MEDICAL GENETICS THE PROGRAM OF LECTURES AND PRACTIC LESSONS Lectures Introduction in Medical Genetics. Heredity and pathology. Classification of genetic diseases. Hrs. Practical lessons Hrs. 1 Peculiarities of genetic diseases. 1 Methods of evaluation of genetic nature of pathology. Method of pedigree. Monogenic (molecular) diseases. 1 Clinical and genetic features of more common monogenic diseases. 5 Chromosomal diseases. Risk factors for appearance of chromosomal aberrations. 2 Clinical and cytogenetic features of more common chromosomal pathologies. 5 Multifactorial diseases. General characteristics of diseases with genetic predisposition. 1 Measures of cytogenetic diagnosis of chromosomal pathology. 4 Principles of therapy of genetic diseases/ Prophylaxis of genetic diseases. 2 Methods of molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases. 4 Familial planning. 2 Prenatal diagnosis. Medico-genetic counseling. 6 Total: 10 Total: 2 26 No. 1. 2. 3. MEDICAL GENETICS ANALYTIC PROGRAM Themes Introduction in medical genetics. Humans, heredity and environment. Organization and functioning of hereditary information. Heredity of normal and pathologic characters. Heredity and pathology. Mutational variability as a basis of pathology. Role of hereditary and environmental factors in development of pathology. Classification of genetic pathology. Peculiarities of genetic pathologies. Peculiarities of clinical manifestations of hereditary pathologies. Genetic determinism and hereditary transmission. Chronic, progressive and relapsing course of hereditary pathologies. Resistance to traditional therapy. Congenital malformations and its variants. Methods of evaluations of genetic nature of pathology. Specifics of clinical picture and evolution of genetic pathology. Method of pedigree. Development and studying of pedigree. Role of syndromologic approach to genetic pathology. Monogenic (molecular) pathology. Etiology, classification and major peculiarities of pathogenesis of molecular pathology. Peculiarities of clinical patterns of molecular pathology. Clinical polymorphism and its causes. Genetic heterogeneity. Clinics and genetics of more common monogenic disorders. Enzymopathies: Phenylketonuria; Adrenogenital syndrome; Syndromes with neurological disorders: Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy; Neurofibromatosis (Reclinghauzen’s disease); Fragile X syndrome; Syndromes with disorders of connective tissue: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; Marfan syndrome; Familial hypercholesterolemia; Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidneys disease; Cystic fibrosis; Hemophilia A and B; Alport syndrome. Medico-genetic counseling, genetic risk’s calculation in monogenic Lect. hrs. Pr. hrs. 1 1 2 1 5 4. 5. 6. pathologies. Chromosomal pathologies. Normal human karyotype. Etiology and classification of chromosomal aberrations. Consequences of numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. Reproductive disorders caused of chromosomal aberrations. Pathogenesis of chromosomal disorders. Clinical peculiarities of more common chromosomal disorders: Down syndrome (21 trisomy); Edwards syndrome (18 trisomy); Patau syndrome (13 trisomy); Turner syndrome (X monosomy); Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY syndrome); Syndromes of partial aneuploidias; Submicroscopic chromosomal syndromes; Risk factors for appearance of chromosomal aberrations. Multifactorial disorders. General characteristics of diseases with genetic predispositions. Polygenic forms of pathology. Role of hereditary and environmental factors in pathology. Methods of evaluation of share of genetic factors in multifactorial pathology. Genetic predisposition in common disorders of adulthood. Major groups of multifactorial pathology: Isolated and multiple congenital malformations, critical periods; Blastopaties, embryopaties, fetopaties; Morfogenetic variants of multifactorial disorders; Common disorders of adulthood (arterial hypertension, pathologies of coronary vessels, diabetes, ulcerative diseases, bronchial asthma etc.); Psychiatric and neurological disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar disorders, multiple sclerosis etc.). Cancer (hereditary and familial forms). Laboratory diagnosis of genetic disorders. Citogenetic measures (karyotyping, Barr test, FISH). Methods of preparation of metaphase chromosomes. Standard methods of chromosome’s preparations from different cells and tissues (peripheral blood, chorionic villi samples, amniocytes). Practical indication for investigation of sexual chromatin and human chromosomes. Biochemical methods of diagnosis of enzymopathies. Selective methods and screening. Methods of molecular genetics. Direct and indirect molecular diagnosis of gene’s mutations. 2 5 1 8 7. 8. 9. DNA sequence for determination of primary structure of gene. Southern blotting for positioning of gene on the human genome. PCR technique for amplification of DNA fragments. Analysis of restriction fragments’ length polymorphism (RFLP) for identification of normal and mutant alleles. Polymorphism of DNA. Molecular markers of genetic diseases. Molecular genetic diagnosis of hereditary diseases. Principles of therapy of genetic diseases. Symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment. Etiologic treatment or gene therapy. Surgical correction. Prophylaxis of genetic pathologies. Primary prophylaxis of genetic diseases. Secondary prophylaxis of genetic pathology. Prenatal diagnosis. Preimplantational diagnosis of genetic pathologies. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital and hereditary diseases. Invasive and non-invasive methods. Routine and specialized methods of diagnosis. Presymptomatic diagnosis of hereditary diseases. Screening of genetic diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, adrenogenital syndrome, and cystic fibrosis. Medico-genetic counseling. Aim and indications of medico-genetic counseling. General principles of medico-genetic counseling. Prophylaxis of hereditary pathology. Methodic and organization aspects of prophylaxis of hereditary and congenital pathology. Genetic counseling and calculation of genetic risk for hereditary pathologies and types of inheritance: Autosomal-recessive; Autosomal-dominant; X-linked recessive; Chromosomal; Multifactorial. Familial planning. Total: 2 6 2 10 26