LDU rs3199486 rs12917189 rs8024266 rs8030696 rs2139655 rs16957168 rs10467975 rs11853250 rs7182753 rs7167802 rs11070380 rs10518779 rs6493067 rs11070382 rs6493068 rs28715020 rs9806175 rs2682073 rs9920182 rs2054389 rs1381855 rs4509988 rs28494835 rs2412747 rs1037990 rs8027733 rs4573908 rs3736054 rs11070387 rs4923956 rs2035170 rs4924704 rs12050604 rs8036710 rs28564939 rs4924705 rs11070389 rs12913112 rs11632120 rs2176870 rs7166467 rs12594277 rs12442190 rs11070392 rs540587 rs530118 rs2899077 rs12592725 rs502157 rs2241516 rs525403 rs542036 rs580469 r2 |D’| 1.0 TTBK2 40.8 40.9 UBR1 41.0 41.1 41.2 0 1.2 TMEM62 0.8 0.4 0 41.3 Physical distance (Mb) 1 Additional file 5 LD block defined by |D’| (lower right), r2 (upper left), and LDU. Each LD block was plotted separately by GOLD with a score of 1 shown in red, and 0 in dark blue. Changes in LDU and recombination rates in the candidate region including the landmark SNP2140 (rs2412747) were plotted against the physical distance of SNPs by LDMAP (lower window). The gray horizontal bar denotes the |D’|-based LD block consisting of red vertical bars representing SNPs. The black horizontal bar denotes the r2-based LD block consisting of blue vertical bars representing SNPs. A landmark UBR1 gene consists of 47 exons spanning approximately 163.2 kb of genomic DNA and the 7.8 kb UBR1 transcript encodes a protein of 1,750 amino acids. 2