FPP Standard Operating Procedures


Standard Operating Procedures

University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston

School of Health Professions

Faculty Service Research and Development Plan

I. Nature of Faculty Practice and Sources of Income

Earnings generated by School of Health Professions faculty (faculty with more than

50% appointment in SHP) from either inside or outside of the University of Texas

Medical Branch (UTMB) system may qualify as sources of supplemental salary income for the Faculty Service Research and Development Plan (FSRDP), hereafter called the Faculty Practice Plan.

Earnings that qualify as Faculty Practice Plan income consist of professional fees charged for direct care services, consultations, or educational services provided by full-time faculty members in the School of Health Professions.

Additional sources of Faculty Practice Plan income include fees for all expert testimony at court appearances and depositions and gifts of cash or cash equivalents (as permitted by state law or The University of Texas System of

Institution policy or rule) in the context of professional or direct-care activities ( Article

VII, Amended and Restated Bylaws of the University of Texas Medical Branch at

Galveston School of Health Professions FSRDP Faculty Practice Plan , p. 12).

II. Exceptions to Faculty Practice Plan Income

The following are not sources of professional income that fall within the Faculty

Practice Plan and may be retained by the faculty member ( Article VII, Amended and

Restated Bylaws of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston School of

Health Professions FSRDP Faculty Practice Plan , pp. 12-13).

Honoraria, defined as payments by entities outside The University of Texas

System for occasional lectures and similar public appearances beyond normal academic responsibilities to the Institution, that are not in return for other services related to the Member’s appointment to the faculty and that are in compliance with Section 36.07 of the Texas Penal Code, whether given directly or indirectly;

Royalties, defined as shares or proceeds for contributions as authors or inventors, as permitted under The University of Texas System’s copyright and patent policies;

Payment for editing scientific publications;


Prizes, defined as gifts in recognition of personal achievement and not for services rendered;

Income from a profession or activity unrelated to the training and experience which is the individual’s qualification for appointment to the faculty, as determined by the department chair in consultation with the President; and

Tangible and non-tangible non-cash gifts, only as permitted by state law or The

University of Texas System or Institution policy or rule.

Salary recovery dollars from grants.

III. Memoranda of Agreement

Potential earnings from the Faculty Practice Plan are included within Part C of the

Memorandum of Appointment (MOA) of the faculty member (Appendix B). The

Faculty Compensation Plan follows in Appendix C.

IV. Liability for Professional Practice within the Practice Plan

Faculty members engaged in the Faculty Practice Plan have coverage under the

Texas Tort Claims Act for tortuous conduct. The University of Texas System’s liability under the Act is limited. Under the Act, liability in cases of personal injuries or death is limited to a maximum amount of $250,000 per person and $500,000 for each single occurrence. The maximum amount of liability for injury to or destruction of property is $100,000 for each single occurrence.

Faculty members may elect to secure additional liability coverage on their own if the liability costs of their practice risk exceeding coverage available through the Texas

Tort Claims Act.

A sample of a liability coverage document can be found in Appendix D.

V. Disbursement

Qualifying faculty practice compensation will be distributed as follows: 50% will be distributed to the faculty member’s choice of disbursement options (either as supplemental salary or deposited into the faculty member’s discretionary account).

The remaining 50% will be split as follows: 25% disbursement to the School of

Health Professions Administrative and 25% to a discretionary account in the faculty member’s SHP department.

UTMB SHP faculty members who choose to participate in the Faculty Practice Plan can opt for one of two methods of disbursement

– deposits into discretionary


account versus deposits into supplemental salary. The timing of salary payout will occur on a quarterly basis: November 1, February 1, May 1, and August 1. Earnings will be applied as soon as they are received.

A quarterly statement will be provided to the faculty member either by the respective departmental representative or the SHP Senior Financial Analyst. Delete: UTMBrelated clinical services qualify only for deposit into the discretionary account.

Funds must be in the office of the Dean so that they can be processed and approved by the second week of the month prior to disbursement.

A. Supplemental Salary: The faculty member can choose to have supplemental wages disbursed in a quarterly lump sum that increases monthly salary at the time of payout. These wages are subject to taxes as defined by IRS.

B. Discretionary Account: A discretionary account is an account supervised by a designated budget administrator within the faculty member’s department. A discretionary account can be used as a resource to fund select expenditures that support the teaching or practice activities of the faculty member and the

University community at large. The account is subject to UTMB’s guidelines and policies and may be restricted for use during times of financial hardships. Eligible expenditures appear in Appendix A below.

Faculty practice compensation may occur at a maximum of 10% of the faculty member’s salary as outlined in Section C of the Faculty Compensation Plan provided to each faculty member each year (Appendix C). The Faculty Compensation Plan is provided to each faculty member each year (Appendix C).

VI. Disbursement Sample

An example would be as follows: Faculty member Dr. Doe receives external Faculty

Practice funds from GoodHealth Corporation for Physician Assistant services of Jane

Doe, PA-C. The distribution would occur as follows:

Earnings received:

Faculty portion: account)

PA Dept portion:

SHS Administrative:



$500 (either as salary or deposited into discretionary





VII. Guidelines for Expenditure Reimbursement

A. No FSRDP funds may be expended for the benefit of any single individual person or Member except herein approved

B. All requests for reimbursement must contain adequate and original documentation and must be signed by the person seeking reimbursement

All expenditures are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of the U.T. System and applicable institutional regulations and procedures. This list of authorized expenditures may be periodically amended by action of the Executive

Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs.


Appendix A


Earnings from the Faculty Practice Plan may be expended according to the following guidelines ( Amended and Restated Bylaws of the University of Texas Medical

Branch at Galveston School of Health Professions FSRDP Faculty Practice Plan )

Authorized Business Expense

Malpractice insurance

Official travel, including registration fees


U.T. System self-insurance rates

In accordance with U.T. System and Institution policy and limits

Faculty Development Leave

Uniforms or Lab coats

Membership Dues in Professional Scientific

Organizations, Faculty Clubs, Medical Center clubs, or equivalent

In accordance with Regents’ Rules and Regulation and

Institutional Policy

Through Institutional purchasing

In accordance with Institutional policy. Faculty clubs,

Medical Center Clubs or equivalent with President’s approval

Texas State Clinical License Fee, including Applicable


Medically-Related Educational Aids

Base Salary, Supplemental Compensation, and

Incentive Compensation

Purchase, maintenance and operation of equipment and operation of U.T. System facilities

Ordinary and necessary business expenses incurred by the Member in earning the professional fees charged by said member, excluding entertainment

Registration fees and tuition incident to attendance at meetings and courses as requested or approved by institution

Consultant fees and expenses, including guest speakers at official institutionally sponsored or approved meetings

Expenses incident to faculty or staff recruitment

Establishment or endowment of programs, professorships, or chairs

Support of academic programs and projects involving education, research or patient care

Institutional participation in community organizations or events

Official Institutional Functions and Official

Entertainment (Official entertainment is defined as business related events or expenditures which are of documented benefit to the Institution or The U.T. System.

Annual fee reimbursement only

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with U.T. System and Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with U.T. System and Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with U.T. System and Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with Institutional policy

In accordance with U.T. System and Institutional policy, prior presidential approval is required for any expenditure greater than $2,500. A quarterly report of all expenditures approved in this category shall be filed with the Executive

Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs.


Appendix B

Faculty Compensation Plan Worksheet



Faculty Member: John Doe

Rank: Instructor (N-T Trk Clinical) Non-Tenure Track

A. Core Salary Component

B. Specialty/Discipline Specific Component

Doctoral degree/Post-doc experience/ years of experience/market





Merit from Workload Document

Subtotal (A + B) Institutional Base Salary (IBS)

C. Incentive Compensation


$ 55,000

Maximum Merit Potential (7.5% of A + B)

1-3 SMART Goals (5% of A + B/goal







5,500 Clinical practice maximum potential

10% of A + B

Total Compensation $ 67,375

I understand that these recommendations of the Chair depend on a positive operating margin for the department and the School of Health Professions.

______________________________________ _______________________


______________________________________ _______________________

Chair Date

Additional payout not included in IBS: NRM payout on 10/1/10 for SMART goal completiion


Appendix C




Name: John Doe Date: April 12, 2020

MEMORANDUM OF APPOINTMENT, 2010 - 2011 The Board of Regents of The

University of Texas System has authorized your appointment to the following position(s) at The University of Texas Medical Branch:

Academic Title

Instructor (N-T Trk Clinical)

Tenure Status

Non-Tenure Track

Department Period of


9/1/10 – 8/31/11

Percent Time



*Core Salary Component

Specialty/Discipline-Specific Component

Institutional Base Annual Salary

Estimated Incentive Payment (Not Guaranteed)

Estimated Total Compensation for this Period

$ 40,000

$ 15,000

$ 55,000

$ 12,375

$ 67,375

Fiscal Year



Appendix D


