Intercultural & International References

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Intercultural & International References
Gary Fontaine
University of Hawaii
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Selected References: International Assignments
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Cateora, P. R. (1987). International marketing. Homewood, Illinois Irwin.
Chesanow, N. (1985). The world class executive: how to do business like a pro
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Ferraro, G. (1998). The cultural dimension of international business. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Fontaine, G. (1989). Managing international assignments: the strategy for
success. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Fontaine, G. (1993). Training for the three key challenge encountered on all
international assignments. Leadership and Organization Journal, 14(3),
Fontaine, G. (2000). Skills for successful international assignments to, from, and
within Asia and the Pacific: Implications for preparation, support, and
training. In U. C. V. Haley (Ed.) Strategic management in the Asia Pacific:
Harnessing regional and organization change for competitive advantage.
Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann. An earlier version published in
Management Decision (1997), 35(8), 635-647. Abstract on the web at
Fontaine, G. (1997). Successfully meeting the three challenges of all
international assignments. Honolulu: Department of Communication,
University of Hawaii. Available on <a
href="">on the web</a>.
Furnham, A. & Bochner, S. (1986). Culture Shock: Psychological reactions to
unfamiliar environments. New York: Methuen.
Hall, E. T. (1981). Beyond culture. Garden City: Anchor Press.
Harris, P. R. & Moran, R. T. (1996). Managing cultural differences. Houston:
Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and organizations: Software of the Mind. London:
Kohls, L. R. (1996). Survival kit for overseas living: For Americans planning to
live and work abroad. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.
O’Hara-Devereaux, M. & Johansen, R. (1994). Global work: Bridging distance,
culture and time. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Rossman, M. L. (1986). The international business woman. Greenwood Press.
Trompenaars, A., Hampden-Turner, C. & Trompenaars, F. (1998). Riding the
Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business.
Tung, R. (Ed.) (1998). The IBM Handbook of International Business.
International Thomson Business Press; ISBN: 1861522169.
Tung, R. (1998). Attitudes and Experience of Expatriates on International
Assignments. Presented to the Pacific Region Forum on Business and
Fontaine 2/16/2016 28
Management Communication, David See-Chai Lam Centre for
International Communication, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fontaine 2/16/2016 29
Selected References: America/Asia/Pacific
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Althen, G. (1988). American ways: A guide for foreigners. Yarmouth, Maine:
Intercultural Press.
Andres, T. D. (1988). Managing people by Filipino values. Manila: Our Lady of
Manaoag Publishers.
Barnlund, D. (1989). Communication styles of Japanese and Americans images
and realities. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Blake, R. R. & Mouton, J. S. (1986). Occidental-oriental intercultural conflict
solving. Austin: Scientific Methods, Inc.
Condon, J. C. (1985). Good neighbors: Communicating with the Mexicans.
Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.
Condon, J. C. (1987). With respect to the Japanese: a guide for Americans.
Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.
Cooper, R. G. & Cooper, N. (1982). Culture shock! Thailand. Singapore:
Times International Books.
De Mente, B. (1987). Japanese etiquette and ethics in business. National
De Mente, B. (1988). Korean etiquette and ethics in business. National
De Mente, B. (1989). Chinese etiquette and ethics in business. National
Draine, C. & Hall, B. (1986). Culture shock! Indonesia. Singapore Times
International Books.
Fieg, J. P. & Mortlock (1989). A common core: Thais and North Americans.
Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.
Fontaine, G. (1983). Americans in Australia: Intercultural training for the "Lucky
Country." In D. Landis & R. W. Brislin (Eds.), Handbook of intercultural
training, Vol. 3. NY: Pergamon.
Fontaine, G. (1989). Managing international assignments: the strategy for
success. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Fontaine, G. (1997). Successfully meeting the three challenges of all
international assignments. Honolulu: Department of Communication,
University of Hawaii. Available on <a
href="">on the web</a>.
Fontaine, G. (2000). Skills for successful international assignments to, from, and
within Asia and the Pacific: Implications for preparation, support, and
training. In U. C. V. Haley (Ed.) Strategic management in the Asia Pacific:
Harnessing regional and organization change for competitive advantage.
Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann. An earlier version published in
Management Decision (1997), 35(8), 635-647. Abstract on the web at
Fontaine 2/16/2016 30
Fontaine, G. (in press). Teams in Teleland: Working Effectively in
Geographically Dispersed Teams “in” the Asia Pacific. Team Performance
Gochenour, T. (1990). Considering Filipinos. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural
Gregersen, H. B., Morrison, A. J. & Black, J. S. (1998). Developing leaders for
the global frontier. Sloan Management Review, fall, 21-31.
Gudykunst, W. B. & Nishida, T. (1994). Bridging Japanese/North American
differences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Haley, U. C. V. (Ed.) (2000). Strategic management in the Asia Pacific:
Harnessing regional and organization change for competitive advantage.
Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Haley, G. T., Tan, C. T. & Haley, U. C. V. (1998). New Asian Emperors: The
overseas Chinese, their strategies and competitive advantages. Oxford:
Butterworth Heinemann.
Hall, E. T. & Hall, M. R. (1987). Hidden differences: Doing business with the
Japanese. Anchor Press/Doubleday.
Hijirida, K. & Yoshikawa, M. (1987). Japanese language and culture for
business and travel. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Holmes, H. & Tangtongtavy, S. (1995). Working with Thais: A guide to
managing in Thailand. White Lotus Press.
Hu, W. & Grove, C. (1991). Encountering the Chinese: A guide for Americans.
Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.
Hur, S. V. & Hur, B. S. (1988). Culture shock! Korea. Singapore Times
International Press.
Khaing, D. M. M. (1985). Culture shock! Burma. Singapore: Time Books
Lanier, A. (1988). Living in the U.S.A. Yarmouth, Maine Intercultural Press.
Leppert, P. (1987). Doing business with the Koreans. Patto Pacific Press.
MacLeod, R. (1988). China, Inc.: How to do business with the Chinese. NY:
Maurer, P. R. (1989). Competing in Japan: Make it there, you make it
anywhere. Tokyo: The Japan Times.
Nishiyama, K. (1989). Strategies of marketing to Japanese visitors. Needham
Heights, MA: Ginn Press.
Patton Pacific Press (1990). Doing business with the Chinese Taiwan. 6766
Greenwood Lane, Sebastopol CA 95472.
Patton Pacific Press (1991). Doing business with the Koreans. 6766
Greenwood Lane, Sebastopol CA 95472.
Patton Pacific Press (1990). Doing business in Singapore. 6766 Greenwood
Lane, Sebastopol CA 95472.
Patton Pacific Press (1992). Doing business with the Thai. 6766 Greenwood
Lane, Sebastopol CA 95472.
Pye, L. W. (1982). Chinese commercial negotiating style. Oelgeschlager, Gunn
& Haine.
Oettli, H. M. Culture shock! India. Singapore: Times International Press.
Fontaine 2/16/2016 31
Rearwin, D. (1991). The Asia business book. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural
Renwick, G. W., Smart, R. & Henderson, D. L. (1991). A fair go for all:
Australian and American interactions. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural
Roces, A. & Roces, G. (1986). Culture Shock! Philippines. Singapore: Times
International Books.
Stewart, E. C. & Bennett, M. J. (1991). American cultural patterns: A crosscultural perspective. Chicago: Intercultural Press.
Williams, G. & Bent, R. (1996). Developing Expatriate Managers for Southeast
Asia. In D. Landis & R. Bhagat (Eds.), Handbook of intercultural training-second edition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Fontaine 2/16/2016 32
Selected References: Intercultural Training & Intervention
Bennett, J. M. (1986). Modes of cross-cultural training: Conceptualizing Crosscultural training as education. International Journal of Intercultural
Relations, 10, 117-134.
Bennett, M. J. (1986). A developmental approach to training for intercultural
sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10, 179-196.
Black, J. S. & Mendenhall, M. (1990). Cross-cultural training effectiveness: A
review and theoretical framework for future research. Academy of
Management Review, 15, 113-136.
Brislin, R. W., Triandis, H. C. & Hui, C. H. (1988). Cross-cultural training across
the individualism-collectivism divide. International Journal of Intercultural
Relations, 12(3), 269-287.
Brislin, R. & Yoshida, T. (1994). Intercultural Communication Training: An
introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Casse, P. (1982). Training for the multicultural manager. Washington, D. C.:
Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research.
Caudron, S. (1991). Training ensures success overseas. Personnel Journal,
Dec., 27-30.
Fontaine, G. (1993). Training for the three key challenge encountered on all
international assignments. Leadership and Organization Journal, 14(3),
Fontaine, G. (1994). Training for the key challenges encountered on
international assignments in Asia and the Pacific. The Dynamics of Global
Cooperation and Competition: Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Pacific Asian Business, Bangkok, Thailand. Honolulu: Pacific Asian
Managment Institute. Available on <a
href="">on the web</a>.
Fontaine, G. (1995). Social support and the challenges of international
assignments: Implications for training. In D. Landis & R. Bhagat (Eds.),
Handbook of intercultural training--second edition. Newbury Park, CA:
Fontaine, G. (1996). The experience of experiential training exercises: The Role
of a sense of presence and other states. Communication Research
Fontaine, G. (1997). Successfully meeting the three challenges of all
international assignments. Honolulu: Department of Communication,
University of Hawaii. Available on <a
href="">on the web</a>.
Fontaine, G. (2000). Skills for successful international assignments to, from, and
within Asia and the Pacific: Implications for preparation, support, and
training. In U. C. V. Haley (Ed.) Strategic management in the Asia Pacific:
Harnessing regional and organization change for competitive advantage.
Oxford, England: Butterworth-Heinemann. An earlier version published in
Management Decision (1997), 35(8), 635-647. Abstract on the web at
Fontaine 2/16/2016 33
Fowler, S. M. & Mumford, M. G. (1995). Intercultural sourcebook: Cross-cultural
training methods, Vols. 1 & 2. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.
Gudykunst, W. B. & Hammer, M. R. (1983). Basic training design approaches to
intercultural training. In D. Landis & R. Brislin (Eds.), Handbook of
intercultural training, 1. N. Y.: Pergamon.
Hannigan, T. P. (1990). Traits, attitudes, and skills that are related to
intercultural effectiveness and their implications for cross-cultural training:
A review of the literature. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
14, 89-111.
Kohls, L. R. (1987). Four traditional approaches to developing cross-cultural
preparedness in adults: Education, training, orientation, and briefing.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 11, 89-106.
Landis, D & Bhagat, R. (Eds.) (1996). Handbook of intercultural training--second
edition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
McCaffery, J. A. (1986). Independent effectiveness: Reconsideration of crosscultural orientation and training. International Journal of Intercultural
Relations, 10, 159-178.
Odiorne, G. S. & Rummler, G. A. (1988). Training and Development: A guide
for Professionals. Chicago, Ill: Commerce Clearing House.
Pedersen, P. (1994). A handbook for developing multicultural awareness.
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Ptak, C., Cooper, J. & Brislin, R. (1995). Cross cultural training programs:
Advice and insights from experienced trainers. International Journal of
Intercultural Relations, 19(3), 425-453.
Renwick, G. W. (198 ). Evaluation handbook for cross-cultural training and multicultural education. La Grange Park: Intercultural Network, Inc.
Seelye, H. Ned (Ed.) (1996). Experiential activities for intercultural learning.
Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.
Storti, C. & Bennhold-Samaan, L. (1997). Culture matters: The Peace CorpsCross-Cultural Workbook. Peace Corps Information Collection and
Exchange T0087.
Sussman, N. M. (1986). Re-entry research and training: Method and
implications. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10, 235-254.
Wederspahn, G. M. (2000). Intercultural services: A buyer's guide and
sourcebook. Houston: Gulf.
Fontaine 2/16/2016 34
Selected References: Social Support
Adelman, M. B. (1988). Cross-cultural Adjustment: a theoretical perspective on
social support. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 12(3), 183204.
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assignments: Implications for training. In D. Landis & R. Bhagat (Eds.),
Handbook of intercultural training--second edition. Newbury Park, CA:
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Selected References: Close Intercultural Relationships
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Allyn & Bacon, Mass. Crohn, Joel. (1995). Mixed Matches - How to Create
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Books, New York.
AmaraSingham, L.R. Making friends in a new culture: South Asian women in
Boston, Massachusetts. In G.V. Coelho & P.I. Ahmed (Eds.), Uprooting and
development: Dilemmas of coping with modernization. New York: Plenus
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Arkoff, A., Meredith, G., & Dong, J. Attitudes of Japanese-American and
Caucasian-American students toward marriage roles. Journal of Social
Psychology, 1963, 11-15.
Beigel, H. Marital and premarital counseling with interracial couples. In H.L.
Silverman (Ed.), Marital counseling. Springfield: C.C. Thomas, 1967.
Black, A. D. (1973). Expectations and Realities of Intercultural Marriage. In
Stuart, I. R. & Abt, L. L. (Eds.), Intercultural Marriage: Expectations and
Realities. New York, NY: Grossman Publishers.
Bok-Lim, C.K. Casework with Japanese and Korean wives of Americans. Social
Casework, May 1972.
Bok-Lim, C.K. Asian wives of U.S. servicemen: Women in shadows. Amerasia,
1977, 4(l), 91-115.
Brislin, R.V. (in press). The benefits of close intercultural relationships. In Irvine,
S., & Berry, J. (Eds.), Human Assessment and Cultural Factors.
Broom, L. Intermarriage and mobility in Hawaii. Transactions of the Third World
Congress of Sociology, 1956, 277-282.
Burman, J.H. Interethnic marriage in Los Angeles. Social Forces, 1948-1949.
Cheng, C.K., & Yamamura, D.S. Interracial marriage and divorce in Hawaii.
Social Forces, 1957, 36, 77-84.
Cupach, W. & Imahori, T. (1993). Identity Management Theory: Communication
Competence in Intercultural Episodes and Relationships. In Wiseman, R. L.
& Koester, J. (Eds.), Intercultural Communication Competence. Newburg
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Folklore, 1973.
Faulkner, J., Britt-Hoholt, C., & Kliman-Simone, J. Self-help for interracial
couples. Berkeley: Wright Institute, 1977.
Fontaine, G., & Dorch, E. Problems and benefits of close intercultural
relationships. IJIR, 1980 (4), 329-337.
Freeman, L. Homogamy in interethnic mate selection. Sociology and Social
Research, 1955, 39, 369-376.
Fu, X. & Heaton, T. B. (1997). Interracial Marriage in Hawaii, 1983 - 1994. The
Edwin Mellen Press, New York.
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Gardner, L. (1965). The Truth about Interracial Marriage. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Johnson, W. R. & Warren, D. M. (1994). Inside the Mixed Marriage Accounts of Changing Attitudes, Patterns, and Perceptions of Cross
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Thomas, D. C. (2008). Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts. Sage.
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though it doesn't elaborate them or present lot’s of examples]
Tseng, W. S., et al. (1977). Adjustment in Intercultural Marriage (Eds.), The
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Yancey, G. & Yancey, S. (1998). Interracial Dating: Evidence from Personal
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Fontaine 2/16/2016 38
Selected World Wide Web Pages
Gary Fontaine’s Home Page.
Strange Lands International Assignment Specialists. Gary Fontaine’s
intercultural training and intervention programs;
Department of Communication, University of Hawaii.
Japan America Institute of Management Science (JAIMS).
SIETAR International. The major professional association dealing with
intercultural and international training issues;
International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IJIR). The major professional
journal dealing with intercultural & international training issues;
Asia Pacific Management Forum. A meeting place for managers, researchers,
consultants, trainers and authors in the Asian-Pacific region;
Global Nomads. For those raised abroad;
Intercultural Press. The largest publisher of books on intercultural training
issues; “”.
Asia On-line. “”.
Asia Trade. “”.
Asian connection. “”.
Orientation--Asian’s Web Directory. “”.
Global Commerce Link Home Page. “”.
International Business Resources on the WWW.
Fontaine 2/16/2016 39
George Simons International--Leaders in Diversity & Creating Cultural
Competence. “”.