Tropical Horticulture

Tropical Horticulture
Questions – Week 7
Which of the following grows on a vine?
a) sapodilla
b) guava
c) passion fruit
d) b and c
e) none of the above
Which five tropical fruits account for 89% of the market?
Which of the following species is not one of the fruit that combine to dominate 89% of the
tropical fruits market?
a) bananas and plantains
b) papayas
c) citrus
d) mangos
e) pineapple
Guava is most commonly propagated by which method?
a) seed
b) stem cuttings
c) division
d) root cuttings
e) none of the above
The guava was probably first domesticated in 800 B.C. in which country?
a) Panama
b) Peru
c) Brazil
d) Argentina
e) Mexico
f) Costa Rica
Where did the guava originate?
a) South America
b) Africa
c) North America
d) Asia
What white gummy latex from Sapodilla bark was chewed by the Mayans and used as the base
for chewing gums before synthetics were developed?
Which slow-growing tree’s bark has a white, gummy latex that is used in the production of
chewing gum?
Which type of fruit is one flower with many pistils that develop into one fruit?
a) simple fruit
b) multiple fruit
c) aggregate fruit
d) b and c
e) none of the above
What is an aggregate fruit? How does this differ from a multiple fruit? Name two aggregate and
two multiple fruit.
What insect is responsible for pollinating guava flowers?
Why is passion fruit so expensive to harvest?
How is soursop pollinated?
a) by hand
b) by honeybees
c) by bumblebees
d) by flies
e) none of the above
How are guava protected from fruit flies in Asia?
a) pesticide sprays
b) mass greenhouses
c) individual fruit bagged
d) fly traps set
e) a and d
Which fruit requires harvesting before the carpels separate?
a) guava
b) cherimoya
c) sugar apple
d) passion fruit
e) none of the above
The cherimoya is a(n) ________ fruit.
a) berry
b) drupe
c) multiple
d) aggregate
e) none of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of cherimoya?
a) it ships better than the sugar apple
b) it has better flavor than the sugar apple
c) it is normally eaten dried and aged
d) a and b
e) none of the above
Which of the following is not an Annona species?
a) cherimola
b) muricata
c) cherimosa
d) squamosa
Where did the Annonaceae originate?
a) Mexico
b) Peru (South America)
c) Northern South America
d) Southeast Asia
e) a, b, and c
f) b, c, and d
How many exterior petals does the flower structure of an Annonaceae have?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
By which method is Annona spp. traditionally propagated?
a) seed
b) air layering
c) rootstock
d) grafting
e) none of the above
What are the two (2) ways to harvest passion fruit?
What type of plant does the passion fruit grow on?
a) tree
b) vine
c) bush
d) a or c, depending on the type of passion fruit
e) none of the above
How long does is usually take for a passion fruit to mature?
a) 1 week
b) 2-3 weeks
c) 1 month
d) 2-3 months
e) 5 months
Where did the purple passion fruit originate?
a) Mexico
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia
d) a, b, and c
e) unknown
Which of the following is true of the Passiflora edulis purple variety?
a) originated in southern Mexico
b) requires very acidic soil
c) is not negatively affected by rain during flowering
d) is harvested 1-3 times per week
Where did the yellow passion fruit originate?
a) Mexico
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia
d) a, b, and c
e) unknown
Where did the sapodilla originate?
a) Central America
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia
d) a, b, and c
e) unknown
Where did the sapote originate?
a) Central America
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia
d) a, b, and c
e) unknown
What type of soil does the sapote grow best in?
Where did the cashew originate?
a) Italy
b) Brazil
c) Canada
d) India
e) none of the above
Where did the macadamia originate?
a) Mexico
b) South America
c) Southeast Asia
d) Australia
e) unknown
M. integrifolia originated in which of the following areas?
a) Southeast Asia
b) South American highlands
c) India
d) Australia
e) none of the above
Which of the following areas produces the most macadamia nuts?
a) South America
b) Asia
c) Australia
d) none of the above
Which of the following pairs now lead the world in macadamia production?
a) Hawaii and Costa Rica
b) Costa Rica and Guatemala
c) Costa Rica and Australia
d) Hawaii and Australia
Above what temperature does macadamia grow poorly?
a) 10°C
b) 20°C
c) 30°C
d) none of the above
True/False: Macadamia nuts have poor root structure and require windbreaks.
Why is it important to have windbreaks for macadamias? Give at least 2 reasons.
To what family does the macadamia belong?
True/False: The macadamia was named for John Macanroe.
How many pounds of nuts, in shell, should each macadamia tree produce?
a) 10 lbs
b) 50 lbs
c) 100 lbs
d) 1 ton
True/False: The USDA is breeding to develop varieties that can produce 150 lbs of macadamia
nuts, in shell, per tree.
Which of the following are pathogens that harm macadamia?
a) Phytopthora blight
b) Kretzschmaria clavus
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
Which of the following is true of Macadamia integrifolia?
a) is tolerant of drought and high temperatures
b) is a good roottock for M. tetraphylla
c) is a rough shelled nut
d) is more sub-tropical than M. tetraphylla
M. tetraphylla is primarily used for what?
a) growing macadamia in low-nutrient soils
b) higher yields than M. integrifolia
c) stock for M. integrifolia
d) more bitter macadamia than M. integrifolia
e) none of the above
What type of shell does Macadamia tetraphylla have?
a) rough shell
b) paper shell
c) smooth shell
d) no shell
True/False: In Hawaii, macadamia trees are grown on lava formations.
True/False: Macadamia trees require windbreaks every 50 feet because of their poor root
Name 3-4 factors contributing to macadamia wind damage. Why is wind damage a major
concern in macadamia nut production?
By which method are most macadamia cultivars propagated?
a) grafting
b) layering
c) seeds
d) cuttings
e) all of the above
What is the major commercial variety of macadamia nut in Hawaii?
a) Hawaii
b) Honolulu
c) Keauhou
d) Kau 344
Fill-in the taxonomic classifications for the two (2) main commercial varieties of macadamia nut:
Family ____________ Genus ____________ Species ____________
True/False: M. integrifolia was discovered in 1840 in Brisbane, Australia.
True/False: M. tetraphylla is not drought or heat tolerant.
What is the production temperature restriction for both speies of macadamia?
What plant family did Mark Twain refer to as “the masterpiece of nature”?
a) Annonaceae
b) Bromeliaceae
c) Musaceae
d) Fagaceae
e) none of the above
What fruit did Mark Twain refer to as “the masterpiece of nature”?
a) passion fruit
b) plantain
c) cherimoya
d) mango
e) none of the above
What is eating a durian compared to?
How long does it take the papaya fruit to develop?
What is the most important papaya disease in the world?
What type of fruit is the passion fruit?
a) grape
b) seed
c) berry
d) none of the above
Which of the following (is a / are) type(s) of minor tropical fruits in America?
a) sugar apple
b) guava
c) passion fruit
d) all of the above
What type of fruit do Asians usually prefer?
a) high-acid fruit
b) low-acid fruit
c) both high- and low-acid fruit
d) neither high- nor low-acid fruit
What is the difference in planting systems for guava between the Americas and Thailand?
What happens to 90% of the fresh fruit in Thailand?
a) eaten locally
b) exported
c) thrown out because affected by disease
d) used to propagate new fruit
e) none of the above
Why are guava bagged in Thailand?
a) to slow the ripening process
b) to protect the fruit from fruit flies
c) to protect the fruit from sunburn
d) to facilitate harvest
List three (3) or four (4) uses of the proteolytic enzyme extracted from the latex of papaya.
List three (3) cultivation restrictions of the papaya plant.
For how many weeks and at what temperatures can papayas be stored post-harvest?
a) 1-3 weeks at 7-10°C
b) 1-3 weeks at 10-13°C
c) 3-6 weeks at 7-10°C
d) 3-6 weeks at 10-13°C
Which of the following correctly characterizes the fruits studied in the Annonaceae family?
a) all are grown in hot, dry tropical climates
b) they include the species cherimola, edulis and muricata
c) they are pollinated by beetles
d) all are heavy bearers
To which of the following families do the three (3) minor fruits from Central America and South
America known as Cherimoya, soursop, and sugar apple belong?
a) Passifloraceae
b) Sapotaceae
c) Myrtaceae
d) Annonaceae
e) none of the above
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the passion fruit?
a) grows on a vine
b) harvested throughout the year
c) pollinated by honeybees
d) usually propagated by seed
e) none of the above
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the sapote?
a) difficult to determine if fruit is mature
b) flesh is salmon pink to red in color
c) grows on 60-100 foot trees
d) mature tree can withstand light freezes
e) none of the above
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the macadamia tetraphylla?
a) rough-shelled nut
b) whorled leaves
c) tropical
d) all of the above
e) a and b only
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of M. tetraphylla?
a) new growth is red
b) tolerant to drought and high temperatures
c) sub-tropical
d) rough-shelled nut
e) none of the above
True/False: The two major pathogens affecting macadamia crops are Phytophthora blight and
Kretzschmaria clavus.
To which family does passion fruit belong?
a) Annonaceae
b) Myrtaceae
c) Passifloraceae
d) Sapotaceae
e) None of the above
What type of fruit is the Atemoya fruit?
How does the commercial guava grown in South and Central America differ from that grown in