
Los Angeles Zoo Field Trip
Directions: As we visit each section in the zoo, choose one animal. Write down the
information for each animal. Shade the map in the parts of the world where that
animal is from (use the signs provided in the exhibit to get the information). Then
describe the kinds of adaptations would help that animal in its particular habitat.
Upon exiting the zoo, stamp this paper with the hand-stamper or attach your ticket
as proof of your original work. Have fun!
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat: ________________________________
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
Reptile House
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
Red Ape Rain Forest
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
North American Animal
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
Your choice (Choose another section of the zoo not mentioned on this paper)
Name of animal___________________________________________________
Scientific Name (Genus and species) ___________________________________
Habitat or other interesting info:_____________________________________
Two adaptations for living in its habitat:________________________________
The Los Angeles Zoo is also a Botanical Garden. Look on your map to find a
“Botanical Highlight”. Go to that section, choose 3 different plants and record their
names and description.
Name of Botanical Highlight _________________________________________
#1 Name of plant ______________________________________________
Scientific Name _____________________________________________
Description of the plant (height, width, size of leaves, color/s, etc.)
#2 Name of plant ______________________________________________
Scientific Name _____________________________________________
Description of the plant (height, width, size of leaves, color/s, etc.)
#3 Name of plant ______________________________________________
Scientific Name _____________________________________________
Description of the plant (height, width, size of leaves, color/s, etc.)