MULTI-SEASONAL IRS-1C LISS III SATELLITE DATA FOR CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS: A CASE STUDY Praveen Kumar Rai, Sweta, Abhishek Mishra ABSTRACT Remote sensing techniques have been used to monitor land use changes; this has an important role in urban and rural development and the determination of natural resources. Also remote sensing is very useful for the production of land use and land cover statistics which can be useful to determine the distribution of land uses in the watershed. Using remote sensing techniques to develop land use classification mapping is a useful and detailed way to improve the selection of areas designed to agricultural, urban and/or industrial areas of a region. In Ranchi city and surrounding the land use has been changing, every day new developments (urban, industrial, commercial and agricultural) are emerging. The purpose of this work is to develop the land use of Ranchi and its surrounding area that is an important natural resource. Remote sensing techniques can be used to assess several water quality parameters and also for land use classifications. For this work the ERDAS Imagine V 9.1 computer software is used to develop a land use classification using IRS-1C LISS III images of year 1997, 2004 and 2009 respectively. The generated land use classification were compared with a land use generated using ARC GIS V9.3, to decide which method provides better land use classification. Image processing supervised classification technique was also used and important land use features i.e. forest area, waste land, settlement, fallow land agricultural land etc. extracted on the basis of pixel variation and compare the results with the result came after on screen digitization. A positive mean of data of year 2009 and data of year 1997 NDVI differencing is an indication of reduction in above ground biomass within 12 years. This implies a decline in vegetation. In supervised classification map, after generating confusion matrix, producer and user accuracy is collected for each class. Overall accuracy for classified image is collected as 92.70 % and overall kappa accuracy is collected 0.8761. Keywords: Change Detection, Multi Seasonal Remote Sensing Data, ERDAS, ARC GIS etc. Mr. Praveen Kumar Rai, Assistant Professor (PGDRS & GIS), Department of Geography, B.H.U., Varanasi, U.P. Corresponding author: +919451108531. Mrs. Sweta, Centre for Environmental Science & Technology (CEST), RGSC, Barkachha. Mr. Abhishek Mishra, Research Assistant, Department of Geography, B.H.U., Varanasi, U.P. Introduction: Change detection often involves comparing aerial photographs or satellite imagery of the area taken at different times (Petit, 2001). The process is most frequently associated with environmental monitoring, natural resource management, or measuring urban development. Understanding landscape patterns, changes and interactions between human activities and natural phenomenon are essential for proper land management and decision improvement (Prakasam et al., 2010). Land use/cover Change detection is very essential for better understanding of landscape dynamic during a known period of time having sustainable management. Land use and land cover change has been recognized as an important driver of environmental change on all spatial and temporal scales (Tansey et al., 2006), as well as emerging as a key environmental issue & on a regional scale is one of the major research endeavors in global change studies. Changes may involve the nature or intensity of change but may also include spatial (forest abatement at village level, or for a large-scale agro industrial plant), and time aspects. Land use/ Land cover changes also involve the modification, either direct or indirect, of natural habitats and their impact on the ecology of the area (Rogan, 2004). Remote Sensing technology for capturing the spatial data, Geographic Information System for undertaking integrated analysis, presentation of spatial and associated attribute data are found to be much more effective to known the change detection of Land Use/Land Cover (Lillesand et al., 2001). Study area Study area include part of the Ranchi City and its surrounding covering forested area of Ranchi district lies between 23°21′ N to 23.35° N latitude and 85°20′E to 85.33°E longitude. Total area covered by the Ranch city and surrounding is about 141 km2 and the average elevation of the city is 629 m above sea level. Ranchi the capital of INDIAN state of Jharkhand. It is also known as Manchester of east due to large amount of mineral production as well as city of “water-falls “the most popular waterfalls are Dasham, Hundru, Jonha Falls, Hirni and Pinch-hit. Ranchi is located on the southern part of the Chota Nagpur plateau which forms the eastern edge of the Deccan plateau. Ranchi has a humid subtropical climate. Temperature ranges from 20 to 37°C during summer and 3 to 22°C during winter. The rainfall pattern is monsoonal covering the period from middle of June to middle of October with an average annual rainfall of about 1530 mm (Fig.1). Data used Geocoded False Colour Composite scene of IRS-IC LISS III data on 1:50,000 scale (year 1997, 2004 and 2009 respectively) coinciding with Survey of India (SOI) Toposheet of year, 1962) is used in the present study. Objective of the Study To study the changing pattern of land use and land cover of Ranchi city by using Remote Sensing satellite data & GIS, as a tool is the main objective of this paper, As well as to identify the main factors behind this changes. Methodology The work is done by visual image interpretation. The following steps are involved in the classification procedure. a) Data acquisition, loading, merging and georeferencing of Remote Sensing Data b) Ground data collection c) Training area definition, signature generation and classification d) Annotation, demarcation of administrative boundaries and cultural features and extraction of different layers through different multi temporal Remote Sensing data. e) Generation of statistics from the classified outputs Ranchi City Fig. 1. Study area as viewed on IRS-1C LISS III data of year 1997 and 2009 respectively The process of georeferencing of different multi temporal remote sensing data has been done using georeferenced Survey of India (SOI) topographical map of year 1972 by identifying the ground control points (GCP’s) from the map and the corresponding points on the satellite images and finally applying the map-image transformation model. On screen digitization of different land use features from the SOI maps and satellite data was done to transfer the same on the georeferenced image using ARC GIS software. In this study two different image processing classification methods were used i.e., unsupervised and supervised classification. Unsupervised classification is the identification of natural groups, or structures, within multispectral data. Supervised classification is the process of using training samples, samples of known identity to classify pixels of unknown identity. Broadly area is divided into six classes, mainly forest, water bodies, agricultural land/vegetation, fallow land, waste land etc. Result and Discussion: There are a number of broad units that contain several inclusions. The inclusions couldn't be separated because of their small extents. So approximations of inclusions are based on the tone reflected on the scene and proportion of their extent. The land use/land cover types are classified as follows and details of Land use/Land cover statistics of of study area for year 1997, 2004 and 2009 respectively is given in the table 1 and overall units are shown in the figure 2 for year 2004 and 2009 respectively. Area under major land use/land cover categories was calculated for the year 1997, 2004 & 2009. Land use/Land cover has been categorised into 6 different classes that are forest, water bodies, settlement, vegetation, wasteland & fallow land. Approx 36% of total area have changed from 1997 to 2009 where land cover part is decreasing while land use part is increasing year by year. Change in Forest Area: Forest the most important part of land cover is decreasing year by year and shows negative change in search of agricultural land just because of increasing human population need as well as to generate more income. In this study, it was found that there is approx 5% decrease of forest cover since last 12 years i.e. from 1997 to 2009, but this change is more from 1997 to 2004 but from year 2004 to 2009 there is slow rate of change showing Sin of awareness of environment in people living nearby by the forest area. The result of area distribution of forest using unsupervised classification methods shows the decreasing trend but here rate of change (10.6% from year 1997 to 2009) is more than value comes after on screen digitization and this is because of mixing pixel class in forest area with agricultural and vegetated area. Change in Water Bodies: The streams/rivers, canals, ponds etc. is considered under this category. The prominent ponds/lakes are easily detected on satellite imagery by their black and dark blue tones. The changing rate of water bodies of this area is also showing decreasing trend. There is approximately 2.2 % decrease of water bodies since last 12 years (from year 1997 to 2009). The result of classified map also indicates that decreasing rate and this is also approximately equal to the result came after on screen digitization (Table 1 and Table 2). Fig 2. Land use classification of Ranchi city and surrounding of year 2004 and 2009 respectively Change in Settlement: This study shows that there is about more than 10% increase of settlement area i.e. from 1997 to 2009 (result of digitized map) as well in supervised classification a method also show the increasing trend of settlement indicating. In 1997, the area under settlement was 15.78% of the total covered area, which was further increased in 24.09 in year 2004 to 29.1 % in year 2009 of the total area. One noticeable change behind this change is only increasing human population year by year. In Supervised classification method, the covered area of settlement was increased from 16.5 % in year 1997 to 30.0% in year 2009. Change in Agricultural Land/Vegetation: The observation gained through the image interpretation reveals that the study area is predominantly comes under poor to medium cultivation and paddy is the predominantly crop of this area. The crop growing conditions are not very much favorable in this area due to Plateau and rock region. The growth rate of vegetation is quite good here; there is overall 1.8% increase of agricultural and vegetated area since last 12 years of the total area. Fig.3. Land Use Change Distribution from Year 1997, 2004 and 2009 respectively both using onscreen digitization and supervised classification method. Change in Fallow Land: The result of this study is showing that there is overall 15% increase of fallow land (digitized map) as well as approximate 25% due to classified map since last 12 years & there is only one noticeable factore behind this change i.e directly or indirectly increasing human population and there need’s. Change in Waste Land: Waste land is described as degraded land, which can be brought under vegetation cover with reasonable effort. Three patches are registered more in white color and a little of yellow or brown color in the satellite data especially in north and N-E portion of the imagery. The study area comes under plateau region, so maximum portion of the waste land is categorized under barren rocky waste. In this study it was found that wasteland in part of Ranchi city is showing increasing trend. This may be because of increasing human & animal population on land. The intensive cultivation has extended even to areas under ecological stress leading to accelerated soil erosion and excessive land degradation, & there is overall 2% increase of this part of land. Vegetation Mapping Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Model (NDVI) The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is an index of plant “greenness” or photosynthetic activity, and is one of the most commonly used vegetation indices. Vegetation indices are based on the observation that different surfaces reflect different types of light differently. Photo synthetically active vegetation, in particular, absorbs most of the red light that hits it while reflecting much of the near infrared light. Vegetation that is dead or stressed reflects more red lights and less near infrared light. Likewise, non-vegetated surfaces have a much more even reflectance across the light spectrum (Congalton, 1999). By taking the ratio of red and near infrared bands from a remotely-sensed image, an index of vegetation “greenness” can be defined. The (NDVI) is probably the most common of these ratio indices for vegetation. NDVI is calculated on a per-pixel basis as the normalized difference between the Red and near infrared bands from an image. NDVI= (Near Infra Red –Red)/ (Near Infra Red+ Red). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple numerical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements, typically but not necessarily from a space platform, and assess whether the target being observed contains live green vegetation or not. NDVI = (Near IR - Red)/ (Near IR + Red) the sub-scene bands 2 and 3 for each were used to create an NDVI image for each year and then differencing of the images was carried out to detect change. Differencing involved the subtraction of the 2009 NDVI image from the 1997 NDVI image using an image calculator in the software. Table 3 is showing histogram data for NDVI difference (NDVI 1997-NDVI 2009). NDVI Value used for bare soil ranges from -0.21 to -0.05. NDVI value for agriculture high crop is between 0.22 to 0.90. NDVI index value in Rabi season has been change slightly for all class. Water bodies’ category NDVI index value in Rabi season has been changed as -0.82 to-0.19. Agriculture high crop values in Rabi season is 0.30 to 0.91. In the Zaid season NDVI index value for agriculture crop area has been quantified as 0.09-0.85 (Fig 4). Change in the composition, morphology and density of green biomass can be assessed by comparing three season NDVI index value of image. Higher NDVI values are associated with greater density, large leaf area and large green biomass of the canopy A positive mean of data of year 2009 and data of year 1997 NDVI differencing is an indication of reduction in above ground biomass within 12 years. This implies a decline in vegetation. It thus confirms the change detected. From the post classification results there was tremendous reduction in Forest cover area by 766.75 hectares within a period of 12 years between 1997 and 2009. So it is equivalent to 10.76% decrease in the forest area. With the help of remote sensing and GIS techniques it is clearly shows that the total forest cover is continuously degrading and transforming into various land use/land cover category. No classification is complete until its accuracy has been assessed (Lillesand and Kiefer 2001). In this context, the “accuracy” means the level of agreement between labels assigned by the classifier and the class allocations on the ground collected by the user as test data. For calculating accuracy for each classified class confusion matrix is generated (Table 4). After generating confusion matrix, producer and user accuracy is collected for each class. Overall accuracy for classified image is collected as 92.70 %and overall kappa accuracy is collected 0.8761 (Table 4 and 5). The overall result of the study indicate that the result will follow the same trend either we will adopt any of the method to analysis change detection of land use /land cover & the accuracy of the result not only depends on software but also on individual accuracy level. As the present study also demonstrated the efficiency of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System as a tool in the study of land use /land cover changes. It gives a fairly good understanding of land use/land cover changes for a period of two decades, which in turn will be very helpful for local administrative bodies, decision makers, regional planners and Stakeholders. With the help of this study it proves that this technology has the capability to provide the necessary input and intelligence for preparation of base maps, formulation of planning proposals and as a monitoring tool during the implementation phase, as the result of this study also show efficient effect of this tool in analyzing Land Use/Land Cover change detection. A positive mean of data of year 2009 and data of year 1997 NDVI differencing is an indication of reduction in above ground biomass within 12 years. This implies a decline in vegetation. It thus confirms the change detected. From the post classification results there was tremendous reduction in Forest cover area by 766.75 hectares within a period of 12 years between 1997 and 2009. So it is equivalent to 10.76% decrease in the forest area. With the help of remote sensing and GIS techniques it is clearly shows that the total forest cover is continuously degrading and transforming into various land use/land cover category. 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CAPTION TO TABLES Table. 1 Spatio-Temoral Distribution of Different Land Use/Land Cover (in %) Using On Screen Digitization Table. 2 Spatio-Temoral Distribution of Different Land Use/Land Cover (in %) Using Supervised Classification Method Table. 3 Status of Forest covered area during period 1997 and 2009 respectively on the basis of NDVI model Table 4: Confusion Matrix Table 4: Producer and User Accuracy