Mary Anne Young

Mary Anne Young
Religion 324, Doctrine & Covenants
Capstone Assignment
Sister Woodland
Summer, 2005
Week #1 - June 30, 2005
The Experience: I spent the first part of the week seeking out a position in the
Activity Program. I called several people and eventually found a position that
really didn’t fit my personality well but one a really wanted to try. I made about
four phone calls and left messages and finally Brother Crane, the baseball sport
manager returned my call. I made an appointment with Brother Crane in the
Physical Activity Area and later that day went to his office in Rigby Hall and
visited with him concerning my position. That evening I received a call from the
student director over baseball and set up an interview with him for the next
morning. I arrived the next morning a little late and really regretted not getting up
earlier. The student director was congenial and after about a 15 minute visit, the
student director offered me a position announcing for the Athletic Baseball
games. I didn’t accept the position right away because I wanted to pray about it
first. I was excited to get the position and feel it a privilege to serve. The league
begins their first games this weekend and I’ll be announcing the first two. I am
excited to do this and feel it will be a good experience.
Key Learnings: Because I had two interviews, I was able to prepare answers
for possible questions asked, however, they asked questions I hadn’t even
thought of. I also prepared a couple of questions to ask them. Doing the leg
work was not easy but I realized I was responsible and no one was going to do it
for me. I learned more about the Activity Program. I always thought that the
Intramural Program and the Athletic Program were the same thing, but now I
realize they are two different programs. Athletic teams practice a couple of times
a week, are coached and wear uniforms. They have to try out for the teams and
are then drafted by the coaches. Students who participate in the Intramural
Program organize a team themselves and show up to play once a week. My
position, as it turns out, is more than just announcing games. I have to be there
early to make sure the National Anthem is played. It is also my responsibility to
invite someone to offer prayer before the opening game. I didn’t know the teams
were as good as they are here. I think I’ll try out next summer. I learned that
there are so many opportunities to serve on this campus and found that it excites
me to be involved.
Application: I know the interviewing experience will be a help to me when I
apply for a real job in a few years. I want to be better prepared the next time I
interview with better questions to ask. I think I will do better in any other
interviews I have because I will know better the questions they might ask. If I
ever get the chance to interview people for positions, I now have a better
understanding of the process. I will also dress nicer to make a better impression.
I am quite bashful and this experience gave me added confidence which will be
beneficial in the future. I will be sure to show up on time for my real interviews
because I was a little late for one of these.
Scriptural Likening: With my study of the Joseph Smith History and the first
part of the D & C, I found many ways to liken this experience. Joseph was
obedient and did what the Lord asked him to do. I was obedient and did what my
teacher asked me to do. Joseph relied on people he didn’t know as did I. When
I was first offered the position to be a baseball announcer, I wasn’t really sure it
was right for me so I took the counsel of the Lord to heart – I studied it out in my
mind, made a decision to accept the job and then prayed to know if my decision
was right. I didn’t get a burning in by bosom nor did I get a stupor of thought, I
just felt right about it. (D&C 9:8) When I was offered the job, I felt like I had to
be responsible to fulfill the assignment properly. In D&C 3:9 it talks about
Joseph being called to do a work and I know now I am to do this work. I was not
hired by Brother Crane, but by his student director. In D&C 1:38 it reads that
whether we are called by the Lord or His servants it is same. I will show the
same respect to the student director as I would to Brother Crane. I was not really
excited about this project when we were introduced to it the first day of class,
however, in D&C 1:3 we read that “…the rebellious shall be pierced with much
sorrow;…” so I went ahead and did as I was told.
Learning By Faith: This was a huge step for me. When we were initially given
this assignment, I thought the teacher was nuts. But the experience this week
was great. I had to have faith that this would be a good thing for me and it was.
When I was interviewed by the student, I first thought that he didn’t know
anymore about interviewing than I did, but I was dutiful and learned he did know
a lot more than I thought he did. I have never announced anything in my life and
so this whole experience will be a leap of faith for me. I am quite nervous about
it and will have to call on the Lord for help before I go to the field. I love to watch
baseball games on T.V., so I will now pay more attention to the announcers and
the catch phrases they use and this will give me more faith in myself.
(Word Count 1020)