_UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM - University of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Curriculum Proposal Form #3
New Course
Effective Term:
2137 (Fall 2013)
Subject Area - Course Number: English 055
(See Note #1 below)
Course Title: (Limited to 65 characters)
Beginning Grammar
25-Character Abbreviation:
Beginning Grammar
Susan Huss-Lederman
Languages & Literature
Letters and Sciences
Consultation took place:
Programs Affected:
Yes (list departments and attach consultation sheet)
Is paperwork complete for those programs? (Use "Form 2" for Catalog & Academic Report updates)
will be at future meeting
Based on placement criteria, and/or successful completion of previous level of
Grade Basis:
Conventional Letter
S/NC or Pass/Fail
Course will be offered:
Part of Load
On Campus
Above Load
Off Campus - Location
Letters and Sciences
Dept/Area(s): English
Note: If the course is dual-listed, instructor must be a member of Grad Faculty.
Check if the Course is to Meet Any of the Following:
Technological Literacy Requirement
Writing Requirement
General Education Option: Select one:
Note: For the Gen Ed option, the proposal should address how this course relates to specific core courses, meets the goals of General Education in
providing breadth, and incorporates scholarship in the appropriate field relating to women and gender.
Credit/Contact Hours: (per semester)
Total lab hours:
Number of credits:
Total lecture hours:
Total contact hours:
Can course be taken more than once for credit? (Repeatability)
If "Yes", answer the following questions:
No of times in major:
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No of credits in major:
1 of 10
No of times in degree:
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No of credits in degree:
2 of 10
Proposal Information: (Procedures for form #3)
Course justification:
The mission of the UWW-IEP is to prepare international students with the integrated skills they need to
communicate effectively in English in university academic and community social settings by providing a
multi-level curriculum based on contextual needs, and by offering ongoing academic support once students
have matriculated into UW-Whitewater programs.
The Department of Languages and Literatures serves as the academic home for the UW-Whitewater
Intensive English Program. However, the administrative arm of the UWW-IEP shared by the School of
Graduate Studies and Continuing Education and the Center for Global Education.
An assessment plan for the UWW-IEP is being developed in accordance with criteria established by the
Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) and the American Association of
Intensive English Programs (AAIEP), both national accrediting organizations recognized by the
International Student and Exchange Visitor Program of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.
Relationship to program assessment objectives:
Students are evaluated by their gain in language proficiency (as measured by the ACT Compass) and by
their scores on exams (at least 80% to pass the course), completion of homework assignments, and graded
work. Students will join instructors in selecting pieces for a developmental portfolio, which will be used by
UWW-IEP instructors to evaluate student performance and inform decisions to promote students to the
next level in the program or to recommend program exit. Annually, student portfolios will be reviewed to
ensure that UWW-IEP program standards are kept consistent, similar to practices used within the programs
in French, Spanish, and German.
Budgetary impact: N/A
Course description: (50 word limit)
In English 055, students focus on grammatical accuracy in speech and writing by engaging in grammar
study and practice through communicative activities at an initial proficiency level. Students must pass this
course with a C- or better to advance in the IEP.
If dual listed, list graduate level requirements for the following:
1. Content (e.g., What are additional presentation/project requirements?)
2. Intensity (e.g., How are the processes and standards of evaluation different for graduates and
undergraduates? )
3. Self-Directed (e.g., How are research expectations differ for graduates and undergraduates?)
Course objectives and tentative course syllabus:
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Use simple present and past verb constructions in oral and written expression.
Use modals to indicate degrees of certainty.
Monitor sentences for subject-verb agreement.
Use appropriate adjective sequencing.
Identify and construct simple, compound & complex sentences.
Ask yes/no questions.
Ask wh- questions.
Bibliography: (Key or essential references only. Normally the bibliography should be no more than one
or two pages in length.)
Biber, D., Gray, B., & Poonpon, K. (2011). Should we use characteristics of conversation to
measure grammatical complexity in L2 writing development? [Article]. TESOL
Quarterly, 45(1), 5-35. doi: 10.5054/tq.2011.244483
Brown, H. D. (2004). Principles of language learning and teaching (5th ed.). New York:
Brown, H. D. & Priyanvada, Abeywickrama (2010). Language assessment: Principles and
classroom practices (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
Celce-Murcia, M. (1987). Techniques and resources in teaching grammar. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Celce-Murcia, M. & Larson-Freeman, D. (1999). The grammar book. Boston, MA: Heinle &
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle &
Coffin, C., & Donohue, J. P. (2012). Academic literacies and systemic functional linguistics:
How do they relate? Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(1), 64-75.
Deroey, K. L. B., & Taverniers, M. (2012). Just remember this: Lexicogrammatical relevance
markers in lectures. English for Specific Purposes, 31(4), 221-233.
Donohue, J. P. (2012). Using systemic functional linguistics in academic writing development:
An example from film studies. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(1), 4-16.
Ismail, S. A. A. (2010). ESP students' views of ESL grammar learning. [Article]. GEMA Online
Journal of Language Studies, 10(3), 143-156.
Latawiec, B. (2010). Text structure awareness as a metacognitive strategy facilitating EFL/ESL
reading comprehension and academic achievement. [Article]. International Journal of
Learning, 17(5), 25-48.
Liu, D., & Jiang, P. (2009a). Using a corpus-based lexicogrammatical approach to grammar
instruction in EFL and ESL contexts. [Article]. Modern Language Journal, 93(1), 61-78.
doi: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2009.00828.x
Rinvolucri, M. (1984). Grammar games: cognitive, affective, and drama activities for EFL
students. York: Cambridge University Press.
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Rinvolucri, M. D. P. (1995). More grammar games: cognitive, affective, and movement activities
for EFL students. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Shin, S. J. (2009). Negotiating grammatical choices: Academic language learning by secondary
ESL students. System, 37(3), 391-402.
Taylor, L., & Geranpayeh, A. (2011). Assessing listening for academic purposes: Defining and
operationalising the test construct. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 10(2), 89101.
Ur, P. (2009). Grammar practice activities: A practical guide for teachers (2nd Ed.). New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Viola Wong Yuk, Y. (2010a). Investigating ESL students' grammar in writing. [Article]. USChina Foreign Language, 8(1), 22-31.
Yong Ming, S. (2011a). The ESL grammar textbooks: Are they really useful? [Article].
International Journal of Learning, 18(4), 120-129.
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory
learning environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize
themselves with University policies regarding Special Accommodations, Academic Misconduct, Religious
Beliefs Accommodation, Discrimination and Absence for University Sponsored Events (for details please
refer to the Schedule of Classes; the “Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Undergraduate Catalog;
the Academic Requirements and Policies and the Facilities and Services sections of the Graduate Catalog;
and the “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures (UWS Chapter 14); and the “Student Nonacademic
Disciplinary Procedures" (UWS Chapter 17).
Course Objectives and tentative course syllabus with mandatory information (paste syllabus below):
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Department of Languages and Literatures
Intensive English Program
English 055 – Course Syllabus
English 055: Beginning Grammar
Prerequisites: Appropriate achievement on
placement test, and/or instructor consent
Phone Number:
Office Hours:
Course Description: In English 055, students focus on grammatical accuracy in speech and writing by
engaging in grammar study and practice through communicative activities at an initial proficiency level.
Students must pass this course with a C- or better to advance to the next level in the IEP.
Course Objectives:
Use simple present and past verb constructions in oral and written expression.
Use modals to indicate degrees of certainty.
Monitor sentences for subject-verb agreement.
Use appropriate adjective sequencing.
Identify and construct simple, compound & complex sentences.
Ask yes/no questions.
Ask wh- questions.
Course Materials:
Badalamenti, V. & Henner-Stanchina C. (2007). Grammar Dimensions 1 (4th Ed.). Boston: Thompson
Heinle. Student Text and Workbook.
Other grammar resources to be available on D2L.
Student Responsibilities: Students in this class are responsible for the following:
Attend all class meetings, tutoring and lab sessions. If you are sick, or if you are experiencing a
problem, let your teacher know. Unexcused absences = lower course grade.
Complete all assignments on time. Completed assignments = success.
Participate actively in class by speaking up and by listening carefully.
Check e-mail and the class D2L site daily for announcements and assignments.
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Course Assignments and Grades: In order to pass this course, students must achieve a course grade
of at least C-. Grades are calculated as follows:
Class Participation
160 points
Weekly Quizzes
150 points
320 points
Grammar Topic Tests
210 points
Application Activity Performance 160 points
A = 960-1000 points
A-= 920-959 points
B+= 880-919 points
B = 840-879 points
B-= 800-839 points
C+= 760-799 points
C = 720-759 points
C-= 680-719 points
D+=640-679 points
D = 60-639 points
D-=560-599 points
F = 559 points or lower.
Course Schedule:
Week Topic/Assignments
1 Unit 1: The Verb Be
Affirmative Statements, Subject Pronouns, Contractions, Use in Introductions, Greetings and
Workbook Homework
Introducing classmates using results from an information grid
Completing dialogues appropriately.
Grammar Quiz 1
2 Unit 2: The Verb Be
Yes/No questions, Be+ adjective, Negative statements,
Workbook Homework
Comparing oneself to partners (orally and in writing), using a checklist of adjectives
Writing yes/no interview questions to ask a prospective “ideal” roommate, and conducting the
Grammar Quiz 2
3 Unit 3: The Verb Be (and simple past form)
Information questions, If with time and weather, Prepositions of Location
Workbook Homework
Jeopardy wh-question game, campus map information gap, writing a world culture quiz
Grammar Quiz 3
Test 1
4 Unit 4: Nouns, Part 1
Count & non-count, A/an, spelling of regular plurals
Workbook Homework
Categorizing game, planning a party
Grammar Quiz 4
5 Unit 4: Nouns, Part 2
Irregular plurals, More on count & non-count, Questions with How many/how much, Be +
adjective + noun
Workbook Homework
Researching restaurant menus, Listening for noun forms
Grammar Quiz 5
Test 2
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Week Topic/Assignments
6 Unit 5: The Verb Have, Part 1
Affirmative and Negative Statements
Workbook Homework
Stating descriptions of classmates
Simply stating opinions when making comparisons
Grammar Quiz 6
7 Unit 5: The Verb Have, Part 2
Questions and Short Answers
Workbook Homework
Comparing elements for a “dream life”
Listening for verb forms in a factual report
Reflecting on personal English strengths
Grammar Quiz 7
Test 3
8 Unit 6: This/That/These/Those and Possessives
Asking what things are, possessive nouns & pronouns, questions with whose
Workbook Homework
Drawing and describing a family tree (real or imagined)
Describing a special keepsake
Identifying unknown objects
Grammar Quiz 8
9 Unit 7: There is/There are, A/an vs. The
Workbook Homework
Spot the difference
Describing cities and towns (what they do and do not have)
Listening to people describe the quality of life
Reflecting on similarities and differences in the grammar of the mother tongue and English
Grammar Quiz 9
Test 4
10 Unit 8: Simple Present Tense, Part 1
Affirmative and Negative Statements
Workbook Homework
Admirations and worries
Sharing common interests
Sharing and comparing customs
Grammar Quiz 10
11 Unit 8: Simple Present Tense, Part 2
Time Expressions
Sharing and comparing schedules
Sharing and comparing lifestyles
Describing habits for English study and practice
Workbook Homework
Grammar Quiz 11
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Week Topic/Assignments
12 Unit 9: Simple Present Tense, Part 3
Yes/No Questions, Adverbs of frequency, Wh- questions
Workbook Homework
Comparing living arrangements
Listening for information: Language learning strategies
Grammar Quiz 12
Test 5
13 Unit 18: Simple Past Tense, Part 1
Forming, spelling, and pronouncing –ed in regular past-tense verbs, Irregular past-tense verbs
Workbook Homework
20 questions of the famous
Truth or lie?
Finish the story
Grammar Quiz 13
14 Unit 18: Simple Past Tense, Part 2
Time expressions, negative statements in the past, Yes/no questions and short answers
Workbook Homework
Where did you go on vacation? (interview)
Explaining a difficult life experience from the past.
Grammar Quiz 14
Test 6
15 Unit 10: Imperatives and Prepositions of Location, Part 1
Uses of Imperatives
Workbook Homework
Cultural “do’s and don’ts)
Giving cultural advice
Grammar Quiz 15
16 Unit 10: Imperatives and Prepositions of Location, Part 2
Prepositions of Location
Workbook Homework
Giving directions to a place
Giving directions to use an invention
Grammar Quiz 16
Test 7
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The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory learning
environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves
with University policies regarding Special Accommodations, Misconduct, Religious Beliefs
Accommodation, Discrimination and Absence for University Sponsored Events. (For details please refer to
the Undergraduate and Graduate Timetables; the "Rights and Responsibilities" section of the
Undergraduate Bulletin; the "Academic Requirements and Policies" and the "Facilities and Services"
sections of the Graduate Bulletin; and the "Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures: [UWS Chapter
14]; and the "Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures" [UWS Chapter 17]).
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