving tropical fruit diversity – part of an overall strategy of complementary conservation, increasingly recognized as the appropriate overall framework for effective maintenance and use of diversity. 14. This mixed approach must then be combined with those elements proven effective in other experiences related to conservation of crop genetic diversity. The central elements of such an approach have been tested separately in other initiatives and will be brought together in this project. The first step toward management of genetic diversity is to increase knowledge on the extent and distribution of diversity in the target species and the second is to determine current germplasm conservation efforts (location, collection, conservation and use). Most countries in the region have invested in collection and maintenance of fruit species diversity in field genebanks. Ex situ field genebanks hold the key for characterization and evaluation and for their utilization in fruit improvement programmes. Collecting and characterization of germplasm in key genepools has been the primary focus of the project “Conservation and Use of Native Tropical Fruit Species Biodiversity in Asia” (funded by the ADB, hereafter referred to as “the ADB project”). This work has taken place in 10 countries, including the four that will be involved in the project proposed here (for further information, see Section VI). Conservation using traditional ex situ approaches has proved unsatisfactory, failing to address problems of loss of wild diversity or meet the needs of rural communities. 15. Sustainable on-farm and in situ conservation is possible only when farmers, communities and national institutions perceive benefits in terms of genetic, economic, social and ecological aspects. These benefits accrue in terms of private utility benefits (to the individual farmer or user) and/or public benefits (to society). In Nepal, the project “Enhancing Contribution of Home Gardens to On-farm Management of Plant Genetic Resources and to Improve Livelihoods of Nepalese Farmers” has increased areas producing socio-culturally important crops (for example, Anadi rice and taro cultivars). This has been achieved through value addition of products and links to markets (Sthapit et al. 2003a). 16. Another important element to improved sustainable use is market access and value addition. While it is true that, in general, the market forces tend to "homogenize" or reduce diversity due to preference for certain products which is of economic value and, therefore, favors the growing of those species and varieties that are producing these products, there is increasing evidence from IPGRI's work that these same market forces can be used to conserve agrobiodiversity. There is vast potential for improving the production and marketing systems for tropical fruits and innovative approaches in this area have already been tested for buckwheat and coconut. For example, a case study of buckwheat genetic diversity and sustainable livelihood in China commissioned by IPGRI-APO indicated that, if there are diverse buckwheat products that will be of economic value in the market, this influences farmers decision-making to grow a diversity of landraces of buckwheat. The case study indicated that there are specific landraces of buckwheat, which are good for noodle making, for wine making, baked products, and for medicinal purposes. The market 1 It is well recognized that the total genetic diversity in any species consists of cultivated types, wild types and their wild relatives, composed of primary, secondary and tertiary genepools (sensu Harlan 1971) 7 has recognized all of these products and the technology for their processing is readily available. An optimal organizational set-up combines small-scale farmers as producers, the private sector as processors and marketing channels, and the scientists to determine the right genetic materials for the right kinds of purpose. This combination of the private sector production and marketing arms and the research/scientist public sector have enhanced linkages which promoted value addition and income but at the same time the promotion and growing of a diversity of landraces of buckwheat by the local farmers. A similar experience is also demonstrated by IPGRI’s work in coconut with the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) of IPGRI. The greater income generation which benefited small and poor coconut farmers is through the use of the various products from coconut: coconut water, coconut shell for handicraft, coconut stem for wood products, coconut frond for handicrafts, coconut coir for fiber and handicraft and coconut oil for cooking, cosmetics and medicinal uses. The economic value of these various products can increase the income of coconut farmers by 5-6 times more than just the income derived from dried coconut meat. These coconut products are also linked to the market. However, just like buckwheat, this market pull enhances the conservation and use of various coconut landraces by farmers because these variety of coconut products are linked to the different kinds of coconut varieties. For example, large-shelled coconut variety is good for handicraft products while large-husked varieties are good for products derived from coconut fibres such as doormats, rope and others. This has provided an incentive for farmers to conserve those varieties that are suited for such products, as well as to introduce new, high-value varieties. The seedlings for these varieties are conserved in, and sold through, community-managed nurseries. With good marketing linkages, entire communities are now engaged in producing coco fibre ropes and geotextiles, providing incomes up to five times what they earn from coconut oil and copra (COGENT 2003). Value addition of local fruits has also been successfully carried out by the Agricultural Housewife Group of several villages in Thailand, and marketed by several agencies including Thai Airways (http://www.thaitambon.com/PromoProducts/ProcessedFood/Fruits1.htm). This project is a component of His Majesty the King's Vision, Leadership and Commitment on Sustainable Land Development Activities. Initial assessment of project fruit market potential is provided in Annex 1. National and Regional Policies that Provide Support to the Project2 17. India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, now in draft form, considers the importance of home gardens, participatory approaches, and use of traditional knowledge to in situ conservation of crop species. In India, collecting and conserving mango genetic resources focuses primarily on quality of fruits and, to date, more than 1000 accessions with different horticultural traits have been collected and conserved at different locations in field genebanks. The crop-based institutes on mango and citrus have the mandate to address biodiversity conservation issues, and the Vision 2020 document of these institutions focuses the work to be done in this area. [The Indian Council of Agricultural Research-(ICAR) institutes involved in this exercise are the Central Institute for Subtropical Fruits, Lucknow; the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore; and the National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur.] The national symposium “Plant Genetic Resources Management: Advances and Challenges” recommended that national clonal repositories be established for horticultural crops.. 2 See Annex 4 for a list of related and complementary national reports, polices and frameworks. 8 18. The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia promotes incentives “to farmers to conserve and cultivate local varieties of food crops” and “to encourage diversification of food and tree crops appropriate to local soil conditions”. Indonesia’s focus of research on rambutan and mango will support implementation of the proposed project. Collection of superior genetic varieties, their evaluation, conservation, documentation, breeding and improvement of various species are the chief objectives of this research. The Indonesian Fruits Research Institute includes a technical task force unit responsible for the national strategy on fruits conservation. The unit works at both national and provincial levels, enabling it to look at overall policy and exploration, collection, and conservation of germplasm. Backed by Indonesian law, which regulates plant cultivation and protects plant varieties, the Institute helps conserve plant genetic resources both in situ and ex situ in response to increasing deforestation and shifting agricultural cultivation systems. It is anticipated that the draft law on conservation and utilization of genetic resources will soon come into force. 19. Malaysia’s National Policy on Biological Diversity (Ministry of Science 1998) includes objectives to optimize economic benefits from sustainable utilization of the components of biological diversity and ensure long-term food security for the nation. The Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001 – 2005) specifies actions to achieve these objectives in the context of managing fruits and vegetables, a priority given their high development potential. Sustainable forest management practices will be expanded. Malaysia’s Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) calls for conservation and utilization of natural resources on a sustainable basis, supports enhancement of research and conservation, capacity building, and access to genetic resources. In Malaysia, work is focused mainly on rambutan and mango. Major areas of research are collection of germplasm, evaluation, documentation, conservation, breeding, and improvement. The Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) holds the largest fruit germplasm collection in the country, with about 4000 accessions. Other institutions that are involved in conservation include the Department of Agriculture at Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak, the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are involved in a number of related activities (e.g., maintaining fruit trees in school compounds). Malaysia became a member of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in 1993. 20. The aim of Thailand’s Policy on Natural and Cultural Environments (Thailand’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan) is to protect, preserve, conserve, and rehabilitate the natural and cultural environment to maintain the natural and cultural heritage of the country. In addition, Thailand’s National Policy on Natural Resources (1997-2016) combines scientific, management and awareness aspects. It focuses on: efficiency, coordination and sustainability of natural resource uses; building knowledge through research and information management; enhancement of natural resource management through decentralization, public-private linkages and community participation, and adoption of supportive legal and regulatory frameworks; and application of resource economics. Mango, rambutan and lychee are the main species investigated in Thailand. Collection of germplasm, evaluation, conservation, breeding and improvement are the target areas of research. Tropical Fruit Industry development is a priority in Thailand’s National Development Plan. 9 21. Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are active members of IPGRI network- Regional Cooperation on Plant Genetic Resources (RECSEA-PGR) and India is a member of South Asia Network for PGR (SANPGR). These countries also work together in the AFGRN- the Asia Fruit Genetic Resources Network (http://www.afgrn.net/). All the countries are members of the Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutes (APAARI) and the Asia Pacific Association of Forest Research Institutes (APAFRI), with whom IPGRI works closely. 22. Working through these networks, partners in the region have become more open to share resources, expertise and in some instances genetic resources. The good practices developed in one country or a subregional network are quickly followed up or piloted in another country or subregion. For example, the agreement between East Asia Plant Genetic Resources Network (EAPGR) partners to carry out multilocation evaluation of adzuki genetic resources, that resulted in the exchange of about 50 accessions between the member countries, has been taken up the SANPGR members and plans for multilocation testing of common species has been planned and preliminary work is underway to select the germplasm to be exchanged. Similarly, based on the successful establishment of a Regional Germplasm Centre under the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) of IPGRI, where regional partners share the responsibilities to reduce costs of conservation and share genetic resources, a similar initiative is being discussed for tropical fruit trees. These regional initiatives, in addition to avoiding work duplication, promote South-South cooperation in Plant Genetic Resources research and development. II SUMMARY: PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION 23. Conservation and sustainable use of cultivated and wild tropical fruit diversity: promoting sustainable livelihoods, food security and ecosystem health aims to develop appropriate conservation procedures for tropical fruit tree species that focus on management and use of diversity by local farmers, communities and institutions. It seeks to provide an effective long-term basis for maintaining the genetic diversity and ecosystem function of both the cultivated and wild members of this group of species. 24. The overall development goal of the project is to strengthen sustainable livelihoods through improved management and utilization of tropical fruit genetic diversity. The project objective is to improve the conservation and use of tropical fruit genetic diversity in Asia by strengthening the capacity of farmers, local communities and institutions. 10 25. The project will build on methodologies and practices proven effective for conservation of crop genetic diversity, adapt their use for tropical fruit tree species, and test their relevance with farmers, local communities and user groups. The project design considers several factors relevant to conservation of tropical fruit genetic diversity, including its prevalence in home gardens, uses of the wild resources and underutilization of some species due to market forces. It will also look at what varieties, genotypes, or characters are unique to home gardens and how such information can be translated into development efforts. Domestication of economically important fruit diversity from the forests, or using some of the wild relatives for rootstock, and sharing such knowledge and skills with the local community will add value to the project. 26. The project will focus around promoting practices that are "diversity-rich" and are beneficial to agrobiodiversity. However, it is recognized that if a market develops for mangoes or particular variety, for example, there is the risk of most farmers growing mangoes or the particular variety of mango leading to loss of mango genetic diversity. Farmers are driven by economics and will respond to market opportunities if it means higher income, regardless of the impact on diversity. This would be very true in high productivity areas and with farmers who can afford additional inputs needed. However, it should also be recognized that urban markets are only one factor that determine farmers’ preferences. Local markets, need for diversity of products, adaptation of the crop or variety to particular environments, pest and diseases, annual and seasonal changes in temperature and available precipitation, and cultural beliefs, promote cultivation of diverse species and types. For example, cultural and religious beliefs can become a very strong force to favor certain varieties and products. For example, the belief that golden coconut has medicinal value in Sri Lanka tends to favor decision of farmers to grow this variety for fresh nuts sold in the market. The growing of certain rice varieties in the highlands of the Philippines, Vietnam and Laos is for religious reasons as these rice varieties are used for wine making used in religious rituals. Economic gain of a variety may also be tied up with the quality of products from processing of a variety. IRRI has found evidence that growing rice of different varieties in the same place at the same time can reduce use of pesticides. In addition, most farmers practice risk-avoidance, especially with perennial species. Unlike annual species or even banana which is planted annually, growing perennial species like target fruits is a long-term commitment and the changes will not occur soon; these can take a couple of decades or more. The proposed project will explore this issue carefully and develop a strategy that is agile enough to deal with changing market forces while providing incentives to farmers to continue to grow diverse species. This will include promoting consumer awareness for diversity of food and products that will act as an incentive to farmers. 27. To balance environmental and development goals, the project will assure that economic benefits to farmers provide the incentives necessary for them to conserve and sustainably use the target species and genepools during the life of the project and beyond. This process is illustrated as follows. 11 Steps Toward Strengthening Community-Based, On-Farm Conservation of Tropical Fruit Diversity in Agroecosystems Develop understanding of local context and local fruit diversity Sensitize farming communities and key stakeholders Improve access to materials and knowledge Locate, characterize and assess diversity Manage community biodiversity information systems for monitoring diversity Develop options for adding benefits to the community Increase consumer demand for rare, threatened and traditional fruit species and food culture Improve the materials and create new opportunities for livelihoods 28. The proposed project focuses on four tropical fruit species with high diversity levels in the region: citrus, mango, mangosteen, and rambutan. All are perennial species, indigenous to the region and are common to the national partners, with some level of variance in the level of importance to South Asia (mango and citrus - India) and Southeast Asia (rambutan and mangosteen – Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand). Choice of project crops reflects a series of regional consultations and surveys, carried out over the past decade, during which priorities for tropical fruit tree species conservation have been identified by national partners (IPGRI 2003). 29. The criteria used in the choice of these priority species are: 1) that they are native to the counties participating in the project, 2) that they are important to enhancing livelihood options and food culture for local community, 3) their level of production and consumption at national level, 4) the presence of large unexploited genetic diversity especially for adaptability to diverse environmental conditions, 5) the threat of genetic erosion, 6) their potential as commodity crops for global market, 7) their importance in providing ecosystem services, and 8) the capacity of fruit research institutions in the countries. In addition these four species provide significant sources of vitamins and minerals, income (with potential for increases) and diversity important to their sustainable management and development. The species have medicinal and cultural values as well. Details are provided in Annex 1. 30. The stakeholder groups include farmers and farmer organizations, user groups, NGOs and Community Based Organizations, agricultural extension workers, universities and research stations, scientists, and local and national policy makers. Initially, a systematic institutional analysis may be required to identify key stakeholders, their interests and capacity. Multidisciplinary groups representing government agency and NGO thematic scientists and development workers will be formed at the national level to carry out participatory diagnosis of local contexts, build understanding of traditional knowledge and local genetic resources, identify opportunities and gaps for sustainable livelihoods, and conduct targeted research and capacity enhancement. The national groups will serve as 12 “think tanks” to guide the project and influence policy makers by sharing research outputs, organising travelling seminars and disseminating policy briefs. 31. To project objectives will be addressed in three components. These are described below. 32. Component 1: Assessment of farmer/user knowledge and practices with regards to tropical fruit tree species. During the PDF-B phase, site selection criteria will be refined and candidate sites selected in each of the four countries using applicable Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools. Final determination of project sites will be made during the first year of the full project. The project will use a comprehensive framework of analysis that uses a participatory approach to assess the selected project sites, i.e., home gardens adjacent to protected areas, agricultural farms mixed with home gardens and communities in forest margins. The sites will span different types of setting where tropical fruit species are grown to ensure diverse insights on economic, ecological and cultural factors that determine their conservation and use. Using selected sites as a testing ground, project partners will facilitate the process of building knowledge about the systems and diversity at those sites. To understand the scientific basis of on-farm tropical fruit genetic resource use and conservation, current farmer and community practices will be examined in the following context of questions: I. What is the amount and distribution of the genetic diversity of tropical fruit species maintained by farmers over space and over time? II. What are the processes used to maintain the genetic diversity on-farm? III. Who maintains genetic diversity within the farming communities (men, women, young, old, rich, poor, certain ethnic groups, nodal farmers)? IV. What factors (market, non-market, social, environmental) influence farmer decisions on maintaining traditional cultivars? 33. These questions will be complemented by a second set related to knowledge and utilization of tropical fruit genetic diversity in situ: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Are wild tropical fruit resources available in the area? Are they found only in the periphery or deeper within the forest? Does the local community exploit these resources? If so, how, and are these uses sustainable? What is the contribution of such exploitation to household economy? Are there efforts to sustain this diversity in the wild? 34. Documentation of this information will provide the knowledge needed to: 1) support local germplasm propagation and supply systems, 2) improve participatory mother plant selection programmes; 3) develop markets for traditional fruit crops and cultivars, 4) develop in situ conservation and sustainable utilization measures, 5) promote appropriate biodiversity conservation values, 6) create methodologies for integrating locally adapted fruit crop cultivars and farmer preferences into development and extension projects, 7) identify good practices for domesticating or using wild fruit genetic resources for community benefits, and 8) advise on appropriate policies that support the management and use of tropical fruit crop diversity in managed agroecosystems and in natural ecosystems. 13 35. Component 2: Identification and testing of methodologies and good practices 3 for management of tropical fruit tree species diversity. This is a core component of the project. Methods and approaches will range from scientific exploration to outreach/extension activities. Examples include identification and management of traditional fruit varieties maintained by farmers, fostering stakeholder involvement, and linking farmers with markets. Identifying and managing tropical fruit genetic diversity 36. Methodology identification and testing will be carried out at the farm/agroecosystem level for target fruit crops, and at the ecosystem level for wild fruit species. The project focuses on traditional local fruit crop varieties that are maintained by farmers, and their wild relatives, and on the enhancement of farmers’ capacity (e.g. grafting nursery skills training to custodians of mother plants of target taxa) to propagate locally adapted materials and deploy diversity on-farm. Different kinds of information (morphological, molecular, and farmers’ assessment and knowledge) will be used for identifying the most diverse genetic resources for propagation and deployment. In the case of wild relatives, viable population sizes and associations will determine the conservation management practices. Fostering stakeholder involvement 37. Most problems, issues and opportunities of agrobiodiversity management are complex, with many interactions, side-effects and implications. Therefore, achieving the desired benefits requires participation of both research and development institutions. The project will bring the necessary expertise and stakeholders from research and development sectors, together with local communities. This will be based on participatory institutional analysis, which also identifies and subsequently facilitates the handling of the “non-performing” stakeholders in a transparent manner. Linking farmers with markets 38. Experience shows that on-farm conservation of crop genetic diversity is enhanced when farmers and communities benefit through sustainable yields and increased income. There are two approaches to enhancing these benefits: 1) ensure that use of local crop diversity is competitive as an income-producer, and 2) increase demand (locally, regionally and globally) for the target fruits. The project will also look at unrealized market potential for the fruit crops and partners with marketing expertise (private companies, farmer cooperatives, women’s organizations and appropriate NGO’s)4 who will be tapped to assist in developing the links between producer groups and promising markets. The population in the Asian region is increasing at a fast rate. The demand for fruits and fruit products is, therefore, growing. And while fruits like citrus, mango, mangosteen and rambutan are already exported from the Asian region (mainly India, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines) to markets in other countries, there is still vast scope for export of tropical fruits and fruit products to earn the much-needed foreign exchange. To do this, efforts are needed to place the right form (product development) of the fruit in the right market at the right time (season). It is also well recognized that the cultivars (or genetic resources) differ 3 Good practice is a system, organization or process, which, over time maintains, enhances and creates crop genetic diversity, and ensures its availability to and from farmers and other actors for improved livelihoods on a sustainable basis. (Sthapit et al. 2003a). 4 Relevant institutions and expertise will be identified during the process of institutional analysis. 14 in their quality, and specific types would be suitable for specific products thus linking the genetic diversity to product development. 39. An analysis of the changing markets in order to identify major consumer preferences will help identify particular types of diversity and promote their cultivation in better production environments. It will also ensure that the development of such varieties takes into account using local material in the process of crop improvement. Thus, even if some loss of genotypes occurs, the genetic diversity will be maintained. For example in Indonesia, breeding on taste and inflorescence of zalacca flower through participatory breeding is in progress. The material for this programme was prepared in IFRURI, but selection of superior varieties will be based on local agricultural agribusiness orientation as done by stakeholders, such as Tazagawa Foundation in Tanjung Pinang regency, Riau provinces also Pariaman regency in West Sumatra. This activity is attempting to develop utilization of products and also in situ conservation. 40. IPGRI has recently initiated a project to develop “commodification” techniques. Working within the framework of the commodity chain – production, processing, marketing, consumption, the technique aims to exploit both products and markets to their full potential. The idea is to upscale underutilized species, elevating them from subsistence to commercial use and increasing their value to farmers as a resource to manage. The proposed project will be among the first to pilot commodification models. The farmers' experiences in growing, processing and storage of fruit crop products will be studied and that information will be disseminated. Potential for new and expanded markets will be assessed, and the methods for linking them to local communities determined. Good practices determined to be effective will be documented; the models will then be promoted to the decision-makers positioned to help replicate them throughout the project countries and beyond. Good practices strengthen local capacity to manage on-farm conservation through sustainable utilization. 41. To be effective, good practices must be practical, cost-effective, sustainable, and have potential for scaling up to wider geographic, institutional and socio-cultural contexts. Project partners have developed and piloted a number of good practices to support diversity management, stakeholder involvement and market access. Methodologies and good practices that have been piloted in other circumstances, and will be piloted for the first time in the context of tropical fruit species management, will be identified in two stages. Preliminary review of the options will be undertaken at a workshop during the first Steering Committee (SC) meeting of the PDF-B phase. At the start of the full project, a second workshop will identify those methods and good practice models to be tested in the project. Projects in which piloting of these practices has been undertaken are described in more detail in Section VI. 42. Good practices will be applied at several levels: I. Working modality for strengthening partnerships between formal and informal institutional and farming communities, multi-institutional and interdisciplinary teams, and rapport building with local communities; II. Identifying, managing and monitoring genetic diversity; III. Enhancing benefits to local communities; 15 IV. Strengthening local seed and planting materials systems (growing, processing and exchange systems); V. Community/user management of fruit trees in the wild; VI. Communications and capacity-building to disseminate and integrate proven methodologies into relevant communities and farmer networks; VII. Marketing initiatives to expand income potential and provide incentives for crop diversity use and management. 43. Some examples of good practices are as below. The validity of each will depend on local circumstances and the available biodiversity base: I. Participatory variety selection (PVS) allows farmers to test new materials from other regions or from the formal sector and engages them fully in the selection process (Joshi and Witcombe 1996; Soleri and Cleveland 2000; 2001; Witcombe et al. 2001); II. Participatory plant breeding (PPB) programmes allow farmers to select the materials that are most appropriate to their production environments and are likely to enhance the diversity present (Sthapit et al. 1996; Castello et al. 2000; Ceccarelli and Grando 2000; Weltzien et al. 1998; Bellon et al. 1999; Witcombe et al. 1996); III. Social seed and planting materials networks support informal exchange of seedlings and rootstocks to strengthen community germplasm networks and nodal farmers’ roles in searching for new diversity, selecting, maintaining and exchanging the germplasm and building knowledge within and outside the community (Subedi et al. 2003); IV. Diversity fairs provide a simple and low-cost approach for locating fruit varietal diversity and custodians, acquiring traditional knowledge, and sensitizing communities (Sthapit et al. 2003c); V. Community biodiversity registers document local fruit diversity in the wild and onfarm, together with associated knowledge, in order to monitor minimum population size over a five-year time frame (Sthapit et al. 2003c). 44. These and other good practices will be explored in the context of application to tropical fruit species at the two workshops described above. Those that have potential for the selected sites will be incorporated into project implementation for piloting. The details of each of these approaches, tools, and their field applications in on-farm conservation research are described in Sthapit et al. (2001, 2003 a,b) and Subedi et al. (2003). 45. In order to identify best practices to enhance the equal benefit sharing of TFT genetic resources, problems and barriers will be identified. The problems and barriers themselves will be site specific, whereas the protocols and methods for identifying these problems and barriers will be widely applicable in nature and developed through the PDF-B phase. 46. Component 3: Capacity building of different stakeholder groups to apply methodologies and practices identified and tested. The diversity of the stakeholder group suggests that a systematic and well-planned capacity-building component is needed. Individual participants and institutions must have full understanding of the role they play, the capacity to play it, and the structures to ensure communication among the scientific, management and social elements. 16 47. Capacity building and training will include national and local institutions, government agencies, NGOs and the private sector. Training will focus on creating ownership of biodiversity-based knowledge: I. Local institutions (participatory methods, genetic analysis, molecular markers); II. Farmers, farmer organizations, user groups, extension workers (identifying, exchanging and managing diversity; managing and sustaining in situ diversity, where applicable); III. Local communities and agencies, national commerce facilities/agencies (market identification and exploitation); IV. Local and national policy-makers (economic and environmental benefits of project methods, identification of relevant policy and law). 48. In-service training will be provided to staff at national institutions involved in implementing the project. By training professionals in methods for implementing in situ conservation of tropical fruit diversity, national expertise will be enhanced. Such training might be linked to IPGRI’s Centres of Excellence5, which have strengthened the capacity of national partners in key areas. Capacity-building strategies will be employed to ensure that community and national stakeholders are positioned to carry out activities beyond the life of the project. These will be defined and a strategy for their implementation designed during the PDF-B phase. 49. The models that result from the activities under the above-described project components will benefit local communities, while providing global benefits in the form of replicable models and conservation of tropical fruit genetic diversity. At the completion of the full project, the following outputs are expected to be achieved: I. Knowledge about farmer/community decision-making regarding use and maintenance of cultivated and wild tropical fruit diversity are documented and shared; II. Methods and approaches of in situ conservation for tropical fruit species and their wild relative species are developed or adopted, tested and disseminated; III. Good practices that benefit global conservation and local communities are identified, piloted and promoted; IV. Capacity of national and local agencies and institutions, particularly farmer organizations and user groups (for wild diversity), and informal systems to conserve and use cultivated and wild fruit species diversity in natural habitats and on-farm is enhanced. III. SYNCHRONICITY WITH STRATEGIC PRIORITIES IN BIODIVERSITY The proposed project is consistent with Strategic Priorities Two and Four in Biodiversity for GEF Phase III. 50. The project aims to support mainstreaming of agrobiodiversity conservation and a sustainable use of tropical fruit genetic resources through applying a multi-disciplinary 5 Centres of Excellence in Asia, the Pacific and Oceania region use partnerships and networking to develop and implement training courses by identifying and assisting key institutions in the region to provide sustained training. 17 approach. A wide range of stakeholders, including farmers and farmer organizations, user groups, NGOs, agricultural extension workers, scientists, and local and national policy makers, will work together to achieve economic and biodiversity conservation targets simultaneously, with each reinforcing the others. 51. Further, the project will assist countries to identify, assess and test good practices and globally replicable models for conservation and sustainable use of tropical fruit genetic diversity. The project will also assess the unrealized market potential for the tropical fruit tree species and will demonstrate options for commercial use to farmers, which will contribute to alleviating poverty in rural communities. It will test the approach of enhancing conservation through use. IV. ELIGIBILITY 52. The participating countries ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the following dates: India, 18/02/94; Indonesia, 23/08/94; Malaysia, 24/06/94. Thailand has signed the CBD and is expected to ratify on 20/01/04. 53. The project implements objectives of the GEF OP#13, Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity important to agriculture: to promote the positive and mitigate the negative impacts of agricultural systems and practices on biological diversity in agroecosystems and their interface with natural ecosystems; and to promote the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of actual and potential value for food and agriculture (paragraph 1, decision III/11). In addition, the project integrates strategies described in the CBD Agricultural Biodiversity Work Programme, specifically to identify and promote “adaptive-management practices, technologies, policies and incentives” and “the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources that are of actual or potential value for food and agriculture.” 54. The national biodiversity strategic action plans of the participating countries support these objectives. India’s draft National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan recommends enhancing conservation of traditional crop varieties. The Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia promotes incentives for encouraging cultivation of local crop varieties and diversifying food and tree crops. Malaysia’s National Policy on Biodiversity calls to optimise economic benefits through sustainable use of biological diversity and to ensure long-term food security. These objectives are supported through Malaysia’s Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) and the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001 – 2005). Thailand’s National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan recommends promoting management of biodiversity in urban, rural and traditional cultural environment, improve incentives for conservation at the local level, and ensure protection and sustainable use of biodiversity. V. INCREMENTAL COSTS Baseline scenario 55. It is known that farmers choose the varieties they plant to enhance yields and reduce pest and disease losses, employing both formal and informal management and seed exchange systems. These choices and practices have been documented for a number of annual crops. Systems to manage perennial species are also in use. However, 18 documentation of these systems have not been formalized, nor has this information along with the local fruit tree genetic resources themselves been used in a systematic way to improve farmer’s livelihoods, degraded landscapes, and ecosystem and human health. In the absence of the GEF intervention, an opportunity will to codify, pilot and apply this local knowledge and good practices to conserve and sustainably use agrobiodiversity will be lost. Alternative scenario 56. It is known that farmers choose the varieties they plant to enhance yields and reduce pest and disease losses, employing both formal and informal management and seed exchange systems. These practices have been documented for a number of annual crops and, in a growing number of cases, more formalized systems are being developed and implemented. These cases include application of “good practices”, as described in this proposal. Such actions conserve genetic diversity and enhance crop sustainability year after year, and begin to counter genetic erosion that results from use of monocultures. Systems to manage perennial species, in this case tropical fruit tree species, are also in use. However, the good practices proposed here have not yet been piloted for tropical fruit species, nor has the potential for widespread application been assessed. 57. At the global level, two major benefits will result. The first is piloting of good practices that lead to conservation and sustainable use of tropical fruit tree species and varieties, and their subsequent replication with fruit tree species management throughout the tropics. The second is conservation of crop genetic diversity for a group of species rich in biological, cultural, aesthetic, ecological and economic value. GEF funding will be used to support the process of good practice systemization: identifying the sites and good practices that will be piloted for tropical fruit tree species; implementing the piloting process; documenting the results; developing and implementing mechanisms for upscaling the pilot strategies; and disseminating the information at national and global levels. 58. Local level and baseline action support is fundamental to the success of the project. The four participating countries all have a strong record of work in the proposed area and have shown commitment by funding and prioritising crop research at relevant agencies and research institutions. Commitments extend through and beyond the life of this project (for example, India’s Vision 2020 strategy). Potential co-financing for the full project begins with the second phase of the ADB project. The ADB has responded positively to the outcome of phase one, and has indicated willingness to replenish funding for the second phase. As the project proposed here nests within the framework of the ADB project, and the two projects share objectives, anticipated ADB funding will form an important cofinancing resource. Further investigation of potential sources of co-financing is underway, and will be pursued as part of the PDF-B phase. VI. LINKAGES WITH OTHER GEF and NON-GEF INTERVENTIONS 59. IPGRI operates and supports a number of national, regional and global projects in tandem with national agencies and international organizations. Several of these projects, some of which are funded by UNEP-GEF, are complementary to the project now proposed and/or will provide important inputs in the form of lessons learned and good practices. 19 60. Now completing its first phase, “Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia”, funded by the ADB (the ADB project), operates in 10 countries of Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The first phase has focused on assessment of genetic diversity and ex situ conservation responses, the first step and an important complement to the in situ work proposed here. The project is beginning the transition to its second phase, and will apply the knowledge gained from the first-phase ex situ work to practical application on-farm. There will be significant opportunities for managing aspects of both projects in tandem, sharing costs and creating effective economies of scale including identification of project sites with strong complementarity. It is anticipated that the ADB project will provide co-financing for the full GEF project. 61. Since 1995, IPGRI’s project “Strengthening the Scientific Basis of In situ Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity On-Farm” has tested and applied methodologies proposed here, in particular the “good practices” that will now be tested in the context of tropical fruit species for the first time. In Nepal, the project “Enhancing Contribution of Home Gardens to On-farm Management of Plant Genetic Resources and to Improve Livelihoods of Nepalese Farmers”, in its third and final year, is analysing the effects of ecological and social factors on the dynamics of Nepalese home gardens, and examining the dynamics behind strategies for conservation of plant genetic resources in these gardens. During the PDF-B phase of this project, lessons drawn from the Nepal project will be assessed for relevance to home gardens and fruit trees in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. In Tanzania and Uganda, IPGRI is looking at the dynamics behind farmer decisions to use or discard banana diversity, methods of information exchange amongst farmers and ways to address genetic erosion. This project contributes to knowledge of underlying principles behind farmer management of crop genetic diversity. 62. In Mali and Zimbabwe, on-farm conservation activities are directed towards mitigating the effects of drought in marginal areas through a project funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Through a combination of participatory surveys, use of GIS and morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization, the project aims to gain a better understanding of farmers’ practices and their impact on diversity. The project has also identified the major reasons that farmers maintain diversity. Findings of this project are directly applicable as “lessons learned” for the proposed project. 63. “In situ/On-farm Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticulture Crops and Wild Fruit Species) in Central Asia”, now in the planning stage and supported by a UNEP/GEF PDF-B grant, applies a similar approach to temperate fruit tree species in Central Asia. The project is the first to look at adaptive management and good practice as they apply to perennial species. The project proposed here will draw from the lessons learned as the Central Asia project progresses. The UNEP/GEF project “In Situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives Through Enhanced Information Management and Field Application”, approved by GEF Council as a full project in 2002, will develop approaches to in situ crop wild relative management with applicability to this project. 64. “In-situ Conservation of Genetic Diversity”, a five-year project initiated in Turkey in 1993 with funding from the GEF/World Bank, aimed to manage genetic diversity of forest tree species. The project established criteria to identify gene management zones and developed information systems to support project and ongoing management. The lessons learned on genetic diversity management for forest tree species is particularly valuable to 20 the project proposed here. A project that is being supported by UNDP/GEF in Vietnam (VIE/01/G35), “In situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives in Vietnam”, for which IPGRI is a mentor, also aims to conserve globally significant perennial fruit species such as litchi, longan and citrus. Project findings may be piloted in the proposed project (see http://www.undp.org.vn/undp/prog/profile/eng/vie01g35.htm). 65. “Western Terai Landscape Complex Project” (WTLCP)(NEP/02/013), supported by GEF/UNDP and in which IPGRI is a partner, includes a component to upscale good practices of agrobiodiversity management, an approach based on IPGRI-supported work in Nepal6. 66. IPGRI’s APO Cyber Plant Conservation Project builds awareness about the value of tropical fruit tree conservation. Students follow the life of a specific tree, learning about its genetic and other values and tracking its “progress” for the tree’s lifetime. Information about individual trees is recorded and shared through the Internet. Where appropriate, this project approach will be applied at community level, contributing to the information management potential and engaging as wide an audience as possible in project objectives. 67. The project “Collection, Conservation and Characterization for Fruit Crops”, funded by the government of Indonesia, lays the groundwork in Indonesia for the proposed project. 68. Projects in Malaysia managed by MARDI will provide support to and benefit from the proposed project: 1) Collection, Conservation, and Exploitation of Agrobiological Resources, funded by the Research and Development Fund; 2) On-farm conservation of tropical fruit genetic resources, funded by the International Tropical Fruit Network (TFNet); 3) Conservation and genetic diversity of pulasan (Nephelium ramboutan-ake) and kuini (Mangifera odorata) funded by the ADB project, in collaboration with IPGRI. These two fruits are rare and underexploited, and fetch higher price than the related commercial mango or pulasan. 69. The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia project “Conservation Genetics of Nephelium and Citrus”, funded by the Intensification of Research in Priority Areas (IRPA) Programme, Government of Malaysia, will draw genetic information on citrus. Finally, the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) has proposed a project to fully document and collect all wild fruit plants in Peninsular Malaysia. This project and the ADB project will support each other. Genetic and other species information are relevant to the proposed project. 6 The Nepal country component runs several IPGRI supported projects: 1) DGIS (1997-2001) and IDRC (2002-2004) funded “Strengthening scientific basis of in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity in Nepal”, 2) DGIS and IDRC funded “Genetic Resources Policy Initiative” project, 3) SDC funded home gardens project and 4) IFAD funded “Enhancing the Contribution of Nutritious but Neglected Crops to Food Security and to Incomes of the Rural Poor: Asia Component – Nutritious Millets”. 21 VII. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEVEL SUPPORT 70. A framework for cooperation on fruit tree conservation and sustainable management has been established between IPGRI and project partners in the context of the ADB project. This cooperation has led to agreement for the proposed project, which was formalized in March 2003 at the annual meeting of ADB project partners held in Chongqing, People’s Republic of China. 71. Through the ADB project, project partners have established networks of experts on genetic diversity in each of the four countries. In addition, several IPGRI National partners have formed the Asia Fruit Genetic Resources Network (AFGRN). An IPGRI – UTFANET (Underutilized Tropical Fruits in Asia Network) MOU defines mutually supportive roles with IPGRI leading activities on genetic resources, and UTFANET focusing on production, processing, economics and marketing of tropical fruits. The countries that will be involved in this work are covered through three sub-regional networks: SANPGR (South Asia Plant Genetic Resources Network); EA-PGR (East Asia PGR Network); and RECSEA-PGR (Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia for Plant Genetic Resources). 72. The national partners and IPGRI have initiated discussions about the project with several organizations in each country. Initially, discussions took place with key partners present during the 3rd Annual Project meeting of the ADB project in Chongqing, China. This was followed up with visits to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India and its key PGR and fruit crop-based research institutes: Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore; Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow; National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur; National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi; and Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi. In Malaysia, discussions have been held with the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, and Forest Research Institute of Malaysia. Further discussions are being initiated with the Agricultural Research and Development Agency in Indonesia and its research institutes. In Thailand, preliminary discussions have also been held with staff of the Forest Genetics and Genetic Engineering group under whose jurisdiction the national parks and reserves is expected to fall after the current re-organization in Thailand. 73. In addition, IPGRI is currently working with several national programmes in the 4 countries on policies that are more supportive of conservation efforts. For example, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia have identified tropical fruits as a priority component of their present agricultural development plan. Specifically, Malaysia has put a high priority in their current economic development plan on agricultural crop diversification involving the development of agroforestry systems where tropical fruits play a major role. During the PDF-B a thorough analysis of the current enabling environment (policy and institutional level) will be conducted. VIII. SUSTAINABILITY (including financial) AND REPLICATION 74. Long-term sustainability of project objectives requires that all participants are fully engaged and that partnerships and institutional linkages are solid. Building the stakeholder networks for the full project will take place primarily during the PDF-B planning phase. 22 The process will continue throughout the full project to establish permanence and to create opportunities for project replication. 75. Sustainability is considered at three levels: 1) farmers, local communities and user groups; 2) national and regional policy; 3) global agreements and objectives. Sustainability of project practices will be achieved at the farmer and user group level if these groups derive clear benefits when applying them. As the project objective for farmers and user groups is to improve yields and farmer income, this result in itself provides a motivation to continue managing their crop genetic diversity in a sustainable way. Increased incomes at farm level are shown to sustain conservation and management practices. This requires an “exit strategy” of the project intervention from the outset by involving local institutions in decision-making process. Ownership of the project in terms of strategies and approaches will ensure that local and national institutions will be taking up the needed institutional support for upscaling the successful project experiences at the national and even regional levels. 76. IPGRI has experience in bringing together diverse stakeholder groups to implement national Plant Genetic Resources activities (for example, in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam). In addition, IPGRI's experiences in Nepal and Vietnam projects, where both local and national participatory networks were built to support community-based activities, will be applied to developing stakeholder groups for this project. In this project, local groups will be formed based upon the existing roles, responsibilities and social networks. Inclusion of nodal farmers7 will be a key element, as these farmers maintain a high level of diversity on their farms and in their orchards. 77. At the national and regional levels, economic enhancements that result from implementation of project practices are an important incentive for continuing to support the training and institutional development that are integral to the project. During the life of the project, the practices will be integrated into the day-to-day business of research and policy institutes. National commitment will result if the project proves its worth not only in economic terms but also by contributing to implementation of each participating country’s obligations to the Convention on Biological Diversity. While the project is being implemented, the national partners have agreed to make efforts to integrate the proposed efforts into national activities. The staff trained during the project tenure would be available to continue such future activities. More importantly, poverty reduction is a significant issue for the four partner countries. Projects that demonstrate successful poverty reduction, along with improvement to environmental conditions and services, will attract future support. Even when national resources cannot be provided, the implementation of models developed through the proposed project could become the basis for developing proposals for soft loans and proposals for external support. On the other hand, since tropical fruits are a priority in the agricultural and economic development agenda of the collaborating countries, the continuation of the project through upscaling of successful practices can be easily integrated into the national budget for sustained implementation. 7 Nodal farmers select, maintain and exchange fruit cultivars. In this case they were identified by using criteria such as: frequency of mention of their names as source of seed in the community, their links with other individuals in obtaining genetic materials for themselves from within or outside the community, maintaining relatively high diversity, and perceived source of knowledge. (Subedi et al. 2003). 23 78. At the global level, proven practices for improving nutrition and enhancing yield and income, while concurrently conserving important genetic diversity, will motivate donors to provide support, especially in terms of replication of the practices. 79. These arguments for sustainability rely on documentation and dissemination of results. There must be clear proof that investment in these practices results in high return on investment. This will lay the groundwork for continued use of domestic resources. As the stakeholder groups will be involved from the early planning stages, they will contribute to the documentation process and development of an exit strategy. At the community level, community actions such as biodiversity fairs and rural radio will help to scale up local successes while at the institutional and national levels ways of sharing and learning good practices need to be developed. In the home garden project of Nepal, forty research farmers were identified. Each one in turn identified at least 10 fellow community farmers for horizontal scaling-up as a social responsibility within the dissemination strategy. For vertical scaling-up, a modality needs to be developed during the stakeholder workshop. 80. During the PDF-B stage, a replication and knowledge-transfer strategy, specific to the situation of each country, will be developed taking into consideration what could be shortterm practices as opposed to those that would require longer periods to implement and show results. 81. It should be taken into account, however, that evaluation of good practices for perennial species will take time given the nature of the species. Perennial species have longer gestation periods for fruiting and thus the time required for deriving benefits and demonstrating the desired impacts would take longer than it would be in the case of annual species. 82. The underlying principles that inform IPGRI’s replication approach are to: (1) implement actions that support publications and information diffusion through, local, national and international media; (2) identify among the good practices developed those that require short-term, medium-term and long term interventions; (3) provide improved extension packages the promote diversity rich solutions to agricultural development sectors based the best practices developed; (4) develop diversity demonstration fields to expose stored plant material to farmers to bridge genebanks and the farming communities links; (5) move from capacity development to capacity mobilization to mobilize trained people with the capacity to act as trainers in the area of seed systems/genetic conservation, biodiversity management and sustainable agriculture; (6) contribute to the systematization of available information on propagation material banking/storage at community, village or higher levels; (7) assist national programmes to generate the resources needed to upscale the models developed; and (8) promote legislations and policies that support, strengthen and do not constrain informal seed/propagation material systems for tropical fruit trees. IX. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 83. IPGRI will be the executing agency (EA) for the project. The proposed project will be based at its regional office for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania (IPGRI-APO), together with the IPGRI-APO coordinating office in Delhi, which is included in the APO Regional Group. IPGRI will appoint a project coordinator, directly reporting to the Regional Director of IPGRI-APO, who will supervise the implementation of the project and to coordinate 24 IPGRI staff efforts. In addition, an internationally recruited consultant will be hired to assist in the implementation and development of the full project proposal. 84. At the regional level, IPGRI has established working relationships with organizations concerned with fruit tree genetic resources in the four participating countries that have been funded by ADB. In order to implement the project with these countries, a Steering Committee (SC) will be set up with a member from each participating country and IPGRI. Each country has already identified focal points for the proposed project who will be Country Coordinators and members of the SC. The Country Coordinators will elect, by consensus, the Chair of the SC for the project duration. The SC will work with IPGRI and execute the agreed programme in consultation with the country coordinators. IPGRI will appoint a project coordinator who will be an ex-officio member of the SC. Other collaborating organizations including, for example, UTFANET/International Centre for Underutilized Crops (ICUC), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Tropical Fruits Network, Malaysia (TFNet), and The World Conservation Union (IUCN) will be invited to participate as observers using their own funds. Representatives of the regional and sub-regional genetic resources networks will also be invited to attend the SC meetings. 85. At the country level, the Coordinators will take charge of national level meetings and stakeholder consultation. The inception meeting will set priorities, discuss the work plans, and make detailed implementation arrangements, including reporting and monitoring mechanisms. Different types of stakeholders (e.g., national programmes, universities, NGOs) will be invited to participate in this meeting. Accountabilities for achievements and annual milestones for the outputs will be determined. The allocation of budgets to carry out specific activities to achieve the outputs will be decided. 86. Under the general supervision of the Regional Director of IPGRI-APO, the Project Coordinator will provide overall coordination and management of the project. He/She will serve to support and link the work of the national programmes as they carry out nationallevel planning activities. Results of national planning meetings will be shared amongst all partners, ensuring that emerging ideas and lessons are shared, and that project design is compatible from country to country while providing sufficient flexibility to adapt to local conditions. In close consultations with national programmes and IPGRI staff, the Project Coordinator will be responsible for developing the full project proposal and for managing the project budget. 87. Descriptions of each of the five agencies directly involved in the project are found in Annex II. X. DESCRIPTION OF PDF B ACTIVITIES . 88. Activities for the PDF-B planning phase of the project are grouped into three categories: project planning and management structure; technical components, and full project design. 89. Establish the planning and management structure. This grouping comprises both global and national level planning and management activities. The project SC will coordinate 25 project development, ensuring coordination and compatibility between national-level activities. The projects will be implemented in each country though the Departments of Agriculture in each partner country. The national Steering Committees will be established and key representatives from Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Planning and other relevant government ministries will be members of SCs to oversee the implementation of the project. The national planning processes will support adaptation of the project design to national needs and conditions, and will build representative stakeholder groups. PDF-B planning and management activities include: 90. Activity 1: Establish Project Steering Committee (SC), Collaboration, Coordination and Management. The project SC will provide oversight and coordination of the project. It will include representation from each of the national and international partners and UNEP, and will meet twice during the PDF-B phase. The first meeting will take place early in the project year to bring all national and other partners together, develop a project logical framework, plan for comprehensive coverage of stakeholder groups and project expertise and agree on procedures for completing the planning phase. In conjunction with this first meeting, a technical workshop will be held to identify methodologies and good practices relevant to this project (see Activity 3) and endorse site selection criteria (see Activity 4). The second SC meeting will take place later in the project year. It will focus on ensuring that the national planning processes are in harmony with the full project and review the full project design. The PDF-B Project Coordinator will lead the project development and design process consistent with Terms of Reference developed by IPGRI and UNEP/GEF. The project coordinator will be responsible for project planning and management structure; technical components, and full project design as described in the description of PDF-B activities. She/he will be assisted by an internationally recruited consultant to coordinate and implement PDF-B activities with inputs from the international SC, facilitate communication and linkages at regional and national levels in order to provide successful and participatory development of full project proposal and reporting to UNEP/GEF. During the PDF-B, the involvement and collaboration with the private sector also will be defined and agreed, noting that market development will be only one of a portfolio of options of diversity rich practices that improve farmer’s livelihoods, and are relevant in the context of commercialization of certain fruit species. The private sector will be involved, as they will need to be convinced that there is a market for diversity and not just for single types. 91. Activity 2: Initiate national planning processes. Each national partner will coordinate an in-country process that brings together farmer organizations, local communities, NGOs, user groups, agricultural extension programmes, scientific institutes, and government ministries. Key stakeholders will be identified using participatory institutional network analysis. Expertise in botany, horticulture, forestry, agro-ecology, participatory management and agricultural extension activities, and marketing will be included. All project partners have extensive experience in developing networks of diverse stakeholders, as demonstrated by those built in the context of the ADB project. The partner in India organized communities for the conservation of a citrus species in a ‘gene sanctuary’ in the Garo Hills of Nagaland. The Indonesian partner worked with mangosteen farmers to develop home-based processed mangosteen products. Closely working with growers and home garden owners, the Malaysian partner studied the impact of supply and demand for fruits like local mango and rambutan and also has enumerated useful fruit species in Malaysian forests, working closely with forest dwellers and those that live on forest fringes. 26 92. To enhance the sustainability of the project and achieve the ownership of the project by different stakeholders, participatory approaches such as Rapid Rural Appraisal, Participatory Ranking and Participatory Project Planning will be used in the project to involve multiple stakeholder groups. Through this approach, the upscaling process during the later stages will also be enhanced to achieve greater impact at the national and regional levels. 93. It is anticipated that each national partner will hold two planning meetings. The first meeting will concentrate on three aspects of project development: I. Carry out a systematic institutional analysis to identify key stakeholders, their interests and capacity and build the stakeholder network (review representation, identify gaps and how to fill them); II. Develop a detailed plan for technical components (build background information on existing knowledge, methodologies and good practices, and define the site selection process and methods) This will also include discussions on baseline indicators to be used for monitoring and evaluation of the project and the system by which this can be installed and made operational on a more sustainable basis. At the local level, this system will consider participatory monitoring and evaluation where the farmers themselves participate in deciding the parameters to be used and where the local level governance system can be a part of the whole monitoring and evaluation system. III. Carry out a market analysis for the selected fruits and options to enhance the value of sustainable produced fruits, based on contacts with both public and private sector institutions and analyze of their future involvement during full project period. IV. Create a national-level logical framework. 94. The second national meeting will focus on the full project implementation strategy, including identification of capacity and human resource needs. This second meeting should take place prior to the second SC meeting to ensure that the national planning process is fully incorporated into the project implementation strategy and full proposal. 95. Address Technical Components. There are two aspects to technical planning during the PDF-B phase. The first is to ensure that existing experience and knowledge are considered in project planning and development. The second focuses more specifically on the technical criteria and selection process and methods for project sites. 96. Activity 3: Compile existing background information. At the global level, a review of existing knowledge, primarily through bibliographic review, methodologies for conservation of tropical fruit species, and good practices will be carried out. Review of methodologies and good practices will begin with a workshop held during the first SC meeting. Reviews at the national level will focus on existing knowledge amongst farmers and local communities, results of locally based past and existing projects and bibliographic review of local literature. Compilation and analysis of the full suite of resulting information will serve as a basis for designing the implementation strategy and full proposal. This analysis should include a problem tree analysis where cause and effect relationship are provided so that interventions are identified based on the cause of the problem instead of 27 the impact. The results will be presented at the second SC meeting to provide all project partners with a comprehensive view of the information gathered. 97. Activity 4: Refine criteria for project site selection. During the PDF-B phase, site selection criteria will be refined and candidate sites selected in each of the four countries using applicable Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools. Initial use and value surveys will be completed during the PDF-B phase; general criteria for site selection established at the beginning of the PDF-B phase will be refined using the information gathered during the conduct of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and specifically designed surveys. Final determination of project sites will be made at the beginning of the full project. During the PDF-B phase, a workshop will be held (in conjunction with the first SC meeting) to review the following potential site selection criteria and how they will be applied to the site selection process: I. Environment – magnitude of diversity, agroecological variables; II. Crop – intraspecific diversity, local adaptation, main component of the system at the site; III. Farmers and communities – farmer knowledge of tropical fruit management and cultivars, socio-culture and diversity, livelihoods diversity, market opportunities, location of protected areas; IV. Partners – community cooperation, conservation interventions, institutional capacity, on-site expertise on tropical fruit management; V. Logistics – year-round access, resource availability, availability of experimental stations; VI. Existing markets – outlets and accessibility. 98. At the national level, preliminary analysis of information gathered on genepools within the ADB project will be undertaken. These will be reviewed during the national planning meetings. GIS tools such as DIVA and Floramap, using the combined criteria that will locate biodiversity and socio-economic parameters to enhance utilization of tropical fruits, will be used to locate potential sites for the project. Training will then be conducted with national partners to enable them to use this tool in locating potential sites for the project. The same method can be used to upscale the project at the national level if this will prove to be applicable. Full project design. PDF-B project design activities include: 99. Activity 5: Agree to implementation, monitoring and evaluation and replication strategies. Based on technical component activity results, the full project design will be drafted by the project coordinator in consultation with SC members (email and phone), and an advanced draft discussed at the second SC meeting. The implementation strategy will clarify capacity needs for project implementation (staff and consultants, scientific, training and administrative), the timeline for carrying out the project, and methods for partner cooperation and management. 100. The Monitoring and Evaluation plan for the full project including agreement on indicators to be measured for baseline establishment will be designed during PDF B phase. Some of the baseline data at all hierarchical levels will be obtained during site selection 28 process. This baseline data will consist of both secondary as well as primary data. At the country and provincial levels, this will rely on secondary baseline data and primary data will be obtained only at the pilot community level. Operational costs and sustainability of the Monitoring and Evaluation System will be considered and the project will attempt to link this with existing systems especially with those of the local governments and through a participatory process at the community level. 101. Activity 6: Define information and communications strategy. This activity will identify key elements for information and communications strategies at global and national levels, including internal (project participants) and external (project target audiences) components. The need for information management will be assessed globally and locally, and in consideration of the variety of information types that will be gathered and managed (e.g., bibliographic references and local crop variety information). 102. Activity 7: Develop full GEF project proposal, including co-financing sources. The implementation, information and communication strategies will be the core of the full proposal, and will include a monitoring and evaluation component based on the logical framework. The co-financing process will comprise two aspects. First, in-kind and cash contributions from the partners will be assessed. Second, potential external donors will be identified and contacted to determine feasibility of funding support and, where appropriate, the application process will be initiated. The SC will have oversight responsibility for proposal development and co-financing activities . XI. PDF BLOCK B OUTPUTS 103. Outputs for the PDF-B phase include: o Management structure for full project (project and national levels): The global SC and national planning teams will be established and functioning; o Bibliography of background information: Activity 3 will produce an extensive bibliography of literature related to all project activities; o Assessment of applicable methodologies and good practices: Compilation and analysis of methodologies and good practices as they relate to this project will be documented and integrated into the implementation strategy. The analysis will include assessment of relevance of potential effectiveness of each methodology and good practice for this project, with careful consideration of local conditions; o Annotated lists of: o Stakeholders at all levels, with roles defined for each; o Site selection criteria, analysis and potential project sites; o Co-financing sources for the full project. o Implementation, information and communications strategies: These will document results of information gathering, stakeholder views and analyses as they influenced the final project design; o Full GEF project proposal. 29 XII. RESPONSE TO REVIEWS In addition to comments that have been sent in response to GEFSEC and WB Reviews, please note the following changed paragraphs: Cover page. Slight increase in PDF B budget to support national planning activities added in response to GEFSEC review suggestions. Endorsements. Attached, Thailand letter is expected. Para 7. Common threats. Para 21, 22. Information on existing regional initiatives and added value of regional approach. Para 45. Benefit sharing. Para 55, 93, and 96. Baseline scenario Para 16, 26, 39, 90, 93. Marketing issues. Para 73, Annex 4. National planning and policy frameworks. Para 80-82. Sustainability, replication strategies, and knowledge transfer. Para 89, 90, 93. National government participation, private sector engagement and stakeholder analysis, and additional national activities for analysis of enabling environment. Para 93, 100, 102. Monitoring and evaluation. Annex 3. List of Related Projects by Country. Annex 4. Country NBSAPs, Planning Documents and Projects Relevant to Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity and the Focus of the Proposed Project. Annex 5. Project Linkage with UNEP’s Programme of Work and UNEP’s mandate in GEF. 30 XII. ITEMS TO BE FINANCED BY THE PDF-B ACTIVITIES COSTS TABLE - FRAMEWORK BUDGET BY ACTIVITY Activities Government contributions (US$) GEF (US$) Activity1: SC Formation/ Collaboration, Coordination and Management Activity 2: National planning Other co-funders (US$) TOTAL (US$) 30,000 10,000 25,000 65,000 141,000 90,000 85,000 316,000 Activity 3: Background information Activity 4: Site selection criteria and GIS training Activity 5: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategy Activity 6: Information and communications strategy 40,000 20,000 15,000 75,000 40,000 25,000 45,000 110,000 22,500 10,000 27,000 59,500 22,500 7,500 10,000 40,000 Activity 7: Proposal and cofinancing 30,000 7,500 18,000 55,500 $ 326,000 $ 170,000 $ 225,000 $ 721,000 TOTAL COSTS PRELIMINARY DRAFT WORKPLAN AND TIMETABLE Calendar Year Activities 2004 Activity 1: SC Formation/ Collaboration, Coordination and Management Activity 2: National team meetings Activity 3: Background information Activity 4: Project sites Selection and Training Activity 5: Implementation, monitoring & evaluation strategy Jun XX July XX Aug XX Sept XX Oct XX Nov XX Dec XX Jan XX Feb XX XX XX XX XX XX Mar XX Apr XX May XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 31 XX Activity 6: Information and communication strategy Activity 7: Full project and cofinancing XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX REFERENCES Baker, H.G. and I. 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Tropical Fruits UNEP/GEF PDF-B Project Values of Project Fruits CITRUS Nutritional value: Citrus contains organic acids, amino acids, ascorbic acid and minerals, and small quantities of flavonoids, carotenoids, volatiles and lipids. Citrus fruits are low in protein and fats but are a good source of pectin and roughage. Ascorbic acid, folic acid, potassium and Vitamin B are known to be an important part of a balanced diet. Nutrient composition per 100 gm edible portion (Pareek et al. 1998) Fruit Water Calories Protein (g) (Kcal) (g) Citrus 83-89 aurantium L. C. grandis 84-91 (L.) Osbeck C. medica L. 87.1 37-66 0.6-1.0 Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) 0.1 9.7-15.2 Fibre Calcium Phos(g) (mg) phorus (mg) 0.4 18-50 12 25-58 0.5-0.74 0.20-0.56 6.3-12.4 0.3-0.82 - 0.08 0.04 - 1.1 21.30 36.5 Iron Vitamin Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin (mg) A e (mg) (mg) (mg) (IU) 0.2 200 0.1 0.4 0.3 20-27 0.3-0.5 16.0 0.55 Ascorbic Waste Acid (%) (mg) 45-90 - 20-49 0.04-0.07 0.02 0.3-0.4 30-44 - 15 0.052 0.029 0.125 368 - Medicinal value: Citrus maxima (Pumello) rind is effective for dyspepsia, colic and cough, and its seed envelopes contain pectin, which is a haemostatic. The seeds, stripped of their envelope and charred, are applied externally for impetigo. The fresh leaves of C. maxima, in combination with leaves from other aromatic plants, are used to treat coryza, influenza and headache. Heated young leaves are effective for treating bruises (Prajapati et al, 2003). C. limon (Lemon) fruits are useful in dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, constipation, anorexia, helminthiasis, scabies, fatigue, halitosis, vomiting, trembling of the limbs, hemicrania, cough, bronchitis and heartburn (Prajapati et al. 2003). C. medica (Buddha’s finger) are useful in pharyngodynia, cough, asthma, hiccough, hyperdipsia, otalgia, anorexia, vomiting, hepatopathy, flatulence, haemorrhoids, haemoptysis, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, dysentery, leprosy and skin diseases. The seeds are stimulant, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue and tonic, and treat inflammations, skin diseases, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and haemorrhoids. The leaves are anodyne (Prajapati et al. 2003). The juice of C. aurantium L., mixed with coconut or castor oil, is used as a laxative. The new leaves are used to treat abdominal pain. The bark of leaves are boiled and taken to treat urinary tract infections. (Prajapati et al. 2003) Other uses: The pulp or the macerated leaves of citrus are used for washing hair in Guam, Samoa and Fiji (Walter and Chanel, 2002). C. nobilis (Mandarin orange) symbolizes good luck for the Chinese community and it is usually given as a gift in the lunar New Year. C. maxima (Pumello) is used as a salad vegetable in Asia and is eaten by dipping it in chilli-hot sauce (Inglis 1996). Citrus limon (Lemon) makes a nutritious fruit juice (Chin and Yong 1980). C. limon oil is also employed in perfumes, toilet waters, eau de cologne and soaps. The oil is also used to prepare terpeneless oil and ‘concentrated oils’ which are more stable on storage and have a better solubility in dilute alcohol (Shiva et al. 2002). C. hystrix (Wild lime) is used to flavour Asian foods. Citrus medica is used for fruit arrangements (Chin and Yong 1980). C. microcarpa gives the sour taste for “sambal” and various noodles (Aman 1999). Citrus aurantifolia is used for flavouring soft drinks, especially cola and lemon-lime types, ice-cream, candy, baked goods, gelatines, puddings, chewing gum and condiments. Market value: The potential to broaden and improve citrus germplasm and to increase production and income in Asian countries is significant. Most Citrus breeding programmes, separated for scions and rootstocks, occur outside of Asia. The diversity within primary genepools in Asia (Citrus genus) has great potential to improve the various fruit quality traits (rich colour, higher total soluble solids and seedlessness), to diversify maturing for expanding the marketing season, and to improve the fruit structure and storability to expand the distribution potential. Production figures for citrus are as follows (figures in metric tons): India: Indonesia: Malaysia: Thailand 4,580,000 (2002)* 411,000 (2002)* 27,391 (2002)* 1,081,800 (2002) * 36 MANGO Nutritional value: Mangoes are rich in vitamin A and C and have been demonstrated to have a better food value than apples (Chin and Yong 1980). Mangoes are an important component of the diet in many less developed countries in the subtropics and tropics. In regions of the world that have low living standards and serious nutritional deficiencies, their attractiveness and flavour have also enhanced the quality of life. No part of the fruit is wasted. Even the seed is used for extraction of starch ‘amchur’ and the peels (skin) have been used as a source of anacardic acid (Mukherjee 1997). Nutrient composition per 100 gm edible portion (Pareek et al. 1998) Fruit Mangifera indica Mangifera caesia Jack Mangifera foetida Lour. Mangifera odorata Griff. Water Calories Protein Fat Carbo- Fibre Calcium Phosphorus Iron Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Waste (g) (Kcal) (g) (g) hydrates (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) A (mg) (mg) (mg) Acid (mg) (%) (g) (IU) 81.71 65 0.51 0.27 17.00 1.8 10 11 0.13 3894 0.058 0.057 0.058 27.7 NA 86.5 47.8 1.0 72.5 - 1.4 80.0 69.3 0.9 0.2 11.9 (inc.fibre) 25.4 0.1 18.5 (inc.fibre) - - - - 8.3 0.08 - - 58 - - 21 15 - 363 0.03 - - 56 - - - - - 600 0.04 0.06 0.7 13 - Medicinal value: Mango is known to have a number of medicinal properties: antiviral; antiparasitic; antiseptic; antitussive; antiasthmatic; ascaricide; expectorant; cardiotonic; contraceptive; hypotensive; laxative; parasiticide; stomachic; and vermifuge. When the mango fruit is detached from its stem, a thin fluid 'Am ki Chep' exudes from it. Mango "chep" is popularly regarded as a cure for scabies and other cutaneous infections. Recent investigations of mango "chep" have led to the isolation of alkylgallates, amino acids, sugars, biflavones, and saponins (Khan et al. 1993). In Suriname's traditional medicine, an infusion of the leaves or bark guards against hypertension and promotes blood circulation. A drink made from boiled unripe mango with salt is a remedy for heat stroke. Mango juice is restorative tonic. Mango bark, dried leaf powder and stones are used for medicinal purposes. Other uses: Mango is a popular dessert fruit; the fruits are eaten in salads or with savoury or chilli-hot dips. Unripe mangoes are used to make various pickles and chutney. In Thailand and Philippines, the mango slices are served with sweet sticky rice mixed with coconut cream. Mangoes are the base of ice creams, yoghurts and soufflés (Inglis 1996). Young mangoes, which are sour, can be substituted for tamarind in cooking (Aman 1999). The fruit leather and frozen pulp is used as flavouring for baked goods, ice cream, and yoghurt. 37 Market potential: Mango is recognized by fruit qualities and in some cases on the adaptation to specific growing conditions. Prospects for wider uses and improvement of mango are excellent. Action is needed to locate the most useful variation in the genepool, to collect and evaluate it efficiently, and subsequently to exploit the most useful diversity both directly under cultivation as well as through hybridization. In the context of the ADB project, work on collection and characterization has been completed. Production figures for mango are as follows: India: Indonesia: Malaysia: Thailand 11,400,000 (2002)* 44,229 (2002)* 19,570 (2002)* 1,700,000 (2002)* 38 MANGOSTEEN Nutritional value: Mangosteen contains high contents of carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus. Nutrient composition per 100 gm edible portion (Pareek et al. 1998) Fruit Garcinia mangostana L. Water (g) Calorie Protein Fat Carbo- Fibre Calcium Phosphorus Iron Vitamin Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Waste s (g) (g) hydrates (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) A (mg) (mg) (mg) Acid (%) (Kcal) (g) (IU) (mg) 80.2-85.0 60-63 0.5-0.6 0.1-0.6 14.3-19.8 0.3-5.1 0.01-11 0.02-17.0 0.20-0.90 14 0.03 1.0-66 70 Medicinal value: Mangosteen is used in folk medicine. The bark and skin of the tree treats diarrhoea and in Indonesia it is used to control high fever (Inglis 1996). The dried fruit rind, which contains tannin and xanthones, is used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrhoea medicine and for treatment of dysentery. Other uses: Mangosteen is known as the ‘Queen of the tropical fruits”. Its aril is consumed as a dessert fruit. In Tanna, the men eat Garcinia pseudoguttifera Seemann while they are out hunting (Walter and Chanel, 2002). The flesh is consumed fresh or made into juice or jam. The fruit of G. atroviridis is dried and used to spice dishes while the young leaves are eaten fresh. Fruits of G. schomburgkiana are used to make preserves. Gum resin of G. hanburyii is a potent purgative and for colouring. Young shoots and the mature fruit of G. xanthochymus are eaten as vegetables and edible fruits (Yapwattanaphun et al. 2002). Market potential: Although mangosteen is apomictic, variations in the fruit quality have been observed. Therefore evaluation and selection for superior fruit quality is of utmost importance, including selection for shorter juvenility traits. Production figures for mangosteen are as follows: India: Indonesia: Malaysia: Thailand Unknown Unknown 17,400 tons (2001) 177,000 (2000)*** 39 RAMBUTAN Nutritional value: Rambutan is rich in carbohydrates, fibres, calcium and phosphorus. Nutrient composition per 100 gm edible portion. (Pareek et al. 1998) Fruit Water Calories Protein (g) (Kcal) (g) Nephelium 82-82.9 lappaceum L. Nephelium 84.5-90.8 mutabile Blume Fat (g) 63-64 0.46-0.9 0.1 - 0.82 0.55 Carbo- Fibre Calcium Phosphorus Iron Vitamin Thiami Riboflavin Niacin Ascorbic Waste hydrat (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) A ne (mg) (mg) (mg) Acid (%) es (IU) (mg) (g) 14-16 0.24-1.1 10.6-20 12.9 1.9-3.0 4 20.45-31 61 12.86 0.14 0.01-0.05 - 0.02 - - - - - - Medicinal value: Rambutan roots are used to treat fever. The fruits treat digestive problems and the leaves are made into poultices to treat headache (Leakey and Newton 1994). The Malays use the roots to treating fever, the leaves for poultice and the bark as an astringent for tongue diseases. Other uses: Rambutan fruits are depulped, canned and marketed as processed fruit (Pareek et al 1998). Fruits with sour sarcotesta are used for making jam. These sour fruits can also be pickled. The seeds can produce oil suitable for manufacture of soap and candles (Georgi 1922). Seeds of pulasan contain 29% fat which can make sweet smell edible oil (Georgi 1922). Seeds can be boiled or roasted for the preparation of a drink like cacao (Burkhill 1966). Market potential: Collection of rambutan for characters such as precocity, dwarfness, resistance to diseases, and adaptation to harsh environments are high priorities. Exploration of post harvest technologies to improve fruit storage and fruit quality is also needed. Production figures for rambutan are as follows: India: Unknown Indonesia: 273,000 (1992)** Malaysia: 40,100 (2001) Thailand 673,700 (2000)*** * Source : http://apps.fao.org **Source: http://www.marketag.com 40 ***Source : DOAE Website 41 Annex 1 References: Aman R. 1999. Buah-buahan Malaysia. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Malaysia. Burkhill, I.H. 1966. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur. Min. Agric. Cooperative. Chin H F and H S Yong. 1980. Malaysian Fruits in Colour. Tropical Press, Kuala Lumpur. Georgi. 1922. Malay Agriculture Journal 10: 227 Inglis, Kim. 1996. Tropical Fruits of Malaysia and Singapore. Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., Singapore. Khan M.N., et al. 1993. New saponins from Mangifera indica. Journal of Natural Products. Leakey, R.R.B. and A.C. Newton, Eds. 1994. Domestication of Tropical Trees for Timber and Non-timber Products. MAB Digest 17, UNESCO, Paris. Mukherjee S.K. 1997. Introduction: Botany and Importance. Pp. 1-20 In: The MangoBotany, Production and Uses. (R.E. Litz, ed.). CAB International, UK. Pareek O.P., Suneel Sharma and R.K. Arora. (1998) Underutilized Edible Fruits and Nuts: An Inventory of Genetic Resources in Their Regions of Diversity. IPGRI Office for South Asia, New Delhi, India. Pgs 191-206 Prajapati N.D., S.S. Purohit, A.K. Sharma and T. Kumar. 2003. A Handbook of Medicinal Plants. Agrobios (India), India. Shiva M.P., A. Lehri and A. Shiva. 2002. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants. International Book Distributors, India. Walter, A. and S. Chanel. 2002. Fruits of Oceania. ACIAR Monograph No 85. Canberra. Yapwattanaphun, C., S. Subhadrabandhu, A. Suguira, K. Yonemori and N. Utsunomiya. 2002. Utilization of some Garcinia species in Thailand. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 575:563570. Annex 2. Brief descriptions of institutions involved International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Italy IPGRI, a Centre of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), is mandated to manage, conserve and use plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. It has provided global leadership on plant genetic resources for more than two decades. IPGRI has helped to organize and manage a number of crop networks to ensure better conservation and wider use of under-exploited germplasm, provide support to crop improvement programmes, and strengthen links among and between developed and developing countries. IPGRI has established working relationships with organizations concerned with fruit tree genetic resources in the ten countries participating in the ADB project. It has proven its ability to successfully implement ADB technical assistance grants to the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) for Asia-Pacific from its regional office for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania (APO) based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Through its research, IPGRI has contributed to a better understanding of genetic diversity and to major advances in conservation strategies and methods. Many underutilized crops that are of local importance in the region show very great diversity at the species and genetic level. The same is true for tropical fruit species. Studies indicate that the conservation and use of crop genetic resources can pay significant dividends. It is only through conservation and use of such resources that we can guarantee the continued availability of the genetic material that is essential to ensure future advances in plant breeding. Thus, conservation and use of plant genetic resources is a major concern of humankind and IPGRI is assisting countries in the region to better assess and manage their own genetic resources through improved methods of conservation and use and benefit from them. India: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), KABII, New Delhi ICAR acts as a repository of information and provides consultancy on agriculture, horticulture, resource management, animal sciences, agricultural engineering, fisheries, agricultural extension, agricultural education, home science and agricultural communication. The mandate of ICAR is: 1. to plan, undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate education, research and its applications in agriculture, agroforestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, home science and allied sciences 2. to act as a clearing house of research and general information relating to agriculture, animal husbandry, home science and allied sciences and fisheries through its publications and information system, and instituting and promoting transfer of technology programmes 3. to provide, undertake and promote consultancy services in the fields of education, research, training and dissemination of information in agriculture, agroforestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, home science and allied sciences 4. to look into the problems relating to broader areas of rural development concerning agriculture, including post-harvest technology by developing co-operative programmes with other organizations. ICAR co-ordinates agricultural research and development programmes and linkages at national and international level with related organisations to enhance the quality of life of the farming community. ICAR has established various research institutes/centres in order to meet the agricultural research and education needs of the country. It is actively pursuing human resource development in the field of agricultural sciences by setting up numerous agricultural 43 universities spanning the entire country. Eight national research institutes/research centres and four India coordinated projects deal with research, development and testing exclusively of fruit crop species. ICAR was also an active participant in the ADB project. Indonesia: Research Institute for Fruits (IFRURI), Solok, West Sumatra The Indonesian Fruit Research Institute is one of the institutes under the Central Research Institute for Horticulture under the overall umbrella of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (AARD). The institute was established in 1985 has the major mandate for the research and development programmes on fruit crops in Indonesia. The major research areas include: 1. plant breeding and germplasm, 2. ecophysiology, 3. pests and diseases, 4. post-harvest physiology. The division of fruit plant germplasm conservation is responsible for exploration, identification as well as collection activities for the purpose of conservation. Activities in the laboratory, such as tissue culture and seed preservation have been undertaken, as well as fruit germplasm collection. This will enable identification of new plant materials (superior cultivars) and well as for conventional breeding from parent stocks in the germplasm collection. The institute has 140 staff (70 researchers, 30 technicians and 40 administrative staff) and has three experimental sites, 1. Sumani Experimental Farm at Solok, West Sumatra, 2. Aripan Experimental Farm, Solok and 3. Brastagi Experimental Farm in North Sumatra. The major fruit crops dealt with are mango, rambutan, mangosteen, banana, papaya, melon, pineapple, salacca, loquat, passion fruit and avocado. IFRURI was also one of the institutes involved in the ADB project where work was done on rambutan and mangosteen. Malaysia: Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Kuala Lumpur MARDI is a statutory body and undertakes research and development (R&D) in food and tropical agriculture. Research and development efforts for over more than two decades have contributed to the development of new crop varieties/clones. MARDI conducts scientific, technical, economic and sociological research, with respect to the production, utilisation and processing of all crops (except rubber and oil palm) and livestock. Horticultural crops include fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants and flowers. Fruits and vegetables are important dietary supplements. Research on strategy development, the environment and natural resources is focused on strategic and frontier science and technology aimed at generating new leads that would enhance the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of the local agro-industry. MARDI serves as a centre for the collection and dissemination of information and advice on scientific, technical and economic matters concerning the agricultural industry, including the publication of reports, periodicals and relevant professional journals and papers. It maintains liaison with other organisations, both public and private, indigenous and foreign. Collaboration of MARDI with IPGRI on various plant genetic resources-related activities has been going on for a long time. The most recent such project was the ADB project. Thailand: Department of Agriculture (DOA), Chatuchak, Bangkok The Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative is responsible for crop research and development studies, sericulture, farm mechanization, transfer of technology to government agencies, private sector, the general public and farmers. It also provides training and analytical services on production inputs. DOA also provides consultation services on production and product development. The six major roles of the DOA are 1. research and development, 2. seed and silkworm multiplication, 3. service, 4. 44 legal affairs, 5. technology transfer, 6. consultation services. The DOA has set priorities responding to the policies formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, which visualizes that future directions of agricultural development will be emphasized on the restructuring of agricultural system which includes efficient management of natural and human resources. The Horticulture Research Institute of DOA has been actively involved in the ADB project on conservation of TFT as well as an on-going ACIAR-funded project on developing new technologies for conservation of tropical fruit species. This is because the DOA recognizes the need for a regional cooperation as valuable to the exchange of technologies, knowledge, and foster goodwill among other agricultural institutions worldwide. 45 Annex 3 List of Related Projects by Country Related and complementary initiatives operating within the four participating countries are extensive. Determining how they might be linked to the project will be explored during the PDF B phase. Initiatives identified to date: India: Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia, ADB. Germplasm management and improvement of mango, funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ICAR. Germplasm management and improvement of guava funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ICAR National Agriculture Technology Project on conservation of agro-biodiversity – mango, guava, World bank National Agriculture Technology Project on collection, evaluation and maintenance of citrus germplasm, World Bank DNA Finger printing and characterization of mango cultivars and development of STMS markers in mango, ICAR Sustainable management of fruit and medicinal plant genetic resources, ICAR Morphological characterization of guava, mango and sapota, ICAR Collection and maintenance of exotic and less known indigenous fruit crops, ICAR Collection, evaluation and improvement of minor fruits at Crop and Horticulture Experiment Station, Chetthalli, ICAR Collection, evaluation, identification and multiplication of varieties/ hybrids/ genotypes of fruit crops at CHES, Bhubaneshwar, ICAR Indonesia: Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia, ADB. Collection, Conservation and Characterization for Fruit Crops, Indonesian Government Collaboration among institutions for development of citrus health integrated orchard management in 4 Provinces such as in North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Center of Java and South Sulawesi. Exploration of Banana in Halmahera islands, Maluku province, INIBAP International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP) Phase II (2000-2002), INIBAP Exploration of Banana in Papua islands, Irian Jaya province, INIBAP International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP) Phase III (2002-2005), INIBAP. Banana for production and pests and diseases resistant test, Phase III (20022005), INIBAP. Malaysia: Conservation Genetics of Nephelium and Citrus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia/IRPA Wild Fruit Plants in Peninsular Malaysia, FRIM (2002 – 2007) Collection, Conservation, and Exploitation of Agrobiological Resources, MARDI 46 On-farm conservation of tropical fruit genetic resources, International Tropical Fruit Network, TFNet Conservation and genetic diversity of pulasan (Nephelium ramboutan-ake) and kuini (Mangifera odorata), MARDI IPGRI’s APO Cyber Plant Conservation Project, ENSEARCH Development of advanced technologies for germplasm conservation of tropical fruit species, ACIAR. (2003 – 2005) Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia, ADB. Thailand: Development of advanced technologies for germplasm conservation of tropical fruit species, ACIAR. (2003 – 2005) Sustainable Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources in Asia, ADB Relevant GEF projects outside the participating countries: In Nepal, the project “Enhancing Contribution of Home Gardens to On-farm Management of Plant Genetic Resources and to Improve Livelihoods of Nepalese Farmers”, (Nepal), GEF/UNDP In situ/On-farm Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity (Horticulture Crops and Wild Fruit Species) Central Asia”, (Central Asia), UNEP/GEF In Situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives Through Enhanced Information Management and Field Application, UNEP/GEF In-situ Conservation of Genetic Diversity (Turkey), GEF/World Bank In situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives in Vietnam (Vietnam), UNDP/GEF Western Terai Landscape Complex Project (Nepal), GEF/UNDP 47 Annex 4. Country NBSAPs, Planning Documents and Projects Relevant to Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity and the Focus of the Proposed Project India National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan It is now in draft form and considers the importance of home gardens, participatory approaches, and use of traditional knowledge to in situ conservation of crop species. In India, collecting and conserving mango genetic resources focuses primarily on quality of fruits and, to date, more than 1000 accessions with different horticultural traits have been collected and conserved at different locations in field genebanks. The crop-based institutes on mango and citrus have the mandate to address biodiversity conservation issues, and the Vision 2020 document of these institutions focuses the work to be done in this area. [The Indian Council of Agricultural Research-(ICAR) institutes involved in this exercise are the Central Institute for Subtropical Fruits, Lucknow; the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore; and the National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur] The national symposium “Plant Genetic Resources Management: Advances and Challenges” recommended that national clonal repositories be established for horticultural crops. India’s Vision 2020 strategy Limited scope for horizontal expansion and need for increased crop intensity and productivity dictate sustainability of agricultural production through judicious exploitation of available agrobiodiversity. Hence germplasm collection, conservation, optimum utilization, and germplasm enhancement have to receive greater attention. Globalization and commercialization of economy may hasten process of monocropping and spread of improved varieties of a few major food and cash crops, resulting in the replacement of the traditional indigenous germplasm. This may lead to faster erosion of biodiversity and loss of traditional knowledge. Therefore, a national action plan in a mission-mode approach is required to collect, evaluate, characterize, conserve and utilize plant genetic resources of indigenous and exotic origins. The efforts would also help in conservation of biodiversity, bioprospecting of wild species and valuable germplasm for bio-modules, and genes for commercialization. DNA fingerprinting is needed to establish ownership of indigenous materials, and IPR issues will have to receive priority. PVP Act A Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Protection (PVP) Authority will be established which will undertake registration of extant and new plant varieties through the Plant Varieties Registry on the basis of varietal characteristics. Registration of all plant genera or species as notified by the Authority will be done in a phased manner. The PVP Authority will develop characterisation and documentation of plant varieties registered under the PVP Act and cataloguing facilities for all varieties of plants. The rights of farmers to save, use, exchange, share or sell farm produce of all varieties will be protected, with the proviso that farmers shall not be entitled to sell branded seed of a protected variety under the brand name. 48 National Gene Fund A National Gene Fund will be established for implementation of the benefit sharing arrangement, and payment of compensation to village communities for their contribution to the development and conservation of plant genetic resources and also to promote conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources. Suitable systems will be worked out to identify the contributions from traditional knowledge and heritage. Indonesia National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Promotes incentives “to farmers to conserve and cultivate local varieties of food crops” and “to encourage diversification of food and tree crops appropriate to local soil conditions” This strategy on national bio diversity is implemented from Plant Variety Protection law, that the utilization and development of fruit superior varieties have been protecting by law that be based on agribusiness Collection, Conservation and Characterization for Fruit Crops This project is funded by the government of Indonesia and lays the groundwork for the proposed project. These project activities have been applied on fruits priority commodities such as banana, mangosteen, mango, citrus, zalacca, papaya and rambutan. Exploration on banana was priority to got wild species that shown character resistant or tolerant to Fusarium wilt disease. Exploration also was done on Zalacca to collect and evaluate genetic resources in indigenous plant and superior local cultivated varieties. On papaya exploration was focused on collection, evaluation for breeding programme to get materials that has good performance and productivity. So that, in 2002 was released 2 varieties of papayas that has specific character as short time on fruit initiation namely Sarirona and Sarigading papaya c.v. IFRURI breeding programme activities There is an activity to cover germplasm on fruits and conservation, also responsible to the utilization of fruit genetic resources. It had been running since 1997, especially on germplasm collection management. Within 5 years, IFRURI has released several important fruit superior varieties, such as 7 superior varieties of citrus, 2 lanciums (duku, Ind.), 2 avocados, 5 mangos, 2 mangosteens, 5 rambutans, and 2 bananas. This cultivated fruits material is a reflection of the germplasm or fruit genetic resources utilization, rehabilitation and implementation of IFRURI breeding programme National Commission on Plant Genetic Resources Department of Agriculture developed some rules to protect genetic resources: 1).No 12/1994 about Plant Cultivation; 2)No 16/1996 about Biodiversity Protection; 3).No 29/2000 about Plant Variety Protection Malaysia Malaysia’s National Policy on Biological Diversity (1998) This policy is coordinated by the Ministry of Science (1998) and includes objectives to optimize economic benefits from sustainable utilization of the components of biological diversity and ensure long-term food security for the nation. The policy 49 also aimed at maintaining and improving environmental stability for proper functioning of ecological systems as well as ensuring preservation of the biological heritage for the benefit of the present and future generations. The Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001 – 2005) Specifies actions in the context of managing fruits and vegetables, a priority given their high development potential. Sustainable forest management practices will be expanded. Malaysia’s Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) Malaysia’s Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010) calls for conservation and utilization of natural resources on a sustainable basis, supports enhancement of research and conservation, capacity building, and access to genetic resources. Agricultural development policies are guided by the National Agricultural Policy (NAP) aimed for market-led, commercialised, efficient, competitive and dynamic agricultural sector within the context of sustainable development. The NAP encourages a more efficient use of the present agricultural land to increase productivity rates, as opposed to clearing of new lands. Thailand Policy on Natural and Cultural Environments (Thailand’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan) The aim of Thailand’s Policy on Natural and Cultural Environments (Thailand’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan) is to protect, preserve, conserve, and rehabilitate the natural and cultural environment to maintain the natural and cultural heritage of the country National Policy on Natural Resources (1997-2016) This policy combines scientific, management and awareness aspects. It focuses on: efficiency, coordination and sustainability of natural resource uses; building knowledge through research and information management; enhancement of natural resource management through decentralization, public-private linkages and community participation, and adoption of supportive legal and regulatory frameworks; and application of resource economics Thailand’s National Development Plan Collection of germplasm, evaluation, conservation, breeding and improvement are the target areas of research. Tropical Fruit Industry development is a priority in this plan. National Policies Measures and Plans This policy is considered a national strategy for implementation of the convention and direct response to actions called for by Article 6 of the Convention. A large scale implementation of the strategy on conservation and sustainable use of national resources will be assisted by a number of legislations and administration measures as the following: 1) Plant Varieties Act; 2) Plant Quarantine Act; 3)Community forest Act; 4) Coastal and Fishery Resources Management; 5) Transparence Zoning of Forests and Urban Land; 6) Participatory designation of economic Zone for agricultural production; 7) Reduction of chemical usage in agricultural practices; 8) Promotion of public participation in natural resources management; 9) Promoting 50 sustainable agriculture; 10) National Park Act; 11) Wildlife Protection and Preservation Act; 12) Forest Act; 13) Plant Varieties Protection Act.This policy will cover strategies that emphasize upon increasing roles and participation of local population, enhancing knowledge of biological roles and participation of local population, enhancing knowledge of biological resources and monitoring and controlling effects from human activities to integrity of biodiversity DOA Regulation 1992 Conservation of biodiversity in Thailand has been enhanced by the enactment of this regulation on the collection and conservation of plant species in-situ, ex-situ and in genebank. The regulation has provided common procedures for systematic collection and conservation of plant species in the country and from overseas. To date a number of plant varieties, species and accessions have been collected in research stations, research centers and botanic gardens throughout the country. Most of these centers and stations are operated under the Ministry of Agriculture and cooperatives and contain a collection of main varieties of agricultural and forestry importance. The activities for achieving sustainable management of plant genetic resources may be concentrated on the categories as the following 1) Conservation aspects; 2) Monitoring aspects; 3) Capacity building; 4) Utilization aspect 51 Annex 5. Project Linkage with UNEP’s Programme of Work and UNEP’s mandate in GEF BACKGROUND 1. From the outset in 1972, UNEP's land-related activities have focused on medium- to longterm solutions for desertification. UNEP contributed significantly to the implementation of the United Nations Plan of Action to Combat Desertification (UNPACD), which subsequently led to the ratification of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Since then UNEP’s role has gradually changed from global coordination of UNPACD to supporting the implementation of the UNCCD. This is most visible in UNEP's mandate as the Task Manager for the Chapter 12 of Agenda 21. 2. In the 1980s, UNEP developed the World Soils Policy which recognised the fact that soil is a finite resource, and that continuously increasing demands are being placed on this resource to feed, clothe, house and provide energy for a growing world population and to provide ecological balance. Governments agreed in the World Soils Policy that the use of soils should be based on the sound principals of resource management in order to enhance soil productivity, to prevent soil erosion and degradation, and to reduce the loss of good farmland to non-farm purposes. 3. In co-operation with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), UNEP contributed to the World Soil Charter and assisted developing countries to formulate their national soil policies. On the international level, those instruments have contributed to raising the profile of soil conservation as a major international environmental issue. Also during the 1980s, UNEP started to examine the integration of climate change impact and of issues related to land management. 4. UNEP, in co-operation with international partners, carried out global and regional assessments in the early 1990s in order to gain fast and reliable data on the global status of human-induced soil degradation. These assessments currently serve as the main reference on the global extent of land degradation. OBJECTIVES 5. UNEP’s ultimate mandate is to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction by focussing on specific environmental dimensions. Based on UNEP’s expertise and its renewed mandate as in the Nairobi Declaration, UNEP’s five primary objectives with regard to land use management and soil conservation are identified as follows: a) Ecosystem approach for land use management and soil conservation applied and interlinkages and synergies within and across relevant sectors developed; b) Global land cover monitoring process and assessment of the state of land resources in partnership with other UN organisations and partners developed and implemented; c) Environment focused and development orientated policies on sustainable land use management and soil conservation developed and implemented through capacity building, information management and public participation, response to 52 environmental emergencies, development of legal instruments, and regional cooperation; d) Co-operation with scientific centres of excellence extended in order to strengthen science-policy interaction and knowledge systems through partnerships with governments and civil society; e) Further support to the implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and specific support to Africa in regard to land degradation through the NEPAD Environment Initiative. GEF PROJECT LINKAGE WITH OBJECTIVES OF UNEP’S LAND USE POLICY AND BEST PRACTICES NETWORK 6. The proposed project “Conservation and sustainable use of cultivated and wild tropical fruit diversity: promoting sustainable livelihoods, food security and ecosystem services ” complements UNEP’s objectives and global programmes in sustainable land management. 7. Improved science-policy interaction is required in order to strengthen and extend knowledge systems as outlined in the WSSD Plan of Implementation and WEHAB framework for action. UNEP achieves this by strengthening and extending its partnerships with scientific centres of excellence in the area of land use management and soil conservation. Continued compilation and dissemination of information on best practises in land use management, including the development of databases, is another important component in supporting policy implementation. UNEP has recently established the Best Practices and Success Stories Global Network (BSGN). BSGN is UNEP's one-stop-shop for environmental Best Practices and Success Stories (www.unep.org/bsgn/). BSGN seeks to enhance the visibility of and raise awareness about environmentally sound practices and about the successful implementation of environmental initiatives of the global community in general, and UNEP in particular. It is a network of partners that will help to encourage knowledge sharing and promote replication of successful practices wherever possible. BSGN is a UNEP-wide service showcasing the impacts of its work, that of its collaborators, and the global public towards poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and environmental protection. The mission of the BSGN is to enable people throughout the world to improve the quality of life, by sharing knowledge and creating partnerships in caring for the environment. The network seeks to empower people through the provision of information on environmentally sound practices. BSGN's operations and services are aimed at providing information and advisory services on environmental management, with a bias on the key areas of institution-building. As such, BSGN seeks to grow a network of partners dedicated to sharing information on innovative practices and the application of lessons learned. These partners serve as regional as well as thematic resource centers ensuring geographic coverage and providing specialised, technical, and substantive support to the provision of information on key sectoral and crosscutting environmental issues. BSGN, by way of this website, also acts as a clearing-house for her partners in the collection of best practice and success story submissions for various schemes. These services are extended to include storage, vetting and evaluation, submission to award schemes, and specialised information management requirements, as deemed necessary but the partners. BSGN's services also include Content Syndication to disseminate data from our repository, or in association with our partners, from other specialized sources, to other websites or Internet-based destinations. These services will soon be extended to cater off-line requirements. Tools and methods of the proposed project will be disseminated via BSGN in addition to the mechanisms identified in the PDF B. 53 8. UNEP is working in a variety of ways to support international efforts to maintain or increase agricultural productivity. UNEP hosts the Sustainable Agri-food Production and Consumption Forum (www.agrifood-forum.net) which provides access to information on key issues such as agrobiodiversity, water, energy, climate change, chemicals, desertification, consumption, trade and poverty. The Forum’s purpose is to help users understand the environmental implications of various agri-food production and consumption issues so that they can respond appropriately. Experience gained during the proposed project will be disseminated via the Forum. PROJECT LINKAGE WITH UNEP’S MANDATE IN GEF 10. The proposed project is consistent with the following areas of UNEP’s mandate in the GEF, as identified in the UNEP Action Plan on Complementarity, approved by the May 1999 GEF council meeting: UNEP contributes to the ability of the GEF and of countries to make informed strategic and operational decisions on scientific and technical issues in programs and project design, implementation and evaluation, through scientific and technical analyses. These will include assessments, targeted research, methodology development and testing and structured programme learning projects; UNEP's projects promote regional and multi-country cooperation to achieve global environmental benefits, focusing on diagnostic analyses and cooperative mechanisms, and associated institutional strengthening; and UNEP implements projects to promote specific technologies and demonstrate methodologies and policy tools that could be replicated on a larger scale by other partners. 54