ISyE 3104: Introduction to Supply Chain Modeling: Manufacturing and Warehousing Instructor : Spyros Reveliotis Summer 2006 Solutions for Homework #6 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution Section 3.3 7. A rolling production schedule implies that the schedule may be revised at the start of a new planning period. However, this does not mean that there is no value in knowing future demands. For instance, for a company adopting a constant workforce / production capacity policy, if high demands are anticipated in some future periods, production may have to be ramped up well in advance to build the anticipatory inventories that will enable the satisfaction of those demands. In fact, even in the case that capacity adjustments like employee hiring or subcontracting are allowed, knowing the upcoming surges in advance will allow the company to take early on the necessary actions that will enable the hiring of the extra employees or the provision of the subcontracted quantities (e.g., by advertising the available positions, in the case of hiring, or by finding the subcontractors and signing the necessary contracts, in the case of subcontracting). Section 3.4 14. k = $60,000/250 = $240 per worker per day. After making the necessary adjustments to the demand vector in order to account for the initial and the desired ending inventory, we can computed the required workforce and the cost of the resulting plan through the following table: Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Working Days 22 16 21 19 23 20 24 12 19 22 20 16 # Units/ Worker (in $10,000) 0.528 0.384 0.504 0.456 0.552 0.480 0.576 0.288 0.456 0.528 0.480 0.384 (A) Cum # Units/ (B) Cum Net *Monthly Worker Net Demand Demand [B/A] Product (in Forecast Forecast Min # (in $10,000) (in $10,000) (in $10,000) Workers $10,000) 0.528 328 328 622 410.256 0.912 380 708 777 298.368 1.416 220 928 656 391.608 1.872 100 1028 550 354.312 2.424 490 1518 627 428.904 2.904 625 2143 738 372.96 3.480 375 2518 724 447.552 3.768 310 2828 751 223.776 4.224 175 3003 711 354.312 4.752 145 3148 663 410.256 5.232 120 3268 625 372.96 5.616 175 3443 614 298.368 Max = 777 *Cum Monthly Product (in *End Invent. $10,000) (in $10,000) 410.256 82.256 708.624 0.624 1100.232 172.232 1454.544 426.544 1883.448 365.448 2256.408 113.408 2703.96 185.96 2927.736 99.736 3282.048 279.048 3692.304 544.304 4065.264 797.264 4363.632 920.632 Total 3987.456 * Note: These figures assume the minimum constant workforce of 777 workers each month. a) Minimum constant work force = 777 workers. b) CH = $200, CF = $400, Initial # workers = 675, Workers added = 102 Beg. Inv = $120,000. End inv = $100,000. Total ending inventory = $39,874,560 + 100,000 = $39,974,560. Inventory costs per month = 0.25/12 = 0.0208 per $ per month. Hence total hiring + inventory costs for the constant work force plan are 2 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution (200)(102) + (0.0208)(39,874,560+100,000) = $853,190 15. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Working Days 22 16 21 19 23 20 24 12 19 22 20 16 Net Cum # Units/ Demand Monthly Monthly Worker Forecast Product Product (in (in Min # Workers Workers (in (in $10,000) $10,000) Workers Hired Fired $10,000) $10,000) 0.528 328 622 0 53 328.416 328.416 0.384 380 990 368 0 380.160 708.576 0.504 220 437 0 553 220.248 928.824 0.456 100 220 0 217 100.320 1029.144 0.552 490 888 668 0 490.176 1519.320 0.480 625 1303 415 0 625.440 2144.760 0.576 375 652 0 651 375.552 2520.312 0.288 310 1077 425 0 310.176 2830.488 0.456 175 384 0 693 175.104 3005.592 0.528 145 275 0 109 145.200 3150.792 0.480 120 250 0 25 120.000 3270.792 0.384 175 456 206 0 175.104 3445.896 Totals 2082 2301 Cum Net *End Demand Invent. Forecast (in (in $10,000) $10,000) 328 0.416 708 0.576 928 0.824 1028 1.144 1518 1.320 2143 1.760 2518 2.312 2828 2.488 3003 2.592 3148 2.792 3268 2.792 3443 2.896 Total 21.912 CH = $200, CF = $400 Total cost of hiring, firing and inventory = (200)(2082) + (400)(2301) + (0.0208)(219,120+100,000) = $1,343,448 Chapter 7 41. Gross requirement schedule for each of the components: Week 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MPS 1200 1200 800 1000 1000 Gross reqts. processors 1200 1200 800 1000 1000 300 2200 1400 solar cells 4800 4800 3200 4000 4000 1200 display 1200 1200 800 1000 1000 300 buttons 48000 48000 32000 40000 40000 12000 88000 13 14 15 16 17 300 2200 1400 1800 600 1800 600 8800 5600 7200 2400 2200 1400 1800 600 56000 72000 24000 42. K = 12.00 h = (0.24)(0.02)/48 = 0.0001 Gross requirements are given by last line of solution to problem 41. For convenience, we multiply h by 10,000 and divide each demand by 10,000. Hence, h = 1 and r = (4.8, 4.8, 3.2, 4.0, 4.0, 1.2, 8.8, 5.6, 7.2, 2.4) Start in period 1: C(1) = 12 C(2) = (12 + 4.8)/2 = 8.4 3 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution C(3) = [(2)(8.4) + (2)(3.2)]/3 = 7.733 C(4) = [(3)(7.733) + (3)(4)]/4 = 8.8 Stop (since the average cost per period increased with respect to its previous value). y1 = r1 + r2 + r3 = 12.8 Start in period 4: C(1) = 12 C(2) = (12 + 4)/2 = 8 C(3) = [(2)(8) + (2)(1.2)]/3 = 6.133 C(4) = [(3)(6.133) + (3)(8.8)]/4 = 11.2 Stop. y4 = r4 + r5 + r6 = 9.2 Start in period 7: C(1) = 12 C(2) = (12 + 5.6)/2 = 8.8 C(3) = [(2)(8.8) + (2)(7.2)]/3 = 10.67 Stop. y7 = r7 + r8 = 14.4 Finally, we will obtain y9 = r9 + r10 = 9.6 Hence, order policy recommended by Silver-Meal is (128,000; 0; 0 ; 92,000; 0; 0; 144,000; 0; 96,000; 0) The cost of this solution is: (4)(12) + (8 + 3.2 + 5.2 + 1.2 + 5.6 + 2.4) = $73.60 48. According to the product structure, we find the item level for each component: Level 0: EP1, EP2 Level 1: A, B, C, D, E Level 2: F Level 3: G, H The following table shows the material requirement for components that use F, G and H. Since in this case, the initial inventories and the scheduled receipts are equal to zero, and the applied lot-sizing policy is lot-for-lot, for all items, we skip all the intermediate steps and provide only the grossed requirements for each item and the planned order releases. 4 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution Week Lead LowLot Time level Item size (wks) Code ID 0 EP1 MPS - 0 Lotforlot 1 1 Lotforlot 2 Lotforlot 1 Lotforlot 2 1 1 2 12 Lotforlot 2 3 3 14 15 16 17 EP2 MPS 62 Gross for EP1 A Req. POR POR 22 23 24 22 56 90 210 77 26 30 54 120 112 76 22 56 90 210 240 224 152 62 21 76 22 56 90 210 44 112 180 420 44 112 180 420 62 68 90 77 26 30 54 68 90 77 26 30 54 for A 360 336 228 66 168 270 630 for D Total 124 136 180 154 52 60 108 484 472 408 220 220 330 738 484 472 408 220 220 330 738 Gross for B Req. for F G for B POR for F Total Gross H Req. 20 240 224 152 Gross for EP2 D Req. POR F 19 68 90 120 112 Gross for EP1 B Req. POR Gross Req. 18 120 112 76 POR Lot1 for B for3 for F lot 13 for B for F Total 1452 480 1452 1416 1224 660 1452 1416 1224 1140 480 1416 448 660 1108 448 1224 304 990 1294 304 88 224 360 840 660 660 990 2214 88 224 360 840 2214 2302 224 360 840 240 224 152 44 112 180 420 968 944 816 440 440 660 1476 968 1184 1040 592 484 772 1656 420 968 1184 1040 592 484 772 1656 420 5 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution Extra Credit Section 3.4 16. The following graph plots the cumulative net demand for each month. 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M on th 0 Cum Net Demand Forecast (in $10,000) We need to determine a profile for the cumulative production that is piece-wise linear with at most four distinct segments (since the production level can change no more than three times over the planning horizon); it remains above the cumulative net demand profile at every month (since we want to meet the net forecasted demand every month); and it also stays as close as possible to the cumulative net demand profile (since we want to minimize the excess inventories). One such profile is plotted below: 6 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Cum Net Demand Forecast 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M on th 0 Cum Production Under New Plan The changes in (in production rate occur between periods 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and 7 and 8. These $10,000) breakpoints are chosen according to the change of the slope of the first plot. The four production rates are chosen by trial and error to meet the demands for each month without accumulating much excess inventory to subsequent periods. The following table shows the proposed solution: Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Working Days 22 16 21 19 23 20 24 12 19 22 20 16 Net # Units/ Demand Actual Cum Cum Net Worker Forecast Prod. Product. Demand (in Desired (in Min # Workers Workers (in (in Forecast $10,000) Prod. $10,000) Workers Hired Fired $10,000) $10,000) (in $10,000) 0.528 354.00 328 671 0 4 354.288 354.288 328 0.384 354.00 380 922 251 0 354.048 708.336 708 0.504 220.00 220 437 0 485 220.248 928.584 928 0.456 220.00 100 483 46 0 220.248 1148.832 1028 0.552 502.00 490 910 427 0 502.320 1651.152 1518 0.480 502.00 625 1046 136 0 502.080 2153.232 2143 0.576 502.00 375 872 0 174 502.272 2655.504 2518 0.288 175.00 310 608 0 264 175.104 2830.608 2828 0.456 175.00 175 384 0 224 175.104 3005.712 3003 0.528 175.00 145 332 0 52 175.296 3181.008 3148 0.480 175.00 120 365 33 0 175.200 3356.208 3268 0.384 175.00 175 456 91 0 175.104 3531.312 3443 Totals 984 1203 Total *End Invent. (in $10,000) 26.288 0.336 0.584 120.832 133.152 10.232 137.504 2.608 2.712 33.008 88.208 88.312 643.776 7 ISYE 3104 Summer 2006 Homework 6 Solution Hence, the hiring, firing, and inventory cost of this plan is: (984)(200)+(1203)(400)+(0.208)(6,437,760+100,000) = $814,203.33 Remark: Notice that the above plan still involves substantial hiring and firing, due to the variation of the working days in every month. If we want to support the proposed production plan with constant workforce at every phase of the plan where production rate is constant, and without experiencing any stockouts at any month, we must fix the number of workers at every phase of the plan to the minimum level that will enable the achievement of the monthly production rate in every month of that phase. This number will essentially be determined by the month in the phase with the smaller number of days. This arrangement implies that during the months with a higher number of working days, the employed workers will be under-utilized. 8