1. Visit the website listed above.
The answers to questions #2 and #3 can be found in the “Introduction”.
2. How much solid waste does the average American produce per day?
3. Define “sustainable practices”.
Continue to “Solid Waste”
4. How much of our “trash” gets recycled on a daily basis?
5. What percent of landfill waste could be reused or recycled?
6. How would this benefit us?
7. What is a harmful effect of burning our trash?
Continue on to “Find out possible solutions”
8. Name and explain 2 ways we can reduce waste. a. b.
9. List and explain 2 common recycling programs in many U.S. cities. a. b.
Click on the back arrow.
Click on the “Hazardous Waste” link at the top left-hand side of the page
Click the picture of the trashcan to “Test your knowledge about Hazardous Waste in your
Read through the directions
Click on a picture, then choose the method of disposal by clicking on the picture of the
Item method below the item. Also record your answer in this table, then click the back arrow to go onto the next item.
Method I chose (circle one)
Motor oil
Prescription drugs
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Drain opener
Light bulbs
Air freshener
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Recycle, hazardous, trash, drain
Make a decision for each picture and then click “How did I do”
Click on each method to see if you disposed of the household items correctly.
Between each you must click the back button
10. List your results below:
Motor oil
Prescription drugs
Drain opener
Light bulbs
Method I chose Correct Method
Air freshener
Go back to the main website by clicking the back button and click on “Global Efforts” on the lefthand side
11. What city in Denmark has developed a program for reducing waste on a large scale?
12. The # of landfills in this city have been reduced from 30 to ________.
13. What % of the city’s waste is recycled?
Click on “Find out about Possible Solutions”
Scroll down the page and read “Using Landfills for Energy: Texas”
14. What 3 cities in Texas are using landfills as a source of energy?
15. What is released during decomposition in landfills that contributes to poor air quality?
16. At one landfill in Texas, methane gas is collected. What happens to it after it is collected?
17. At one facility, this process is used to power __________ homes.
Click “Back to Global Efforts”
Click on “The Future” on the top left-hand side of the page
20. ______________and ___________ of resources can affect the health of our children and availability of raw materials.
Click on “Related Resources”.
21. Visit one website and list the website here __________________________________
22. List 2 facts you learned from visiting the website. a. b.