Pre-Game Preparation Check List

Soccer Referee Pre-Game Preparation Check List (side 1 of 2)
Dangerous Tackles – Summary
Law 12, Fouls and Misconduct, Decision 4: “A tackle which endangers the safety of an opponent must
be sanctioned as serious foul play.” This does not cover all tackles (even from behind)! (A “tackle” in
soccer is any attempt to get the ball away from an opponent.) If a defender comes in from behind, or from
any direction, and: (1) slides by on the ground alongside the attacker, and deftly “toe-pokes” the ball away
without touching the opponent: no foul. (2) “gently” trips the opponent, before, after, or without getting the
ball: DFK foul: tripping. (3) sweeps the feet out from under the opponent: DFK foul: tripping, and
caution: show the yellow card for Unsporting Behavior. (4) jumps into the opponent’s legs, ankles, or
feet, with studs extended or knee locked, or both; or kicks opponent “way hard”: DFK foul: tripping, and
send off: show the red card for Serious Foul Play. NOTE: It is not likely that examples 3 and 4 will ever
occur in U8 or below. At U10, such incidents are very, very rare. Even at U12, they are pretty unusual.
Night Before Game
Think about level of game; plan to concentrate to improve in some area.
Organize uniform and other equipment. Referee shirt or league-issued tee-shirt is mandatory; black
shorts, soccer shoes and Referee socks are recommended. Remember whistle, stopwatch, cards,
coin, note pad, pens, water, sunblock.
Plan transportation schedule.
30 Minutes Before Game
Wear uniform to build professional image and earn respect.
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to inspect field, nets, corner flags.
Get help fixing hazards. Warm up and stretch out.
20 Minutes Before Game
Set stopwatch to proper length of game for age group.
Official time is maintained by Referee on field. May stop for delays (injury, ball over fence, etc.).
Greet coaches prior to game to establish friendly, cooperative spirit.
 We are all partners to provide a safe, enjoyable, positive program for our children to have fun.
Referee's job: ensure safety and fairness.
 Discuss field conditions and ask about special circumstances/players.
 All leagues: Collect roster from coach; determine which team is home and which is visitor.
 Competitive leagues: Match each player to photo-id player pass.
 Injuries are to be handled by coaches, parents, or medical personnel. Keep other players away
from injured player and spectators off field.
 Bench areas: Both teams on one side, near halfway line; all spectators on opposite side.
 SUBSTITUTION: review rules and the procedures to be used. Any other player on field may
change places with goalkeeper at any stoppage of game (even P-K), once Referee acknowledges
request. Add on time it takes to change goalkeepers.
RECREATIONAL: At ANY stoppage about halfway into each half (i.e., at the so-called "quarter")
stop the clock briefly and allow mass substitutions so each player plays at least half a game.
 An injured player (only) may be replaced at any stoppage of the game.
 Restart according to what caused the stoppage, and restart the clock!
OTHER LEAGUES: Substitutes may enter, when called by Referee, per USYSA rules:
a. Prior to a throw-in, by the team in possession
b. Prior to goal-kick, by either team
c. After a goal, by either team
d. After an injury, by either team, when the Referee stops play
e. At half time
 Substitutes must stay off field until Referee motions them to enter at halfway-line.
15 Minutes Before Game
Find each team's Assistant Referee (aka Linesperson). Should have some Referee/Lines training.
Pre-game conference with Assistant Referees -- determine their capabilities.
 Specify their game duties -- to assist (not insist) with ball out of bounds (touch- & goal-line), who
last touched ball, and offside. Flag for offside must only be when player in offside position
participates in active play and gains an advantage. Do NOT flag merely for offside position.
 Explain specific positions (Ref: diagonal; Assistant Ref: 2nd last defender or the ball, whichever is
closer to the goal-line) and signals (point direction of attack of team getting ball).
106743476 rev. 2008/09/13 ed. by Paul Rolig
Soccer Referee Pre-Game Preparation Check List (side 2 of 2)
Request help to keep parents, coaches, and substitutes off touch-line and away from behind
goals; if needed, you will assist them.
Assistant Referees should be impartial; no cheering or coaching for a team.
10 Minutes Before Game
Check players and equipment prior to coin toss. Nothing dangerous!
 No watches, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, casts or splints. No bandannas.
 NO cast or splint of ANY type is permitted in most “house league” games or practices!
 Competitive leagues: USSF-cert’d referee has discretion to permit a safely covered cast or splint.
 No hard barrettes. Goalkeeper caps must have soft brims.
 Shinguards are REQUIRED, and MUST be COVERED by socks. "Tube" shinguards which are
fully sewn around leg are OK without outer socks.
 Shoe studs must be safe for kicking the ball near other players -- no baseball cleats or American
football shoes with protruding toe stud.
 Shirts must be non-conflicting colors and must be tucked in.
Players should know: stop on whistle ONLY -- ignore "calls" by parents, other players, or coaches;
no pushing, holding, kicking, etc.; shoulder charge IS legal (if not on back, and not careless, reckless,
or using excessive force; keep arms in); get 10 yards from ball on free-kick (or on goal-line); say
"Rats!" not foul language.
Obtain game ball from home team. Inflate to proper pressure.
2 Minutes Before Game --> Get Ready...Get Set...GO!
At halfway line, w/ Assistant Referees, toss coin and have visiting team captain call heads/tails.
Winner must choose which goal to attack/defend. Loser of coin toss must kick off first.
Have proper number of players take positions in chosen ends of field.
When Assistant Referees are on their touch-lines & players are ready, blow whistle to start.
Start watch when ball is kicked into defenders' half.
Whistle end of half with two long blasts. Collect ball and meet with Assistant Referees; discuss game.
Problems? Calls missed or misunderstood?
Drink some water to avoid dehydration. Restart after 5 to 10 minutes.
End of Game
Whistle when time runs out with three long blasts. Collect ball and return it to home team. Supervise
team cheers & handshakes. Thank coaches.
Confer with Assistant Referees to critique the game. Give & take advice on how to improve. Thank
and congratulate each other for what went well.
After Game
Feel free to call the league Referee Assignor, Commissioner, or other administrator, or any Referee
Instructor, or a colleague, with questions about rules or how to handle specific situations.
PAPERWORK: Find out what is expected from the league under which the game is being played.
Many leagues in southwest Idaho use for online assigning and reporting.
ALL LEAGUES: Report player misconduct or any other problem with a coach, parent, team, spectator,
etc. Cautions (yellow cards) and send-offs (red cards) must be reported in writing promptly, and a
phone call usually helps, too. If a player is red-carded, that player’s pass, if any, must be collected and
sent in with the report.
On or off duty, never criticize another Referee. Plan how to discuss issues directly and constructively,
to help inexperienced Referees improve.
IF you get stuck having to referee your own child's game, be very careful to be impartial.
Send-off (red card) or caution (yellow card) in USSF is for player or substitute only, but in some
leagues may be for coach or parent if absolutely necessary. Player sent off sits out for the remainder
of this game AND next game. Team plays short for the remainder of this game only.
Cell phones, pagers, etc.: TURN THEM OFF for the entire duration of your match, from the time you
arrive at the field until you are ready to leave after the game. You owe your full attention to this match.
106743476 rev. 2008/09/13 ed. by Paul Rolig