(To be used by Evaluator when completing the Special Education Lead Teacher Performance Report, Section III.) The Example Behaviors are provided as examples of general performance for the
Standard. They are not provided as a checklist nor is 100% performance of the Example Behaviors required. Demonstration of the preponderance of the “Proficient” or “Exemplary” Example Behaviors for a Standard supports the designated rating.
Adherence to federal, state, and
“Proficient” Example Behaviors
Demonstrates knowledge of federal, state, and local due
“Exemplary” Example Behaviors
Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of federal, state, and local due local due process procedures is demonstrated. process procedures
Coordinates the eligibility/redetermination process
Assists/prepares eligibility/ redetermination reports
Coordinates the interim placement/referral to special process procedures and provides corrective action when necessary
Creates and implements an organizational plan to comply with timelines, referrals, interims, and re-determination of eligibilities
Recognizes non-compliance, notifies appropriate personnel, and takes education process
Complies with timelines for referrals, interims, and reeligibilities and re-determinations corrective action
Assists in creating and implementing a plan to facilitate the transfer of students and student records between schools and clusters.
Training to special education staff with focus on the referral, eligibility, and IEP process is provided.
Special education teachers’ adherence to federal, state, and local due process procedures is monitored.
Assesses staff understanding of referral, eligibility, and
IEP processes and responds to identified needs
Conducts training sessions with focus on referral, eligibility, and IEP process
Assists teachers with the referral, eligibility, and IEP process
Reviews IEPs for required components
Reviews caseloads for timeline compliance
Reviews eligibility reports for required components
Maintains Tracking Logs
Empowers teachers to become independent in the completion of the eligibility process
Models the process for developing and conducting legally correct and educationally meaningful IEPs
Provides training to special education staff on using data to determine the least restrictive environment and supplemental services to students with disabilities.
Provides regularly scheduled feedback to teachers on their procedural adherence
Provides evidence to special education administrators on teachers’ procedural adherence
Verifies accuracy of data on Tracking Logs
Provides guidance to teachers regarding adherence to federal, state, and local timelines
Created 6/05; Revised 7/07, 11/08, 7/09
(To be used by Evaluator when completing the Special Education Lead Teacher Performance Report, Section III.) The Example Behaviors are provided as examples of general performance for the
Standard. They are not provided as a checklist nor is 100% performance of the Example Behaviors required. Demonstration of the preponderance of the “Proficient” or “Exemplary” Example Behaviors for a Standard supports the designated rating.
Service as a liaison between special education and general education is demonstrated.
Assistance with analyzing appropriate data for instructional program planning is provided.
“Proficient” Example Behaviors
Collaborates with colleagues
Serves as the contact person for SST
Serves as a resource for “Best Practices”
Provides feedback to administration on quality of the teachers’ performance
Advocates for students/parents
Shares evaluation data with appropriate personnel
Assists teachers in using data to improve student achievement
“Exemplary” Example Behaviors
Facilitates collaboration between special education and the Student
Support Team
Facilitates collaboration between special education teachers and subject area teachers to share instructional goals and activities planned to facilitate student achievement
Promotes placing students in the least restrictive environment within the local school
Provides training to teachers on data analysis
Assists teachers in utilizing data to develop educationally meaningful
Assists in developing differentiated instruction and lessons plans based on student data
Coordination of the utilization of technology within the special education department is demonstrated.
Facilitates use of Goalview
Promotes use of Assistive Technology
Participates in the implementation of computer based assessment
Facilitates use of Cobb County School District’s online
Coordinates or provides training to teachers on the effective use of technology
Works to empower teachers to take ownership of the integration of technology in instructional programming
Energizes others to use technology in new and creative ways
Facilitates the use of assistive technology to support students in the general education setting
Effective collabration with others to achieve special education performance goals is demonstrated.
Conducts regularly scheduled team meetings
Distributes and explains information provided from the central office
Demonstrates effective collaboration skills by facilitating group participation
Obtains materials and resources from a variety of sources to support special education performance goals
Showcases individual or group practices to support the required performance goals
Facilitates discussion groups to develop and implement strategies to support the performance goals
2 Created 6/05; Revised 7/07, 11/08, 7/09
(To be used by Evaluator when completing the Special Education Lead Teacher Performance Report, Section III.) The Example Behaviors are provided as examples of general performance for the
Standard. They are not provided as a checklist nor is 100% performance of the Example Behaviors required. Demonstration of the preponderance of the “Proficient” or “Exemplary” Example Behaviors for a Standard supports the designated rating.
Knowledge regarding the link between curriculum standards and IEP goals is demonstrated.
Support and professional learning opportunities on classroom organization, management, and instructional strategies are provided or recommended.
“Proficient” Example Behaviors
Provides training to teachers on writing standards-based
Assists teachers in developing standards-based IEPs
Reviews IEPs for observable link between curriculum standards and goals
Demonstrates effective teaching practices
Assists in developing a classroom behavior management plan/Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior
Intervention Plan
Facilitates support to teachers for the implementation of instructional/behavior interventions
Refers teachers for specific training based on professional needs
Assists teachers in locating information/resources
Assists teachers in implementation of newly acquired skills
“Exemplary” Example Behaviors
Provides on-going training on IEP development
Creates and implements a plan to support teachers in developing standards-based IEPs
Demonstrates knowledge of the link between curriculum standards and
IEP goals by utilizing coaching strategies to support teachers
Supports teachers in implementation of curriculum initiatives
Utilizes coaching strategies to further develop effective teaching strategies
Utilizes coaching strategies to further develop classroom organization and management
Serves as a facilitator of collaboration sessions with a focus on classroom organization, management, and instructional strategies
Differentiates professional learning based on individual teacher’s needs
Provides follow up support to teachers after county/school trainings
Provides effective redelivery of information (i.e., LRE, scheduling, etc.) to faculty and staff
3 Created 6/05; Revised 7/07, 11/08, 7/09
(To be used by Evaluator when completing the Special Education Lead Teacher Performance Report, Section III.) The Example Behaviors are provided as examples of general performance for the
Standard. They are not provided as a checklist nor is 100% performance of the Example Behaviors required. Demonstration of the preponderance of the “Proficient” or “Exemplary” Example Behaviors for a Standard supports the designated rating.
Coordination of federal, state, and local procedures is documented.
Contribution to District initiatives and the School Improvement Plan is evident.
“Proficient” Example Behaviors
Verifies state and federal funding counts
Coordinates beginning and end of year procedures
Coordinates scheduling and caseloads
Attends/conducts IEP meetings as needed
Coordinates standardized testing and assessment
Analyzes appropriate data
Collects and interprets data and facilitates use of information
“Exemplary” Example Behaviors
Provides training to teachers on procedures for reporting local, state, and federal data
Provides required data in an accurate and timely manner
Empowers teachers to become independent team members by establishing training opportunities and providing guidance in implementing due process procedures
Facilitates the collection and distribution of testing accommodations for summer services
Facilitates the delivery of programs and services intended to maximize the success of special education students
Serves on the School Improvement Team
Created 6/05; Revised 7/07, 11/08, 7/09