Implementation of the FP7 Energy Theme (2007-2013) Data Data has been retrieved from the CORDA database on 3 December 2013. Data has been crosschecked for consistency and corrected where necessary. All proposals under negotiation at the time of data retrieval have been considered "projects", but data for EU contribution and composition of the consortium might still change (this applies to some proposals submitted under the 2012 and 2013 calls). In total, this analysis encompasses 399 individual projects (362 when excluding those funded under joint calls) with a total EU contribution from the FP7 Energy Theme budget of EUR 1.9 billion (only from the FP7 Energy Theme's budget lines; EUR 2.238 billion if contributions to the JTI on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen are taken into account). Coverage of technologies The FP7 Energy Theme consists of 10 Activities which cover in total 40 separate areas. The FP7 Decision fixes the structure of Activities, but not of Areas. Projects have been funded in all Activities and in 35 out of the 40 areas1. Five areas have not explicitly been opened, but have nevertheless been covered in different ways: o CONCERTO (Area 2.8 and 4.4.): all CONCERTO activities have been covered under Area 8.4. o ECO-Buildings (Area 8.3): Activities in the context of the Energy-efficient Buildings PPP have been covered under Area 8.1. o Socio-economic research and innovation in energy efficiency (Area 8.6): Projects funded under Area 9.1 ("Knowledge tools for energy-related policy making") have been addressing this issue. o Coal-based poly-generation (Area 6.2): a topic was opened in 2007 which received only very few proposals of insufficient quality; in the following years poly-generation was covered through cross-cutting topics in area 5&6.2, such as pre-combustion technologies, and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC). Coal-based poly-generation projects funded under area 5&6.2 include H2IGCC, ECCO, COMETH, GHG2E. The Energy Theme has thus, in respect of the legal base, covered all activities provided for in the Specific Programme and addressed in an open and flexible way Future and Emerging Technologies. The largest share of the budget (42%) has been dedicated to renewable energies (bioenergy, solar energy, wind energy, heating and cooling, ocean energy, geothermal energy, hydro energy). Substantial support was also given to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (15%, including contributions to the JTI), smart grids (15%), CCS/Clean Coal (10%) and Energy Efficiency (13%). The budget share of the FP7 Energy Theme for research dedicated to renewable energies and energy efficiency was 55% (when taking into account relevant FET projects the budget share increases to 57%), in compliance with the Commission's guidelines at the beginning of the programme. 1 Activity 1 "Fuel Cells and Hydrogen" and Activity 10 "Horizontal aspects" have not been taken into account when analysing the coverage of Areas. Activity 1 has been managed by the FCH JU since 2008 and Areas in Activity 10 have been established ad-hoc when needed. N.B. Projects are counted only once in the area of their "centre of gravity". FET projects are all counted under "FET/Materials". Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) including contributions to the FCH Joint Undertaking. At the start of FP7 the Commission had presented an indicative budget breakdown between the different technology areas (ENERGY-2007-11) that was considered at that time to represent "a good balance" (see table below). % of overall budget 39-44% 14-19% 14-17% 15-18% 6-8% 2-3% Renewable energy sources* Energy efficiency and savings* Fuel cells and hydrogen (JTI) Sustainable fossil fuels (CC + CCS) Smart energy networks Knowledge for policy making * Together not less than 55% of the budget The budget distribution at the end of the programme period is broadly in line with the breakdown indicated at the start of FP7. However, the budget dedicated to energy efficiency, fossil fuels and socio-economic research has been lower than initially indicated. On the other hand, the budget dedicated to Smartgrids has been significantly higher due to the increased importance of Smartgrids for achieving the EU's Energy policy targets, notably the increased use of renewable energy and the creation of an internal electricity market. 2 It follows a brief summary of the activities in each of the individual technologies and areas. Fuel cells and hydrogen Projects on fuel cells and hydrogen were supported only in 2007, when the Joint Technology Initiative on fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH JTI) was not yet in place (8 projects with a total EU funding of almost EUR 24 million). As of 2008, all FCH-related activities were managed by the JTI. The FP7 Energy Theme contributes some EUR 315 million to the JTI FCH's total budget (20082013). Under the FET and Materials calls 2008 and 2010 a total of 5 projects (EU contribution: EUR 11.6 million) have been funded related to fuel cells and hydrogen. Photovoltaics 39 research and demonstration projects on photovoltaics have been funded in FP7 with a total EU contribution of almost EUR 164 million. In addition, a total of 11 projects on PV have been supported under the Future and Emerging Technologies calls 2008, 2010 and 2012, with an additional EU contribution of EUR 30 million. Whereas the 2007 calls addressed a wide range of different PV technologies – from thin-films to third generation PV technologies such as intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), as well as cost reductions and improved manufacturing – the 2008 calls funded demonstration projects addressing PV for grid optimisation and research on new applications for concentrated PV in the Mediterranean Countries. In addition, a joint call with NMP resulted in five research projects which address innovative technological developments in PV through incorporation of nanomaterials into the solar cell structure. Thin-film PV was supported in 2009 with 5 research projects addressing efficiency and material issues, and 2 demonstration projects dealing with manufacturing issues. In 2010, two research projects on crystalline silicon PV and three on the technological development of thin-film and organic/dye-sensitised PV (co-ordinated call with India) have been supported. Under the 2011 work programme the focus was on the scaling up of the production processes of solar cells (joint call with NMP Theme), and on demonstration of productivity and cost optimization for the manufacturing of concentrated PV systems. In addition, projects addressed the development of ultrahigh efficient concentrated PV cells (coordinated call with Japan) and standardized building components. Under the 2012 calls, 3 demonstration projects on smart multi-functional PV modules have been supported as well as 2 research projects aiming at improving reliability, performance and cost effectiveness of PV systems. In addition, an ERA-NET for the implementation of the Solar Energy Industry Initiative has been supported. The 2013 call financed one research project on high efficiency c-Si photovoltaics modules, one project aiming at the integration of research programmes (IRP) and one support action for activities of the PV Technology Platform. Concentrated Solar Power 18 projects on CSP have been supported in FP7 with a total EU contribution of around EUR 107.6 million. In 2007, a demonstration project dealing with the improvement of the environmental profile of the CSP installations, and a support action on the use of CSP for water desalination was funded. Research projects on components for CSP have been funded in the 2008 and 2010. In addition, a research project on dry-cooling methods for CSP plants was supported under the 2010 call. Under the same call, two projects have been selected to demonstrate at large-scale the combined production of electricity and fresh water from CSP in Mediterranean countries. The 2011 calls focussed on thermal energy storage for CSP plants (4 research projects) and also on advanced heat transfer fluids (1 project). The 2012 calls supported 2 research projects on solar dish systems and one project dealing with hybridisation of CSP with other energy sources. The 2013 calls financed one research project investigating methods for the estimation of the Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) and one project aiming at the integration of research programmes (IRP). Bioenergy 60 bioenergy projects have been supported by the FP7 Energy Theme with a total EU contribution of around EUR 318.9 million2. In addition, three projects on bioenergy have been supported under the 2008 and 2012 FET call with an additional EU contribution of EUR 9.8 million. The biggest share of the EU support was for research on second generation biofuels, followed by biorefineries. Support for biofuels focused in 2007 on demonstration of gasification technologies, biorefineries, 2nd generation biofuels and hydrogen production, in 2008 on second generation biofuels (demonstration of ethanol from lignocellulosics) and cooperation with Latin America. Biorefineries were supported in 2007 by five projects addressing the concept development and the valorisation of biorefinery side-products, while the cross-thematic Joint Call on Biorefineries in 2009 resulted in four large demonstration projects tackling integrated biorefineries. Also supported in 2009 were 2nd generation biofuels from biowaste and cooperation with Brazil on 2nd generation biofuels. 2010 saw a major effort on demonstration of biofuels from algae, while also research on fuel production using direct biological conversion of solar radiation was addressed. Under the 2011 calls, two projects investigating sustainable bio-energy carriers have been supported. Under the 2012 calls, 2 demonstration projects on lignocellulosic ethanol were supported as well as one ERA-NET Plus on bioenergy demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative. In addition, research projects on biofuels for air transport, improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass and biofuels from algae have been supported. The 2013 calls funded again an ERA-NET Plus on demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative as well as 2 pre-commercial demonstration projects on paraffinic biofuels for use in aviation. In addition, one research project investigating the development of regional and pan-European schemes for delivery of non-food biomass feedstock was financed. Key activities of the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) have also been supported through a support action. In the area of electricity generation, the focus in 2007 was on demonstration of co-firing and gasification, while in 2008 demonstration of medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste as well as research cooperation with Russia was in the centre. The 2009 call supported one demonstration project on electricity generation from energy crops and recovered fuels. Wind energy 27 projects have been supported by the FP7 Energy Theme with a total EU contribution of EUR 154.2 million3 (including three projects from the "Ocean of Tomorrow" call 2011, to which the Energy Theme contributed part of the budget). In addition, two projects (total EU contribution: EUR 4.9 million) on wind energy have been supported under the 2010 FET call. In 2007, 5 projects were funded addressing various aspect of wind energy (demonstration of large scale systems for on-and off-shore wind farms, components for turbines and wind farms, wind and 2 This includes projects funded under Area 2.2. (RES-E, Biomass) and under Activity 3 (Biofuels) This does not include the projects funded under the Activity 7 (Grids) related to the integration of electricity generated from wind power into the grid. 3 5 resource assessment, pre-normative research). Demonstration of large scale systems was again supported with one project in 2008, while a substantial research project on very large scale offshore wind turbines was funded in 2010. Research projects on off-shore renewable energy conversion platforms, including significant activities on wind energy, were supported in 2009. Under the 2011 calls, three large demonstration projects on floating structures for deep off-shore wind generation have been funded. In addition, two research projects addressing the development of design tools for wind farm clusters and – in the context of the call "Ocean of Tomorrow" – three projects on multiuse offshore platforms (with the main focus on wind energy) have been financed in the same year. The 2012 call supported 2 research projects aiming at larger-than-10 MW turbines as well as 3 demonstration projects targeting reliability improvements of existing scale turbines (2-6 MW). In 2013, one research project addressing aerodynamic modelling, design and testing for large rotor blades has been supported, as well as one research project on small to medium size wind turbines. In addition, one ERA-NET Plus project for wind resource assessment at European scale, and one project integrating research programmes (IRP) in the area of wind were funded. The integration of renewable energies, in particular wind energy, in the grid was also covered in the Smartgrids Activity (see below, one substantial research project was funded in 2007, while two very big demonstration projects were funded in 2009). Ocean energy Twelve projects have been funded so far in the area of ocean energy with a total EU contribution of some EUR 66.9 million. In addition, two projects (total EU contribution: EUR 5.1 million) on ocean energy have been supported under the FET calls. One research project was funded in 2007 on new components and concepts for ocean energy converters, and one on pre-normative research. In 2008 four demonstration projects on innovative full size systems were supported. A coordination action on off-shore renewable energy conversion platforms was funded in 2009. The 2011 call for an ERA-NET in the area of ocean energy received no proposal. The 2012 calls supported 3 projects aiming at demonstrating first ocean energy farms, while in 2013 one project on facilitating ocean energy converter arrays was financed. In addition, an ERA-NET for supporting the coordination of national research activities was supported in 2013. In 2010 and 2011, the Energy Theme contributed to the joint calls “Ocean of Tomorrow”. In 2010, one project dealing with sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment has been supported4 while in 2011 three projects on multi-use platforms (integrating renewable energy) have been funded5. Hydro energy Hydro energy was addressed in the 2007 work programme. As a result two research projects on new or improved hydro components and concepts have been funded with a total EU contribution of almost EUR 6 million. One additional project aiming at optimising water turbines has been financed under the 2013 calls, increasing the total EU contribution of the FP7 Energy Theme to hydro energy to EUR 10.1 million. 4 5 For the purpose of this analysis, this project has been assigned to the category "CCS / Clean Coal". For the purpose of this analysis, these projects have however been assigned to the category "Ocean energy". 6 Heating and cooling / geothermal energy Under this Activity, 25 projects have been funded with a total EU contribution of EUR 105.1 million (including geothermal energy). Solar thermal energy was in the focus of 2007 when projects were funded dealing with collector design and components, small distributed systems for seawater desalination, and small scale thermal cooling units. In addition, one project on improved ground source heat pumps was supported as well. In 2009, a demonstration project addressing hybrid systems was funded, while in 2010 two projects on the demonstration of a new generation of boilers and stoves were supported. Under the 2011 calls, substantial activities have been funded in the area of compact storage materials and systems. In addition, projects dealing with the integration of new insights from the ICT and materials research into solar-thermal systems, and with low/medium temperature solar thermal systems for industrial process heat were funded. The 2012 calls supported one research project on solar collectors (medium temperature range) and two projects on heat pump technologies. In addition, 2 demonstration projects related to large scale systems for urban heating and/or cooling were supported under the "Smart Cities and Communities" umbrella. Under the 2013 calls, one research project on innovative solar thermal façade systems was financed. Activities targeting innovative solutions for district heating and cooling energy supply have been supported under the smart cities and communities initiative. As regards geothermal energy, 4 projects have been funded with a total amount of almost EUR 22 million. With regard to heating and cooling, one demonstration project, funded under the 2007 call, is addressing improved ground source heat pumps. As regards electricity generation, one research project dealing with induced seismicity of geothermal energy was funded under the 2009 work programme and one project on exploration and assessment of geothermal reservoirs was supported under the 2013 calls. Under the 2011 work programme, an ERA-NET in geothermal energy has been funded. CCS and Clean coal technologies In the area of CCS and Clean Coal Technologies (Activity 5, 6 and 5&6), a total of 53 projects with a total EU contribution of almost EUR 234.1 million have been supported. In addition, one project (EU contribution: EUR 2.3 million) on CCS has been supported under the 2008 FET call and one project under the 2010 call "Ocean of Tomorrow" (contribution of the Energy Theme: EUR 6 million). As regards CCS, the capture part was addressed in 2007 and 2009, resulting in a total of 8 research projects covering different capture technologies. Post combustion capture processes were supported with 2 research and 2 demonstration projects under the 2011 calls. No projects on CO2 capture were supported in 2012, but 2 projects on the scale-up of advanced high-efficiency capture processes and 6 projects on new generation high-efficiency capture processes were financed under the 2013 calls. Storage of CO2 was addressed in 2008, when a project on public acceptance and on transport and storage infrastructure was funded, in 2009, with projects addressing geological storage and infrastructures, and in 2010 when projects dealing with storage site characterisation and abandonment, as well as trans-national cooperation and networking, were funded. In the same year, one large project on sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment has been funded in the context of the joint call on "Ocean of Tomorrow". Under the 2011 call, two projects on the long-term fate of geologically stored CO2 have been funded. In the same year, also one support action targeting the CCS Project Network has been supported. The 2012 calls supported one pilot test for CO2 geological storage and 2 research projects investigating the impact of the quality of CO2 on transport 7 and storage. Under the 2013 calls, one project addressing mitigation and remediation of leakage from geological storage was supported. The development of a value chain for GHG-emissions was supported with projects in 2007 and 2010. In Clean coal technologies, the demonstration of the advanced fluidized bed combustion technology and gas turbines for gasification processes was supported with one project in 2008. Substantial demonstration projects aiming at efficiency improvements of power plants were supported in 2009 (pulverised coal power plants) and 2010 (oxyfuel-based combustion). In 2011, one project dealing with optimisation of IGCC technologies for use with high content ash coal was funded. No project on clean coal technologies was funded under the 2012 calls. For 2013, one research project on combined underground coal gasification and CO2 capture and storage was financed. Smart Grids In the area of smartgrids 58 projects (including all projects funded under the joint call with the ICT Theme in 2009) have been supported with a total EU contribution of EUR 327.8 million6. For distribution networks, the main areas covered are the integration of renewable and distributed energy sources, the activation of customers and demand with smart metering, and various aspects of grid automation. In terms of renewable integration, a research project in 2007 focused on innovative control strategies and network architectures, 2 big demonstration projects in 2010 and 3 research projects connecting with national demonstrations in 2012. For metering and customer interaction, a large project on active demand was launched in 2007, a research project on an open-access standard for smart multi-metering services was supported in 2008 and 2 projects on the empowerment of customers to participate in active demand and electricity system efficiency were launched in 2012. A project on distributed intelligence linked with national demonstrations was launched in 2012 and four projects addressing methods and tools for network integration of distributed renewable resources were financed from the 2013 calls. For transmission networks, projects cover coordinated operations of networks, technology validation, pan-EU transmission planning, and market design. In terms of operations, a big research project on simulation and state estimation was launched in 2007 and a project on operational and monitoring tools for large power systems and a project on TSO cooperation were launched in 2008. Two projects developing tools for TSO coordination were launched in 2011, and a project on future reliability criteria for European transmission grids was started in 2013. In terms of technology validation, A large demonstration project with an emphasis on wind integration was launched from the 2009 call, and a further technology validation project resulted from the 2013 call. Two projects concerning long-term planning of transmission networks were started in 2007, and a research project on the planning for European electricity highways for reliable delivery of renewable electricity has been supported in 2012. A project on market design resulted from the 2008 call and one project addressing stakeholder support for future grid infrastructures was started in 2013. Under the area of cross-cutting issues and technologies, In 2007, an ERA-NET has been supported. Energy storage has been supported with research projects in 2008 (FET call), 2009 and 2010, and two very big demonstration projects funded under the 2011 calls 7 and 2 research projects were supported in 2012, targeting the deployment of safe stationary batteries. In 2013, four projects were 6 This includes the projects funded under the Activity 7 (Grids) related to the integration of electricity generated from wind power into the grid, and the joint call with the ICT Theme in 2009. 7 While the Energy Theme currently supports 12 projects with a total budget of EUR 77 million dealing with batteries, thermal storage or hydrogen storage, other FP7 Themes (ICT, Materials, Transport) support some 40 projects worth around EUR 130 million. 8 supported investigating interfaces in rechargeable batteries and super-capacitors through in situ methods. In 2009 two projects on the impact of the roll-out of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on grid infrastructure have been funded. Research on electric vehicles was also supported by the Energy Theme in 2010 through the joint call on "Materials, technologies and processes for sustainable automotive electrochemical storage applications" in the context of the PPP on Green Cars. The 2013 calls supported two projects dealing with electric vehicles (one project on planning rules for linking EV to distributed energy resources, one project on the interaction between grid infrastructure and EV). In 2009, a joint-call with the ICT Theme resulted in six projects being supported on the ICT infrastructure for the smart grids., In the same year, an R&D project on applications of hightemperature supraconductors was suppoted. In 2012, the networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing, and the coordination of stakeholder activities in the field of Smart Grids were supported. One project aiming at the integration of research programmes in the areas of smart grids was financed in 2013. In addition to the projects supported through the Energy Theme, 14 projects supporting the exploitation of telecommunication networks and ICT tools for smart grids were also supported under the ICT theme, through calls ICT-2011.6.1 and ICT-2013.6.1 Smart energy grids. Projects under the Security theme also cover aspects of protection of critical infrastructures, including through cyber security. Energy efficiency and Smart Cities and Communities In the Activity "Energy Efficiency and Savings" a total of 40 projects have been funded with a total EU contribution of more than EUR 285.2 million. In addition, one project (EU contribution: EUR 1.5 million) on energy efficiency has been supported under the 2008 FET call. Most energy efficiency projects the have been targeting the manufacturing industry and buildings. As regards manufacturing processes, one project has been supported in 2007 and two projects targeting energy intensive industries in 2009. Under the 2011 calls, three demonstration projects targeting the manufacturing industry and one project addressing specifically low-carbon industrial parks have been funded. Research on heat exchangers and boilers was supported with three projects in 2008, while one project addressing the valorisation of low temperature was funded under the 2010 calls. Energy efficient buildings have been covered within the PPP on "Energy efficient buildings". Under the 2010 call, three projects targeting retrofitting of buildings have been funded. Another four projects dealing with very low energy buildings were funded under the 2011 call, while in 2012 three demonstration projects targeting the renovation of buildings were supported. Poly-generation applications with renewable energies were supported with two projects, funded in 2007 and 2008. Energy efficiency in clean urban transport was supported in the CIVITAS call of 2007. CONCERTO activities, i.e. the innovative integration of renewable energy supply and energy efficiency in large communities, were supported in 2008 with four large demonstration projects. The 2012 work programme contained the first call addressing specifically "Smart Cities and Communities" – 5 projects related to city planning, and 3 demonstration projects addressing nearly zero energy building renovation have been funded. In 2013, four large-scale demonstration projects have been supported, combining retrofitting of a district towards zero energy buildings, innovative solutions for the medium and low voltage electricity distribution grid, and district heating and cooling energy supply. 9 Energy efficiency is a horizontal issue par excellence and thus supported by a number of FP7 Themes and Programmes. An internal analysis showed that, in fact, projects funded under the Activity 8 of the Energy Theme ("Energy-efficiency and savings") account for only around 15-20% of the total funding dedicated by the various FP7 Themes and Programmes to this issue. The most substantial funding comes from the ICT Theme (focussing on ICT issues, buildings, transport and industry) and the NMP Theme (addressing mainly buildings). Socio-economic research Socio-economic research on energy-related issues was supported with funding 9 projects with a total EU contribution of EUR 17.7 million. In 2007, projects were supported addressing behavioural changes, the security of supply, as well as technological foresight and scenario development. A second wave of two projects was supported in 2009 – on the transition planning of European energy infrastructure networks and systems as well as support for a European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank". A multidisciplinary “think tank” was again supported under the 2013 calls. Future Emerging Technologies and Materials Bottom-up calls on Future Emerging Technologies (FET) and Materials have been published in 2008, 2010 and under the 2012 work programme. Under the 2008 calls a total of 11 projects have been funded under the ENERGY-Theme (4 projects of the joint Energy Materials call have been funded and managed by the NMP Theme), while 8 projects were funded in the 2010 FET call and 10 projects in the 2012 call. FET and Materials projects, being characterised as high-risk/high impact projects, have been covering the following technology areas: solar energy (11 projects), hydrogen and fuel cells (5 projects), wind energy (2 projects), ocean energy (3 projects), energy storage (2 projects), bioenergy (3 project), energy efficiency (4 project) and CO2 storage (1 project). Other The FP7 Energy Theme has been supporting programme monitoring, dissemination and stakeholders networking activities through calls for tenders (such as the mid-term evaluation in WP 2010, impact study in WP 2012, CONCERTO Premium in WP 2009, Energy Research Knowledge Centre in WP 2010, Smart Cities Stakeholders Platform in WP 2011, the Global Energy Assessment in 2012 and the EERA secretariat in 2013). In addition, a number of SET-Plan conferences, organised by the EU Presidency, haven been supported through grants to a named beneficiary. In 2013, a network intended to increase the impact of universities on the SET-Plan has been supported. 10 Participation and project characteristics Unless specified otherwise, data for the following project-related analysis only includes projects financed solely by the Energy Theme’s budget, i.e. excluding projects funded under joint calls8. In the various calls of the FP7 Energy Theme9, a total of 284 topics were opened resulting in 362 funded projects (399 including projects funded under joint calls). A large part of these topics were opened in the 2007 calls while the following years focussed the programme on the SET-Plan priorities as requested by the Parliament and Council. As a consequence, the number of topics in the annual work programmes was reduced drastically leading to a lower number of proposals and applicants. This resulted in higher success rates. The “focussing-trend” was most visible for demonstration projects. In line with the concentration efforts in the context of the SET-Plan, the EU contribution per project and per participant has increased significantly since the start of FP7, especially for demonstration projects. The number of participants per project remained however rather stable (with the exception of the 2011 and 2013 calls) – around 11 participants for collaborative projects. 8 Projects funded under the following joint calls have not been taken into account: FP7-2009-BIOREFINERY_CP, FP7ENERGY-NMP-2008-1, FP7-ICT-ENERGY-2009-1, FP7-KBBE-2012-6-singlestage, FP7-NMP-ENERGY-2011, FP7OCEAN-2010, FP7-OCEAN-2011. The combined contribution of the FP7 Energy Theme to the common pots of these calls was EUR 85 million (corresponding to 4% of the total Energy budget for projects). 9 The grant agreements for projects to be funded under the 2013 calls have not yet all been signed, thus data on EU contribution or composition of the consortium might still change during negotiation. 11 12 "Demonstration projects" are projects managed by DG ENER, "research projects" are projects managed by DG RTD. "Demonstration projects" are projects managed by DG ENER, "research projects" are projects managed by DG RTD. " Demonstration projects" are projects managed by DG ENER, "research projects" are projects managed by DG RTD. 13 Almost 60% of the individual unique organisations participating in the FP7 Energy Theme have been industrial organisations while universities accounted for 16% and research centres for 13% (public bodies: 8%; other: 4%). However, in general, research centres seem to have been stronger involved in the programme since each unique research organisation has been participating on average in 3.5 projects while statistically a single university participated in 2.7 projects and each individual industry participant in only 1.4 projects. Half of the top 50 unique participants (in terms of participations) were research centres while university participants accounted for around one third and industry participants for around one fifth of the top 50 participants. In terms of EU contribution, half of the FP7 Energy budget has been benefitting industrial participants, while both research centres and universities received around ¼ of the total budget. Industrial participants have also been receiving the highest average EU contribution per participation. However, at the level of unique participating organisations, the individual research centres and universities have received on average a higher EU contribution than individual industrial participants because they participated in more projects. SME participants received on average 391.436 € per participation, significantly less than non-SME industrial participants, and each unique SME participated on average in 1.2 projects. EU contribution per unique participant EU contribution per participation 2,7 € 968.892 € 360.102 € 47.947.126 1,6 € 521.164 € 335.295 1882 € 929.697.110 1,4 € 704.316 € 493.994 175 258 € 115.437.119 1,5 € 659.641 € 447.431 300 1036 € 418.912.441 3,5 € 1.396.375 € 404.356 2249 4293 € 1.876.882.661 1,9 € 828.249 € 433.900 unique participants participations EU contributions 362 974 € 350.739.039 92 143 1320 Public bodies Research centres Universities Other Industry Grand Total / Average participations per unique participant Most unique participants have participated in the area of energy efficiency/Smart Cities and Communities, smartgrids, bioenergy and fossil fuels. The highest number of participations per unique participant was in the area of fossil fuels (1.9 participations per unique participant), smartgrids (1.8), wind (1.61) and PV (1.49). The highest industry participation has been occurring in the areas of bioenergy (65%), CSP (60%), smartgrids (57%), wind and ocean energy (both above 50%), while socio-economics, CCS/Clean Coal, FET/Materials and PV attracted the highest share of research centres. Universities were most active in the areas of FET/Materials and socio-economics. 14 15 The participation of SMEs in the Energy Theme was among the highest within the FP7 Cooperation Programme: 18.9% of the EU contribution was to the direct benefit of SMEs which accounted for 19.1% of the participants (656 participations)10. SME participation increased during the course of programme – between 2011-2013 it reached even 21.4%. Between 2007-2013, there have been 260 projects with SME participation (this corresponds to some 70% of all energy projects). On average, 1.8 SMEs participated in a single energy project. Country performance Participants from 68 countries have been participating in the FP7 Energy Theme. The vast majority of participants came however from EU Member States (86% in terms of participants, 89% in terms EU contribution) and countries associated to the FP (9% in terms of participants and EU contribution). Since the level of EU contribution to organisations from a specific country correlates closely with the country's economic performance and overall national research support, countries hosting the highest number of participants are mostly the big Member States. However, taking however into account the number of inhabitants (participants per million inhabitants), smaller countries are heading the list (see graph below). See “Tenth Progress Report on SMEs participation in the 7th R&D Framework Programme, June 2013” ( 10 16 International Cooperation Participation of organisations from third countries in FP7 projects is one important element of international cooperation. In general, all calls are open to applicants from third countries. Participants from many third countries receive EU support, but participants from industrialised do so only in exceptional circumstances. Other forms of international cooperation are, for example, joint workshops, twinning of projects or coordinated calls. In the latter, the financial support for the EUfunded project is matched by the partner country which supports a similar national project. During the course of FP7, a total of 4 coordinated calls have been organised – with Russia in 2008 (on smart grids and bioenergy), Brazil in 2009 (on bioenergy), India in 2010 (on PV) and Japan in 2011 (PV) – resulting in 8 projects with a total EU contribution of EUR 17.6 million. If these coordinated calls are accounted as contribution to a third country, around 2.3% of the total FP7 Energy budget has been to the benefit of organisation from third countries (1.4% without coordinated calls). Country Group ICPC - ACP - Africa Country Unique participants Participations MG - Madagascar 1 1 € 216.070,00 ZA - South Africa 7 7 € 501.988,40 8 8 € 718.058,40 17 20 € 2.720.058,13 IN - India 9 10 € 2.691.527,86 TH - Thailand 1 1 € 55.554,40 VN - Viet Nam 4 4 € 487.452,00 35 € 5.954.592,39 ICPC - ACP - Africa Total ICPC - Asia CN - China Republic of) (People's ICPC - Asia Total ICPC Eastern Europe and Central Asia - € 1.896,00 152.300,80 KZ - Kazakhstan 2 2 € RU - Russian Federation 20 23 € 2.912.329,60 UA - Ukraine 8 8 € 33 € 3.949.645,10 1 € 32.889,66 313.539,00 ICPC - Eastern Europe and Central Asia Total ICPC - Latin America EU contribution - 883.118,70 AR - Argentina 4 4 € BR - Brazil 10 12 € 2.168.788,04 CL - Chile 3 3 € 19 218.277,00 CR - Costa Rica 2 2 € 336.441,00 MX - Mexico 4 6 € 914.692,40 28 € 3.984.627,10 ICPC - Latin America Total ICPC Mediterranean Partner Countries - DZ - Algeria 2 2 € EG - Egypt 8 9 € 2.148.694,97 JO - Jordan 4 4 € 340.170,00 LY - Libya 1 1 € 43.924,00 MA - Morocco 13 16 € 2.009.868,90 PS - Palestine 1 1 € 31.030,00 TN - Tunisia 3 3 € 984.600,00 36 € 5.781.937,87 ICPC - Mediterranean Partner Countries Total Other countries 223.650,00 € AE - United Arab Emirates 1 1 AU - Australia 9 14 € 2.406.310,43 CA - Canada 7 7 € HK - Hong Kong 1 1 € - JP - Japan 1 1 € - KR - Korea (Republic of) 2 2 € - SA - Saudi Arabia 1 1 € - SG - Singapore 1 1 € - SM - San Marino 1 1 € - US - United States 16 19 € 4.045.658,70 Other countries Total 48 € 6.471.969,13 Grand Total 188 € 26.860.829,99 20 20.000,00 Annex Photovoltaics Year number of projects Topic description APOLLON 8.258.783 € Alternative approaches for crystalline silicon PV HETSI HIGH-EF 6.264.124 € Intermediate band (IB) materials and cells for PV IBPOWER 3.489.529 € ROBUST DSC 3.980.010 € Improved production equipment and cost reduction SOLASYS 3.480.284 € Innovative/improved PV manufacturing processes ULTIMATE 3.983.970 € NACIR 4.397.583 € METAPV 5.520.794 € HELATHIS HIPOCIGS POLYSIMODE SILICON_LIGHT THINSI 20.446.805 € PEPPER PV-GUM 15.618.314 € Concentrating photovoltaics: cells, optics, modules 2007 Dye-sensitised PV solar cells 2008 Enhancing strategic international cooperation initiatives in the field of concentration photovoltaics Multiple benefits of PV systems Efficiency and material issues for thin-film photovoltaics 2009 Solar Photovoltaics: Manufacturing and product issues for thinfilm photovoltaics Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Photovoltaics 2011 PV TP – SEC 468.116 € 20Plus SUGAR 8.597.639 € Development of novel materials, device structures and fabrication methods suitable for thin film solar cells and TCOs including organic photovoltaics (EU - India Coordinated Call) AGATHA ESCORT LARGECELLS 4.696.115 € Ultra-high efficiency concentration photovoltaics (CPV) cells, modules and systems (EU-Japan Coordinated Call) NGCPV 4.999.998 € FAST TRACK R2R-CIGS SCALENANO 10.000.000 € ECOSOLE CPV4ALL 14.250.307 € BFIRST 10.213.110 € Further development of very thin wafer based c-Si photovoltaics 2010 EC contribution Development and up-scaling of innovative photovoltaic cell processes and architectures to pilot-line scale for industrial application (Joint call with NMP Theme) Productivity and cost optimization issues for the manufacturing of photovoltaic systems based on concentration Development and demonstration of standardized building components Reliable, cost-effective, highly performing PV systems 2012 Demonstration of smart multi-functional PV modules 21 (**25.442.685 €) CONSTRUCT-PV PVCROPS 7.144.323 € PERFORMANCE PLUS SUMMIT EFTE-MFM SMART-FLeX 9.000.067 € ERA-NET on Solar Electricity: Implementation of the Solar Energy Industry Initiative SOLAR-ERA.NET 1.999.988 € HERCULES 7.000.000 € High efficiency c-Si photovoltaics modules 2013 Support to key activities of the European Photovoltaics Technology Platform (TP PV) PV TP SEC III Integrated research programme in the field of Photovoltaics CHEETAH TOTAL 39 489.677 € *9.696.132 € 163.995.668 € Bioenergy Year Topic description number of projects Advanced gas cleaning technologies for biomass UNIQUE 2.693.628 € Large-scale co-firing DEBCO 4.276.224 € Fuel production using solar radiation SOLARH2 3.927.810 € Demonstration of liquid and gaseous biofuels use in transport/ vehicles 2ndVEGOIL 2.178.356 € Developing biorefinery concepts BIOREF-INTEG SUSTOIL 1.987.279 € New uses for glycerine in biorefineries GLYFINERY PROPANERGY SUPER METHANOL 7.672.113 € Harmonisation of biomass resource assessment BEE CEUBIOM 3.156.818 € Promotion and dissemination BIOMAP 538.782 € Standardisation and sustainability issues BIOREMA 626.883 € Biodiesel from oil crops, animal tallow and used cooking oils ECODIESEL 4.971.572 € High purity syngas cleaning technologies for biofuels GREENSYNGAS 2.718.461 € Identifying research needs and technological opportunities for biofuels production in Latin America BIOTOP New and advanced technologies for hydrolysis and/or fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass HYPE Synthetic biofuels via gasification BIODME OPTFUEL Enhancing strategic international cooperation with Russia in the field of power generation from biomass BIOLIQUIDS-CHP High-efficiency medium-to-large scale electricity generation from biomass and waste ENERCORN RECOMBIO 9.985.482 € Bioethanol production from lignocellulosics BIOLYFE FIBREETOH KACELLE 34.981.218 € 2007 2008 EC contribution 22 986.562 € 3.662.944 € 15.991.336 € 1.602.319 € LED 2009 Enhancing international cooperation between the EU and Latin America in the field of biofuels BABETHANOL CANEBIOFUEL DIBANET Biomass to electricity from energy crops and recovered fuels GAS BIOREF Sustainable Biorefineries (Joint call) EUROBIOREF SUPRA-BIO BIOCORE STAR-COLIBRI (**51.543.207 €) 463.065 € Algal and other suitable non-food aquatic biomass feedstock for 2nd generation biofuel production AQUAFUELS 747.152 € Biowaste as feedstock for 2nd generation BIOWALK4BIOFUELS 6.387.462 € PROETHANOL2G SUNLIBB 4.395.396 € Liquid or gaseous fuel production using direct biological conversion of solar radiation DIRECTFUEL 3.729.519 € Biofuels from algae ALL-GAS BIOFAT INTESUSAL 16.123.775 € Development of new or improved sustainable bioenergy carriers BIOBOOST SECTOR 12.654.256 € Biofuels from microalgae or macroalgae FUEL4ME DEMA Development and testing of advanced sustainable biobased fuels for air transport (Joint topic with Transport Theme) ITAKA Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on lignocellulosic ethanol SUNLIQUID COMETHA Development of new or improved logistics for lignocellulosic biomass harvest, storage and transport (Joint topic with the KBBE Theme) LOGISTEC INFRES EUROPRUNNING ERA-NET Plus - Bioenergy Demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative BESTF 2010 Pre-commercial industrial scale demonstration plant on paraffinic biofuels for use in aviation 2013 27.000.000 € BIOFUELSTP Second Generation Biofuels – EU-Brazil Coordinated Call 2012 8.339.766 € Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Biofuels VALORGAS 2011 8.566.229 € 5.000.000€ (**10.000.000€) *41.418.764 € 5.000.000 € (**9.997.516 €) 15.000.000 € BFSJ BIOREFLY Developing regional and pan-European schemes for the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock in a pan-European integrated market S2BIOM Support to key activities of the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) EBTP-SABS ERA-NET Plus – Bioenergy: Demonstrations of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative BESTF2 23 8.963.416,20 € * 41.572.983 € 3.999.629 € 496.350 € 7.043.283 € TOTAL 60 318.858.832 € Wind energy Topic description number of projects Demonstration of large scale systems for on-and offshore wind farms 7MW-WEC-BY-11 3.270.285 € Development of components and systems for turbines and wind farms RELIAWIND 5.178.772 € External conditions, resource assessment and forecasting for wind energy SAFEWIND 3.992.400 € Testing, standards and certification for wind energy systems PROTEST 1.980.119 € Wind mapping for offshore applications NORSEWIND 3.939.517 € 2008 Demonstration of large scale systems for on-and offshore wind farms NIMO WINGY-PRO 5.880.430 € 2009 Deep off-shore multi-purpose renewable energy conversion platforms for wind/ocean energy conversion MARINA PLATFORM 8.708.660 € Cross-sectoral approach to the development of very large offshore wind turbines HIPRWIND 11.021.621 € Support to the coordination of stakeholders’ activities in the field of wind energy TOP WIND 897.050 € Demonstration of innovative off-shore wind electricity generation structure DEMOWFLOAT FLOATGEN INFLOW Development of design tools for Offshore Wind farm clusters CLUSTERDESIGN EERA-DTOC Joint call "The ocean of tomorrow": Multi-use offshore platforms H2OCEAN MERMAID TROPOS Innovative wind conversion systems (10-20MW) for offshore applications SUPRAPOWER INNWIND.EU 17.691.058 € Demonstration of innovative designs to reduce fatigue loads and improve reliability of multi-MW turbines ARCTICWIND OPTIMUS WINDTRUST 18.833.389 € Advanced aerodynamic modelling, design and testing for large rotor blades AVATAR 6.680.489 € Small to medium size wind turbines SWIP 4.933.429 € ERA-NET Plus – European wind resources assessment NEWA *4.826.866 € IRPWIND *9.822.218 € Year 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 Integrated research programme in the field of wind energy 24 EC contribution 35.067.228 € 6.482.476 € 5.000.000 € (**14.887.256 €) 27 154.206.007 € number of projects EC contribution TOTAL CSP Year 2007 2009 2010 2011 Topic description Using CSP for water desalination MED-CSD 999.960 € Improve the environmental profile of the CSP installations SOLUGAS 5.997.752 € DIGESPO E2PHEST2US 5.255.898 € Dry-cooling methods for multi-MW sized concentrated solar power plants MACCSOL 4.088.546 € Main CSP components for high-temperature operation HITECO 3.440.194 € Demonstration of innovative multi-purpose solar power plant MATS ARCHETYPE SW550 42.213.482 € Thermal energy storage for CSP plants OPTS RESTRUCTURE TCSPOWER STORRE 15.841.544 € Key components for Concentrated Solar Power Advanced heat transfer fluids for CSP technology 2012 2013 Research, development and testing of solar dish systems 2.263.193 € CSP2 OMSOP BIOSTIRLING4SKA 8.359.382 € Hybridisation of CSP with other energy sources HYSOL 6.165.260 € Methods for the estimation of the Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) DNICAST 2.994.758 € Integrated Research Programme in the field of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) STAGE-STE TOTAL 18 *9.997.207 € 107.617.176 € Ocean energy Year 2007 Topic description number of projects EC contribution New components and concepts for ocean energy converters CORES 3.449.588 € Pre-normative research for ocean energy EQUIMAR 3.990.024 € PULSE STREAM 1200 2008 Ocean: demonstration of innovative full size systems STANDPOINT SURGE WAVEPORT 2009 Coordination action on off-shore renewable energy ORECCA 25 20.694.439 € 1.599.033 € conversion platforms 2012 2013 Demonstration of first ocean energy farms TIDES AEGIR CLEARWATER Design tools, enabling technologies and underpinning research to facilitate ocean energy converter arrays DTOCEAN 4.178.232 € OCEANERA-NET 2.205.038 € Supporting the coordination of national research activities of Member States and Associated States in the field of OCEAN energy (ERA-NET) TOTAL 12 30.739.052 € 66.855.406 € Hydro energy Year 2007 2013 number of projects Topic description EC contribution HYDROACTION HYLOW 5.790.687 € HYPERBOLE 4.325.542 € New or improved hydro components and concepts Optimisation of Water Turbines TOTAL 3 10.116.229 € Heating and cooling (including geothermal energy) Year number of projects EC contribution GROUND-MED 4.299.695 € Collector design and components BIONICOL 1.059.202 € Small distributed systems for seawater desalination MEDIRAS 2.118.196 € ALONE 2.298.988 € SUNSTORE 4 6.127.548 € Topic description Geothermal energy: Improved ground source heat pumps 2007 Small scale thermal cooling units 2009 2010 Hybrid systems based on solar thermal heating/ cooling, backed up by biomass or geothermal to compensate heat load intermittence Geothermal energy: Understanding and mitigation of induced seismicity associated with geothermal field development Demonstration of a new generation of boilers and stoves Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in Renewables for Heating and Cooling 2011 GEISER 5.308.869 € BIOMAXEFF EU-ULTRALOWDUST 7.123.554 € SECRHC-PLATFORM 999.423 € Revisiting solar-thermal systems for using breakthroughs in scientific and technological fields MACSHEEP SCOOP 5.371.885 € Low/Medium temperature solar thermal systems for industrial process heat INSUN SOLARBREW 6.763.742 € 26 Materials for thermal storage systems Advanced compact storage systems Geothermal energy: Supporting the coordination of national research activities of Member States and Associated States in the field of GEOTHERMAL energy (ERA-NET) Research and development for medium temperature range solar collectors (100°-250°C) 2012 Next generation heat pump technologies Large scale systems for urban area heating and/or cooling supply (Smart Cities) Innovative solar thermal façade systems 2013 Geothermal energy: Exploration and assessment of geothermal reservoirs SAM.SSA 2.769.725 € COMTES MERITS SOTHERCO 13.812.248 € GEOTHERMAL ERA NET 1.999.958 € FRESH NRG 2.499.445 € NXTHPG GREENHP 6.156.128 € CELSIUS PITAGORAS 22.439.717 € FLUIDGLASS 3.866.050 € IMAGE 10.051.045 € 25 105.065.418 € number of projects EC contribution TOTAL Renewable energy – cross-cutting Year Topic description 2013 Research cooperation and knowledge creation in the area of renewable energy with Mediterranean partner countries EUROSUNMED REELCOOP 10.532.485 € CCS and Clean Coal Technologies Year 2007 number of projects Topic description EC contribution CO2 capture: Advanced pre-combustion capture techniques DECARBIT CO2 capture: Advanced separation techniques CESAR 3.999.995 € CO2 capture: Separation techniques in gaseous fuel power generation (RTD) CAESAR 2.263.515 € Cross-cutting: Extending the value chain for GHG emissions other than CO2 associated with coal production and use COMETH 3.050.239 € Cross-cutting: Initiating a CO2 value chain in the energy sector using early opportunities ECCO 3.853.075 € 27 10.215.750 € 2008 2009 2010 Cross-cutting: Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage STRACO2 859.135 € CO2 capture and storage – public acceptance NEARCO2 994.256 € CO2 storage: CO2 transport and storage infrastructure development CO2EUROPIPE 1.099.560 € CO2 storage: Development of a suitable methodology for the qualification of deep saline aquifers for CO2 storage MUSTANG 7.999.579 € Clean coal: Advanced Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology FLEXI BURN CFB 6.413.869 € Clean coal: Advanced Gas Turbines for solid Fuel Gasification Processes H2-IGCC 11.279.697 € CO2 capture: Innovative capture techniques CACHET II CAOLING DEMOYS ICAP INNOCUOUS 18.134.199 € CO2 storage: Safe and reliable geological storage of CO2 RISCS 3.958.530 € CO2 storage: Towards an infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage CO2PIPEHAZ COCATE COMET 7.405.474 € Cross-cutting: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production ZEPPOS Clean coal: Efficiency increases in existing and new build pulverised coal power plants with a view to CCS NEXTGENPOWER MACPLUS CO2 storage: CCS – site abandonment CO2CARE 3.966.574 € CO2 storage: CCS - storage site characterisation SITECHAR 3.720.575 € CO2 storage: Trans-national cooperation and networking in the field of geological storage of CO2 CGS EUROPE 2.236.837 € Cross-cutting: Extending the value chain for GHG emissions GHG2E 1.635.775 € Clean coal: Efficiency Improvement of Oxygenbased combustion 2011 DEMOCLOCK HETMOC RELCOM 500.000 € 16.701.555 € 17.187.752 € 6.000.000 € Joint call "The ocean of tomorrow": Sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment ECO2 CO2 capture: High-efficiency post-combustion solvent-based capture processes CAPSOL IOLICAP 6.315.410 € CO2 storage: Understanding the long-term fate of geologically stored CO2 CARBFIX ULTIMATECO2 5.596.933 € Clean coal: Optimisation of IGCC technologies for use with high ash content coal OPTIMASH 3.430.036 € Cross-cutting: Optimising the integration of CO2 capture into power plants O2GEN OCTAVIUS 14.532.940 € 28 (**10.500.000 €) 2012 Cross-cutting: Support to the European CCS Demonstration Project Network CCS-PNS 2.994.389 € CO2 storage: Sizeable pilot tests for CO2 geological storage TRUST 8.677.241 € CO2 storage: Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage IMPACTS CO2QUEST 6.923.242 € Cross-cutting: Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Zero Emission Energy Production ZEPPORT SCARLET Scale-up of advanced high-efficiency capture processes SUCCESS 500.000 € *11.911.006 € ASCENT GREEN-CC New generation high-efficiency capture processes 2013 HIPERCAP INTERACT *33.030.270 € M4CO2 MATESA Mitigation and remediation of leakage from geological storage MIRECOL Combined Underground Coal Gasification and CO2 Capture and Storage TOPS TOTAL *3.756.250 € 2.996.239 € 53 234.139.897 € Smartgrids Year 2007 2008 number of projects Topic description EC contribution Analysis and scenarios of energy infrastructure evolution IRENE-40 REALISEGRID 6.572.252 € More efficient integration of renewable energy into future infrastructures SUSPLAN 3.322.550 € Stepping up the cooperation of national and regional research activities on Smart Energy Networks SMARTGIRDS ERA-NET 2.479.990 € Inter-active distribution energy networks: Develop and validate innovative control strategies and network architectures for active networks with largescale penetration of renewables sources and distributed generation ADDRESS 8.999.997 € Pan-European energy networks: Simulation and state estimation of smart electricity transmission networks PEGASE 8.622.027 € Inter-active distribution energy networks: Openaccess Standard for Smart Multi-Metering Services OPEN METER 2.400.232 € 29 Pan-European energy networks: Diagnostics, Surveillance, Maintenance and Control of Power Transmission and Grid Connections OPTIMATE SEETSOC 4.916.727 € Pan-European energy networks: Innovative operational and monitoring tools for large power systems ICOEUR 1.916.767 € High density /rapid release energy storage HESCAP 2.298.764 € HTS Devices for Electricity Networks ECCOFLOW 2.699.345 € Strategic impact of the roll-out of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on grid infrastructure G4V MERGE 5.504.735 € Support to the coordination of stakeholders' activities in the field of Smart Grids SMARTGRIDS ETPS Novel ICT Solutions for Smart Electricity Distribution Networks (Joint call with the ICT Theme) DLC+VIT4IP MIRABEL OPENNODE HiPerDNO INTEGRIS W2E Inter-active distribution energy networks: Wind-Grid Integration: overall optimisation of the electricity grid with wind and storage TWENTIES Energy storage systems for power distribution networks POWAIR Inter-active distribution energy networks: Large-scale demonstration of smart electricity distribution networks with distributed generation and active customer participation ECOGRID EU GRID4EU Materials, technologies and processes for sustainable automotive electrochemical storage applications (joint call NMP, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORT) APPLES Innovative tools for the future coordinated and stable operation of the pan-European electricity transmission system ITESLA UMBRELLA Network of projects developing the future European electricity networks GRID+ Storage and balancing variable electricity supply and demand ESTORAGE INGRID 27.104.151 € Integration of variable distributed resources in electricity distribution networks SUSTAINABLE IGREENGRID SINGULAR 11.823.036 € Enhancing electricity networks through use of distributed intelligence DISCERN 4.798.717 € Empowering smart customers to participate in active demand and electricity supply system efficiency S3C ADVANCED 4.796.601 € Planning for European Electricity Highways to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and pan-European market integration E-HIGHWAY2050 8.990.672 € 2009 2010 2011 2012 30 379.214 € 10.000.000 € (**19.956.074 €) 31.774.565 € 3.563.984 € 38.202.448 € 5.000.000 € 17.093.044 € 2.999.494 € Networking of national R&D and demonstration projects on smart metering infrastructure and data processing METER-ON 1.622.482 € Facilitating the deployment of safe stationary batteries STALLION STABALID 3.494.546 € Support to the coordination of stakeholders activities in the field of Smart Grids SMARTGRIDSETPS-III 425.285 € DREAM EVOLVDSO Development and validation of methods and tools for network integration of distributed renewable resources 2013 IDE4L INCREASE Advanced concepts for reliability assessment of the pan-European transmission network GARPUR Large-scale demonstration of innovative transmission system integration and operation solutions for (inter)connecting renewable electricity production BEST PATHS Ensuring stakeholder support for future grid infrastructures 17.934.689 € 7.767.261 € *45.382.375 € INSPIRE-GRID 2.571.834 € Planning rules for linking electric vehicles (EV) to distributed energy resources PLANGRIDEV 4.875.290 € Enhanced interoperability and conformance testing methods and tools for interaction between grid infrastructure and electric vehicles COTEVOS 4.351.777 € BACCARA SIRBATT Understanding interfaces in rechargeable batteries and super-capacitors through in situ methods Integrated research programme on smart grids INFLUENCE 13.100.692 € HI-C ELECTRA 9.989.560 € 58 327.775.103 € TOTAL Energy efficiency / Smart Cities and Communities Year 2007 2008 Topic description number of projects EC contribution Manufacturing and process industries: Innovative energy efficient manufacturing processes NANOBAK 1.430.404 € High efficiency poly-generation - applications with renewable energies ENERCOM ENERFISH POLYSTABILAT 9.743.431 € Testing innovative strategies for clean urban transport (CIVITAS – joint call with the Transport Theme) RENAISSANCE Promotion and dissemination SETATWORK Energy efficiency of industrial heat exchangers and CEREXPRO 31 7.374.840 € (**14.749.681 €) 999.972 € 7.717.977 € boilers CLEANEX THERMONANO High efficiency poly-generation - renewable energies for applications in industry EMPYRO 4.949.947 € CONCERTO communities: the way to the future ECO-LIFE GEOCOM PIME'S SOLUTION 37.830.296 € 2009 Energy efficiency in energy intensive industry EE-QUARRY ENEXAL 8.724.247 € 2010 Demonstration of Energy Efficiency through Retrofitting of Buildings (EeB) BEEMUP E2REBUILD SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE 13.203.698 € Valorisation of low temperature heat LOVE 3.299.789 € Demonstration of very low energy new buildings (EeB) BUILDSMART DIRECTION NEED4B NEXT-BUILDINGS 20.025.589 € Energy efficiency demonstration in manufacturing industry CRAFTEM EFENIS NIWE 13.287.245 € Energy efficiency in low-carbon industrial parks LOCIMAP 1.987.993 € Smart Cities and Communities: Strategic sustainable planning and screening of city plans STEEP TRANSFORM STEP-UP PLEEC INSMART 17.531.357 € Demonstration of nearly Zero Energy Building Renovation for cities and districts (EeB) ZENN R2CITIES EU-GUGLE 35.266.856 € 2011 2012 CITYFIED 2013 Smart Cities and Communities: Demonstration of optimised energy systems for high performanceenergy districts CITY-ZEN READY *101.788.713 € SINFONIA TOTAL 40 285.162.354 € number of projects EC contribution Knowledge for policy making Year Topic description BARENERGY Energy behavioural changes CHANGING BEHAVIOUR 3.932.988 € Energy security of supply REACCESS SECURE 5.785.705 € PLANETS 1.541.674 € 2007 Energy technological foresight and scenario 32 development 2009 2013 1.334.405 € Energy foresight network EFONET European energy infrastructure networks and systems transition planning ATEST 894.799 € European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support energy policy and to assess the potential impacts of its measures THINK 2.188.848 € European scientific multidisciplinary "think-tank" to support energy policy and to assess the potential impacts of its measures INSIGHT_E TOTAL 9 *1.999.509 € 17.677.928 € FET / Materials Year number of projects Topic description Future Emerging Technologies (FET) ASPIS CO2SOLSTOCK PLANTPOWER SOLHYDROMICS THATEA Novel materials for energy applications (Joint Call with NMP) EFFIPRO EPHOCELL INNOVASOL NANOPEC POLYZION SMALLINONE FlyHY SOLAMON ROD-SOL MAHEATT Future Emerging Technologies for Energy Applications (FET) PEPDIODE QUASIDRY CAPMIX DEEPWIND HAWE MOLESOL R2M-SI REAPOWER 2008 2010 2012 EC contribution 13.434.228 € 14.139.451 € (**23.809.693 €) 20.028.102 € CYANOFACTORY H2ESOT NANOMATCELL HRC POWER ALLOXIDEPV Future Emerging Technologies for Energy Applications (FET) PHOTONVOLTAICS POLYWEC NEST POLYWEC GLOBALSOL GO-NEXTS PHOCS 33 33.455.220 € PROME3THE2US2 TOTAL 36 81.057.001 € Fuel cells and Hydrogen Year 2007 number of projects Topic description EC contribution Basic research for materials and processes for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) DECODE ZEOCELL 5.617.397 € Basic research on materials and processes for High Temperature Fuel Cells (SOFC & MCFC) METSOFC 3.587.846 € Innovative concepts for fuel cells IDEAL-CELL 3.309.045 € New materials and processes for advanced electrolysers RELHY WELTEMP 5.277.736 € Advanced Materials for High Temperature thermochemical processes HYCYCLES 3.748.823 € Novel nanostructured materials for hydrogen storage NANOHY 2.399.629 € 2008 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 30.000.000 € 2009 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 51.980.000 € 2010 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 71.980.000 € 2011 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 78.970.000 € 2012 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 39.985.000 € 2013 Energy Theme contribution to the JTI FCH 42.100.000 € TOTAL 8 338.955.476 € Other actions number of projects EC contribution Year Topic description 2007 Preparatory activities of the joint technology initiative for fuel cell and hydrogen FCHINSTRUCT 684.125 € Trans-national co-operation among NCPs C-ENERGY 299.856 € Towards a low carbon energy: The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (grant to a named beneficiary) EBC2008 150.000 € Trans-national co-operation among NCPs C-ENERGY + 999.996 € SET-Plan conference in Sweden (grant to a named beneficiary) 143.466 € EERA Secretariat (grant to a named beneficiary) EERASE 989.565 € SET-Plan conference in Brussels (grant to a named beneficiary) SETBRU 175.000 € 2008 2009 2010 34 2011 SET-Plan conference in Poland (grant to a named beneficiary) SET-POLAND 119.564 € 2012 Global Energy Assessment (grant to a named beneficiary) GEA DISSEMINATION 128.400 € SET-Plan conference in Ireland (grant to a named beneficiary) SET_IRELAND 124.005 € Support for the secretariat of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) (grant to a named beneficiary) EERASE2 Mobilising the research, innovation and educational capacities of Europe’s universities UNI-SET 2013 TOTAL 35 1.199.996 € 12 1.499.997 € 6.513.970 €