First results show that in the regression where overall clean

Sebastian Voigt, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), +49 621 1235-219,
Andreas Löschel, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), +49 621 1235-200,
Nick Johnstone, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), +33-1 45247922 ,
Ivan Hascic, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), +33-1 45248177 ,
At present, the greatest share of electricity generation is based on conventional fossil fuels. This share amounts to 70%, coal
accounts for more than half of it. Given that global electricity demand will almost double until 2030, coal will remain an
important resource for the production of electricity in the near future. It is unlikely that renewable sources are able to substitute
fossil energy carriers completely. In particular, looking at the high economic growth rates of developing countries like India,
China or Brazil and along with that an increasing energy demand in these nations, it is unrealistic that coal based power
generation will vanish soon. Against this background, it is essential to search for technologies in coal based power generation
that help reduce emissions while simultaneously supplying enough energy to cover the increasing demand for it.
“Clean coal technologies” seem to offer one possibility to achieve these aims. In this paper we examine innovation activities in
clean coal technologies by the use of patent counts as an output measure of innovation. The technologies that are subject of our
analysis either increase energy efficiency, and thus indirectly reduce emissions, or decrease emissions directly. Technologies
such as Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC), Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) and Pulverized Coal-fired Steam
Cycle (PCC) under supercritical and ultra-supercritical steam conditions belong to the former group whereas end-of-pipe
solutions and Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technologies are part of the emission-reducing technologies. We
analyze what factors determine patenting activities. When looking at the patent filings of these technologies since 1970 we
observe a peak around the mid 1990s and a steady decline afterwards which lasts until the present time. One reason for this fact
might be that ex-ante signals sent in the run-up to the Kyoto Protocol differ largely from ex-post signals. Decisions in the Kyoto
Protocol might have led to innovations in renewable energy instead of investments in new power generation technologies which
are based on coal combustion. Another explanation for the decline in patenting activities for clean coal technologies is that
parts of the most recent technology, i.e. IGCC, might not be patentable, in particular those parts that belong to integrating the
gasification process. Furthermore, IGCC is highly funded by public authorities. This might result in low patenting activities
since no private inventor is then allowed to apply patents.
In our econometric analysis we examine determinants of this patenting activity. We use panel data of 22 countries from 1974 to
2005. The dependent variable is patent counts as an output measure of innovation. Among our explanatory variables are coalspecific energy R&D expenditures, coal production, dummies that indicate ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, and, as a control
variable, total patent filings at the European Patent Office (EPO). An appropriate method when count data serve as dependent
variable is to use a negative binomial model with fixed country effects. We estimate determinants of overall patent counts in
clean coal technologies as well as for each single technology outlined above.
First results show that in the regression where overall clean coal patents serve as the dependent variable all explanatory
variables except for electricity consumption and the share of nuclear energy production are significant at the 5% level at least.
However, when looking at the specific technologies the results differ with respect to the significance of the variables and the
magnitude of the parameters. Energy-related R&D investments in coal technologies are only significant for patent applications
of FBC, the coefficient is positive. The reason for this surprising outcome is possibly that the data on coal-related energy R&D
are not available for the specific technology types examined here. Thus, general R&D expenditures for coal may play an
important role for the total patenting activity in clean coal but not for particular technologies. The significance of this variable
in the case of FBC patents as regressand can be explained by the fact that the fluidized bed may also be used in combination
with other combustion methods, thus reflecting other fields of application, i.e. general coal R&D expenditures influence FBC
patenting activity. Electricity consumption as an indicator for the potential market size for innovations in clean coal
technologies is only significant for patents in end-of-pipe technologies and only at the 10% level. Its coefficient is positive. The
share of coal in total energy production is significant in the regression with total patent counts of clean coal technologies only,
with a negative coefficient. The impact of the Kyoto Protocol is negative, as expected, and significant in all regressions except
for CCS. The results of the Kyoto Protocol, e.g. support for tradable emission allowances, support for R&D on renewable
energy types and also CCS, may have led to more inventive activity in the field of renewables instead of promoting cleaner and
more efficient ways of coal combustion. This explanation is supported by the fact that the CCS regression is the only model
where the Kyoto dummy is not significant. The share of renewables in total energy production is significant in overall clean
coal patent counts but also in the regressions for IGCC and end-of-pipe patents. In all of these cases the coefficient is negative.
Our findings suggest that there is a strong relationship between coal-specific energy R&D and overall patenting activity in the
field of clean coal technologies. However, this outcome is not supported for the case of most specific technologies. The Kyoto
Protocol led to fewer patents in almost each of the considered technologies. One reason for this might be that signals sent in the
Protocol resulted in more innovation in renewable energy types and less innovation in coal technologies. Furthermore, the share
of renewables in total energy production has a negative impact on patenting activity in clean coal technologies. A high share of
renewables may indicate stronger support by public authorities for this energy type leading to relatively higher expected returns
of inventive activities compared to more efficient methods of coal combustion.
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