Hintonburg Community Association Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting September 29 Hintonburg Community Centre 6:30 Membership renewal / 7:00 meeting start Topic Call to Order Introduction of guests Approval of the agenda Approval of minutes 2009 AGM President's Report Resolution/Decision/Discussion Pat O'Brien (president) Chair Jeff Leiper (secretary) Minutes A quorum of voting members was present The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 Suzanne McLeod was representing Paul Dewar, MP Yasir Naqvi sent his regrets and best wishes Christine Leadman, Councillor Jennifer McKenzie, School Trustee Wally Farah - Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Rosemary Jones - Somerset West Community Health Centre was to have been present, but was absent Reverand Tony Bailey - Parkdale United Church, sent his regrets Cnst. Andrew Milton - Community Police Officer Annie Hillis - WWBIA Howard Friendly - Hintonburg Community Centre Eric Darwin - Dalhousie Community Association Principal Irene Cameron - Connaught Public School Principal Deborah Cutler - Devonshire Public School Francine Beaudine - St. Francois d'Assisi was to be present Daniel Stringer - Candidate for City Council, Kitchissippi Kevin O'Donnell - nominated candidate in Ottawa Centre for the Green Party, Provincial Scott Bradley - nominated candidate for Ottawa Centre, Liberal, federal M/s - Wayne Rodney/Natalie Hanson CARRIED M/s - Michael Holliday/Ted Will - CARRIED Pat O'Brien congratulated Cheryl Parrott, Lorrie Marlow, Paulette Dozois, Wayne Rodney for their recent civic awards Pat thanked all the volunteers without whom the activities undertaken by the Association would not be possible. The Community Sponsors were recognized and thanked. The President’s complete report was published earlier in the HCA Newsletter and distributed to all homes in Hintonburg. Responsibility Treasurer's Report Amendment to HCA constitution Nicholas Olmstead delivered the Association's financial report. The associations's expenses were $16,536. Revenues were $22,338. Moved that the Treasurer's report be approved - M/s Nicholas Olmstead/Matt Whitehead Carried Moved, that section 8.3 (Tenure limits and Service Requirement) of the HCA's constitution be amended as follows: a) The position of President (delete “and Treasurer”) shall not be held by the same individual for more than two (2) consecutive terms. b) The position of Treasurer shall not be held by the same individual for more than four (4) consecutive terms. c) The President and at least one other member of the Executive Committee must have served on the Board of Directors within the previous two years." M/s - Stefan Matiation/Wayne Rodney The motion was debated. CARRIED on a show of hands Draw Prizes a) Committee Reports Arts b) Communications c) Environment d) Heritage e) Membership The Museum of Civilization, The War Museum and Marshalls Fitness donated draw prizes which were drawn throughout the meeting Co-chair James Valcke presented an oral Arts report for himself and for co-chair Patti Normand Moved that the Arts Committee report be accepted M/s James Valcke/Beth Greenhorn CARRIED Chair Carol Paschal presented a verbal report of the Communications Committee's activities. Carol recognized and thanked Marisa Victor, Diane Morin, Diane Plewis and Marie-Eve Dufesne for their contributions. Moved that the Communications Committee report be accepted. M/s - Carol Paschal/Matt Whitehead. CARRIED Co-chair Beth Greenhorn presented an oral report of the Environment Committee's report and circulated a written version. Note that Saturday June 4 will be the next community garage sale. The fall cleanup will be November 17. Chair Linda Hoad presented a verbal report presenting the Heritage Committee's activities. The Chair noted that there is no membership chair currently. A call for volunteers was made. f) Schools g) Security h) Traffic i) Zoning j) Federation of Citizens Associations Neighbourhood Planning Initiative k) l) Summer Movie Nights m) Hintonburg Centennial 5k Announcements Hintonburg Recreation Association Parkdale Avenue study group Supper Club Artisan Christmas Craft Fair & Silent Auction HCA volunteer opportunities iii HCA contact information 10 Election of new board Chair Stefan Matiation presented an oral report outlining the committee's activities. Stefan also presented an open call for members to participate in a new Cycling Committee. The group will meet on October 14 at 7:30. Cheryl Parrott and Wayne Rodney presented a verbal report with respect to the committee's activities. Cheryl highlighted the Community Safety Volunteer Program award awarded to Hintonburg from Crime Prevention Ottawa. A special thanks was given to the Councillor and Constable Milton for their work in improving safety in the community. Dickson Davidson was not able to join us. The Chair noted that the Committee's focus has been on mitigating against traffic impacts on Scott Street by increased bus traffic as LRT construction begins. Linda Hoad delivered a verbal report on the committee's activities. Linda highlighted the Capital Wire Cloth development and upcoming proposed changes. It was also noted that the Artisan proposal has died. Linda Hoad described the work of the FCA on behalf of Jay Baltz who sent his regrets. Paulette Dozois reported that the Neighbourhood Planning Initiative is completed, and that the Association is now working through prioritizing the implementation Paulette Dozois noted that Summer Movie Nights continued for the seventh year, and will continue next year. Jeff Leiper delivered the race report. A new Hintonburg recreation association is being formed by Lorrie Marlow and Pat McLeod. Pat outlined the plan. A sign-up sheet for a preliminary meeting was distributed. John Rapp from Dovercourt is providing assistance. PPRP has also indicated that it will be providing assistance. Pat O'Brien outlined the Parkdale Avenue Study Group recommendations. Carol Paschal presented the Supper Club's activities Saturday November 27 - Volunteers required Volunteer Coordinator required to recruit assistance with special events and delivery of quarterly newsletter, and upkeep of HCA web site; membership chair to develop and coordinate a recruitment drive next sprint The HCA can be contacted at info@hintonburg.com or 613.798.7987 Election was chaired by Eric Darwin, president of the Dalhousie Community Association The procedures were explained Nominations were received for: Wayne Rodney Cheryl Parrott Sharon Fernandez Pat O'Brien Paulette Dozois Linda Hoad Jeff Leiper Stefan Matiation Dickson Davidson Jay Baltz Nicholas Olmstead James Valcke Monica Freedman Anthony Bruni M/S - Joe Pinto / Michael Holliday that the Membership suspend the limit on the number of people that may serve on the Board and that nominations be acclaimed. - CARRIED 11 Open Forum 12 Adjournment The Chair recognized the work by departing Board member Marisa Victor. Cheryl noted the renovations ongoing in the basement of the HCC. Those may be done by the end of the year Ted Will reiterated his point that the HCA ask the City to arrange art classes in the HCC. Patti Normand noted that classes have been offered, but suggested that the HCC needs better marketing as an arts centre. Pat noted that several all-candidates meetings are upcoming. M/s - Kathleen Wilker / Beth Greenhorn