REDI-SituationManual - Disaster Resistant Communities Group

Situation Manual
Time Allotted
90 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 001
Image of Greater Northtown Neighborhood
Neighborhood Profile
What follows is a brief profile of the Northtown neighborhood:
 There are 807 homes in the neighborhood.
 The majority of the homes are 30 to 40 years old.
 There are 2,431 residents in the neighborhood.
 The neighborhood is made up of older residents whose children have grown up and moved away.
 The majority of the residents are in the upper middle class.
Neighborhood Profile - Map
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 002
Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag
It is late July and local citizens have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s
hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making their last minute plans for their summer
vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very
inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp
increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early August neighborhood residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of
the season’s first Tropical Depression.
National Hurricane Center - Tropical Storm Alberto
Advisory # 5 - Monday - 8/2/2010 - 11:00AM EDST
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Alberto. The storm continues its
forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
37 MPH
Tropical Storm
The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to
move along its projected path at 6 MPH. Projections indicate that the storm will continue to move towards the region.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 003
Image of National Hurricane Center
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alberto
Advisory # 12 - Wednesday - 8/3/2010 - 5:00AM EDST
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Alberto to Hurricane Alberto. The storm continues its
forward movement and is expected to intensify over the next 48 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
76 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 004
Image of Satellite Image
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alberto
Advisory # 17 - Thursday - 8/5/2010 - 11:00AM EDST
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Hurricane Alberto to a category three storm. The storm continues its
forward movement and is expected to lose strength over the next 36 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
115 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 005
Image of Preparedness Activities
As the hurricane continues to approach the region will your club be involved in assisting
neighborhood residents in preparing themselves and their families for the storm?
If the above answer is yes. – Prepare an Action Plan of activities that your club will undertake to assist in preparing the
neighborhood and its residents for the hurricane.
Activity # 1:
Activity # 2:
Activity # 3:
Activity # 4:
Activity # 5:
If the above answer is no. – Identify the agency or organization that would be able to assist neighborhood residents in
preparing for the hurricane.
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 006
Image of Hurricane Warning
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alberto
Advisory # 21 - Friday - 8/5/2010 - 11:00AM EDST
The National Hurricane Center has down-graded Hurricane Alberto to a category two storm. The storm continues its
forward movement along its projected path and is expected to lose strength over the next 36 hours.
The Hurricane Watch for the region has been up-graded to a Hurricane Warning indicating that the storm should arrive in
the region within the next 24 to 36 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed
Forward Movement
98 MPH
The region could experience a storm surge up to 12 feet.
Storm Surge - Map
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 007
Image of Mobilization
With a Hurricane Warning having been issued for the region would your club have mobilized to
assist with preparing your neighborhood for the approaching storm by now?
If the answer is yes. – Briefly describe how your club would mobilize as the storm continues to move towards your area.
If the answer is no. – At what point would your club be mobilized?
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 008
Image of Incident Command
Briefly describe the leadership / management / operational structure that will be utilized by your club as it works as a team
to assist neighborhood residents before, during and after the hurricane strikes the area.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 009
Image of Senior Citizen
Mrs Jones, an 87 year old widow, is a neighborhood resident whose home is subject to flooding. She has just contacted a
member of your club asking if someone could come help her with building a sandbag barrier to prevent her home from
being flooded.
Will your club be able to assist Mrs Jones with her request?
If the answer is yes. – Describe the actions that would be taken to assist Mrs Jones.
If the answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told?
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 010
Image of Reporter
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alberto
Advisory # 24 - Saturday - 8/7/2010 - 5:00AM EDST
Hurricane Alberto is just now beginning to move through the region.
Wind Speed
Forward Movement
89 MPH
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 011
Image of Emergency Responders
As the storm begins to move through the region wind and rain begins to pound the community.
Emergency officials (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the
increasing wind speed associated with the hurricane.
As the wind begins to up-root trees, destroy utility distribution systems and damage homes and businesses, residents who
have evacuated the area continue to monitor the conditions on CNN and the Weather Channel wondering if they will have
a home return to.
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alberto
Advisory # 34 - Saturday - 8/7/2010 - 11:00AM EDST
Hurricane Alberto continues to move through the region.
Wind Speed
Forward Movement
79 MPH
Hurricane - Video # 1 – Hurricane Winds
The winds from Hurricane Alberto begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area. Once conditions permit, local and
regional emergency response personnel initiate life safety operations. From conducting needs assessment to carrying out
search and rescue operations law enforcement agencies, fire departments, EMS, emergency management departments
and various volunteer agencies are working together to meet the immediate storm-caused needs of the region’s residents.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Scenario – # 012
No Image
After the hurricane moves out of the area neighborhood residents begin to emerge from their homes to inspect the
damage and destruction.
Hurricane - Video # 7 – Hurricane Damage
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 013
Image of Hurricane Damage
Preliminary Neighborhood Evaluation
Prior to the hurricane many of the neighborhood’s residents did not stock up on non-perishable food or bottled water
and are in need of assistance.
67 percent of neighborhood residents chose not to evacuate the area but decided to ride the storm out from their
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Essential Services
Electricity is out to 80% of the neighborhood.
Downed trees and utility poles along with other storm debris have blocked 60% of the neighborhood’s roads.
The water tower providing drinking water to the neighborhood has been damaged and the water has been
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Residences
Utilizing the Damage Assessment map identify the various levels of damage to neighborhood homes and prepare a
Preliminary Damage Assessment.
Homes with Minor Damage – Map
Estimate the number of homes with Minor Damage:
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Homes with Major Damage – Map
Estimate the number of homes with Major Damage:
Destroyed Homes - Map
Estimate the number of homes Destroyed:
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 014
Image of Priority
Using all available information prepare a prioritized plan (Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail activities that your club
will undertake to assist neighborhood residents with responding to and recovering from the hurricane.
Activity # 1:
Activity # 2:
Activity # 3:
Activity # 4:
Activity # 5:
Time Allotted
20 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 015
Image of Medical Reserve Corps
It will be important for your club to work closely with other response agencies and organizations. Identify five agencies and
/ or organizations with which you would work with as well as the resources / services that they would be able to provide to
neighborhood residents.
Agency / Organization – Response Activity # 1:
Agency / Organization – Response Activity # 2:
Agency / Organization – Response Activity # 3:
Agency / Organization – Response Activity # 4:
Agency / Organization – Response Activity # 5:
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 016
Image of Curfew
The county has issued a dusk to dawn curfew for all residents. Are the members
of your club exempt from the curfew?
If the answer is yes. – Explain why.
If the answer is no. – Explain why.
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 017
Image of Radio
Describe in detail how communications will be maintained among the members of your club as the work to assist
neighborhood residents.
Time Allotted
10 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 018
Image of Bottle Water
Emergency management officials have asked if your organization could establish and manage
a location for the distribution of supplies (bottle water / ice / tarps etc…) (Point of Distribution –
POD) which would be given to neighborhood residents. FEMA, state and local officials will
provide all of the supplies to be distributed. Will your organization be able to support this
Understanding a POD
If the answer is yes. – Briefly describe how your organization would set up and manage such an operation.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
Operation REDI – Inject – # 019
Image of Tree Damage Home
Mr Young has lived in the neighborhood all of his life, and at 93 he has never asked for assistance from anyone. However,
during the storm several large trees fell on his home causing major damage. He is asking for assistance.
Would your club be able to assist Mr Young with removing the trees off of his home?
If the answer is yes. – What is the liability if a member of your club is injured while assisting with this activity?
If the answer is no. – Explain why your club would not be able to assist.
Identify a government agency or a community based organization to which you could refer Mr Young for assistance.
Time Allotted
15 Minutes
Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Resistant Communities Group –