SYLLABUS CODE: DIVISION: TITLE: PSYC 218 Educational Psychology DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences Psychology COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to assist students with the application of psychological principles to classrooms at all educational levels. Topics include: cognitive development, learning theories, motivation, multicultural issues, and student assessment. Course activities include the issue of instructor and guest lecturers, small group discussion and student presentations. PREREQUISITES: Strongly suggest PSYC 105 but it is not required. COREQUISITES: None CREDITS: 3 LECTURE CREDITS: LAB CREDITS: 3 LAB HOURS: REQUIRED MATERIALS: Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition 9th Ed., Anita Woolfolk ADDITIONAL TIME REQUIREMENTS: None INTENDED COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES/COURSE GOALS (CORE COMPETENCIES): 1. Students will be able to synthesize course content and use educational principles in their final research project and/or presentations (Core Competencies: Communication Skills and Information and Technology Literacy) 2. Be able to discern between educational theories and best practices which could affect pedagogy, classroom management, and student assessment. (Core Competencies: Critical Thinking) 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of social and political issues on education through comprehension of the importance of the inclusive multicultural classroom and multiculturalism across the curriculum. In addition, develop a historical perspective of the socio-political evolution of education in respect to race, gender, and disability issues. (Core Competencies: Societal Perspective Historical Perspective and Diversity and Global Perspective) 4. Student will be able to interpret simple quantitative data as they relate to empirical research and student assessment. (Core Competencies: Mathematical Skills) 5. Student should be able to use appropriate technologies for coursework, e.g., PowerPoint, Internet, and electronic data gases. (Core Competencies: Information and Technology Literacy) UNIT TOPICS AND/OR UNIT OUTCOME (OBJECTIVES): OPTIONAL GRADING STANDARD: A=90% and above – B+=85-89% = B=80-84% - C+=75-79% - C=70-74% - D=65-69% F=Below 65 August 2005 SYLLABUS DEPARTMENT POLICIES: The Psychology Department subscribes to all College policies described in the Student Handbook. Students and faculty will treat each other with respect and dignity. COLLEGE POLICIES: For information regarding: Brookdale’s Academic Integrity Code Student Conduct Code Student Grade Appeal Process Please refer to the STUDENT HANDBOOK AND BCC CATALOG. NOTIFICATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Brookdale Community College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. Students with disabilities who wish to self-identify, must contact the Disabilities Services Office at 732-224-2730 or 732-842-4211 (TTY), provide appropriate documentation of the disability, and request specific accommodations or services. If a student qualifies, reasonable accommodations and/or services, which are appropriate for the college level and are recommended in the documentation, can be approved. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/LABS: Learning Assistant: Amy Gingold – 732-224-2546 ( – MAN 127 August 2005