3 - The Federation of Community Councils

3.2.3 Project C: Hillside Drainage Planning Services Scope Overview
The MOA, Project Management & Engineering Department is soliciting proposals from
qualified Consultants to develop a Plan for Hillside Drainage through coordination with
the Watershed Management Services Division (WMS) and the HDP LCON. The
primary scope of the Drainage element of the HDP is to identify opportunities and
constraints for existing and future development in the area, leading to development of a
district land use plan and associated development standards and guidelines. This
drainage plan will become an element of the HDP. Scope of Professional Services
Section 3.1 (above) presents specific information on required project deliverables. As
outlined in that section, the DCON products and responsibilities include:
GIS map layers.
Participate in the public participation program.
Draft summary reports and supporting technical memoranda.
Provide options and recommendations to meet plan goals and objectives.
Develop an implementation plan.
Identify sources of funding for the drainage element of the HDP.
This work will be conducted in conformance with standards and guidelines provided by
the LCON, and as coordinated by the LCON. The following paragraphs provide more
detail on the work to be performed.
General requirements for these tasks include:
Produce new mapping, as needed, in conformance with mapping standards
provided by the LCON.
Provide products suitable for public distribution and display as requested by the
I. Existing Conditions
WMS has acquired a large amount of the mapping information needed to create a
Plan for Hillside Drainage. This information is available, or currently being compiled,
in GIS format. Additionally, studies conducted between 1994 and 1996 gathered
considerable information through community interviews and open houses regarding
site-specific problems and needs. The DCON will work closely with WMS to review
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existing data, and identify missing data and data in need of updating. Specific
information to collect and subjects to cover include:
A. Mapping.
1. Drainageways mapping – all roads or major natural features:
a. Pipes, including subdrain outfalls and culverts
b. Ditches
c. Natural Drainageways
d. `Nodes'
'Discharge Nodes' – outfalls, outlets, sinks
iii. 'Divides' – change in flow direction
2. Subdrainage basin mapping – contributing areas for drainageway networks
Watersheds mapping
4. Receiving waters mapping
Slope mapping – DEM and slope polygon mapping
Soils mapping – terrain unit and/or NRCS soils
7. Landcover mapping – knap of the earth runoff surfaces mapping
8. Unique environmental issues and open space mapping
9. Pre- and post-development runoff mapping (use existing SWMM model)
10. Problem areas mapping:
a. Icings (to be coordinated with the transportation DCON):
Stream icings
Road icings
iii. Poor design code and/or engineering
b. Local flooding:
Inadequate drainage systems sizing
Excessive or flashy runoff
iii. Poor design code and/or engineering
c. Erosion or sedimentation:
Stream channelization (particularly 1st and 2nd order features)
Stream straightening
iii. Excessive runoff
d. Management problems:
Overlapping authorities
Management areas inconsistent with drainage areas
iii. Upstream areas exporting problems downstream
iv. Varying development density
v. Weak Municipal drainage code
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vi. Weak Municipal development enforcement
vii. Poor engineering design (e.g., icings, runoff control)
B. Compile existing information. Define preliminary technical and management
issues and prepare preliminary mapping. Use existing information and show
mapping gaps as part of project 'needs'.
C. Acquire new mapping. As needed, based on information gaps.
D. Prepare preliminary data presentation. Prepare a summary of initial research to be
included as part of Report 1, as outlined in Section 3.1. This will include
developing a troadshow' presentation for public meetings, as requested by the
LCON, summarizing technical and management information and issues.
II. Analysis and Alternatives
Prior planning efforts have produced a large amount of community feedback that,
although dated, will provide a good historic perspective on community issues and
perceptions of Hillside drainage needs. Examples of information needed include:
A. Present Drainage Problems Data. Develop visual and written summaries of
preliminary technical and coordination issues for use by the Project Work Group
and Citizens Advisory Committee.
1. Present preliminary technical issues and drainage problems:
Present drainage, soils, and slope mapping
Present drainage problems identification
m a p p i n g c. Present drainage management problems
2. Compile feedback from community for drainage problems. Focus on
a. Problems, and problem areas
b. Proposed plans for action, including practical planning -scale
products, time frames, funding and anticipated levels of resident
and stakeholder support.
B. Analysis and Alternatives Evaluation. Present possible alternative technical
drainage solutions. Assist stakeholders in developing solutions using maps
demonstrating alternatives.
Ill. Plan Development
In light of this analysis, work with other DCONs, the LOON, Citizens Advisory
Committee, and MOA Departments to produce a preliminary implementation plan,
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including GIS mapping, that defines areas most suitable for development in light of
drainage issues, and recommends appropriate development standards. After further
public review, develop a final implementation plan, consistent with the overall HDP
land use plan, to provide a drainage plan for the Hillside District. This
implementation plan will address development locations, appropriate infrastructure
improvements, and recommended ordinance and policy changes.
A. Identify Community Priorities. Incorporate feedback from the community,
agencies, and the Project Work Group to develop preliminary priorities for action
through consensus and community willingness to participate at a watershed
scale of management.
1. Define community-identified priority problems.
2. Integrate community priority management solutions. These will be identified
by the Citizen Advisory Committee working with the LCON and DCON, and
taking into account the Household Survey and results of public meetings.
The drainage DCON will collaborate with the transportation DCON to explore
the following or similar management options:
a. Maintain current LRSAs, IRSAs, and HOAs and depend only on changes
to MOA code to control new and existing development problems.
b. Combine LRSAs, IRSAs, and HOAs for drainage management defined by
watershed boundaries.
c. Implement completely integrated Hillside drainage management through a
single Hillside road board (similar to Eagle River).
d. Implement integrated MOA drainage management through a MOA utility.
B. Develop a Draft Drainage Management Plan
1. Plan goals:
a. Problems mitigation (code changes, design standards changes, specific
locations, or problems).
b. Management solution(s) – depends on level of management integration.
c. Drainage pathways identified.
2. Plan objectives:
a. Projects, priorities:
i. Short-term fixes
ii. Long-term fixes
b. Schedules, and individual objectives funding needs
3. Plan implementation funding depends on management solution.
4. Plan implementation phasing
C. Develop Final Drainage Management Plan
1. Community and local government inputs
2. Final plan development
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Page 18 of 30 Public Presentation
The public involvement process associated with Project C is to be led by the LCON.
The DCON will participate in and assist the LCON with the public participation eff ort, as
described in Section 3.1 above. The DCON will gain review and approval by the LCON
of any project information and support materials that will be presented to the public,
prior to release. Project Budget
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