Early Expression of a Pathophysiological Feature of Schizophrenia: Saccadic Intrusions into Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements in School-Age Children Vulnerable to Schizophrenia Randal G Ross MD SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION A more detailed account of the recording and analysis of the smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) task follows: Subjects were seated 43 cm in front of a video monitor on which a small target was displayed against a black background in an otherwise dark room. The subject's head was stabilized with a bite bar and head rest. Horizontal eye movements were recorded using an infra-red photoelectric limbus detection eye tracking device, which is accurate to within 0.25 of visual angle and has a time constant of 4 ms. The analog output of the device was sampled at 500 Hz using a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. Disconjugate gaze is likely absent in most subjects; thus, left eye and right eye recordings are highly correlated (Lencer et al., 2000). Our experience suggests that minimizing calibration time decreases the time subjects must maintain head position and improves the quality of the recording. Therefore, data were collected only from the eye for which the most rapid and accurate calibration could be obtained. For the smooth pursuit eye movement task, the target moved horizontally back and forth over 30 degrees with a constant velocity of 16.7 per second and a 1.4-second fixation period between ramps, a "trapezoidal pattern." A trapezoidal pattern is employed as it allows each ramp to be independently calibrated during the fixation period. Subjects were told to "keep your eyes on the target wherever it goes." Representative tracings are presented in Figure 1 in the published article. All eye movement data were analyzed with a computerized pattern recognition program, with computer analyzed results confirmed with visual inspection by an experienced eye movement evaluator (RGR). Subject identity was blinded prior to visual review. Software generated dependent measures have excellent test-retest reliability (Roy-Byrne et al., 1995). This analysis system has been described elsewhere (Radant and Hommer, 1992; Ross et al., 2000) and will be briefly described here. Raw data consist of eye position and target position for each 2 ms of recorded tracking. Eye movements were divided into discrete segments, and then each segment was classified as saccade, smooth pursuit, or artifact. Saccades were identified on the basis of peak velocity (greater than 35/s), initial acceleration (greater than 2000/s2), and duration (> 9 ms). Segments not meeting velocity and acceleration criteria were considered smooth pursuit or fixation. Artifactual segments caused by eye blinks and head movements show distinct morphology and were removed from the analysis by the pattern recognition software. Terming this task “smooth pursuit eye movements” is something of a misnomer, as accurate performance requires the integrated activity of a number of neural systems, including smooth pursuit and saccadic systems. In order to avoid confusion, we have taken the convention of referring to the task by its acronym, SPEM, and reserve the spelled out term “smooth pursuit” to refer to the neural system responsible for smooth pursuit. Over the last 15 years, there has been increasing effort to focus on types of errors that can be made during a SPEM task (Abel and Ziegler, 1988), with hopes that more specific measures may increase sensitivity and specificity for genetic vulnerability. Although SPEM abnormalities have been associated with schizophrenia for almost 100 years (Diefendorf and Dodge, 1908), the optimal SPEM measure for genetic studies remains incompletely identified. Part of the problem is due to different laboratories utilizing the same term with different operational definitions. Over the last decade, we have undertaken a number of studies, across the lifespan, to develop an empirically derived nosology (Olincy et al., 2002; Ross et al., 2002; Ross et al., 1996; Ross et al., 1997; Ross et al., 1998; Ross et al., 1999b; Ross et al., 1999a; Ross et al., 2000; Ross et al., 2001). Figure 2, in the published article, summarizes those results. The global SPEM dysfunction associated with genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia appears to primarily be due to an increase in the frequency of leading saccades. Gain for a given interval of smooth pursuit is defined as mean eye velocity divided by target velocity. Global smooth pursuit gain is defined as the mean gain, weighted for time, of all intervals of true smooth pursuit (Abel et al., 1991). Intervals defined as saccades are not included in computing smooth pursuit gain. During trapezoidal tasks, eye movements during fixation or within 250 ms of a change in target motion were discarded from the analysis, as these movements may not represent normal pursuit (Lisberger and Pavelko, 1989). Many authors exclude periods of slowed pursuit after task-inappropriate intrusive saccades to focus this measure as reflective of smooth pursuit system performance (Clementz and Sweeney, 1990), while other authors include all segments of smooth pursuit and present gain as a measure of global function (Radant and Hommer, 1992). The difference in gain scores across definitions varies by less than 2% with a greater than 0.95 correlation (Ross et al., 1997). For this report, we include all segments of smooth pursuit and present gain as a measure of global functioning. As can be seen in Figure 1 in the published article, lowered smooth pursuit gain can occur secondary to either impairment in the smooth pursuit system or as a compensatory mechanism to task-inappropriate saccades that intrude upon otherwise normal pursuit (Abel and Ziegler, 1988; Clementz and Sweeney, 1990). Catch-up saccades are used as the dependent measure of smooth pursuit system performance. Catch-up saccades function to significantly reduce error between foveal gaze and target location and compensate for poor smooth pursuit system performance (eye velocity below that of target velocity). Saccades, which are in the same direction as target motion and begin and end behind the target, are defined as catch-up saccades. In addition, saccades which are in the same direction as target motion but which begin behind target location and end ahead of target location are also classified as catch-up saccades if post-saccadic position error is < 50% of pre-saccadic position error; ie. the saccade functions to dramatically decrease the mismatch between visual gaze and target location. One type of task-inappropriate saccade, which intrudes upon otherwise normal smooth pursuit, is the anticipatory saccade. Anticipatory saccades must (a) be in the direction of target motion, (b) either begin and end ahead of target location or increase position error by 100%, and (c) be followed by a 50 ms interval of eye velocity less than 50% of target velocity. This definition of anticipatory saccades is based on analyses of parameters that maximize schizophrenic-normal differences (Ross et al., 1999b; Ross et al., 2001). Many authors also include a minimum amplitude criterion when defining anticipatory saccades, generally greater than 4-5 (Abel and Ziegler, 1988; Clementz and Sweeney, 1990). Strik et al. (, 1992) has suggested that larger and smaller saccades may not reflect the same physiological process, a suggestion supported by differences between these two types of saccades in the effects of age (Ross et al., 1999a), specificity to schizophrenia (Ross et al., 2000), and response to nicotine exposure (Olincy et al., 1998). Thus, we subdivide anticipatory saccades into large anticipatory saccades (with amplitudes greater than 4) and leading saccades (with amplitudes of 1-4 degrees: see Ross et al., 1999b for details). Smooth pursuit, catch-up saccades, and anticipatory saccades account for more than 90% of eye movements during smooth pursuit tracking (Litman et al., 1994; Radant and Hommer, 1992). Other components (e.g. square wave jerks, backup saccades, etc.) constitute only a small portion of smooth pursuit tracking and generally do not differ between schizophrenic subjects and controls (Litman et al., 1994; Radant and Hommer, 1992). Some saccades begin behind the target, end in front of the target, and do not dramatically increase or decrease position error. These saccades do not meet the definition for either catch-up or anticipatory saccades, are defined as indeterminate saccades, and are not considered here. All saccades are reported as frequency (number per minute of artifact free tracking) measures. REFERENCES Abel L, Friedman L, Jesberger J, Malki A, Meltzer HY (1991), Quantitative assessment of smooth pursuit gain and catch-up saccades in schizophrenia and affective disorders. Biol Psychiatry 29:1063-1072 Abel L, Ziegler A (1988), Smooth pursuit eye movements in schizophrenics--What constitutes quantitative assessment? 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