Jonathan J. Rhodes Hydrologist, Planeto Azul Hydrology P.O. Box 15286 •• Portland, OR 97293-5286 May 9, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: My following comments on the DEIS For the Proposed Issuance of Multiple Species Incidental Take Permits or 4(d) Rules Covering the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) (DEIS) are based on my education and experience, including many years of evaluating the impacts of forest management activities on watershed and aquatic resources. I am hydrologist with more than 23 years of professional experience, with a B.S. in hydrology and water resources from the University of Arizona, a M.S. in hydrology and hydrogeology from the University of Nevada-Reno. I finished all the required academic work toward a Ph.D. in forest hydrology at the University of Washington. I currently work as a consulting hydrologist for a variety of clients, including county and tribal governments in Oregon and Idaho. I worked for more than 12 years at the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, where I served as Senior Scientist-Hydrologist. I have served as a technical advisor on non-point source water pollution to the states of Idaho and Oregon and have worked as a consultant for several local governments in Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, and California. My professional experience over the last 23 years includes work for tribal, federal, state, county, and city governments, universities, homeowners associations, and non-profit groups in eight western states. 1 For more than 16 years, most of my work has focused on the effects of land uses on nonpoint sources of pollution, water quality, channel morphology, and native trout and salmon habitat. I have examined water withdrawals, logging, roadbuilding, mining, and other activities that affect soil erosion, streamflow, or water quality. I have developed monitoring programs to measure changes in streams and water quality caused by various land uses. I have also developed measures to protect existing streams from additional degradation and to restore forested watersheds and their streams. I have also worked with a wide variety of agencies in attempts to get them to begin to comply with a wide variety of duties and regulatory requirements, including the Clean Water Act (CWA), NEPA, NFMA, the ESA, and their own LRMPs. During my tenure at CRITFC, our work with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) provided some of the groundwork for most of the substantive watershed protection measures ultimately adopted by the USFS and U.S. Bureau of Land Management (USBLM) in two combined agency management strategies designed to slow the decline in habitat for anadromous and resident salmonids in the Columbia River basin: “Implementation of Interim Strategies for Managing Anadromous Fish Producing Watersheds in Eastern Oregon and Washington, Idaho, and Portions of California” (1995) (PACFISH) and “Inland Native Strategies for Managing Fishproducing Watersheds in Eastern Oregon and Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, and Portions of Nevada” (INFISH). I have served as a peer-reviewer for the scholarly scientific journal, North American Journal of Fisheries, for papers related to the effects of erosion and sedimentation on fish habitat. I also served as a peer-reviewer for a regional assessment of ecological conditions on forests in eastern 2 Washington and Oregon (Henjum et al., 1994) and the proceedings of an international conference on forestry-fish interactions for papers related soil erosion and stream sedimentation from forestry activities. I have published numerous papers on the effects of logging and related activities on watersheds and aquatic systems. Under contract with NOAA Fisheries (NOFISH) I co-authored or authored peer reviewed reports evaluating the condition of ESA-listed salmonids and their habitats in the Columbia Basin, with recommendations to protect and restore these habitats (Rhodes et al., 1994), the utility of various models for the estimation of erosion, sediment delivery, and effects on fish habitat (Rhodes, 1996), and the overall efficacy of various land management plans in protecting and restoring habitats for ESA-listed salmonids (Rhodes, 1995). I also co-authored data-driven assessments of the status of imperiled trout across the western US (Kessler et al., 2001) and how federal land management schema failed to protect fish habitats on the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho from the adverse effects of sedimentation caused by roads and logging (Espinosa et al., 1997). I have also co-authored peer-reviewed publications on the monitoring the effects of sedimentation on ESA-listed salmonids (Rhodes and Purser, 1998) and the effects of postfire logging on aquatic systems, together with recommendations for improving postfire forest management (Beschta et al., 2004; Karr et al., 2004). I have also published many other papers on the effects of landuse on aquatic systems. I have made invited presentations in a wide variety of professional scientific society meetings, including presentations on the very limited utility of adaptive management schema in the protection and restoration of aquatic systems. 3 My statements and comments on the DEIS and the HCP are based on my review of the Washington Forests and Fish Report (April 29, 1999), Society for Ecological Restoration, Northwest Chapter, Scientific Review of the Washington State Forests and Fish Plan (Jan. 31, 2000) (SER Report), National Marine Fisheries Service Memorandum Re: Statement of how the Forests and Fish Report likely meets Properly Functioning Condition (June 16, 2000), National Marine Fisheries Service Analysis of Riparian Conservation Measures (March 1999), the Review of the Scientific Foundations of the Forests and Fish Plan (CHM2Hill), Washington’s Forest Practices Regulatory Program (WFRP), and the DEIS For the Proposed Issuance of Multiple Species Incidental Take Permits or 4(d) Rules Covering the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) (DEIS). In my review I also drew on my knowledge of the scientific literature, and my own professional knowledge and experience. The scientific literature that I reviewed is too lengthy to list here, so I have appended it at the end of my comments. I submit these comments to explain the numerous significant failings of the Washington Forests and Fish Report (FFR) and the HCP to protect salmon, steelhead, and bull trout populations and their habitat from degradation from flow alteration, surface erosion, sediment delivery, and consequent effects on aquatic resources.1 Because of these defects, the FFR fails to reduce the negative impacts of forestry activities on affected fish and amphibians from flow alteration, surface erosion, and sediment delivery to streams. The prescriptions in the FFR with respect to activities that affect streamflows, surface erosion, and sedimentation, will not restore and The term “aquatic resources” is used to denote the full suite of aquatic resources, including, but not limited to, water quality, fish habitat, channel form, embedded aquatic biota, and other beneficial uses. 1 4 maintain riparian habitat for a minimal population of salmon, steelhead, and bull trout, and the requirements will not protect water quality or meet state water quality standards. Indeed, it is likely that activities allowed under Alt. 1-3 in the DEIS will cause continued damage to aquatic populations and their habitats, leading to increased likelihood of extinction and extirpation. Although there are many other factors besides sediment delivery and flow alteration that are equally important to the protection and restoration of aquatic resources, I will not address those in my following comments in any detail. I also submit these comments to explain how DEIS to fails to reasonably analyze and disclose the likely effects of the alternatives and to reasonably differentiate among those alternatives analyzed with respect to surface erosion, sediment delivery, flow alteration, and consequent effects on aquatic resources. Ecological Impacts From Flow Alteration, Road Run-off, Sediment Delivery, and Increased Turbidity It is well-documented that roads, road construction, and logging cumulatively elevate peakflows, erosion, sediment delivery, turbidity, and sedimentation via several mechanisms (Meehan, 1991; USFS et al., 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; UFSF and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004). These activities also reduce subsurface flows to streams (Megahan, 1972; Tague and Band, 2001; Hancock, 2002) and have been shown to reduce lowflows (Hicks et al., 1991). Flow alteration and channel alteration from sedimentation and elevated peakflows contributes to the elevation of summer water temperatures (Thuerer et al., 1985; Hicks et al., 1991; Dose and 5 Roper, 1994; Bartholow, 2000), which is already a pervasive problem in streams draining logged watersheds in Washington (DEIS). These effects of logging-related activities combine to cause significant and long-lasting damage to populations of salmonids, amphibians, macroinvertebrates, and their habitats (Meehan, 1991; USFS et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; UFSF and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004, Karr et al., 2004). Increased peak flows significantly increase channel erosion, downstream sediment delivery and sedimentation, turbidity, channel width, and the frequency and magnitude of channel scour in streams and aquatic habitats (Rhodes et al., 1994; Dose and Roper, 1994, SER Report, Dunne et al., 2001). Even relatively small changes in peakflow magnitude and frequency can have major effects on salmonids by triggering significant changes in channel erosion and sediment transport (Dunne et al., 2001). These combined effects contribute to channel simplification, producing straighter streams with fewer and shallower pools, less off-channel habitat, and less large wood that is less effective at providing cover and creating pools (Richards, 1982; Lisle and Hilton, 1992; USFS et al., 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; McIntosh et al., 2000, Buffington et al., 2002). Other factors remaining equal, channel widening contributes to increases in summer water temperatures (Beschta et al., 1987; Rhodes et al., 1994; Bartholow, 2002). All of these effects reduce the survival and productivity of salmonids. Increased channel scour greatly increases salmonid mortality by eliminating gravel needed for salmonid redds or by directly washing salmonid eggs downstream (SER Report). 6 Increased erosion and consequent increases in sediment delivery and sedimentation also contribute to channel simplification, including losses in the depth, frequency, and quality of pools and off-channel habitats. Increased sedimentation also contributes increased levels of fine sediment which greatly reduces salmonid survival from egg-to-fry life stages. Studies have consistently demonstrated that elevated sediment delivery increases fine sediment in channel substrate, reducing the median particle size of channel substrate (Lisle et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; Hassan and Church, 2000; Kappesser, 2002). The loss of pool depth from sedimentation has been shown to be correlated with bed fining caused by increased sediment delivery (Kappesser, 2002). USFS et al. (1993) noted that increased sediment delivery was one of the primary causes of the extensive pool loss within the area covered by the Northwest Forest Plan (NFP). Elevated sediment delivery also increases turbidity. Increased turbidity impairs salmonid sightfeeding and can cause gill damage, both factors that can contribute to indirect mortality (Rhodes et al., 1994). Elevated turbidity can also violate state water quality standards. DEFECTS IN THE FFR Shortcomings of the FFR Prescriptions For Peak Flows Under the FFR, peakflows with a recurrence interval of two years are allowed to increase by up to 20%. However, a 20% increase is likely to be very harmful to threatened salmonids, because it can increase the frequency of the equivalent of a two-year flow to approximately once every 1.3 years (SER Report). Increasing the frequency of these peakflows to occur on average every 1.3 years will likely increase the mortality of salmonids due to flood scour by over 50% (SER 7 Report). The SER Report correctly concluded that elevating the two-year peak flow by 20% would increase the rate and frequency of salmonid mortality from flood scour. For already imperiled species, such a decrease in average survival rate clearly reduces the likelihood of survival of the species. The decreased fry production also is not consistent with the protection of the beneficial use of streams for salmonid spawning. These frequently occurring flows with a recurrence interval of about two years are the flows which primarily control channel form and dimensions (Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Richards, 1982; Mosley and McKurchar, 1993). Thus, even in the unlikely case that the FFR’s peakflow goals are realized, they still assure the degradation of channel form and aquatic habitats, and elevated downstream flooding. The allowed increases in peakflows are also likely to significantly increase turbidity and degrade water quality. This is because turbidity levels are generally correlated with peakflows by a power function, so turbidity levels typically increase exponentially with increasing discharge. Therefore, a 20% increase in peak flow is likely to result in an increase in turbidity far greater than 20%. However, water quality standards for most of the streams require that turbidity levels be increased by no more than 10% over background. However, it is unlikely FFR provisions will meet this inadequate goal and ensure that two-year peak flows are not actually increased by more than 20% because the FFR does not address the amount of watershed area occupied by roads or logged within the past 15-30 years (SER Report). Instead, the only FFR’s only concrete provision for controlling peakflows is to decrease the 8 amount of road runoff entering streams. This fails to adequately address cumulative sources of peakflow elevation. Mere reduction, to a degree that is completely unspecified, is highly unlikely to ensure that two-year peakflows are not increased by more than 20%. Roads greatly elevate surface runoff. A significant amount of the road networks in most watersheds are hydrologically connected to the stream networks, elevating peak flows (Wemple et al., 1996; Rhodes and Huntington, 2000). Due to the density and position of roads and stream channels, it is not possible to completely eliminate the delivery of road runoff to streams. Studies have conclusively documented that logged areas also increase runoff in areas with rainon-snow (Bowling et al., 2000) or where snowmelt is the primary source of annual peak flows (e.g. review in Rhodes et al., 1994). This is particularly clear in areas where snowmelt dominates peakflow generation and the mechanisms are well-understood (MacDonald and Ritland, 1989; King, 1989; Cheng, 1989; Rhodes et al., 1994). These increases in runoff can contribute to elevated peakflows for several decades. Therefore, absent clear and effective limitations on the amount of watershed area logged and roaded, it is highly unlikely that the FFR provisions will effectively ensure that two-year peak flows are not increased by more than 20%. In order to prevent significant elevation of peakflows and attendant damage to aquatic resources, it is prudent to develop fairly conservative limits on the amount of a watershed affected by roads and logging (Rhodes et al., 1994; Murphy, 1995; Spence et al., 1996). Conservative limits are necessary for several reasons. First, it is extremely well documented that aquatic habitats are already widely degraded and need to recover considerably if the decline of salmonid populations 9 is to be reversed (Henjum et al., 1994; USFS et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; NRC, 1995; USFS and USBLM, 1997a; b; USFWS, 1998; WDFW, 2000; Kessler et al., 2001; Karr et al., 2004). Second, due to fragmentation, habitat damage, and declines, salmonid populations are not resilient. Many trout populations are may not persist under the maintenance of current widely degraded conditions (USFS and USBLM, 1997b). Additional habitat damage and attendant fragmentation increases the likelihood of extinction (USFS and USBLM, 1997a). Third, methods of estimating peak flow elevation from roads and logging are subject to both abuse and considerable error and are not a reliable means for preventing peak flow increases beyond a given threshold, such as 20%. Fourth, peak flow increases caused by logging and roads are persistent. Once roads are built and trees logged, little can be done to rapidly reverse these effects, except to wait decades for recovery. These problems are compounded because the recovery of channel form typically lags well behind the recovery in the cause of channel alteration (e.g., peakflows) (Kondolf, 1993; 1997). However, the FFR not only fails to provide a conservative limit on logging and road area to protect against elevated peak flows, it provides no limit on the amount of area disturbed by logging and roads, allowing both to increase without limit. Many assessments of hydrologic cumulative effects from logging and roads have suggested limiting the amount area of watershed area disturbed by these activities. While there is a good some debate about thresholds of disturbance past which there are significant cumulative effects 10 there is general agreement that if more than 30% of a watershed is in a cutover state (<30 years old), significant negative cumulative effects to aquatic resources are very likely to accrue on a persistent basis, as corroborated by data-based modeling (Ziemer et al. 1991a; b). Under the FFR this level of watershed disturbance is allowed to be exceeded. Based on their review, Spence et al. (1996) recommended that no more than 15%-20% of the watershed should be in a hydrologically immature (logged and roaded) state at any given time. However, they also acknowledged the potential errors associated with the approach and noted that more conservative disturbance thresholds were warranted in cases where: channel conditions had already been degraded by hydrologic change, significant amounts of the watershed areas were in the transient snow zone, past harvest had occurred in hydrologic source areas, or channels lacked large wood. Spence et al. (1996) also noted that since studies demonstrated that models underestimated actual changes in total water yield, this underscored the need to exercise caution in using such models and selecting thresholds. Based on existing contexts, conditions, and salmonid response to habitat effects, limits on disturbance from logging and roads need to be well below the limits cited by Spence et al. (1996) to prevent significant cumulative increases in peak flows. In contrast, the FFR completely fails to reasonably cap watershed disturbance levels and does not require that more conservative limits be applied where damage has already occurred. For these reasons, it is highly unlikely that the FFR will ensure that peakflows with an estimated recurrence interval of two years are limited to less than 20%. 11 The FFR’s provisions for limiting peak flows primarily focus on rain-on-snow concerns and activities in the transient snow zone, and largely ignore likely increases in peak flows caused by activities that elevate snowmelt in the absence of rain-on-snow. As discussed, studies have consistently found that logging and roads elevate snowmelt and, consequently, peak flows, in areas where snowmelt is the primary source of peak flows. In such areas, peakflows from snowmelt annually deliver and transport the bulk of sediment (MacDonald and Ritland, 1989; King, 1989). Therefore, the FFR provisions fail to adequately address peak flow alteration and consequent increases in sediment delivery in areas with snowmelt-dominated peak flows. There is little dispute that all available evidence clearly indicates that the most frequently occurring peakflows (e.g. with a recurrence interval of up to 5 years) are increased in a statistically significant fashion by forest removal and roads (Jones and Grant, 1996; Thomas and Megahan, 1998; Beschta et al., 2000; Bowling et al., 2000). Jones and Post (2004) also documented persistent increases in peakflows in response to forest removal in the Pacific Northwest. This will increase the frequency and magnitude of habitat damage and salmon mortality during these larger, but more infrequent, peak flows. While the allowed increases in the two-year peakflows are likely to elevate salmonid mortality, larger peakflows with longer recurrence intervals are also likely to be elevated by activities allowed under the FFR. Bowling et al. (2001) found statistically significant increases in peakflows from logging and roads in peakflow events with return intervals up to 10 years in western Washington. 12 Although Thomas and Megahan (1998) and Beschta et al. (2000) argued that larger peakflows with longer return intervals are not increased by logging and roads, these arguments are based on artifacts of statistical power and the failure to properly account for it. Their results do not indicate that larger peakflows with return intervals greater than 5 years are not affected by logging, but instead show that results are simply inconclusive for larger flows due to low statistical power. Larger peakflows with greater return intervals intrinsically occur less frequently than smaller peakflows with lower return intervals,2 resulting in steadily dwindling sample number for larger flows. Larger flows also have greater variability. Statistical power decreases dramatically with decreases in sample number and increases in variability. As a result, the minimum effect that can be statistically detected increases dramatically with decreasing sample number and increased variability. Therefore, the lack of statistically significant differences from logging for larger flows may be solely due to associated statistical effects (decreased sample number and increased variability) rather than reflection of the actual underlying change.3 Based on analysis of data from many watersheds in western Washington, Bowling et al. (2000) clearly demonstrated that the detectability of increases in peakflows caused by logging decreased 2 This is irrefutably occurs, because the frequency of occurrence is the sole factor used to estimate recurrence interval of peakflows of different sizes (e.g. Dunne and Leopold, 1978). 3 This is clearly the case for Beschta et al. (2000), in which the estimated magnitude of change in peakflows with increasing return interval was strongly correlated with sample number, although it was not analyzed or discussed in the paper. Based on statistical analysis of paired watershed data, they concluded that peakflows with recurrence intervals of greater than 5 years were unchanged by logging. However, this was based on a very small amount of data: a sample number of three in one case, and one in the other. This clearly indicates that these results do not show that larger flows are unaffected by logging, but, instead, demonstrates that weak statistical power yields inconclusive statistical results. 13 with increasing return interval. The analysis of Bowling et al. (2000) also indicated that the inability to detect statistically significant increases in peakflows with recurrence intervals greater than 5-10 years was more likely due to reduced detectabilty rather than a reflection of the actual change in these peakflows caused by logging and roads. Therefore, Thomas and Megahan (1998) and Beschta et al (2000) do not shed any light on the effect of logging and roads on peakflows greater than the 5-year event, but, instead, merely illustrate the rather pedestrian result that analyses with extremely low statistical power yield inconclusive results. Based on available information, there is no good evidence that logging and roads do not increase larger peakflows at the watershed scale. A glaring defect of the FFR is that it contains no peakflow prescriptions for eastern Washington. Numerous studies indicate that peakflow increases caused by roads and logging are most pronounced in areas where snowmelt is the primary source of peak flow, as is the case in eastern Washington. Channels in eastern Washington also tend to be more vulnerable to degradation from peak flows and their associated effects due to their channel types and widespread grazing impacts. Fine sediment problems from accelerated sedimentation are also typically greatest in areas with flows dominated by snowmelt, such as eastern Washington (Everest et al., 1987). Therefore, the FFR has failed to ensure that aquatic habitats and water quality in eastern Washington are not damaged from the likely effects of logging and roads on peakflows and resulting impacts. Instead, the FFR clearly allows more damage to aquatic resources to occur from increased peakflows caused by logging, roads, and landings. This is likely to appreciably diminish the likelihood of the persistence of imperiled salmonids. 14 Forests and Fish Report Prescriptions Fail to Protect Lowflows Logging-related activities also reduce lowflows. Although increases in lowflows from forest removal have been hypothesized, it appears that these do not always occur. Harr (1982) found that overall water yield was reduced by logging, apparently due to the loss of fog drip from large trees, which can be an important component of precipitation in fog-influenced systems such as the coastal ranges and Cascades of the Pacific Northwest (Calder, 1993). Where increases in lowflow do occur in response forest removal in the coastal province, they require extensive removal of forests, on the order of more than 25% of the watershed logged within 5-16 years. These increases in lowflows are short-lived, lasting 5-16 years after extensive logging (Everest and Harr, 1982; Hicks et al., 1991). The rapid regrowth of vegetation has been suggested to be the primary cause of the relatively rapid elimination of increased lowflow, when it occurs. Forest clearing reduces lowflows. In the only long term study of the affect of forest clearing on flows in the Pacific Coast province, Hicks et al. (1991) found that for a watershed in Oregon that had been 100% clearcut and burned there was nominal increase in August lowflow about 8 years, but thereafter, lowflow was reduced relative to the pre-logging condition for 19 years in a statistically significant fashion. Using a rotation time of 70-100 years, Hicks et al., (1991) concluded that August low flows might be increased 8-11% of the rotation time, but significantly reduced at least 19-27% of the time after extensive forest clearing. Bowling et al. (2001) found statistically significant decreasing trends in lowflows at the watershed scale in logged basins in western Washington. While this suggests that logging may 15 reduce lowflows, it was not clear if this was due to solely to logging; climatic trends could not be discounted as a contributing factor. Jones and Post (2004) also found that logging in the Pacific Northwest reduced summer flows several years after removal. They also found that the logging exposed aquatic biota to higher levels of annual hydrologic variability which may have negative consequences for such biota (Jones and Post, 2004). While the long-term effect of logging-related activities on the reduction of lowflows has received little attention the mechanisms for it are obvious and straightforward. Roadcuts inexorably interrupt and intercept subsurface flows (Kirkby, 1978) which provide an important source of lowflows for streams. The interception by subsurface flows by roadcuts is likely to reduce downslope soil moisture levels and subsurface flow contributions to affected streams during drier periods, contributing to reduced lowflows (Tague and Band, 2001; Hancock, 2002). Reductions in infiltration rates and the water storage capacity in soils from compaction by ground-based equipment, especially on roads, shunt more precipitation into surface runoff instead of the soil, which ultimately provides lowflows for streams (Kirkby, 1978). This also likely contributes to cumulatively reduced lowflows over time. Logging effects on organic matter in soils cumulatively reduces the ability of soils to absorb and store water. Logging significantly reduces sources of soil organic matter (USFS and USBLM, 1997; Beschta et al., 2004). Soils with higher levels of soil organic matter typically have higher infiltration rates and are able to store more soil moisture (Rawls et al., 1993). Cumulative reductions in organic matter in intensively managed forests may also contribute to reduced 16 lowflows by reducing soil moisture and organic matter (Griffith et al., in review; Perry et al., in prep.), infilitration rates, and total water in the soils (Rawls et al., 1993). Griffith et al., (in review) and (Perry et al., in prep.) documented that soil moisture and soil organic matter in old growth stands in the Pacific Northwest were significantly higher than in comparable logged stands. Elevated soil erosion caused by logging, roads, and landings also inexorably reduces the water holding capacity of soils. The effect is not trivial. The loss of one inch of soil of topsoil over one square mile reduces potential soil water storage by more than 1.3 million cubic feet. Top soil loss is utterly cumulative because it is essentially permanent (Beschta et al., 2004). Field and laboratory studies indicate that reductions in water moving downslope within the soil profile contributes to reductions in low flows (Kirkby, 1978). As Hicks (1991) noted, reductions in lowflows are likely to reduce the survival of salmonids by reducing rearing area and increasing water temperatures. Subsurface supply of water to streams are important for thermal regulation and providing flows to streams draining forest watersheds, especially during lowflow periods (Beschta et al., 1987; Hicks et al., 1991; Rhodes et al., 1994), as the DEIS concedes. Reductions in subsurface flows to streams reduce low flow volumes, which, alone, increase summer water temperatures (Theurer et al., 1985; Beschta et al., 1987; Hicks et al., 1991; Rhodes et al., 1994). Subsurface flows are also typically far cooler than surface flows, aiding in the thermal regulation of streams during low flows (Beschta et al., 1987). Thermal regulation is critically important to salmonids and amphibians (McCullough, 1999; Jackson et al., 2002). This thermal regulation is important not only in reaches occupied by 17 salmonids, but also in headwater reaches that provide amphibian habitat (Jackson et al, 2002) and are critical in a systemic fashion to downstream thermal regulation (Rhodes et al., 1994). Although it is clear that the cumulative impacts of logging contribute to reduced lowflows, the FFR has no measures to prevent such occurrences. As with peakflow issues, the primary means needed to prevent continued damage to lowflows are to develop limits on logging and road construction. The FFR provides no such limits and, instead, allows these logging and roads to increase, together with their cumulative impacts on lowflows. Forests and Fish Report Inadequacies With Respect To Roads and Other Sources of Sediment Delivery The most significant defect of the FFR is that it allows road construction and road density to increase without limit in all watersheds. This is a fatal flaw because assessments have consistently noted that reductions in road density and road effects are necessary, but not sufficient, to reduce the on-going damage to aquatic resources (USFS et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; USFS and USBLM, 1997a; Karr et al., 2004). There is an unmistakable relationship between increasing road density and reductions in range and number of salmonids (USFS and USBLM, 1997a). Based on the road densities in the DEIS for timberlands that would be covered by the HCP, road densities are already at levels that exceed levels that damage aquatic systems and result in reductions in the abundance and range in salmonid populations (USFS and USBLM, 1997a). Existing road densities in the areas that would be covered by the HCP are well beyond the 18 criteria of USFWS (1998) and NOFish (1996) for road density at which watersheds are “Not Properly Functioning.” The FFR directs that timber harvest practices decrease the amount of road runoff entering streams. However, it accomplishes that by diverting road surface runoff onto hillslopes rather than directly into stream channels. This re-direction is often inadequate to prevent surface flow from entering streams during storms, especially when the roads are in close proximity to streams. Further, the re-direction often causes other problems, such as hillslope gullying, which significantly increases sedimentation, while continuing to contribute to peak flow increases (Wemple et al., 1996; Rhodes and Huntington, 2000). Diversion of surface runoff can also increase the mass failure rate, increasing sediment delivery, sedimentation, and salmon habitat damage. While some road management practices can, in some limited cases, provide slight reductions in the amount of road runoff directly entering streams, these practices cannot eliminate road runoff into streams, as the DEIS concedes. There are absolutely no assurances that the reductions will be either significant or adequate to reduce the peakflows in watersheds with high levels of road density and recent logging to less than 20% over natural levels. It is extremely unlikely that efforts to reduce runoff from existing roads into streams can more than offset increases in runoff and peakflow caused by additional logging and road construction in watersheds, especially since both are allowed to increase without limit under the FFR. 19 The FFR’s provisions fail to assure that sediment delivery from logging, roads, and road construction is limited or reduced to levels that prevent additional habitat damage and allow some recovery in already damaged habitats. The provisions are also inadequate to assure that turbidity standards are not exceeded. The FFR sets as a goal that existing road networks produce sediment at levels no more than 50% over background or show an improving trend in sediment delivery. This approach is grossly deficient on several counts. First, the objective of limiting sediment production from existing roads to no more than 50% over background is only set as a goal. This condition is not required, and therefore, not likely to be met in most watersheds with salmonid habitats. Second, the FFR sediment production objective applies only to existing roads and fails to include sediment production from future road construction. This defect is even more egregious because FFR does not limit the amount of future road construction or ultimate road density. For this reason, alone, it is likely that under the FFR both total sediment production and sediment production from roads will increase significantly in many watersheds, including those with damaged habitat and degraded water quality conditions. These increases in sediment production and delivery will cause further damage to salmonid habitats, water quality, and streams. It will also prevent recovery in already damaged systems, because such systems require significant reductions in sediment production and delivery for recovery. This will increase the likelihood of continued fragmentation of salmonid populations, local extirpations, and extinction. 20 Third, the FFR sediment production goal is for the inventoried road network. It does not take into account or limit sediment production from orphaned or abandoned roads that are not included in existing inventories or transportation maps. Such uninventoried and orphaned and abandoned roads often comprise 10-50% of the actual road mileage in logged watersheds. These uninventoried roads are a significant source of elevated sediment production. Fourth, the FFR ignores significant sources of sediment production from logging operations because it applies only to sediment production from roads. Although roads are typically the largest source of sediment in logged watersheds, logged areas also produce significant amounts of elevated sediment delivery, especially in heavily logged watersheds. By setting goals only for sediment production from roads, rather than all logging-related sources, the FFR also ignores sediment production from allowed levels of bank damage on non-fish-bearing streams. As previously discussed, elevated peak flows will also increase sediment delivery to salmonid habitats. Fifth, the approach relies on BMPs, road upgrading, and road obliteration and abandonment instead of limiting road construction and road density. This is a fatal flaw because numerous studies have documented that sediment production from roads is greatest during the construction period and a few years thereafter (Furniss, 1991; Beschta et al., 2004). Management practices cannot eliminate increased sediment production from road construction (USFS and USBLM, 1997b). As Beschta et al., 2004 noted, “Furthermore, the assumption that road obliteration or BMPs will offset the negative impacts of new road and landing construction and use is unsound since road construction has immediate negative impacts and benefits of obliteration accrue 21 slowly.” This clearly indicates that the FFR approach will not effectively limit surface erosion and sediment delivery to streams, and, instead, allows it, and attendant damage to aquatic resources to increase. The FFR also ignores that there is an increasing body of work indicating that BMPs are inadequate to protect aquatic systems from the cumulative damage caused by continued logging and road density. Espinosa et al. (1997) demonstrated that aquatic habitats were severely damaged by roads and logging in several watersheds despite BMP application. Espinosa et al. (1997) specifically noted that blind reliance on BMPs in lieu of limiting or avoiding activities that cause aquatic damage serves to increase aquatic damage. This conclusion is highly germane to the FFR because it exemplifies just such a blind reliance on BMPs. There are no reliable data that BMPs can relegate the adverse effects of significant soil and vegetation disturbance on aquatic resources to ecologically negligible levels, especially within the context of currently pervasive watershed and aquatic degradation (Ziemer and Lisle, 1993; ISG, 1999; Espinosa et al., 1997; Beschta et al., 2004). Even activities implemented with somewhat effective BMPs still often contribute to negative cumulative effects (Ziemer et al., 1991b; Rhodes et al., 1994; Espinosa et al. 1997; Beschta et al., 2004). Based on review of available data, MacDonald and Ritland (1989) concluded that roads typically double suspended sediment yield even with state-of-the-art construction and erosion control and that suspended sediment contributions from surface erosion, alone, from roads in the absence of mass failure, are typically in the range of 5 to 20 percent above background and remain at elevated levels for as long as roads are in use. Notably, this would, in many cases, violate water quality standards 22 for turbidity. Based on a review of available information, Kattleman (1996) concluded that BMPs could do little to reduce sediment delivery from roads at stream crossings. In the case of the FFR the term “best” is not an apt term for its management practices, because the FFR does not prescribe management practices for controlling sediment delivery from surface erosion from roads that can truly be considered the “best.” For instance, the FFR includes no prohibition on wet weather haul on native surfaced roads even though it is well-documented that this greatly increases surface erosion and sediment delivery on roads. Wet weather haul causes rutting, which has been documented to increase sediment delivery from surface erosion on roads by about 2-5 times that occurring on roads without ruts (Burroughs, 1990; Foltz and Burroughs, 1990). This increase in sediment delivery is over and above the grossly elevated levels caused by the very existence of roads as exacerbated by haul traffic. Because these negative impacts of haul traffic on wet roads are so well recognized, one of the more commonly employed BMPs on many national forests is prohibition of timber haul during periods when roads are wet. As USFS research has noted (Burroughs, 1990), road closure during wet weather is one of the most important measures to take in order to avoid road damage and to reduce sediment production from roads. However, the FFR fails to require any similar BMP application, even in watersheds where sedimentation is already a problem for water quality and imperiled aquatic species. Similarly, the FFR woefully fails to protect an adequate width of vegetation along all streams to somewhat limit sediment delivery from upslope logging, landings, and roads. This despite that it has long been recognized that full protection of the area of vegetation within 200 to >300 ft of the edge of all stream types is one of the most important and effective ways to limit sediment 23 delivery from upslope disturbances, as numerous independent assessments have repeatedly concluded, including, to but not limited to, Anderson et al. (1993), USFS et al. (1993), Henjum et al. (1994), Rhodes et al. (1994), NRC (1995), Erman et al. (1996), Moyle et al., 1996; USFS and USBLM (1997a), Beschta et al. (2004), Karr et al. (2004). The FFR also fails to put a ceiling on total road density and the amount of immature forest (<30 years) from logging in watersheds, despite strong evidence that this limiting these cumulative watershed disturbances is critical important means of limiting long-term damage to aquatic systems (Ziemer, 1991a; b; USFS et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; Murphy, 1995; Spence et al., 1996; NOFish, 1996; CWWR, 1996; USFS and USBLM, 1997a; USFWS, 1998). Clearly the FFR’s management practices for limiting sediment delivery from roads and logging can not be accurately termed “best management practices,” because they fail to incorporate management practices for doing so, that have been widely recognized as among the most effective measures. As will be discussed in greater detail, there is no merit to the notion that the adaptive management approach in the FFR can be used to improve BMPs in a timely manner to a degree necessary to adequately protect aquatic resources is extremely unlikely. There are several formidable reasons adaptive management is not amenable to limiting or reducing damage to watershed and aquatic resources (Ziemer et al., 1991a; Ziemer, 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; Rhodes, 1998). As Ziemer (1994) noted, the notion of effective use of adaptive management to fine tune activities, while protecting watersheds and aquatics “ an attractive, but ecologically naive idea.” 24 However, the greatest evidence that the adaptive management process under the FFR will not appreciably improve management practices is the FFR itself. Adaptive management is often described as “learning by doing,” which obviously requires learning from what is done. However, the FFR indicates that most effective practices and prescriptions have been ignored despite overwhelming evidence for their necessity, indicating that nothing has been learned from what has already been done. Since the FFR indicates a severe inability to learn from what has already been done, it is even more unlikely that it is possible for the process to “learn by doing.” The FFR allows up to 10% of streambanks on non-fish bearing streams to be disturbed by logging. This is likely to be a significant source of elevated sediment. Non-fish- bearing streams account for 50-70% of the channel network (SER Report). Therefore, a significant amount of the banks in a stream network can be mechanically disrupted, creating a large source of sediment that is efficiently delivered to downstream salmonid habitats (SER Report). This plainly indicates that the FFR’s provisions for sediment production focusing solely on existing roads ignore significant sources of sediment caused by logging operations. These defects are significant because it is total sediment delivery to streams, not just that from existing roads, that degrades channel habitats and water quality. Due to these omissions of sediment sources, it is likely that total sediment production from logging and related activities will be well above 50% over background, even if the goal for existing roads is met. These omissions also make it highly likely that sediment delivery from surface erosion will actually increase significantly in many watersheds under the FFR, resulting increased damage to aquatic resources, and decreased likelihood of the persistence of salmonid populations. 25 Fifth, even if it is met, the sediment production goal for existing roads, together with the lack of goals for other sources, allows increases in sediment production, and consequent increases in turbidity and habitat and water quality damage. This is allowed even in watersheds where turbidity is already elevated and existing levels of sediment delivery are already causing habitat and water quality degradation. In areas where the total sediment load from logging and related activities is already damaging habitat, the FFR allows significant increases in sediment production from logging, elevated peak flows, and mechanical bank damage on streams comprising the majority of the stream network. Together, these sediment sources can greatly increase sediment delivery, even in systems that already have elevated turbidity and highly impaired habitat and water quality conditions caused by existing levels of sediment delivery. This will increase the intensity and extent of aquatic damage from sediment delivery and thwart recovery of damaged habitats, further imperiling the persistence of salmonids. Sixth, models used to estimate both background and existing sediment production from roads are often in error and fraught with potential for abuse (Rhodes, 1995; Hickey, 1997). Therefore, in many watersheds, actual sediment production from existing roads will remain greater than 50% over background, despite estimates to the contrary. Seventh, even if met in all cases in all watersheds, the goal of limiting sediment production from roads to no greater than 50% over background does not ensure that turbidity, water quality, and habitat conditions are not degraded further by sediment production from roads and other sources. Sediment delivery levels well below 50% over background levels degrades pools, fine sediment, 26 channel morphology, and turbidity (Rhodes et al., 1994). Similarly, sediment delivery that is <50% contributes to the maintenance of degraded conditions of pools, fine sediment, channel morphology, and turbidity, preventing or severely retarding recovery of habitat attributes essential to the survival of salmonids (Rhodes et al., 1994). Notably, the FFR, National Marine Fisheries Service Memorandum Re: Statement of how the Forests and Fish Report likely meets Properly Functioning Condition (June 16, 2000), the National Marine Fisheries Service Analysis of Riparian Conservation Measures (March 1999), CH2M (2000) all fail to provide any compelling data, scientific literature, studies, or rationale indicating that limiting sediment production from existing roads to 50% or less of background levels ensures that habitat and water quality conditions are not further degraded. Similarly, there is no sound scientific basis that this goal, even if met, would allow improvement in damaged habitat conditions, instead, data countermands this proposition (Rhodes et al., 1994). This is especially true since the FFR provides no limit on increased sediment production from other sources, such as bank damage, peak flows, and logging. Because the FFR provisions ignore sediment contributions from other sources, total sediment production from logging and related activities is likely to be far higher than 50% over background. Eighth, the sediment production goal for roads allows significant, and essentially permanent, elevation of turbidity well beyond existing standards. Most sediment produced from roads contributes to suspended sediment levels. In most watersheds, turbidity is proportional to sediment levels. Therefore, even if the sediment production goal for existing roads is met, sediment production from existing roads, alone, is likely to elevate turbidity to 50% over background (natural) levels. In fact, this exceedance of turbidity standards is likely to be even 27 greater because turbidity will also be elevated by allowed bank damage, logging, elevated peak flows, and newly constructed roads. Therefore, the FFR clearly allows significant and longlasting exceedance of turbidity standards. Ninth, the FFR inadequate riparian protection measures assure that sediment delivery from logging, landings, and roads will be relatively efficient. On all streams, the FFR provides riparian protection areas that are far narrower than recommended to reduce sediment delivery, based on data assessments (e.g., USFS et al., 1993; Henjum et al., 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; NRC, 1995; Erman et al., 1996; Moyle et al., 1996; USFS and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004; Karr et al., 2004). For instance, based on an analysis of sediment movement data in granitic terrain in climatic conditions similar to eastern Washington, USFS and USBLM (1997a) estimated that a distance of about 550 feet from each side of an ephemeral stream was needed to reduce the risk of accelerated sediment delivery to intermittent streams from upslope sources where a 50% slope abutted an ephemeral channel. Notably, USFS and USBLM (1997a) concluded that such a reserve width did not ensure protection against increased sedimentation, but only reduced its probability. The FFR riparian provisions fall well short of protecting 550 feet from either side of streams. These are extremely significant defects. Roads are primary source of habitat degradation throughout the Pacific Northwest (USFS et al., 1993; Rhodes et al., 1994; Beschta et al., 2004). The fine sediment delivered to streams from surface erosion on roads is particularly deleterious to salmonids and many other aquatic fauna, including those that comprise the aquatic food web 28 (Waters, 1995; Fore and Karr, 1996). Damage from sediment delivery is already a pandemic problem for salmonids in streams draining areas covered by the FFR. The Forest and Fish Report Fails To Adequately Protect Riparian Areas – Especially Those on Non-Fish-Bearing Streams. The other significant defects of the FFR with respect to flow alteration and sediment delivery are exacerbated by highly inadequate protection of riparian areas, especially those on smaller nonfish-bearing channels. The FFR provisions allow considerable degradation of riparian areas by allowing road construction and logging with these areas. Protection is especially lacking along non-perennial non-fish-bearing streams that comprise the majority of the channel network in most watersheds. On these streams, the FFR does not require the retention of any trees. The FFR fails completely to heed the recommendations of NRC (1995) and Rhodes et al. (1994) that riparian protection areas should be sized conservatively with factors of safety in mind due to the irreversible nature of damage to these areas from logging, landings, and roads. It also fails to protect all riparian areas along all streams and is egregiously defective with respect to the treatment of small headwater streams, especially non-perennial ones. It is well established that these streams are necessary to protect if downstream habitats and water quality are to be protected from the riverine insults of elevated sediment delivery from loggingrelated activities (Rhodes et al., 1994; Moyle et al., 1996; Erman et al., 1996). Due to their characteristics, many small headwater streams with high gradients and unconsolidated channel substrate are extremely vulnerable to channel erosion caused by peakflow elevation (Rhodes, 1994; 29 Rosgen, 1996). These headwater streams are typically flanked by slopes that are steeper than those flanking larger downstream stream segments with fish. These streams also have smaller floodplains to buffer degradation from upslope impacts (Rosgen, 1996). Due to their position in the channel network, this increases downstream sedimentation in fish habitats (Montgomery and Buffington, 1998). Increases in peakflows can also increase bedload movement reducing the survival of salmonids (King, 1989; USFS et al., 1993). These streams are not only extremely sensitive to disturbance, but also typically comprise the bulk of the stream network, and cumulatively exert an extremely strong control on downstream aquatic conditions (Rhodes et al., 1994; Moyle et al., 1996). Damage to headwater streams and riparian areas not only degrades habitats in headwater streams, but downstream habitats as well, because headwater streams provide most of the water and sediment for downstream reaches (Rhodes et al., 1994; Moyle et al., 1996; Erman et al., 1996). Due to their extent and density on the landscape headwater streams typically have more length that is proximate to land management activities than larger fish-bearing streams, because the former comprise the majority of the channel network. Proximity exerts a strong control on the magnitude and types of impacts to streams caused by land management (Meehan, 1991; Rhodes et al., 1994; Murphy, 1995). Therefore, non-perennial streams tend to be more intensively and extensively affected by land management activities. Due to their importance and sensitivity, smaller headwater streams need to receive as much or more protection than larger streams if aquatic resources are to be protected (Rhodes et al., 1994; Moyle et al., 1996; USFS and USBLM, 1997a). This information indicates it is extremely 30 unlikely that aquatic resources can be protected and restoring without adequately protecting streams that comprise the bulk of the channel network and more vulnerable to degradation than larger streams. The failure to require the retention of all trees within at least one site potential tree height along all streams will contribute to increased sediment delivery from logging and roads in three ways. First, sediment delivery to streams from any activity generally increases with increasing proximity to the stream, other factors remaining equal. By allowing sediment producing activities, such as roads and logging within a tree height of streams, the inadequate riparian protection measures allow elevated sediment delivery to streams. Second, vegetation removal reduces the sediment filtering capacity of riparian areas by reducing terrestrial downed wood. This increases the efficiency of sediment delivery from logging and roads. Third, tree removal reduces the size and frequency of in-channel downed wood, which stores delivered sediment in-channel. This increases the efficiency of in-channel sediment transport to downstream fish habitats. The failure to fully protect riparian vegetation on non-fish-bearing streams ensures that downstream fish habitats will not be adequately protected for several reasons. Because seasonal streams comprise the majority of the channel network length, they cumulatively exert a profound influence on downstream aquatic conditions via the transport of water, sediment, and nutrients. Due to the amount of the stream network comprised by seasonal streams and their linkage to 31 downstream conditions, it is impossible to protect perennial streams without fully protecting seasonal streams. The FFR’s riparian protections along perennial fish-bearing and non-fish-bearing streams are also highly deficient and will not maintain the sediment buffering capacity provided by trees and other vegetation in riparian areas. These are also significant defects, especially since most riparian areas on private forest lands have already been significantly degraded by previous logging and existing roads. The Forests and Fish Report Fails To Address Baseline Conditions and Cumulative Effects. For waterbodies already harmed by sediment pollution and in systems where sedimentation is already affecting salmonids and amphibians, allowing continued degradation will not put those streams on a path to compliance or allow recovery of aquatic habitats. Instead, even incremental increases in sediment levels will perpetuate the degradation. For waterbodies that are currently in compliance with water quality standards, continued degradation endangers water quality and is likely to eventually cause water quality standard violations. Likewise in systems where habitat quality is not endangering aquatic biota, cumulative watershed disturbance and consequent aquatic degradation is likely to eventually reverse the situation (Ziemer, 1991a; b) In order to actually comply with water quality standards and protect and restore aquatic systems, first, the harm to the system must be stopped (Rhodes et al., 1994; Kauffman et al., 1997; 32 Beschta et al., 2004; Karr et al., 2004), and then the sediment-producing situation improved in order to ultimately gain improvement in water quality and habitat conditions. The FFR prescriptions are not a path towards recovery in damaged conditions. First, the FFR allows actions (such as tree removal in riparian buffer zones and significant increases in total sediment delivery) that significantly depart from measures needed to attain water quality standard compliance. Imperiled fish populations simply cannot hold out for years or decades for the instream water quality problems to abate. Finally, the FFR fails to adequately consider cumulative effects of logging and related activities on fish populations and habitats. This defect is exacerbated by the failure to constrain activities causing cumulative effects, road density, the total area of immature vegetation, bank damage, increased peak flows, increased sediment delivery, and loss of riparian vegetation. Due to the FFR’s deficient protection provisions, this will contribute to increased peak flows, elevated sediment delivery and consequent damage to salmonid habitats and turbidity, and damage riparian areas. This is damage that cannot be rapidly reversed, even if the need to do so is ultimately recognized. In the case of weak and/or fragmented populations of aquatic biota, the effects irreversibly lead to increased likelihood of extirpation and reduced likelihood of recovery. DEFECTS IN THE DEIS The DEIS Distorts the Disclosure of Impacts With a Make-Believe Baseline 33 The DEIS’s clearly premises its analysis of the differences among alternatives and their impacts via a set of far-reaching prognostications about political, social, economic forces and resulting possible changes in land use, citizen participation, and environmental impacts under the various alternatives (e.g., DEIS, pp. S-3 to S-4, 2-3 to 2-4, 4-5, 4-19 to 4-21). This significantly usurps the overall validity of the DEIS, because these prognostication are plainly of very questionable veracity. Such predictions are always questionable, regardless of expertise. But there is no indication whatsoever that NOFish and USFWS have any particular expertise in such soothsaying. There is no indication that any of the primary authors of the DEIS have any expertise or education in analyzing such socio-economic systems, much less predicting them. Therefore, these prognostications are intrinsically suspect. The record of USFWS and NOFish indicates that as agencies that are poor at predicting the outcome of much simpler situations, since they have pressed their defense in cases where the courts found they had acted in violation of laws they are to administer. Examples include the site-specific NoFish Biological Opinions under the USFS Northwest Forest Plan and the 2000 NOFish Biological Opinion for the Columbia River Hydrosystem, the USFWS Biological Opinion for timber sales on the Willamette National Forest in Oregon, USFWS Biological Opinion for the Rock Creek Mine in Montana. These wide-ranging predictions of complex systems in the DEIS pervade the analysis. The DEIS’s clearly premises its differentiation among alternatives and their impacts on a set of guesses about the future of complex systems. Because they are wholly questionable and most likely wrong, it render the entire analysis similarly so. Since the actual outcomes of social forces 34 cannot be reasonably predicted, especially given the DEIS’s authors’ lack of expertise and established track record in so doing, these prognostications should be fully excised from the analysis. As it stands, the DEIS does not examine the environmental impacts of the FFR on fish, but rather the predicted impacts from a set of questionable predictions about sociopolitical systems, a defect that the permeates the DEIS “analysis” of impacts and differentiation among alternatives. To rectify these fatal and far-reaching defects in the DEIS, it should be revised to do the obvious: examine the likely bio-physical impacts of the alternatives as written in terms of the type and magnitude of activities that they allow. The DEIS’s Assumptions About the Effectiveness of Adaptive Management to Limit Aquatic Damage to a Degree That Does Not Further Imperil Aquatic Biota is Baseless and Without Merit One of the primary bases for the DEIS’s evaluation of impacts and differentiation among alternatives is its assumptions about the overall effectiveness of adaptive management provisions and how they differ among alternatives (e.g., DEIS, pp. 4-5 to 4-19). The DEIS views these through a grossly distorted lens that obfuscates rather than discloses environmental impacts on aquatic systems. In particular, the DEIS’s unstinting faith in the divine implementation of adaptive management as a panacea for its gross defects are without merit and highly misleading for several reasons. Adaptive management involves attempts to “learn by doing,” through iterative monitoring of outcomes with use of the monitoring information to guide future activities. There are several 35 formidable reasons adaptive management is not amenable to limiting or reducing damage to watershed and aquatic resources due to on-going watershed damage and inadequate protection measures (Ziemer et al., 1991a; Ziemer, 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; Rhodes, 1998), as is the case under the FFR. It is worth re-iterating that the notion of effective use of adaptive management to fine tune activities, while protecting watersheds and aquatics “ an attractive, but ecologically naive idea,” as noted by Ziemer (1994). The first reason is that aquatic degradation is often lagged in time well after the on-site the causes have been fully implemented, with no possibility for fine-tuning or rapidly reversing onand off-site impacts within the affected watershed (Ziemer et al., 1991a; Ziemer, 1994; Rhodes et al., 1994; Rhodes and Huntington, 2000). For instance, if logging and road construction significantly elevate suspended sediment levels in a protracted fashion, little can be done to rapidly reverse the cumulative effects. In the case where activities cause imminent extirpation of fragmented aquatic populations, as has happened already over large areas (USFS and USBLM, 1997a; USFWS, 1998), there is no potential for reversing the damage, including the increased risk of further extirpation due to the increased fragmentation of remaining populations. Second, adaptive management requires both adequate monitoring and detection of change. Because of the high variability in aquatic systems, it is typically only dramatic changes that can be detected, often after considerable time, even with the best possible and expensive monitoring (Rhodes et al., 1994; Ziemer, 1994). Notably, adverse impacts that are not detectable with conventional monitoring still have considerable ecological and societal impacts. For instance, consider the case of a municipal watershed, where suspended sediment levels are so variable that 36 only a change of that is somewhat consistently greater than 20% over three years is detectable. If the actual change is only 17% over this time period, it would not be detectable by monitoring, but it would have significantly degraded drinking water, possibly to the point of requiring additional treatment facilities. Notably, none of the alternatives analyzed in the DEIS actually require adequate monitoring of important issues associated with the outcome of the alternatives. Further, none of the alternatives have the funding needed to do even minimal monitoring needed for adaptive management (McClure and Stiffler, 2005). Regarding the implementation of adaptive management processes, it has been my consistent experience over the past decade that the neither the monitoring nor the processes are ever implemented in fashion, even when they have been legally mandated or otherwise binding. Prime examples of such failures to implement effectiveness monitoring in a timely fashion are the aquatic monitoring for the USFS Northwest Forest Plan and the tributary monitoring under the 2000 NOFish Biological Opinion for the Columbia River Hydrosystem. Although both NOFISH and USFWS must be aware of such failures, they fail to reasonably incorporate this information into the DEIS or use it to temper their baseless faith in the divine implementation of adaptive management. Notably, the DEIS is devoid of single case history of any use by any institution under an HCP that indicates that adaptive management was used in a timely fashion to reverse the trend towards extinction of populations. In so doing, the DEIS grossly skews the analysis of the likely outcomes of the alternatives under consideration. 37 Third, aquatic impacts are usually caused by cumulative effects and linking the effects to specific activities or attributes of activities is difficult (Ziemer, 1994; Rhodes, 1998). Nonetheless, it is fairly common for management entities to insist on fairly clear cause and effect relationships before even considering altering on-going practices (Rhodes et al., 1994; Hirt, 1996; Rhodes, 1998). This often results in on-going irreversible damage. Fourth, activities may have irreversible impacts, such as extirpation of imperiled species or loss of irreplaceable topsoil. This aspect of the impacts is in direct conflict with one of the prime guidelines for responsible use of adaptive management: the impacts of the activities should be reversible (Ludwig et al., 1993). The DEIS utterly fails to note the lack of effective aquatic protection provisions in the alternatives conflict with the responsible use of adaptive management, because they will cause irreversible impacts. However, there are also institutional barriers to adaptive management. The first is that bureaucracies are resistant to change, often more committed to maintaining status quo direction than responding forthrightly to information that requires significant management changes (Worster, 1985; Hirt, 1996; Wilkinson, 1998). The DEIS and the FFR exemplify this resistance. Case histories provide ample empirical evidence that individuals that collect information which indicates that a course change is necessary often have their careers truncated in retribution (Wilkinson, 1998), providing another major obstacle to adaptive management. Since adaptive management requires rapid response to information, these are formidable obstacles to its use. In the case in point, the DEIS wholly fails to factor into its analysis and differentiation among the 38 alternatives that under a 50-year safe harbor, there is little motive to aggressively pursue adaptive management. Learn by doing requires learning by what has been done. Land management has a consistent track record of refusing to learn from what has been done. As mentioned, the FFR and the DEIS provide very strong evidence of an inability to learn from what has been done. Despite compelling evidence of their necessity as part of measures to protect aquatic systems, none of the alternatives include limits on logging, road density, and sediment delivery, nor do they require adequate riparian protection. This remains the case despite legions of studies demonstrating the importance of these measures to a multitude of critical aquatic processes and conditions. This is clear and strong empirical evidence of the refusal to learn from what has already been done, which indicates that “learning from doing” is likely to establish the same monotonously dismal track record of failure. A prime example of the inability to learn from what’s been done are the scenarios described in the DEIS (pp. 4-14 to 4-19) regarding large woody debris, temperature, and fine sediment. In each case which the DEIS (pp. 4-14 to 4-19) asserts that adaptive management is important, there is already more than ample information to provide these answers and adjustment in management practices without any additional wasteful monitoring of issues that have already been amply researched. That the FFR has failed to adopt needed management practices on the basis of available information amply contradicts the DEIS’s assumptions regarding the efficacy of adaptive management. 39 Finally, there is no sound basis for assessment of the assumed levels of effectiveness in the DEIS of adaptive management among the alternatives because they are based on unsubstantiated surmise of unknown veracity on the outcome of complex social and political issues. For this reason, the DEIS wholly fails to reasonably differentiate among the alternatives regarding this aspect. This skewing of the analysis permeates the DEIS and renders the analysis of likely impacts and differentiation among the alternatives wholly arbitrary and misleading. These gross and fatal defects in the DEIS need to be rectified. The DEIS needs to be revised to a) factor in that adaptive management will be sluggish and will often fail to make necessary adjustments; b) acknowledge that adaptive management cannot compensate for inadequate aquatic protection measures and has almost no utility for conserving aquatic resources, especially imperiled and fragmented aquatic populations; c) analyze the direct and cumulative impacts of the activities allowed under the FFR instead of baselessly assuming that adaptive management is a panacea. The DEIS Fails to Take a Reasonably Hard Look at the Effects of the Alternatives on Aquatic Systems and Adequately Differentiate Among Alternatives With Respect to the Impacts of Roads and Logging on Flows and Sediment Delivery The defects of the DEIS with respect to analyzing and disclosing the likely effects of the alternatives on aquatic resources, including aquatic biota, are numerous and fatal. They are so numerous that time and space considerations do not allow an exhaustive itemization. The following discussion includes only some of the most major defects. Overall, the DEIS analysis 40 and disclosure are riddled with the following severe defects: a) failure to include, discuss, analyze, and use the best available scientific information; b) misleading and grossly distorted interpretation of scientific information that is included; c) conclusions and interpretations that are in direct conflict with the best available information. For instance, the DEIS (e.g., p. 4-13) very incorrectly asserts that alternatives that have greater restrictions on logging and roading contribute to increased risk of fire and forest pest outbreaks, and their negative effects on aquatic systems. Notably, the DEIS is devoid of an iota of scientific information to bolster this false claim. It is demonstrably incorrect. Logging does nothing to reduce the extent, frequency, or severity of fires. In fact, it is welldocumented that logging actually contributes to increased fire severity and its negative effects on aquatic systems, due to its effects on stand structure, the substitution of young plantations for diverse forests, and activity fuels (Huff et al., 1995; CWWR, 1996; Karr et al., 2004; Odion et al., 2004). In many of the forests covered by the DEIS, the natural fire regime is one of infrequent, high severity fire; in such systems, the reduction of fuels do nothing to alter fire severity and instead cause collateral damage to forests (Schoennagel et al., 2004). Roads and logging contribute to increased frequency of fire by increasing anthropogenic ignition sources. The DEIS also fails to disclose that fire has critically important ecological benefits to aquatic systems (Lindenmayer et al., 2004; Karr et al., 2004), while logging and roads have none and only degrade systems (Rhodes et al., 1994; Karr et al., 2004). In fact, the DEIS wholly fails to disclose that impacts of roads and logging on soils and consequent effects on watersheds are 41 more severe and persistent than fire (Kattleman, 1996; Rieman and Clayton, 1997; USFS and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004). The DEIS fails to disclose that the effects of fire, alone, pose little threat to aquatic populations (Gresswell, 1999). Therefore, it is clear that the DEIS’s statements on the effects of alternatives on fire and its effects on aquatics are clearly incorrect and misleading in direct conflict with the purpose of an EIS. This also fatally flaws the DEIS’s differentiation among the alternatives. These fatal defects need to be rectified. The DEIS is also incorrect in its assessment of logging and roads on forest diseases and pests. There is absolutely no evidence to support that such cycles can be eliminated by logging and roads. Instead, logging and roads contribute to increased problems of this ilk by their effects on forest structure, creating even-aged plantations, and damaging soil productivity, exacerbating drought stress. In its 1991 Blue Mountain Forest Health Report, the Region 6 of the USFS concluded that: “Soil compaction, disturbance, and displacement from ground-based harvesting equipment during salvage operations have probably resulted in significantly more damage to watersheds than any direct influence of the pests themselves.” Therefore, it is clear that the DEIS misleads significantly on these fronts and needs to revised to properly disclose impacts and the differences among alternatives. The DEIS fails to analyze effects of the alternatives on lowflows, including the results on Hicks et al. (1991), Bowling et al. (2000), and Jones and Post (2004). Notably, the DEIS does not even cite the only long-term study of flow alteration by logging in the Pacific Northwest, which documented that logging persistently reduced lowflows (Hicks et al., 1991). Similarly, it fails to discuss and disclose the mechanisms for lowflow reduction. It also fails to adequately analyze 42 and disclose the likely impacts of allowed activities on subsurface flows to streams. It also wholly fails to disclose the likely impacts of these effects on water temperature and aquatic biota. These fatal defects need to be corrected. The DEIS also fails to adequately analyze peakflow alteration likely under the alternatives. The discussion of these impacts is cursory and riddled with mischaracterization of cited data, together with significant omissions of available information. The discussion of peakflow alteration in snowmelt-dominated regions is particularly defective. The DEIS needs significant revision to include disclosure of the likely cumulative effects of activities allowed under the activities based on the best available information, instead of the misinterpretation of some cherry-picked literature as is what the DEIS currently contains on this front. The DEIS also needs to disclose that peakflow impacts will likely be exacerbated under all of the alternatives, but especially alternatives 1-3. Just as important, the DEIS needs to disclose that this will contribute to additional degradation of water quality and aquatic habitats, decreasing the likelihood of the persistence of imperiled aquatic biota. The DEIS also fails to take a hard look and adequately disclose the effects of the alternatives on sediment delivery and resulting aquatic impacts, including those to imperiled populations of aquatic biota. In particular, the DEIS fails to adequately disclose the impacts of the activities allowed under the alternatives and how they will degrade aquatic systems and reduce the likelihood of the persistence of imperiled salmonids. To cite but one example, the DEIS fails to adequately analyze and disclose the impacts of elevated peakflows and sediment delivery on 43 channel width, water temperature, and resulting impacts on aquatic biota and water quality standards. Bartholow (2000) estimated that the increases in channel width documented by Dose and Roper (1994) in response to logging and roads significantly increased summer water temperatures, even in the absence of any reduction in stream shading. Although the DEIS (p. 4-61) acknowledges that factors other than stream shade affect water temperature, it only evaluated water temperature impacts from effects on streamside shade (DEIS, p. 4-61), ignoring the impacts of increased channel width, reduced lowflows, and reduced subsurface flows. These are significant defects that must be remedied. The DEIS needs to revised to disclose the alternatives’ likely impacts on sediment delivery, turbidity, fine sediment in channels, pools, channel morphology, and fish and amphibian populations. Another major defect is that the DEIS fails to adequately disclose the alternatives’ long-term impacts on soils, their productivity, and resulting impacts on watershed processes and aquatic resources. This defect is significant because soils are a fundamental resource of forest ecosystems. Damage to soil productivity negatively affects forest productivity, rates of vegetative recovery after anthropogenic or natural disturbances, the type, composition, structure and sustainability of vegetation species, and the timing, quantity and quality of water from watersheds. This is an inexcusable defect in the DEIS because it has been known for decades that logging, roads, and landings reduce soil productivity in an enduring persistent fashion via several wellknown mechanisms. Previous activities have already caused significant damage to soils 44 extensively, making it a concern over large areas that have been subjected to logging and roads (USFS and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004). Logging-related activities degrade soils and significantly reduce soil productivity by removing sources of soil organic matter, compacting soils, and elevating surface erosion (Geppert et al., 1984; USBLM and USBLM, 1997a; Beschta et al., 2004, Karr et al., 2004). These impacts are highly cumulatively in space and time due to their persistence. Compaction typically persists for 50-80 years, while the loss of soil productivity from topsoil loss is essentially permanent (Beschta et al., 2004). Because these effects on soil and soil productivity have major implications for watershed and aquatic resources, the failure to properly analyze and disclose these impacts and their aquatic effects is a major flaw that must be rectified. The DEIS’s blind faith in the effectiveness of BMPs also prevents it from reasonably disclosing the impacts of alternatives allowed under the alternatives. Notably, the DEIS is devoid of a sizable body of work that noting the dearth of information to indicate that BMPs are cumulatively effective in protecting watershed and aquatic resources. These defects must to be remedied. The DEIS exacerbates these defects in its treatment of the little scientific literature it does cite on BMP effectiveness. For instance, the DEIS (e.g., p. 3-33) repeatedly cites that Rashin et al (1999) as supporting that BMPs effectively reduce sediment delivery. However, the DEIS fails to note that Rashin et al., (1999) sheds no light on the cumulative effectiveness of BMPs and other measures in the FFR because, as stated in Rashin et al. (p. 8, 1999), “Surveys evaluating 45 sediment delivery and IN-stream disturbance relied upon residual evidence of erosion and sediment delivery...and were not designed to detect minor amounts of suspended sediment delivery as may occur during runoff events.” Such “minor” amounts of sediment delivery during runoff events over entire managed landscapes can easily result in significant long-term aquatic degradation. The DEIS also fails to note that Rashin et al., (p. 12, 1999) states “Although based on water quality standards interpretations, these effectiveness criteria should not be construed as being equivalent to regulatory criteria for determining water quality standards compliance. While a BMP rating of “effective” indicates that there is a high degree of confidence that applicable water quality standards have been met, the rating does not guarantee that specific water quality criteria were not exceeded, such as turbidity during short-term runoff events.” Thus, it is plain that the Rashin et al. (1999) fails to confirm that BMPs are adequate to meet water quality standards or prevent habitat degradation over time. This is further strengthened by the fact that the monitoring of Rashin et al. (1999) took place during a period of lower than normal rainfall without major storm events, as the DEIS (p. 3-33) concedes. Just as importantly, the DEIS fails to note that the results of Rashin et al. (1999) indicates that the riparian provisions of the FFR and alternatives 1-3 are too defective to protect aquatic resources. This is because, as the DEIS (p. 3-33) notes, Rashin et al. (1999) “...found that in areas where there were no buffers, best management practices (BMPs) for timber harvest were not effective in preventing soil disturbance or preventing sediment from reaching streams.” Under alternatives 1-3 many smaller headwater streams, especially non-perennial ones, will not 46 have any effective riparian buffers, so Rashin et al. (1999) indicates that significant sediment delivery will occur to these streams under these alternatives. Due to the extent and position of these streams in the channel network, the sediment will be routed downstream where it will degrade aquatic habitats and water quality. Similarly, the DEIS (p. 3-120) does not properly characterize the results of the study of Jackson et al. (2003) and its ramifications. The DEIS (p. 3-120) states only that Jackson et al. (2003) found small increases in sedimentation from clearcutting along streams with riparian buffers streams. The DEIS fails to adequately disclose that Jackson et al. (2001) found very significant increases in fine sediment levels in streams without riparian buffers. This is clearly germane, because alternatives 1-3 many smaller headwater streams, especially non-perennial ones, will not have any effective riparian buffers. Therefore, the results of Jackson et al. (2001) omitted from the DEIS indicate that the FFR will not protect amphibian habitat in many non-seasonal streams, and will not protect water quality and aquatic resources overall. The DEIS’s analysis of the effectiveness riparian protection measures is also inadequate and misleading. The DEIS fails to analyze and disclose the best available scientific information regarding riparian protections needed to prevent continued degradation of aquatic resources. In particular, the DEIS fails to adequately disclose the need to provide wider riparian protection on steeper slopes and on all streams. The DEIS also fails to adequately disclose the long-term impacts of the alternatives’ inadequate riparian treatments on water quality, aquatic habitat, and aquatic populations. 47 The DEIS fails to take a hard look at the impacts of increases in road density allowed under the alternatives. As previously discussed, there is a wealth of information on the negative effects of roads, road construction, and road density on water quality, sediment delivery, aquatic habitats, and aquatic populations that the DEIS fails to reasonably analyze and disclose. These significant flaws need to be remedied. Similarly, the DEIS does not adequately analyze and disclose the effects of total watershed disturbance allowed under the alternatives on aquatic systems. This is a significant defect because such disturbance cumulatively affects watershed processes and aquatic systems, including embedded biota. For instance, Willson and Dorcas (2002) found that cumulative watershed disturbance, and not just stream buffers, affected the condition of amphibian habitat. These in the DEIS flaws should be corrected. The DEIS does not adequately disclose the irreversible impacts and irretrievable resource commitments that will occur from activities allowed under the alternatives. For instance, the DEIS fails to properly disclose that the loss of soil productivity on landings and roads is a longterm irretrievable commitment of resources, because it cannot be rapidly restored after such impacts (USFS, 2001; USFS, 2003). The DEIS also fails to disclose that loss of topsoil via accelerated erosion and export out of the watershed is an irreversible and irretrievable loss of a critically important watershed resource. The DEIS also fails to adequately disclose that continued aquatic degradation is likely to contribute to irreversible extirpation of fragmented aquatic populations. 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