Provision - Kent County Council

(Guidance Version)
EHC Plan Guidance
Status of Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan (please tick)
from a
The following Education, Health and Care Plan issued on DATE by Kent
County Council (‘the education authority’) in respect of NAME whose
particulars are set out below
The following Education, Health and Care Plan issued in place of a SSEN on
DATE by Kent County Council (‘the education authority’) in respect of NAME
whose particulars are set out below
The following Education, Health and Care Plan was transferred from a SSEN
and issued on DATE by Kent County Council (‘the education authority’) in
respect of NAME whose particulars are set out below
Personal Details
Other Names:
Date of Birth:
Home Language:
Child in Care:
Legal status
If yes to which
Greatest area of
(Insert primary need
NHS number:
Person/s with parental responsibility
Title &Surname:
Other Names:
Home Address:
Relationship to Child:
Informed consent given
(Append signed and dated Information Sharing and Consent Form)
EHC Plan Guidance
When assessing the child or young person’s Special Educational Needs under
Section 323 of the Education Act 1996, in accordance with regulation 11 of the
regulations, the following reports, evidence and advice were taken into account and
are available as appendices to this Plan:
Delete if not applicable
1. Child/Young Person
and parent views
Name of Document and Author
Date Written
Name of person completing document
with Child/Young Person/Parents
Name of SENCO/Headteacher/Principal of
Setting/School/ College
2. Educational
Name of person giving advice on behalf of
3. VI/HI advice if
If the Child/Young Person is either visually or
hearing impaired, or both, the name of the
qualified educationalist providing advice
4. Medical advice
All medical advice/information – including
Speech and Language (speech production
only), Physiotherapy and OT
5. Psychological
6. Social care
7. Any other advice and
requested by parents
8. Any other
requested by Local
Authority including
information from
Virtual School Head
for Child in Care (if
EHC Plan Guidance
NAME of Educational Psychologist
Include if appropriate: child in need or child
protection assessments, information from a
looked after child’s care plan or adult social
care assessment for young people over 18.
Advice/ information from any person
requested by the child’s parent or young
person, where the LA considers it reasonable
to do so. E.g. Independent Educational
For instance: Early Help Assessments,
Report from the Virtual School Head in the
authority that cares for the child and the
child’s Designated Teacher and Designated
Doctor or Nurse
Delete if not applicable
Author’s Name
Contact details
Date Written
Updates from
Annual Review
The plan has been written in conjunction with Name, his/her parents and the
professionals listed above. The views reflected were gathered as part of the child
centred assessment and include Name’s views and those of the people who support
EHC Plan Guidance
Section A:
Views and Aspirations of the Child or Young Person and
their parents/carers. (Insert Appendix 1)
Make clear to the reader whether these are the actual words of the child/young
person or an adult interpretation of their views through use of quotation
Child/Young person and parent views can be gathered in school or at home –
the method used should be at the discretion of the school and take into
consideration other factors such as parental engagement and understanding.
If the school cannot scan Appendix 1 and return electronically then post to
SEN office
For Young People aged 16+ (post end Year 11) this plan must have regard to
the Mental Capacity Act.
Anyone seeking the views of the Young Person must complete the following
Decision making: Mental Capacity
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is a law that protects and supports people who
do not have the ability to make decisions for themselves. The Act applies to
young people aged 16 years and over in England and Wales.
I have the mental capacity to: (please circle)
Make all my own decisions
Make some of my decisions
……. helps me to make my decisions.
- - - - - - (please write name) has been granted deputyship under the
court of protection to make decisions on my behalf in relation to
Financial matters
Healthcare and welfare matters
Financial, healthcare and welfare matters
The LA will need to have evidence of deputyship.
EHC Plan Guidance
EHC Plan Guidance
Section B: (drawn from Appendices 1 - 8)
The Child or Young Person’s SEN
Name’s current needs: Insert Primary Need here.
NAME has significantly greater difficulty in learning than his/her age peers because:
INSERT brief pen picture (including any diagnoses and arrange the following
according to area of highest need
1. Communication and Interaction
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health
4. Sensory and/or Physical
Extract from Draft C of P describes the following as four broad areas of need
Communication and interaction
Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs
(SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they
have difficulty saying what they want to, understanding what is being said to them
or they do not understand or use social rules of communication. The profile for
every child with SLCN is different and their needs may change over time. They
may have difficulty with one, some or all of the different aspects of speech,
language or social communication at different times of their lives.
Children and young people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, including
Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism, are likely to have particular difficulties with
social interaction. They may also experience difficulties with language,
communication, social interaction and imagination, which can impact on how they
relate to others.
Cognition and learning
EHC Plan Guidance
Support for learning difficulties may be required when children and young people
learn at a slower pace than their peers, even with appropriate differentiation.
Learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs, including moderate learning
difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD), where children are likely to
need support in all areas of the curriculum and associated difficulties with mobility
and communication, through to profound and multiple learning difficulties
(PMLD), where children are likely to have severe and complex learning difficulties
as well as a physical disability or sensory impairment.
Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), affect one or more specific aspects of
learning. This encompasses a range of conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia
and dyspraxia.
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional
difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include
becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or
disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health
difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating
disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children
and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADD),
attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or attachment disorder.
Schools and colleges should have clear processes to support children and young
people, including how they will manage the effect of any disruptive behaviour so it
does not adversely affect other pupils.
Sensory and/or physical needs
Some children and young people require special educational provision because
they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the
educational facilities generally provided. These difficulties can be age related
and may fluctuate over time. Many children and young people with vision
impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) will
require specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning. Children
and young people with a MSI have a combination of vision and hearing
difficulties, which makes it even more difficult for them to access the curriculum or
study programme than for those with a single sensory impairment. Information
on how to provide services for deafblind is available through the Deafblind
Some children and young people with a physical disability (PD) require additional
ongoing support and equipment to access all the opportunities available to their
EHC Plan Guidance
Section C .(drawn from appendices 1- 8)
NAME’S health needs which relate to his/her SEN
The EHC Plan must specify any health needs identified through the EHC needs
assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN. Some health care
needs, such as routine dental health needs, are unlikely to be related.
The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) may also choose to specify other
health care needs which are not related to the child or young person’s SEN (eg a
long term condition which might need management in a special educational
EHC Plan Guidance
Section D (drawn from Appendices 1- 8)
Name’s social care needs which relate to his/her SEN.
The EHC Plan must specify any social care needs identified through the EHC
needs assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN or which
require provision for a child or young person under 18 under section 2 of the
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
The Local Authority may also choose to specify other social care needs which are
not linked to the child or young person’s SEN. This could include reference to
any child in need or child protection plan which a child may have relating to other
family issues such as neglect. Such an approach could help the child and their
parents manage the different plans and bring greater coordination of services.
Inclusion must only be with the consent of the child and their parents.
Is a CP Plan currently in place?
Has CP Plan been closed in the
last six months?
If open – details of the plan re
category and timeframes
Name of lead professional (SW)
and contact details
Date of next review conference
EHC Plan Guidance
Section E:
Outcomes sought for NAME to succeed and achieve
his/her aspirations
INSERT Long term outcomes to be achieved within a phase or stage of
For each outcome indicate any identified steps to reach the outcome.
These should be numbered and in order of priority linked to the child/young
person’s needs.
Transition Plans
Transitional Planning
(Only Include for transition pupils in YR 5, 9 and 14)
NAME is due to transfer to his/her secondary phase of education in XXXX.
Transition to secondary education will require careful planning and NAME’s views
should be sought in relation to his/her secondary school options.
NAME’s views in relation to his/her secondary education
For Children in Year 9
The review meeting must consider what provision is required to assist in preparing
the child for adulthood and independent living. Good transition planning should
include clear hand-overs to new professionals and services so that children and
parents know and are confident in who they are dealing with and where they need to
go for help.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section F: (drawn from appendices 1- 8)
The Special Educational Provision required by the Child or
Young Person
For each outcome include recommended strategies and interventions
(together) and bespoke/specialist resources.
The strategies or interventions should include recommended frequency or
duration of an intervention and the recommending body.
Within six weeks of the plan being issued the school/setting in partnership
with the child/young person’s parents/carers should complete the Provision
Plan (attached) for the next 12 months using the steps, strategies and
interventions above.
NAME will have full access to the curriculum available in the Academy or School
named in this plan. The Curriculum will be differentiated to take account of NAME’s
particular needs and modified appropriately to ensure the maximum flexibility and
attention to his/her academic and personal development.
Append Provision Plan.
The provider will use the information gathered to develop a detailed provision
plan in collaboration with parents/carers which must be reviewed sufficiently
regularly to ensure that the provision remains appropriate and effective and at
every Annual Review
Provision must be detailed and specific and should normally be quantified, for
example, in terms of the type, hours and frequency of support and level of
expertise, including where this support is secured through a Personal Budget.
Provision must be specified for each and every need specified in section B. It
must be clear how the provision will support the outcomes.
Where health or social care provision educates or trains a child or young person,
it must appear in this section (see para 9.71).
There should be clarity as to how advice and information gathered has informed
the provision specified. Where the Local Authority has departed from that advice,
it should say so and give reasons for it.
In some cases, flexibility will be required to meet the changing needs of the child
or young person including flexibility in the use of a Personal Budget.
The plan should specify:
any appropriate facilities and equipment, staffing arrangements and curriculum
EHC Plan Guidance
any appropriate modifications to the application of the National Curriculum, where
any appropriate exclusions from the application of the National Curriculum or the
course being studied in a post-16 setting, in detail, and the provision which it is
proposed to substitute for any such exclusions in order to maintain a balanced
and broadly based curriculum
where residential accommodation is appropriate, that fact
where there is a personal budget, the outcomes to which it is intended to
contribute (detail of the arrangements for a Personal Budget including any direct
payment must be included in the plan and these should be set out in section (J).
Residential Provision
(Identify whether this is required due to distance OR required due to care needs)
Curriculum: Any appropriate disapplication of the Curriculum.
Annual Review
The first review must be held within 12 months of the date of the issue of the EHC
Plan. Professionals across Education, Health and Care have a statutory duty to
cooperate with the Local Authority during Annual Review processes. Annual Review
of the EHC Plan should include the review of any personal budget arrangements
including the statutory requirement to review any arrangements for direct payments.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section G:
Health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities
which result in the child or young person having SEN. Include Health
Provision in Section F (Provision Plan)
Health provision must be detailed and specific and should normally be quantified,
for example, in terms of the type of support and who will provide it.
It must be clear how the provision will support the outcomes, including the health
needs to be met and the outcomes to be achieved through provision secured
through a personal (health) budget.
Clarity as to how advice and information gathered has informed the provision
Health care provision reasonably required may include specialist support and
therapies, such as medical treatments and delivery of medications, occupational
therapy, and physiotherapy, a range of nursing support, specialist equipment,
wheelchairs and continence supplies. It could include highly specialist services
needed by only a small number of children which are commissioned centrally by
NHS England (for example therapeutic provision for young offenders in the
secure estate).
The Local Authority and CCG may also choose to specify other health care
provision reasonably required by the child or young person, which is not linked to
their learning difficulties or disabilities, but which should sensibly be coordinated
with other services in the plan.
See paragraph 9.137 for details of duties on the health service to maintain the
health care provision in the EHC Plan.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section H 1
Any social care provision which must be made for a child or young person
under 18 resulting from section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons
Act 1970 (CSDPA).
Social care provision must be detailed and specific and should normally be
quantified, for example, in terms of the type of support and who will provide it
(including where this is to be secured through a social care direct payment).
It must be clear how the provision will support the outcomes, including any
provision secured through a Personal Budget. There should be clarity as to how
advice and information gathered has informed the provision specified.
Section H1 of the EHC Plan must specify all services assessed as being needed
for a disabled child or young person under 18, under section 2 of the CSDPA.
These services include:
practical assistance in the home
provision or assistance in obtaining
recreational and educational facilities at
home and outside the home
assistance in traveling to facilities
adaptations to the home
facilitating the taking of holidays
provision of meals at home or elsewhere
provision or assistance in obtaining a
telephone and any special equipment
This may include services to be provided for parent carers of disabled children,
including following an assessment of their needs under sections 17ZD-17ZF of
the Children Act 1989.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section H 2
Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties
or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN
Social care provision reasonably required may include provision identified
through early help and children in need assessments and safeguarding
assessments for children. Section H2 must only include services which are not
provided under Section 2 of the CSDPA. For children and young people under
18 this includes residential short breaks and services provided to children arising
from their SEN but unrelated to a disability. This should include any provision
secured through a social care direct payment. See chapter 10 for more
information on children’s social care assessments.
Social care provision reasonably required will include any adult social care
provision to meet eligible needs for young people over 18 (set out in an adult care
and support plan) under the Care Act 2014. See Chapter 8 for further detail on
adult care and EHC Plans.
The Local Authority may also choose to specify in section H2 other social care
provision reasonably required by the child or young person, which is not linked to
their learning difficulties or disabilities. This will enable the Local Authority to
include in the EHC Plan social care provision such as child in need or child
protection plans, or provision meeting eligible needs set out in an adult care plan
where it is unrelated to the SEN but appropriate to include in the EHC Plan.
See paragraph 9.133 onwards for details of duties on local authorities to maintain
the social care provision in the EHC Plan.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section I: Placement
The name of the Educational Institution to be attended by
the Child or Young Person
Please note this must not be included in the proposed plan only the final
The plan must identify the type of institution – ie mainstream or special school, FE or
early years provider
NAME will attend INSERT School/College, (insert description)
The NAME school is not the nearest appropriate school to meet NAME's special
educational needs and is parental preference. In order to meet parental preference
and as NAME's parents have agreed to arrange and fund transport the Local
Authority agrees to the NAME school. There is no entitlement to transport in these
circumstances. If parents are no longer responsible for transport the Plan will be
amended to name the nearest appropriate school to meet NAME’S SEN.
EHC Plan Guidance
Section J: Personal Budget
Please specify whether this is by direct payment or whether these funds are
managed by the LA on the child/young person/family’s behalf (or a third party).
This section should provide detailed information on any Personal Budget that will
be used to secure provision in the EHC Plan.
It should set out the arrangements in relation to direct payments as required by
education, health and social care regulations.
The special educational needs and outcomes that are to be met by any direct
payment must be specified.
Education: From the Local Authority’s High Needs Funding, Element 1, 2 and 3
(where applicable).
Please see Provision Plan in section F
Social Services
Weekly breakdown of Social Services budget
PA support:
Total weekly figure
Yearly or one off payment from social services budget
PA1 Cover for Holidays
PA2 Stat Leave (leave
for covering PA)
Total one off payment
Weekly payment from Health
Employer’s NI
Total weekly figure
Yearly one off payment from health
PA1 Cover for Holidays
PA2 Stat Leave (leave
for covering PA)
Total weekly figure
Start date for direct payment
EHC Plan Guidance
To be confirmed INSERT
Please note that Health payments may be reviewed on a three monthly basis and
Social Care payments on a six monthly basis. Minor changes will not necessarily
lead to a reissued EHC Plan as these can change rapidly.
All payments relating to this EHC Plan will be formally reviewed as part of the Annual
Review process. Requests for amendments to be made through this process.
Breakdown of Transport Budget - only if eligible
(Please insert PTB or mileage payment only - eg mileage allowance of 20 pence per
mile for one journey to school and one journey from school for each day that NAME attends.
To be claimed for using the claim forms provided)
To be reviewed during the Annual Review process.
EHC Plan Guidance
Agreeing Name’s plan
Duly Authorised Officer
Duly Authorised Officer
Duly Authorised Officer
(Social Care )
This Plan was completed
This Plan will be reviewed
Transfer Plans: Please return to SEN office electronically
EHC Plan Guidance
Section K
Appendices: the information and advice gathered during
the assessment
Advice and information must be sought as follows:
1. Advice and information from the child’s parent or the young person.
2. Educational advice and information from the headteacher or principal of the early
years provider, school or post-16 or other institution attended by the child or
young person.
3. If the child or young person is either visually or hearing impaired, or both, the
educational advice and information must be given after consultation with a person
who is qualified to teach pupils or students with these impairments.
4. Medical advice and information from health care professionals with a role in
relation to the child’s or young person’s health
5. Psychological advice from an Educational Psychologist.
6. Social care advice and information from or on behalf of the Local Authority,
including, if appropriate: children in need or child protection assessments,
information from a looked after child’s care plan, or adult social care assessments
for young people over 18.
7. Advice and information from any person requested by the child’s parent or young
person, where the Local Authority considers it reasonable to do so
8. Any other advice and information which the Local Authority considers appropriate
for a satisfactory assessment, for example:
early help assessments
any assessment undertaken by an early years provider
in the case of children of members of the Armed Forces, from the Children’s
Education Advisory Service
in the case of a looked after child, from the Virtual School Head in the
authority that looks after the child and the child’s Designated Teacher and the
Designated Doctor or Nurse for looked after children
EHC Plan Guidance
These are the people who have been involved in Name’s plan
List below shows examples – please complete
E Mail address
Child or Young
person or
SEN officer
Speech and
Social Worker
Medical Officer
Useful contacts
SEN Area Office: Insert area office and generic email
Social Services Area Office and Duty:
CCG: (CCG is where the child is registered at the Drs)
Transport (if appropriate):
Enquiries re eligibility or change of circumstances: Admissions contact
Enquiries about the transport itself, eg bus operator (TI)
EHC Plan Guidance