Suppose a monopolist at one level does not integrate vertically. He will charge the monopoly price to his customers, and that toll will be passed on to the ultimate consumers. What has already been said shows that the gaining of a second monopoly vertically related to the first would not alter price, output or the allocation of productive resources on the second level monopolized. Therefore, dissolving the vertical integration accomplished precisely nothing. Robert H Bork (1954). ‘Accomplishing precisely nothing’: Requiring joint venture producers to market their gas separately A Supplementary submission to the Energy Market Review Prepared by Lateral Economics on behalf of ExxonMobil Gas Marketing September 2002 i Table of Contents Executive Summary The competitiveness of the market Scarcity rents and the depletion of natural resources Would requiring separate marketing of jointly produced gas generate benefits? The potential costs of mandating separate marketing iii iii v v vi 1 1 3 3 Introduction Is upstream competition weak? Would requiring separate marketing of jointly produced gas generate benefits? 2 The Australian gas market: Supply, demand and the competitiveness of the market The Australian gas market The South Eastern Australian gas market Deeper and more liquid markets 6 6 10 13 3 19 The economics of gas discovery and production 4 The Economics of project supply Why gases are different? The institutions of deep markets are self organising systems 19 20 20 5 Risking, financing, co-ordinating and sharing production Joint ventures are a critical means of sharing risk Risk and the management and optimal depletion of mature fields Balancing agreements Water driven fields are harder to balance 22 23 23 26 28 6 The economics of depletable resources Overview of the economics of the exploitation of depletable (non-renewable or exhaustible) resources The implications of different market structures 30 The issue of separate marketing of gas Opportunities to refute the IC’s approach have not been taken 34 37 7 8 Conclusion 30 31 38 References 40 Appendix One: Derivation of optimal depletion paths for a depletable resource 42 Appendix Two: Some observations about price discrimination Price discrimination and separate marketing 46 48 Disclaimer 60 ii Executive Summary This supplementary submission is provided by Lateral Economics on behalf of ExxonMobil Gas Marketing. It addresses the question of the marketing of gas by equity owners of joint venture producers (JVPs). Some gas consumers and competition regulators have demonstrated some unease with the choice that co-venturers in petroleum production joint ventures in Australia have made to jointly market (JM) their gas rather than to market separately (SM). They claim firstly, that upstream competition is weak in South Eastern Australia. Secondly, although they appreciate that forcing SM before a market is sufficiently deep and liquid can add costs and jeopardise new development, they nevertheless continually suggest that there are benefits in ‘constraining’ co-venturers of mature JVPs to market separately. This submission takes issue with both claims – though it does so in different ways. It argues that competition in the South East Australian upstream gas market has intensified markedly in the last few years and will continue to do so and that this should form the backdrop against which the difficult trade-offs and judgements which must be made by competition regulators should be made. This submission’s second claim about separate marketing of jointly produced gas is a quite a different kind of argument. It is essentially a logical rather than an empirical argument. The submission argues that even if the co-venturer in a JVP enjoyed an unreasonable degree of market power, at best requiring them to market their gas separately would achieve ‘precisely nothing’. It would do nothing to reduce whatever market power the JVP had. But requiring separate marketing would add to costs. The extent to which this would result in a contraction of production and increase in prices is an open question and would depend on how the constraint was imposed, and the technical facts of specific cases. In suggesting that genuinely separate marketing could generate substantial losses the argument again becomes an empirical one. The competitiveness of the market One measure of the competitiveness of the market for natural gas is the extent to which gas has and is expected to continue to displace other energy sources, both as a direct energy input and as an input into electricity generation. The evidence is that: there has been substantial exploration and development of gas fields; gas production has grown strongly over the last 20 to 30 years; iii gas consumption within Australia has grown strongly over the same period; gas has effectively displaced substantial volumes of other energy inputs and this is expected to continue, and upstream gas markets are becoming increasingly competitive with increasing integration of producing regions and markets Considering these facts and quite apart from more theoretical arguments, it is difficult to sustain an argument that there has been any substantial impairment of the operation of the market resulting from JVPs marketing jointly rather than separately. Further, the examples used by the proponents of separate marketing tend to confuse cause and effect. Because, other things being equal, co-venturers in JVPs prefer to market their take-off separately they do so where markets are sufficiently deep. As a rule co-venturers in JVPs the world over separately market those products which can be brought readily to market – the oil and gas liquids from their JVPs. And where gas markets are deep enough, JVPs also prefer to market their gas separately – as demonstrated in the United States market. Providing sources of demand and supply are substantial and various enough, and policy settings and physical infrastructure (pipelines) enable the appropriate market institutions to develop, national gas markets deepen and gain liquidity and move naturally from ‘project’ or ‘contract’ supply to ‘commodity supply’. The things necessary to ensure that separate marketing does not generate more costs than benefits are those that describe a deep and liquid market. They include: 1. Multiple buyers and sellers of gas; 2. Means of dealing with divergence between the amount the JVPs are entitled to take from the JV in production and the amount they are able to market successfully. These means can come from a combination of the following: Liberal balancing, borrowing and banking arrangements between JV co-venturers; Low cost means of storing gas within the JV or outside it; A well developed and deep and liquid ‘spot market’ into which surplus gas can be sold at not too great a discount. iv A deep and liquid market enables producers to rely on the fact that there are always many consumers available and so if it is produced, gas can be sold. Though producers and consumers may choose to write long-term take or pay contracts with each other, they are also aided by a deep and liquid ‘spot market’ into which surplus gas can be sold and from which it can be purchased in the short-term. The spot market is also useful as a signal to producers and consumers of gas of the balance between demand and supply in the market. The differences between the Australian market and those markets to which it is being compared are manifest. In contrast to the producers in Australia, the American market is hugely competitive in production. Thus of all the gas produced by the top twenty producers, only one producer has a share of over 12% - BP at 15.2%. There are many small and very small producers such that the market share of the top twenty producers is just 58%. The share of the top 50 producers is still below 75%! Most of the largest gains from deeper, more competitive and liquid markets are being made in Australia, but realism should temper expectations. Limited by the size of its population, Australia will never have a spot market in gas of the depth and liquidity of the spot market in the United States. Scarcity rents and the depletion of natural resources There are two aspects to the scarcity rents available to producers of natural resources. Firstly, rents accrue to depletable resources on account of their depletability. Secondly, those resources can be developed in a more or a less competitive way. After resources have been discovered, it is of course possible to lower their price in the short term by diluting the property rights of their owners. This is no surprise – just as it would be no surprise if the cost of certain drugs fell if their owner’s patents were diluted in some way. Yet ownership of the resource rights along with the right to develop it at a rate that generates acceptable returns for the owner is the reward which was the incentive for the owner to explore and develop its exploration and production leases in the first place. Would requiring separate marketing of jointly produced gas generate benefits? For monopoly rents to be competed away, competitors must compete for each others’ market share. Yet this cannot happen where the shares of each marketer are already determined by joint production decisions. In principal, as Robert Bork argues, in this kind of situation “dissolving vertical integration accomplishe[s] precisely nothing”. v Nor will ‘balancing agreements’ or any other ‘borrow and bank’ arrangements between co-venturers in JVPs facilitate the competing away of any scarcity rents controlled by the JVP. For such arrangements require co-venturers not only to have each other’s permission to move away from balance, but also to make up any imbalances within a reasonable time. The potential costs of mandating separate marketing Requiring separate marketing is likely to accomplish a good deal more than nothing – by adding risk and cost to an industry where the management of risk is clearly a critical issue. Exploration, proving, development and production of a gas field requires access to large amounts of capital and the capacity to spread risk and to sustain this over many years. JVPs provide the means for spreading risk and acquiring sufficient capital to underwrite exploration and development. Development and production must be optimised and coordinated between fields within a basin each having distinct characteristics in terms of: the capital cost of proving up and producing; the quality and mix of the raw hydrocarbons and other substances produced by the field; and the amount of gas available and the proportion expected to be recovered. And the resource depletion of each field – and the fields within the JVP jointly – must be technically optimised. Uncertainty as to gas quantities and optimal production rates remains for a substantial period of time into the production life of the field and this is particularly so of the ‘water driven’ fields of the Gippsland Basin. (In addition to adding to risk management tasks, such characteristics militate against liberality in ‘balancing agreements’ between co-venturers in JVPs.) For these reasons technical optimisation of the depletion program will typically have substantially greater impact on the value of the resource than any value optimisation related to scarcity rent. Wells must be depleted consistently with customer supply requirements. From the perspective of the overall economic efficiency of the Australian economy, the optimal development of a gas basin involves the matching of gas consumption needs across the market with gas production possibilities across the basin. In a shallow market most of which remains dominated by ‘project supply’ joint marketing is necessary to do this efficiently. Preventing it would lead to missed opportunities to bring gas consumers and producers together. It would accordingly lead to the development of sub-optimal fields, higher costs, and so prices from the JVP to the separate marketers. vi Policy makers could hardly be congratulated on the result, in which competition has clearly come to be seen as an end rather than a means. This, more ‘competitive’ state of affairs is likely to involve higher costs and prices – and lower economic welfare. Ironically increasing competition in the short term would most likely result in lower expenditures in exploration and development in the future – ultimately strengthening the market power of incumbent producers and entrenching higher rather than lower consumer prices. vii Small countries often have limited competition in their natural gas markets, because the markets are not large enough to support efficient operation by a large number of domestic producers or suppliers. In these countries regulators should focus on lowering entry barriers rather than on regulating domestic firms. If entry barriers are low, the threat of entry by … competitors can serve as an effective check on domestic market participants. Andrej Juris (1998: 7). 1 Introduction This supplementary submission to the Energy Market Review is provided by Lateral Economics on behalf of ExxonMobil Gas Marketing. It addresses the issue of joint marketing (JM) compared with separate marketing (SM) of gas by firms which are equity holders in a joint venture production arrangement (JVP). Of particular interest is the question of whether the individual equity holders in a JVP should – to use the language of a representative of gas consumers – be ‘constrained’ to market gas separately. ExxonMobil is involved in joint venture production and joint marketing of gas as one of the Gippsland Basin co-venturers. Given that JVPs generally prefer to market their products separately (providing markets are deep and liquid enough to allow them the flexibility to do so), the central policy question is whether requiring them to do so is likely to harm or help economic efficiency. Put another way, are the incentives faced by JVPs such that they will choose to market separately when it is best for economic efficiency, or are they such that there is a case for policy intervention? The Energy Market Review (EMR) Issues Paper (2002) draws attention to questions raised in 1998 by the Upstream Issues Working Group (UIWG) Report (1998), including marketing arrangements used by gas producers, in particular the issue of joint or separate marketing by joint venture producers. The EMR Issues Paper (p.22) posed the following questions: Since the UIWG report, has the level of competition in the upstream sector increased and what are the reasons for the change? To what extent are the issues that UIWG reported on resolved? What further reforms, if any, relating to the upstream sector are needed to achieve appropriately competitive outcomes? The central concern with joint marketing (JM) appears to be that competitive outcomes from more open and active energy markets will be compromised by a 1 lack of effective competition resulting from a high degree of concentration in the marketing of gas. The UIWG (1998; p.29) put it this way: [T]he UIWG agrees with the argument that separate marketing is more competitive than joint marketing, and the aim of policy in this area should be to encourage the separate marketing of gas by individual participants in a joint venture. By creating price competition between as many suppliers of gas as possible, separate marketing should result in lower gas prices. Nevertheless, the UIWG had some sympathy with the view, made in several submissions – typically reflecting producers’ views, that parts of the Australian gas market are currently unable to support separate marketing. This is because they tend to operate as ‘contract’ or ‘project’ markets, where gas is only produced to meet specific long-term contractual obligations (1998; p.29). Where joint venture production is seen as the most efficient way of undertaking gas developments, the UIWG considers that prohibiting joint marketing could raise the costs and/or increase the risks of entering gas production, where separate marketing is not viable. The ACCC appears to hold a similar view. One might say that it exhibits some unease with JM, though it also appreciates that forcing SM before a market is sufficiently deep and liquid can harm economic efficiency, not least by preventing otherwise viable gas production from being commissioned (see below). Nevertheless, on occasions the Commission and its predecessor have acted as if requiring separate marketing of joint producers can improve the competitiveness of markets. Thus for instance the ACCC’s predecessor permitted CRA and North Ltd to aggregate their lead and zinc production facilities in Pasminco providing the original owners of the merged facilities continued to market separately. Various submissions to the EMR, particularly from gas consumers and their representatives have drawn attention to the importance of upstream gas competition. For example, the Australian Gas Association (AGA) (p. 73-4) argue that: 1. “[U]pstream … competition is weak” in Central and South Eastern Australia and, 2. “the greater use of separate marketing of gas from jointly owned fields” is one of a number of initiatives that would help address this situation. 2 Is upstream competition weak? The central arguments of this submission take their cue from these two claims. The first assertion is an important one with which we disagree. There are of course critical benefits to consumers and to economies from having vigorous competition between producers of commodities, not least gas. Nevertheless judgements must still be made about both the degree of competition which is present and immediately threatened in the marketplace and the optimal policy responses to any shortfall in competition. As with many areas of competition policy, judgements about the real state of the market are far from easy for outsiders and sometimes even for industry insiders. And even if a judgement is made that the level of competition within some part of the market is not ideal, policy makers must still strike a difficult balance between competing considerations. Thus some measures to ensure that there are more competitors in the gas market could undermine the competitiveness of energy markets more generally – for instance by increasing risk and/or limiting gas producers’ access to economies of scale. The next section of the submission argues that competition in the South East Australian upstream gas market has intensified markedly in the last few years and will continue to do so.1 It argues that the area from the Sydney region to Adelaide in the West and Tasmania in the South is becoming dramatically more competitive owing to new pipeline developments of the recent past and the immediate future. However these arguments nevertheless remain ones where judgements between reasonable people and between different parts of the industry will continue to differ however much informed discussion might narrow the differences. Would requiring separate marketing of jointly produced gas generate benefits? It is critical to note that this submission’s second claim about separate marketing of jointly produced gas is of quite a different kind to its argument about the intensity of upstream competition. In the context of competition policy it is an unusually clear-cut argument. The idea that requiring participants in joint venture production of gas to market their gas separately can stimulate economically beneficial competition makes intuitive sense. But is it right? This submission argues that the enthusiasm to ‘constrain’ participants in joint production of gas to market separately is mistaken. It is not just mistaken in the We exclude Brisbane from this market as the cost of transporting gas from the Gippsland Basin to Brisbane is prohibitive and the ‘derivatives’ market is too immature to support swaps. 1 3 sense that many economic proposals are mistaken – because they involve gains to one party only at greater cost to others in the economy. It is mistaken in a more fundamental sense. This supplementary submission argues that even if the co-venturers in a JVP enjoyed an unreasonable degree of market power, at best requiring them to market their gas separately would achieve ‘precisely nothing’. It would do nothing to reduce whatever market power the JVP had. But in doing so it would add to costs. The extent to which this would result in a contraction of production and increase in prices is an open question and would depend on how the constraint was imposed, and the technical facts of specific cases. The claim that the South Eastern Australian upstream gas market is now highly competitive and will shortly become even more so (Table 1.1) provides an important backdrop against which it is hoped that the Review will consider its policy options. The existing and immediately prospective intensity of competition is certainly a relevant consideration for the review when considering issues such as the management of acreage and access to production facilities. But the case for forcing joint producers to market separately would not be different whatever the degree of competitiveness in the marketplace. One way of putting the case is to say that, for monopoly rents to be competed away, the competitors must compete for each others’ market share. Yet this cannot happen where the shares of each marketer are already determined by joint production decisions. This is why in the quote set out on the front page of this submission, Robert Bork argues that in this kind of situation “dissolving vertical integration accomplishe[s] precisely nothing”. 4 Table 1.1: Australian Gas Production Fields and Potential Developments Gippsland Basin ExxonMobil: 50% BHP Billiton: 50% Cooper/Eromanga Santos: ~40% ExxonMobil: ~20% Origin: ~13% Vamgas: ~9% Novus: ~5% Bridge Oil: ~4% Alliance Petroleum: ~4% Basin Oil: ~2% Reef Oil: ~2% PEP153, PEP108 (Onshore Otway) Santos: 100% PEP 154 (Onshore Otway) Santos: 90% Beach Petrl.: 10% Minerva BHP Billiton: 90% Santos: 10% Yolla Origin: 37.5% AWE: 37.5% CalEnergy: 20% Santos: 5% Patricia Baleen OMV Austr.: 40% Trinity Gas: 40% Santos: 20% Thylacine Woodside: 50% Origin: 30% Benaris: 20% Geographe Woodside: 55% Origin: 30% CalEnergy Gas: 15% Casino Santos: 50% Strike Oil: 50% Basker/Manta/Gummy Woodside: 100% North West Shelf Project (Domestic) Woodside: 50% BP: 16.67% Chevron: 16.67% BHP Billiton: 8.33% Shell: 8.33% North West Shelf Project (LNG) Woodside: 16.67% BP: 16.67% Chevron: 16.67% BHP Billiton: 16.67% Shell: 16.67% Japan Australia LNG: 16.67% PNG (20/9/02) ExxonMobil: ~40% Chevron Australia: ~10% Oil Search Limited: ~45% JPPNG: ~3% Mineral Resources ~3% Bayu Undan Phillips: 50.3% Santos: 11.8% Inpex: 11.7% Kerr-McGee: 11.2% Petroz: 8.3% Agip: 6.7% Greater Sunrise Woodside: 33.44% Phillips: 30% Shell: 26.56% Osaka Gas: 10% Kipper ExxonMobil: ~32% BHP Billiton: ~32% Woodside: ~21% Santos: ~15% Sole Santos: 70% Sole: 30% 5 2 The Australian gas market: Supply, demand and the competitiveness of the market This section outlines the recent and current state of the Australian and the South Eastern Australian gas markets and the expectations and forecasts of some of Australia's leading experts. In doing so it will become apparent that gas has been increasing its share of the broader and increasingly competitive energy market – suggesting increasing efficiency and competitiveness relative to other energy sources. It is also clear that gas on gas competition has increased markedly, is intensifying and will continue to intensify into the foreseeable future. The Australian gas market The natural gas market in Australia has developed rapidly over the last 30 years. The largest producing basins are Gippsland (Victoria), CooperEromanga (South Australia), and North West Shelf (Western Australia). Each of these basins is relatively mature. Production from Gippsland and CooperEromanga (approximately 20% and 18% respectively of total production in 2000-01) has been relatively stable over the last 20 years increasing by 11.9% (5,636Mm3 to 6,304Mm3) and 6.1% (5,435Mm3 to 5,764Mm3) respectively. The largest field, the North West Shelf (approximately 50% of total production in 2000-01), has seen production increase more than threefold from 3,905Mm 3 to 16,042Mm3, over the same period. Growth in production from the North West Shelf has been largely driven by a substantial expansion in exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Over the same period, several smaller basins have contributed to gas supply with Adavale (adjacent to the Cooper Basin), Amadeus (Northern Territory), other fields within the Carnarvon Basin (WA), and Otway Basin (Victoria), contributing increasing volumes. In addition, the small fields of Patricia/Baleen (Gippsland Basin) and Yolla (Bass Basin) are close to production. Increased production of natural gas and availability through the exploitation of reserves within or close to a greater number of states has promoted increased natural gas consumption across Australia. Since 1980-81, total consumption has increased significantly in WA (by a factor of 8), Queensland (by a factor of around 4) and, to a slightly lesser extent, in NSW (by a factor of 1.3). Not surprisingly, the more established gas markets of Victoria and South Australia, where natural gas has been available for a much longer period, do not exhibit the same level of growth over the period. 6 According to projections compiled by ABARE (2001), natural gas consumption is projected to continue to increase as a component of final energy consumption and primary energy consumption. ABARE (p. 25) comments that: Between 1998-99 and 2019-20, the consumption of natural gas in end use sectors is estimated to increase on average by 3 per cent per year. With regard to primary energy consumption (figure 2.1), ABARE (p. 43) observes that: In 1998-99, coal accounted for 41 per cent of Australia’s primary energy consumption. Over the outlook period, however, coal’s dominance is expected to be eroded, with each of the other major primary fuels – oil, natural gas and renewables – set to grow, on average, at rates considerably faster than that forecast for coal. The fastest mover is set to be natural gas (excluding wind and biogas, which are both growing from a small base), with annual average growth projected at 3.4 per cent a year over the projection period. At this rate, natural gas’s share of total primary energy consumption is forecast to increase from 18 per cent in 1998-99 to almost 24 per cent by 2019-20, largely at the expense of coal. Figure 2.1: Contribution to primary energy consumption to 2020, Australia – selected years (petajoules (PJ)) 1.00 0.90 Wind energy 0.80 Solar energy 0.70 Hydroelectricity 0.60 Biogas 0.50 Biomass 0.40 Natural gas 0.30 Oil Brown coal 0.20 Black coal 0.10 0.00 1998- 1999- 2002- 2004- 2007- 2009- 2012- 2014- 2017- 201999 00 03 05 08 10 13 15 18 20 Data source: ABARE (2001; Table G, p. 99). Analysis of ABARE’s data on a state basis indicates strong growth in natural gas consumption within all states. Over the period to 2019-20, natural gas consumption is projected to increase by: 7 76.2% in NSW; 82.9% in Victoria; 195.7% in Queensland; 111.5% in WA; 81.7% in SA; 71.3% in the Northern Territory; and 103.6% in Australia overall. In addition to natural gas contributing an increasing proportion of total primary energy consumption, ABARE’s projections indicate that natural gas will become more significant as an energy source for the electricity generation sector. In 1999-00, natural gas comprised around 10% (212.3 petajoules) of primary energy consumption for electricity generation. This is projected to grow slightly to 11% (269.2 petajoules) by 2009-2010, and to 16% (452.1 petajoules) by 2019-20. Although the growth rates for Australia may appear high, they are consistent with the growth rates compiled by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) for other similarly developed economies (see Figure 2.2). Australasia includes Australia, New Zealand, and some US Territories. Australasian natural gas consumption is projected to increase on average by 2.3% compared with the United States at 2.1%, and the United Kingdom at 2.5%. 8 Figure 2.2: Projected annual average percent change in natural gas consumption, 1999-2020 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Total Industrialized Australasia Japan Other Western Europe Netherlands Italy Germany France United Kingdom Mexico Canada United States Data source: EIA (2002; p. 184). The data indicate that natural gas has grown from a relatively minor source of energy in Australia to a significant energy source in terms of direct energy inputs, and as a source of energy for electricity generation. This growth has occurred over a reasonably short period of time and is expected to continue into the future. An important factor in the development of natural gas over the last 10 years, and the continued development into the future, is that the relatively closed state-based or regional markets have become more open and integrated through the construction of major transmission pipelines (see Table 2.1). Proposed transmission pipelines are expected to contribute to further integration of markets, and competition within and between markets. 9 Table 2.1: Gas pipelines – assumed capacities in 2002 Pipelines Existing major transmission pipelines Moomba (Cooper) to Young Young to Sydney Interconnect (north/south) Moomba (cooper) to Adelaide Port Campbell (Otway) to Melbourne Longford (Gippsland) to Melbourne Longford (Gippsland) to Sydney Moomba (Cooper) to Ballera/Mt Isa Wallumbilla (Bowen-Surat) to Brisbane Palm Valley (Amadeus) to Darwin Longford (Gippsland) to Tasmania Dampier (Carnarvon) to Bunbury Capacity (PJ per year) Proposed major transmission pipelines Port Campbell (Otway) to Adelaide Bayu Undan (Timor Sea) to Darwin Darwin to Mt Isa/Moomba Mt Isa to Townsville/Gladstone Papua New Guinea to Brisbane 152 152 19/8 120 95 420 65 50 38 30 50 200 125 250 200 100 300 Source: Adapted from ABARE (2002; p. 19) and industry announcements. The South Eastern Australian gas market The South Eastern Australian gas market comprises New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia and, very recently, Tasmania. Each is relatively mature with natural gas being a major energy source for over 30 years. These markets are served by mature gas fields, to which specific attention has been drawn in the comments made on joint marketing compared with separate marketing. Figure 2.3 shows the contribution to total energy consumption for the South Eastern states for 1998-99 and 1999-00 and projected contributions for various years up to 2019-2020 derived from ABARE (2001). From 1999-2000 to 201920, natural gas is projected to increase its share from 15% to 20%. Both black and brown coal are projected to decline in significance. Natural gas is projected to increase its share from: 10% to 12% in NSW; 17% to 23% in Victoria; and 36% to 42% in South Australia. 10 The relatively low market share in NSW is largely the result of the plentiful supply of high quality black coal. Despite this the NSW Government has spoken of future power-stations in NSW being gas fired.2 Nevertheless the growing share in all markets accompanied with strong investment in exploration for and development of gas fields is inconsistent with a picture of an industry seeking to drive up prices by limiting supply. Figure 2.3: Contribution to total energy consumption (actual and projected) – New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia 1.00 0.90 Wind energy 0.80 Solar energy 0.70 Hydroelectricity 0.60 Biogas 0.50 Biomass 0.40 Natural gas 0.30 Oil Brown coal 0.20 Black coal 0.10 0.00 1998-99 1999-00 2004-05 2009-10 2014-15 2019-20 Data source: ABARE (2001; Table E2, pp.91-93) The data reflect a strong market for gas that is expected to continue to grow with expanded sources of supply due to increased integration of markets. Collins and Powell (2002; p. 29) summarise the changes in the Victorian market (the major South Eastern states market) as follows: The Victorian gas industry has changed considerably since the introduction of reform … in 1995. The market has evolved from an upstream monopoly (Esso/BHP Billiton) dealing with a government owned downstream monopoly (Gascor) limited to Victoria, to a disaggregated, privatised and nationally interconnected market with a large number of participants. The picture now is that of competition, with many opportunities for new players to participate in the market. Esso/BHP Billiton is still the dominant producer, however it is expected 2 NSW Premier Bob Carr, ABC Television Lateline, Monday 16 September 2002 11 that within the next five years there will be an additional six gas producers and the wholesale market will be fully developed. Further: Gas can be bought and sold from various sources in the system. Traders can buy and sell gas from other market participants and producers, through either commercial contracts or through the wholesale gas market (the “spot market”).3 The introduction of increased competition is continuing (Collins and Powell p. 35): The market is currently being opened up for competition, allowing customers to choose their gas retailer. Contestability was first introduced to larger customers, and has been progressively introduced to smaller customers (p. 35). 4 The timetable for customer contestability in Victoria is shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Victorian gas contestability timetable Tranche Date Customer load 1 2 3 More than 500,000 100,000 to 499,999 10,000 to 99,999 5,000 to 9,999 Less than 5,000 4 1 September 1998 1 September 1999 1 September 2000 1 September 2001 October 2002 Number of customers (% of total load) 35 (25%) 110 (13%) 600 (10%) 600 (2%) 1,400,000 (50%) Source: Collins and Powel (2002; p. 36) From 2009, the date of expiry of the final Esso/BHP Billiton contract with Gascor, the South Eastern Australian market, and particularly the Victorian market, is likely to be served by a larger number of producers with more extensive interconnections between different sources of gas supply. This is expected to create a more open and competitive market that, based on 3 Note however that the derivatives market, which contributes to liquidity is still immature. In this regard we draw attention to the comments in ExxonMobil’s original submission to the Energy Markets Review (2002: 2). 4 A … provision of the SPL limits "significant producer" retail sales to customer sites using more than 500 TJ per annum (largest 35 industrials in Victoria). Through this provision, smaller customers are denied the choice to purchase gas directly from significant producers. The SPL restricts competition in the Victorian gas market, and is contrary to the principles of the National Competition Policy. 12 ABARE’s projections, will continue to grow strongly displacing other energy sources. In this context, natural gas is part of a much wider market for energy. Unlike many commodities – particularly its customer and competitor – electricity – gas has close substitutes in consumption in virtually all its uses whether the user is industry, electricity of the final consumer. Moreover particularly in Victoria and NSW it is competing directly and indirectly against very low cost coal generated electricity. Consequently, the competitiveness of natural gas should be substantially judged against the extent to which it has and is expected to continue to displace other energy sources, both as a direct energy input and as an input into electricity generation. The evidence is that: there has been substantial exploration and development of gas fields; gas production has grown strongly over the last 20 to 30 years; gas consumption within Australia has grown strongly over the same period; gas has effectively displaced substantial volumes of other energy inputs and this is expected to continue, and upstream gas markets are becoming increasingly competitive with integration of producing regions and markets. Simply considering these facts in the market and quite apart from the theoretical arguments central to this submission, it is difficult to sustain an argument that there has been any substantial impairment of the operation of the market resulting from JVPs marketing jointly rather than separately. Deeper and more liquid markets In support of the contention that separate marketing is to be preferred to joint marketing, the existence of separate marketing in other regions, particularly the United States, is often cited as a reason of itself for requiring separate marketing. No discussion is provided of the evolution of marketing in these other regions, nor is any analytical substantiation given as to why the existence of separate marketing elsewhere is sufficient evidence of more competitive markets. Further when making comparisons with the United States it is important to realise that in the United States: 13 Producers include firms that explore for new gas resources and expand production from known reserves. The market for wellhead natural gas purchases is unregulated; that is, producers may negotiate prices and delivery terms with consumers or with other firms, such as marketers and LDCs5, for the sale of their products. (EIA, 2001b; p. 2) Providing sources of demand and supply are substantial and various enough, and policy settings and physical infrastructure (pipelines) enable the appropriate market institutions to develop, national gas markets deepen and gain liquidity and move naturally from ‘project’ or ‘contract’ supply to ‘commodity supply’. It is argued below that this is an organic or ‘self-organising’ and cumulatively causative process which policy makers should strive to facilitate, but which they seek to force at their peril (see Section 5). It is notable that even in the deepest and most liquid markets longer-term contracts will always remain a critical part of a market. Where major fixed investment is involved, risks are shared down the production chain through long-term contracts where both security of supply and price are more stable than on the short-term ‘spot’ market. The same kind of thing occurs not only in similar industries – like electricity, but also in very different markets. For instance in the market for credit, fixed investment will often be underwritten with fixed term and fixed interest rate loans. As in the case of the buyers of credit, buyers of gas typically pay more for a fixed term contract in a deep and liquid market. In Europe the long-term contract price is around 5 per cent above the short-term contract price. As indicated elsewhere in this submission, producers have a preference for separate marketing as they each have different marketing strategies, niches and networks. They refrain from separate marketing where the advantages to them of separate marketing are constrained by the logistical, customer aggregation and risk management tasks of production within a field. It is no surprise that the things which are necessary to ensure that separate marketing does not generate more costs than benefits are those things which describe a deep and liquid market. They include: 1. Multiple buyers and sellers of gas; 2. Means of dealing with divergence between the amount the JVPs are entitled to take from the JV in production and the amount they are able to successfully market. These means can come from a combination of the following: 5 LDC - Local distribution company 14 Liberal balancing, borrowing and banking arrangements between JV co-venturers; Low cost means of storing gas within the JV or outside it; A well developed and deep and liquid ‘spot market’ into which surplus gas can be sold at not too great a discount.6 In this context the differences between the Australian market and those markets to which it is being compared are manifest. In contrast to the producers in Australia, the American market is hugely competitive in production. Thus of all the gas produced by the top twenty producers, only one producer has a share of over 12% - BP at 15.2% (see table 2.3). There are many small and very small producers such that the market share of the top twenty producers is just 58% and the market share of the top fifty producers is still shy of 75% (EIA, 2001a, see Table B3). Table 2.3: Top gas producers in the United States Company name BP ExxonMobil Anadarko Royal Dutch/Shell Chevron El Paso Energy Burlington Resources Texaco Unocal Devon Phillips EOG Resources Conoco USX-Marathon Occidental Apache Amerada Hess Kerr McGee Ocean Energy Louis Dreyfus Production Q2 Share of top 2001 (million prodn of top cfd) twenty 3,550 15.2% 2,580 11.1% 1,651 7.1% 1,604 6.9% 1,529 6.6% 1,501 6.4% 1,314 5.6% 1,237 5.3% 1,047 4.5% 997 4.3% 884 3.8% 867 3.7% 831 3.6% 774 3.3% 607 2.6% 605 2.6% 474 2.0% 459 2.0% 444 1.9% 325 1.4% Source: Gas Daily, August 17 2001 See the North West Shelf co-venturers’ supplementary submission to the ACCC regarding authorisation of JM, 17 March 1998, para 3.4(a) for a similar, though not identical list. 6 15 These producers have access to a vast pipeline network consisting of nearly 2.5 million kilometres of piping across the USA. Gas also enters the US pipeline grid through Canada and Mexico. Map 2.1: U.S. natural gas pipeline network Source: US Department of Energy at Furthermore, when compared with the United States market, the Australian market is very small (see Figure 2.4). Consumption for Australasia (includes New Zealand and some Pacific Islands) is 1.0 trillion cubic feet compared with 21.7 trillion cubic feet for the United States. 16 Figure 2.4: Consumption of Natural Gas by Region, Industrialized Countries, 1999 T rillion cubic feet 25 20 15 10 5 0 Australasia Japan Other Western Europe Netherlands Italy Germany France United Kingdom Mexico Canada United States Source: EIA (2002; p. 184) The United Kingdom has much more concentrated production and marketing, but nevertheless has a much deeper and more liquid market (3.3 trillion cubic feet in 1999) than Australia with five major marketers (see table 2.4). Table 2.4: Major natural gas marketers in the United Kingdom Estimated Sales in Wholesale Market Producer/wholesaler Exxon-Mobil BP Centrica Shell Total/Fina/Elf % 25.5% 25.5% 20.4% 18.1% 10.5% (Energy Intensive Users Group, 2002, p. 3) Again, these producers are connected to consumers – including European consumers – through an elaborate network of on and offshore pipelines. More than 30% of total UK gas sales are traded through the daily and monthly spot markets with a price spread of greater than $4.50/GJ since the beginning of 17 2000. In contrast, South Eastern Australia's only spot gas market (Victoria) currently accounts for less than 4% of gas sales with a corresponding price spread of around $0.30/GJ over the same period with the exception of a single event in the Victorian market in July 2002. Map 2.2: Natural gas pipeline network - United Kingdom on and offshore connections Source: Another important factor that distinguishes the Australian market from those of the United States and the United Kingdom, is the numbers of significant customers. In the United States there are around 4.5 million commercial customers and 40,000 industrial customers, along with 500 electric utilities (EIA, 2000; ppt slide). In the United Kingdom, there are about 381,000 nondomestic customers (Eurogas, 2001). By contrast, in Australia there are only 1,940 commercial and industrial customers (AGA, 2002). This is a clear 18 illustration of the difference in market depth and liquidity between Australia and other markets with which it is frequently compared. 3 The economics of gas discovery and production In the sense in which it appears in economic textbooks, the assets from which gas is produced by production co-ventures enjoy a degree of market power. In the same way that a pharmaceutical company will invest in research and development in order to develop a patent, resource companies invest in exploration to generate economic rents from the resources they discover and exploit. Exploration is a highly competitive global business, with resources companies spending hundreds of billions of dollars on exploration and much more again on development of discovered fields. But considered after the investment on exploration has succeeded, the company has an asset to which attaches economic rent – indeed the prospect of rent is the essence of the incentive to explore and develop. Investment in resource discovery and development takes place within a competitive global market where countries fight fiercely to attract scarce capital and resource investment. Australia must strive not just to maximise the efficiency with which it uses the resources that are discovered and developed, it should also seek to facilitate competition between existing producers and new entrants. But it must do so in a way that fosters continuing investment in exploration and development. This makes long-term stability, predictability of rules and rewards for discovery and development of natural resources paramount – and the context within which competition policy should vigorously pursue its goals. It is these thoughts that lie behind Juris’ observations about the capacity for new entry to stimulate competition – quoted at the beginning of this submission. 4 The Economics of project supply Wherever the means of getting gas to market are not well developed, natural gas supply will generally commence with a major project. Major projects almost always require the equity participation of one of the global petroleum ‘majors’. With appropriate policy settings the market may deepen and gain liquidity over time and make the transition from ‘project supply’ towards ‘commodity supply’. In project supply, production and consumption mirror each other in large discrete increments. The myriad technical and other risks, and the degree of fixed costs involved together with the difficulty of transporting gas, explains the way in which gas markets commence and how they evolve and deepen and gain liquidity over time. In the absence of a well developed pipeline grid and the 19 institutional infrastructure necessary for liquid markets to develop, substantial gas supplies can only be brought to market with a chain of long-term take or pay contracts. These lock in all the players along the supply chain – typically customers, reticulators, transmitters and producers. Often there is equity sharing between these parties in the supply chain (reticulators and transmitters are often the same), and often one or more is owned by the state. In a mature, deep and liquid market there are multiple large producers with adequate pipeline capacity to connect them to many independent consumers. In this scenario consumers have many options as to which producers they purchase from and producers can market to many different consumers. Why gases are different? The reason gas markets take longer to ‘mature’ from project to commodity supply – and the reason some become deeper and more liquid than others is ultimately a result of the greater cost of storing gas and transporting it from producers to consumers. Other hydrocarbon fuels7 are readily stored and transported as liquids. Accordingly upon production they can be readily transported by truck, rail and ship to any part of the world. And the ready capacity to transport them enables pricing to converge rapidly to world benchmarks net of transport costs.8 Considerable costs are incurred to convert natural gas into liquid form, and when it is, transport vehicles are expensive special purpose vehicles. Accordingly if the expense of liquefaction is to be avoided, gas producers must be connected to their customers by pipelines. The institutions of deep markets are self organising systems It follows from what has been said that the potential depth and liquidity of a market are a function of the following factors: Size of and distance from each other of major consumption nodes – and more generally population density; Methane (CH4) is the primary ingredient of Natural Gas. Ethane (C2H6) which is a minor constituent of natural gas is a principal feedstock to the plastics industry. Longer alkanes (CnH2n+2) are either liquids (eg pentane and hexane) at natural pressures, or relatively easily converted into liquids for storage and transportation (such as butane and propane). 7 8 If prices were not at this point, easy profits could be made by arbitraging these margins. 20 Geology – the proximity of gas production and potential gas production to consumption.;9 Institutions – properly managed deregulation allows a market to develop History – where it has been necessary to award large acreages to stimulate gas exploration and development, and/or where gas fields exhibit production interdependencies, gas fields may be unitised or otherwise jointly developed over a large area. There is another sense in which history is crucial. Many of the institutions of liquidity have the characteristics of a self-organising system. There is a degree of circularity – or through time cumulative causation – in their establishment. Even in the most propitious of circumstances, a deep and liquid market will take time to develop as producers and consumers learn to trust the competitiveness and the predictability of the physical and institutional infrastructure which makes up the market in gas. And buyers and sellers will participate more in a spot market where the liquidity it offers provides a degree of security that can substitute for the security of long-term contracts. As liquidity and size grows, so too does the attractiveness of the spot market pool to aggregators and other traders, insurers and those providing derivative financial products based upon pool prices. And the ‘spreads’ between buyers and sellers of physical and derivatives contracts also narrows. In turn, this enhances the security and flexibility with which the pool can be used, and so attracts more participants. Because this is a self-organising, cumulatively caused system and it is strongly efficiency enhancing, it is important that policy does everything it can to facilitate its emergence and strengthening. It is of course conceivable that policy could move beyond this point – that forcing the emergence of the institutions of liquidity could enhance economic welfare. Thus for example, it would be possible for regulation to prohibit more than a certain proportion of gas from being sold and bought in long-term contracts. It is conceivable that, by forcing buyers and sellers into the pool greater liquidity would be generated. But unless such a move were modest and embraced widely within the industry, it seems highly likely to do more harm than good with any gains offset by losses. Losses could be expected to arise whenever participants in the supply chain took their demand and supply of gas or at least some portion of it elsewhere – into other industries – or other countries. As noted in Section 2, Remembering that gas discovery and production is often a byproduct of exploration for and production of liquid hydrocarbons. 9 21 even in the deepest, most liquid national gas market in the world, United States major projects do not proceed without long-term contracts in place. In a number of respects the Australian market has disadvantages in achieving the level of market depth and liquidity that has already developed in the United States and that will develop in Europe over time in the wake of the European gas directive. It has a land mass roughly the size of the United States or of Europe, with less than a tenth of the population. Most of the largest gains from deeper, more competitive and liquid markets are being made in Australia, but realism should temper expectations. Limited by the size of its population, Australia will never have a spot market in gas of the depth and liquidity of the spot market in the United States. A deep and liquid market enables producers to rely on the fact that there are always many consumers available and so if it is produced, gas can be sold. Concomitantly, consumers of gas can have confidence that they will always be able to purchase gas from a producer. Though producers and consumers may choose to write long-term take or pay contracts with each other, they are also aided by a deep and liquid ‘spot market’ into which surplus gas can be sold and from which it can be purchased in the short-term. The spot market is also useful as a signal to producers and consumers of gas of the balance between demand and supply in the market – the current marginal cost of production and consumption. 5 Risking, financing, co-ordinating and sharing production As has been observed, even in the deepest of markets, major production development decisions are not made – either for greenfields or even major expansions of production in developed basins – without long-term lock in of customers. That is, major developments in the industry are underwritten by ‘project’ or ‘contract’ supply not ‘commodity’ supply. If this is a strong preference for producers in such markets, in more shallow markets it is a necessity. The co-ordination of production and consumption that is the essence of ‘project supply’ is a major exercise to which critical attention must be given for it underpins the economics of the industry. A great many things must happen in a co-ordinated way as the supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. For a new development: gas supplies must be discovered and proved up; production facilities must be accessed or established, and pipelines must be built for transmission of the gas to existing infrastructure. 22 Each of these exercises is highly complex in itself. Each requires co-ordination with government agencies and government approvals. In a shallow market (and often even in deep and highly liquid markets), risks can only be kept within reasonable bounds if gas customers are aggregated to meet in advance the costs and risks of the venture. With a greenfields development negotiations to aggregate and contract sufficient gas consumers can take five years or sometimes (as in the case of the Papua New Guinea fields) over ten years. Joint ventures are a critical means of sharing risk Despite the enormous size of the companies that underwrite petroleum exploration, it is remarkable the extent to which they involve themselves in highly complex joint ventures involving complex legal arrangements specifying the parties’ respective rights and responsibilities. Joint venture agreements – frequently running for several hundred pages – are very expensive not just in terms of the legal arrangements that must be established, and from time to time arbitrated and litigated. They involve high levels of expense because they diffuse the source of authority within the management of the joint venture.10 These agreements are then developed as the gas field is developed with equity shares and sometimes rights and responsibilities evolving with the venture. The remarkable complexity and expense of this behaviour and the constraints it imposes on co-venturers – underlines the lengths to which they will go to manage risk. The conclusion must be that efficient risk management is inherent to the economics of gas supply. Risk and the management and optimal depletion of mature fields It is axiomatic that discovery of resources involves high levels of technical and financial risk – particularly discovery. Given this, it is critical that policy decisions after the initial investment remain within the bounds that the original investors could reasonably anticipate. The Gippsland Basin JVP has sunk of the order of $16 billion of investment into the Gippsland Basin/Bass Strait oil and gas project with long time horizons necessary to justify the investment. The investment was predicated on policy continuing to be stable and prudent for many years to come. One party is usually appointed ‘operator’ of the joint venture but other equity owners must supervise their equity, which duplicates costs, and creates the possibility for dissension within the joint venture and conflicts of interest between the co-venturers. Joint venture agreements are usually drawn up very early in the development stage. They typically include decision making processes and threshold tests that bind the co-ventures for the life of the field. Subsequent and much later diverging views on market opportunities are bounded by the original JV operating agreement. 10 23 Further substantial risk taking and the need for careful technical optimisation do not end with discovery. In particular it is crucial for effective competition within the gas market that the JVP faces incentives to develop the basin in a way that is consistent with optimising costs and production from its resource. At the same time the joint venture in production is being established or extended into new fields, customers must be locked in to underwrite the continuing investment involved. The period of five or sometimes more than ten years was mentioned earlier concerning major greenfields expansions. Even with a preexisting field, a large new contract involves a massive exercise in aligning logistical, legal, financial and technical needs of producers, sub-contractors and consumers of gas. Each requires a variety of permits from government authorities. The whole process – summarised in the diagram below, takes around two years to complete and only one in four such negotiations are concluded successfully. Figure 5.1: Steps in securing a major gas development Competing Sales Opportunities Corporate Capital & Development Resources Competing Projects Business Diversity Corporate Capital & Development Resources Capacity Competing Projects Gas Supply Forecast Power Generation Capacity Gap Gas Transport Developer Electricity Transmission Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Host Site/ Operator Corporate Capital & Development Resources Competing Projects Competing Electricity Supply Offers Corporate Capital & Development Resources Business Diversity Competing Projects Business Diversity In addition, co-ordination and technical optimisation problems abound. Development and production must be optimised and coordinated between fields each having distinct characteristics in terms of: The capital cost of proving up and producing – depending on depth of gas, location, distance from established production facilities; 24 The quality and mix of the raw hydrocarbons and other substances produced by the field; and The amount of gas available and the proportion expected to be recovered. And the resource depletion of each field – and the fields within the JVP jointly – must be technically optimised. Wells must be depleted consistent with customer supply requirements. None of the characteristics of a well will be known perfectly in advance and some will involve relatively high levels of risk both before production is commenced, and even after this point. Rates of depletion will be subject to wells’ technical optimal depletion rates. In the case of water driven fields, lifting gas too quickly can reduce the amount of gas which migrates from throughout the field to the well-base. Conversely, lifting gas too slowly can lead to water rise overtaking gas rise. The amount of gas being drawn from two sub-fields may be interdependent and require joint optimisation. In addition, different fields may produce different mixes which must be managed through the feeder pipelines and within the processing plant. In considering the rate of depletion, technical optimisation of the depletion program will typically have substantially greater impact on the value of the resource to ExxonMobil than any value optimisation related to scarcity rent. The following diagram illustrates the economics of exploiting three fields within a basin as a highly simplified stylisation of the problems of managing the exploitation of a mature basin. The optimisation problem is which field to develop when. The first option – to develop field one – requires little capital investment and generates gas at relatively high marginal costs from existing wells. The second option involves significant capital expenditure on a new field, but relatively low quality and quantity of gas compared with the most capitalintensive option – the development of field three. Yet, assuming that the market can absorb an amount of gas in excess of Q2 the optimal choice is to develop field three first. 25 Figure 5.2: Average costs of gas from different fields Unit Cost Field One Field Two Field Three C1 C2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Consideration of these hypothetical developments illustrates the importance of JVP in spreading risk, aggregating demand and obtaining sufficient capital so as to enable optimal development. For instance, if marketing were truly separate and rivalrous, marketers would not share information about the market or coordinate their offerings to the market. Yet the essence of efficient marketing in this shallow market is to match buyers with production possibilities at the wellhead and these cannot be efficiently or effectively determined except in the aggregate. The optimal resource development is a mapping of consumption possibilities across the market with production possibilities across the field. With so much to co-ordinate, so much investment relying on reducing the level of risk and uncertainty to a tolerable level, it seems likely that, if co-venturers were forced to market their gas separately the level of uncertainty would rise appreciably. The result would be the development of sub-optimal fields, higher costs, and so prices from the JVP to the separate marketers. This would also lower gas demand and supply. Given the massive fixed costs in transmission and reticulation the unit cost of these services is also likely to increase if they carry lower gas volumes. Balancing agreements This sub-section explores the coordination tasks within a mature JVP managing a basin with the geology of the kind that is found in the Gippsland basin JV is managing. We explore first the way in which general balancing agreements work within JVPs to enable the co-venturers greater flexibility in the take-off of 26 the gas. We explain these features, firstly, with regard to the more normal ‘expansion or depletion driven’ wells, and then explain how they might differ in the case of ‘water driven’ wells such as those produced by the Gippsland Basin JVP. In an expansion drive well, it is the pressure of the gas trapped between layers of rock that drives production. Production commences at maximum flow before gradually falling as gas expands up the well into production and there is a commensurate fall in pressure. For the sake of exposition assume there are two JV parties each with 50% shares in the JVP – as is the case at hand. Once the well is in production, the JVP will have a preliminary view about how much gas it will eventually produce. This view becomes better informed over time as the process of removing the gas generates information about the gas reserve itself. In the absence of a balancing agreement, each partner owns 50% of the volume of the gas as it is withdrawn. Where it is viable to market separately, balancing agreements allow the shareholders in JVPs to draw off the gas to which they are entitled at differential rates. This is always subject to strong safeguards that total take off from the well will match equity shares by the time the production has been depleted. In addition, the costs associated with extensions to field life are borne by those co-venturers who cause the extension. The fact that production must ultimately balance with equity shares implies that any imbalances in take-off shares along the way must be balanced by equal and wholly offsetting imbalances by the time a well is depleted. Typically a balancing agreement will have three stages. In the first and/or second stage the balancing agreement will allow production to proceed at a rate which satisfies both the technical needs of optimal resource depletion and the needs of the partner wishing to take the most gas – subject to some cap. Thus where coventurers are 50/50 a partner may not be able to exceed their own expected share – of 50%, but the other partner may take off less than their share (effectively reducing the rate of take-off). Alternatively the balancing agreement may permit one partner to take off more than their share – say 60% of the gas produced at the optimal depletion schedule with the other partner receiving 40%. Either way, in the next phase of the balancing agreement, the shares will be reversing – to contribute to the balancing of the shares over the life of the field. In the final phase of the development there is typically no flexibility and relatively limited production as shares need to be kept in close alignment with whatever share is required to deliver balance over the life of the well. The phases are illustrated in an indicative way in the figure below, with the unbroken 27 line representing gas production and the broken line representing the degree of knowledge about total production from the well. Knowledge of well Rate of production Figure 5.3: Production and phases of a balancing agreement in an expansion driven well Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Time From this description it will be clear that the balancing agreement is no panacea enabling the co-venturers in a JVP to somehow break free from the entitlement and liquidity constraints of the JVP. Not only is the scope for moving away from one’s entitlement relatively constrained in the short-term. It must also be made up over the medium term. It is hard to see much competition between equity co-venturers in a JVP based on balancing agreements. Firstly, one must be agreed in advance within a JVP. Secondly to the extent that they permit deviations in take-off from the JVP, equity shares mean that the over-lifting partner(s) is in effect borrowing the gas from the under-lifting partner(s). This comes with the associated obligation to pay it back within the medium term and so to give up the market share just won. Water driven fields are harder to balance Balancing within a water driven field is generally more difficult than balancing within an expansion driven field. In an expansion driven field, the balancing of imbalances is typically done as production and pressure fall gradually towards the end of a gas well’s life. With a water driven field, this process is dramatically foreshortened. In Bass Strait water is present in many fields and, as hydrocarbons are extracted from them, rising water maintains the pressure and provides lift for the gas. 28 Providing it is consistent with technically optimising depletion, this can be useful for the producer as it provides more consistent pressure to maintain lift for the gas. However, there are two difficulties with water driven fields. The first is the need to manage the presence of the water, which can add to cost. More critical from the perspective of the issue at hand is that total production from water driven fields is less predictable. The pressure of the gas is an important signal of gas volume but this is masked by water pressure in water driven wells. Because water pressure remains high for much longer, it is more difficult to coordinate and time the exhaustion of one field with commencement of production from another. Thus balancing production from a well is more difficult as near certainty about the total production of the well is achieved much closer to the exhaustion of the well. Rate of production Knowledge of well Figure 5.4: Production and phases of a balancing agreement in a water driven well Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Time Thus water driven field balancing agreements allow much shorter time periods where equity holders production offtake rates can deviate from equity shares. Production offtakes must be re-established at the end of Phase 1 as the duration of Phase 2 can be unpredictable. 29 6 The economics of depletable resources Any market power available to producers acting jointly is inherent in the exploration and production leases they collectively control. It is exercised when the pricing, extent and/or other terms of gas supply are determined, for the duration of the supply contract. It can be exercised by joint venturers marketing jointly and so collectively determining the price and/or quantity of gas they are prepared to sell. However joint producers can still exercise whatever market power is inherent in their leases even when marketing separately. They can do so by determining the quantity and terms on which gas is made available for (separate) marketing. Industry Commission, 1995, p.126 Overview of the economics of the exploitation of depletable (nonrenewable or exhaustible) resources The existence of market power is central to this submission. Yet it is frequently misunderstood. It is misunderstood for several reasons. Firstly, as has been argued above, the existence of economic rents is of the essence of any kind of speculative investment, whether it be to develop a patentable technology, or to discover natural resources. What looks like monopoly after the event, nevertheless was a fully competitive process before the original speculative investment took place. According to the ‘neoclassical’ economic textbook, the resulting outcome with patentable technology is ‘second best’. This is because, once the technology has been developed it is ‘optimal’ to sell it at its marginal cost of reproduction. As we will see below, there is an analogy with depletable resources. But it is only a limited analogy. The recognition of the depletability of resources provides important insights for the analysis of joint marketing (JM) compared with separate marketing (SM) by equity holders in joint venture producers (JVPs). That is, the perception that there is some market power associated with ownership of a depletable resource is correct (as reflected in the assertion by the Industry Commission cited above). But unlike the case with patentable technology, an economic rent attaches to the resource because of its natural scarcity – not because its developer must recover its investment (and its investment in other unsuccessful ventures). The following discussion is concerned with the key results from an economic analysis of the optimal depletion path of a depletable resource given different market structures. Detailed derivation of these results is provided in Appendix One. 30 The basic attribute of a depletable resource is that every unit extracted and sold today reduces the amount available to be extracted and sold tomorrow. 11 The starting point for the economic analysis of depletable resources is what has become known as Hotelling’s rule (Hotelling, 1931). This rule states that: For a firm to be indifferent between extracting the resource in the current period and a future period the price must rise at the discount rate (Hanley, Shogren and White, 1997; p. 229). The intuition of this result can be easily understood on the basis that the amount received in the current period can be invested at the prevailing interest rate, r such that it will be worth more in future periods. As stated by Perman, Ma and Mcgilvray (1996; p.143): If a resource is to be optimally extracted, the Hotelling rule continues to be a necessary condition for this. … the Hotelling rule is an efficiency condition which must be satisfied by any optimal extraction program. The Hotelling rule means that there will be associated with any depletable resource, an economic cost over and above the cost of provision. This amount is variously referred to as the opportunity cost, user cost, royalty, rent, net price or marginal profit. The existence of the scarcity rent is independent of the competitiveness of markets; that is, existence has nothing to do with market structure per se. The implications of different market structures Different market structures have different implications for the optimal depletion path of a depletable resource. The market structures considered are perfect competition and monopoly because, as polar cases, they emphasise the key variables that influence the outcomes and the differences in outcomes. The analysis in Appendix One follows that presented in Conrad and Clark (1987). Determination of the optimal depletion path under both perfect competition and monopoly depends on two key variables – the market rate of interest r, and the amount of resource available to be exploited, R. For the competitive firm, 11 This is expressed as follows in BIE (1993; p. 41): The idea that it is desirable for a natural resource (exhaustible or renewable) to be managed with regard to its reproducibility characteristics, is based on the theory of the optimal rate of depletion of natural resource stocks. The theory addresses the problem of allocating resource use across time. With regard to exhaustible resources, the theory identifies the optimal conservation level by determining how much should be consumed now, and how much used in future periods in order to maximise the net social benefit to society over time. This is referred to as an intertemporal allocation problem. 31 returns are maximised by following Hotelling’s rule – the resource will be exploited at a rate that allows the price to increase at the market rate of interest (equivalent to the scarcity rent). Because the monopolist maximises profit by focussing on marginal revenue, the monopolist will exploit the resource at a rate that permits marginal revenue to increase at the market rate of interest. In respect of a competitive market structure, Conrad and Clark (1987; p. 121) observe that: [T]he competitive industry initially exploits the resource at a higher rate, and also ultimately exhausts the resource more rapidly than the monopolist. This is not very surprising – the monopolist restricts production so as to maintain a higher price level. They further note that: In the simple model … the competitive extraction path is also socially optimal (in the usual sense), and the monopolistic path is dynamically inefficient in the sense that current generations could more than compensate future generations for an increase in current (near term) extraction and a reduction in social welfare. (p. 122) This is the analogy with the patent example provided above. A firm with market power ex post can emerge from a market that ex ante was vigorously competitive. Thus any economic rent enjoyed by the JVP is properly seen as the reward which was the incentive for it to explore and develop its exploration and production leases in the first place. Such an outcome may be ‘second best’ but, as the ‘theory of the second best’ tells us, the alternative ‘first best’ solution is not attainable. If we did not respect the property rights of the discoverers and developers of natural resources we would not have more national resources at a lower price – we would have fewer resources and so higher prices. In this context it should be noted that royalties and taxes are imposed on the production of gas. In the case of ExxonMobil, royalties apply to production from the Gippsland Basin, and Petroleum Resource Rent Tax is levied at the rate of 40% of revenue after deductions for capital and operating expenditures. This means that society is sharing at least some of the scarcity rent, thereby reducing the rent that accrues to producers. It is possible that this fact is overlooked by other parties, and leads to an exaggerated perception of the amount of the rents that accrue to producers. Importantly, as concluded by Perman, Ma and McGilvray (1996; p. 159): [A] royalty tax or subsidy is neutral in its effect on the optimal extraction path. However, a tax may discourage (or a subsidy encourage) the 32 exploration effort for new mineral deposits by reducing (increasing) the expected pay-off from discovering new deposits. Conrad and Clark (pp.123-124) relax the assumption of zero extraction costs and demonstrate that, for a well behaved cost function, the competitive outcome shows that price net of marginal cost rises at the rate of interest. By comparison, for the monopoly the corresponding condition implies that marginal revenue net of marginal cost is rising at the rate of interest. As summarised by Perman, Ma and McGilvray (1996; pp.150-151): Given a particular resource demand function, Hotelling’s efficiency condition, an initial value for the resource stock, and a final value for the resource stock, it is possible to obtain optimal expressions for all of the variables. To recapitulate, for a given demand function, the optimal depletion time depends on the initial reserves and the market interest rate. This is the case for both monopoly and competition, and in both cases there is a rent associated with exploitation of the resource. There is a wide range of factors that make the ‘real world’ more complicated than the simplified models presented here (royalties, taxes, changes in the market interest rate, uncertainty as to stock sizes and extraction costs, technological changes, etc.). However, these models do provide a basis for considering the implications of the existence of market power and the suggestion that separate marketing could in some way diminish the market power. Focussing on monopoly, because this is the polar case of market power, and maintaining the assumption of zero extraction costs, assume that a JVP has some market power above the scarcity rent of the resource. The issue is: would requiring separate marketing rather than joint marketing reduce the market power? In order for this to happen, the fact of separate marketing would need to be able to influence the market interest rate, r, and/or the total quantity of the resource, R. Clearly, separate marketing influences neither. The optimisation problem faced by the JVP remains the same, to maximise the value of the discounted profits of the resource it jointly controls over time. That is, jointly and severally, the co-venturers still face the same demand curve, they still have the same quantity of resource to exploit, and they still face the same interest rate. Irrespective of the number of co-venturers, the superiority of an apparently more competitive market structure and outcome from separate marketing is an 33 illusion. That is, the amount of the resource, R, remains the same and each unit holder has a claim to a proportion of the resource based on a collectively determined depletion schedule. The scarcity value and rate of depletion remain unchanged and the result defaults to the monopoly solution. 7 The issue of separate marketing of gas Early in the process of gas reform in Dec 1994, the TPC (now ACCC) was considering whether the events to date of gas reform had brought about a sufficiently material change of circumstances that it should revoke an authorisation. The authorisation was for “certain co-operative marketing and production arrangements” of Cooper Basin gas. The report prepared by the Industry Commission as part of these considerations (1995) was definitive about one matter. Consistent with the argument in the previous section, it asserted that any monopoly rent accruing to the co-venturers accrued as a result of their joint ownership of given gas fields and production infrastructure. This led the Commission to argue that, however the gas was marketed, any monopoly rents could be captured by the co-venturers in production through their joint control of the JVP and in particular their collective determination of the production schedule from the resource. The JVP can capture the rent to itself by selling produced gas to its co-venturers at the monopoly price less some reasonable allowance for the cost of marketing. Alternatively, the JVP co-venturers can collectively determine production at the monopoly level and allow the monopoly rent to accrue to themselves at the marketing stage in their pricing of the scarce resource. Though it contained some comments about price discrimination, the IC report dwelt mostly on the case of so called ‘weak monopoly’ power where monopoly rents are extracted by way of the limitation of supply to a given quantity which is then sold at a single price uniform to all buyers. Some observations are made in Appendix Two about the case where there is some degree of price discrimination. However in the South Eastern Australian upstream market, the scope for price discrimination is already highly attenuated as a result not just of legislative requirements in Victoria, but also because of intensifying competition making the issue progressively more academic. In the case of a uniform pricing ‘weak monopoly’, the IC’s logic is hard to impugn and is supported by the analytical material presented above. If one of the separately marketing parties to a joint venture wishes to compete with the other it can only do so using the gas to which it is entitled by its equity in the JV. At any given time, it can only sell a higher proportion of the gas than other partner(s) if they are selling less than their current entitlement. Even if the JV contains a liberal ‘balancing agreement’ allowing the parties leeway against 34 each other’s entitlements in the early life of the field, it will require them to balance by the end of the field’s life, or to buy or borrow gas from one another. It is evident from this that the shareholders of the JVP co-venturers cannot seek the market share held by other shareholders of the JVP: Even in the short-term without ‘owing’ other shareholders in the JVP that market share back within the life of the field; or In the long term without their consent ie without buying or borrowing the gas from them. As the Commission put it (1995: 123) In summary, it is not possible for a joint venture participant to initiate competition for market share of other joint venture participants – except with their permission. This is trivial competition for market share that cannot be sustained within the context of maximising the joint value of production. Thus, to the extent that those who separately market their entitlements to gas from a JVP compete with each other it only makes sense for them to compete to add value in marketing. In a sufficiently deep and liquid market, each of the co-venturers can add value in marketing on account of their marketing methods and networks spread across a portfolio of gas production assets. But whatever the level of maturity, depth and liquidity of the market, it can never make sense for JVP co-venturers to compete away the scarcity rent of the gas – which is the concern that appears to drive gas buyers’ call to force separate marketing from mature JVPs. It is a strange kind of competition that is not for a competitor’s market share. Apart from the logical points that are the centre of this submission’s analysis there is other strong anecdotal evidence that scarcity rents do not adhere to joint marketing of separately produced gas. Indeed one may surely presume that the active preference of most co-venturers for separate marketing is precisely because separate marketing of jointly produced gas does not dissipate scarcity rent and that it allows them to add value. Thus as is well known, unless it poses unusual logistical or other problems, equity holders in JVPs prefer to market their own liquids separately – given the ease with which they can be brought to market. Production joint ventures typically assign a right in each partner to own and separately dispose of their own production entitlement. This is also true of the Gippsland Basin JVP. The joint marketing from the Gippsland Basin arises from the free choice of both co-venturers. There is no formal or informal agreement between Esso and BHP Billiton to jointly market their respective production 35 entitlements from the Gippsland Basin JVP. This occurs as a matter of mutual convenience in an ongoing way with either party free to market separately should it wish to do so. In effect, the parties continue to agree to jointly market each time they sell gas. It is hard to believe that the parties closest to the decision as to whether or not to separately market jointly produced gas see it as necessary to the extraction of the scarcity value of the resource. By contrast the decisions which do affect the scarcity value of the resource are taken at the production level, and painstakingly and elaborately protected by binding, long term legal agreements. Given the preference of co-venturers in the Gippsland Basin JVP for marketing jointly, and their in principle preference for marketing separately, the conclusion must be that the kinds of considerations set out in section 5 raise the cost of separate marketing – with no commensurate benefits. Whether those costs would be raised by a small or large amount is an open question – and would depend essentially on the extent to which the putative separate marketing were permitted to default back towards parallel marketing. In such a scenario, the joint venture in production would make less profit but only in a ‘beggar my neighbour’ manner. In fact everyone would be worse off as the monopoly increased its price to respond to the higher cost of marketing gas and supply fell in the market. This less efficient outcome is illustrated in the following diagram where the average and marginal costs faced by the suppliers of gas rise – to reflect higher marketing costs – with pricing to the separate marketers so as to capture the scarcity rent accruing to the gas they have jointly produced. Here the average and marginal costs rise from the unbroken lines in the diagram to the broken lines in the diagram. 36 Figure 7.1: The economics of separate marketing without price discrimination PSM PJM Cost/Price MC. AC. MR. QSM QJM D. Quantity Supply falls from Qjm to Qsm with prices rising accordingly from Pjm to Psm. Opportunities to refute the IC’s approach have not been taken The basic insight encapsulated in the quote from Robert Bork at the outset of this submission does not appear to have been challenged. When it commissioned the IC report on ‘certain arrangements’ in the Cooper Basin the (then) TPC was sympathetic to the idea of requiring JVPs to market separately where possible. It appears to have been largely unmoved by the IC’s controvertion of its preferences. Some gas customers and their representatives seem similarly unmoved (See Section One above). Yet none seem to have dealt with the IC’s straightforward propositions directly, and none have refuted them. Even before the sympathetic audience of the ACCC, major gas consumers have shied away from the opportunity of refuting the Commission's logic or demonstrating how the market is ready for separate marketing of co-venturers. The ACCC reported as follows in its recent authorisation of joint marketing in a North West Shelf project (1998a: 32) The Commission organised a round table discussion with Western Power, its consultants and the applicants in an attempt to determine if the balancing mechanisms proposed had any relevance to the NWS situation and might facilitate separate marketing. Unfortunately, Western Power withdrew from the proposed discussion at the last minute, due to the imminent entry of a price arbitration with the 37 NWSJV. Western Power was not prepared to allow its consultants to participate in the discussion with the applicants, nor in a private discussion with the Commission. In summary, no-one has been able substantively to counter the applicant’s proposal that separate marketing of gas by the NWSJV is not currently viable in WA. Given the substantial public benefits associated with the proposed expansion and the assurance of the applicants that the expansion will not proceed unless they are authorised to co-ordinate their marketing, Clause 1 of the proposed authorisation set out below authorises coordinated marketing by the Joint Venture parties. Notwithstanding these observations and though it accepted the difficulty of separate marketing in insufficiently deep and liquid markets, the ACCC made the following comment in its Submission to the Gas Reform Implementation Group on Upstream Issues (1988b: 9). Clearly, where possible, separate marketing is more competitive than joint marketing and is to be preferred. By creating price competition between as many suppliers of gas as possible, separate marketing should result in lower prices and more choices for consumers and users of gas. This is an enigmatic comment in the light of our argument above. The ACCC accepts that where co-venturers do not desire it, separate marketing can increase costs – to the point of jeopardising substantial investment. Yet it appears to hold to a faith that separate marketing can intensify competition against the evidence of reports it has commissioned, but not refuted. 8 Conclusion In conclusion, the existence of rents arising from the exploitation of depletable resources is not an indicator of market imperfections but is an attribute of the greater scarcity of the resource compared with reproducible goods. This scarcity rent accrues to production, as do any rents that might be attributable to some market power in the ownership and exploitation of the resource. However, as demonstrated in earlier sections, the process of exploration, development, and technical optimisation, of a gas field is complex and requires substantial, risky initial and ongoing investment. Generally this expenditure is only undertaken because, if it is successful, some rents will be realised in production. Where this dynamic underpins the development of the industry, great care must be taken in distinguishing between rents ex ante and ex post. Rents may represent no more than a fair return on the substantial investment across all areas of discovering, developing 38 and exploiting a depletable resource. To that extent, actions that increase costs ex post are likely to reduce field exploration and development. Policy makers could hardly be congratulated on a result, in which competition has clearly come to be seen as an end rather than a means. This, more ‘competitive’ state of affairs involves higher costs and prices – and of course lower economic welfare. Ironically increasing competition in the short term would most likely result in lower expenditures in exploration and development in the future – ultimately strengthening the market power of incumbent producers and entrenching higher rather than lower consumer prices. 39 References ABARE (1999), Australian energy: Market developments and projections to 2014-15, ABARE Research Report 99.4, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. ABARE (2001), Australian energy: Projections to 2019-2020, ABARE Research Report 01.11, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. ABARE (2002), Australian gas supply and demand balance to 2019-20, ABARE report for the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. ABARE (Various years), Australian commodity statistics, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. ACCC (1998a), Determination “Application for Authorisation North West Shelf Project”, Authorisation No: A90624, File No:CA97/19 No: A90624, 29 July. ACCC (1998b), Submission to the gas reform implementation group on upstream issues, October 1998. Australian Gas Association (2002a), Submission to the Energy Market Review: Keyissues for the Energy Market Review – Responses to Issues Paper, Canberra, Australian Gas Association (2002b), Gas Statistics Australia 2001, Australian Gas Association, Canberra. BIE (1993), Waste management and landfill pricing: A scoping study, Occasional Paper 12, AGPS Canberra. Bork, R. H. (1954). “Vertical integration and monopoly”, University of Chicago Law Review, vol.22, 1954, pp.157-201 reproduced in Yamey (1973). Collins, G. and Powell, A. (2002), A Guide to the Petroleum Industry in Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria. Conrad, J.M. and Clark, C.W. (1987), Natural resource economics: Notes and problems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK. Council of Australian Governments (2002), Energy Market Review Issues Paper, Commonwealth Of Australia, Canberra. EIA (1995), Oil and gas development in the United States in the Early 1990’s: An expanded role for independent producers, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC, 40 EIA (2000), The U.S. natural gas industry at a glance, PowerPoint Presentation,, (search: presentations). EIA (2001a), U.S. crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids reserves, 2000 Annual Report, December, Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, Washington, DC. EIA (2001b), U.S. natural gas markets: Recent trends and prospects for the future, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC, EIA (2002), International energy outlook 2002, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC, Energy Intensive Users Group (EIUG), 2002. ”Concerns about gas prices and possible improvements to market efficiency”, Response to DTI Gas Consultation” 28 February at Eurogas (2002), Annual Report 2000, ExxonMobil, (2002). “Submission to the COAG Energy Market Review”, 18 th April. Hanley, N., Shogren, J.F. and White, B. (1997), Environmental economics in theory and practice, Macmillan Press Ltd, Great Britain. Independent Petroleum Association of America (2001), Natural gas production: Where price controls failed, The Market Succeeded, Industry Commission, (1995). Australian gas industry and markets study, Canberra, 6th March. Juris, A. (1998). “The emergence of markets in the natural gas industry”, World Bank Working Papers, No. 1895, March 1, World Bank. King, S. and Maddock, R. (1996), Unlocking the infrastructure: The reform of public utilities in Australia, Allen & Unwin, NSW Australia. OECD (2000), International Energy Agency regulatory reform: European gas, Perman, R., Ma, Y. and McGilvray, J. (1996), Natural resource and environmental economics, Addison Wesley Longman, London UK. Upstream Issues Working Group (1998), Report of the UIWG to ANZMEC and COAG. Yamey, B. S., 1973. Economics of industrial organisation, Penguin, London. 41 Appendix One: Derivation of optimal depletion paths for a depletable resource Following the exposition presented in Conrad and Clark (1987; Chapter 3, pp.117-121): R is initial reserves; R(t) is the reserves remaining at time t (R(0) = R); r is the discount rate assumed equal to the interest rate; q(t) = D(p(t)) is the demand function; p(t) is the price at time, t; p(0) is the price at time 0; T is the time at which all reserves are exhausted. Under competition (producers are price takers (they cannot influence price through independent action)) define the demand function as: q(t ) D( p(t )) (1) Assuming that there are no costs to extraction, the initial reserves will be exhausted: T q(t )dt R (2) 0 At t=T, q(T) = 0 and: q(T ) D( p(0)e rT ) 0 (3) Equations (1) to (3) determine p(0), T, and the entire time path of extraction. For example, assume that D() is linear: q(t ) D( p(t )) a bp(t ) (4) q(t ) a bp(0)e rt (5) q(T ) a bp(0)e rT 0 (6) Then: and Therefore: 42 ae rT b (7) q(t ) a(1 e r (t T ) ) (8) p(0) and Exhaustion of the initial reserves, R, implies: T a(1 e r ( t T ) )dt R (9) 0 Integration yields: aT a(1 e rT ) R r (10) Given the assumptions, equation 10 determines the time, T, at which the resource is exhausted. The monopolists problem differs from that of the competitive firm, in that the monopolist can influence price through altering the quantity produced. Maintaining the assumption of zero extraction costs, the monopolist maximises: Tm P(q(t )) q(t )e rt dt (11) 0 where P(q(t) is the inverse of D(p(t)). Formulating the monopolist’s problem as an optimal control problem, let R(t) denote remaining reserves so that: dR(t ) R q (t ), R(0) R dt (12) The monopolist’s current value Hamiltonian may be written as: ~ (t ) P(q(t )) q(t ) (t )q(t ) (13) and the first order necessary conditions require: ~ (14) P() P' ()q(t ) (t ) 0 q(t ) ~ (15) r (t ) 0 R(t ) 43 ~ R q(t ) (t ) (16) The expression P() + P’()q(t) is marginal revenue denoted as MR(t). Now, equation (15) implies that: r (17) that is, the current value shadow price rises at the rate of interest. By equation (14), the current value shadow price is equated to marginal revenue at each time, t. Therefore: MR (t ) r MR (t ) (18) This implies that the monopolist extracts the resource so that marginal revenue raises at the rate of interest. This result is obtained without assuming any special price path compared with the competitive case. Assuming that the monopolist faces a linear demand curve as was assumed for the competition analysis (equation (4)), the inverse demand curve is: a q (t ) b b p (t ) (19) and the monopolists marginal revenue schedule is: MR (t ) a 2q (t ) b b (20) ~ (t ) 0 implies that q(Tm) = 0. Evaluating equation (14) at t = Tm given the inverse demand curve implies: a (Tm ) b But (21) (t ) (0)e rt and rTm (0) ae b (t ) ae r (t Tm ) b (Tm ) (0)e rT . m From equation (21), , yielding: (22) 44 Setting equation (20) equal to equation (22), using the result from equation (14), and solving for q(t) yields: q(t ) a (1 e r (t Tm ) ) 2 (23) The condition on total reserves gives: Tm q(t )dt 0 aTm a(1 e rTm ) R 2 2 (24) To compare the exploitation profiles of the competitive and monopolistic industries, let Tc denote the competitive exhaustion date and Tm denotes the monopolistic exhaustion date, then: (1 e rTc ) R Tc r a (25) and Tm (1 e rTm ) 2 R r a The function T (26) (1 e rT ) is an increasing function of T, so it follows that: r Tc < Tm Comparison of equation (23) and equation (8) also shows that: qc(0) > qm(0) 45 Appendix Two: Some observations about price discrimination Based on the analysis presented in the body of the submission, there is no obvious reason why there is a tendency to focus on separate marketing from mature fields is a key issue for upstream competition. It is possible that the explanation lies in concerns that the market power of JVPs is sufficiently pronounced to facilitate extensive price discrimination. In turn, this has the associated inference that price discrimination is inefficient – that it damages economic welfare. To the contrary, especially early in the life of a gas market, price discrimination can be critical to bringing it into existence. In fact the Australian gas market is now becoming sufficiently competitive that the issue of price discrimination is somewhat academic. Price discrimination is undermined by genuine inter-basin competition for the sale of gas and this is now taking place in South Eastern Australia. This competition reflects existing or prospective pipeline capacity linking South Eastern Australia (including the Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Hobart markets) to Minerva, Thylacine and Geographe, Yolla, Gippsland and Cooper Basin gas fields – and there is the prospect of sales from Northern and Western Australia. As a result there is virtually no price discrimination in any of the NSW gas contracts serviced from Longford. Gascor in Victoria takes 80% of Longford’s gas. Intensifying competition has now put paid to whatever scope existed for price discrimination by Esso in the Victorian market. In fact even if price discrimination were possible within the market, Esso is prohibited from price discriminating with Victorian customers by the Significant Producer Legislation which itself restricts its direct access to gas customers. This having been said, it seems appropriate to explore the issues analysed in the sections above in the case where JVP co-venturers choose to market jointly and to price discriminate. Price discrimination is widely practiced and, as was accepted in the Hilmer report, is critical to the efficiency of many industries where fixed costs are a substantial share of total costs. It allows the owner of an asset to sell the products or services of that asset to customers at differential prices depending on their willingness to pay. Thus a higher per unit contribution to the fixed costs of operation can be made by those firms who need its output most while a lower contribution can be made by firms who are more indifferent. Thus for instance a cement factory might choose to burn used tyres instead of natural gas, whereas another buyer – for instance a peak load power station in a residential area – has no such easy or cheap choice. Accordingly the peak load electricity generator would be prepared to 46 pay a higher price for the gas. Thus, in the absence of the kind of competition between producers which is coming to characterise the South East Australian market, or any opportunity for firms receiving lower gas prices to on-sell to the higher price customers, price discrimination can occur. Apriori there is no way of deciding whether this price discrimination is more or less efficient than selling at a single price. On the one hand if this level of discrimination – or the expectation that it may be possible – were necessary to have funded the original investment then it will be strongly efficiency enhancing. On the other hand in practice price discrimination can never be perfect. Thus the higher price to the peak load power generator is likely to depress its output a little from its optimal point, though the gas seller has the incentive to make the price discrimination match the buyer’s gas demand as accurately as possible.12 In passing it is worth noting the asymmetry of this result. If it is efficiency impairing, it is likely this is a relatively small effect as those paying the highest prices are doing so precisely because they are the least price sensitive. On the other hand, if it is efficiency improving, interfering with price discrimination could prejudice the viability of the gas development itself. The shallower the market which is being robbed of this new source of supply, the stronger the efficiency costs of preventing the development. In the diagram below, price discrimination enables a producer to charge the least price elastic customers the most. It enables them to meet most of the fixed costs of the development and also enables the producer to sell gas right down to a price which is close to marginal cost – to the most price sensitive customers. Thus a price discriminator will produce to the level Q pd whereas the same producer constrained to sell at a single price can only produce to the level Qsp. Several things may be noted from the diagram. Output is lower without price discrimination as more of the fixed cost must be imposed upon more price sensitive customers. The ‘consumer surplus’ which would be available to the customers with the least price responsiveness with a single price is captured by the price discriminator. This may be necessary for project viability. In the diagram, the Demand curve lies above the average cost curve where marginal revenue equals marginal cost (MR=MC). This is for the sake of illustration for production is never viable at a single price at any point where demand is not greater than average cost. Price discrimination relaxes this condition. It could do so by giving the buyer marginal price reductions as the buyer’s demand expanded. 12 47 Projects become viable whenever sufficient consumers can be aggregated to share between them the fixed costs of the project – in addition to the variable costs that will be charged to all consumers. This could be the case where the demand curve lay everywhere below the average cost curve. It follows from the above condition, that the efficiency of price discrimination is also important. Something that interferes with the efficiency of price discrimination can reduce the level of output from the project and/or threaten its viability. Figure A2.1: Production from a field with and without price discrimination Cost/Price PSP MC. AC. MR. QSP D. QPD Price discrimination and separate marketing Assume that a JVP were able to exercise some price discrimination in the market. What would be the effect of forcing the co-venturers in the JVP to market separately? It would appear at first blush that constraining joint venturers in production to market gas separately would undermine price discrimination. Thus if BHP Billiton and Esso were each purchasing their gas from the joint venture in production at Longford on equal terms, it seems likely they would compete most vigorously with each other to sell gas to the customers paying the highest prices. They would each offer to sell the gas to these customers at lower prices than their rival until they were no longer higher prices.13 According to this scenario In economic jargon, they are Bertrand competitors responding to each other’s conduct in the market by adjusting their price. (Cournot competition – adjusting to one’s competitor by 13 48 and ruling out game theoretic strategic interaction for the sake of the analysis, the higher prices would all converge to a single price. It would be the lowest price that was viable in marketing and firms that had been receiving prices below this price would face price rises to this price. If price discrimination had been implemented efficiently in the first place, this would lead to lower gas consumption amongst users previously paying lower prices – though those previously paying higher prices would presumably increase their consumption somewhat. This single price outcome would certainly lower returns to the gas producers and marketers compared with their initial returns. In a shallow market that permits some price discrimination, it seems likely that this tendency towards a single price outcome would reduce efficiency as it would prevent the efficient sharing of the fixed costs of future exploration and production. In fact however even here, the joint venture in production can price its gas to the separate marketers to frustrate this one price outcome. In principle it can retain all the rents it accrued before its co-venturers were forced to market separately. It can do so by selling the gas at prices that fall with total sales so as to shadow the demand curve as illustrated in the diagram. The joint producers make the gas available to the joint sellers to purchase at the price and quantity they consider can be achieved from the highest paying customer (less a nominal margin for marketing). This price is given by the intersection of the demand curve and the price axis and a quantity of gas equal to Q1 is sold at this price, whereupon the price falls to P1 until it falls to P2 at Q2 and so on. Note, the price of the gas to gas marketer A at any level of output is a function of the total output not of sales to that particular marketer. As can be seen, it is only viable to purchase the most expensive gas for sale to the highest price customer. Accordingly the joint venture in production has both directed gas to that customer and ensured that it receives the best price it can for that gas (less a nominal margin for marketing) – and so on down the demand curve. changing the level of one’s production – is ruled out as the separate marketers share the one source of product from the JVP.) 49 Figure A2.2: Pricing to maintain JV market power As is the way with this kind of reasoning, the tools used are simplified and the examples may seem somewhat strained. It is not claimed that this price discrimination at the production stage would unfold in a seamless way as indeed it does not in real life, even with joint marketing. It seems likely that there would be more difficulties accurately price discriminating in this way than is possible with joint marketing. The claim made however, is that as the joint venture in production sought to capture what rent it could with this pricing behaviour, there can be no presumption that the errors that the crudeness of its method forces upon it would be efficiency enhancing. Even if price discrimination were harming efficiency, poorly practiced price discrimination could not be expected to harm it less – and could well harm it more. It would further impede the efficient transmission of signals from gas consumers to gas producers which is the essence of efficient marketing. It could prejudice the viability of projects – which would generate gas demand and also projects to generate gas supply – the development of fields. There would also be efficiency losses where: sellers sought a particular price and either wrongly judged buyers’ willingness to pay, or either buyer or seller engaged in strategic behaviour which did not reduce its costs in the short-term, but was designed to improve its bargaining position over the longer term. 50 Of course as the efficiency of price discrimination degrades, where the joint venture producers are kept further away from their ultimate customers, some buyers will a receive a gas price which is a little lower than they would have achieved with more accurate price discrimination through joint marketing. On the other hand this inaccuracy will lead to other gas buyers being asked to pay more than they are prepared to pay. They will substitute away from gas, or not expand production in each case lowering economic efficiency and output. 51 Disclaimer The material in this report reflects Lateral Economics' best judgement in the light of information available to it at the time of preparation. It is intended for use in representing our client's interests, and the public interest in good public policy. It is not intended as a basis for commercial decision making of any kind. Commercial decisions should not be made on any information presented in this document and Lateral Economics accepts no responsibility for any such decisions whatsoever without further reference to Lateral Economics. 52