Curriculum Map 2015/2016 Year Group Early Years 2 Literacy and Communication and Language Term 1 Bear Hunt Term 2 Amazing Animals Term 3 Fairy Tales and Superheroes Should Goldilocks have eat baby bears porridge? Was the bear in the bear hunt a friendly bear? How can we help Old Bear get down? What animals come out at night? Where do different nocturnal animals live? What do nocturnal animals eat? What are Castles for? How can the Gingerbread Man get to the other side of the river? Phonics following the Jolly Phonics programme – rhyme, introduce phonemes, oral blending and segmenting Handwriting- Squiggle whilst you wiggle. Introducing pre-cursive script following Jolly Phonics scheme. Speaking and listening developing concentration Develop story telling skills using puppets and role play Role Play –Science Lab - senses / Santa’s Workshop Phonics following the Jolly Phonics programme – focus on digraphs, blending to support reading and segmenting for spelling Handwriting – continue to develop pre-cursive script Speaking and Listening to increase vocabulary Listening to stories without picture or props Develop story telling skills using dressing up area – link to writing stories Phonics following the Jolly Phonics programme – phased phonics approach – introduce alternative spellings. Handwriting – continue to develop pre-cursive script, sitting letters on the line Speaking and Listening to increase vocabulary Role Play – Castle – developing language and story telling Continue with keywords and ORT Writing – reinforce features of a sentence. Accurate use of Mathematics Introduce keywords and ORT scheme Writing – labels and captions, introduce simple sentences – using capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. Focus on segmenting to spell. Writing - facts and descriptions linked to senses and Autumn work – Counting (1-10+) Shape and Space – Naming and describing the properties of 2D shapes – naming 3D shapes Addition - Finding 1 more Subtraction – Finding 1 less Measures – Capacity, Weight – linked to post office and Problem Solving Pattern – identifying patterns in the environment – creating simple repeating patterns Continue with keywords and ORT scheme Writing – reinforce features of a sentence. Using phonics and keywords. Write instructions, facts, story writing, letters, lists phonics and keywords. Write instructions, facts, story writing, letters, poems, recounts linked to fairy tales and superheroes Accurate counting 1:1, counting in steps of 2 and 10 Addition – 1 and 2 more - finding the total by combining 2 sets/counting on, number bonds Subtraction - 1 l and 2 less, counting back and on Ordinal number Shape and Space – properties of 2D and 3D shapes focussing on correct terminology, constructing with 3D shapes Measures – ordering and comparing Reasoning Problem Solving Counting – accurate and 1:1, counting in steps of 2,5,10 Shape and Space- properties, problem solving Addition - counting on, number bonds Subtraction - counting on and back Measures using standard units – length – rulers, capacity – ml, Weight - grams Comparing Reasoning Problem Solving Doubling, halving and sharing Place value Knowledge and Understanding Bears from around the World – including habitats Changing materials – making porridge Senses – Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see? Polar Bear Polar Bear what do you hear? Autumn – linked to Senses work Visit to Hardwick Park – Art in Nature Harvest, Churches, places of worship. Choosing suitable materials Festivals- Bonfire Night. Christmas , Nativity story ICT- using and opening packages and learning to print work Using the interactive whiteboard Money link to role play shop Time – sequencing the day, o’clock times Pattern – identifying and creating repeating patterns Sharing and finding half Finding out about Nocturnal Animals Chinese New Year – developing understanding of different festivals Bible stories – helping others, Easter, Bible as a special book, other faiths special books. Planting and looking after allotment Using food produce in Food technology Spring Electricity and Magnetism ICT-Beebots linked to maths, collecting information pictograms Floating and Sinking – linked to the Gingerbread Man – Can you build a boat to help the Gingerbread Man cross the river? Waterproof materials ICT- Using cameras and learning to log on and off the computers. Traditional Bible stories Christian and other faiths weddings. History of Food linked to Castle Kitchens Expressive Arts and Design Self Portraits Feelings masks Autumn Project using different materials and textures – linked to senses work Rhythm Music Express Scheme Construction – Three Bears House, Home for the Bear, How to get Old Bear down Colour mixing- supported Observational drawingsdaffodils, Van Gogh Colour Mixing- Independent Composing simple musical patterns using simple notation Music Express Scheme Using musical instruments/ voices appropriately – loud and soft sounds Design and make castles Weaving - crowns Sew a leaf Bean collage Wooden beanstalk link to measuring Painting and colour mixing – fairy tale characters Music Express Scheme Physical Development Outdoor activities - developing motor skills, introducing ring games linked to lunchtimes Gymnastics – spatial awareness, moving confidence and imagination Outdoor activities – digging, gardening Games – coordination and control, aiming and estimation, preparation for sports day Gymnastics - Using apparatus M.F.L. French Following Dinocrocs Programme – animals Outdoor activities - using equipment with safety, awareness of space, use tools to develop fine-motor skills, team games/ ring games Gymnastics - Moving in different ways Following Dinocrocs Programme – weather Divali and other cultural festivals Chinese New Year Food from around the world – International Following Dinocrocs Programme – work tasting and cooking. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Settling new children Introduce rules and routines – link to Golden Rules Developing Independence – linked to Challenge Time Circle Time- Class Charterdeveloping respect for self and other Anti-Bullying week – differences – using the text ‘Something Else’ Disability equality work linked to Ringo the Flamingo Road Safety linked to people who help us E-safety – linked to using the computer safely Lucinda and Godfrey - What makes us special – How we are different Self Confidence and Self Awareness Managing Feelings and behaviour – strategies for keeping calm Making Relationships and working cooperatively – taking turns and sharing Drugs Ed - Personal Hygiene e.g. washing hands, brushing teeth Healthy Choices through Food topic Caring for animals and the world around us through topic work Road Safety – link to keeping safe on the roads in the dark Railway Safety Disability equality Listening Spider – remind chn of listening systems Transition into Year 1 – supporting the children in the transition into Year 1 – attending assemblies, playtimes, meeting new teacher, exploring new environment Antibullying Cyberbullying E safety Electricity Water safety S.E.A.L. New Beginnings Getting on and Going for Goals Good to be Me Relationships – Changes – – link to children starting in new class, new friends etc. – link to Lucinda and Godfrey work Visits falling out – resolving conflicts – link to group work Say no to Bullying as part of AntiBullying Week work – Literacy ‘Something Else’ Hardwick Hall Park - Linked to work on Autumn and Senses Library Visit – Booktime Packs Working with other year group theme Year 4 – Road Safety Any year specific initiatives Come and Play session – link to class targets – Develop respect for ourselves working within a group, taking turns and sharing preparation for transition into Year 1 Say no to Bullying Owl Man visit from Kirkleatham Owl Centre – finding out about Nocturnal Animals Seven Stories Raby Castle – Linked to work about Castles – inspiration for story writing Link with Year 4 - reading Transition with Year 1 – chn to start attending assemblies and playtimes, sessions with new teacher, exploring the new environment Enterprise project