Description: Rubric, teacher instructions and student instructions for creating a travel brochure to ancient Egypt. Students are required to consider what would be of interest to modern day travellers when they consider this trip into the past. Assignment is matched with overall and specific ministry expectations. TIME TRAVEL BROCHURE RUBRIC Date: Name: Categories/ Criteria Expectations Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge/ Understanding -information is limited in terms of clarity, conciseness and accuracy -information is somewhat clear, concise and accurate -information is clear, concise and accurate -information reflects a high degree of clarity, conciseness and accuracy -some facts missing -few facts are missing -identifies relationships between concepts -demonstrates understanding of relationships between concepts eg. between economic and social forces -demonstrates some ability to make appropriate selections based on: Relevance to topic; reliability; variety of perspectives; degree of bias -makes appropriate selections based on: Relevance to topic; reliability; variety of perspectives; degree of bias -many facts missing -has difficulty identifying relationships between concepts Thinking/ Inquiry -has difficulty making appropriate selections based on: Relevance to topic; reliability; variety of perspectives; degree of bias -creative thinking skills have been utilized with limited effectiveness Communication Application -not missing any facts -creative thinking skills have been utilized with moderate effectiveness -creative thinking skills have been utilized with considerable effectiveness -use of language conventions is limited ie. errors in spelling and/or grammar interfere with communication -use of language conventions is inconsistent ie. errors in spelling and/or grammar may detract -use of language conventions is accurate and effective; ie. few errors in spelling and/or grammar -demonstrates limited awareness of purpose for which, and audience to whom, research results will be communicated -demonstrates some awareness of purpose for which, and audience to whom, research results will be communicated -demonstrates awareness of purpose for which, and audience to whom, research results will be communicated -layout/organization of brochure is ineffective -layout/organization of brochure is somewhat effective -layout/organization of brochure is considerably effective -visual material depicts the theme with some accuracy -visual material depicts the theme with considerable accuracy -transfers concepts to new contexts to some degree -transfers concepts to new contexts effectively -visual material does not accurately depict the theme -has difficulty transferring concepts to new contexts -demonstrates insightful understanding of relationships between concepts -makes the most appropriate selections based on: Relevance to topic; reliability; variety of perspectives; degree of bias -creative thinking skills have been utilized with a high degree of effectiveness -use of language conventions is accurate, effective, and virtually error-free -demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of purpose for which, and audience to whom, research results will be communicated -layout/organization of brochure is extremely effective -visual material depicts the theme in a thoroughly accurate manner -transfers concepts to new contexts insightfully CULMINATING ACTIVITY - EGYPT TIME TRAVEL BROCHURE Expectations: Overall expectations: COV.01 Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of a variety of communities from prehistory to the sixteenth century CHV.01 Evaluate the contributions of selected individuals and groups to the development of legal, political, and military traditions CHV.02 Evaluate the contributions of selected individuals and groups to the development of artistic, intellectual, and religious traditions CHV.03 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between individuals, groups and authority in different societies and periods to the sixteenth century HIV.01 Demonstrate an ability to locate, select, and organize information from a variety of sources HIV.03 Communicate opinions based on effective research clearly and concisely HIV.04 Demonstrate an ability to think creatively, manage time efficiently, and work effectively in independent and collaborative study Specific expectations: CC2.01 Identify forces that tended to reinforce stability and continuity (eg. established religious beliefs, traditional family roles, administrative bureaucracies) CH2.01 Identify selected individuals and groups who made significant contributions to the development of artistic forms (eg. Palaeolithic artists, medieval architects) CH2.03 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of significant individuals or groups in the development of world religious traditions (eg. shamanistic figures, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Christ) SE1.03 Demonstrate an understanding of women=s social roles in early and more complex societies (eg. childbearer, educator, Akeeper of the hearth@) SE2.01 Assess the diverse forms of economic organization that existed prior to the sixteenth century (eg. agriculture, trade, cottage industry) HI1.02 Conduct organized research, using a variety of methods and forms HI1.03 Organize research findings, using a variety of methods and forms HI3.03 Express opinions and conclusions clearly, articulately, and in a manner that respects the opinions of others HI4.01 Demonstrate an ability to think creatively in reaching conclusions about both assigned questions and issues and those conceived independently HI4.02 Use a a variety of time-management strategies effectively HI4.03 Identify career possibilities related to the study of history (eg. researcher, archivist, teacher, journalist, writer) Culminating Activity: Egypt Travel Brochure Teacher Reference Page This culminating activity consists of researching, designing, and creating an Ancient Egypt travel brochure. The finished product will be a guide to things to see and do (and not do) while one is a tourist in Ancient Egypt. Some library research time would be beneficial as well as showing students examples of modern 3-part fold-over travel brochures. Consider using 3 class periods to work on this activity and then set a due date. Prior Knowledge: -where to look for information, obtaining that information, and how to discriminate between useful and non-useful, bias and fact. (This may be covered in a teacher-librarian lesson) -Ancient Egyptian social history that has already been covered in class The Task: 1. This is an individual assignment. 2. You will need one sheet of 11 x 17 paper for each student. 3. Book some time in the library or computer lab for research purposes. 4. Students should be introduced to the purpose of travel brochures. Use modern examples to illustrate your points. 5. Introduce the assignment sheet and review it with the students. Clarify any points that the students do not understand. Explain that this brochure is for the modern traveller, but the traveller will be going back in time to ancient Egypt. There are no modern means of transportation or modern conveniences for the traveller once they have crossed the border into Egypt. 6. Inform students that tour companies depend upon their brochures to entice travellers over to their companies therefore the finished product must follow language conventions and the visuals must be attractive. The teacher has to decide if the brochure must be word processed or if a handwritten brochure will be accepted. There must be items in the brochure, which may be combined with other items rather than a collection of items with no connection to each other. Consider brainstorming ideas to add to the Consider including list on the assignment sheet. 7. This activity will be evaluated using the attached Rubric. A numerical mark may be assigned. Culminating Activity - Ancient Egypt - Travel Brochure Task: Each student will research, design, and create a travel brochure for Ancient Egypt as if it was a destination point for modern travellers. This will be a 3 part fold over brochure using 11 x 17 paper. As you are offering a service to customers, and you need to make money, all of the information contained in your brochure must be accurate and well researched. Consider the aspects and lifestyles of Ancient Egypt that would be of interest to the modern-day traveller when you are designing your brochure. Prices should not be included in this brochure as some objects from Ancient Egypt are priceless. Your brochure must have: -a cover with title and creative company name -a map of Ancient Egypt (because people like to know where they are going - use modern maps to help you determine distances -a description of the geographic region -the influence of the Nile River -reference to class differences -the role of women -tips for travellers -popular souvenirs and where to buy them -correct conventions of English language -colour/visuals Consider including: -sites to visit -tour packages -foods to eat -traditions to follow -forms of transportation (nothing modern) Evaluation: See Travel Brochure Rubric Due Date: