beach safetySurfing

Surfing Beaches | Watersports in North Cornwall | Surfing and Surf Clubs in North Cornwall
From quiet nooks and coves to exciting surfing venues, all flanked by magnificent coastal
scenery, North Cornwall has some of the cleanest beaches in Cornwall - and that's official.
Sandy Mouth
This beach is in prime condition with sand, rocks and many rock pools. The cliffs surrounding the
beach are moderately unstable but provide a great variety of wildflowers. The area around
Sandymouth is classed as a Heritage Coast, and therefore, walking is recommended but keep
an eye on the tide. Some areas may be cut off by the incoming tide and the cliffs offer little
escape. National Trust leaflets provide information about the beach as does the Heritage Coast
Exhibition in the Visitor Centre in Bude.
Lifeguard Seasonal, Tidy Britian Group Award , Swim, Surf, Toilets, Cafe, Car Park, Shop .
Northcott Mouth
The sandy beach at Northcott is approximately one third of a mile long and proves to be popular
with surfers and swimmers. The bay is bordered by Menachurch Point to the north and Maer Cliff
to the south and bathing can be dangerous in these areas. There is much to see on the coastal
path, heading along the Heritage Coast, in the way of views and wildlife.
Lifeguard Seasonal, Swim, Surf, Car Park, Cafe.
Bude - Crooklets
The small bay at Crooklets is due north of
Summerleaze and adjoins it at low tide. The bay is
formed by the rocks of Wrangle Point to the north and
outcrops of rocks to the south. Due to the small size of
the beach it does tend to become quite congested in
the summer. The coastal path around Crooklets
provides marvellous views over to Efford Down,
Millook and the Cornish north coast.
Lifeguard Seasonal, Swim, Surf, Cafe, Toilets (Dis.),
Shop, Car Park, Dog Ban.
Bude - Summerleaze
This has proved to be one of the most
popular beaches of the area and
hence it becomes congested in the
height of the season. The beach is
surrounded by dunes on one side and
the canal on the other. The sand
dunes are undergoing restoration at
present and have been planted with
marram grass to increase stability.
Situated in the Crescent car park is the Bude
Visitor Centre where the Heritage Coast
Service has an information section on the
area and its wildlife. The cliffs to the south of
the beach provide a network of pleasant
walks over Efford Down and along to Efford
Beacon and beyond.
Life Guard - Seasonal, Car Park, Shop, Cafe,
Toilets (Dis.), Swim, Surf.
Widemouth Bay / Blackrock
In comparison to many beaches in North
Cornwall, the beach at Widemouth Bay
consists of a mile of flat sand backed by low
cliffs and grassy fields. The beach is rocky in
places providing many rock pools harbouring
marine wildlife.
Due to the accessibility of the beach, it becomes very popular during the summer months
although there are footpaths over the ascending cliffs that allow escape from the busy sands.
Widemouth bay is popular with surfers and its coastal paths provide excellent views towards
Millook and the coast north of Bude.
Life Guard Seasonal Dog Ban Widemouth only , Tidy Britain Group Award, Swim, Surf, Toilets (
Dis.), Car Park, Shop, Cafe.
Crackington Haven
A long descent into Crackington Haven leads to a small yet popular beach encased on either
side by steep dark cliffs. Due to its popularity in the summer and the small size of the village, the
beach can become quite congested with surfers and bathers alike. However, there are walks
along the coastal path that will take you away from the sand and surf. The coastal path to the
south of the bay leads over National Trust land to High Cliff which provides an excellent vantage
point giving magnificent views for miles around all the way to Boscastle. Crackington lies within
the Heritage Coast area.
Life Guard - Seasonal, Swim, Surf, Dog Ban, Car Park, Shop, Toilets, Cafe.
Trebarwith Strand
The beach at Trebarwith is at the
bottom of a deep valley with many
attractive views along the Heritage
Coastline towards Gull Rock. Rocks
must be negotiated before you reach
the rocky sands of the beach.
The high tide covers the beach
completely for about two hours so
care must be taken. Signs at the top
of the beach warn of the dangers.
The coastal path north leads to
Tintagel and makes a wonderful
scenic walk.
The village of Tintagel provides much
to see including the old Post Office,
King Arthur's Hall and the ruined
castle. Tintagel itself has no beach and therefore Trebarwith Strand is the closest.
Life Guard - Seasonal, Swim, Car Park, Shop, Toilets (Dis.), Cafe.
Polzeath can be found in the Camel Estuary in Hayle
Bay. The beach is well used by surfers and bathers
and is regularly cleaned. Information in the form of a
board describes the area as well as giving details of
water quality.
National Trust land adjacent to the beach provide footpaths leading to Pentire Point giving
superb views from the Rump headlands.
The Heritage Coast Service regularly organises "Seashore Searches" of the rock pools near
New Polzeath as part of its summer programme.
L ife Guard Seasonal Dog Ban, Tidy Britain Group Award, Cafe, Swim, Surf, Toilets (Dis.), Shop,
Car Park. Polzeath Voluntary Marine Wildlife Reserve
Daymer Bay
This bay is situated to the south of Trebetherick next to National Trust land and consists of
approximately one third of a mile of sand. The coastal path to the north of Daymer Bay leads to
Polzeath and provides some picturesque views of Padstow harbour and surrounding area.
Swim, Car Park, Toilets, Cafe, Shop, NO LIFEGUARD.
Harbour Cove
Harbour Cove is situated in a Site of
Special Scientific Interest north of
Padstow. There is no car park as
such but during the summer there is
parking for approximately 150 cars at
Lellizzick. Permissive access is given
from the car park to the beach. Walks
along the coast path give excellent
views over Padstow and Rock as well
as Pentire Point and Trevose Head.
Padstow Tourist Information Centre
contains much information about the
wildlife and the surrounding area and
also features an information section
by the Heritage Coast Service.
Summer Car Park NO LIFEGUARD.,
Trevone Bay
Trevone Bay is located to the south of Trevose
Head and to the north of Harlyn Bay.
This beach is situated in an area of great
geological interest. There is ample parking during
the summer season.
Life Guard Seasonal Dog Ban, Cafe, Car Park,
Toilets( Dis.), Shop.
Harlyn Bay
On the eastern side of Trevose Head sits Harlyn Bay. The two thirds of a mile of sand and
pebbles are backed by the dunes which are themselves surrounded by the cliffs towards
Cataclews Point. These cliffs form Big Guns Cove. The south east corner of Harlyn village
provides the access to the beach next to a stream that flows on to the beach. The remains of an
old iron age cemetery were discovered behind the beach below the sand. The cliffs at Trevose
Head give superb views towards Pentire Head and Newquay across the rocky sea. To the north
east of the bay lies Mother Ivey's Bay. On the northern shore of this rocky cove stands the
Padstow lifeboat house. Wildlife and walks information is available from the Padstow Tourist
Information Centre which has a Heritage Coast Information section within it.
Life Guard - Seasonal, Tidy Britain Group Award , Swim, Surf, Car Park, Toilets, Cafe, Shop.
Booby's Bay
South of Trevone Head sits Booby's Bay.
There is a small National Trust property
adjacent to the bay which is popular in the
summer. There is limited car parking and it is
best to park at Constantine Bay and walk
along to Booby's Bay. Walks to the north of
the beach provide superb views from Trevose
Head along the Cornish coast as well as a
great variety of wild flowers.
Life Guard Seasonal Swim, Surf. (Nearest
facilities Constantine)
Constantine Bay
The beach at Constantine Bay is backed by large dunes
blanketed in marram grass and is defined by the low
headlands and rocky islands that head out to sea. The
dunes to the rear of the beach have been planted with
marram grass to help stabilise them.
The rocky beach can provide many rock pools well worth
exploring. The coastal path traces the perimeter of the
bay over the low cliffs with some seaward views that
should be seen.
Life Guard Seasonal Tidy Britain Group Award , Car Park,
Toilets (Dis.), Swim, Surf, Shop 400m up the road.
Treyarnon Bay
Treyarnon boasts one of the most unspoilt beaches in North Cornwall. Its sandy bay lies in an
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty next to Constantine Bay. It also boasts one of the cleanest
beaches. The coastal path provides some of the most spectacular views in North Cornwall.
Life Guard Seasonal , Tidy Britain Group Award, Car Park, Swim, Surf, Shop, Toilets (Dis.),
The sandy beach at Porthcothan is located south of Constantine Bay. There is plenty of parking
although at high tide the area of sand on the beach is restricted. The coastal path gives splendid
views both to the north and south as well as displaying a variety of wildlife.
Bedruthan Steps
Famous for its wave swept stacks at the foot of rugged cliffs. No Lifeguards. Do not enter the
water and beware of being trapped by incoming tide.
Mawgan Porth
Sheltered sandy beach. Good for surfing.
Watergate Bay
Mile long sandy beach, popular with surfers. Beach/surf hire, Cafe.
Beach Safety In North Cornwall
The wild and rugged coast of north Cornwall with
its shining surf and golden beaches, holds both
immense natural beauty and hidden dangers for
visitors to the area. Beach safety is essentially an
exercise in common sense, and if you and your
family take note of the advice that follows then
you will enjoy a happy and safe holiday in north
The 14 main tourist beaches in the district are
covered by lifeguards throughout the summer
season and their instructions should be obeyed at all times. Remember to listen for their whistle,
you may be in danger.
Where there is no lifeguard, please seek local advice and always read warning notices before
entering the water. Lifeguard patrolled beaches employ the tried and tested flag system, which is
easy to understand and very hard not to notice. The simple rules are that you should always
bathe between the red and yellow striped flags and must, on no account, enter the water when
the red flag is flying. A major hazard of bathing in the ocean is the rip current. This is the
seaward movement of water caused by natural drainage of water brought in towards the beach
by the tide. These currents test all but the strongest swimmers and are invisible to an
inexperienced eye. The best advice is always to bathe only on patrolled beaches. These
currents, along with offshore winds also dictate that inflatables should never be taken into the
sea. It is all too easy to loose control and be swept out.
There is a large rise and fall of tides in north Cornwall and the times of high and low water, as
laid out on this page, should always be checked before you set off on long walks on the
foreshore. The incoming tide rises rapidly and consequently it is very easy to find yourself cut off.
We want you to enjoy your holiday, so please do not take any unnecessary risks. If in doubt,
seek expert advice - remember, it is not only your life but the lives of the emergency services that
can be put at risk by you not taking the time to think!
Noel Harradine, Beach Safety Officer, North Cornwall District Council.
Safety on the North Cornwall Coast
Be alert to people who may be in distress. You could save a life. If you see a red
flare, orange smoke or a craft or person in difficulty, find a phone quickly, dial
999 and ask for the Coastguard.
1. Spot the dangers:
If in doubt stay out! Look for a beach patrolled by lifeguards with zoned areas,
i.e. RED over YELLOW FLAGS for swimming, belly and boogie board riding.
BLACK and WHITE CHEQUERED FLAGS for surf craft. A RED FLAG means
do not enter the water DANGER.
2. Know the difference:
You may be used to a nice warm indoor pool, but its not so easy in cold outdoor
3. Check new places:
New places, may have dangers that you do not know about. Ask the lifeguards,
the locals, somebody who knows.
4. Take Safety Advice:
Special flags and notices warn you. Know what they mean, do what they tell
5. Do not go alone: Children should always go with a grown up, even at
lifeguard patrolled beaches, lifeguards are not babysitters.
6. Learn how to help:
You may be able to help yourself and others if you know what to do in an
emergency, "so" join a lifesaving club at most swimming pools or at a beach surf
lifesaving club near to you. For details contact the Beach Safety Officer on
01208 893410
7. Strange Objects:
Don't touch strange objects. Dangerous items such as flares or canisters of
chemicals may sometimes be washed ashore. Tell the Coastguard or the
Keep well clear of the cliff edge, it may be unstable and even dry grass can be slippery.
Before walking along the beach under cliffs, check the tide times, you don't want to be
cut off.
Don't climb on cliffs unless properly equipped. You should always notify the local
Coastguard of your intentions.
Don't dig into soft cliff faces. They could collapse and bury you.
Don't sit on or walk close over rocks about to be washed by the sea. You could be swept
Surfing Beaches | Watersports in North Cornwall | Surfing and Surf Clubs in North Cornwall
Unsafe. Picks up any swell hitting the North Coast. Badly affected by westerly winds.
Dangers; Unsafe north side. Unsafe low water + 2hrs . Very experienced surfers only.
Good beginners beach. Faces west, works best with the easterly winds.
Typical Beach break with no defined peaks.
Wave quality alters with the tide and position of sandbanks.
Usually surfed low to 1/4 tide, with fast hollow waves.
Dangers Watch out for unsafe currents at low water + 2hrs. Rocks at high water. Ferocious rip
currents in surf over 5ft.
Northcott Mouth
Southern end of Sandymouth. Rips make it unsuitable for beginners unless surf is small. Best
surf low to mid water.
Dangers Unsafe low water + 2hrs.
Works well in easterly winds, low tide through to high tide. Five minutes out of Bude, popular with
the locals, crowded in Summer. Good right off Wangles Point to the north.
Dangers. Rips can be strong at low tide.
Summerlease Beach.
2 minutes from the town centre. On low tide a fast left hander breaks outside the harbour wall. As
the tide rises, a right hander off the breakwater develops and short lefts off the swimming pool.
Dangers. Rip at low tide by the breakwater in surf bigger than 4ft.
Widemouth Bay.
Good beginners beach. Works well on all stages of the tide. Popular with all kinds of craft and
Dangers. Currents around rocks, especially at low water.
Crackington Haven.
Good left break off rocks at southern end.
Best low water to 3/4 tide. Cliffs give shelter from the wind.
Dangers. Strong rips at southren end at low water. Rocks at high water.
Trebarwith Strand
No beach at high water. West facing picks up a lot of swell.
Northern end protected from north winds.
Dangers. Watch the tide!
SAFE. Good beginners beach break. Right hander off Pentire Point headland at low water.
Popular with all types of surfcraft. Can get crowded in summer.
Daymer Bay
One of the U.K's most popular wave sailing venues good for all abilities.
Good right hander at most stages of the tide. Wave size often increases as the tide rises.
Dangers. On big high tides a nasty shore dump can develop, best avioded by beginners.
Constantine Bay
West facing bay one of the best swell pullers in North Cornwall. Mid to high tide a wave breaks
left and right in most swells. At the southern end a left hander breaks over the rocks. Any wind
not from the east can ruin the wave.
Dangers. Notorious rip currents , be careful ! Not suitable for beginners, rocks at the west end.
Boobys Bay
Northern end of Constantine. Excellent right hander for experienced surfers only off the the rocks
at the northern end of the beach from mid to low tide.
Dangers. Not suitable for beginners. Strong rips and dangerous rocks!
West facing often above average beach break waves. Can be a left hander at the southern end
of the bay.
Dangers. There is a strong rip round and out of the bay.