COSCA, SCOTLAND’S PROFESSIONAL BODY FOR COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY COSCA 8 Counselling Research Dialogue th Date: Tuesday 22 November 2011 Venue: Terraces Hotel Melville Terrace Stirling FK8 2ND ‘THE CULTURAL AND SOCIALCONTEXTS OF COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY’ COSCA, Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling & Psychotherapy 16 Melville Terrace Stirling FK8 2NE T: 01786 475 140 F: 01786 446 207 E: COSCA COSCA 8th COUNSELLING RESEARCH DIALOGUE The Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling & Psychotherapy Tuesday 22 November 2011 – 10 am to 4 pm Terraces Hotel, Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ND CALL FOR PAPERS Focus of this Counselling Research Dialogue There are many cultural and social contexts in which counselling and psychotherapy in Scotland have developed and are currently practised. These include institutions (prisons, schools, hospitals etc), statutory services, the churches, the voluntary sector, social enterprises, independent practice, and commercial enterprises. Counselling and psychotherapy have been, and continue to be, shaped by these contexts. Conversely, counselling and psychotherapy influence and shape the contexts in which they are practised. Through these mutual influences, counselling and psychotherapy are intertwined with a diverse range of human activities e.g. outdoor activity, sport, our relationship with the ecosystem, business, friendships, family life, education, training, spirituality, science, art, drama, language, diversity and human rights, exclusion and stigma, and mental health and well being. This Counselling Research Dialogue will explore: the wide range of cultural and social realities and contexts in which counselling and psychotherapy have developed and takes place how counselling and psychotherapy are closely linked to other fields of human activity. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 Keynote Presentation Dr Gavin Miller, Research Fellow, The Theology and Therapy Project, University of Edinburgh. ‘The mystery underlying the wellspring’: the incorporation of Christianity into counselling and psychotherapy, and the formation of modern spirituality. Call for Abstract Submissions Abstract submissions are invited for papers, panels, workshops and posters on the theme of ‘Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling and Psychotherapy’. In your abstract, please consider: the cultural and social context(s) with which your study or ideas engage(s) how your study or ideas address the interplay between counselling/psychotherapy and their contexts the implications of the context(s) of counselling and psychotherapy for your study or ideas You should complete the Abstract Submission Application Form and return it to the address below by Friday 16 September 2011. On how to present at the Dialogue, please refer to the flyer “Presenting at COSCA Counselling Research Dialogue”. Student Strand will be in place again this year: All students of counselling, psychotherapy and counselling skills are encouraged to submit abstracts. There is a reduced attendance rate for students whose Abstract Submissions are accepted. Please see the separate Student Strand flyer for further information. Voluntary Sector Counselling Services COSCA would particularly welcome Abstract Submissions from Counselling Services in the Voluntary Sector in Scotland. To book a Delegate Place at the Dialogue For those not submitting an abstract, you should complete the Delegate Booking Form. Closing date for bookings is Monday 14 November 2011. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 COSCA 8th COUNSELLING RESEARCH DIALOGUE The Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling & Psychotherapy Tuesday 22 November 2011 – 10 am to 4 pm Terraces Hotel, Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION APPLICATION FORM Fees frozen from 2009 Closing Date for Abstract Submissions: FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2011 PERSONAL DETAILS Title Forename Job Title Surname Organisation/Study Place Mailing Address Town City Telephone Post Code Country Email IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PRESENTERS: On confirmation of acceptance of your abstract submission, payment will be requested (see fees below) Please note that presenters cannot claim travel, or any other expenses connected to this event, from COSCA If you intend to use Powerpoint for your presentation, you are required to send the final version of this by email to: BY MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2011. COSCA is unable to accept changes to the above version. PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU ARE A PRESENTER OR STUDENT PRESENTER □ □ Presenter Presenter Fee: £60.00 Student Presenter Student Presenter Fee: £30.00 You will be asked to submit payment for the event when you receive the Abstract Acceptance Confirmation/Booking Form, which you should return with your payment. INFORMATIION ON ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS You are advised to read the flyer ‘Presenting at COSCA Counselling Research Dialogue’ for tips on presenting. Please tick as appropriate: □ □ □ □ □ Paper: Maximum of 30 minutes – 15 minutes Presentation and 15 minutes Discussion Time Panel: 3 papers on a linked theme - maximum of 1 hour: 15 minutes each Presentation and 15 minutes Discussion Time Workshop: Maximum of 90 minutes Poster: See flyer on tips for presenting a poster Poster from Student not attending event (no charge): Please see flyer on tips for presenting a poster. Please submit your Abstract using the following headings where relevant. Name and Précis of other presenters, if relevant If Panel Discussion, name of panel organiser Presentation Format e.g. paper, panel, etc Background Aims Method Results Conclusions/Implications The Abstract Submission should be no more than 300 words. Please head each page with your name and title of the Abstract Submission. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS COSCA will provide a laptop and projector in each of the break-out rooms and your presentation will be loaded up in advance for presentation using POWERPOINT 2007. You are required to submit your presentation by email to by MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2011. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 COSCA 8th COUNSELLING RESEARCH DIALOGUE The Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling & Psychotherapy Tuesday 22 November 2011 – 10 am to 4 pm Terraces Hotel, Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ND DELEGATE EVENT BOOKING FORM Delegate Fees frozen from 2009 Closing Date for Bookings: MONDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2011 PERSONAL DETAILS Title Forename Job Title Surname Organisation/Study Place Mailing Address Town City Telephone Post Code Country Email COSCA Membership No. (if applicable) Do you have any dietary requirements? If yes, please add details. Do you have any access requirements? If yes, please add details. Nominal Code Payment Confirmation Sent 9 DELEGATE FEES - please tick as appropriate COSCA Members: £75 □ Non-COSCA Members: £90 □ (The fee includes refreshments and lunch) Counselling/Counselling £45 Skills Students: □ PAYMENT Please pay, if possible, your delegate fee direct to COSCA’s bank. If unable to do this, you can pay by cheque or request an invoice. Please tick as appropriate I am paying direct to COSCA’s bank □ the amount of: £ Payment Reference: Your name followed by “RD10” Clydesdale Bank Sort Code: 82 - 68 - 05 Account No. 70174110 I am enclosing a cheque. Please make the cheque payable to “COSCA”. I wish to be invoiced □ Cheque amount: □ Please add £2.00 service charge. £ Purchase Order Number if applicable Invoice details, if different from mailing address: CANCELLATION POLICY: COSCA will accept late bookings subject to availability and immediate payment in full. A change to a named delegate attending will be accepted, but no guarantee can be made to change the original details for badges, delegates list, etc. No refunds can be made for cancellations. Those who have booked a place at the event and fail to attend are not eligible for a refund and/or will be invoiced in full for the event fee. GENERAL INFORMATION PHOTOGRAPHS may be taken by COSCA during events for publicity purposes. If you do not wish to appear in these photographs, please tick here: □ MEMBERSHIP OF COSCA I am not a member, please send me a COSCA membership application pack, please tick here: PUBLICITY: □ Publicity flyers/leaflets can be displayed at no cost to those attending. PERSONAL LINFORMATION The personal information that you supply for this event will be used by COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) to manage your registration for and attendance at the event. Unless you advise to the contrary, in writing and in advance to COSCA, relevant information will be made available in a list of delegates to attendees. The information you supply will be retained by COSCA, unless requested in writing to COSCA not to do so, and may be used in future to inform you about other appropriate services and events. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 COSCA 8th COUNSELLING RESEARCH DIALOGUE The Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling & Psychotherapy Tuesday 22 November 2011 – 10 am to 4 pm Terraces Hotel, Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ND Student Strand The Student Strand will be in place again this year at the COSCA Counselling Research Dialogue. This Strand encourages counselling and psychotherapy students to not only attend the Dialogue but to present a research paper or poster, or lead a workshop or panel. If you decide not to present a paper or deliver a workshop, you could do a poster on your research. Even if you were unable to attend the Dialogue and you wished to do a poster, we would display it for you - free of charge -so that all the delegates could look at your research findings. To prepare a poster, all you need to do is produce a visual display on A1 flipchart paper. This would be designed to show what you had done in your research. In your poster, you could use schematic diagrams, arrows, and other strategies to direct the visual attention of the viewer. Because the poster needs to be viewed from a distance, using 16-24 font size, double-space text and a much bigger font for the title banner is strongly advised. A maximum of 2-3 colours and selfexplanatory graphics with a minimal amount of text materials as supplements seems to work for most posters. Designing your poster to address one central question will help to catch the essence of your study. What you should also aim to do is to provide an explicit take-home message. Finally, if you are able to summarise the implications and conclusions of your research (preliminary or otherwise) in user-friendly language you will give delegates an idea of what your research has achieved. If you would like to present a paper or poster, or lead a workshop or panel at this year’s Dialogue, please complete the Abstract Submission Application Form and return it to COSCA by FRIDAY 16 SEPTEMBER 2011. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360 COSCA 8th COUNSELLING RESEARCH DIALOGUEEE The Cultural and Social Contexts of Counselling & Psychotherapy Tuesday 22 November 2011 – 10 am to 4 pm Terraces Hotel, Melville Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ND Presenting at COSCA’s Counselling Research Dialogue Some Tips and Suggestions to Help You in Delivering Your Presentation/Poster The COSCA Counselling Research Dialogue encourages submissions from individuals and organisations from across the counselling/psychotherapy field in Scotland. Planning the Presentation of your Study: General Points Be sure that the study you are presenting is valid and its methodology sound i.e. it should not be opinion. Make the strengths and limitations of the research clear. Decide where the focus should be, and the 3 key points you want to make. If it is a large piece of research, e.g. a PhD, only include key issues. Develop a logical and clear structure. Take account of colleagues' and friends' comments. Imagine the audience and try to relate your presentation to them. Most delegates at COSCA’s Counselling Research Dialogue will be counsellors, psychotherapists, counselling skills users and trainers. Fewer will be academic researchers. Most (but not all) will have some knowledge of research. Some will be experts but usually only very familiar with one or a small number of areas. If you are using audio-visual aids (OHP or Power Point slides) in your presentation use no more than 7 pieces of information on each slide. Present only key points or illustrations - not a script. Make each slide clear, readable from the back of the room, and appealing. Allow at least one minute for each slide. Structure: Introduce yourself and your topic, and outline your aims/plan for the presentation. Describe the context of your study and why you did it. Explain how you did the study and any criticisms of it. Present your findings and any weaknesses in your evidence. Discuss its implications and how far these can be generalised. Sum up - clear conclusions are strong ones (no matter whether they are popular or positive in themselves). On the day: Check that the equipment you need is there and working for your presentation. Be positive, enthusiastic and get excited. Above all, do not worry. People have come along to hear your presentation. Enjoy giving your presentation. Paper (30 Minutes) Allow up to 15 minutes for the presentation and rehearse the presentation in full to ensure that it is no longer than 15 minutes. Allow 15 minutes for questions and feedback (rehearse questions you can expect). Give the main body of your research and its conclusions/implications at least 10 minutes in your presentation. Limit the presentation of your methods to between 3 and 5 minutes. Leave sufficient time (15 minutes) for discussion after your presentation. Include references, your literature review and the details about your methodology in a handout. You will get valuable feed-back during the 15 minute discussion after your presentation. Poster Prepare your poster presentation on A1 flipchart paper. Place it on a designated flipchart stand at the Dialogue. Show what was done – use schematic diagrams, arrows, and other strategies to direct the visual attention of the viewer. Use 16-24 font size throughout to allow it to be read at least 6 feet away. Double-space all text. The title banner should be readable from 15-20 feet away. If space permits, use first names for authors to facilitate interactions. Use maximum of 2-3 colours where possible to unify and enhance. Use self-explanatory graphics with a minimal amount of text materials as supplements. Catch the essence of your study – design the poster to address one central question. Provide an explicit take-home message. Summarise implications and conclusions in user-friendly language (preliminary or otherwise). Workshop (90 minutes) Identify the goals of your workshop before you begin developing the programme. Ensure that your workshop is as focused as possible. After you have designed your workshop programme, create a brief evaluation form to be filled out at the end of the workshop. Create a hands-on component to your workshop to encourage active participation. Make sure there is dialogue between you and the participants. Consider co-presenting your workshop with one of your colleagues or a member of your target audience. Try to see your role as a catalyst for bringing people together rather than as an expert on the issue. Try to have break-out sessions so people aren't sitting in the same place the whole 90 minutes. COSCA Journal: Counselling in Scotland Presenters are encouraged to prepare their presentations as papers for the COSCA Journal, Counselling in Scotland, after the Dialogue. Information on style and format for submissions is available from the COSCA office. COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) 16 Melville Terrace | Stirling | FK8 2NE e: t: 01786 475 140 Charity Registered in Scotland No. SC018887 Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland No. 142360